HELP WANTED FEMALE J T 13 rtKl K1Y V tam asking if lw e ij a an I our CT two linings will M Ki - a j cells iniimif -tamp v i n Adh 4 yr fnti i am utiili oil PvJ Tui Ohio m fl Vnl lnhilic lady to work at 1 m ii 1 or I lavs trial tl Mil fal r lllllS EXGWALL lJiiilc Jnsiltll I Mcagn 1U1 WANTED--Few ladle to lis copying at home no ch1 salary inese Ktflrop V VHIIEN rllEJIICAl lAMPAXY Detroit iiuii 1 W NTFD 1 hid- white or colorcl girl e as sist in h Mid ittntl t children 801 Ilt no ml tt VNTED Fxpcrincc 1 white woman or girt preferred for tiding anil hnis wer sin niglm 2Io ISlh tt nw - R artist young laily to hw one wlm nuVrstamL imenritiiir nrrferred morn ings tins Apiilv earl mc nnnc 1110 Mav WANTED Waist hands sleeve hand am help M a on c U s lDtli - nw el WANTED colored woman to took nash awl inui cfcrrii c New Jersey ave - ol Vt ANTED ttliitc Klrl or settled innng woman for gcncnl liou wirk n ill famils no wash ins iwrnanent place ard rood home tor right per on Appl Til iin h mr 2 W Yonnff woman as teiphoncoierator quick intelligent accurate ami neat previous experience desirable Address UOX le7 this of fice rt WANTED Girl to sing illustrated songs BOX 102 this offlce tl WANTED-I-adv ticket seller miil have Pk cash security tnri BOX VJ till- otHre el AX ANTED Jliddle ogcd white woman to ilo light housework Za New York arc nw VINTKD Ten ealc waitress f week tor this city totiajr WOKS HOTEL AGENCY 12lii ft and Pa are e27 2 WANTED An experienced saleslady for dry goods store 131fi 7ti at rear WANT- V girl for general housework 7 12 niontll jSd Harvard st nw AVASltB Yourelady for ontside position I10X 1S this olrlce WANTED Colored girl 15 or 10 years old to cook and do housework no rasliing 403 II it ne oSS e WAXTED Ladies to learn SiIOimiAXU and TYPEWMTIXO after 7 p m C3 K st ne u2 3 WANTED Settled woman for care of infant nine months old references pood wacef Ap plv personallv 1023 lliehland are Cleveland 1 ark c2T 3 WANTED White girl who can run machine to nu dressmaker 330 II st ne cSG 3 HELP WANTED MALE FEMALE 512 WEEKLY copyinjr letters at home cither sex send stamp for particular KINfi MAN ITACTLTtlXO COSUANY 3 Warren ave Chl cajro ml HOME WOIIK monthly eopjinj letters either sex send two stamps for particulars HICKS SITPIY COMPANY 5054 Halstead St Ciiicago ml WANTED Work by first class laundress to taks home or do out by the day Apply 1S2S 31 st nw ml WANTED Uy reliable white cirl place as nurse or light housework will not leave city Address flOX 1T5 this office m29 2 WASTED 10 managers and 100 local and trav eling salesmen and salesladies for District of Columbia Virginia Maryland and Pennsylvania pictures mirrors and hooka on installments 1INMJ1E PUBLISHING CO 021 7th st n C2S 3 WANTED Hustlers to sell soda water fountain no charging of tanks make jour own syrups t rnpifte no fraud for 20 investigate great est invention out Address DOX 111 this of fie t2C 3 WANTED AGENTS VNTED Agents bright energetic men and wnm n t reTcscnt our business in their lo talitv buuneM high grade and profitable no t si required write at once for proposition Till SIMlAm F PITJLISHINt COMPANY 733 Majestic nuildinc Detroit Mich a STOP lirNAWAYS locket hitthing osts hitch lion s solid instantly carrj in pocket sight seller agent wanted POCKET HITCHINO POT COMPANY llichmond nL ml ANTED Active person to work at liome 30 aid tor 12 dais trial permanent if satis factory Address MANAGElt ENCWALL lake side Buildimr Chicago ml AGENTS are coining money selling the non pickable door and window lock sample 10c WTOMLSSIXG COMPANY 1 South 3th st Hcadinc Pa ml AOEXTS MAKE 30 a week selling Prudential yPocketbook price 5 which carry SS0 and pay 13 indemnity WILCOX 331 Broadway New York ml SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE WANTED Situation by English ladies maldf would not object to takinc charge of children Address G 1710 13th st ml WANTED Washing to do at home tlrst clats laundress Aply 410 It st nw ml IVANTEDSituation city or away by tfiV cient colored nurse chambermaid waitress ref erences 1013 New York ave ml f WANTED By cooking school graduate iiosi tion for the summer in hotel or boarding house or as housekeeper for private family Address BOX 1S3 this efflce e2S 3 WANTED Work by the day In families by one competent to cut ft and Unith dresses or any ether family sewing Address BOX 1CI this of fice e27 3 SITUATIONS WANTED MALE WANTED Position of setae kind by man with lrasinces ability and thoroughly reliable age 20 lit reference Addrtss BOX So2 this ofiice ml WILL PAY M to one set jring me Gov ernment jiosition as messenger or watchman liave passed examination for same Address VOX 133 this oHte inl WANTED By a man with engineering license position anywhere in vicinity Call or write to W C L 2215 9th st nw mls 2 WANTED ROOMS WANTED Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping with gas or gasoline until De- cembtr state price Address BOX lMi this utnee C2S 3 WANTED- Eurnished room in j DroltPjrl tr vicinity Address BOX 177 tills olnce inii 3 WANTED Two large or three small unfurnished rooms fcr light iicusckcepui oy fathtr aud daughter SIC IS st sw e7 3 WANTEIV 2 furnished rooms light housckeen inc nar Pateit Otfics Atidresa BOX JW this onicc nr2i 3 WANTED ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED By younc man room and lioard vltii private family in vicinity ol ColumbU Heights particulars Address BOX 17a this WANTED By elderly gentleman emplosed at llght room Lr xkfat and dlitoer vi lcr week 1H X 13K llris vttc c2fl 3 WANTED MONEY W S00 or 230 for five jean Will e cire deed of trust tn arinc 0 i r cent Intcr t tji real estate custinc 5j0 and which I Wive to lie worth r ore AdJreM llfll Illl 12f this tmce rJI ai WANTED H0RSFS TO PASTURE WANTED llortes to patu e at E35i no miitli fine low land plerti simile and water In vvery pas tire i lujuw jicrwjn u WANTED BICYCLES WANTli fIs ar gerts bin ties gos or ha1 Ar rei UliX lul tl i 27 3 V N V rl nd 1 i eles ihc LE EXOiIASGE 73 10th it ct niiJ S HELP WANTED MALE W INTK1 Kmk rirncnl collet tor with i nfiitne AiMie 1M SOS nil MANTVU Thiiin Apply at l1 I nw la2y 2 WANTED At Hp E si nw a pond irrainer and nisrdejcr nril i V ANTiJ rmeers f remen and elri rifinaj rid for sJ puire pinpMft ecll talilnt ptrjlir asscl liy enaminiK bviril of eTiinoers to ootjin enIieriV lie ie Art- r ntro a zruAi i iibiisiicr rocra rs li Jtist lilis Jlo WANTED doril man to trucl and collert in DUtrict of toluinlili oO Agkir to liexin no eperknce iiMijry tifen noes iend emiliiiie for particular- MANrrAC Triirll Tlt CC Dfltrhom t Cliica o ml WANTED llnKUt attive white Ixiy 15 jeirs old in menV turnidimtr store Apply 3V Ij ave nw m 2 WANTED- Vtmnz nun to take tlianre nitat stand in K M Mnktt Addrnu with ptieu lars ami rt fercmeo 1X llcl this olilce ml ENEHOETlf JIEN i make money dUtrilnt imr Hiniidts or loert Ii4ndlsi ttc We secure adtertisiiit matter for distribution tlirouhout the counlii and wml men to do the woik sootl Jiaj llllliN AtCHTllX llC llrcuil way uti Yoik ml U ANTID EiiH riintMl MleMiian to fill vacancy July l limit have ticsn record and ability to earn elV and exjienses iht month 25 wtekty adiuitc M V lUMEIt A- CO lld lcve land Ohio tnl WANTED Waiter colored must knov how to open oytcr iid clams and be able to read ami write i l Id ave nw nil for country trade- state ace n fe and allrv expetted EI PAHHi C N I C0JI1UNY M ml W WTED tncn 5 jwt wts k and vx Ienscs niaranteeil stdlin ehrmieai nfriirer nlli fr m ichiniis to hotels restaurant liutcbers and merchants cool all kinds of rririieratois tbeaper than ttx Also chemical ice tream frt7ii works automatii write fur territurv Iree sample CHEMICM IIEIllltilIIATU AND KKEEZElt COMPANY Mirtlnn I CheaKo ml WAXTT3D Ixical representative for our pub lication department ol ojieiiiajr for tho riht man must lie of gtiod addres education ind Inuiness cTpcrieme Apjdy THE TIMES IjOX DON 225 4th ave New- York fllj ml WANTID At once erperienceil traveling jleiren for Distrtt of Columbia We want salesmen no novice need apply UOX 311 liicago ml WANTED A lartcnder at 1133 H st ne cS 2 WANTED Young man aj telephone night op erator state experience Address BOX IcS this orJitc el WANTED Man to operate moving picture ma chine BOX 1gj this orbec el WAN ED Young man between If and -0 to sing illustrated songs Box 1U1 this office el WANTED Carriage washer In rear 30 C st se B F SHAW c2 3 WANTEIs Ten plasterers 1st and Albanv sts nw Apply to F E SMITH c25 3 1 VTt tk i Anrilaci inTiniiirlia anrl s 1 ji s iiiri viaan ri asusta Atii74 aim kj fx vrriUr Call at ZfPS Htli at nw 4th floor Mon day 4 lo5 30 el WAXTKI PIr active mercetic solicitors bis money fur pood workers Apply CH Tenth it ne eis z WANTED Younjj or middlo ae raan cf to do orlt in snare time state age and experience BOX 35of this of fice el AVAXTED 75 able bodied men lor railroad Kradm go to lieimy V a Call for in formation 802 10th st nw el WANTED Two Catholic men to sell a new atholie picture talary lb per ieek DINS MOE rULlHUXG 0 fi21 7th st nw ft 3 WANTED IJuycT and saltcman for retail frivh ireat department Audn a UOX 173 this ottee m 3 WANTED Hotel clerk experienced rtference and finrle for hotel out of city DICKa HO TEL AGENCY 12th st and lennhania ac WANTED Colorcd barWr for Hot Pprlncs Va with reerence 0 Mttk room lcard and fare DICKS HOTEL AGENCY 12th st and lennjl rinla are eiTZ WANTED Hotel storeroom man cxp ricnce reference ningle for out cf city DICKS HO ara rctmsnania ave Ci7 2 WjIMEl Experienc ml counter man good wjflt JIAKILAAU IALH KOOM 1VJ3 ar e27i WANTED Colored lalorcn and teamtera 123 pfi day S S DAlill Si OS 5H Honda ave n -77 WANTED Hrot tusliemsn on new work pood naici ttadv work Applr at once JJI TEIN k a 413 lltb t ni27 3 WANTED A j rang nun under 25 who Lnows Itou to repair sowing mac nine AuUretH VUX 103 tills ollke m27 i WANTED A handy blacksmith st nw Apply M7 tth m27 3 WANTTD Tlirrc iwjr with btcyclct to delUer Tinirr Call at 1420 5th at ntv c2C 3 WANTED Iants flnkner WE1NDEUG 62G I st nw Apply ELI AS e26 3 WANTED A youi man In wholesale Hquor store one vho can dress windoVs and make himsflf ttrjirally useful one whu ha a some trade desired must bae bitt reference Ad dress HOX 137 tins ofhee e2C 3 WANTED lien for industrial in5uranre Ap ply to W W CliSttELL tjupcrintendeut C13 F st nw e23 ll WANTED SUBURBAN WANTED nc acre of jrround m CViwluit Road prefer to deal uith ovncrsr 3JIIS NEVIN 012 Sth it nw aiter 4S0 p in mJ Z - - - - - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED rumitiirc cf air kind ttore and otlit c fixtures TRIES t HOrWOOD itJi ard K sU nn Telephone 27 JL m2S jl WANTED btmex ttc buy Moves We pay bij money for Moves Jhv us liefore jou jour tove FRIES k HOPttOOD fcth and K nut nw Telephone 27M M mJ Z GOLD RINGS ladhV and crntx at half price J DHUKKElt 1201 corner Ji ae and 12th i U ml7J 5 THE I ATKST In siltir lorgnette thainZ and lockets eaiy tetms J Dili KXKlt ViOl ctrner Ia ave and 12th L ujJtiUlri uvi Z CHATTELAlNEVATCilEs hJ DRrKKKR 12tirt aud Ia ae upstairs m2J 3 WILL IAY hiKjt i ath frr th nifejary asltanv to wrure me a Government kU thm Addrr BOX lUh this iHiif ml FLVj fAlm DIAMOND- tirlc stone or ciusien nngs an pmn etc caaii or n sht L Dill KKIJt 1L01 corn r 12th t and lj ave vptafrs m20 4 ILAJTERING eemertU calciniininz brlrk virk uhitcwajJnnjj M J PLEASANT 211 3 1 st sw m2 3 WANTED A few more jtritons to l arn type nritfci tenni reavnaMe For jwrtlculdrs UOX It this offioc Ja Z WANTED repairing ac t utntely act urate work thoroughly thunfitti TpHritr Repair C II Gc onif uianaer Jwi F at 1lwnc 194 m fiajl WASTKD linjo teaiUr for tvo pupiU 5 raj a lewoii Addreas IiX 133 thi oCicc mt t J ttANTEI Horses to Iward nice airy rttahlr eentrally Iwtnl tirms reatcnahlc Call tlJ Ui it m m2S3 UlAlirCAxTxt llijlr cauliis sutnidcr prlcejc INMlal TM II jt nw iii2 3 WANTJi Ftirnittiri and carpets Inning of housis a pe ilty nlirt mui vun ltiws piJ drop postal to A- II LEVY If iS E st nw pnrnijt attention jeiMin WANTEIIlUnjTipafcli price paid for ladle andKitlrtHtr t a it -oil elcthii AdJrcv PJ tal and 1 Hill tll li TARMirjj 13Ci 7th st nw e i3 KilO til er vatctici anTfdta mn llifftiet cash j rites ARRAHAMb tUifnvt iUL 1ANTEI Furniture and carpets buyirg fon tent ft hMJt a ptiaUt hitK spot cih price pjnl drp pwtal to A- II LEW 140S L ft itn tTimpt nttkntion nxyZSSOl OP LD MIAER AND COINS boiht flS U s aw G 5IARTIN jel SKA TTTE rDIES WASHINGTON SlXDAY JTNE 29 1902 KOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RErTT UNFORNISHED ROOMS n llKXT I imihrJ 7 to M2 listht lOLikcTpintr i vt i in Ft J It RKXI Twn tMimiUtfl fniVietl rorHH Epht hotivkeeplnc heat ya buth fth rwns fiont etfht vrinrnVft l 112 Mis ne 1 e nier 2d pr 11 S nut RENT Nicely funiwhed 9 oHlttory front moitl verj feamnalilc 12JS 12th st uv rR RENT One hird torv fumislitl room 1Q ner nnnth LMFIC t m m2tfS OR RENT Just inured In oierv room ennt bath ra rent very reasonable TSt IStb at nw ni0 i FOR RET Two fnrnltiheil ncmn for limnc kcepinj ec ntl Moor 123 C t ne ml S TOR RKVT Two ftirnlriipil roniiMTT vli It month gentle tnrti onle fi33 New Jerev ave n in2C 7 FOR RENT 1WJ0 T st room Mvond Iliicr tittr 3 p m nw newly fomiilipd for eut Iciilih Call ntM S FOR ItENT Deliithtfully cool large fiont rf in facing south upp wite pars rpjwnahie in I t nw iut holt RENT Three lirtfc bricht rtwitne itrivatc bath Addre RtX VJ3 other m2J 3 IOR RFNT New ork awi uol aide liieelj furnished 1U RENT 130 New York ae nw two rooms Mtitijdcfor lijcht housekeeping m29 3 nR RENT N Kid v fttninbed motiut mtv low rstea HOTEL ST LOlfS Eumpenn plm tKsyz FOR RENT ltnre kI front mom 1 t CiKr with or without board stnlleinen only fii litis St nw e2S S FOR RENT Medium sljed romiH reai oiiabte ran 50 cth t nw efi 3 FOR RENT mi ntAm sJiaded 3th IMuhIc Island jc ne el 1R RENT t 221 I t m fmir furnislied loems for Iiffht bath hot and cold water tear Library and Capitol healthy ItHit ion el FOR RENT To centlenun or trained nrrse in modern hou e d flor well lumishe room southern exjKtsiire Iwith KJ and elwtric lht telephone finall prlvae family 132U L t 11 w el FOR IUnT Cool mniforlable furnished room transients taken JI8 New Yrk ave e2t 3 FOR RENT Larrfo tool eeond story bay win dow rocm with or without fubltns bexl porce lain bath MiitAhh for two gentlemen firt elatw lotatlcn 7 17 h nw c2s 3 FOR RENT Five ry Urpe elegant rooms with from 3 to 3 windows In each fiiroiahfd or un furnished rent singly or for lhjht hou ekeepin jcw and modem ht water heat tilM bat lis reasonable 110 Jti st nw el IX R RENT Large bav window Iront room fecond fiocr with or without board transients 5 cent 1111 II t nw cS3 3 KtIl RENT 3 furni bed rooms 4 f3 and Ir month 417 i t t nw e2S 7 I OR RENT Two large furniJied front roonn light housekeeping 1UJ3 cw Jersey ac nw c2S 3 FOR RENT Cool airj roonw excellent loca tion comenlent to c ar 1104 Obt nw m2S 3 FOR RENT Two frcond storj communicating front roouu furnbhed light housekeeping 14S3 Sth st nw ir2 3 FOR RENT Furnb hed room on Fcctmd iloor next to bath suitable for young man rent H Ir month 1317 S st nw in2S 3 FOR RENT Desirable furnLshel rooms with out beard summer rates 120J 10th st nw tn2S 3 IXR RENT IirnJfihed complete light house keeping three delightful parlor roonw large cool rooms third floor all eon icnienee refrigerators rcreens gas range rent moderate 33 K st ne m2S 3 FOR RENT Cool airy room fie porcelain bath tut central location tt sS 10 410 Ctli t nw m2S 3 FOR RENT FurnMied rooms l per week liall 619 N st nw m2S 3 FOR KENT Nicely furnished room fl 20rt 12th ft nw ic25 3 FOR RENT On tet ond floor furnlhetl room 831 L t i nw in2s 3 FOR RENT FurnUhel roonw cheap no ob jection to light housekeeping 1209 11th st C27 3 FOR RENT Two neatly furnished rooms on tloor hlad trees on front and rear lawn modern bathroom terms low near cars 1003 D tt ne e27 3 FOR RENT Hrt and third floor front rooms cheap 21R C st nw e27 3 FOR RENT liniished rooms cool clean cheap 122 lath st n eiT FOR RENT Two furnished rooms single or en 5iite 21 Hh st te o27 3 FOR RENT Two large newly furnished rooms summer rates t3 I kt nw e27 3 FOR RENT Xieclv furnished front room cheap 121 31th ft e c27 3 FOR RENT A large front room nicely fur riWiod 12 abo one for ifi ill Cth st nw m27 3 FOR RENT Nicely furnihel front room sec ond floor large cool centrally located with hall suitable for light bousekeeplng including gjs for cooklnir 12 4W H st nw m27 3 lOR RENT Urae dtlightfully cool front rooms north and south iosure 7 12 C22 E st nw ui27 3 FOR RENT Second floor room bath same floor good kept hoiwe Ki II ht nw m27 3 FOR RENT FURNISHED OR UN FURNISHED ROOMS FOR KENT Three unfurnished room suitable for light hoot keeping if3 alai one furmshfi room S 5llt 2d st nw inu 3 FOR RENT Very cool pleasant roeni fiirnUhe I or unfurnished southern exHurc Imtb u fain flei r and elevator suitable for 1 or 2 gentleiuin Mimiuer ratea 1113 lth st nw Mortjve Hats e2i 3 FOR RENT Nfte 2d lor roonw with ir with outboir1 044 New York ae nw FOR RENT Furnshcd or ufurnihed rindu U L t he FOR RENT rumifthvil or iinfitrniheI two er li n e rouins M cond tlf r housekeeping per mit Ud Call undny njrninc 110 K hi nw el FOR RENT Room slrgle or en suite irs I st nw e2h 3 FOR RENT Rack parlor or two room- fur hnusokieplrg furnished or unfurnished Ill Mil a tie n25 3 IDR RENT Thre bjtitiful communicating rooms light houtekeeping line location rtu jounlde 013 II nw e27 3 mil RENT 07 al t nw larjc muilifrnnt room aIo back room ini 3 Toil Ill NT Thfr vri rooms witVhath leat as - 3K 2d St inv owner m27 3 yiH HET ai IC st ne fnrnHhcd or unfur nf4ieil rixms brat and gas in27 3 FOR RENT Furnished and unfuinisieil r ms nnjdrn reaimiuble ol New York ave nw ROOMS TO RENT Near Congress Heights and Sf Elizabeth fumbhed or unfurnished Vi lli JtlOX IH thb uffii m I ORRFNT i C - nw funudieJ and mi furnUhed rojm all nmciikncc1 FOR RFNT Newly furnifdiel front room pri vate familv riwin 3 board 12 yj 11 ht ne m27 3 IXR RENT Fumiletl room hall 3 mo comfortable convenient At 11 ft nw m27 3 FOR RENT 1221 N Y ae nw single rooms double or rn27 3 FOR RENT Reauiifil newly funiisbed rooms for gentlemen 420 3d ft nw m27 3 FOR RENT FunibJied budging room for gen tlemen in small adult Ltimly G20 U st nw n7 3 FOR RENT Two or three rooms nicely fur nlilied for houekeepiig V20 I t nw e2J 3 FOR RENT Furnfshed rooins cheap 107 E st nw c2G 3 rOR REST Pleasant furntshftl rooms 3 333 11 st nc e-20-3 FOR RENT Nicely furnUhed rooms summer rates faft 11th st nw 1 203 FOR RENT Nicely furnished hall room aLsj other rooms toll I st nw eitf 3 FOIt RENT Furnfsliftl Itall room is 111 rent for 1 per montlk 7o3 th st nw e2f 3 lOR RENT Irge cool room at summer rates VATOLDI s5fr ytlijst uvr iii27 roil RENT Facing Lihrar handsuruely clean cool rooms OWNER Ilo 2d st ye BARTONS Rrautifully furnished rooint with bat lis at summer prices jell tf HUE RENT FmVrixhed entire mam floor toil il iloem ftitir ro in 1123 4th t nw m2i 3 idr ss Ro p 1XR RENT Three fumUlieil roem liltht loiKkeep tij privilege no sign 7ift 10th t nw mil J FOR RFNT Tn sfesnd 5tory front light houaele tuns hich ami hcitln conenient to cans SU Ifll D t t ne m2H 3 FOR RENT Flat tf four rooiirt and bath Hl ltlh nw H15H 3 FOR RENT KO 31 st nw W 7 l three front noms H121I 3 FOR RENT Nicely furnUhed room 3 jnr inoatli 17 Mi m nw m2l I roll RENT Three rams on set end floor in baj wimluw botme near Capitol eabinet man telv 331 A tt r in2lt 3 FOR RENT Wry nice connecting parlors hit floor suitable for doctors office er btii ms iJS h s t nw m23 IXR RENT Threv large airy roonw jdeas antl Hilinti L 1711 tith St nw m 3 FOR RENT Two unfurnished front rooms sec ind floor Iet location 1440 Cliapin ml FOIt RENT Three nice room for liulit heuHe 1 helping in private family heat gas and bath 423 I tt nw tn21t -3 Vim HKST Fnfirnitirfl rooms at 3423 6th ft nw pleasant and e onvenlent locjtkn ln23 7 FOR RENT FnfurnUhed Hat of four rooms 21 floor 1227 mil st nw c2S 3 FOR RENT Three cr four large imfirnlslieI tin theap if taken at once 1308 UIkxs t i lXHt RENT Desirable uniurnUhrd rooms e t el lent I cation newly papered and paintetl single or en iitr 1122 t U nw e2i 3 FOR RENT 3 iinfurobhed romns adjoining tuth entire 2d floor liht housekeeping per ml t ted or hoard If desired 12Jl 4th t nw el FOR RiXT Part of E ronm botnc to desirable iwrti terms to mi it Call 731 4th At nw mS 3 FOR RENT Five light airy untarnished riMim every convenience for hoiueeeepiiii central bean to adults 22 1 st nw iu2a 3 FOR RENT Three rooms and batli light housekeeping 700 R st sw m2b 3 FOR RENT Unfurnished f00 rth st nw three rooms iJlO m23 3 IXHE RENT Two unfurnished rooms ivc ond Hicr near bath ftW 12th si nw m2d 3 FOR RENT Two second story rooii3 for house keeping all conveniences no children 12ti D st ne c27J3 FOR RENT Tlireo elegant housekeepirg rooms porcelain bath 43a K st nw c27 3 FOR RENT Three rooms newly papered pri vate family light houkeepig 13 I53S fith it nw e273 FOR RENT Foui nice unlurnudiM rooms par lor floor and basement 10 N Capitol st rn27 3 FOR RENT Two rooms second floor three rcomkt third floor light housekeeping desira ble cheap W Indiana ae nw in273 FOR RENT Unfurnished two larpe connecting rooms second floor citable for light house keeping no children 121S R st ne c26 3 FOlf RENT Two unfurnished rooms reason able ZZJ Ah st se c26 3 FOR RENT Two large comfortable rooms alcove bath Mcond floor light housekeeping 1230 311 F st ne e203 roil RENT Unfurnished two communicating rooms bath adjoining 112C Hrth st nw e2 3 FOR RENT Rooms The Astoria 3d and O jts nw central location modern m2l tf ROOMS AND BOARD 122t NEW YORK AYE FurnMied rooms and board good home cooking rjl30 and 3 per week m2D 3 HR RENT Second story rooms with geod loard fla and 20 jrer month 223 lst Cap itol tt m2U 3 FOR RENT Front room with board 4 Tr we ek transients C12 3d st nw mM FOR RENT Room and board to a lady in private fiinily i wr week referenceii ex- chanireL17I7 Hrth t nw m2 3 FOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with good table board lioft L st nw m2J 3 FOIt RENT First and second floor rooms with Iniard summer rates 303 2d t lie ni20 3 ROOMS and boanl shade near cant 1225 De troit Drooklajid i2S 3 2212 I SfFNW Room and board 430 a week near departments e2s 3 AXTiIIoarder to occupy bright 2d floor roum -married couples preferreel good open its for the riht par ties Apply 1240 11th st nw t e2S 3 FOR THCNT Furnished rooms with or with out lAinV 10 New ork ave nw rn2i 3 FOR UrJNT 1214 New York ave nw fur nUhcd rooui i with or without lurd ibo table loard 4 per week two meals m23 3 EIOHT OR TEN HOARDERS ran 1 accom modated at summer rates location central irnirn pleasant Apply 710 12th ft nw mi i FOR RENT Superior accommoIatl3ns at sie cial near Cjpltol 210 1st st ne c27 3 ROOM AND HOARD Two In roonltl7 per month 4trj 10th n nw iu273 ROOMS AND HOARD C12 Man ac nw m27 3 FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms commtmieatlng or sirgl with board very reasonable 010 3d st nw m27 4 KOU RENT Large pleasant nicely furnished room corner house good table board 1013 L tt nw FOR RENT Willi or without IxMrd Iare third storj corner room southern exiKure alto hall rvom 4J1 4th st nw m23 3 Tittt RENT Large front room second story till or without board 10 W M ft nw miV7 LOST LOT Saturday night hr a poor girl pocket Iok containir f 3sf litis tt car or corner 11th and F Mk Reward if to RON ailthi oflice ml VosT Thursday gold frame Re waid is returned to M0 tjuiney st nw e2S 2 2 REWARD fur name of ro who had br Indie and white bull dor in Capitol grounds We dues da e tiling June 23 Addri Mi 027 A st ne e2 3 IjOVT Rlack and tan fox hound June 22 Re ward if returned to 1323 Howard ae Mt IJeusatit e23 3 LOT IUtween Capitol and 11th and X sts pair gold spectacles rvturn to 1233 12th st nw andreeehe reward el IOnT Thuuday evening ty terrier name Hone hair 11T its back reward it returned to 413 11 r c c27 3 LO JT Weilneydjy night goin from California st to DeUware ae and C St a ladjs black wnlth and fliiln valued as a gift reward If rfturneil to 241 New Jerwey a nw e27 3 UHT 1tHketltook containing if 21 3 rewarZ 610 Ouinty st nw e27 3 FOUND FOUND The best place vhere I can buy an linerhan watch olid or gidiullcd lidle cr K nts 1 a week J DllUKKrlt 1201 eonur Pa aye ani 12th st up talris m20 4 XIXD A Daughters of Iteolatlon pin Kth drts W D KINO 152 Jacksun st Anacostia CHAIR NER MRS L JOHNSON 707 M st nw I owt prin i m2j 3 FOl ND Only at Wilkins 024 Oth St Kiund niiii Me and iVint cake 2 pouudri fur 23 cents 3 pouinU cake fur CO cents e230 J1H The onlt plate to get a delicious jee cream and cake and loan saucers and rpouiw WILKINS irit itth st e23 0 FolND At Ijceys utt modern Ice cream tactory in America delicious chocolates ia nilla and strawberry ice cream made from the lnit not the acid l0c per gallon Alo Laeejs special 70c jx r gjRon Ottlce is7 New Vor -v Phcne Mail Ctl dflO tf FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHAXOE Fine fanu near Rotkville Md 23 aeTfS good dwelling and outbuild ings price per acre will etclune for good city proprrt u r ten days T J CILES J13 14th nw 7 m2 3 WANTED To exthsngc perfect grnmophnre records cist 33 fur wapJroh ihtn i Inset fdeloaid oil tdo dilui ur poultrv UOX 1 Kiullworth D C ml cheapest In town Ad 0IS1 e n20 J A sFE OPPORTUNITY offered large and entail mwtir to pirtn tpit in profits uf responsible bHfknuking euiieTii Enfiis have averaged 52s iiMnihl 11 tjh sieo Investment Commercial and financial ret inte S II JACKSON Downing Ibulilir New ork ml UE HAIK whu will pay cash for Rree erv and eonfectioneiy sturei NEW YORK RUMNEss iitoftiis pn r st THE HEaT ELOJN or Waltham watches in the onipanys filleil e fs il7 t ost ebewhere Jf5 li week only a few left J DIUKKER 1201 corner 12li and Pa ave up stairs 36 fOOl INCOME sonnd gobl mlnirg remtpany ere offering 0t t shan s of their trcantry tixk nuestor i ealeMncn or ladies and gen era Addrcxs TWIN CITY DK EUP MLNT CO 10 Fulton St New York JtrrtglMj 1 FOR SALE On account of leaving city will aenfiee stock and fixtures of rrocery stnrcr 1120 I t se FOR SALE irler aliop for yn will take cah balance i asy luimenta Apply afte r 7 p m 023 1 ct nw m25 3 ADVERTISER MILL IN T l00f to M0t0 In mercantile or niarnifaeturtng business 2u20 12th st nw m2a 3 FOR SALE Obi etabIMed grocery stock and for coyli 1V1 M tise rn2aj3 FOR SALE laineh and pool room combined clearing OJ month rare opportunity NEW UHK Rt MNEVS IIROKKKS till F at m2a 3 FOR SALE Oeneral notion and cigar store itaon for selling leaving city AddrcM ROX 174 this offlec m 3 yOR SLK Dniff store inwlprn new fountain northwest no reasonable offer re fibwl limw IiU 170 this ollicc 4i7 3 f30 WIII Hi PAID to party securing me per manent overnmtnt pcwitUm or with cood re llalile ofimiianv or in nary yard strictly eon fidential Adrr IlOX 107 this oltlce e27 3 TOR SALK OM ctitablislie1 ire cream parlor oriI confettionerj cheap little cash lonsr time Adilnw UOX ltfl thU oilicc e27 3 WAXTKD lartnfr at onre to nianaRe estab lished business little money required imesti Katc Rood chance Address ItOX Ito this of fice tf7 3 WAXTK1 To buy a crownin machine fcr lwttlin beer tt J MOAVG17 ljul3ian Ule e27 3 rtlt SAIl Iunch room doiwc first class bwi nes no reasonable offer refused alM ice cream and confectionery clieaji lo0jX V J UU OAX 017 fJilllsUna ae e27 3 FOIt trociry central location must be sold at once cheap rent Address UOX 16r this office m27 3 WILL BK IAIU to -party securing me per manent loiemmrnt position or uith good com IKinr Ust of reference strictly c onfidentut Addrws ISOX this otnee m27 3 IXU SAIH 223 clear and confectionery store doirt ocmI businebs cause leaving city Ad dr llOJC 13 thia otBce m27 3 FOR SALK Centrally located ilgar store do Int large business llfVIAl VU F St m27 3 FOR SALF Lunch room for J230 clearing iM 1T month DLXLAP QUO I st m27 3 FOIt SAIX Ilarber shop doing splendid busi ness DINLAP W F St m27 3 WANTLD To buy a crossing machine W J DltiAN 617 Ij ave m27 3 FOR SALE Country inn close to Washington doing loagniilceut business 00 rooms price tfJ W J DTGAX jnr zi3 FOR SALK Saloon prominent street nw must be sold worth 5 price 33W W J nUCAX 617 la ave m27 3 FOR SALK Lunch room doing first class busi ness no reasonable offer refused also itccrea n and confectionery cheap 13I0 W J DUCAS C17 La ave m27 3 FOR SALE Wholesale lirpior license W J DLCAX 017 U ai m27 3 FOR SAIhChoite little cigar and confection ery northwest clearing 12 price 175 NCT YORK HLslXEsS UHOKERS Oil l st m27 3 FOR SLK Oroccry elegant corner for busi ness good reason for selling BOX 1G1 this office C20 3 BUlBKIi SHOP clearing J1SI month will sae rlSce heart of citj XFW YORK BltOKEIt 111 Fst e20 3 FOR SALK Jood irrocery and market store 1304 V St nw look at it and say what you will give for it will be sold this wee A It McCIIKSXKY Central Hank Building m2C l roll SALE Barber shop 100 Cth it B and P depot opposite e24 J ILST HOlfiliT 10 Klgin and Waltham watches in Kejstone Cos filled cases others price 23 I will tell them while they last for 1730 on time Jl a week Dont miss this oppor tunity They wont last bng J DIILKKER 1201 corner 12th and Pa ave upstairs m24 0 TIILTTII ABOUT WATCHES and mainsprings 60c BROWNE 504 F tt nw rtSl tf FOR SALE HORSES AND VE HICLES FOB SALK Two fine horses suitable for family use carriage or wagon one is a fine saddler H35 II t ne c2a 3 FOR SALK Small horse good driver 33 call after i p uj or Miuday 127 32d st nw FOR iALE Light delivery wagon cheap 1726 Pa ave 2S 3 FOIt SALK Driving horse Cili and A sts se Call GROCKRY m2S 3 FOR SALK I argc biy workhorse a little sore J years old iheap Apply ttJI SKIDrtXUKRO 18th and Spring Itoad nw e27 3 nR SALK Several second hand wagons bug gio curriagts knd lot of wheels bargains V 1 CEVKI1 1210 Obi ax- m27 3 FOR SAL1 To mule- dirt wpgon one et of double harnei s 031 Grant me nw m27 3 nut SALE - heap pair large horses and brick uarri 1 3d sL sw m27 3 FOl SALF Deliver wagon With top good condition very cheap can be seen PATK Ldecker ate and lailm St 3lt Pleasant m27 3 JlST arrived 2i horses from Virginia among Hum rjft iirirs and general purpose horses also 3 low prued horses alwi two fast trot ting horsos N bCIILEGKL In rear KB I st nw e26 7 FOR SALE One good work horse weighing 12Xl pounds can be seen 317 lsth st nw e26 3 FOR SALK Black liorseT fine driver 10 hands higii safe for family also rnbUr tire run about and harne s 1103 11th St nw e20 3 IARHKItS AXD CITY MEN take noticel To be sold withuut reserve 1- horse and mares rarging in age from 5 to 0 years weight fOO to 1W imuiids fiitable for any baslness Also tivo fast lrliing mares no reasonable offer refused Call bruise 212 ij st nw m23 7 FOR SALK Two bay sure suitable for family or business purpemea one runabout and trap Rear of 2K Kill St nw m23 7 COUNTRY BOARD PlK VSVNT XEWLY PAITHKI rooms modern improwments erne fare jKirehrs Applv MRS 1 W DAY1IOFF Cumurl st first door east of 12th St Brkland I C rr20 7 APPLY TO MR P T COXHAD at Aspen dale near Linditi Vs on Blue Ridge for good ourtr board pure mountain water lee milk nice bath house lurches fresh Vegetabes spiing chickens close to Shenandoah River three hours from Washington D C four daily nulls m23 3 WAXTlD Men Imarders terms 13 per month A J HUtl OVi Orange a c2 S j v-Tit- mi i - Cl 11 Ill II KCJUIIIUI ITIUUJ uitii near Blue Ridge Mountain adults 450 per week eliildrrn 2S Address Mrs W V Mll ri c larhsnurg jic nisomery county ni IH27 3 UK IIAVK room for six boarders lady of the house is a trjined nurse long experience ref er nee giien and required Address BOX 70 Garrett Park Maryland C2C 4 WANTED At Kdgeworth teiTcr twelvedejl7 able boarders among the mountains cf upper Fauquier large store house plenty good shade good water ice and g od country board near est station Marshall Hall terms 920 to -3 per month Further lurticulars apply to MBS If 11 TKMPLKMAN Orlean Fauquier courtv Va mlJ 12 LOCKSLEY HALL Iiwer ivomac terms mod erate GEORGE IIOCERS Kldge Md JcJ lm RAILROADS WASHINGTON ALEXANDRIA AND MOUNT VERNON RAILWAY i From StaUon rmvlTania nJ HVt L i In iOtc llv 1 iSltf Tor AKtjnilris tttt r oI3 SUO s ko u s in ii ii iS 1100 113 m Ml M li iO 1J45 si OS I 230 jrt02 330 55 JH W V I5 5 S0J fib Jttl J30 D0 5 930 1013 iSo 1153 p m Sundsjs 713 aUU 1113 luS3 lM m 1200 noon 1280 100 130 30 3W S3D D0 iSD 5U SW 6K10 030 70 7J0 800 63 830 1313 2120 W p m ror Moti nt Vtrnon TCet lays 89 10W l oo m 10J xl05 S00 30i S0 xlll i 22 708 930 p 13 Sundays 900 a m 1209 noon 200 loo 5o roo Psa n m For Arllr Bton anil AqnfJuct nrlillf laji C30 701 70 a00 829 839 Vij 1000 noo a m 1205 12OT 123 1 123 200 -230 302 330 39 133 IH C22 C03 C30 709 809 p m SUVDAYS T 000 015 1030 1100 -1230 100 ISO 1130 jc 12m noon 200 230 SC0 330 400 130 300 530 00 030 700 730 fM p m iKxprrv To Arlinsrtcn only Partelj cirrled tlizzc ciecknl J COLVIV Scpcrincnilrnt CLMJKXCK P KIXR iriil nt SOUTHERN RAILWAY Schedule corrected to liay 23 1W Traics lave fron Pennsylvania Station C1 a a Dally lcal for Ilarrisonturs Warrenton Charlotte and way station m ri ii- naiitnfrton UlchmonJ and Florida Limited First class coaches and orawinj room sleeper to Jacksonville ria -in car service 1115 a m Dally Unltejl Stales Fast Hall First clasi coaches and drawing room deeper to New Oilcans Dining car service 1137 a m Dally Local for Warrcntort and Charlottesville 39 p m Saturdays only The Warrcnton Special Alexandria lljnassaj Calvcrton and tt arrenton 1CI p m Week Days Local fcr burz smt vr tatfrn rn t3na34 branch r 430 p m Dally Local for Warrtaton and cnarioiiesviue fc45 p m Dally New fork and Atlanta E press First class coach and sleeper to Atlanta liendays Wednesdays and Fridays Sunset Route Tourist sleeper Washington to San Francisco Pullman buffet service p m Daily New York and Florida Express Firc class coach and sleeper to Sa tanruli Jacksonville and Port Tampa sleep er to Suuimerville Charleston Augusta and connection for Aiken Dining car service 1001 p m Daily ttashmjton and Chat tanooga Limited vU Lynchburg coach and sleeping car to Roanoke Knoxville CbatUnoa and Memphis sleeper to New Or leans Dining car service 1015 p m Daily Washington and South western Limited All Pullman train club and observation cars to Atlanta and Macon sleep ers to Nashviile Atlanta Macon Memphis New Orleans Dining car service TRAINS ON BLirEMONT BBAXCn Iave Washington week days 810 a m 100 p m 433 p m 4M p m and 623 p m Latter to lesburg only Sundays only 901 md 910 a m and fi2S p m for Bluemont Through trains from the South arrive Wash ington 042 a rn 632 a rru 740 a ro 913 a in 200 p m 913 p m and 930 p m dally Local trains from Harrisoburg 1137 a week days and 910 p m daily From Charlottesville 823 a a and 940 p m daily Tickets steering car reservations and de tailed information can be had at ticket of fices 703 15th St 511 Pennsylvania Avenue and Pennsylvania Station Baggage checked through from hotels and residences Phone Main 1441 P R R Cab Service a II ACKERT General Manager S 11 IIARDWICIC General Passr Agent U S BROWN General Agent SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Capita Citr Route Washington Pesna It K SUtlon nOfia ITI SEABOARD FAKr MAIL iinllv Through IMlIman Sleepers to yu Jacksonville connecting at itmie with 1ullmafi Sleeper to Atlanta S m FLA AXD JUTTROPOUTAN 7 Pinliv LlSIITED SolIJ train to St ArrnutuM with Pullman Drawing Room i nartmeni Observation and Dining Cars PuUman Sleeper to Atlanta Pullman iier 1 uesdays Thursdays and Siturdays to outhrn Pines Pinehunt xhu trains offer excellent schedules and to Petersburg IlaMgh Southern Pine tem einehurst Camden Cjmiia Savannah ffeksonvilk and all Fltrida points rl te Athens AtlanU New Orleans Chat- Nashville points West and Southwest fila m LOCAI To Petersburg Raleigh JTliY Southern Pines Pinehurt Hamlet and intermediate points Office 141 Penna Ave C B RYAN W II DOLL Gcnerul Pass Agent General Agent CHESAPEAKE BEACH RAILWAY Kflectivc June 2S 1P02 Trains leave District Line Station freached by Columbia electric ears as follows THROUGH EXCURSION TRAINS Week da 1030 a m 100 230 313 and 7 P m Suiiias and Holidays 915 1030 11 S0 a m It0 230 330 330 7 and S3J P hETURXIXC LEAVE THE BEACH Week dajs 1240 230 3 S and 10 p m Sun dajs and Holidays 120 150 3 520 030 S 910 and 10 10 p m TRAILS FOB LOCAL POIXTS LEWF Week dais 915 a ra 515 p m Sundays 915 a in 530 p m A II LFWIS G P A 1420 Now Ynrle r STEASIB0ATS NORFOLK WASHINGTON STEAMBOAT COMPANY Every day In the year from foot of 7th st for Tt Uonroe Norfolk Newport enr aiu in iiuils milu uj mt AH fill I peu inJSll -Newport News tt ashington Lv Washton630pra palace steamers Norfolk and Tt Psrtli sert n - - - lll Lv Alexonuria ou pntiv iscroiKooo pm Ar Ft Monrce700amlv Ft Monroe700 pm Ar Norfolk 800 am Ar Atcxandria03O am Ar PortsmthS13amAr ttashingtn700 am xTTThrough connections made at Nor- folk with tteamers of Old Dominicn Steamship Co for New York and chints and Miners Steamships for ton HTFor further Information apply at generil ticket cfSce Bond Building 14th and N Y ave or 7lh st wharf Wash- ington D C Phone 2200 JXO CALLAHAN Gen Jgr OCEAi STEAMSHIPS AMERICAN LINE NEW YORK SOUTHAMPTON LONDON Kenaington Jv 12pm rhlla July 0 10 am St Louis Jv 210aml St Taul Jv 1010am RED STAR LINE NETT YORK ANTWERP PARIS Zeeland July 5 noon Vaderland Jy 15 noon Frilnnd Jv 12 noonfIvromlandjy 2 noon INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION COMPANY COMPANYS WASHINGTON OFFICE 1300 V St N W or Cec W Moss 1111 Gvst N W WALL PAPER BOOMS PAPERED 173 up house painting lowest prices roof minting 50c per square CMHISLE BROS 1103 Oth st ne Phone East 3061J W2U3 FEW DAYS MORE Rooms paperc1 130 up Ill XT 487 st nw ri27 7 NOLTE 24 9th st nw is constantly receiv ing the latest and most attractive designs In Wall Papers and papers rooms from 200 up Call and investigate fcr oursclt and be con vinced rall tf BIRDS DOGS ETC BELGIAN hsres and guinea pgs l ralr up Just the stock fcr boya to breed during vaca tion wc have also white mice and pigeons SCHMIIVS BIRD STORK 715 12th st nw eKtf STORAGE WHY PVY t Si for terge when -we store for 75 I MTii STATUS STORAGE COMPN 420 10th St nw UCD3 RAILROADS 15 PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 3lArio lAJKNUt or SIXTH AXD U ala 750 A M DAILY PITTStlURU KXPHEsS Parlor and iuuig Cars Jturrisburg la lltta burg 1050 A II DAILT PENNSYLVAU tlll TED Pullman eelng DinlDi Snwkmc anj Observation Cars llanisburg f Chicago Cm rinnatl Indianapolis tt Luuu Cieveuud uJ Toledo Bullet Parlor Car to lUrrubur 1050 A M DAILY I AS UMv Iuilnua Buffet Parlor Car to Harrtiburg Buffet Parlor Car llarrisburg to Pitteburs S30 P M DAILY CHICAGO AND ST LOLU Car Washington to St Louis and Meeping and Dining Cars Harriitmrj to Indianapolis st Louis Louisville IvU Cin cinnati and Chicago 713 P 1L DAILY ST WUI3 ptPRESS PnllrMn Sleeping Car llarrisburg to St Loaia 745 P M DAILY- WESTERN ESPRESA Pnliman Sleeping Car to Pittaburg and Chi cago Dining Car to Chicago 743 P 1 DAILY CLEVELAND AND CIN CINNATI EXPRESS PuUman Sleeping Cart Washington to Pittsburg and llanisburg to Cleveland and CindnnatL Dining Car 1040 P if DAILY PACIFIC EXPRESS PuIIman Sleeping Car tc Pittsburg A M DAILY BUFFALO DAT EX PRESS with through Broiler Buffet Parlor Car and Coaches to Buffalo via Emporium Junc tion 750 A If for Kane Canandalgua Rochester and Niagara Falla dally except 9uadty 1060 A JL for Elmira and Kenoro daily ex cept Sunday JFor WillUmsport daily 3 P 713 P M DAILY BUFFALO MGUT EX IltCSS With through Buffet Sleeping Car and Coaches to Buffalo- via Emporium Junction 745 P M DAILY for Erie for Rochester Buffalo and Niagara Falls daUy except Sat urday with Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester 1040 P SL for Erie Canandalgua Rochester Buffalo and Niagara Falls dally Pullman Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester Satur days only 400 P M CONGRESSIONAI UMTTED daily for New York all Parlor Cars with Dia log Car from Baltimore For Philadelphia New York and tnti East Express 510 Dining Car 70 flMnlnc Car 757 Dining Car 810 Dining Car 900 1000 Dining Car 1023 and 1100 Dinind Car from tt ilmington A M 1243 315 430 Dining Car from Baltimore 050 1000 P M 1210 night On Sundays 530 Dining Car 701 Car 757 Dining ear 810 Dining Car 90 1035 1100 Dining Car from Wilmington A M 1213 315 450 Dining Car frm Baltimore 030 1000 P M 1210 night For Philadelphia only Express 745 A JL 12 15 P if week days 201 410 and 510 P U daily Fcr Boston without change 745 A if wek days and 130 P M daily For Baltimore 000 330 613 70 745 750 737 S10 900 1000 1023 1050 110 A JL 1213 1215 lr20 12s 201 313 330 400 Limited 410 420 423 430 540 615 6Jf 715 7 45 100 -1040 1135 P JL and 1210 night On Sundays 5a0 700 730 737 810 D0 905 lOil iqiw 1I3JO A- Ji 1215 115 21 315 530 400 Limited 410 420 oO 3JO 013 6 M 715 713 100 1040 P JL and 1210 night Fcr Popes Creek Line 715 A JL and 433 P U ureMavs Sundays 905 A U For Annapolis 750 A 1L 1215 and 423 P JL week days Sundays 900 A It and 51 P II Seashore Connections ATrAsrnn ctrY SPECIAL 120 P JL week days Solid vestibule train Pullman Buf fet Parlor Cars and Cuachcs through to Atlan tic City ia Delaware River Bridge only all rail route 1101 A JL 110 P and 1210 night clailv 1243 P M wcek dajs Via Jlarxet Street Wharf 90 Saturday emly 10M and 1100 A JL 1245 P M week days 1210 night dailr li13 P M Sundays only For Caj Jlay 1000 A JL 12L and 1213 P SI wees days 120 night daily Kcr Asbury Park Ocean Grove and Uin Ilninilk 1210 icM r 810 110D v M ard 1245 P J week dajs Ticket omcjs comer riueentn sna c screen and at the station Sixth and II Streets wherj orders can be left for the checking cf bag gage to destination from hotels and rerltesces Telephone call 1441 for Pennsylvania Rail road Cab Service 1 B HUTCHINSON i It WOOD General Manager Ceceral Passenger Agent BALTIMORE AND CHIO R R Ljtc Washington New Jtzxj Atc tad C St Chicaco ana JforthwMt lo50 x m 6i3 ti cf TflTif nm Lanf st rill - lftrOS a m 13 a 110 night 100 nisht n m ITOtllMT1 sJ iiuvi r Winchester 1S33 a in 413 and 5JJ PLuray Rivertcn Front Royal Elkton IlTn S W 111150 0 m llir Annapous 525 p ntn A rnrtt Rav ridge went us - - vvii and 430 p m Sundays 010 a ra and 111 r Frederick JS35 300 10W a m 1 1S li so and 11620 p ra Vlacerstown 111003 a m and 5S0 p m Lov7nd way- points II3J3 30 a a i 15 ltS0 I3S0 U30 aS50 JIJ M30 500 HSjSO m 05 7 0 W15 HllS0 p m Washington JuneOon and way points 833 4 mTl 115 U30 5S0 p rn i ili noon xl l5 x300 x400 x430 tiTVi 11 3S m Sundays x300 x70J Ji X3 30 1900 a m xl220 115 x30 xsYm x55 630 jxS OO 11000 zIl SO 11M riTT TJTTIT TTTJ rc KUl au i sv trains iliiirainateJ with Plntsch light An trail jl v vs- r ttiTore 1 niiaiTiii - uww hSt 300 73 Diner J3SJ Buf DinS 111000 Diner t in IU Vj Diner 3 n0 UIW iwrt 1 too PhUadelphia Only 103 Jmner 1130 m Sleepinj Car noon 30 P ra A tifc u j s Daily lie xExprcss trafci it 1 -- ntirl k fn ffrY ri KntoTa bv Union Transfer Co ea ordert V Tt tfeket offices 6lS Pennsylvanl Avtnn northwest Sew Tort Avenuq and FUteenth Street anu a - CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RY Schxlulc Effective Jnne 20 1P02 Tralrj I ave Prnnsylvanla Station v 11 Dailv CIM lNA vii av iftj Cincinnati Heaehea Mountain Resort Station erniini Cincinnati and laratsrllle next Sornlw Louis and Ciiicago that cvenlt e Pullman Sleepers to Cincinnati and Ljl Dai Observation Pirlor Car to Mrglnli HotSorings week days Cite far 630 P St llT ASlTINim SStl SET VrrlvTnr H Indlanapolb 325 p m St I u 15 30 a m lit v si Cbicaso 840 p m Ihillman Sieepes to Clnrftsnatl lndhnapol and Jt iiujV without ch wte Parlor Car 1 SSrruwrnn solid C mpartmrnt Sleeper lo Y irg lnl change and Satur Hot Springs TuTwUys Thursday days- connection dilly Sleepcra Cincinnati to Chlengr - and St Loul Dlnltw Tar rtrsnv end tv it 9 Ohio ofRre 513 lnajlvanla avenue o 1 r teenth rtreet neas F and at th on Telephone call 1441 far PtniWwna R It Uh Scrvtcc Telephone JL lIn 1006 WASHINGTON SOUTHERN RAILWAY Fcr Richmond Va an 1 points South via sTvsnilri ami Frederiekaburff Iave station tth end II streets 430 a m 343 t m dally dining car for mchmontl ana pointa on At lantic Coav I - art Florida 1041 a m 7X p m dfly Foridi ami Metropolitan Limited for Rihmund and points on Sea- beord Air Lice and Mnrlls 10sl a m train connects at Klrliiund with C O Ry for Ncport News Od Point Comfort ctej 1031 a in lallr for Richmond and points on South ern Railway and Florfda dlidng car 7il0a rn ueek lay 44a p m oaiy exprcu or iicn mond only Pullman or parlor cars on all above iralru except 7l40 a m for Juartlro 70 a m Sunday only 425 p m week daysr 800 p m except Saturday CT l UYERS V D DUKE W P TULOR President Ceneral JIgr Tiofflo Jlgr lachmcnd Vs