HELP WANTED FEMALE t tNTED Finishers on pants ITZ ID 7Ui St nw ill jind 1 i ibi white or colored pxl -users His ae sork arc 2i tVASTKll Hotel and private liouse clA chamlx imaiils and waitresses tor city and cmin tn vr vvcv ssi avp im VASTFIJ First das skirt trimmer ItlHUIW 11 Utii ft w 11 ON ml AVAMKD CirUatiout li W ot iWC for Ren eral lmuse orls in linll of to adults a good liomrjni n Appl lll 5th St nw 11tvnil T hotel clismlx rmaiIs w and mtuMktn toJsr llltlTTUN CD AClNCt T0i st rw HANThl Neat womsn for housework in small faimiv ilXW Kjt n ml WASTII Colored Girl for rcnrral liaiw worL no cooking M S JONMlNJfa l ave mM W NT1J A few home free of ilurt c today ten female at once Rood waRes Til llli st i -ml -ft KTH Cul for senrral housework Applv 2s 15th st n WANTM Itelube colored woman to do cook ing and lanndrj work to to liensington ild Applj W cilnuMlar 115 Mil svc ne 1 ft ANThll Lailv hookkeprr and caOiicr must have nme eiiienem e in sirntle entrv ildnss BO US this office ml vCANTEls Tuo Girls cook cliambermsul New tork one ew Haven Conn way paid 1G35 mil st nw ml 1 VTkD Sittkd woman for f enenil housework in couitr must lie cood cook smill family 41i r ill - Iinluwn V anil 10 lt nail viiiiik si s oclock at 1927 H st nw linnir reference rags t WTll Fifteen cood reliable women sood and plain cooks We hare cood places of all kind cood homes THE VIRGINIA B1PIOV mT QUICK leg lltli t nw ml l TF1 11 slrcssrrjkcr apprentices injst be good sewers 7u3 ISth st nw ml AXTLI Girl for lircssmakinB at 8K Ilth st n ml WANTtlX White ciian bermaid and waitress I2 room and board Call wick HAbEMKNT 013 13th nw ml tVAJiTKD A settled white woman one who can sew and help in a house also store if necessary lest of reference required Audreys BOX W1 this oBice el WAXTtlv A Kirl for reneral housework no lag or ironing to stay at night SOT 5th St nw el tVAVnII White un as nurse to travel white cook and housemaid 101S hc tork are a WANTKD V cirl for general housework must stat nights reference Call at 1221 SUi St nw el t Ti I tegetable cooks chamlierniiid wait ress kitciien women for hotels IlUKUhSb hotkl aoincv aa 10th st ei t vrKI 1 lute girl to do general housework Apph 431 fib s d2 tVANTEIl V wok to do general liousewprk stay nigliL 12t 13th st nw el t ANTED lored woiran to cook wash iron and do general housework Apply 171J latii st nw cl tAVnll tldte cirl who would appreciite a good home 1031 Sd st re el 3 tANTFll Two girls to work on coats 1310 F St nw hhPVS Cl3 tVAVTEU n experienced colored cook for a small family to remain at night 003 Q st nw cl 3 IVANThl tlirl for general housework one who knows how to cook and clean 51 Cth st nw el tVAVTKI Ilehable woman to go to Lcesburg Va mut understand cooking care of ioultry and butter making permanent home 2J U st nw el tVWTFD iC Icw Jerse are nw girl to eook wah and iron sleep at home el Apply at LBniTT lioiSr ei tVAXTFl lood reliable girl to cook wash and iron Call ISiS V st nw el tANTKI Waist and skirt hands and helpers at once 9S3 lab st nw cl 3 tAVTrU Woman for general housework Call atlcri6tP -in lglB 3d st nw ml 3 WANTED girl for general housework in a famili of three adults roust haic references fjg 11 alw k ml 3 WATE1 Demonstrators salar I In fS per week Call from 4 to 0 p m 11 nth st se cailr tVANTED Operator to uoik with a tailorcss stpad work s ptr wek Apply after C 223 1st stsc tZ i t ANTED t neat tid girl preferably Jernun for housework in small flat references Apply 23 The Saioy c31 3 t ANlrD Wet nurse who e child is sit to eisht weeks old Apply at once U V tlst st mil 2 tVANTED Kxperienced girls to work on mens coats good pa 432 7th U nw m39 4 I tVANTFD At once experienced tailoress for uttMienng aeiunmcnt sleaa work iu DIKES FOHTH A CO R3 a ae m2S tf HELP WANTED MALE is FEMALE LOLI JUFll TAhE SI M5IER COlltSE in SIIOIITIIAND and TV PEW KITING at special rate IttlOlrT 1NC SX11O0L 913 C st nw Speed dictation tlav and ciemng m31 3 liAUlLS AN11 GENTLEMEN knowing of prospect lve purchasers for real estate in the north wot sold on easy terms will find it prontablc to address UOX 191 this office mh2i 30t SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE WANTED Housework cleaning or sewing b day ly a competent white woman best refer ences Address immediatd IIO 402 thu office ml WANT D Employment by two neat reliable girls general work and half day or laundry work 1013 New tork ave ml WANTED Omce to clean up 17w K st nw ml tVAIvTlls B two repectahle coloretl women places as cook and general house worker stay at nights if preferred with reference 1 Ituiuses Court ec between 1st and 2d and C and D sts J1 tVANTED Bi colored woman plate to take care of otfice or h6usc cleaning washing ironing by ty Call at 470 K et n ml tVANTEI B a respectable colored woman place to cook wash and iron Address b04 G tt sw el tANTlD A place as waitress or chambermaid best of reference 1713 N st nw el t ANTED By apprentice gill 15 years old steajy place with milliner Addiesa BOX 2b7 this of lice el- tlAvnD By respectable colored woman place js general bousewurkcr in small family 50S O st nvr el 2 WANTED B neat colored girl place to nurse or work around Itou e 23C 2d st nw cl SITUATIONS WANTED MALE WANTl I By young coluicd man place as lior tcr driver or bellman or work of any kiinl Address 1503 M st nw rr 1 tVANTED by Japanese man as valet and cook good cxieriencc take care gentle tuana place city or country or to traiel Ad dress IiO SUi this office ro2 2 tVANTED By experienced farmer imsition as nanxcr or oveiseer and worker on farm Ad dressvor call R F II 1220 Fort Stevens Bright vood D C el -3 WANTED Position b ouisg man 20 capable atteutuc liOlK and a willing worker bond and leferenceis Address Jtox ij tins office ml I WANTED MISCELLANEOUS tvANTH1 lurniture of all kind store and flice fliturcs Htlii J HOPWOOD bth and K sU iw Telephone Main 2750 2 In2 3 tVANTED Second hand cash register iron safe 3 feet higli for rash Address BOX 101 thu flicc m3 tlANTFD To boy old feather beds E MARK 75 Mvrtle st fci j tt ANTED Bring our old gold and killer svatdies ard diamonds to the MINT B15 G st nvr and get full value in ready money GFO IHimX Manager fal7 3m WANTlD OLD lNITED STATIC COiNSr325 for 3 gold pieces gold dollars 125 up gold silter diamonds bought ABltAHtMS 433 9th st filStf tv ANTED CJixSi plate holders p iiting frames Iturnislier trays etc Address iiOA Jbl this olace ml 3 WANTED Nic foil bed and iiarlor suite fur niture must be cheap cash BOY lui sta tlon O inl 1 tVANTlJ An invalid rolling chair at oices lor cash Address A JIcCULAltl 1110 V st nw e31 3 GREAT RirrUHNS AT SMALL COST Satisfactorv Printing lnoo cards billheads ent elopes 150 HAYS KJ8 L si nw mli31 7t WAKTED Highest cash price 1 aid for ladies and gents cust of clothing Address postal will caU B TARSHES 130o 7th st nw el0 3O HELP WAKTED MALE ttAVTIJV Two dairrmen 5 and lioard four diiliwasheTii two bellliovs five waiters two sober drners three house boys MI ChLtl 01DS S0 I st nw ml WANTED First class barber at 705 7th st nw ml tVThU Voung white man tor delnery wagon li icr nionth room and board experienced wliitc gardener vmall famil 0 room house wood milk and Sv ikt month AGIvNCt 321 la ae nw ml WANT 1 Silcsman for natural stone household water tillers Apply after 5 p m 523 North Capitol st mi 3 WANTED V good buslielman at once THE bONDON TAIIOHSi 1311 14th St nw rail W NTED V barber at J E t 1111 tils SHI 1 st nw Times Building ml tVASTKl Puslielnran stead work for right man M b JOIlNfrOV 1135 la aic m2 3 WANTED Todjv fhc waiters six farm hands 11 per month white or colored two pot wjslicrs white f20 ier month man and wife on farm lltLrTS qtl t st nw ml WAXTI D Do- with biejcle to run errands and make himself iweful one who has worked in a wall paper store preferred good chance for adiarcemiut llldl tllD W Hl NDLliSON 1113 F st nw t WANTED t lue man as salesman to work the liquor grocery and dm trade of the cit an excellent opportunity to one willing to work a permanent iKtsition application b letter and onl those commanding trade need appl tddre w IK 3C this office ml W ANTED Y waiter at GRtVS CUE 1008 M st nw ml W NThD Messenger 1k with wheels 9 hours work per dal pa 57 cents Ier dj Apply POSTAL TtLLGlltlII COMPANY 1315 Pa ale m2 3 WANTED Manager for In ancli olhcc Norfolk 10 iter week and commission cash security Address I10 305 tlus office ml tVAMED Man to go South to establish offices salary and commission Address BOA 391 tins diuci m i WANTED Colore1 cook for short orders ana outers IHILtDELIHU OtSTHt HULbE 13H 7th st nw ml WANTED Good white hoy to learn barber trade good chance 41 li tt nc Jin 1 WANTFD t young man in a plumbing estab lishment tio appieatice or helper must be in dustrious honest intelligent 3 per week Al ply h letter 724 13th St nw ml WAITED good up-to-date salesman to rep resent us in the wholesale cigar and tobacco business salary md conimLtsion 1203 E st nw 1 G JOSEPH Manager inl tVWTElV White lov as porter in jewelry store Appl between 8 and 9 a m 917 la nw ml WANTKI Four first class shovelcrs 1 50 per d J10OUK 4 litLL BiilCK CO 20th and D sis se ml WANTED Neat loung man for permanent posi tion good wagel UVSIJIENT 110011 613 13th St nw ml WANTED Manager for branch oroe salary S0 month and exienses S 25 cash deposit reiuired 1100M SOS Jenifer Building 7lh a l D sts m2 3 W ANTED Experienced presser one tlat lias worked on new and old clothes colored M0 2th st nw ml WANTED Two waiters lllboi two dishwash ers also teamsters Enquire 1635 11th St nw ml W tNTED t oung e olored nan to wait and wash disho 227 New Jersey ae nw cl WANTED Young colored man who understands how to wash leer Ijotlles and care for horse good reference 1917 ltth st nw el WANTED A lxi to strip tobacco in cigar fac tory one with cxierlencc preferred Appl at f mil st nw cl WANTED By respectable colored girl place as general liouseworker 721 Balls court niw el WANTtI Two good bushelmen at KEENS 1310 F st n el 3 WANTED Kitchen Iran In one of the detiart ments alco hot to wash dishes 1h5 11th st ns el WANT1D Bo or man of some experience in carriage and wagon business 1210 Ohio aie tUeier el WANTED Laborers anj teamsters Apply to K i DtlsII 4 2lte Florida ave ne Coal and Firewood apl tf WANTED At once hrst claos coat maker tail ors and bushelmaiu 710 9th st ml 3 t NTtD Solicitors desirmg to make 53 per dar during prll aud Ma sliould address BOY S7 this Hhec ml 3 WANT1D Boy in oniie to answer telephone and do other office work must write good liand and work long hours 1 O B0 322 ml 2 WtNTlD V colored l at once irust hs good presxr steady place for good M LON 11QV TtlLOIIS nil llli stJiW ml 2 WAXTEI Two men to handle distributers in the city C W BITLEIS COMPAN1 9th and G sts W basement ml J WANTED Ten ls to distribute circulars C W IlLTLUt COMItNl mil and G sts nw basement in 1 3 t NTFD Two clearers and prcs crs and bushelman at once 3112 14th st nw e11 1 WANTED Colored man who has experience in making canJirsjalso voung fellow for deliviry ami 4u work around the store 913 7th st nw c31 3 WANTED Kxiicricnccd awning liargers Apply to M G COP1LAND 4 CO 409 11th nw m31 3 WAVThb A stout white boy to drive horse and cartt 8 hours vork per da stead job Ap ply 416 Hh st nw m31 3 WANTFD Seveial Sit tla coat Uilors high est prices paid JOi hCHIi A SON 205 Nortli Cliarles st Bait more Jld ml30 7t WANTfcD Men to learn barber trade New system Onl eight weeks required Wages Sat urdas Tools donated Dlplonu awaided Posl tions positivcl guaranteed whn through Spe cial inducements now Write for catalogue JIOIERS BtltBER New fork Cit mli29 Ct WANTED ROOMS WANTEI Two or three unfurnished rooms ehcap Address BOY 352 tliU oflice ln2 2 WANT1D Furnished or unfurnislied room with watir state price Address BO V 3S2 thu otfke ml 3 WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD WANTH Room and lioard nejr 10th and O sts select fatnll Address BOX VU this otllce ml WNT1U By a yunng marri d lady board in a muct country laiiitl irut be reasonable state tours Address BOX 379 this oflice in 1 1 WANTl D B young man desirable boarder hall room and board in northwest 20 mouth light breakfast at C15 near Capitol lines Address 110 V 365 this office inal 3 WANTED HOUSES WANTID permanent tenant desires eight -room house centrally located trust be reasonable Addn s HOt S this ontce rrri 3 WANTED HORSES AND VEHICLES W tNTED For cash oie hore farm wagon BOt 383 this oil tc el WILL Tit tDl unencumbered lot in lliattsville or Brentwood for floe surre bugg and harness P O UOt 21 lliattsville e29 7 MISCELLANEOUS HNi ItUlllOM WATCH t in siher gold fille1 or solid cold 1 a wck J DKlhKER 12th and Pa ave over Davis Hat More ml LADIES lorgnette chains and lockets Sd down Jl a week 1 Dlllhhllt litli and la ave over Davis Hat Store ml 11 rrrtissns isimuii like new 171 u premises J J ILLNUl 4s7 la aie nw n313 Kill SMU i QI Mti IMMis Al less than Auction Prices 8TFIN PIINO PUNO On il Weekl PavmeliLS apl tf F J MUTH 1223 1J aic FOR SALE BICYCLES 33 FULL DRESS SUITS for hire one dollar JULIUS COHEN 1101 7th law 5 If WILLUMS BOOK LXCIlANcE Books b0U ht al it lurwiV IIHm In nil branclics 613 O St nw e39 tf Kill KlU cnli 21 inch bicycle nearli new Coodriih tires cunt 4o will veil for li Ad dress 1101 stfj ti ura I j STORAGE IF lOL imi VNJTHINc to sell or want anj liiing uiolcrd jiscked or stored come and sec us btorage at 75c a load IM hi STAThs STOR AGE COMPAM 41S and ISO loth st n n2 3 ROOMS AND JtOtRD nw KIR gain THE TIMES WASH1NGT0TWEDNESDAY APRIfc 2 1902 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS HK KENT Mce large rooms secomi floor front S8 month 615 h St nw m2 3 FOll KENT Nice third floor front lull room 3 per month 122 3d st nw m2 3 FOll lihST Two furnished rooms for light house keeping C2S I st nw nc3 FOR KENT Large nicely fumished second story room tiled Iwith same floor o gentlemen only Owner Itll sth st nw el 3 FOll ItENT Two furnished rooms nw FOR RENT Two furnished rooms keeping 510 E st nw 152G loth St elsl FOR KENT Furnished roms for houseVeepTng 522 2d st w el FOR KENT Nicely furnished front end back rooms 61 S 01 h St nw cl 3 FOR RENT Niceh furnislied second floor rooms re asonable 02 11th st nwr el 3 FOR III NT 11 Grant Place back parlor also large front roonu ml 3 light house-ml-S FOR RENT Nicely furnished front room COS Cd st nw ml 3 loll KENT Two furnished rooms housekeeping cook stove 703 I st nw ml 3 TOR RENT Rooms furnished JL25 per week 433 U st nw ml 3 10R RENT Large front room second floor -with or without board 401 4th st nw nil 3 VOtt RENT t front hall foomr furnished 5 month 421 6tii st nw eSl 3 roll RENT Furnished front and back parlor or either 910 New York ave nw ro31 3 I OR RENT Comfortably furnished rooms very cool in summer 5 8 622 E St nw m31 3 FOR RENT Large plcvsant rooms completely furnished for light housekeeping 1230 Mh st nw m31 3 FOR RENT Furnished second story rooms 618 Cth st nw m31 3 FOR RENT Two or three furnished rooms for housekeeping second floor 505 2d St nw m3l 3 FOR RENT FLATS FOR RENT Flat three rooms bath and gas tl250 third floor 29 II st nw cl 3 FOR KENT To best colored tentnts four room and bath flats S3 and 40 Pierce it nw at 12 and 14 new modern fanitaty living homes GEO U HILL 615 11th at nw 4 tf e ROOMS AND B0ARD ROOM AND ItOUlD for two second floor front room price 1 per week 102 Oumey st ne m23 TOR RENT Furnished rooms K st nw with board 813 m2 3 LARGE second floor front room baywindow other rooms summer rates 1917 K st nw el 3 FOR KENT Furnished rooms withror without board 220 C st nw el 3 FOR RENT One large and two small rooms with board terms reasonable 1002 11th st nw ml 3 612 Massachusetts arc C313 ROOM 50c and 75c table board 3 per week at the t INTON 1231 K St inh30 7t FOR RENT tt the Grunewald rooms with ltoard or without furnished new throughout 315 3d st nw corner Indiana ave m2 7 TABLE BOARD BOtRI 12 per month hot lunch near Census 110 C St nw ci el 3 THE BIST table board at The Crunewald 313 3d st nw coiner Indiana ave m2S 7 BUSINESS CHANCES lOR t feed store doing fine business elegant location For full articulars address BU 400 this office m2 S FOR tLE Grocers- JO0 Conduit lload cheap rint fine business CtPITM BLSlNE N E- CII ME Atlantic Building mi 3 LDIhS AND GENTLEMEN otherwi w employed can cam fiom 50 to 100 month b recommend ing high class local investment lor iarticulars address IH ic this olhi c el 3i j GROCicitt wood and coal jardsr crgtn stores confectioneries DlNLAP Ki0 F st el 3 W iNTID t partner with 350 in old estab lished ami wvll paying sporting business must be able to leaic city Add ess BOt 3S1 this otfice ml 3 BElT W TCII tlUNSPHINCS s4 F where you transfer 50c -BROWNE mil tf FOR S ME Saloons three Iennsvliania ave Nortliwrst W J DLGN 617 Iji ate ml 3 IOII U E Saloon excellent corner Northwest f32tl W J DlGtN 617 1 ave ml 3 TOR SUF Ten sha cs IJuttennc stock DlGtN 617 I i ave W J inl 3 IOII Restaurant and fixtures alo horse wagon and hucksters loutc 1013 U st rw ml 3 FOR SUE Tie lwst shoemaker store in the cit tddres BOt 377 tlil s oilicc ml -3 I OR s U1 Groccrl store doing good business onli 10 rent Address BOt 375 tills oflice ml 3 I Oil stLi Gncr quick reasonable offer not refused 3d and Mass aie nw ml 3 TOR SUE Al lunch room on business street good reputation 20 yars See F A LIMiEIt J2U M st nw ml 3 ttLlUHE INlENTION lVtent jiut allowed will M l whole intere it or manufacturing right cost PS letall 1 inoilel 1120 9th st nw apl3 KR SIE To close an etate owner just dies leaung a valudble unexpired lease on two ad joining houses 31 rooms exceptionally vwll lo cated in Northwest Newly furnished through out Filled with exeeptionall good paing and IKrrranent people An unusual oiportunitj Ad dress BOX 37C -is olhce apl 7t lOR StLE Grocer aud provision store North west cheap Address BQ j7Ptlin orhcev eSl 3 lOR Stl li Neat linen and ilimng room loca tion lentral will invoice- or sell a a whole Address BOX 360 this ollice C31 3 11R SIE Grocer anI confectionery store lo cated in northwest good luilniKft stood reasons for selling Address BOX 3C4 till onicc m31 3 lOR SUE Groccrv stiirTjsmonthlyaales JLfsrl grnuiuc bargain NEW tORK BLSINin BltOh 1 Its 611 F st iii31 3 lOR IsUF Steam laundr tenito ill health NEW BROKHtS Oil 1 large profits easy lOKk lHMNEsi mil J StlE troeerv ttire goosl location bar W II tOfNfi 70o MIL si mil 3 BID nil IN LOIIU1II or no clurge II D GORIKiS Ijwier 615 Hth st nw mh31 6t LOST LOST lilt STIMiMI Frnni 917 1 st nw a ynun white and black fol limir Kn named llnk Itiwaril if returned in2 3 IOsT On White House rounds I i tir Jlomlat a laihs hand satchel tsuitaining child s 1 loth s Under plcjse address JIKS M SMITH lit attsville Mil ml Kl T March 31 tli st or IlrigMunou ave lines dianiiind shaHsi photorulh of voung girl Cline dinst Keturu 10 IU this oihoo il2 Kls T slnij altiiiioon m ntllwet seclmii white IlKlish setter dug with black sts III uard if ictunied to li7 Q st nw J Illllll -ON el 3 Ml T On t ave Utwecii M and P sts or Jl st betwfiu nth and 1 tlh sts a tab umbrella Reward if returned to lth and Jl sts ml 3 1 r T One diamond earring Lileal reward tf Klurnrel to 3li Maine ate A ll NNirrr ml 3 FOUND IOL Nil t l acees most modern lee cream fac tory in Atiiellta delicioui chocolates vanilla ani t trawbeny ice cream made f 0111 tne fruit not the acid 90- kt callun ALo Ijcrys sjieclal 70c per gallon e flicc 007 cw lork Ave Phone JIain 93 1 dcIO tf FOR EXCHANGE MX KINDS of gold 50C a week ae 1 illit j openul as low as - J DlilKhEK 12th and Pa ale our ilanv Hat Store in2 i MI hlNHs of solid gold jtwilrj 1 down 1 a week 1 Dltk hkt It 12th and la ave our Hails Hat More m 3 SI1M It C II T1 IRVINE HtCS Jl down l a week J Illtl hhl It 12th and Pa ave Room 3 over Davis Hat tore nil 3 HV IIHIW IIMtlK for best oiler chicken prifrncd It P rllhl 1113 I tt nw ln2 3 WALL PAPER NOLTF hll 9th st nr is constantly receiving the latest aud lnot attiactivc desiitns in Wall Pai ers and papers rooms fiom J2 00 up Call and iuiestisste for Jujreif and be convinced mil tf FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS Kill RENT Three unfurnished housekeeping 3 WTK st Tie lath m2 3 FOR RENT Three W four unfurnished rooms second floor IJOSJMhiist nw mi 3 I OR RENT I front room for couple also furntshedfrooms for gentlemen Ad dress BOX 3i tins oflice m2 3 Mill RENT Four unfurnished rooms for seeping u lam st nw ei j JOB RIXT Large unurni Jied front room access to hath only 4 perLmontli 11 I st ne el 3 FOR RENT Four unfurnished room modern im provements 911 4th st nw el 3 mil RENT Two second floor luck rooms with hath heat and gas fl 110 Wh st nw el 3 KIR RENT--TWO or three rooms heat light gas bath second floor terms moderate 12 F st ne ml 3 FOR RENT Two unfurnished front rooms one with lay window botli well lighted and newlr papered light housekeeping 333 E St ne ml 3 I OR nENT Three unfurnished rooms light housekeeping private family references required tlla 3d st nvr ml 3 FOR RENT Three rooms third floor heat gas to two adults SI2 1313 lltli st nw ml 3 FOR RENT Two furnished rooms for light housc keeping 522 2d St nw ml 3 FOR RENT Three fine rooms newly papered south front second floor Iieat gas bath 13 month 1425 W st nw cJl S FOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms second floor 1 sw isi su nw eat j FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms bath gas and heat no children 412 P st nw e31 3 TOIl RENT Two unfurnished rooms second floor light housekeeping 12S F st nw c31 3 TOR HENT 1120 9th si nw furnished rooms hcssekceping reasonable etl 3 FOR bath RENT Two unturnishca Owner 603 A st t private esll 3 TOR RENT Two unfurnished rooms and liath for housekeeping S13 O nw mSl3 FOR RENT Three unfurnished communicating rooms light housekeeping allowed -917 7th st nw m31 3 FOR RENT Roonvs The Astoria Id and O sts nw central location modern m21 tf FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS TOR SALE 9 piece toilet sets special 14S new patterns ERIE it HornOOD Sth and K sts nw m2 3 lOR StLE Gas range with hot water attach ment heap good as new MllfcS HOIWOOD Sth and K sts nw m2 3 toil StlE Milk can three openings suitable for dairy lunch FRIES 4 HOIWOOD Sth and K sts nw m2 3 TOR SUE Large gasoline stoves slightly used rRIES 4 HOIWOOD Hh and K sts nw m2 3 FOR S ME Furniture slightly used ee our clock before you bur FRIES A HOPWOOD Sth and K sis nw Trleplronc Mam 2756 2 m2 3 TOR StlE Lunch room fixtures Sec us FRIES HOIWOOD Mil and K sts nw SIICItL One gallon fine old California port sherry blackberry catawha or claret wine for 75e 1 box 24 liottles fine lager beer for 75c Delivered in unlettered wagons TII0S It RIAH HS 423 4ii stisr Phone Main lO0o 3 p2 tf jV FOll SALE fine Jerev lieifcr 10 montlis old Address BO 397 tins office ml FOR SALE Brown Legnorn eggs for setting 5 cents each good stch 1031 2d st nc el 3 FOll StLE Portable oien cheap 200 6th st se- lll el lOIl SUE C02 M si se one sewing machine kitchen table foldhU Jsjecl invalid c halr and other furniture must he sold trefore taturda cl KHU SAIJvTwo uJiiiaippies tood breed 615 N St nw ml 3 a TOR StLE Barred Kick eggs Thomiion strain l for 13 WHITrSinilLTRV l IIUS fjt lliattsville ild ml 6 FOR StIE iicriflct fouchr half price good as new 2203 J4tlr rrw ml 3 FOR SLK laTinc city exceptionally fne furniture ot etzlidu OLxmi residence ined lcis tJiaajiix iconUssij9olitibnt3 beiii 10 Iat lor nuitc 15 Mild nialutaDj Jtbrary tate music cabmtt CW puno for 5 1 neluti break fast taMct pier mirrort Imlrootn suites W up odd dreera 12 up ctufEonicrs ladies Uresiiip t si til a jnr riiinlAr1ss srtclil tiisinw nt REAL ESTATE THE MILLER SHOEMAKER REAL ESTATE COMPANY Inc 1323 S2D STREET X IV Phone West 40 FOR SALE The prettiest home in Tenleytown lot 60x200 house 50 feet fromsroad shade fruit trees shrub bery and all the incidents of an ideal home six rooms and all outbuildings Price 3500 Terms to suit HOUSE ON POTOMAC STREET Within 200 feel of Georgetowns principal mar ket lot 22 feet front frame house Could be readily adapted to business1 purposes Price 1450 This is one of the best bargains we have to offer Two beautiful little brick and sandstone homes near 29th and N its 4300 each Owner will take 250 cash and 25 per month A fine manufacturing site south of the canal LOTS 15xX450 each We tave five of these djoii mp and are xevy cheap Residence street Two frames 13 per month FOR INVESTMENT Water and Price 1957 titic desirable pieces at your own jince 431 Lline l13 write Inh st nw s e31 FOR StLE Standard sewing machine must be sold at once Address- BOY 372 thts iiiee e3l 3 Mill SU E Two 5 fojt showcases e313 - KIR SMI Dirt wsgon good as new reasonable I OK Hear of 14U2 st 616 G St se FOR SUE Cheap large Jackson Ice lwx i good corditlon 3159 O st nn c31 4 FOR SLE Ciicap ssiuare top Knabe pianq 113 Pierce Place nw mil 3 I OK SUK Cheap larpe ice box French plale glass front Call Ml 1 st nir m31 3 rOIt SALE goods silk lace curtains portieres blankets comforts mens and lioys clothing lldics suits coats skirts waists etc weckh pajments drop postal I call J03FI1I CMIN 237 Pa aie nw rnhJO 7t I OK SUE- r ggs for hatching black Jlinorca S L Wyandotte while Ihmculli Kock Noitli rup i llanklnv strains 1 OJ per 13 11 BACON llranchvllle Jld m2ts C I OOK 50c cash 25c weekli lace curtains por tieres rugs table linen tabic covers toueli blankets comforts sp cadi quilts sheets pillow esses toilet and dinner ware sllver platctl ware lamps vaes clocks albums Bibles etc Address BOX 2ss tlii oilicc Kill call with samples C29 7 Kill SALE The best standard typewriter 33 JIOOKK BROS Iloo n 2 91s F t phone 17S6 3 mhl7 tf e IOII SI On credit drcs goods suits pet ticoats curtains mens clothing Address BOl 61 this offlee mhlO 30t FOR SvLI 3 for Sforris chairs with lair cush ion for hair mattress in two parts oak arm rockers 14S licdroo n and arlor suites lt per week ItLDMONDS 211 313 7th st nw c9 tf FOR S ME Good quality opaeue shades fitted to your windows only 25c the test quality cil opaque shades 50O hung free mil call with simples LLIllLATTt nth and II si Phone Fsst 25 D elO tf FOR SALE nORSES AND VEHICLES Kill SUK Cheap good grocery wagon horse and harncsis al o larije iic box 320 lltli St se Iii2 Kilt SMI fast pjeing ho se 7 years old and a emtio famili mare years old also 1 road cart and a line llituliout alirost new gentlcinin liavin the city wilt sell at a sacrifice 1413 11 St lit l2 3 I OK SMl Next ttn dais 25 new and second luid tr tia surtcis runabouts Ijjitoi s slid griKirv wuguns jlso stock of lurness no rea sonable offer rifiisisl 501 K st nw m2 J e omplete nearl a i IIML 3d and C sts ml 3 I OR h MI lliree llghr businesi waoils Ill qulie 77 Jlarslind ave sw ell 7 TO BE PO IT1M l u SOIl WITIIOl T R 1R E eienttcn horni s anct pures suitjblc for six busiue se welshing fiom liJO to lo pounds al ei good eiriiiiig holM c po r isonable offer rt fused Reside net 21a4 nt nw e3i 7 nK SME Tao y Jprses suitable for nnd famili eir busimi s purposes also waguii bngge and luine ss all at residence - Indiana ave 1 I 1 I 1- horse nwV hftrr i I- e II- cheap c31j I I IT TO HI SOI D vilcJrwry and daiton biisinei s jnd other- bugiiiu Si IIV N 1210 Ohio ate Iyer t eJl 3 Kilt tlish eeit iinder trap 111 fine condition CIO I tnw e3l 3 KUt SVII Two eeiurtg Wirsen in perfect eoniii tnin but too lisht fur our Work llnI OMpNijiirir st nw ett 1 OK s M E One road wagon in good condition 1 W 1 I LS fill anI A st se 31 3 foil SM E Horse surrey harness de cheap guar ntecd sound and gentle 1313 s st nw IH31 3 FOR RENT OFFICES 1 lit KENT Ofieos in llliss Building opposite Capitol electric I11I1I telephone janitor service free i up ROOM S mi2Mf FOR RENT OR SALE SUBURBAN FOR ItKNl OR SMl Station Prime eorge Co Jld Baltimore and Potomac Rail road store slx 100111 house one twentv aere farm It F IIINMV Dyers Mill 13th and C sts nw el 1 FOR SALE LOTS loll SLL Or will cxiluiififr tor PliilaiUlpliia property tw hret cj w mean fj unt loU clur near btatiun at I llrjutli N J J W WHKUT 1J11 irjisdwii fct PlnU IcIpliu wL31 Ct sewerage raying LET US HANDLE YOUR PROPERTY We have exceptional facilities for renting and we take the best of economical care of property entrusted to us Wo make prompt settlements for rentals paid ta The best class of tenants come to us and de pend on us ill you have av icant home let Uf et a tenant les ssx We s3rrtisa liberally our office is central and accessible property to mU It will be to your interest to place it with us 90 per centre buy ers ccme ton - Local and Long Distance I08f Telephone Mala 3155 STONE FAIRFAX 80S AND 808 F ST K W FULTON R GORDON 704 14th st nw Telephone Main 598 2 HOW TO OWTv A UODtRN HOME NEAR MT PLEASANT ON JsM TO 100 CtSH AND 15 TO 20 MONTHLY ONLY A LIMITED NUMBER TO BE SOLD ON THESE TERMS FOR FULL PARTICULARS DROP POSTAL OR TELEPHONE TOR NEW 16 PAGE ILLUSTRATED BOOKLET rXAT ETC OF KORTH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS INGLESIDE AT THE TERMINUS OF THE 1CTH ST CAB LINE IN THE BEST PART OF MOUNT PLEAS ANT ECONOMICAL BUILDING LOTS SELLING MUCH CHEAPER THAN THE PROPERTY VATEtt AND HEWER EASY TERMS LOCATION DUB NORTH OF WASHINGTON HEIGHTS WEST OF COLUMBIA HEIGHTS AND BOUND ED BY 18TII AND LOWrLL STREETS COLUM BIA AVENUE AND INGLESIDE TtRKACE DIMENSIONS ALL LOTS 50 AND 60 FEET FRONT SOME TRIANGULAR 127 FEET FRONT IN DEPTH FROM CO FEET TO 130 FEET ALL TO It FOOT ALLEYS IV CL0SIVG OUT A LARCE TRUST ESTATE THESE LOTS WILL BE SOLD AT PRICES MUCH BELOW THOSE ASKED FOR ADJOIN ING PROPERTIES TERMS TERMS WILL BE MADE TO SUIT EVERT PURCHASER H R0ZIER DULANEY 1320 F XOTSf LOTS Your chance is HERE For the rext Thirty Days we will sell you a lot 25x125 3123 aquarir test in the finest suburban location cf the District HIGH HEALTHY AND SCENIC The Washington Traction electee cars to your door for ONE Kit FAKE 1 C cents rmCh 273 per lot TEHMS 10 eg balance in monthly parmenti Tills propcrt is xiluated between the Conduit Road and Jheelettnc TaUwar 8h EN MINI TLb from Georgtuwn The United States Govern ment maintains the Conduit Hoad and spend tLbout sW -annually cm the VpKKluet See th homes built by purcliaserj Every Iiou tc in this section U occupied Why pay 3ue rier loot for nroDertv not o adcantatreouslv situated Tlifprowth of the city Li in the direct Call or for Free Booklet CLARK 1333 F ST NW Sole agents for Conduit Road properties REASONS WHY It VouM be to your advantage to let us manage your real estate our olace is in tne nest location surrounded bv the tour moot important car lines In this citr We have a large and competent force of salesmen and clerks We adverlise very liberally We give personal attention to each and every branch of the busi ness Wc also give particular attention to ezclung imr nronertv Yt e Iiave modem houses to exchange for old houses improved property for vacant ground WE 11LNT 1I0USES OIE US A TRIAL SIOOHB li HILL Inc 717 14th St N W W 0 DENISON REAL ESTATE 923 F STREET W W FOR RENT HOUSES FOR KENT 1 3d sf near Pension Olhcc desir able 12 loo n houe hey fiH 3d st nw m2 Z IOII KENT 11 Irtli st se 6 rooms cellar and bath price 27 Lnqutle 133 st ne ml 3 JOIiKKNT A twelve room brick on Ji sL near S2il Could be splendidly utilized as a boaidinx houe Pyice S per month THE siiokmkii niL ijjtate cojipany Uh2l tf PERSONALS ERVIN MILLON nMRJtntNT PALjiisr 911 P iork ave nw He tells your lianie object of visit or any thing sou wish to know 011r future evcrv thing levejleil Hours 9 to 9 lies famous read ings r ml OLD M lMKHihdttfJaino natdiex war rantsl l a urtk JlUL KhKIt 12ti jnj Va ire mr Hjij Hat ml MMK I It IidttpUmp l ic ju t tlnnir I Cuttii 2K a VWK 1 I1KLKKKK lztu ami 1j iu ocr Davia Hat ml UK UCmi 1LIJMs ormerh at the Pjnc ileto ttudto h now at the Itoic r Muilm 1T r st wlcrc lie will Lc plca I to ieo hw frleiuN ami patrons cl 6 SPIKITl UIM VLHIH 11 TKRU MeIium will LOiduct a mtetmj WedntMla Anl i at 8 p in T J1 C kly sWitdnt daih t T III- h KSTHt UEHC anl still we aderti5t for the M rLIiinnen and offer to them the hr t tlitiif f the Kan sprniff tmu or oicrcoaU iTijit y the Ut tailuri in Wiuihuiston Dnl liKlitl aexl audmiKh better tlun x of that new ttlfl tlut ion ny at marked down prH e to unt the jor man iir s nnn Open ing JTSTIFN Of I STVNI fl I st t31 7 it o F r L Tvv FVLMlsT LUt0 T Lnir sic NTS soc TelN from cradle to Rrac 4y H ST W e3i2 KKADINO I intuitiotial ulnu tr 513 12th st nw Mcond flur Hours 12 to b p m Wall UP- m31 3 SURETY LOAN CO Jd floor Warder Bldg 523 th st n IOluNS ON 1 Cllls 11 MMs t JIHhLltV udiJU Tt SIM T11L0 Card licadcr ralmist Mcdiuui rtemoies spells reunites the srpjratnl kivcs luck Cernian sposru V29 II st mi t3c Uc inli29 6t MJIK I WIS Horn flalrvoyant ami Card Header Tells about business removes spells evil influ ences reunites the separated and iics luck cuies piles and drunkenness 122S 2jth 6t nwr c DR LEATHERMAN Expert ppefialtst In cure of all acute and chronic ailments f Mnplalnts of the digestive organs nervous and blood disorders quickly cured Consultation free 602 F St N W H K FULTONS Loan Office 3M NINTH STREET N W lionet Loaned on Watches Diamonds Jeivelrjr -to 010 COM SSU SILVFR noUGIIT Duslness strutly tonfidentul No connection with ani other Loan Ollice in the cit RAILROADS WASHINGTON ALEXANDRIA AND MOUNT VERNON RAILWAY From SUtlon rernsylTania Are and 1354 St In effect November 1 1901 For Alexandria Week days-e-3074 730 S0O 89 839 02J 10 00 1025 Jl 00 11 30 a m Xl2 OS 1220 1245 X1 05 15 200 230 1302 3 30 359 xl14 4 33 34 5 08 x5 540 6 03 630 705 1iS0 800 845 930 1015 1120 HJ9 pm Sundara 745 9 00 945 1030 1100 1130 a rn I2 00 noon 12 30 100 1 30 2 00 230 300 330 4 00 430 500 S30 6 00 6 SO 100 7S0 8 00 815 930 1015 1120 1150 p m For Mount tcrnon Week days 30 8 00 10 00 1100 a m X12 05 xl05 230 Jt3 02 X414 X522 7X 9 30 p m Sundays 9 00 a iru 1200 noon 200 40 80 7 O0 90 p m For Arlington and Actueduet Bridge Week days 630 7 04 7J0 SM 859 851 925 10 00 11 00 a m 125 1220 12ir 1 05 125 2 00 230 3 02 3 JO 359 M33 UAt t22 603 6 JO 704 8 00 p m SUNDAYS 743 9 00 9 45 1030 1100 11 30 a m 12rf noon 1230 1 00 M30 2 00 2 30 3 O0 330 40 430 800 S SO 00 6S0 700 -730 8 00 p m x Express 7 Arlington only Parcels carried Isaggage checked J COLVIX Snperintoiltnt O E ABBOT President CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RY TRAINS LEAVE PENNSYLVANIA STATION 3 00 P if DAILY Cincinnati and St Louis Special Solid train for Cincinnati Pullman Bleeperj to Cincinnati LevinjtOD Loutsrille In dianapolis and St Louis without change Con nection for Vlrmnia Hot Spring Dining car Parlor Cars Cincinnati to Chicaa o 1110 P M DA1LY F F V Limited Solid trainjor Cincinnati Pullman Sleepers to Cincin nati Leiington and Louisville without chancre Compartment sleeper to Mrcinia Hot Springs daily except Sunday Dlnunj car Iblcepcri Cincinnati to Chicairo and St Louis 10S1 A M EXCEPT bUNTMY WashinRton and OldPoint Special Less than 5ti hour train to Old Point Comfort Tia Richmond Only all rail route Reservation and tickets at Chesapeake and Ohio offices 513 Pennsylvania Aenne 000 14th Street near F and at the station Telephone caIt Main 1441 for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab Service IL W FULLER Telephone Main 1056 Gen Passemrcr Aaent LOW RATES TO PACIFIC COAST 4800 Victoria Seattle Vancouver Portland Tacoina Canadian Tactile Ttailway 1229PaAve STEAMBOATS NORFOLK WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT COMPANY Every day in the year from foot of 7th - st for Ft Monroe Norfolk Newport News - and all points south by the wuperb power- - ful atel palace steamers Xewport Ncmts - Norfolk and Washington Lv Washington 630 pm Lv lortemouth5 00 pro Lt AIezandna700 pm Lt XorfulIcflOO pm Ar Ft Monroe 700 am Lt Ft Monroe700 pm Ar Norfolk 800am Ar Alexandria 6 30 am Ar Portsmouth 8 15 am Ar Washington 00 am ilSTor further information annlr at ccn roau caD service eral ticket office Bond BuHdinj ltth and n iirTrinvtnv - N V are or 7th t VharfWashinfftonD C cnV wa eV snw ji UALLAIIAX Ueneral Manager Only 35 Minutes to Alexandria By Washington and Alexandria Ferry Steamers of The Washington Steamboat Company Limited AlexadJna Kerry from 7th St Kerry Wharf ROUND TRIP 15C New Schedule in effect April 1 1902 Week Day a m 010 6 40 730 8 JO 10 00 10130 11 30 p m 1230 100 2S0 313 415 5 00 520 and 6 0I LEUE ALEXaVDRU Week Days a m 550 050 730 810 913 945 loli 1130 p m 12 30 1 30 230 313 413 450 313 and 00 LEAJE WASIIINOTOV AVD M EXDRI V SUNDAJS A Jl 930 1030 1130 p m 1230 130 230 i 430 5 30 and 63U JOHN IL PADGI nT Jencral Jfanajerj FOR MOUNT VERNON HOME AND TOJin OF V SHlNGTOf Daiii Sunday lxcepted IIIOX STEAJIEIl CIIVRUS JIVCMEsTtR Heated throughout by steam Leaves 7th St Wharf 13 a m and 115 p o mves st WashinRton 110 and 5 15 p m OCEAN STEAMSHIPS AMEKICAVlEr En 1 0KK SOLTii AJIPTON LCXDOS Ft PauL Apr 2 10 am I PhllphiaAprIljIuam bt Louupr 9 10 am 1st Paul pr 23 10 am R1D STAK JalNl NEW JORK ANTWERP PRIS FricsUnd Apr 2 noon Pe inandprH 3 p m Soulhwark Apro nooni adeeiainLApr 16 noon INTHtNtTldVtl A ICATION CUJIPAMi COMPANlS WASIHNCTOX OFUCt ISM F St N J or Ceo V JIoss Hll O c X W FOR SALE SUBURBAN FOR SMK fine house and outbuildinffschcap THK1 F W1LLK Cinndalc Jld mil SOU S LL New cottase 1830 advaneins lots now FW to JW 2c foot your ciiancc now villa sites IC0 to 1350 easy payments btiok let GIO 11 HILL 615 Iltlut nw m2j tf IlREN nOOD MD One car fare to District line lots 5 minutes walk beyond District 4125 to 250 a few lots 50x2A still oScied at 125 on monthly payments of 5 Lnnulre U A IHKT1JTT Uan and Trust Dullding mh29 26t tOIt SALE t Woodaide Md 9 room cottage hath hot acd cold natrr1 windmill furnace two third- of an acre of ground situated on the Tth t t pike price 3S00 terms to suit II F LLIGUTON Columhun bhk -116 5th st nw - mi G FOR SVLF Four 3 t10icom houses at Ilerwyn Md larce t round- pUnti of fruit shade and outbuildings eloe to team and electric rail way t chtup to close an estate hnquirc of JOHN J L CO C17 F nw or Beiwyn Md m G FOR SALE HOUSES lOIt Sin 3d st ne near K 0 rooms anj bath side and icar alhv rint 13 price 1 Iioine investment 12111 Vvlie St U rooms and bitli unre J1K1 iasv ttnns ISM K St se Groom bruk price l550 5irt th st se store and kwhI lot price 1y HUNK A II UKISON Warder lijihllng 9th and 1 sts HOUSES FOR SALE Near Ooternmcnt Fnrtinff Olflce I laxe manv desirable liouye suitable ftr hoinert or in rancms in price frum 250 to OVJO If jou are M rkin a honu xn thu or a proprrtt thit will rent well it will juj ou to get m lit of iroperties JOrlH 1 W1LLFR IIonet Dialing in IleaJt Tel F ST4 Lrz F ht nw KUt sI K We lute ceteral cood lmetments in orthnr t j1j rrnteil Lo sevt al good burgaiiH in Nurtbeait hcrther particular at riNS A OVh W7 lltli t n ml 3 BIRDS DOGS ETC 10R iLt bingins canaries parrots eats dogs rabbits guinea pi S3 fancy po ilirj pca fonU oUfisIies incuUtori ttn SCUM IDS RIID STORK 712 12th tt nw ml tf MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE MONEY TO LOAN At 4i and 5 Por Cent OV ItlAL LSTATK IV T C 10 DLLAi Bb0NI 1 A MUNATIOV OF TITLE WALTER H ACKER TOl Hth St N V MONEY TO LOAN At 4 1 2 and 5 Per Cont ON REM ISTVTn IX I C NO DELAY BhOM V511N VTION Ol TITLli PLANT TURPIN National Sate Deposit Buildlnir 1123 X Y Ave DERMATOLOGY Dlacktesdi jjnplw en- 1 lsreed po es reJ nose snti oUr kl pos Hvclr cured SKSN Csllorilt JOHN It WOODBURY DU lUh sad I Stieeu X W ssklajtiss fiAlXfiOAD PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD STATION CORNER OF SIXTH AXD B STH T A M DAILY PITTSnURO EIPRFS PartsSt and Dinlnj Cars Ilarrlsburz to Pittsbunj 10 SO A M DAILY PESSYLVAXiA UMITED Pullman Sleeplnj Dining Smoking- and Ob serration Cars Ilarrlsburr to Chlcaco Oncia natf Indianapolis St Louis CleTsUnd and Toledo Buffet Parlor Car to 0v iA FASr Parlor Car to Harrisburj Bullet Parlor Cat Uarrisburg to MtUburt 3rski1ALYI CIIICACO AVD ST LOUIS LAI iflESS SIeeriinir Car nihinRton to St Louis and Sleeping and Dining Cars UarrUburs to Indisnapoll st Louis Louisville via Cin cinnati and Chicago 713 r M DAILY ST LOUIS Sleeping Car Ilsrrbiburg to St Louia 743 P Jf DAILY WESTERS Sleeping Car to Pittsburg and Chlcaco Dining Car to Chicago 7ii CLEVELAND AND asaf IATI EWRESSruIlmn Sleeping Cars Wavlv initon to Plttsbiu ir and Hsrrhibiu s to Oev land ana Cincinnati Dining Car 1040 P Jf DAILY PACIFIC EXPRESS-Pun-man Sleeping Car to Pittsburg 7MA BUFFALO DAY EXPRESS with through Parlor Car Dining Car and Coiclies to Buffalo via Emporium Junction 7M A If for Kane Canandalgna Rochester and Magara Falls daily except Sunday WJ A M or Elmir d ltenovo daily nopt Sanaa r For Ytilliamsport daily 3S0 P J 715 P U DILY BUFFALO MOOT EXPRESS With through Buffet Sleeping Car sad Coaches m uiiaro via rnponum Junction 45 P M DAILY for Erie for Rochester Baffito and Niagara FalU dally eaeent Saturday with Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester 10 40 P M for Erie Canandalgua Rocheiter Buffalo and Niagara FalU daily Pultaaa Sleeping Car Washington to Fochester Sstur daya only JL CONGRESSIONAL U1HTFD daily for New York all Tarlor Cars with Dinls Car from Baltimore For Philadelphia New York nnd the East Express 7 00 Dining Csr 757 Dining Car 1000 Dining Car 104J and 1100 Dining Car from ttilmington A VI 12 45 S13 450 Dining Car from Caltimore 6 M 10 00 P M 1110 night On Sundaya 7 orv Dinirc Car 757 Dining Car 809 1025 11 00 Dining Car from 11 llmington A aU 115 315 40 Dining Car from Balti more 4150 1000 P L liI0 night For Phlladeipha only Ki press 745 A JL 12 15 P M wcelt uays J 01 410 and 540 P If daily For Boston without change 745 A U weev diys and 40 P JL daily For Baltimore 815 70 715 7 50 7 57 tN 1000 1023 10 50 1100 A JL 1213 1245 128 20Ir J13 3 30 400 Limited 4fl0 420 4 JB 430 540 013 6 50 715 71 1000 1040 1135 P JL and 1210 night Oa Sundays 700 750 757 9 00 0 05 1025 10 JO 11 00 A JL 1215 115 Itl 315 3 30 4 00 Limited 410 420 4 50 540 tt15 0 50 715 745 1000 1010 P JL and 12M night For Popes Creek Line 713 a m and 433 p m weekdays For Annapolis 700 0 00 A Jf 1215 anI 511 P Jf week days Sundays 900 A JL and 640 P JL Via Delaware River Bridge only all rail route 1245 p m week days throuzb Pullman Buffet Parlor Car 410 p m and 1210 night daily Via Market Street Wharf 9 00 Saturday only 10 25 a m 1215 p m week days 1210 night daily Ticket eHces corner Fifteenth and O Streets nd at the station Sixth and B Streets where orders oan be left for the checking of baggar to destination from hotels and residences Telephone call 1441 for Pennsylvania Rail J R WOOD eneral Passenger Asent SOUTHERN RAILWAY Schedule correctci to March 25 11X1 Trains leare innn iennsjlranla Station 6 01 a nu Dailjr Local for ilaxriiODbui TTar renlon Cliarlotte and way stations 10 51 a m Dail Washington Richmond anj Florida Limited ilTSt claas coach and drawin room sleeper to Jacksonrille Dining car tcemce 1115 a m Dai I United State J ast lull coaches and draw njf room aleeper to ISew Orleans Dining car serrice 1137 a- m Dailj Local for WaiTcntcn and Charlottesville 4 01 p m We k Days Local far Harrison burg and way stations on Manilas t ranch i 30 p in Daily Local for Warenton and CliarlottesTiile 6 35 n zn Week days The Southern Talni Ltmitrd AIL Pullman train ew Tort ami Uftj4iIniton to Aiken Aiusta and St Aaus tine Kla composed of club compartment drawing room and obserration cars Dining car service 920 p m Daily Washington and Chatfanoojl Limited via Lynchburg lrstrlass coach and tlef pin j car to ItoanoVe KnoiTilIe Chatinooa and Memphis aleeper to New Orleans Dining car se Tice 950 p m Daily Xew Tork and Atlanta Ex press Fir t coach and ilecper to Atlanta Mcndavs Wednesdays and Fridajs Sunset Rout Tourist sleeper W ashing ton to ban Fran cuco rulliran buSet service 955 p m Daily New ork and Florida Ex fresf iint class coach and sleeper to Savannah Jackson v til and Fort Tampa aleeper to Sum rfcrvillc Charleston Anjrusta and to Thorca ville Ca end connection for Aiten Dimnj car service 10 -15 p m Daily Wahmgton and Southwest em Limited AU Pullman train club and obser vation rara to Atlanta and Macon sleepers ta Atlanta Macon Memphis Xew Orleans Daily except Saturday to Fmcliurst N C Din ing car serrice TRMNS OV BUTMOVT HR VNCIL Leave ahmffton 9 -01 a m daily X w p m and p m wek days and JJ25 p m Sua da a only for Blucmont and 435 p nt and C5 p ra veek days anj llW p m theatre train Mondaj s Wednesdays and Saturdays for Lees burp Throifih trains from the South arrir TTash mgton 1 12 a m 6 52 a ra 733 a m 10 15 a m daily except iiendajs 200 p m 0 0 p m and 9 CO p ra daily Local trains from 11 37 a in week days and 9 0 p m daily fron Chariot tenille 3a a in and 910 p m daily Ticiets sleeping car reservations and detailed information can be had at ticket offices 705 15th St 511 rennylTaiua Arenue and rennsylrama Station Ba rgaee checked through from hotels and residences Thone 31am Hll P R R Cab Serrice C II ACKLRT Ceneral S 11 IURDUICK Oene al Paar Agent L S- BROWX General Agent VIA HOME SEEKERS AND COLONISTS RATES B 0 R R TO California Washington and Oregon Points 48 Proportionate reductions to Inter me3iate points For full information apply at B 0 R R Ticket Offices 707 15th St 6ig Pennsylvania Ave and Depot Hew Jer sey Ave and C St SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Capital City Route Leave Wa nton Pcnna IL R Station 02t AtVlfct AUOVRD AiT 2III Hirou5 DAILY lullman bieeper to Jackwnulc connecting at Uainlet nith iull man Sleeper to Atlanta 700 P rfl FLA V X D METKOrOLIT VX DAILY IIMHM iQhiI train to fct Au euatine 1ullman Iirawim Koom CVmiart ment Obaerration and Dimm Cari aUo rull man Sleeper to tlanta Iullman sleeper Tie--das Tliurudjjj and i Jturdjs to frouthtn Wncj 1inehurat Thrse train olrr excellent eheute and yerice to Peters-burg- Kaleigh Southern Pinea lne hurst Camdtn Columbia savannah JacLson lle and all Florida point Charlotte Mhen i tlanta Xew Orleans CliatUnoosa ashTilIe mi West and Southwest 30A Wl LOCAL To Petertburs Haleigh DAILY Southern Pine Iinehurst Ham let and Intermediate points Offlre ltl Penna ave It la BUNCH TV II DOLL General Pass Agent Ceneal AsenL FOR RENT STABLES l OIt II F VT Brick suble with lolt of SU i 4 St sw 1 5 In real ell 3