CAPTAIN HOBSONS ADDRESS TO BOYS Discusses Military Systems of Europe and America UNDER AUSPICES OF Y M C A Naval Officer Declares United States Most Christian Nation and Cites Inci dent of Santiago Campaign to Proye Humanity of American Anns The United States is the greatest coun Try in the world and the American are marvels of Industry intelligence and phsical development said CpL Richmond Fearsoh Hobson U S N yes terday afternoon He was the orator at the Young Mens Christian Association meeting fof bojs held In the gjmnaslum ot the Y 11 J A building on O Street and before the end of the address he hart completely won the hearts of his jouth ful audience The large floor expanse of the gym nasium was taxed to its fullest capacitj and when Captain Hobson was Introduced ho faced a sea of bright jouthful faces A storm of applause greeted the nail officer and It was some time before he could be heard Once More a Boy Captain Hobson first thanked the Y 11 C A officials for extending him an In- -Citation to be with the boys I feel ns though I was one of ou mjsclf be gan the captain with a smile He soon had the lads interested in the drift of his remarks and after crce gaining their at tention he retained it until the end of his discourse During hfs remarks Captain Hobson de Ifrered several telling shots at militar ism as practiced in foreign countries He said that he had Used abroad for many years under circumstances that enabled him to become perfectly familiar with the existing conditions He said that the system of compelling service in the ranks of the army kept the people of the land In a continual state ot dread After showjng that the manner of recruiting In this country was but untar on the pan of the enlisted one Captain Hobson compared the results ob tained from the two sj stems greatly to the discredit of the foreign practice America in the Lead After discussing the numerous natural nnd commercial advantages of the United States oer countries in other parts of the world Captain Hob3on said tfiat the Amern an people were also the most Christian nation As an illustration of this in w ar times when angry passions are aroused to their fullest extent Cap tain Hobson related an incident that oc curred at Santiago while he was held a prisoner at the place after tho blowing up of the llerrimac f The army Tinder General Shatter he said had completely Invested the land side of the city The fleet In front of the harbor cut off communication in that di rection and consequently the city and Us Inhabitants was practically at the mercy of the Americans Instead of talcing advantage of these conditions to force the surrender of the city by reason of the hunger and priva tions of the noncombatants the American commander sent word to the people ot the beleaguered place that all noncom batants would be received within the American lines Many Sought Safety After this order had been issued I saw from my prison window 18000 women children and old men pass into the pro tecting lines of the Americans From then until the ultimate capitulation of Santiago these people were fed by rations issued by the American Government This action stands unique in the war history of the world and stamps the American nation as a true exponent ot the Christian doctrine HEATHEN WORTH SAVING Rev Dr E B Pollard Preaches on Ex tension of Christianity Hev Dr E B Pollard of the First Baptist Church Sixteenth and O Streets northwest preached yesterday morning on the subject Are the Heathens Worth SavingJ Dr Pollards sermon was an emphatic affirmative answer to the Question He chose his text from Pauls first epistle to I Timothy Who will haveafl men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth He said It Is good for us to think of the case of the man who Is remote It Is well for churches as well as Individuals to con sider the man who Is most remote from them It Is a mistake to suppose there Is no Rood In the heathen man It Is not truo that he Is altogether steeped In ignorance Bnd moral and religious defilement Dr Pollard then dwelt on the debt owed by civilization to some of the great heathens of history Plato Aristotle and Caesar He pointed out that the splendid genius of the greatest of heathens failed to reach the subllmer heights because it lacked the higher spiritual impulse of Christianity Continuing bis answer to the question which formed the subject of his talk be said Sometimes out of darkness and gloom of heathenism have been snatched the brightest and most fragrant flowers for Christian life Even in those most steeped in sin and ignorance are possi bilities ot truth and righteousness God has laid hold of them and made them the most delightful of characters He has Im planted good In the human heart in the most unexpected places When we think of the magnificent power of men like Gladstone and John Bright the descendants of those old northern pagans and rovers we begin to understand what the gospel of Christ has done for man and is able to do He said that every heathen people had contributed something to that complete undemanding of Christ which was jet to com The Jews had brought to Chris tianity their Intensely spiritual turn of mind the Greeks their graceful and subtle pbilosophv and our own Teutonic fore latin rs their grasp of practical affairs Every heathen race which has come to Chi 1st has ho continued approached him from a different point and only when llic whole world has accepted him will tho full perfections ot Christianity be manifest The heathens are worth sav ins that they may help us to Interpret him CASTOR A Fw Infants sad Cti3daa Jlie Kind You Have Atoajs Scugbi DEEDS SHOW OUR FAITH Rev Dr 5 B Wilson of Foundiy Church Explains Bible Doctrine Thou hast faith and I have works show me thy faith without thy works and I will show thee my faith by my works This was the text of tho sermon preached by the Itev Dr S H Wilson pastor of foundry Church yesterday in the hall of the Columbian University where tho congregation is now holding its services Dr Wilson brought out tho Bible doc triue that we are not to boast of faith twhen we perform np deeds to show our faith This he said was a dead faith not the sort that Christ set before us by liis own example x The congregations of Foundry Church Feems not to have fallen of in the slighl est j espect since it moved out of the old house of worship- The offer ot the Co lumbian University ofits hall in which to hold Sunday services was accept ed and the congregation already appears verj muh at home Yesterday was the first time that tho congregation has vvorstipped out of Its old home but such a large number of per sons wore present that the beating ca pacity of the hail was taxed almost to its utmost VEILED STATUES MARK THE PASSION SEASON Crosses and Images in Cath olic Churches Hidden Sombre Sight Presented by Deep Draper ies of Violet Solemn Period of Lent at Band Jesus said to them Amen amen I say to you before Abraham was made I Am They took up stones therefore to cast at him but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple After the hour of vespers on Saturday evening in all the Catholic Churches the crucifixes sacred pictures and Images of the saints were covered with heavj veils of violet cloth and In many Instances tho candelibra were draped as well so that yesterday the altars presented a sombre funereal aspect Lent now approaches Its culmination its most solemn period the Passion of our Lord and Passion Sun day with the cross and other symbols hidden from view emphasizes that fact In a striking manner Other Changes Made There arc other things too that mark In a special manner the solemnity of the season From now on until Holy Thurs day the psalm Judica Me In the begin ning of the macs and the Gloria Patri at tho Introif Lavabo and at tho Venltc cxultlmus at matins and in all rcspon sories are omitted except In the few feasts that fall within this time Passion week serves as an Introduction to Holy week with which many people confound it The reason for the veiling of the crucifixes Is to be found in the closing word3 of the gospel for tho day as quoted above In the presence of the multitude Jesus had declared his divinity and they had seized stones to cast at him Season of the Veiling Then It was that he was forced to veil as it were his godhead and hide himself from men From this moment the Pas sion of the Saviour began And since the servant is not greater than his master it is the custom to veil the images and pictures of the saints as well MISSIONARIES HOLD SERVICE Interesting Addresses at the Mount Ver non M E Church The Missionary Society of tho Mount Vernon Methodist Episcopal Church South corner ot Ninth and K Streets northwest held its anniversary acrvlco last evening Hon J L Burnett Repre sentative from Alabama presided over the exercises and made an address His address was followed by a talk on mis sionaries and their work by Hon James T Lloyd of Missouri Hon C W Thomp son of Alabama delivered a short ad dress on the work ot missionaries He also gave several reminiscences of South ern life and the work of the Methodist Church in Alabama CARDINAL AT ST MATTHEWS Preaches Passion Sunday Sermon to a Large Congregation Cardinal Gibbons preached the sermon of the day at St Matthews Catholic ClTurch estcrday at the 1 oclock mass A large congregation was on hand It be ing Passion Sunday the pictures In the sanctuary and the crucifix on the main altar were draped in purple MONSIEUR HERCULES Comedy Presented by Dramatic Section of Washington Saengerbnnd The dramatic bectlon of the Washing ton Saengerbund presented to a large au dience last night at the hall ot the bund the OOP act comedy entitled Monsieur Hercules by G Iiellyl Tho piece was put on in a manner that would have re flected credit on many professional organ izations The theatrical portion wa3 preceded by a short musical programme the first number of which was Mr William Saucrs baritone solo The Trumpeter of Saeck Ingen by V von Scbcffcl Miss Mary Nlebel sang the two German tongs Wlo die Blucmleln and Meln Hrrz 1st Im Hochland Miss Nlebel pos sesses a strong and clear soprano voice She accompanied herself on the zither Donchs orchestra was in attendance and pacd f elections On Thursday evening the Saengerbund will give a masquerade tanzkraenzchen and on Sunday the seventh musical enter tainment will tako place What Rank Imposes Mamma said the petted heiress why this ceaseless and wearying round of gay rtics Arent we rich enough now to af ford to be comfortable No dear replied mamma Wo are so rich that we cant nfford to bo comfort able Bears tlio J Signature V 01 CiA THE TJMES VASIIINGTONIJJONDAY MARCH IT 1902 PfiBAGHES TO Y M G A Criticism of Bible Its Strength Says Divine MILLIONAIRES ARE NOT HAPPY Grasp After Life Declares Episcopal Churchman Which Only Christ Alone Can Give One Pleasure to Compare Their Riches The principal feature of the weekly meeting of the Young Mens Christian Association hold at the Colombia The atre yesiermy was me dress oft Bishop IJcnry V Sfltterlee of the Episcopal diocese of Washington Bishop Satterlco spoke on the subject Heaven and earth shall pass away but my word shall not pass awav He said lu art I dont care what men may sa against the Bible I like to hear all they have to say against It for with cverj word they utter the truth of the word of God grows stronger Tho man of the world may read the Bible but the meaning of those words is a mvtcrv to him Bishop Satterlee then read the pissage from the Scripture which tells of the man who learned of a pearl of great price and straightway went and sold all he bad and bought the gem Way With Majority That is the way with the majority of the men in the world today continued tho speaker they arc willing to part with all for one thing life Christ came down upon earth for men He gave them life life eternal But men are not happy they are not contented 1 have only met one man who was happy Ho was a oung college graduate Just entering the threshold of life The men who have done great things or attained great riches are not happy I have met a number of millionaires and they were far from the happiest or most contented people I have seen One of the greatest and only pleasure some millionaires have is comparing their own riches with those of others But n6 matter how great the things they have done or the vast riches they hive accumulated they are not entirely contented They long for something more for life It Is here here In the word of God And so men turn to God Ho loves you even knows every hair on our bead Sometimes men say Christ cannot loo me I am too unworthy There is nothing In me to love I walked the floor of my room the whole of one night think ing of my own condition I wondered what was in me that Christ should have died to give me eternal life And then the thought came to me that it was noth ing I had done but because it is on ac count of his great love for me It was just the same way in the dajs when John wrote Wo love Christ because he first loved us It is this consciousness of being loved by Christ of being ennobled and helped by that love that awakens a love In us and makes us turn to him for life Old Homestead Quartette Another feature of tho meeting was the singing by the Old Homestead Quartette Several beautiful hymns were rendered with tho samo feeling and tenderness that has made It so popular in the famous pastoral slay The meeting despite the Inclemency of the weather was largely attended FROHMANS LONDON PLANS American Will Control Seven Theatres in Coronation Season LONDON March 16 Mr Charles Froh man will control seven of the London theatres during the coronation season Henry Arthur Jones comedy The Prin cess Nose will not run through the sea son at the Duke of York Theatre but Miss Irene Van Durgh will remain there for another production not yet deefd d upon Mr Frohman has engaged Miss Madge Lessing for All on Account of Eliza at the Shaftesbury Theatre on April 13 in succession to Are You a Mason which then goes to the Royalty Theatre The Girl From Maxims will bo produced at the Crlterjon Theatre with Beatrice Fcr rar in the title role Three Little Maidi opens at the Apollo Theatre tomorrow night with Edna May and Ethel Sdno who was In The Shop Girl in New York This will be a new departure as a musical play depend ing for Its interest In the story and without the usual chorus Late in the season or in the early au tumn Mr Frohman will produce La Veine from the French of M Alfred Capus Mr Iaul Potter Is due in Paris next week and is coming to London to arrange for the production of Notre Dame and Under Two Flags In the latter part of May or early in June London will see Madame Rejnne Slgnora Uusc and Madame Jeanne Gra nier with her company from the The atre des Varietes Madame Jane Hading has arranged for a season at the Coront Theatre and Mudame Sara Bernhardt d M Coquclin will be at the OarricK MRS MKINLEY VISITED Many Guests at Her Home in Canton Yesterday CANTON Ohio March 1C Mrs McKin ley today saw more pcoplo than she has in any one day since the funeral guests departed six months ago and she seems all the better for meeting them Secre tary Cortelyou who caniu here last night from the Cleveland meeting of the Na tional McKlnlcy Memorial Association was joined this morning by Dr and Mrs Hixcy who came on from Washington to spend the day with Mrs McKlnley on a purely social visit During the morning they all went to Westlavvn Ceineterv and entered the vault where the casket containing the body of the late President remains under guard of a detachment of United Stntes sol diers Mrs McKlnley tarried a large bunch of freshly cut flowers which she personally arranged upon tho casket At the house Mrs McKlnley and her guests were joined for most of tho day by her sister Mrs M C llarber and Judge and Mrs Day Many close frlend3 made calls and lu the early afternoon Bishop Arnett tho colored Methodist bishop who was a close friend of the Into President called to pay his respects In the opinion of all who saw her Mrs McKlnley shows Improvement Secretary Cortelyou and Dr Ilixey especially no ticed a change for the better She seemed to feel animation on account of their visit and talked freely and Interestingly with them Secretary Corlclvou and Dr and Mrs Klxcy left for Washington tonight LES HUGUENOTS TONIGHT Trench Opera Comfan to Give an Extra Performance Manager Bergcrdf the Lafajctte Squaru Theatre In response to numerous re quests from Washlogtonlons who heard the French OpercyiCompany in grand opera last week has booked tho organi 7ation for an cctraTforformanee tonight The bill will b Lcs Huguenots lr which the companyli said to have scored one of the greatest triumphs of Its New Orleans season M Due Is announced to appear as well as MM Bouxmann Oc cellier Karloni Queyla Talazac Mmes Tocdor Rachel Luya Chambcllan and De Ter There will be two ballets in tho second and third acts M Amalous Or chestra of forty pieces will add much to the excellence of the opera There has been a special scale of prices arranged for tonights performance ot Lcs Huguenots as follows Lower floor 2 and 3 balcony 50 and 1 gallery B io cents mezzanlnebox seats S3 Tho sale of seats for this extra presen tation by the Frepch Opera Company will cqmnicnFe at the Lafayette Theatre box office at 9 oclork this morning MESMERIC DEMONSTRATIONS Prof Carpenter tne Noted Hypnotist to Remain Here Another Week The engagement of Prof Carpenter the noted n tsmerlst and hypnotist at Odd Fellows Hall which was to have terminated Saturday evening was so thoroughly successful that the attraction has been re engaged for one week more Throughout his entire visit the profes sor has met with the most hearty good will and appreciation ot the people of Washington and vicinity His flattering auditnees during the pant week have been very large and tho success of his demon strations this wcjkis assured There 13 never a dull moment during the entire entertainment The engagement closes Saturday even ing next Prof Carpenter will not visit Washington again this season PREPARATIONS FOR THEIASONIC FAIR The Committee Awards Dec oration Contract First Season Ticket Issued for Event to Be Sold at Auction Next SaturdayuNight A largely attended meeting of tho ex ecutive committee in charge of the ar rangements for the tmlng Masonic Fair was held Saturday evening Owing to the absence of Mr Frank II Thomas lc chairman of the committee the meeting J was presided ovcrby Mr Samuel C Pal mer the vice chairman Reports of the chairmen of the several subcommittees were Submitted the most important being tnai of the commit tee on decorations- The report ot this committee whlcTr1 received the approval of lhecneral bod jaw Sfds the contract for decorating Convention Hall to C HKos tcr of New York The contract for cov ering the bridge leading from Convention Hall to the Armory1 Buildlngwas awarded to W E Sebree of this city Regulating Sale of Paddles It was decided that no articles arc to be disposed of by the salo of paddles except at the officially designated stands This rule will not apply during tho last three nights of the fair when the most satisfactory means will be adopted to dispose of whatever has not been prev iously sold By special request the auction salo of the first season ticket lrsued was postponed until next Saturday night It wag stated that one gentleman whose name was withheld had signified his Intention ot bidding the ticket up to J20 if tho sale was postponed and others had expressed the opinion that it the sale was only generally known of that the ticket would probably bring a much larger figure While the bidding will be on this ticket alone the purchaser will receive the first five tickets of the Issue numbered from 1 to 5 inclusive Newsboys Band By direction of the executive committee the officers of the Newsbos Band or ganized from among the route boys in the employ of The Times will be notified of the acceptance of their offer to be pres ent on the occasion of the opening of tho fair nnd make their initial appearance as musicians A handsome onyx paperweight has been received as n contribution from Aztlan Lodge of Prescott Ariz The letter ac companying the weight states that it Is from the quarry of Mr W O ONcil a captain in Roosevelts Rough Riders and the first man to be killed during the war with Spain He was a captain In Troop A First Volunteer Cavalry The stone Is handsomely polished and will make an acceptable addition to any desk apart from its association Governor and Cart Driver Once when Sir Charles Hotham Gov ernor of Victoria was out driving hl3 coachman came Into collision with a wood carter an Irishman In a narrow lane out 1 side of Melbourne The Irishman would 1 1 not pull off the middle of the road as h3 had the heav er load and by tho rough rule of such things was thus entitled to keep there The Incensed Governor thereupon put his head out of the carriage window nnd shouted Do jou know who 1 am my man Im Sir Charles Hotham the Governor of Victoria Ye arc are I je responded the other Well yove got a thunderln folnc billet ould man an Id advise ye to shtlck to It New York Tribune Regular 350 PHOTOGRAPHIC AST APPLIED TO FISH Photos of Finny Tribe While in Motion A DIFFICULT UNDERTAKING Experiments Conducted at United States Fish Commission 7 Great Help to Science Group of 450 Snapped at One Time Some fish change their color almost instantaneously according to their humor a desire to pass unnoticed or otlrer reasons- The eyes of the sea bass are ns beautiful as emeralds These are two Interesting facts among others equally curious that were gath ered by Capt R W Shufcldt while cp- f gaged In the comparatively novel work of photographing fish in their native ele ment The experiments were made at the aquaria of the Fish Commission In Their Natural Element There are a number of methods states the captain by means of whioh fish mny be photographed in their natural clement with natural surroundings For example it is possible to accomplish it beneath the surface of the water by tho use of some such contrivance as the sub aquatic camera used by Dr J E Rom borst or that of M Benton or the ap paratus ot Regnard By the employment of Instantaneous photography some fishes have been taken in the air in the act of leaping as in the case ot salmon or In the act of flight as in the case of flylng flsh The First Exposure The first exposure was made upon a large pike The picture was fairly good and on comparing it with the figure of this species in The Fisheries and Fishsry Industries of the United States it was to be observed that in the living fish the pectoral fins aro extended almost directly downward and further that the ex tremities of the forks of the tail are dis tinctly rounded and not acute as In the drawing mentioned In fact the tail in the latter Is incorrect in outline and there aro still other differences to be ob served upon comparing the two This is where the great valuu of tho camera is demonstrated In time with suitable objects taken under tho most favorable conditions pictures of flsh produced by half toning processes from faultless photographs will surely super sede in biological literature the often Inaccurate figures that are now used 33 illustrations This is what we strive to accomplish in such efforts Caught in Vertical Position The tantoy a medium sized specimen I photographed while it was resting in a vertical position upon tho side ot a little mound of sand and very close to the sur face of the glass These flsh exhibit in confinement all their natural traits and in the aquarium some will be seen swim ming about not far above the bottom others will be lying upon their sides and still others attempting to secrete them selves beneath the rocks while occasion ally exhibiting a peculiar method ot com bating each other This consists in two fish coming at each other face to face opening their mouths and the one bringing his teeth In contact with those of his antagonist Each at tempts to force the other backward or It one be taken off guard for an Instant the more watchful of the two will make an attempt to bite him The tantoy Is a peculiar flsh In its habits and Us behavior olten reminds me of that of little pigs with some of the movements characterized by a certain kind of catlike fawning They feed vo raciously and take with avidity their nat ural food but in the aquarium they us ually receive crushed crabs Sometimes this fish shows handsome vertical markings and mottllngs at other times it is ot a dull leaden black all over These changes It would appear are prac tically wrought at the pleasure of the flsh Bass Excellent Subject The bass is another species that has the power of changing its color at will for the purpose ot protection 33 well as to Indicate its humor The various shades are assumed very suddenly quite as much so as I have seen In the American chameleon of the South ern States Sea bass have beautiful eves that change color a little at times though usually they arc of a brilliant emerald green which unfortunately photographs very dull and pale Many Difficulties Some of the difficulties which attend tho photography of living flsh I realized In making an instantaneous exposure upon the North End Aquarium containing ISO rainbow trout in motion Necessarily some of the number were out of focus The lower ones show but little detail owing to being in the shadow caused by the great mass of flsh above while others are indistinct from lateral shadow At the best the light at the time of exposure was not the kind to ensure the most perfect success Nevertheless thh result Is very Interesting and probably not many photographs extant If any show bo many examples of swimming flsh upon one ilate Easy to Take true Easy 10 operate Is only of lloods ills tho best mildest safest cathartic ever offered tho people Pre pared by the proprietors of Hoods Sarsaparllla for 100 Solid Gold Spring Eyeglasses Spring Cliiaruitr aullil Cold 100 lutellt Clip 1 llt si lluck Crjitil I viists The imiiUiiM patromige cicittcd in ti founei connecdoii lias caui ed ino fttil confttltiit of hiuLeediiif in bushiest for nnsclf For hVlilintf against the use of FAKE OITKAL TITLES 1 was elected si director of the American Association of Opti cians ily met hods aie praclicsil I use no fancy instruments to jet Iiijli piicej W G KINSMAN Kyeslft it per illst 308 F Street rf W Lansburgh Bro MORE DOMESTIC BARGAINS The usual active bustling scenes will be In evidence in the Domestic section again Monday Hero are values that will meet with ready response 1 case yard wide Utica bleached p muslin good round thread for wear Special 2 lots high grade Wamsutta sheeting to close out 48 Inches wide price 22c fpr 17c 1V4 yards wide price 25c for 18c CO doz 45x3S Pillow Cases f A 1 P Lansburgh special price lie I I lcl Special I VZ 45 Inch wide Androscoggin un- f 1 -bleached muslin price 12Jic X75L 42 Inch wide Dallas unbleached Djuslln price lie for J 1 lot ard wlde Percales suitable for mournings black ground with - 1 r vvhlte flgure price 124c To close rTL out U4 Fancy feather proof Ticking I YTyL price 16c Special I J 1 case Alpine Rose bleach ed muslin jard wide finer A1o than Pride of the West 1 1 ItstI Price 12Hc special I V2 Lansburgh Bro 420 to 426 Seventh Street Tophams Trunks Travel Broken Trunks Fixed -mil Strength and Finish Are Our Strong Points In one Important sense like an ele phant every one has or should have a trunk Splendid bright new stock just from our ownshop3 j Have an excellent value in an eted two tray cloth lined Trunk Very strong and finely nnisnea Ask to see It 825 Other Trunks Suit Cases and Satchels in great profusion at bottom prices Tophams 1219 F STREET Travelers and Fine Leather Mfy Ave ml MI I I IM K 1 1 M 1 1 1 KNABE PIANOS Bargains In nevr and used T nanta nf varlntifl mslrL flnl P acenU tor the Aeolian and Pianola z PIANOS RENTED WmKnabeCo 1209 Penna H 1 1 Wholesome Pies Connecticut Pie Co 32d and 0 Sts CTCIU1AMV ami otiuic lIVOs Droops Music House 023 lB Are Arc You Satisfied Willi he Milk You Receive I j It rlean U it pure Do jii i cio i on tune lio jou know it come from 1umUijt coud THE INGLESIDE DAIRY Cuaranteca ckanlintwrt ruritr frevhnc rf and promptness Tlionc tall or drop postal WM B DODGE SON 1757 Pa Ave NW SOLID GOLD CROWNS or Set of Pc nn Teeth oOiUU lAinlesd lLxtraellnff CAPITAL DENTAL PARLORS lOthF Sts lloltzmun Uu Ud inc Dr 1tjdL llowdjbuilu i c REDIT Buys the Matting Go Cart Carriage and All Good Kinds of Furniture Our prices are all marked In plain figures and will be found as low as iho lowest cash prices else where Every article sold by us is guaranteed to prove dnrable and satisfactory In every respect New Mattings In endless variety cut fitted and tackfcd down free of cost The very newest styles In Go Carts and Carriages at all prices We guarantee the rubber tires niturc for every room In house Dangler Gasoline Telephone West 58 Fur- your and wicklcss blue flame Cooking Stoves in all sizes as cheap on credit as they can be bought for in the rash stores Payments to suit you weekly or monthly Peter Grogan 817819-821-823 7th St - Between H and I Sts PirES will not FREEZE nor HOUSES be COLD it our Insulations and Deadening Wools and Felts Are used E B WARREN CO Coal Tar Products Contractors Supplies srrii amj 11 s uth ia s vv Washington D C The Highest Skill Is Shown in Our Ladies Tailoring Itll be worth yotrr while to set our sew spring motleU and the latest fishioo plates A superb diiplajr of excliuire Imported fabrics proper for suits and jackets Skill ful tailoring Fit guaranteed w Y Ladies Tailor Louis roer CALLISHER I Famous for Selling DIAMONDS At the Lowest Prices in Town 017 PKMfA ATE NW CHAS E EBEL Dealer la CHOICE MEATS MS W rd 613 Center Market Slnth St Ving Phone Mala 1582 US YOUR SUIT TO SEND OR DYE Our 50 Years experience assures you absolute satisfaction Mens Suit cleaned 15 rental or Thos West 117Y WHEATLEYS 10G8 JefTVrton Are deorsetoirii EYEGLASSES SPECTACLES mm tEtYjr T1WW PRICES THAT TALK Cne pair of glases to leo both far and near Spec price 150 COLO FILLED Ejeglaasca warranted for 10 years WOO Solid Gold Glaaa 300 Finest ground crjatal lenses in aluminum frames 1 00 AKAHNJ0cTan935FSt 5 Painless Extraction Free When Teeth are Ordered Open Sundays Cold Cronmj 3 Unite Crowisa 4 CoM miings 110 up Siher Fillings 50c up DR FATTONS Painless Dental Parlor Nino Ton F N W Socond Floor VEGETARIAN DINING ROOMS 710 13th St IV HATTIK CltiaSJC 5AMTAKXUM Health Foods itell cooked served or delltrrcd Best 35c LLncIu Mam 31 If You Want To exchange an article for sniiielimijr of equal merit adveitiM it in TILE TIMES FOR EXCHANGE COLUSVSSti Rate or One Da 2q g Word Rate for 3 or Mere in o unrri u d tm GonsecutlnDays