OCR Interpretation

The Washington times. (Washington [D.C.]) 1901-1902, December 25, 1901, Image 5

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062245/1901-12-25/ed-1/seq-5/

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Bate Introduces
Bill lor New Corps
Hoada of Clerical Forco to Hnvo
Equal Rank With Warrant Ofll
cors Men in Other Branches
Eligible to Trafisfor To Bo Part
of Enlisted Eetablishmout
Xo one Id llic Senate InKcs more Inter
est la tho welfare and advancement of
the men In the navj than Senator Bate
merltorlouh measure the pro
motion of the navy always commands the
Tcwtfessce Senators support While look
ing after tlie Interests or the officers and
the m n behind the guns Senator Hate
has not neglected to say a good word for
the men who perform clerl al dul on
board ship In order to do justice to these
north attaches of the navj the Senator
lias introduced a hill to promote the ef
ficiency of the clerical sort Ice In the
The Olijtri of the Hill
The object of the bill Is to establish a
Clerical corps or the nary which shall
consist of chief lerXs warrant clerks
chief yeomen first second and third
class 3 eomen The Secretary of the Navy
consist of chief clerks warrant clerks
clerks or ns manj more as the service
may require with the rank paj and
privileges of warrant officers and to en
list ns tnan chief yeomen first second
and third rlass yeomen as In the Secre
tars Judgment ma be necessar
The Secretary is to limit the number
and to make such regulations as may be
required for their enlistment and gov
iiiKiliIr fr Trimeter
The bill continues
Enlisted men In the uavy or the ma
rine rorps shall be eligible for transfer
to the clerical corps and vacancies oc
viirrinK In the grade of warrant clerk
shall be filled by the Secretary of the I
clerks to rank with and after ensign
Provided That chlcr clerks shall on pro
motion have the same pay and allowances
as is now or may liereafter be allowed
a second lieutenant in the marine corps
Provided further That nothing In this act
shall give additional rights to quarters
on board ship or to command and that
a warrant clerk who has served fifteen
J ears In the nav or marine corps cither
ns warrant clerk chief yeoman yeoman
Ehlp s writer clerk clerk to
irrs vr as an snau aiier naving passea
an examination before a board of chief
clerks in accordance with regulations pre
scribed by the Secretary of the Navy he
commissioned chief clerk In accordance
with the provisions of this section And
provided furthe That any warrant clerk
In tho navy may after having passed
an examination before a board of chief 1
clerks be commissioned chief clerk In I
accordance with the provisions of this
To Ho All plerlenl Service
All necessary clerical service on board
essels of the navj Coast Survey Fish
commission and all other clerical service
In the navy which may be performed h
the members of the clerical corps while
arc at sea 01 detailed on shore duty
ud which shall be ordered by the Secre
fcir of the Navy shall be performed by
the members of said corps and the corps
shall be a permanent establishment of
the navy and be counted as a part of the
enlisted force provided by law and shall
lie subject to the laws and regulations for
the government of the
The pa of chief yeoman shall be 75
a month the pay of yeoman first class
a month the pay of yeoman second
class flS a month and pay of yeoman
third clats iZZ a month with the Increase
on account of length of service as Is now
or may hereafter be allowed by law to
uibcr enlisted men in the nav
All benefits derived from existing
law or that may hereafter balloweil
bj law to chic boatswains warrant ufil
ers or enlisted men la the navy shall
Is allowed in the samc manner to the
ihlef clerks warrant officers or enlisted
11 en tn the clerical corps of the nav
Provided That all honorable service of
whatever nature In the arm navy or
niarliv corps shall be computed as within
tlie period necessar to entitle the appli
cant to retire under the provisions of ex
isting la re
1 Heccive tfntltjn uiiii
This bill It was said last evening will
jTOlve early consideration from the
Committee on Naval Affairs
MimV rnr OliI ClinunVur It H cWve
rt Tin Aiitm1ill
NEW YORK Dec 21 When little
ear old George Jay Gould jr opens his
0 os tomorrow morning at his fathers
cuuptr seat Georglana Court Lakewood
X J the will gaze upon what probably
wtll be the costliest and most up-to-date
tuv Mtnta Clans will give to an Ameri
can bov this car
The toy is his mothers Christmas gift
1or a nine- ear old boy he showed a
precocity in automobile handling that
was vondcrful and dieplaved a courage
that would do credit to a Pournter 1lcn
uet his tethers cliauffeur suggested that
joung Georges automobile enthusiasm
might be diverted into a less dangerous
direction ifa small automobile could be
built to order Tor the jouthful chaulleur
Mm Gould thought the Idea an excellent
one and commissioned Plennet to havo
nidi a naclilcc constructed
Tlier were hut three weeks before
Christmas in which to put the idea Into
pxfeutfon O McDonell former man
ager of MM rharrcn Girardot Volgls
Npw Yo k agenc was consultid and the
order was at once given to a firm of car
riage and automobile builders In Vft
Sixly Brvi itli Street They combined Mr
MrDoncIls mechanltal Ideas with their
own in the an of ujdr construction
The rsult is tho handsomest and most
complete electric automobile In minia
ture jet turned out from an American
shop It was finishs yesterday ready
for nhipmcnt today at Lakewood
The ttny vehicle weigh but 300 pouada
lis length Is four pet over alt and Its
helRht from the ground to tho seal Is
two feet The body Is thrco feet thrco
Inches by one foot seven incbea The
pneirmatlr tlred wheels aro twenty inches
rear1 and sixteen Inches front end are
wire spoked The tires r c one end one
hair Inches In diameter
lr Iroiu Afll
PltlNTETOX X J Dec 21 -Ever
since his return from the southern gun
ning trip Groer Cleveland haB been con
fined to his house During the trip he
contracted a heavy cold which developed
Into pneumonia and he was forced to
take to his bed
Under the care of his phjsiclan Dr
James H WjckoT he spccdilj Improved
and was soon pronounced out of danger
He remained In his bed for about two
weeks when he was able to sit up and
finally left the bed out still remained
in his ronni
Since his rcrnrcry several rumors hive
been henid that he hid taken a sudden
turn for the wosc hut none of them was
true and he fnall contemplated going
out of doors Vnother rumor suddenly
developed cMcrda that he was again
in a serious condition When a reporter
called at Westland Mr Clevelands home
on Bajnnl Avpnue this afternoon Mr
Cleveland could not be si en but Mrs
Cleveland garr out the following written
The reports that hae been published
In regard to Mr Clevelands Improved
phsical condition Jmo apparently been
construed as indicating his entire recov
er Ho has alread received severe
epistoiar hasliscment at the hands of
those who arc Impatiently waiting for
answers to letters which should never
hive been written While Mr Clevelands
health is such as to entirely relieve his
friends from an pprehcnslon he Is jet
far from well
Vppiiliiliuiiit Xiinouiieed l
rnnllnnl tllilionn
UALTI1IOHE Dec 24 Cardinal Gib
bons has announced 1 number of changes
and apiwlntments among the Catholic
clergy of the archdiocese They arc as
The Ilev Conifllus J Dacey to mis
sions In rrederlek County these missions
being St Jooph CaiTollton Manor and
St Ignatius Urfwina
The Ite Samuel Joseph KavanauRh to
St Peters Church Libertytown Freder
ick County succeeding the Rev John Nor
ton transferred to St Uartias Church
The Ile John Lawless to Dodos Anne
Arundel Comty
The Itev ndward I DeTlne to St
nrldgtt s Church Canton
The Hev James AIovmur Smyth to he
assistant at St Josephs Church Wash
ington succeeding the ITev P C Gavin
Th Tlnv nlrH Mr iltms tn
Nav by selection from1 those holding the I Svkesrillp Carroll rounlv suecewllnc the
Vate of chief jeoman yeoman first class Rev John n Roth who was transferred
and clerks to paymasters In the navy j to St Marys Church Washington as an
The first one hundred warrant clerks i assistant priest
or more appointed Immediately after the Jbe 1ricVCVaVln irA
priest at St Josrnh s Church n
pasbage of this act who hate served lon was named chancellor of tho Diocese
ten jears or more In the navy or marine of Baltimore with headquarters at the
corps either as chief jeoman jeoman Cathedral to take the place of he Ret
ships writer clerk clerk to immasters Joseph T O Brlen
or as all shall be commissioned chief
Jtriforlrtl n Out if tlnriKPr lint
Father Gavin the new chancellor hasj
been a priest ior nbout six years lie
studied at St Charles College and later
at the Amerran Colrfegc In Rome For a
while he was nrretary to the p esent
Archbishop Ktanc then living in Rome
Upon returning to America Father
Gavin was assistant priestnt St Joseph s
Church In this city and afterward was
situated In Washington
Hinl II 1111111 11 t Cme SIrdnl
fur avlns 1 vv rut three Il e
CHIC VGO Dec U Arthur Egan the
boy who rescued
twenty three persons from drowning In
Lake Michigan has been decorated by
Edward VII King or England for his
The only medal ever given by the Royal
Humane Society to a resident of the
United States has been received In Chi
cago for the boy who less than a month
ago was one of the four recipients of gold
medals presented bv Hem C A caver at
the Studcbaker Building for llfeavlng at
the free bathing bpache along tho north
Dentil nnil Minn C mises of Mill
1 n fternll
NEW VOntv le- It -Captain Wlllard
II Bronson of the Iowa and Lieut Harry
George of the llagshlp Koarsarne arrived
tolay from Havana by the Ward liner
Mexico Captain Uronsou Is here because
a death in his family makes necessary the
settlement of an estate Lieutenant
George comes on sjwclal duty
Commander Codfrc lllockllngcr of the
cruiser Concord arrived from Colon by the
steamship MIiinvi called home by the
serious illness of a number of his family
MrniiBf ulit In llcnvens Seen
nt It tilling1
RED1V0 Pa Dee II Early morning
market men driving In from the country
and motormen on suburban lines and oth
ers astir at Z 30 a- m today saw an un
usual sight In the heavens
A huge illuminated cross seemed to he
flashed across the face of the moon Tha
moon was unusual bright From the
top bottom and sides extended for some
distance the projecting ends of the cross
as If thrown upon the moor by some gi
gantic magit light
Everybody oat at that hour looked upon
the unusual sigh and awoiiating it with
Chrisluiastide were more or less awe
Mlsi IevvU lisatlfllril With
Iii of nnntiij
SPRINGS Colo Dec 21
Miss Nllie Lewis has brought suit
against her aitorne Crowc II 3otnbarJ
for an accounting and for J1OO0 balance
Miss Lewis was uoarded UO000 In a
breach of promise suit against the late
millionaire mine owoer Sam Strong
On his death the uu va pending In a
higher court to wbuii aiiMl was taken
but Strongs widow paid SI80 to effect
a settlement Th attorneS were to get
one thlid of this They arc alleged to
have kept one half
trim mi rtcrun ii nl
OSGE CITY Kan Dec 21 WfTllam
Pay who was an English soldier In the
Crimean v ar died hero ostcrda7 aged
more than a hundred jears Until a few
weeks ago his mind was vigorous The
old man wandered away during last
weeks cold wave anl mi badly frozen
This was the direct cans- of his death
sir Innrw P Inlr crrtnr
JHLWUKEE Wis Dee 21 Frank II
Whltne who for ten years has held a
ronfideniiil position In Henry C Paynes
office will be the private secretary of the
new Postmaittcr General Mr and Mrs
Payne will leave for Aauhlngicn on Jan-
uar They will be areoinpanicd by
Miss 1 oultf Jones a niece of Jlrs Pane
Kill GrtiiiVHs Will
LONDON lice 21 Tho will of Kate
Grucnawa th iilldrenit artist vho died
Xovcsibnr i was iirov
tate amouuti i
lyiiy Tlie
Young Roosevelts 3oy Will
Bullle Oyer
Everyone Connected With tho
Housohold to Receive Appro
priate Romombrancea from Chief
Exocutlvo Many Packages for
Family Arrivo Ycstorday
No children In Washington last night
were more in the dirk or more curious
rcgirdlng the presents the will receive
this morning tlnn the element
of the Roosevelt famil Six stockings
were hung from the mantel In the lnll
and six very curious oung persons will
arise very early this morning to find out
what they have received for Christmas
The President and Mrs Roosevelt se
lected tho gifts ctrcfully and were wary
lest the children should gain an inkling
of what they were to rerclvc
The White House will sec a merrier
celebrstlon of Christtms today than It
has for many years for there have never
b cn so mnnv lively oung folks in the
old mansion for a long time The ex
uberance of the oungsters esterday
could hardly be restrained and it will
probably be redoubled today alter they
havo received their Christmas remem
Icrlilit to litis c n Tree
There wli bccno Christmas tree at the
White House as the Roosevelt chldrcn
do not care for Christmas tree The
have never had one at the Yulctlde cele
bration and the President has rather a
partiality for the customs of Holland
anJ the Hollanders
The attaches at the White House were
rather disappointed when they learned
that there would be no tree TLcy had
supposed that with so manr ehlldrej the
tree would be Indispensable
The President will spend the day as
quietly as possible with so many chil
dren In the liouse In the morning he
will receive a gift from each member of
the family The gifts will not for tho
most part be expensive for the children
have been required to purchase them from
tbelr regular allowances and each has
selected something which he thinks will
cspeclall please the father
Mrs Roosevelt of course will receive
a remembrance from cacti one as also
will iilss Emily Carew Mrs Roosevelt 3
sister who Is visiting In AVAshlngtou
IVstlt lllrs nt 11 r Ionic
During the morning the President will
attend divine service at Graeo Dutch Re
formed Church on Fifteenth Street north
west He will probably be accompanied
b one or two members of the family
In the afternoon the White House chil
dren will go to tho home of Comman ler
and Mrs Cowles where they will receive
more presents and where a pretty Christ
mas tree will be lighted
The Christmas dinner will be served at
the usual hour In the evening to which a
number of friends have been Invited to
share the repast and the rest of the
evening will be spent In games and music
liver our InMIe ltcniemhcrril
The attaches and servants at the White
House were presented with Christmas re
membrancer estcrday Large fat tur
keys were offered to the married men
while the single men were the recipients
of gloves and handkerchiefs The Presi
dent made tho rounds personally jestcr
day nfternoon and handed out tho gilts
himself expressing the wish that the re
cipient would have a very very merry
It has always been the custom of all of
the Presidents to remember the servants
at the Feason oh general festivity and
eight -seven tnrloevs werp required to
provide all the married men this year
Thero was an almost continuous rattle
of express wngon wheels on the driveway
In front of the White Houfc nil da jes
tcrda Uniformed messengprs passed
frequently In through the portals bearing
in their arms large packages addressed to
the President or to Sirs Roosevelt the
remembrances of friends all over the
United States ijlie jifts the President
will receive will run Into tho hundreds
their value into thousands of dollars
Iff Irimi tiiUntivvii Irlrmls
Among these presents were a number
from several Rough Riders cx racmbcrs
of tho Presidents old regiment some of
whom have not failed to send him a gift
since that famous command was mustered
out of service There are few places
where the President has been In the
United States that he has no friends and
It Is th fortune of the President annually
to receive rainy gifts from persons he
never knew
The Orippe Gener
Ilverj s Ih It w iMliliiKton invited
to Celrl rut liin
Trobably the largest Christmas tree In
Washington tomorrow will be the ono at
the Swiss Legation
Although Mine Pleda is absent from the
ligation the Minister with his bachelor
secretary will make all the preparations
that would be made were she here and
they will also follow her old custom of
inviting ever Swiss in Washington to
attend the festivities
There Is a gift nnd rcfrchmenls for
each1 and the -guests generally number
over two hundred
1 11 AVllsIllllStlll tnsllKllt fOHIIMIIl
lirltiiinn flrt
The Washington Gaslight ompany
has provllcd a substantial reward for Its
employes for their faithfulness In pro
moting the Interests of the comp iry
Each of the two hundred or irjre em
ployes was jesterday presented a a
Christmss gift with sulllclcnt money to
enable him to procure a large turkey for
his Christmas dinnT
Man of the men have large families
and would otherwise be unable to obtain
the customary bird for their Yuletlde re
Attacks the
Dr Kochs New Invention for the Cure of
Catarrhal Lung Diseases
This Is a picture of Prof Koch of Germany the only man recognized by the
last International rongregs of Consumption doctors at London last July as hav
ing successfully cu ed Consumption He Is a professor at the National German
Unlvcrsityln Berlin and the discoverer of th gena polson bacillus causing
Consumption alo or the Tubcrculine medicine that klls this germ and cures the
Ily the Inhalation Method as used bv the original Koih Lung Cure this germ
killing remedy Is combined with healing oils and breathed dlrcctl Into the tubes
of the lungs and It nines In direct contact with the dlseanciltsclf and thus tho
poison which causes Consumption Is killed and the healing oils of the Inhalation
are enabled to heal up the sore places
At the Berlin University Prof Koch teaches this treatment to his students
At the German Government Laboratory of which he Is chief be promulgates his
formulary fc curing Consumption Ily the use of the inhalation invention which
carries the he ling oils directl into all the air tubs decay of the lungs Is ar
rested and the bore and diseased places are healed the oily medicated vapors are
brought directl in contact with the affected parts through the tubes of the lungs
and results are vecurrd In the treatment of Consumption Bronchitis Catarrh and
Asthma which never were and never could bo accomplished b the old vva of
taking medicine into the stomach
The German Government endorses his treatment nnd makes the Tuhercullno
medicine which cures Consumption Asthma Bronchitis and Catarrh In their own
laboratories under the supervision of Prof Koch it is sent to the original Koch
Lung Cure at C27 E Street northwest Washington 1 C and to the other offices
of the German American Company which are located In all the princlpil Eastern
Thousands of people die ever month of lung diseases especially In such a
changeable cllm itc ai Washington Just because they do not know of this treat
ment or their family doctor prefers to treat them with stomach medicine which
passes right b the lungs and which Dover did cure a single case
The Koch Iung Cure Is directly connected with and owned by the Medical
Council of Doctors If thny can cure Oii they will tell you so nnd you can de
pend on what they say Consultation and examination also trial treatment are
Remember the number of the Washington office GT E Street northwest
nRjil DURABLE if
A dollar of service for every dollar of cost That is the record
Illustrated book free
519 Eleventh Street N W Washington D
Do You Know That There If
Science In Neatness Be Wise anrJ Use
Mnrmllim llftr rril llrr Poor Home
In evv trU Till Morning
NEW YORK Dec 21 With the father
dying of Consumption the eldest daugh
ter down with bronchitis the four young
est children1 ill with measles no food In
the house Wo money with which to buy
any no flro and no warm clothing the
family of rNSian Schulbcry on tho day
licforc Christmas was found In two squal
id rooml An the third Door of the tene
ment house US Metropolitan Avenue
But for the discovery of tho condition
of the family by Interpreter Herman Ros
enson of the Leo Avenue police court
death might havo Joined tho family on
Christmas day for Schulbcry emaciated
nnd weakfrom his disease couldhot have
stood many more hours thp privations
that he has suffered during the past few
Mr Roscnson heard of the plight of
the Schulbergs He investigated and sent
Dr Kross to the house and the doctor
was astonished when he reached the
He found the entire fimlly of eeven
In two rooms huddled together In de
There was but one bed In tho pfice In
which lay Schulberg 1 single blanket
thin anil worn covering Sila
Schnlberg with blue lips hollow cheeks
and sunken eyes liy the plcturo of
death itself and a glance told the doctor
tint consumption had blm In Its grasp
and that his days were numbered
Around the bed were four young chil
dren some of them lying on tho floor and
some sitting in rlcketty chairs Their
faces were covered with a rash and flush
ed with fever
The doctor found that all of them had
measles The eldest girl Rosle vnk and
exhausted with a bad cough aad n high
temperature was dolnj what she could
to assist her mother Mrs Sara Schulberg
to take care of the others but sha was
Inrdly able to move around herself
She had 3 bad attack of bronchitis and
the doctor said should have been In I J
for a week In Mrs Schulbergs arms
was a ten-months-old child which she
was vainly trying to keep warm
Not an ounce of food was In the place
except a few crusts on a table and for
a week the family had had nothing to
eat save whit a few neighbors almost as
poor as themselves supplied and tho
baby would hive died of starvation only
for a few cups of milk given by a woman
up stairs
Schulberg Is a cigarette maker Three
months ago when stricken by consump
tion he had to quit work Then Rjsio
supported the entire family on 1 a week
earned ns a cigirette worker Since she
was taken with bronchitis two weeks
ago no In the house has earned a
Tin- lVr lmi Minister Olltelnl Call
General Isaac KUan the Persian Min
ister called at the White House yester
day He was received In tho Blue Parlor
b President Roosevelt It was his first
official call this year to the White House
We extend our hearty
thanks toour friends and
the public for a very sat
isfactory Xrnas trade
J327F Street
To my esteemed
customers who have
so generously pat
ronized me during
the past season de
sire to return my
sincere thanks and
wish them a Merry
Christmas with
many happy re
IIJDloiiii Ave X W
I For the noel-
lies in Calendars
in odd shapes
and unique dc
signs come to
John C Parker 619 7th
i H
Till nim OMV
I In l lush su fc iluttcnne Mo
J 1U nt lajrr ill Sji
I Ktlr ltoitb Potatoes 13
I llw Mine Meat
lb full mum Cltcie Sji
i IIps MuiiI Nut 2jc
Do You Eat
Mils 15c and 25c
JH r St bet fih anJ 3th Sts
Closed All Day Christmas
We Desire to Extend to
Our Alany Friends
and Patrons
A Very
Lansburgh Bro
420 to 426 Seventh St
Closed AH
Day Today
I We Wish You a
Very Merry Christmas
ti7 19 521 823 7th St N 7
Ect H and I Sts
itmiiiinii iit
- I I
H fr
4 Bargains In now and usod
J Instruments of various mokes
Z Solo agents for tho
I Aeolian and Pianola
1209 Penna Ave
5 Teeth that Fit
including Painless Extraction
nd oar rt roforcnj tuctlon which rnikrs them
St icccratflr uoiJ crown S porcLIn crtrroi
H fold nilinij JtSO upr wliite nllinEi Me uo
Ucute B 30 to a Sundiy 10 to f
DR PATTONS Painless Dental Parlor
SIO F N W 2d Floor
Full Sets of
Testh S5
iJ Cirit Gold Crowiu 3 00 Porcelain
CrostiJ W00 Coll Filling 1 50 up All
oth r fl line 15 ctj ind 51 OH
Pilnlcw Extraction with or without raj
remile ittrnrUMi Phone E SOI D
Jth nd E its mr
AM oriiiiit
Por nlr Kent anil UxclinnKc
31iilc UtiIc IIimiUm
31 iim leal Iu4truiutnlft
Ginqvift U1I to rent tor wedaiDfr receptions
muitcalcs dances at reasonable rates
nESTAUmyr famous for its cuisixe
After Thcatro Supper Specialty
A C1ab Supper wilt be terred from 10 to U
clock p m Table d bote at 41 00 each to la
dles ButiurtnL
JOffM T DEVINE Proprietor
One Pound Kid finish Note Paper
ma n sTitiirr vv
Jiiitt Arfinnil Coiner fruiu tltli nnil F
811 Vermont Avcntio N VA
Umihcon serrctl from 12 to 3 p m rreah
cakes every tlar mlS It
and In
Italn Store corner 7th and K
Branches all over the cltr
all marbcts no3Mfcm
Wedding Decorations
Tli ilrcat deins at th most 3 mhI1V jiicr
MImiI lull ami 1 M
Compute Iltrutfuralfbcr
Corner I Etc St
Closed Today
He Yorlc WaiMnstoa Parii
unite attention to their personal
selections and direct importations
from Paris from Ljons from
Urusscls from St Gall of
for the Debutante for Receptions
for Weddingt for Dinner Portiea
for Theatre Pirtiea for Teas for
Kails for all Fashionable Occa
sions and Social Functions
Kich Laces Tulles ChlfTons
Mousselines Fatins and Nets
nppliqurtl embroidered spangled
and jeweled also Silks Satins
Wool and a vast varietj of other
fabrics that are now so generally
shown bv the leading Paris mod
AlboIJeal Rose Point Duchesse
and Applique Laces Hair Orna
ments Gown Garnitures Xeck
Pieces Dainty Pearl and Steel Or
naments Paris Corsets and Linge
Attention is also invited to a
choice and complete assortment of
Womens and Mens
That no delay may he occasion
ed in their delivery all having
suth AOtk in contemplation are
urged to leave their orders nt

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