r r 1 f
k 4 J t tr
I 1 z 3 r
1 7 7IHE o
1 OJ OJt
I I Some Writer WritrHaSaid WritrHaSaidf Has Said SaidTrousers s sTrousers
f Trousers T rousers are e the first sign signof sigllofaV1
> of ofaV1 civilization civilizationr civilizatioiiehaveTro zation zationWehave
I We Wehave ehaveTro have Trousers T ro sers sershcror sershcrorLITTLE ber here for f9ti forI
i In the latest style and pat patterns pati patterns
i terns Buy yourself a new newI newpair newpair
I pair pair of Easter Pants PantsI PantsONLY PantsONLY
i TAlIDARDi1THIlIi 0 0t
t tJ 11llESEIIY 11llESEIIYc TEEfl BU1LD11Aa BU1LD11AaC
C c C Goodman Qeo ArneperQer Arpe1gerS ArnpergerHfH4H A J
Miss iss sssoineotthesetthings sssoineotthesetthingsin some of the sweet thin thinin things thingsin
in lifeut life 4ut ut dont miss inissCie missfDe missthe
the pleasnresof pIcasures Ji alxHiot alxHiotI h9x at atJIA
44 44LA
Draggistand DraggistandApDtkecary Druggist aud audApothecary
121 S Palifox PalifoxK PaltfoxR PalafoxR
R K WHITE WHITEWatchmaker WHITEWatchmaker WHITEWatchmaker
Watchmaker Mamnfecturlng Jtwltr Jtwltrend J Jand Jswsemd
end Graduate Optician Opticiano
10 o B L Faiftfox Street Peaiaorfa T TTERSELY ftL ftL1ERSElY ThTERSELYTOLl
B B S Williams returned last Iastnght IastnghtCrom ritght igbtfrom ritghtfrom
from a business buath es s kip along Joi1gthe oig the P PA Pt I IRoad
A t Road RoadIL RoadIt Roada
IL T MeDovid of otTroy Toy Ala aw was wasnong wasj s sJIlong
nong j ong those to the city Yeste yesterday who whoteglstered whotcgt whoeg1tered
teglstered tcgt tered at the Edubia EdubiaJ so C Imb4a
J 1 D Crsb C b of Starke Starke FJa FJaand and C CL CL CIRoy
IRoy L Roj Crabb of o bake kOCity City 3fe 111 are areasong arecong arearnong
cong the visitors here to tos see ethe ethebttleghlpa ee the thebttlesblpa theL3ttIeb1pa
bttlesblpa bttlesblpaHon
Hon John E StMtaan bee h88let returned returnedIron mefrom eturno eturnofrom
Iron from tie PeruT < Jb section ct1 i wirepe e1le e1lennt fie fiewnt teTent
Tent to look 10 after fee ie oniony xouy of fiWr fiWrnaae r rt1aDS r rrazs
naae which he recently located Jo tl ffi ffilist InUat ffzthat
list farming country countryThe
The president of te Fishermens FishermensUnion Fiahermensrxiioe Fishermenstnion
Union desires It to be bekDowtl knows that thatJohn thatJehn that7bn
John Shaw who was arrested to n con connection connection conectIoa ¬
nection with the tbeLannon Iannon Co rob roblar robbeI robbry
lar beI > was never engaged 8Qgsl d in intbe the occu occupation occuatol1 occupatoa ¬
pation atol1 of fisherman fishermanThe ft9h an anThe
The Marines of the navy yard would wouldle wooll1ke wou1drke
le to arrange a gams gaz of baseball Io IotunciTOT fOP fOPomorwY 1ooInO11W
tunciTOT the 16lh with the Orioles Oriolesto Orl les lesto
to be played at Palmetto Beach B chThe chTheOrb The TheOrblea Thecan
Orblea Orb e can acceot acc accept the challenge by bytelephoning biteflhouing byteboirng
telephoning to H TL iL Oree manftger m ngerof ngerofe of oftie otte
tie e tsum tsumMr wnmIr
Mr Ir and Mrs rs A A Credille r received receivedS receivedQ1le ceived ceivedq1ie
S q1ie te a pleasant surprise Thursday Thursdayeieateg Thursdayeiel1ng ThursdayeT
eieateg eT nlng when Dr J D Turner preai preaicent pres pretcent I Icent
cent of the Compress Co pf Atlanta Atkmtapaid Atlantapaid AtIntapaid
paid them tb m a visit as tey were wetanot wetanotelpect1n not notttpecitaghta notePecIng
ttpecitaghta elpect1n ePecIng him Dr r Turner is a cousin cousinof
of Mr Ir Creddfe CreddfeRnatteaster CredtlfeRoadmaster cxji1ydaster
Rnatteaster daster M IE B Batts of the themsvilie the1t
I4ttifle > msvilie 1t itle and NashvIlle will leave to t9 t9j toy
7 for a pleasure p1e snre tour of abotft two twoDeaths twolths twoL1iths
Deaths L1iths lths duration 1ui ation SQ will wm be accom accomDenver accom4nk accomaiic4
4nk aiic4 < b Mrs lrsBattsand Batts and they will wl1lt willDenvo
t > t Denver the Orand Canyon on San SanFrancisco
Francisco Los Angeles Salt Lake La LaoI
Cty oI Fort Worth and other prominent prominenttats
tats in the west westBward westlliward WeStwan
Bward wan P MQ8t IQst > yeoman y of r the tbefiag flag
Lp P Whippy of the Torpedo boat bOta
E 3 iron a ron has ha issued a a very vetymmt treat natpam pam pamMlft
Mlft l1ct which riv is i iS5 known as the cruls crulst
t S5 t g Itinerary I lt rarr of the tbeWJ1Jp11e Whipple The Theitcphlet TheI TheJlet
I itcphlet Jlet not only contains contamst1te tke names namesaa nafues nafuesI naniesaU
aU Pos which will be toaohed by
I 1e e fee r 3cl init mit ut also a deaoriplion dea npUoIlof of
Senator Telfair Stockton yesterday yesterdayIntroduced Yes yesterdayIntroduced erday erdayntro
Introduced ntro uceda a p11r hill is Ith the th Florida Fior1 legis legisIature legisture
Iature t ture u e at a t Tallahassee Tal la Soo that tho thoaf af will W 111 prove proveot pr9vef provegreat
ot f great interest iI t rest to the thep police Uc forc of ofthis of1his ofthis
this city tysays says the Jacksonville Ja 1 ks V1Ue Me Metropolis MetJop Metropolls ¬
tropolis tJop 1sSenator Senator Stockton S StoUkt o kt n proposes proposesto
to have all unclaimed property recov recovered recover recovered ¬
ered er d by th the 1 police and andplsto1s pistols etc etcsold etcsold etcsold
sold and the funds thus thus9btained obtained being beingusei beingused beinguEl
used for the police relief fund fnnd His Hisjbill Hisblll
1 jbill blll 111 also provides for 10 per peroentof peroentoffi cent of offines offines
= fines fi Imp imposed sed in the municipal court courtTherbfll ourtThebfilofSenator courtThe
Therbfll ThebfilofSenator The brIl of Senator Stockton is an anexcellent anexcellent anexcellent
excellent one ana an should pass with without withUt wltbout ¬
out friction trlctlonasltpnu as it proposes Dsest > to aid allla alllaclassof aj ajclassof a aclassof
classof officials that thatared are deserving deservingThe deservingThe ServlngThe
The bill Is as followsBe follows followsBe followsBe
Be it Enacted by the Leg1slatureof Leg1slatureofthe Legislature of ofthe ofthe
the State of Florida FloridaSection FloridaSection
Section 1 Lost Lost abandoned and un unclaimed unC1almedproper1yand unlaImed ¬ I
claimed C1almedproper1yand property and weapons law lawfully lawful1y lawfully ¬
fully taken possession po poS s ssIon lon of by any mem member meUlber xneznher ¬
ber of the police po1rcedePart department ent of theI the thecity theI
I city of Jacksonville JackSO nvlUe because of Illegal Illegalafter illegaluse IllegalItise
I Itise use or belngc being ncealeJi now oY or here hereafter hereafter
after In the th custody of ofs said depart afepartment departsiient epartmentmaybe
ment mentmaybe may be sold at public pubIlcoutcry outcry to tothe tothehlgh tothe
the thehlgh highest stbldder bidder in pursuance pUrsuance of ofrules ofrules ofrules
rules to tabe be subscribed sUhscribedby by the board boardto oard oardin
in the administrative charge hiugeof of said saiddepartment saiddepartment saiddepartment
department departmentSec
Sec 2 The proceeds proce ds of the th sales salesprovided aa1esprovided salesprovided
provided for In Inthe the Csst t section and an
per uu per per cen cenfines
fines imposed in lh the municipal munl ftjal court courtof courtof courtof
of said salacity city and andalI all the fines fineS imposedupo imposed imposedupon huposedupoti
upon upo members mEmlb rsotsald of said department departmentand departmentand
and all ll moneys moneyspayable payable by anyone for forservices forservIces forservices
services of any anymemberijrsa1d member of said de department deparl departinent ¬
partment parl nentdetaUedDnspeclal detailed on special duty uty and andall andall andill
all contributions c < and andoll pther r funds ap appropriate appropriate ¬
propriate proprlateto to this end together fundsapl with withsuch withsuch withsuch
such sums 1iS as may be bspecially specially special1yappro special1yappropriated appro appropriated approprinted ¬
priated by said saidcItJshall city shall be paid to tothe 10the lothe
the treasurer of said aJd city to be kept keptseparate keptsepara1eand keptseparate
separate separa1eand and known kn wn as the police p lfce re relief relief ¬
lief fund fundSec fundSec fu d dSec reI
Sec 3 The treasurer treasu r of said city oityshaH cityshall
1 t Jt i B I Iname I Iname
shaH deposit all ai moneYsundersald rnones under said saidname
name in such savings savjugsbankas bank as said s saidboard Id Idboard I Iboard
board may designate teand and said board boardshall boardshall boardshaU
shall allow the police relief fund or orsuch orS1rehpart orsuch
such S1rehpart part thereof there fas as may m yseem seem best bestto bestto I Ito
to remain in such su h savings b oank draw drawing draw1tg ¬
ing mginterest Interest thereon ther 1otmay or mayinvest may nkdraW1 invest investthe investthe 1 1the
the same or r a part thereof in interest jntereatelT1ng interesttearing interestearing
tearing secUritieg secU1tI provided that no noloans noloans noloans
loans shall be made escept eKceptwhen when se secured seeetueaby secured ¬
cured etueaby by first TSt1horlgage mortgage upon npon1mprov npon1mprove improv improved ¬
ed ei incomebearing real estate te In said saidcity saidcIty saidcIty
city and andproVldea provided that thatno no bonds or orother orother Orother
other securities seourlttess1ri shull 1 be bebo bought ght except exceptthose excePtthoseexec exceptthose
those thoseexec executed ted by the state s te county countyor countyDicit
or Dicit city in the th United th1ltedtStates States and pro provided provtded provided ¬
vided that the validity and title of the themortgage themortgage themortgage
mortgage bond or other security shall shallbe 5hal1be sha1lbe
be first approved approve by the written opin opinion opmioI opinIon ¬
ion oi o the city attorney attorneySec attorneySec
Sec 4 The Thepollce police relief fund shall shallhedisbursed shallbe shallbedisbursed I
hedisbursed be > dlsburseltbr by said board only nIy for forthe forthe forthe
the purposes IHlrposeshereinsetforlhand IHlrposeshereinsetforlhandeach herein set forth and andeach andeach
each vouchercheck by which only Is Isa isa isa t
a disbursement e ntto to be made shall set setforth setforth
forth in brief the purpose thereon thereonshall thereonshaH thereonshall
shall be signed by the chairman haJrmanof haJrmanofid of ofsaid ofssid
said id board and countersigned by bytbe bytbecomptroller the thecomptroller thecomptroIer
comptroller of St said city and shall shaUbe shaUbepayable be bepayable bepyable
payable unless ess impracticable impracth ble to the thebeneflclary thebene thebeneaclary
beneflclary bene clary and apdn not otherwise othenviseSemI1 othenviseSemI1OOIUIl Semi Semiannual em1 em1annMl ¬ I
annual rtjibrts ports ghing g ctetalfe ctetaleof tKe of t3 the thepdlfcemllef thepdltce e epofltce
pofltce pdlfcemllef relief fund shall be made na by byfiald byald byMid
Mid board Qoardto to the mayor and city citycouncil cityoonncl citycotincil
councilSee council oonnclSeo cotincilceo
See 5 5No No one 9ueoher other than thanamem thanamember a mem memment memher
her df f the Tjcbci v police d part department partment
ment and after af r his decease members membersof
of his hl s family famllysh shall lbe be beneficiaries of ofthe O ofthe
the pollee relief reUeftnnd fund A pension pensioumay pensioumaybe may maybe maybe fi
be allowed a member memberot ot said depart department depsrtnient depart1 depart1nent ¬ I
ment upon being g retired1 by said sai board boardfor boardfor boardfor
for disability clisabIlitydue due to an injury injuryreeeiv injuryreeeived receiv received recolveu ¬ I
ed eu in the performance of police d Rt Rtor dty dtyor ty tyor
oidage twenty twentyyeUs years of ofcontinuous ofcontinuoUs
or to old age after r I Icontinuous I
continuous duty du In said d department departmentand
and such pearfon ion subsequently mayj mayjbe znaYJ may maybe I
be dimtolshed or discontinued Tern Temipbrasy F Ternporary Ul Ulporaty
pbrasy poraty relief rei let may be b allowed at jow ed in the thei6Ventl heof theceni
i6Ventl ceni of Injury cr iflnesa to an a4 extent extentin
in tile Jl9stwqrthy most wprtby Instance of not notmore notmoro notmoro
moro than onehalt on al of f tb the salary next nextthereto nedtmereto nexttereto
thereto pato pSlIlIWli wtien auca Injairy tDjaryor or Ill Illness Ulne9SuDfi1B Illness ¬
ness ne9SuDfi1B unfits the injured JDjt1redor or ffl member memberof
of srfd ddepartinentfr crld department from m active CUvepoIice CUvepoIiceduty police policedXtty poflcduty
duty and a d in addition thereto such suchmembers suchmembers suchmembers
members e expenses peIis s incident inoi et1t to tosr tor toronthemannnwhichti2St0T
sr r ronthemannnwhichti2St0T ronthemannnwhichti2St0Tpedoes and i1Ddtbemanner the manner in which tb 1betor 1betorpedo tor torpedoes
pedoes pedo are ar fired The pamphlet pmnphletls pmnphletlsneatltarranged mp1et is isneat isneatIy
neat neatltarranged neatIy arranged arrangedand and the art rt of o priat priatdng prbrtg
dng g Is shown Sh lVU to a a marked degree 1egreeSheritfJ degreeSheriff IcgreeSheriff
Sheriff SheritfJ J r W Swami SWanIlof of Rbckdaie RbckdaieCoturty R I IY I
Coturty Y Georgiareached Geortpa e edthe the city oltyyes oltyyest01day yes yesterday yesterda3r ¬
terday afternoon 11f navfag g in his cus custody QUstody enstody ¬ I
tody Seaman eam1 Wi11 V tflBU ttlfam Morris who de deserted deBerted derted ¬
the Broolyn when that thatvessel
serted rted from Broojtlyn
vessel was in port lat 1 year ye Morris Morrisjrith Morroth MorrLsith I I
jrith ith th seren e1enotheris others reanhed hedAt1antaand Atlanta Atlantaand and andvthe I Ifo r I Ithe
the foKner fo BeruBed SCuledapoattlon cued a ppalOon near nearAtlanta nearAtlantliw near1 near1Atlanta
Atlanta Atlantliw where l b be waa wa 1 captured tuteif by bythe b l lthe I Ithe
the sheriff Be tt vvas ras turned orer o r totbenava1 to tothe tothe
tbenava1 the naval avQxxez au salt at the toavy vy yard yardjesterday yar yarest yardestday
jesterday est estday taftenioon taftenioonDont afternoon afternoonPont afternoonDont
Dont be bese1ltsh beseIh selfish If you wte Bdne R R1 R1bon Rfrb Rfrbboa b bbon
Extracts ts tell tellyour teUr
bon Lemon L mon and Vanilla
your JUU r neighbor ne I bof l 00 H Hw wsuperior w ior ° th fhW y are 1 I IJUU
itktu r + t4444e tI tII ii
I fTh Tho itoroI itoroISeeOsir StOfO StOfOo
Soe SeeOsir SeeOsirI ee Our OurChocolate O u ui
i Chocolate Coated CoatedD Dates Datesat tes tesI
i at atOc 1O otnts c ntspe fltS per perwe pound U Ui r i ie
i We e have the finest line neof lu of Candies anes es at t1Qccnts 10 cents fpound fpoundt pCpOUfl pCpOUflever per jxxmd jxxmdever
t ever everiseenm seen in rn Pensacola PensacolaPhone Pensa Peiiaco1aPhonel83 ola olai
i Phone Phonel83 183 LA AZJACQAJy AZJACQAJyit JM OjJ m
it l l lt
t Ji c
1c t
I J4
2 H f
iOK > > of T 1t 4 iIt iItJi
Ji t r i t4 t4b
b f J Jy3 >
> e L 1 d
Ji2 y3 ot s 1dciL iJo
Injury jury or iltoess lllnesEmay may beaIlowed 1e oe allowed a 4e < e eieased 60
ceased members widow widowduring during widow widowhood widowhood wIdo wIdohood ¬
hood or Other dependent 1ependentinember < member of ofUs
family surviving when such mem member meJDbero meinber
ber bero of said safddepartmen departmen ales ciiesfroI from 1n tojury 1njury 1njury
jury received re eivedin In the performance ofhis of ithis t this
his police duty tiut j but such pension pen n sub sulvsequently su susequenty subsequently
sequently may be bedimlntshed diminished or ordJs ordJscontinued djs djsconttoued dS dScontinued
continued Every very allowance whether whetheras
as temporary relief or as as a a pension pensionshall pensionhall pension1ghall
shall hall be considered by said board only onlyto onlyin onlyIn
in pursuance of oru1esanciregulatlons oru1esanciregulatlonsprescrlb rules and1 ann regulations regulationsprescribed regulationsprescribed
prescribed dbysaid by said board to th the end endof endof endo
of o securing secu1 g Just justandunlt and uniform rmbenefi rmbenefiNo benefits benefitsNo benefitsNo
No pension pensloustian snail be allowed dbysaid dbysaidboard by said saidboard saidboard
board greater greaterthauoneh than onehalt lt the salary salarynext salarYnext SaIarYnext
next thereto paid and andno no allowance allowanceshall allowanceshall l10wanceshaU
shall he e made madeexc except pt in the discretion
aaltf al board bo rdand and upon 11Ponca1f call of o the tberoll therolI theroll
roll the thenotmg noting In th the minutes minutes of the thevote thevote thevote
vote of each member of said board boardvoting boardoUng boardvoting
voting and the affirmative vote te of ofmajority a amajority amajority
majority of the members of said saidboard sa1dboard saidboard
board and by a alike like vote voteonlyshl only shall lB lBpension a apension apension
pension be diminished or discontinued discontin dlscontlnued discontinned ¬
Best Cough Medicine MediclneforChildren MediclneforChildrenWnen for Children ChildrenWhen ChildrenWhen
When you buy a cough medicine medlcmetor medlcmetorsmallchlldren for forsmall forsmall
small smallchlldren children you y u want one in which whichyou whichYou whichyou
you can can place implicit confidence confid nce You Youwant Youwant Youwant
want one that is unquestionably harm harmless harmless harmless ¬
less You want one that is pleasant pl asant totake to totake totake
take Chamberlains Ch Cough Oou Rem Remedy Remedymeets Remedymeets dy dymeets
meets all of these thesecondiUonsThere thesecondiUonsThereIs conditions There ThereIs
Is nothing nothingsO so good for the coughs and andcolds andco1ds andcolds
colds Incident to childhood cl I Jlood For sa saby sale saleby ZaIby
by all druggists druggistsIMPORTANT drogglstsIMP druggistsIMPORTANT
An Animportantmeetfug important meeting of the Cham Chamber Ohamber Chamber ¬
ber of Commerce Commercfw1l1 willbe will De held today todayand toclayand todayand
and every person Interested interestedinthe interestedintheadwnceB to the theadvancement theadvancement
advancement adwnceB entor of the city is cordially cordiallyInvited cotdiallytnvI cordiallyInvited
Invited tnvI to be present It is antioipat anticipated antioipated ¬
ed that all directors of the important importantorgaafeation ImliortantormkaUoIi irnPrantorgzikation
orgaafeation will he b in inaUenda attendance attendanceAmong attendiuiceAmong 1ce 1ceAmong
Among the matters to come up for fordiscussion fordiscussion fordiscussion
discussion will be the amendment to tothe tothecily tothe
the thecily city charter er in lnreference reference to the thepurchase thepurchase thepurchase
purchase of waterworks and also als mat matters matters mattars ¬
ters relative to the bond issue issueThe issueThe issueThe
The questions are areot of vital impor importance Importance Importance ¬
tance to Pensacola at the present presentftme pre present1me eI t tttme
ftme 1me and every member should be in toattendance inattendance Inattendance
Will Play Sunday SundayA nday ndaygame
A game of Daseball baSeballJ has as been arrang arranged arranged arranged ¬
ed between betweentheOrloles the Orioles and a picked pickedteam pickedteam pickelteam
team from the entilre torpedo boat boatflotilla boatftoUl1aThe boatflotilla
flotilla ftoUl1aThe The game will be played Sun Sunday Suuday Sunday ¬
day on the diamond at the Big ElgDitcb ElgDitcband Ditch Ditchand Ditchand
and everyone Is invited as no no admis admission adnilsi dmlsswn ¬
sion i n fee 10will will be charged chargedSerious ch rgoo rgooSerl rgdSerious
Serious Serl usStomacttTlOubls Stomach Trouble Cured CuredI
I was troubled with a distress s5 in my mystomach mystomach mystornack
stomach sour s sour ur stomachand stomach andvomIUng andvomIUngsp ath vomiting vomitingspeite vomitingspeUa
speite and can truthfully say thatChamberl that thatChamberlains thatChamberlains
Chamberlains Chamberl Jns Stomach Stoma c 1ia arioPUver a iFLlver Liver Tab Tablets Tablets Tablets ¬
lets cured me meMrS Mrs TV T V Williams WiHiamsLatogsburg WiHiwns WiHiwnsLaingsburgMich WilliamsLalngsburg
Latogsburg LaingsburgMich Mich For or sale T by > y all alldrnggiste allclr alldrggIsth
drnggiste drnggisteQm clr gists gistsA
A BflA AE E TP9PR TP9PROe qij 90R 90Roe
oe ef t the Mp M Moat t tThrlUIBIfIBoIt Thrflllny Iaold Incldt Incldtof ti tiThe
t the JhaU Ring RIRcThe RingThe
The famous amOWlSpanLsh Spanish toreador toread rRe rReverieftgured Be Beverteflgured Beerbeflgured
verteflgured to one oneot o of the most m08ttl tbrlll tbrllling t 1I 1Img rilIbg
ing tnctoents ever witnessed it tnU eaed d to futile futilerena the ttearena thearena
arena rena It was at Bayonn BarDnne After r dis dispogiag dispoal
pogiag poal of two 1 11Ii1sReT bulls Us JJeverte Beir rte had h 1fwtoe twice twiceplunged twkepInged
his hiBswod sword into iDtOl a third t Ird of otgreat otgreatandfesroc great greatBtrengtb greatwtreigth
Btrengtb andfesroc and ferocity and andag as a theb the beast beastcontfnned asteontlr1t1Gdca
contfnned eontlr1t1Gdca CMC edDg caeciz IDR wildly wllcYythe the specta spectators spectators spectatots ¬ I
tors began bepnto to hiss Beverte for bun btaiitng bungD btxign
gD gn itng woundad Woiind to the very veryqulckot veryqulckotkls quick of ofkis ofMa
kis pride the Spaniard SpanlardShODtel shtfuteti houte The luTheb ThebcA
bcA b toatetol 4 ak1nI and throwing throwinguJde aside his hissword blssword hissword
sword aank on one knee with folded foldedarms foldedarm1uthe foldedarms
arms arm1uthe to the middle of the iI ring 1ngwas gHe He Hewas
was right but he had not allowed aUmv dtor for forthe forthe
the th e margin of accident accl den 1 The wounded woundedbeast W woundedbeast oun ded dedbeast
beast charged c full upon him but b t the thematadore thematadore thematadoe
matadore epleadld sPIesd1dtotbe e leadid to the last last knelt kneltmotionless kneltaoUon1ess
motionless as Hamtue a statue while the spec spectators spe spectators ¬
tators held their breath to horrified horrifiedsuspense borrifiedauspecie horrifiedsnsp2
suspense auspecie Reaching hIs Yicttm v1 the thebull thebullliteraDT bull bullliterally I IllterIly
literally bounded at hlin bl ± n and as he hesprang herang
sprang rang he heBa sank kt JDdea death with thW his last lasteffort la t tOft I Iaort
effort < Oft giving one fearful rtnllung lunge oT the thehead tholead thehead
head that tbatdiov drove ove a ahom1Dto horn into the thigh thighof th1ghor
of t the kneeling kDee knee ng man nanandlaldbarf and laid bare the tbbcne tbebone theb
bone b ne from the knee to the joint join18tHl join18tHlReverie Still StHlReyete I IReverte
Reverie serer flinched bntremabted bntremabtedbeeUDiexultantJn out remabied remabiedkBeettng reia1ned reia1nedkBeetlng
kBeettng beeUDiexultantJn exultant in victory iutciWn iutciWnyeoaWDpbous > butcaln butcalnJy ut calm calmly ¬
ly eotemptoons of applause tfll he bewas he1Vas hewascaedaway
was wascaedaway oajnied away to heal Elm h h1rteyouswo1w of 9f1J 9f1Jrlev bis bisprievou
prievou rlev 1rteyouswo1w UlWoUDIL wounds woundsJL
JL 4pI4ta 4pI4taA B0M 111 111lIudo1D Mam MamA
A iMBdspBie ndaoBie Bngnsb girl 1dreceotb reeutttly re retarned re reedmm rekrned
tarned edmm from Spain was 1f wa recountia rec recountg tultiOg hw hwe he4expgreoces
e uperieDces Mrieoces to a circle of friends friendsamour frtend friendsamong
amour < wbem was a Spu amlard ard 41The 41Thething T The Thething e ethiDg
thing that at delighted del1ghtedme me most she ahasaid sheaaldwU shegald
said aaldwU was that thitcbani1JJ charmingr g practice practicethey they thisyliave theyhave
have in SpotolferiI iBpato Saofoffer1ngon1nstnnt1y Saofoffer1ngon1nstnnt1ywhat of offering g yon yoninfltantty instantly instantlywhat I
what whatyo you may Jiaichancetoadm1reDo chance to admire Do Doyou
you 70 approre app io V of O1the de custom ens tom naked the theSpanish theS1sk
Spanish Sp8aIsiltrlMd frtefid fde 4tOl1 di yes r w1astJ1e w1astJ1ereply was the thereply torwty
reply enorita r1ta you hare 1sa very TerybeaQ TerybeaQtitat beau beaottfollipar beauUtnl 1 1Lood
ttfollipar titat lips excMmed uc1alinedt the kajHrisire kajHrisireA4oi imlHtli izaIeAdsfruiiaaLondOa
A4oi AdsfruiiaaLondOa iliB Lood Tmnilnn n Chronicle ChronicleTo QiiroDkJeftemH1 Cl iele ieleTe
ftemH1 Te xiail AIr we WR WRTo
To be Jeraoklt frankly old o1d oldwIth with yhite 1Yhith white hairy hairyIrttk hair hairWits
Wits m tk a Jovely SlloveJ1J1etWork network twork oi of IrAakles jninkf rfnkles c ces es that thatlook thatlook Ii Iiloot
look like lac lace ls is to be a bee MlieOue One Onemay
may also a beiquite be quite young BIig ItJst1eti Itia It te the time timejbetweeBitMitmatters timebetweenthatmattkrs n
jbetweeBitMitmatters Jtetweentba intt 1S9 The middle dIeR aged agedwostaa agedwoaa
wostaa JagoJie is gone goiaeO o so completely sane sanethat
that Jta a aUttl little while the wpdd 1r w r1d rId will wUItalk
talk quite gravely of otp oresvInga preserving rvin ra ramentor a spec specimen Specl3en ¬
imen mentor for posterity terityI In ia1ey r a few years yearsspecimens ye yeap yearsspeci
specimens ap speci nsW ns will b be wrcgbtfor 801Ipt soxgtfOrjke rJikeS11K rJikeS11Kton Jfice Sk Shiv Shivaton < r raton
aton ton itD iurafturaI4nO Inrmtture Loriioa WwIaof WwIaofD Wsrld of ofBress ofDrees
Bress BressBnll D
Net la tJae Pugiflitie Lie LieBultyes LIneBUIILYeB
Bnll Bultyes y s Ms lAog Z ic mentioni mentlonefl te tame tem teme
me m < Jastn last night that ttiat8ite ttiat8itethe she knew niv you By Bythe Bythe
the way y In I never n ver er kneV e knew beforer hefOrjhat that hatyou hatyouwere you youwere youwere
were a apu pujjKllat t < Cadle2plJt adIey1 dJet a pu p pugilfet pugilfetBullTea fflstt fflsttBuU 1 1BUllts
BuU BUllts Yes she told toklm me yoa yoawere yoawerejlbeItPhlladeIIH wiere s syoamg a1t
jlbeItPhlladeIIH 1t t Fb1JadelPJiJ S STeehiag s sTeekl
Teekl cO the Tout Kea KeayoumtOrow Idea IdeaYoung
Young youmtOrow OcowMM course Im mU mUto ideueto Ieus Ieusto
to Bee see tke ti workL Old CjrpwWeHf CjrpwWeHfyo Ct CrowWeIJ CrowWeIJyoliid W 1t 1t1Ots
yo yoliid Tl to lots 1Ots ot ott things ifriin1Ft ungsiiit P PML toIt tiitioat tiitioatbcIag it t dorft t
bcIag to ML eiTivklL UP r tYKk
YKk TivklL
7 j
4 4p r
p t e ea oA < 5t 5tJ
o y o jFk f ffoj
J foj a ri il k c o oti >
ti r o oi 8
i J f < t
s C
Ci Cannibals CannibalsgesM f nl Is IsA
IIJ 1 T Tc
c l
t gftfages gesM tt 1II1r idijfct idijfctIiest ei t ia 1 1jeJag
0 1 1JeeJiiSSU
JeeJiiSSU jeJag Suifl JtlWDIG 1t tu tut tb tbiit
Iiest iit tMKgkt t o ote eifflfcatiom eifflfcatiombt Ft Ft1sre
1sre bt relieve Gall all paim WLS HSg HSgaMyie c cq
q aMyie 1edoMwit 1edoMwitIaDOIL edoneth done frith HAMLDTS HAMLDTSPpr fl flWTAD
FOr Qrinoornal internal aai a extend extendcuratiTe extematc1iratt6actionitJ1 extHIcuratlye
curatiTe c1iratt6actionitJ1 action itI itias me J eqmal eqmalla eq l lJith l liutheitiro
Jith iutheitiro la tne tire aieiicil JIleiicli mec1wId wrW rld Itrelieyesthein1lammatift1fIlclt It Itrelieyes Itrelieyestjte
relieyes relieyesthein1lammatift1fIlclt relieyesthein1lammatift1fIlclthJ relieyestjte the frrfl bfianhitWkIk bfianhitWkIkIs ammatlaa which whichis
is irritating Titatingyourneryesrep Titatingyourneryesreplatesth your nerves re relates reg reglates
lates latesth the circulation circulationr if tn tnsmall the thesmaJI thesmall
small Wood lo cI Tessels > a d bjr bjrselentiftc bTSeieucmeans byscientific
scientific Seieucmeans mieans inans gently gentIybut > ut car eertaily cartab1lyrestores certainly
taily tab1lyrestores restores your jbeir jbeirhealft b bhe1tll te tehc4tL
healft healftTom he1tllYocavtbe hc4tLYoM
Tom Yocavtbe ° cant cautbe DO sicklf sick sicklfyoawsrJ sicklfyoawsrJoff it yom 70 wuri wurioff war waroff
off the preliminary actiom Qtio ef efdisease ofdises f fdis
disease dis micreoes mcrebeswitJi uritk this thisgreatest thisgreatest I Igre
greatest gre testr tf all alleii meiiciaes iaes of ofmo4erm ofmoder 1 1mo4en
mo4erm tb times es Price 50c ait ailO n nLOO
100 Fully Pu11 garanteed garanteedFor
For sale aufi aniJrecomm recoamxmQftil niloobY niloobYWHITES tar tarWHITES byWHITES
Pensacola Fla plaPhone Flafhon FlaPkoii
Phone IRQ Night Phone 446
1 1CORucker
CORucker C C Rucker general agent for forSwifts forSwi forSwifts
Swifts Swi ts Specific Co of Atlanta Uanta t was wasto waslnPensacola wasin
to lnPensacola Pensacola yesterday for the pur purpose purpose purpose ¬
pose of renewing r the companys ad advertising adverttsingcontraot advertising ¬
verttsingcontraot vertising contract with The TheJou TheJouwhich Journal Journalwhich Journalwhich
which he did didThe didTheS didThe
The TheS S S S Co began advertising advertisingin
in The Journal a year ago and found foundthe foundbe foundthe
the results so sO satisfactory that MrRucker Mr MrRucker MrRucker
Rucker yesterday yesterdaypiaced placed with this pa paper paper paper ¬
per one ot othe the largest advertising adverUslngcon adverUslngcontracts con contracts contracts ¬
tracts ever everplaced placed lnFloiTdaand nFloWd ani cer certainly certaInly cartainly ¬
tainly the largest ever e evet r placed p1 C WIth WItha ith itha
a Pensacola paper p r ll calls fofr f r t6000 t6000Inches 6000 6000inches 6000InchesdisplllY
inches InchesdisplllY display space sp ceandr and represents representsan pres nts ntsan
an amount of money mono Whkhfew which few newfj newfjpapers newijjapers news newspapers
papers in cities citi s t the eslz size siz of Pensacola ofPensacolaarQ Pensacolaare Pe aCola aColaate
are ever able b1e to secure secur6ootrilecp secur6ootrilecptr secureoh bh one corf corftract cdritrd
tract tr trd t t tMr 1 f fposted y yMr
Mr Ruckerl Bucker is p probab babry the be beposted t tpostedadertismgDi
posted postedadertismgDi posted advertising advertisingHe n n z l America AmericaHe a aHe
He isr lsrat Is at least least a a recognized author authority authorfty uthorfty ¬
fty among advertisers adv riiSersas as lothe to the value valueof valueofnews valueof
of ofnews newspaper space aridf an it the tham merits fts of ofnewspaper o onewspaper ofuewspaxer
newspaper circulation n and the fact factthat factthat factthat
that he selects 4he fhe he Journal J1u alfor for thls thlsbig thlsbIg thisbig
big contract is ja a compliment Q tb this thispaper thispaper thispaper
paper which hIch the advertising world worldwill worldwUl worldwill
will at least recognize recognizeJERSEY reco recognizeLg4SEv lze lzelJftSEY
The two white men and six negroes negroesarrested negropsrreste negroesarrested
arrested rreste l recently recenUyfor for burglarizing tha thatore th3toreof thastore
store tore toreof of Lannon Co were giren g1 n a ahearing ahearing ahearing
hearing In the police court yesterday yesterdaymorning yesterdaymorning yesterdaymorning
morning and hound overto over to the coun county countyauthorltles count ¬
ty tyauthorltles t authorities for trial in the criminal criminalcourt criminalcourt cr1malcourt
court courtThe courtThe courtThe
The arrests ar sts were made by Marshal MarshalSchad MarshalSch MarshalSclmd
Schad d and his officers and the theovi theovidence evi evidence ovidenco ¬
dence as assubmltted submitted to th the police policecourt polleecourt pollcecourt
court yesterdaysmorning was vpsverJ very verystrong verystrong
strong against them themHER themHER thetallth
She Neglected AIlments Which WhIcjSeem WhIcjSeemed Seem Seemed SeemedTrivi
ed edTrivi Trivial land and Became a aBedrid aBedriddnlnvalhABurdento Bedrid Bedriddwi Bedridden
den dnlnvalhABurdento Invalid InvaIIuA A Burden to Her Herself Herself He Heself ¬
self and Her Friends FriendsMarvelous FriendsMarvelous
Marvelous Power of ofGF G F P PIrs PMrs I IMrs
Mrs SlaryacottCaaten whosework whose whoseworifor work workfor
for women 1fomen ha h hae made her er name nameous faIn famous ¬ I
ous trou troughout out America says saysTfie saysTe
Tfie T1 e women WOmen who neglect < t female femaletroubles tema1etrOubIesof femajetroubles
troubles trOubIesof of any kind sins against agaiustGod God Godand
and Han When I IW8B was younger I was wasa wasavictkn wa waa
avictkn a victtm of prolaplsHs and nd ovarian ovariantroubles ovariantroubles ovariantxoubiez
troubles and andboC811e because I was ashamed ashamedto
to call a doctor let matters go Dam fxombad Dambad fxoxxbad
bad to worse w euntil until I was a bedrf bedridjlen bedridjleninvalid bedrjdjenInvalid < en enJnnI1i1a
invalid JnnI1i1a a burden to myself DrSe1tand and my myfriends
IdendsilthencaHed friends friendsI
11 ilthencaHed I then called a doctor and all in inthe Inthe
the world he did for me wa Was to totel totelmeto tell tellme tellme
me meto to g g efc t a bottle of G P FPA P Gentles Gen terties ¬
d ties 8nm Femate1 bmliPanacea bmliPanaceaIt 1Panacea 1PanaceaIt Panacea PanaceaIt
It c cedme cared red me In an hoar I felt new newlife aewlifeandstten newlife
life lifeandstten and strength and andjnafortnig in a fortnight t twas I Iwas Iwas
was as well ell as I am tO today todayG aytJ
tJ G > iP B P Qeratles erstI s Female F malePa1aoea malePa1aoeaisastrictlt Panacea Panaceafe
fe isastrictlt 1 a strictly vegetable vegetabJeremedr remedy or mar marvelous mar marloUS marvelvus ¬
velous loUS Bowertor power w lor th the cure cnr of f teuialsdisorders female Xernaladisorders femaledisorders
disorders S13has SBch as leucorrflea le corrneaP prolap prolapsus piolapsus lap lapsusta1Ung ¬
sus susta1Ung talltoff 51h ot o the womb ovarian ovariandifficulties ov ovariandifficulties rian riandiffic1
difficulties diffic1 1t1es and painful painl u1 suppressed suppressei or orIrregular Of1rr or1rreguiai
Irregular 1rr ar menstruation menstruationIt m nttnatkni nttnatkniItls
It Itls Is the only 0I recognized te OgnlZeilremedy OgnlZeilremedywhich remedy remedywhich remedywhich
which is isso1duDd sold under an anIro Iroinelad a4 mon monjay man manYba maneybaek
jay Yba baek jgaarantee nteeBaya Bay a bottle from fromthe fromthe fromthe
the nearest druggist FSQ 1Js K itto1he itto1helast tothe tothelast to be beIat
last drop drepaBcl and If you conscientiously conscientiouslysay
say you youJave have not been b anbe1lefited benefited take takfsthe takethe e ethe
the empty bottle to tothema the matt rnait who sold soldG solda 1d 1dG
G Pi F l P Fw to you You aad he iwill wU return retnrnyour returnyour returnyour
your your moaey moaeyIf JllOlleIt19u uoee uoeeIf
If It19u your drusgisi ± 4gis cannot cannotsupp1y supply you you yousend yoisend
1 send ad direct dlroo io 1Q8sand 55 s and we will nruip ship shipprepail shipprepai
prepail i p li an receiPt ipt9l of price rl 1JI heGer heGerCe7 oGer r r1i
OU 1i r Ui eC8 Ce7 t CAtta Chattaoega Tr ri rit
t 4 gt tgt it 4 i t cs i
I J w tfJ7
1 1f 1PEH6
Ai kgolfmtchot golf m matchofDorethan tchof more aorethaa 4baa tisoal llsualk llsualkterest te teterest kterest
terest win lll be b played lay dthis this afternooa attemoollpnthe afternooaon afternOOon
on pnthe the links at a the Country poimtrO poimtrOThe Oh OhThe O1nb O1nbThe
The Mobile and < Pensacola ensac ra teams will Trfllcontest willcontest willcontest
contest for or the championship and andthere andthere d dthere
there will no noubt > 3ouH ba a l large rgenwnb6l rgenwnb6lof number numberof
of society people peoploOutiQ dot to witness thecont the thecontest thecontest
contest contestThe cont contestThe st stThe
The gam commences commen at it 2 pcloek pcloekand oc1oekand ocloekand
and a general generatrecep reception on will be e held heldby h heldby ld ldby
by the club lu luh At tae tJiec1ttbhousedu1Jng tJiec1ttbhousedu1Jngthe clab clabhonse house duilngthe dating datingthe
the afternoon ftep1oo in which ij i Is expected expectedall xpecte4ailjnembers ec e1l e1ln
all ailjnembers n members mbers will ptrtidpate ptrtidpateThe trtidpateTh pate pateTh
The Th l members of the theMobll9 Mobile team teamaccompanied teamacctm teamaccompanied
accompanied acctm aniedbY by sL a party of ladles ladlesreached ladiesreachedtheciti ladlesreached
reached reachedtheciti the city lasLnlght lasLnlghtThe lastnIghtThe last night nightThe
The Mobile MobileRegi5toc = Register of yesterday yesterdaycontainedthe yestNdarCo yesterdaycontained
containedthe Co contained t lned the foHowing owfugre1aUvetofibo owfugre1aUvetofibovisiUng relative to the thovisiting thevisiting
visiting jiartr jiartrThis rty artyjrhia rtyTblsa1ternoons
This Tblsa1ternoons afternoons train tmnto to Pensacola Pensacolawilt Pensacolawui Iensaco4awilL
wilt caqy arry a Vert very lappy ba Jiap y party rty of Mo MoCity Mobillans Mobillaus
billans The object of their vIsIt Ia IatW07f istwofold
tW07f twofold 1d The bestaolfers best lfers ot the GuUr Gul Gulcity
City The Pirates will go to play playa pla a amatch
match game at the Country Co ntry Club on onSaturday onSaturdayevenlng onSaturday
Saturday Saturdayevenlng evening and the t e team willplay willpiay will willplay
play in the thefollowmg following order Robert BobertHunter Rob RobertHunter J1 J1HunterNRCla
HunterNRCla Hunter N R Clarke te W GBom G Horn JSRaymond3W J JS JS
S SRaymond3W Haymond 3 3 W GrayWH Gray Grayjr WH W H Monk MonkJr MOnkJr Monk3r
Jr T S H Hunger r Murray Wheeler Wheeler1l1 R RCyril R RCyril
Cyril Cyr1ISl11Uh Smith and E J Buck Besides Besideatiis Besidesthis BeiId Js Jst
this t fSparty party of enthusiastic golfers the thefair thefaIrsex thefair
fair faIrsex sex will be represented by Mrs MrsE MrsE
E E J Buck B u kX Mrs r W H Monk M Jr Mrs MrsP M MrsF ra raF
F N Ruse Miss Ethel Hodgson Miss MissMaebelle MIsSIaebelle 3lIssMacbelle
Maebelle Mc wcK Mc1ee e and Miss Amanda AmandaMoore AmandaYOO1 AmandaModc
Moore Mr M Horace Upton and id Mr MrWalton MrWalt MrwnitoI
Walton nSIDk Sink ink will also so be in the party partyBesides partyBeSkleB partyBesideS
Besides golf 1l there will be an added at attraction attraction attraction ¬
traction of f tl the1loot t fleet and PensacoJians PensacoJianswith PensacoUanswIth Pensacolanswith
with their thelrcharacterist1chospitaUty thelrcharacterist1chospitaUtyare characteristic hospitality hospitalityare
are sure sure to make the hestayothse hestayothseltoMIhms stay ot of these theseSIoBIIlans thseMobliIaiis
SIoBIIlans a memorable as s well asa asapleasant asapleasant as a apleasant
pleasant one
AMMi ue1atcll gssia4e ied With TKnnklnA From ho th thEarliest tbs tbsr1iet ij
Earliest r1iet Known Bayx BayxOf D Dftyor 7L 7LOf
Of all bomeadcatecL dome lozneet1cate1 animals anbnaJfsthe anbnaJfsthesheep the thesheep thesheep
sheep bis s fran tijpae tIne e immemoalfel been beenmost beenmostdokeIya8QO beenmoat
most mostdokeIya8QO clofeely 1oeIy associated atRd with wi und irimfrlndwrites undwritce J 1 Del DelwrIt
writes wrIt R t Henry Rfew in Outing An Anerudite Ancnte Anerudite
erudite cnte aatfaor thorsixtyyeaftJ sixty yeare ago barring barringlaboriously hliVlngJa havinglaboriosIy
laboriously Ja collated aa aaa aaaottment Ottment of ofallasiojBE ofallasloas f faUasiosldosheep
allasiojBE aUasiosldosheep to sheep made by sacred and andprofane andprofane h hpl9ane
profane writer concluded conclu led that thattbe thattbeh1MorT the thehistory theMetory
history of these animals is so inter interwoven lnterWOfen interwoien ¬
woven with the history of man that thatthey thattheY thatthey
they never 8i eDIted in a awlld wild state at atalL atall atalL
alL Biblical history from the time of ofAbelis o oAbel t tAbelj <
Abelis Abel fall of allusions to the docks dockswhich Hockswhkbtormed Ifockswhieb
which whkbtormed formed the tk thecNef drief possessions loD8 of ofthe ofthe p pthe
the Jewish JewlShpeqie people and their neighbors neighborsThe neighborsThe neighborsThe
The spoils of war and the tribute pf 9tTaBsal pfrassal t taseai
rassal kings largely 1ge consisted COI1Slstec1otSboop COI1Slstec1otSboophU8 of she sheep sheepThus p pThus
Thus hU8 we read that Mesha Mes king 1t1ngot 1t1ngotMoab of ofMoaby ofMoab
Moaby Moab wa w a sheep master and nd sender sendered Mldereel rend r red
ed onto u to Die king klDgot of o Israel a hundred hundredthousand hundredthousand
thousand lambs and an d a hundred lLh1itDdtedj thou thousand thousand thousane ¬
sand rams rsrnswfth with the wool Moses after afterfate afteriIe r ri
i fate victory vI torr < over ver th the MMianites obtain obtained obt obted ¬
ed as asoofIlO loot no iqss lqssthlU1615OOO than 675000 shed sbeepbig shedand J I Iand
and big ng before b fore the Chriattaa era sheep sheepwere sheepwerecalUated sheepwere
were werecalUated cultivated in western Europe EuropeSpain EuropeSpam EuropeSpain
Spain and Italy 1taIYpoS8essed possessed them from froman fromanunknnwn I IanunkrowD
an anunkrowD unknown period although althoughkmg long after afterRome aterROIDewU attetRome
Rome ROIDewU was founded the inhabitants 1nh btants had hadnot hadllotl badnctlearnedto
not llotl nctlearnedto learned arDedto to sheer the theft fleece and an d un until uni uniill ¬
ill t1lthe the time of Pliny the practice of ofplucktngiftfrom ofplucktng otpluckXnglt
plucktngiftfrom plucktng t from the skin was notwhol notwholly notwho1y
ly abandoned a sDdoaed so long that the feamtile feamtileshepherds tnlle tnlleshep2ievd > le
I Iahephercrs
shepherds ot Syria preceded in their theirknowledge i iknowledge I
knowledge of necessary arts ar the fcrtare fcrtarecoaqoerorfl tatarecoaqnerors tatnrecoaquerora
coaqoerorfl of their country coon cotmtt7WEAPONS I IWEAPONS
Tiroarr TJro Odd Od Proposition hOJl alt1 B When WkeRCkaDe WhenChaUnged VieaChjttteBceil
ChjttteBceil CkaDe fcr JTJlilaaar1k JTJlilaaar1kDr Bl mrtlr ismzrkDr mrtlrDr
Dr Yirchow Yirehowthe the eminent man of otacl otaclence set science setence ¬
ence had h b bee bee ea sharply criticisingPrince criticising criUdsingPrin criticisingPrince
Prince Prince e Bismarck who was was then chan chancellor chaDcelJor chancelior ¬
cellor celJorAt celiorAt cellorAt
At the end of ora a particularly severe severeattack evereattack severeattack
attack Bismarck felt Hmseif persoatl persoatlly
ly affronted and an seat s seconds to Wr VIr VIrchowwitb Virchow Wrchow
chow chowwitb with a challenge to flgbt a gel doeLThe gelan dueLThe
The zan an of science was found la his hislabonAory 1tlslabolMoQ hislaboiMory
labonAory bard bardat rd at work Tkat at experi experiments xperJmenta xperIinents ¬
ments wfetch had for their object the thadiscove thediscove thediscovery
discove discovery r of ilmeans a means of o destroying destroyingtrichinae destNyingtrieblI1ae destroyingtrlnRe
trichinae trieblI1ae Wbkh which were weremaklag making great greatravages greatravage greatravages
ravages in Germany GermanyAh Germ GermthaaJ GeflDan GeflDan11Ab
Ah thaaJ said the tbedoctor doctor a challenge challengefrom c challengefrom a1knge a1kngefrom
from Pri Prisite Stetaarck keh eh WeUw Well ellwelU ellwelUAs well wellAs ut utAs
As lam I am the tbecta + he cteUeaged > party I sep flBppo8 nppose seppose
pose po8 I have tte eI1 eke keot of weapons weaponsHew weaponsHeN woaponaHere
Hew they arei Re1Ict arefHebold V VHe
He Hebold held 1d1IP iip P two tW large sausages Wblcli Wblcliseemed iyhkhseemed hlch hlchseemed
seemed to be exactly alike alikeOne Uke UkeOI1e alikeOue
One of oft1IeiesaU tlmgrimnrngafi r he e said vis visfilled is ismIedwti Is1led
filled mIedwti wttk trich4aae frbLneit e < it t iadeadlj lsdead1i7he lsdead1i7heother isdead1 The Theother Theother
other is Sspertectl7 perfectly wholesome omeE Ester EsterBally eraUythet Esterxally
Bally aUythet > tfcef th cant t be told apart Let his hisexcelleecy bisexeeUq hisexeeIle
excelleecy do dqmet1te me tike honor to cfcoose cfcoosewhiciwter ebOOSW ooae ooaewhickeer
whiciwter W 04 Qfithe Ibeae e be WisheS and eat eatit eatit eatIt
it ancii nd i w walt wil at the otberl otberlTK otbecrTh0g itP
TK Th0g gk thepwpoaWtoa the tb Uuu vras wua as tea reasonable teasonabJelUi nasouable
sonable sonabJelUi as any dseliug pt propostfioa propostfioaCQuld cooa cooacQ1ld poUloa poUloaCQuIdbe
CQuld CQuIdbe bePrtnce be tnce ceR BiranaRkfs represeHt represeHtsttves rpreseatatrres ent entat1Tes
sttves rrfaeed it ltNo ltr No Odiil d geI el was fotgh fotghmad toIIltud fOtta
mad a BO JOB Oe accused accus dVlrckow Tlrchow ot cw cwarika c car cawa cawThe
arika a
7k Tllet TlletBmk The e Brwt BrwtBank nta ntaB
Bank B Clark Ccl IiO No ma4aB mat l I ajo i SORT SORTbBt aoft71 aoft71b1ltW 8Oi 8Oibat
bat b1ltW w we recat D ou Mh tfa ae check Tote Totekwjb Y ir irb
b beari kwjb wead ad a < rs < coBnt is is oeinvrn 1n1 Mn Mnamcttlnff Mis MisJ8m Mrsn
J8m V WnJsftI n Is I J eM knw knwaseag
M amcttlnff g wvsv oag sgwhea sgwheaJt ng wheipbff Mgsed Mgsedtt
tt wjajoat rttbtgtOr wlthg natisgtfbr f r rarte H go Late istahygiertca mtaJledt9 Lateirate
hygiertca hygiertcaIrate Jledt9 Jledt9te
Irate te TTMfe TJaVs a ts the tftyseewd tftyseewdfahchbod Ift7OeOZfaoe tty eei eeiyouve
fahchbod youve tola I me this weet weetVDbtlW wkpnat week weekTJnabariw
TJnabariw pnat = i MpBb u a Weil Jww ew ewcaa ye yeca pM pMcaa
ca caa see w atl at t Ja Tirim mby by the exp expsiem eJItUe exprea
siem as a packet pet tUe lleir I1esPittsrg Pittafesi 1UgP 1UgPse Post PoetOne I Iffky
One se Keti Ketiyshenld Reason ReasonWhy
Why yshenld should wonen w enbec enbecm enbechad be cecks I Iotoad m Laeedaaccs
had eedaaccs at OtallionrQ safcorsy asks s a Chicago CbiCacowo CbiCacowomaJed1tlt TO TOicaa woia
ia icaa maJed1tlt tolvtr d leasiec We W for oc oae oeea rea reason ¬
son 80 a a it Is more iwfltable pvetabewasimtea pvetabewasimteaPt bt Warfrf g tH tHPMt a
PMt PttateJ
Ia pn tt tIte JJK i ae aete
tateJ te b Ttie Ttieh the stae a w piies t
S Stot
tot i 1 7
i i v i J j jk jii
> < k
ii j1 tfS
1he j 1 1ApdrluuL
1 11edJf 11edJ1fA f i
1fA 1fACa
ektbe er errJIIILA
Ca TT11 TT11f
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KaroBaaefis ani an a eases the erfcfa attendant6 MDfld3j U JlfMZ i t 14 c4 Me e oiii E 1 ffe ffeThoz e eThoaaaaala 1 1Thoaam
Thoaaaaala of ofmo o mottiers others besides iQss K < > te ssLr g fen aye ayeoHd
ioHHd d grateful relief re1i front fromt tie epaiDs jakis of ofchi1 ckn ohlli < jliHi aai ai iiTet r rkad
had a qoiak ani an happy h ppy recovery reco recoveryafford froaiitejsaB IS cssaot cssaotaficrd C8IbOtt C8IbOttaibd
afford to stdfer whea 100 bottiea o Jesare are M M 35 wsiI wsiIHp Iy > y aM aMSuperfluous 3
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Superfluous Hair is isCurable isp
IS1 J JCurable
Curable CurableAee 0 b bMadam
Madam dm I IS IAe
dmAre S S
Are you youaff afflicted cted with vthth This ts sdi disease diseasrAre ease n C CAre
Are you youstiU still using ustng a R5lt R5ltArc MZ t i
Are you still using using a TWBE2DBR TWBE2DBRThen l S SThen
Then Thenyou you certainly tertain have not used edMA edMAAtexaoderGrossmanthe MAJM MAJMDr MAJMbDrj
bDrj Dr Alexaoder AtexaoderGrossmanthe Grossman Gros nin the eminent emtnentfair Hair SpeciaHai SpeciaHaihas Spcda1fhas alf alfhas
has after 15 years of research and an experimenting exPa1men dS dScovered dii di dicovered r rcovered
covered an atsoluteremedy absolute remedy for this unsightly disease diseaseGUARANTEED dicaseGUARANTEED 1 S e eJiJ
t to destroy dHtr y the thecoarsest T be absolutely absolutelycoarsest S Snoninjurious
coarsest co rsest growth growthor noninjurious to tothe toor toor
or money m neyRE RE REFUNDED ¬ the thcmost most dell dellr dellcate dellFlJNDED deliFUNDED < r
FUNDED cate t c to Skin Skinand SkInand Skinandwccan
and andwccan andwccanI Moecan MoecanProve we can canProve
I Prove It ItThe F FTh 1 1ThO
The abate bOLT Is not the result of ofmaglc magic butctthis but ot this thsWoneru1D1S thsWoneru1D1Sc rfKonfieriul iifs iifsc Dis Discovety
c c covety T tynametLMAJI tynametLMAJIl T l7 namsdlMAJI namsdlMAJIRite name MAW
Rite l photograph Is isb but t ONBof E the the THOUSANDS ou of cases that thatM thM thatS
l l S S SMAJl
M MAJl AJl Jlis is endoraed e oi liiOaedand iorsetl and andrecommended recommended d by oy tha thmot most eputaWe e Phy PhyK PhYsicla Physicis
sicla K isaSithe aathe ONLY + r + jetnedy edyforPER 9 for < PERANEtT Tvi r rf fr m temoval Ud atdt atdttibt1emtOtls 3 3tlbn 2 2t
tlbn t tibt1emtOtls < SfSoramFLOTJS t us HAIR HAIRmcis m mS
S 5 7iti H 1 1i 1acLsQUICKLYafldPERMANEN7LYr
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The Theact1OI action of this wonderful Won erfUl Compoand commeaceMazxteoa cnece cneceon dr drL
en L itsapplicaitioatD ltB p1Icattonto catIWlto the part afflicted It does flot ot t flwco ib U Uthatn tl tlthu bafe bafeto >
thatn thu ta1ig it retvn mor9coarse more coarseaat ZdstW ttq thi th en ev MLpea MLpeato S Sto i
to tiie t root of Ctbe the Uwtt It I deiltrojFa ill the te CA CAot CAottrei SS c aL tfie tl tlstrej gfesediL gfesediLB
B trei AiM th the Titt AA A4 i 4 taable OrnraMo e to its ij WfilL MAd MAift rttrAB cures by hrr f fnow aitro1 aitro1Ing tqy tqylug
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If 1fYonr yp yptir cnsgist ggist does doesnotkeep notJceep It iad nd nd1fl lto 14 to towill oe etae4 i uS uSwHl J JwRlbe
will wRlbe 1c oe maiKfito to you postage ptepaa to plain plainThe Trapper rrapperThe S STHe
THe Turkish T f ish Remedt Reaiec Co CoDeptW 00 L LDeptW Jj JjDcpt
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Gcom W Th Thompson amp oiI Prop Dp iI I lj lj208S
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ABdlLine AB HJ ne of oFancy Fancy Wines Cigars Brandy Br BryinEtc BryinEtcYOURE Gm GmYOURE tc tcYOURE
r Ji JiY 1 1I
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will IIll buy a fine CJutt0T ClttaJ Clutt rPlaia iif Pln + if you calt alIw11e wlile > wlileSpecial f ft fThe I jj
Special t BcMns Sik SikThe t <
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