x f F i 1 f < v Yfi > 7 rl r 7E f > roa cF1 1 < f w y f Y i in c f l T rr i ifT aL aLi > fT < fo i r > < i > r 1 1i e > i r c 1 0 1 f ti i n c eh t ilfi < g 1 1t > i S > Y 0 7 if C 4 i < w vfP i vYx i T Te V c i it v vW < t f > r > if X 5 i < c v vl t l Y W THE PENS COL w URN wi cSATUR I LI flawYNr VMnR vYYYYa A wbYYY rt f r rt rIf r t If 4Y T TR0M ROM the dollar dollarandcent d dollarandcent oJ lara laraI I y L andcent side sideof sidleof 1 of it it takes tl5 es Ie leers leagArmours leersArmours so soOY OY t Armours Bee Beey Beef BeefExtract BeefExtracttodomore y Extract Extracttodomore Extracttodomoret to do more moreRequires morec J t J c i Requires only onlyone onlyonel o oquarter oae oaequarter quarter er teaspoonful aspoonfultcup t tacup tacupofbeef acup acupofbeef cup of O Ch beef e eft tefcwhile tefcwhilebme teawhfssouse e w hi le leomerequireafuJ1o l a souse omerequireafuJ1o omerequireafuJ1oll require a fuoae fuoaeOur fufoaea fufoaeOur Our cook book bookCnllnary beakit beokCulinary it ll Culinary Wrtnklea WrtnkleajY Wrin WrtnJLl I Imilled u uI X milled c1 free freeArmour freeI freeArmourl4Compaay freeArmour jY I Armour Armourl4Compaay Q Coznpaar CoznpaarChicago Compa y yChicago If I 7 Chicago ChicagoEdwin ChicagoIf ChicagoThe l y f The TheJ Thedwin s J Edwin Clapp ClappShoe ClappShoe x Shoe Shoefor for form6I1 met are 2 ebe the ie highest hlgbestg grade de of ofSlenfe ofetf ofears Slenfe etf ears Shoes Shoesmade Sho s made xBverx 1 t Eve X pair are areBBKfoH tr trH e eJIJENIOHFINISHED JIJENIOHFINISHED BBKfoH H ITJNISHHD They cost a ab1t ab1tmwethan bi bir bit bitiriore t r iriore mwethan than other othermies makes bat b t thenjyou thenjyouale then the you yougeta yout t geta get a bettkr bettkrQITM QnMI T of S1rIOEl SIiODh SIiODhare they theye ey ale e the theiWOR1 WORSiDS WO t DS JBEST B BEST T Anothershipment Anothershipment Another AnotOOrh shipment h rit just received recei receti riraking i i ug the theird th thWhir e Whir lird this season Ajrfew 9xtesvoQ off th tha that many ntanyTHE manylYleS Y lYleS we e fie e t eARRDW t THE ARROW 6V 6 6PAlA V r I PAI PAIn PAm PAlAAn PAmhn An n AUO UOer r Patent 1imt Copona Kid KidBracH Kt KtJ31uC 1 Blncltesr BracH l1 riOXFORD Ox OSFOKD o strame metunswJn full swing swingmilitary swcmgmflitary g gmnitarY military tea 1 ee1 an exceedingly ipd ipdTHE h4adsome d donoro some onoro onoroL ox cYRD cYRDHE > THE HE ARROW ARROWPAIH ARRQ W i L I t PAIH PAIHAit PAI PAIAt PAIRly y < Ait double double bte tan danRussla Ri sia calf i Wupber WupberOXHOHD bh1QberOXroRD u e r 0 01tarY OXHOHD 1QR + D estre ektremeOutside ne e outside t8ide 8wtogmil 8wtogmilit SWln swing mil milhe l lJ it itarY 1tarY1QR ry heel he a pliant yieMfeg yie1 < li1g le lewhor lewhora 1 bher bhera r ranew J a anew a now shtide shtideTHE sb6deTHE sbddeS S THE WALL ST S5O 550rl 6 S5OPAIR SO SOPAIR PAIR PAIRA PAIRlight rl 1 A light tan Russia calf f blubber blubberOX b1qCherr blucherplOltD bxmoRD OX F5ORD with medium swing creas creased creased crewed ¬ r ed tops large eyelets military heel IheolVER tbeoliVEY heels s iVEY vE VER Rt SWAGGER SWAGGERTHE SWAGGERT SWAGGERTHE U T > THE PRiNCE 550L 550 550PAIR L PAIR PAIRA PAIRmedimn P 1 R RA I A medium shade tan Russia calf calfOXFORD calfOXFORD cal calt + OXFORD a perfect straight last close closeedge clos closf closett tt f t edge medium heel heelPAIR heelI heelTAEEONTON I 1 THE TAEEONTON J30NTONy 500t 500 f t i PAIR PAIRA PAIRA A A black French vici kid kidblucherette kidblucherettel blucherette blucheretteOXFORD to l l OXFORD plain toe to no cap the light lightest lighte lighttand ¬ est e tand and softest OXFORD > made madenoth madenothing noth nothing nothjug ¬ ing but COMFORT Come take a alook ali li 1 look Buy if you ou please pleaseMEYER p1eafiey1 y1 1 1 1 MEYER MEYERCO MEYERSHOE j 1 SHOE SHOEIi IiJ a Ii a CO COFEET a J FEET FURNISHERS FOR FOLKS 102 South Palfrfox Pal ox StSatisfying St StSatisfying StJ J mH i tIJ tIJS > > I 1 S Satisfying SatisfyingSoda a t IS f ym ymj R g b j jSoda > a Soda 1 1fI fI a r rS 3 Soda S d taete tat differsnt differsntry dmetat dmetatet at T et teGeryrfountsia < ry y fountain bat butT1k batTS3ES kti i > T1k TS3ES TS3ESo 1 = MmSJEWHERE ThS ThSY Y 4 JEWHERE JEWHEREi HERE HEREF i F 5 IDatEliad5 we weus use inotnr in inandOO otnr o a < c3Sea c3Seatfifevery ana andOO sodas sodasare sodasarest < < msare msaret are areL t L tfifevery tM3veryl besttbat ije l st that moneycan money moneyt f fcan t + can buy y and amfwe we know knowubt knowabt knowi i Y 1 ubt bow to put them themsfetber c f fPeet sfetber thr We are are pre prel3S5ed pred prea a 1 l3S5ed > e d to serve ice cream creamii creamf f F t ii bulk bricks and fancy fsncymoulds fncyt fancymoukds t moulds for receptions en enWe enterla1nments ena a terla1nments d1nners etc c rk rkf f r 3 f 1i1tc r il1tcken Cafe UBI UBII Cafe1IsaIatOx II IIr I 14QtSlla4afoL Bhotle Fbone999 999 1 1HwNti Mk Mkt MkWe 1i 1r t r We e Will Do DoYour Dor t r Your Laundry Work Worktr j 1ntan lnti tr > an ailIrreproachable J Irttepr Irreproachable acha ie Manner Martnttb Mannere b The newest and most mostJi mostrs mostt t modern rs Ji tQachineryOOs tQachineryOOsJ machinery has hasied hased J ied ed in D our our ur plant plantphexpert plantexpert ant phexpert 4 exp expert rt workers workerstodfef workersiOr workersrli T todfef worX iOr rli w we turn turnThe um umooo1r1ble I4 ooo1r1ble ooo1r1bleJhe hible hiblet t The Star StarSteiNn StarSteiNnLaundry r Steam SteamLaundry StgiLaundry Laundry LaundryPensacola 37E 37 E Ga Garden8t eft st fillitfte11 fillitfte11I P 1 e 11 11Pensacola I Pensacola Fla 1 NEW EW fWRAILW4Y fWRAILW4YIN RAILWAY RAILWAYIN RAILWAYRESIDENT IN BALDWIN BALDWINRESIDENT RESIDENT RESIDENT RESt DENT SMITH < 9FL OF OF L A LN NTkLkS N NTAL TAL TAlKS S OF OFBAY BAY M4NETTE M4NETTEFT MN MIIVITTEFT ETTE I I FT FT MORGAN MORGANLINE MORGANLINEThe LINE LINEThe LINEThe 131 131oontained The Bay Minette MInette Times ot April prU 13contained 13 13contained contained the 1olloW1i following followingIn iollowirigIn g I In an addreas aa r asto to tie th t heAlabama > Alabama Bail l3siIroaQ Bailgomery Railronei ronei + Commission In Insessfo seAefon ln MontJ MontJgomery Mont Montgomery I gomery last week president sident M H HSmith HSmlth H8mlth Smith of the Louisville and Nashville Nashvillerailroad Nashvillerailroad e eraIlroad railroad gave the th following Infonna Inormation tion concerning conC rDing the th building bn1ldingo d of the Bay Minette Min and Fort FortMOrganrail FortMOrganrailway Morgan raili railiway rail railway way wayOur j Our last venture in the agricultural agriculturalcountry agriculturalcountry 1 1country country is s nearly forty fonymUesln miles in in lengthwhich length lengthwhich which we are are constructing in Baldwin Baldwincounty Baldwincount Baldwincounty county count leaving the main line at Bay Minette M Inette going g south on the ridge anthat iai iaithe that oonnly We are rapIdly laying the track trackand and tracklaying traok laying ought to tobecompl tobe be becompl completed t d Xn rnte ten or orfifteen or fifteen daysWe days daysWe daysWe We are pressing the th he work as rapidly rapftUyas paly palyas as we can can an to provldfe facilities for forbringing forbringing forbringing bringing out some some early vegetables vegetableswhich vegetableswhich Ve etables etablesthich which it is tepresented ep esentet1wl11be will be ready I for us if we get the road there in timeOur time timeOur timeOur r Our reason for entering upon the t e con construction construction construction ¬ struction of that line was this Some1 Some1promoters Some Somepromoters t tpromoters promoters had gone into that country countryand countryand I Iand and bought lands from those who who had hadtaken hadtaken hadtaken taken off the forest products at a low 16wprice lowprice owprice price 1 lor or150 or 150 per acre buying large bodies bodiese and then thenwent w went nt to the thenorthwest thenorthweSt northwest and an Induced by their methJ meth metho methods + ods o Immigrants To these immigrants Imwgrantsthey i ithey they sell land lan d In small bodies for forI farfrom from 19 10 to t 2Q o per ac acre e and lam lama I am fQrJ I advised a vIsed that that immigration has beenj been 1 quite large klrgeThese These promoters had no nointerest noI nonterest interest I erestin in the t em matter tter except to sell sellthe I Ithe Ithe the It lands When the lands are sold soldthey soldth soldhey they th t y will go somewhere else and per perhaps perh ¬ haps h ps buy more and and repeat the ven vanture ventUre venture ture Under these circumstances theLouisville the theLouisville theLoulsv11l Louisville and Nashville NaSh iJe Railroad RailroadCtenpanjx RallioadCwnpan3 RailroadConlpanyt Ctenpanjx < decided dech d that it would dow do dowhat dow what w at it could tg take care of the im immigrants immigrants m mmigrants ¬ migrants that if there the was anything in that country count if 1 any agriculture agricultureproduce agrlcu agricntlareproduce h1re h1reProduceJruItstetc produce ProduceJruItstetc frultsteta conM c be b snccessfully success successfully successfntly ¬ fully produced by these he8 people it itwbujd itwould itwould would try tr to furnish facilities for mar marketing mark ¬ keting k lng them and it his ismak is making Dg thee theeforL the ef efforL forLt forL t I 0 0lDredDiI Areas X lDredDiI > red at Hydra Headed HeaOcdThe HeatlriThe HeadedThe The term Argus eyed eyedm means ns wat watfu watchful watch watchful ¬ ful According to the Grecian fableArgos fable fableArgus Argus had 100 eyes and Juno set his histo hlmto to watch all of whom she was wasjealo0w jealoua j When Argus was slain she transplant transplanted ¬ ed his eyes into the tail of the pee peecock peecock peacock cock Hydra headed is a term t dethed de derived delnd ¬ rived from the tiletableo fable of Hercules aaA aaAthe nncttho andthe the hydra The hydra had had nine nl heads headsand 1IeacDand headsand and Hercules HercuJeSwnssent was sent to Jdnlt kill It A Asoon Ai Aisoon 1I 1Isoon soon as as he struck off one once of fit8 its heads headstrro l1e14stwo headstwo two shot ahotuP up in inlts in Its place placeTfce placeThe J The Interest la IDPJpsonI rt rtPIpson rtPipson PIpson PJpsonI I wonder wonderwh what t there w wag WaiS1n WaiS1ntb in inthe Inthe the tb paper paper today about 1 Masters + Grimes GrimesDidnt Grl GrlDIdnt e eDidnt Didnt Didnt know there was anything PipsonOh Pip Pipson Pipsonob sonob son Oh there must have been He Hewas Hewas HeRas was saying to me that todays issueWas Issue Issuewas Issl8tJBua1Jy was usually interesting interestingHappiness InterestmgHappiness IaterestirigHappiness Happiness and misery are aretwo two ex extremes extremes axernes ¬ tremes ernes the utmost bounds whereof webrow we wefcnow weow brow ow not notLocle Locke Dennison DennisonCrepe DennisonCrepe ennson A Crepe Papers PapeirsIn In rolls roUsi all a11colors colors Th Tbbest The Thebest < a abest best fordecorating fOlOOcoratingand fOlOOcoratingandmaking and andmaking andmaking making flowers llowers10Cts llowers10CtsPaper 10 Cts CtsPaper Paper a er Do Doiles DoilesICO of les leslCO es f f1C0 ICO in a abo box j 25 cents centsAssorted centsAssorted centsAssorted Assorted napkins l1P ns 100 100inboz 70Q 70Qin O Oin inboz in boxbeauUfulpatterns boxbeautitul beautiful patterns 20 25 and 35 cents nts per pechundred pet pethundred perhundred hundred NaRkins Nap kms in inbulk inbulk inbalk bulk per hundred 65 75 75cents 75cents cents cents LOO IL25 IL25i L25 L25COES L25I i I COES COESBook COE S SSook Book Store Store213S re 213S 213 S < PaIafoxSt P Palafox Iafox Sf v 235 Phone PhoneFLORIDA PhoneJ PhoneFLORIDA J FLORIDA CURIOS CURIOSLive CURIOLive Live and stuffed aligators aUga rs sea seasheI seasheIOrange ea shells shellsOrange hellsOrange Orange wood and an pmsouvenlfs palm al souvenirs of ofevery ofeveI71ieacrpUoL o oevery f every eveI71ieacrpUoL eveI71ieacrpUoLMr dascrptioa fc fcMrs a aMrs Mrs Mr C M MteCfir MteCfirOpera IIIIcClllreOpera Opera House Building 107 Bast BastQovernrpent SaBtGOVetrnfentS EaetQovernrpent Qovernrpent StreetI Street StreetP t tfC e P fC C BRENT I BUYS BUYSMANHATTAN BUYSMANUATTAN BUYSMANHATTAN MANHATTAN HOTEL I1O1LVALUABLE HOTELVALUABLE OItLYtLUAIiiLE VALUABLE PROPERTY ON ONGArt ONGArtDEN GARDEN GAR GARDEN DEN DEN AND BAYLEN STREETSCHAt3GED STREETS STREETSCHANGED STR ETS ETSCHAOOED CHANGED HANDS YES YESTfiRDAY YESTERDAY YESTERDAY TERDAY The Ttiereal real eatateflrm estate firm of ThosWatson Thos C CWatson Watson Co Coetrected effected effected a big realtate real es estate estate ¬ tate deal yesterday when the thel1anhat Manbatan Manhat Manhattan t ¬ tan Hotel property owned own by L M MDavis MDavis MDavis Davis the twostory UN Nash ash house an anthe and andthe andthe d the W Hi Conner house In the rear rearand rearnnd rearand and a lot 60 feet square just east of ofthe ofthe o othe f the latter was all transferred to F FBrent P C CBrent 1 Brent BrentThe Brentlhe BrentThe The The property includes 100 feet on onGarden onGarden o oGarden n Garden street by 160 feet on Baylen Baylenand Baylenand Bayleand n and is a very valuable piece of of real realestate realstate rem remestate 1 estate estate The he price paid is said to a agregate ag aggregate aggregate g ¬ gregate about 2600000 2600000The 2600000The 2600000The The Manhattan Hotel was erected erectedabout erectedabout erect ed edas I Iabout about a ayoar year and a a half h1 f ago and has hasbeen hasbeen h hbeen as been doing a very very good business it itwill itwnI I Irill t will probably be continued as a hotel The e Journals Journa ourna s Daily DailyFashion DailyFashion Dailyas r Fashion as ion Feature Featurem Fe ea ture ur urJ J 1 ti tir 1 > l r F FV t4i V k i ir t r < tTi t w wJ I 7 Ti f fit i J Jf it f y J w wl wi wIl i J l ir irF 1 i F m t JIL 1 1t i < Il i t E 1 1r > s CriSf iffif < M Mrmfo rmfo iJi iJiOS I OS OSl < r l Ev E EViiiNWG fiN4KG g4NG GOWN OF DOUBLE CHIFFON CHIFFONaena CHIFFONiIIty CHIFFONAa aena afiwaplfco ar esirbof dainty iIIty workmanship takes the place pl oe of ort foreign gn trim trimfce fce + > in the4aioaareeebl th rO > QBBMBMbB Q The skirt Is panelled paneUedirlth with graduated gnt ua ed puffs puttso o > + s oils eL C > tiv tecks A deep flounce is set below b ow the kaeeand kaeeandt jraee eeand eeandWf1fY and andtruiipiaTiti I truiipiaTiti t i sic EieiE fitfC Wf1fY way dcMEa 1 im on 0ntklssldtJn60ttbows this sldein sidlnsoft softTiows bows A < of ehiffioo chiffi ILnta n Tfra Tfrapalest ha haaa aa kl LiIt4Ippalesty palest yellow UOW The Thed900 decoHetage netu es is trimj J I wtt s I 4 Itv 8 oato tSoMum orsisn toast befog bows wsaail wsaailUttr and arilbutterfly butterfly > Uttr Ted yak of foie Teeter ft l > JIfBb9J1 JIfBb9J1i 4 i hi h a 4 4p i g l p r i ib b > i ih < h Ar r f 1 Z j liliE I I PROFESSORS PROFESSORSI PROF4 PROFESSORSSE2ET SORS oj t j I SECRET SE2ETBJ 1 By TROT ROY ALHSOK ALHSOKI 1 12fttI4btaR I I 1902 Dl 2fttI4btaR 2fttI4btaRi f dliteua dliteuaThere i I There was something on the Uteprof Uteprofr profe profass profassats s sors r ors mind Every Ever young woman womania la theeeclor the thesenior I IenI senior enI Greek it 1t He class realized reaHzedlt bad badshown hadshown J Jshown shown symptoms of It It for three three weeksbat weeks weeksbut weeksbut but this thlSmorntnglt morning it bad assumed ae aesnmed umed the thietotal theform form tocnol of an undeniable fact When the theshy tb tbaby theahy J shy girl of the class got t rattled rattled and andconstrued andCODStrued andoonstrned construed a p present ezt t infinitive as aaa a past pastparticiple putpartJcpJehe pastparticiple participle be did not even notice itThia it i Thin same shy little Ruth Payne had badassumed had88nmedthe hadeaeamed assumed 88nmedthe the proportions s of a problem problemto to Professor ProtessorClaxton Claxton the girl never nevergave nevergae nevergave gave a adeCe decent recitation yet passed her berexaminations herexam1DaUons herexinaUone examinations with wfththe the highest marks marksHe marksHe marksHe He bad tried not to harbor ha l s bar r a suspicion suspicionthat suspicloatblt suspicicathat that she resorted to uafalr lafmmeanson lafmmeansoneomlnatlons means on onexaminations on onexaminations examinations bat be l1ecoU1d could think ofAothtg of ofnothing otM nothing M Jlng else that would solve the mystery mys mystery mystery tery teryIha teryly1e < Iha professors mind however yer was wasagitated wasagitated wasagitated agitated by bya a a more complicated complJ ated prob problem problem problem ¬ lem than Hath Paynes pqor recitationshi recitations In Greek iHe He bad a guilty conscience conscienceHe caosclenceHetelt cxmsclenceHe He Hetelt felt that each and and every everypalr pair of offeminine oftemtmneeyes ofIemlmine feminine temtmneeyes eyes before him were wereUghts searchlights search searchlights ¬ lights turned upon his eecret He was wasconvinced 1n1convced wayeonvciced convinced that each e iho young woman womanknew woIDalwthete womanknewthere knew knewthere wthete there was a package packa of letters In Inhis InhIS Inbis his vest pocket Of course letters are arecommonplace areommonplace arecommonplace commonplace In a way and andsometl1lng andsometl1lnguy somethingaay something any nan might Innocently possess but butthese buttlhese butthese these were anonymous anooytnO That was wasenough wasenough wasenough enough to make him tarn crimson bat batthe batthe brithe the he knoWJedgethat knowledge that be bad enjoyed enjoyednFLdlajE oo1oYedrful1D enjoyedreading reading these letters let rs and moreover mo er had hadactually badm hadactually actually m mailed answers an wers to totbe the address addressgiven addresSgiven addressgiven given hung over him like a shadow shadowHe shadowH shadowHe He H knew gtety 1V there thcrebad had at various times t1me81a t1me81atJse la laQte katae tae Qte worlds history been other othermau1ettenl anony anonymous anon ¬ moos mous mau1ettenl letters fly B a ly Y to receive them themwas tbe thema n nw was w a a different di1 entmatter entmatterL matter Owoeratdp lands L dB a caatatn certain definite InterestThe Interest i f The professor proteacorconetantl constantly remember remembered remembtrEd remembea ¬ ed size U first rst of those th letters letters He had hadwafted hSdwaJUd hadwanted wafted leisurely to the poatoffice after afterC aer aertr C early semper vnconscioaB of im impendlng 1mpeDCJtDg tm tmpen0ing pen0ing pendlng fate The college town was a asaaB amall awall saaB o one and R tent variety vamtyto to life tootpn to toown tootn1 own a poetofflce box and go tor does doesmaH OD onesnag s sma1 nag rasher than t 9Il ha have e it itaeat seat by the thecollege tbeeo1lege thecollege college carrier carrierOn carrierOnUlat carrierOn I On OnUlat that memorable night be had tat taten taken tBken ¬ en hte letters and tooted them ore oreliAtieetly over ovelanW overl1etteeeiy liAtieetly anal be came to the oae that thatwas thatwas was 118 the pjoverbtal l bond eIlinWs eIlinWsxpelol hi Ms Msexperience hisezperIQnoe experience xpelol nee He read It over o er three threetimes threet1me threetimes times before Us attoaished shoal t facalties facaltieswere tactit1ew faceltieswere were were w re able to grasp the fact that tb t there therewas therewas therewas was a woman an as aokaowa woman womanwho womanwho svoaian who professed aa admiration for hIm hImHe himHe MmHe i He was not quite uUeau ease that 1hatttWM ft was ex exactly ¬ aptly 8 respectable to have an antmknown antmknownwoman unknown unknownwomen kaown women write htm btma > 11a a letter 1etterandhi8pe 1etterandhi8pesoul and andbte hie pedantic pe pedantic ¬ dantic soul knew kn rasa w that t IT It dId not go gobeyond 10beyond beyond tfie the jjonads 6nod8vor ndiv oN > raspectablHty raB r ctabUtty It Itat itat1east at at1east least must be caKed an impropri impropriety impropriety impropriety ¬ ety The The flret rst st letter troubled trortbled his peaceof peaceC peace of C mind for days It was witty and andbright andbrlgbtandeonta1ned bright brlgbtandeonta1ned brigbtlead and contained Just that tUtdelkate tUtdelkatesoupcoi delicate delicateBoupcoa delicatesoupcoa Boupcoa of flattery that charms the theman themu man who believes he abomieatos flat flattery flatte1 ¬ tery teryHad Had not she insinuated chat she she be had hadmet hadmet met film occasionally occasio ll and h h1 > d been beenstruck beenstmck beenet struck et < uck with me the idea that be possessed possesseda a depth of oo understanding un g it would be beiateresting be2iatereiUng beieteregUng iateresting to fathom fathomShe fathomlS fathomShe She S e further stated tat d she was at that thattime thattime thatti ti time > ue leading so quiet and restricted a alife Sl1tc aLife life that she was w at a loss for some somereal someJe1 someintellectasl real reallnme14at mteOeetaal interest His mind mindfimneaifttdy mmdbu mind lnme14at fimneaifttdy bu + elq pScteoed the stetor Blst r of the thepresident thepreaidtmt thepreakieut president of l the college who was wasspending wasspeDdaDg wasspend spending spend og a qotet qa et winter in the smallvillage small smallvillage smallvtu village vtu ge for the tb sake of her health Yet Tetit Yetit Yetit it seemed eemedlmposilbe Impossible that a woman of ofso j jto to much dignity and andlEIIimTe reserve coald take takeich takeh takesch sch ich h a step Me te9 even for amusement amusementAfter 8IXt11SemeutMter amesemeakAfter After pondering over the tbemattor matter sev several flevseal ev everal ¬ eral days claysca carefully taUy and methodically methodloaUyaccording methodicallya methodicallyaccording according a rding to his custom be had best hesitated besttated bestfated ¬ tated and been bee11ost bet He had answered answeredfeat IWIt answeredat 6Ied 6Iedlbat feat at letter TK The a6 Mress + esa given was in ina ina Ina a neighboring city d sod s 4 he had found foundhimself tonnibImseltgofng fondaaelf himself bImseltgofng > aaelf going goIn to the postofflce po toffice after afterward afterwand ward made 1md foe sttnuras S mutos of an unusual unnsnalexeunt unusualxdfeemaat anusua exeunt ud t fie 1e had hada really been 1 gen cuarioss carl carlOHS OHS oss to see the second one oneHe 000He oneBe He bad a hazy recollection of an anadage anI anada anadage I adage ada e that the thesecoad second step In wrong wrongdoing wrongdoing wrongdoing doing bad won renown WD as being less lessdit j jdifficult I I41f difficult 41f u1t ult than the first He felt post i floe symptoms of pJeasure In InJng answer answering aaewerlag ¬ lag the be second letter letterHe JetterlIe He knew that the dignity of bra post position posSotion postton ¬ tion would fall flatter than the western westernBoman westernFon1tn westernBoman Boman empire if the girls la his class classonce cJassonce classonce once got ot an inktfog that he was a afactor at afactor factor t ctor1nan in an anonymous correspond correspondence co correspondence ud ¬ 1 1ence ence ence Nevertheless be grew more ab absentmlnded absentmIn ab absentminded sentmlnded sentmIn ed every day and every Veryday day dayhte daylie I IbJ bJ lie cariosity Increased this pedant of ofthirtyfive o othJl1yAve ofthirtyfive thirtyfive Wbo bad all his life refused refusedta ta take aa atom of f Jntecwt la towomaa tawomaB sajr sajrwoman womanSo woman womaBSo womaaSo So the gtrte Iri nedged each other and andgiggted adgiggtad egadgiggled giggled as aamucl1 much as they deemed it itpermissible itpermiJlslbJe Itpermissible permissible for members of the senior seniorclass semerrlass seniorclass class < < to togf giggle 1eand and little fair talrbalnrl talrbalnrltauth haired hairedifcuth haired1uth ifcuth Payne read her Greek Oreekhopdesel Oreekhopdeselmvol hopelessly hopelesslyiavoiviag hopelesslyIavolviag iavoiviag mvol aH parts of orHe ap speech speechHe ech echBe He was walking walld g oa es the college coJlegecam coJlegecampas cast castpas oaatpns pas oae afternoon meditating a1ed1ta with withmuch wttbmnch withmuch much satisfaction eatlsta t1onon on the fact fa t that thatbe thatbebad he hebad behad bad at last p gathered ad courage to beg begbis begIds beghis Ids saoaymoss trtesd tzieDdto fr md to disclose d1scloEIeber d1scloEIeberldentit her herIdentity herIdentity ldentit Identity aad ad d let hiss cU the next time timebe timehe timebe be west west to the dty The e professor was wasa waSa a shy M maa and bad JwltOJOl fotmd it reqatred reqatredfill reQWtredaD teQ red red8A fill the nerve nenlie he possessed essed to make maMreq1IeK this tigsreqaest thisregacst reqaest Hs h was thinking it could aet aetbe Jiatbe set setbe be 1B8 many any days before t be beleC9h received > ed aa aa aaswer 811swer ailawer awer swer when ha noticed Bnth Payne Paynewafting PaynewaHdng Paynewalking wafting hi trout othlm of him p porb8 < < rtag kiga over overa overa a book in the msaer of a echoolgtwho schoolgirl schoolgirlwho cl100lg i iwho who goes gqesup op for exaaiattion a lstton the next aertday JieXtday nextday day dayA dayA A tiny green soaks ran across the thepa thepa hissand1e pa t and and1e ae e professor ofM8Kcausbt caught the girl girlIn girlIn girlIn In Ms s arms as she s e scres screaaaed screasedand > aed and reeled reeledtoward ree1 reeledtewtr d dtewanl toward him himvTMle hIm1VbUe himWhile While he stood gazing < < helplessly at ather atwl ather her white wl lte face ether girls g1rlsrusbedtoka g1rlsrusbedtokausimmce rushed to his klstssfetance hisee tssfetance tssfetanceBead usimmceRead ee eeBead Bead Read The Tie Journals giant fnt ColHaasl CoItiJUtta Colsaias Colsaiasr a f fJO r f t h JO 0 0J < J i t < t It t inat M 8 aortal awtnl8l mater r Eath l Bthgup Bthgupwhen gaap gaapd Ilasped ed d when when she she s opened her eyes eyesA eye eyeMac Mac A tBc the t e girlhad ghrte had laeaber take b bbonee to tha thahouae houae = i he to thepI picked ed np AIth the G Greek i e erk rk Syntar Syntarahe Syutatshe she had b8ddroppedIn dropped In her hertright hertrightA fright fight8ropped frightA A Heated letter ready foe zoamng zoamngdropped TntI nfng nfngropped dropped oet o t Xceaddreas TheaddresswaspbbIy TheaddresswaspbbIyProfessor addre was Pan1y1Proessor Professor E G Claxton Claxton and thewriting the theKitting thsni writing Kitting ni Jng WU was In the familiar hand of ofthe of1heanonyJIloas1ady ofthe the 1heanonyJIloas1ady 1heanonyJIloas1adyRept anonymous lady ladyHe ladyHe Rept He sat down limply on the theneuerd theneuerdronbencb the nearesthon nearest nearestton ton ronbencb bench There seemed something somethingawry samethlngawry somethingawry awry with the universe Was it ItSlNethst pos possible ¬ Bible SlNethst that this thlsprettychUdbad pretty child had written writtensnch wr1tteD81ld1ettera writtensuch such 81ld1ettera lettersa lette sa little blond girl whoblushed whoblushed who whoblushed blushed blushed furiously tarl and stammered e ev every 99erytime ¬ ery erytime cry tune she sbewas was spokes to tom In class classHe classHe I > He Reopened opened the letter eagerly Its Itssuperscription ItBftpel Itsssperscriptloa superscription ftpel ctiptlon gave Ve him that privilege privilegeHe He noticed too that the girls name namewritten namewritten written on the fiy leaf of otthe the Greek GreekSyntax Greekbntar Syntax was identical with the thewrlting thewrltingon writing writingon on the envelope enve1 peHe He reedon reed on to team teamthat Ieemthat learnthat that be could call on her at the end ofthe of ofthe ofthe the college year when he passed passedthrough pas passedthrough ed edthrough through the city on his way homeIthe home homeIt If Ifhe he still cared to meet her berThe hefabeprofessor herIbe The abeprofessor professor went to his room Ms Msthoughts bsthoughts histhoughts thoughts In chaotic conditionThat condition conditionThat c That night I lght he e followed to ed her to the thecorner thecorner corner of the veranda vwanda where she sat satgazing satgazing satgazing gazing abstractedly on cmthe or > the moonlit moonlitlawn moonUtlawn moonlitlawn lawn lawnSo lawnSo So I Ibave have met yoo be said quietly quietlyHe quletlyHe quietlyHe He sat down beside her and UiLlooked looked at ather her her Intently And Andsoyouaretbe Andsoyouaretbewoman so you are the thewoman woman woman 7 he added slowly slowlyShe slowlyShe i iShe She gave gnveatrl a frightened gasp gaSp and look lookd o oed < ed d at him with terror tQnorand and shame la laher isher her eyes eyesIt eyesIt yes yesIt 1 It was wasawfUl awful of me I know It was wasa i ia a dreadful thing for me to do She Sheturned I Iturned turned away from him and he could couldsee coulde couldSAq SAq see eye e was trembling treml ling with th nervous nervousness nervousnees nervousfleas ness nessIt It has given me more pleasure than thananything thananything I Iytblng anything ytblng that t ever ever happened in my mywhole whole w ole life he aid id simply eimplyShe ply plyShe I IShe f She gave him one quick glance andhurried and andhurried andhumeajllto hurried humeajllto into self seltjustlflcatloI seltjustlflcatloIhaye justification I 1 have always be been timid she said MIdin saidin in an an Intense b tense Whsp whisper r and I was so somoriifed soInortifie4 T Tmortified mortified when I would get nerve IlelVOK nervoasand t tand and fall in my recitations The inmate rahrotoyon m1u1lteyou inmateyon yon asked aslr d me a question q ttonevety every thooght tbongbtseemed thooghtseemed tboughtmed seemed med to leave Jeavemf my mind I got more moreembarrassed moreembarrassed moreembarrassed embarrassed each day I 1 got desperate desperateI rate rateI I determined yoa should know I was wascapable wasespeb3e wascapable capable of c having a thought That Thatwfld ThatwHd Thatwild wild scheme 9 ecben beme of 0 writing roll anony anonymous anon anonmous anonymocs mous letters letterscam came came e and andI I wrote WTOtetl1 them tiiemrmso themrm em rm rmso rmsore17t1Otrr sofierysorry very sorry And the tbeprotessor tbeprotessorheard professor professorbeard prof esaor esaorheacd heard the sob laher 1D 1 her voice vofceHe vol voiceHe I He answered earnestly eam Tm glad gIedI gIedIshaI11e gledIshall I IshaH shaH shaI11e be eternally gted g16dtt If you tell teUme me I Ineed j jne Inever need ne d never give up Uw those letters G5 they lbeyha theyhave y yhavo have ha become become part of my life lifeThe Ute lifeTbb f The girls eyes grew wide with emo1 emo1ttoa emo emotIoa emotioa k tIoa H e gazed at atbElrw at her wooderingly try trylug j bag id t aadejctand howhe hoW be bad failed to torecognize torecognize recognize ehet her before re Now she seemedsome seemed seemedsome ed some one that bad been In his life for forever torCVeI forever ¬ ever He Hehad had been lonely and he remembexed re remembered remembered ¬ membered that she herself hen t was an or orphan orphan > r rPban ¬ phan that ihatatter after the close cJo e of ofthe the term termshe termshe i she would take takeU t nf the le burden of teach teaching teaChIj01I teaching ¬ ing ingI I Ij01I yoa mean me n that you want me to tokeep tokeep tokeep keep oar writing to your roo she asked askeddiyly aKedahyly askedshyly shyly ahylymean shylyi 1 i mean that 1 want to teach JOB youhoyv I Ihow I how hJJVto to to talk Jk to me be said smiling T Twant I Iwantto I Iwant I Inly want wantto to keep with me forever the thovom theeoa4anly wom womanly ¬ anly nly companionship of my letters lettersShe JettersSh lettersShe She Sh gasped In astonishment aatanltmentBut astonishmentBut UtonlshmentBut But I thought yon believed me sta stapid s spic stepid pid pic I couldnt recite r clte my Greek to you yondecently you4ecently youdecently decently to save my mY life lifeThe 1ItaThe lifeThe The professor looked lookedlin Into her star startied startied tied tied eyes eyesnnd and laid l his hand oa oa hers hersI I I dont don care If yoa couldnt tell tsllGreek t2UGreek Greek from c Cfctoese OlI tnese esehe he said soietnaly I deriding the bobby of years yearsBtit yearsEta t Eta dont d l you think me a frivolousdoll frivolous frivolousdoll trlvoIonsdoli doll baby kind of a a sd ht site question questioned ¬ ed timidly timidlyHe He leaned over and touched tier fair fairhair fairhair talehair hair with w1tbaJl aH the reverence reverencec1 c cf a child cTitMwho ch d who has never before owned a golden Q j I haired b 1red dolL dolLI dollII I IT II T think thlnkyou you are the sweetest s thingon thing thingon I on Gods sM1t1 earth ha said presrfoe nil nillips haUps hislips lips to her hand handINDEXING bandINDEXING I IINDEXING i INDEXING BOOKS BOOKSThe BOOKSThe I ITlteestolB The TlteestolB Cuiom la SB Old One That De Developed Developed ¬ veloped Rather SlowlyThe 51owl 51owlThe Slowly SlowlyThe The custom of indexing books devel developed deT8IopedgradaalIy developed ¬ oped opedgradaalIy gndHally Cicero used the wordindex word61nc1ex word wordinder index but In the sense of ota a table of ofcontents ofcontests ofcontents contents Seneca Seneca provided some works worksvrhich WOikswhich workswhich which he sent to to a friend with notes of ofparticular ofpartf ofparticular particular partf uIarpMSagcs passages so that he who trhoaimed whoonlyatmedat onlyatmedat only aimed at th the useful might hA I spared the trouble of examining them thementire thementire entire This was at least a partial index in the modern sense Anno Annafated Annotated Annoi ¬ i fated tatedorat or or at least explanatory lanatory tables of ofcontents ofContents ofcontents contents seem to have 1lavepreceded preceded the in index lndex Index ¬ dex proper properSuch PlOperSuch properSuch Such tables followed the order of oral oralpeuan ap appearance ¬ pearance peuan of the subjects in the bookitself book bookitsett itself Alphabetical arrangement arrangementwhich arrangementwh1ch arrangementwhich I which was the beginning of the real r a1 in index infler ¬ des appears ap not to have been thought thoughtof 4 of until th the invention of printing and andeven andeven mdeen even then It spread d but slowly Eras Erasmus EraSm lhasmni c mni mus m s was one of the first to provide his hisworks hisworks 1c I Iwar works war k S with alphabetical alpha be car indexes in du es Thecustom The Thecustom 1 custom did not become becomennlversal universal vm vmlI ua uatfl UJlW I tfl welf WelfIntothe Into the sixteenth century centuryXhe cent1tlyIDleAr The IDleAr abet t hider klderto to an anEngiiSh English book is issaid JsBid issaid said to be that printed in PolydoreV PblydoreVeIIIIs Polydore PolydoraVergllta V VeIIIIs gilfa Aingliae Hlstoriae In 1546 1546An 1546AnedWen 1546Ann An AnedWen edition editi n of this work published tea teayears teaears teaears years ears later 1at r has an anJndex index of thirtyseven thirtysevenpages t111rtysevena6e9 sev sevpages pages a6e9 The Haasartas Haac U8 carta rlan Crews CrofrmThe CreWaTheHuhgsriu CrewsThe The TheHuhgsriu Hungarian crown worn at their theiraccession tbelracce661011 theiraccession accession accession by the emperors of Austria Austriaas as kings o at Hungary is the identicalone identical ldentlcalone one De made for Stephen and used at athls athlscoronatioaover his hiscoronation hiscoronaUoa coronation coronatioaover over 800 years ago The TJiewhole Thewh Thewhets whole wh l8 is iBotpwe of of para gold Id except ex eptthe the settinge get gettings et ettmg tings and weighs nine marks marksslx marksslx00DC8II sixounces six sixooncas ounces 00DC8II almost a1m exactly fourteen fourteenpomndt totl1teaICJ1IKk foarteemgoinds pomndt Tie settings settlugsaboveanud above alluded to toconsist toCOuiafol tocoasis consist COuiafol of 53 sapphires 50 rubies rnbIeal 1 em emerald em emd emerald ¬ erald d and 338 pearls It win be noticed that there are no diamonds among these thesepreclou precioHS adornments ThIs is ac accoanted socounted 2 2coanfed counted for by the oft quoted story cf of St Ste8ias pteas aversion to such suchgema gems be becauserke beca causerke ca 11e ceaaiaered them utm11i1cky ttalHck ttalHckReai ualadcyE iJ iJJte Jte Reai E eaa Tfcg e Journals Waat Want Ce Cslacrafi > s ss 0 wt f < t Id 1 1 1MADE 1 1MADE WEEK MADE IN WITH WITHUTIOLA ONE OEA 8 D E U A T u U TTI TI I IU f OLA OLAIrIIOLA L A A1UTIOLA A 1UTIOLA istlieonlybasmless isthe is1h e bniyhannless ori1Y ess preparatloathateompletcly preparation that completely obBferafcs obBferafcsI aU traces of w illI illness exposure and care worry rry exp05nre age Ten to twen twenty I years Y fall fa11ike like a mantle tl from fomthe the late after one weeks w treatment trea treaa Not a wrinkle line 1in or or blemish blemsc > l h remains remainsto to tell tellthe the story s ory after rl er using Beantiola One week Bcautiola is 1S endorsed endorsedby by 7 the jaedical Fratci Fraternity uty and expert Derma ¬ tologists everywhere erywhereIthaspude It has made once beautiful but faded professional women women asi a youthful at forty or fifty as they were at twcnty lengthening their career careerbd before thep1iblic the public at least2 least 25 years It never fails to pcrmanentlv permanently rc move ji the worSt cases rases of brown brown liver spots i freckles ii blackheads wil scars small rcpox pox Ox pittings deep wrinkles and all disfig disig1U disngaring rin igerup eruptions eruptionsPRICE eruptionsPRICE ons onsPRICE PRICE 50 CENTS At all Drug DruStOtes Stores or Direct DirectE DirectE i iE E R BERRY CHEMICAL CHEM CAL CO ST LOUIS S MO M0ND MOSEND MOSEltozrqRJUAVTY SEND SEltozrqRJUAVTY ND FOB P 08 BEAUTY BOOKLET BOOKLETFREE BOOKLETFREEt FREE FREETHE t t 0 0THE i THE TH BEST BEST IS I e WHAT WE HAVE HAVETHEY HA VEu i o i I i THEY WORK HARD HARDTHE r rTHE i 0 THE BEES THAT MAKE OUR HONEY FOR US USHAVE USHAVE Z HAVE HAVE JUST FINISHED FINISHED A 500LB LOT IN 1LB 1LBCRATES 1 LB LBCRATES i i CRATES CRATESA AND DIT IT IS FINE WE WILL SELL SE L IT 3jL 3jLWHJLE t tWHILE 0 WHILE IT LASTS AT AT12ic ATi e o i 12ic 12 12cIb 12cIbe c ib i iROSENAU 0 e ROSEN ROSENAU A U GERELDS GERELDSi J e i The Flln Grocers GrocersPhone > Fancy yGrocers yGrocersPhone o oPhone I < > Phone 391 X Pensacola PensacoiaIF 4 i1 i1IF IF WE WEHAVE HAVE IT IT 18 THE BEST BELTWE BESTWE BESTWE M WE ARE AREPARTIOULhR PAHTIOUWfR R ABOUTFRESH ABOUT ABOUTFRESH ABOllTFRESH FRESH GROCERIESTELEPHONE GROCERIES GROCERIESTELEPHONE GROQERIES1TELEPHONE TELEPHONE ORDERS ORDERSfPROMPT ORDERSPROMPT ORDERSPROMPT PROMPT DELIVERY DELIVERYSo 9 9So So If you Youu are at all particular about the things you eat and the theprompt tileprompt prompt delivery of same we can canpleaseOu canpleaseOuP please you youPURE youPURE PURE P RE FOODS MEAN M AN GOOD HEALTH HEALTHSol HEALTHSol HEALTHw HEALTHSo w Sol So Cairn CO GoThe COThe CoThe The Pure Food The Store that Feeds FeedsStore FeedsStore Store Phones 178 and 480 the People PeopleLive Peopleo PeopleStYl o StYl Ir a and dCOmf omr omrLive t tLive Live Together TogetherNo To ether etherNo No use u < > e saying style and comfort cant live together inshoes in inghoes inhoes shoes shoesOOur ghoesOur hoes hoesOur Our 3 and a an d3500xfords 350 Oxfords Proves roes roesThey It ItThey ItThey They are are made of selected leathers in all shapes that thatliehion thats hatFS s l liehion FS aehlon ionsa3 says are popular and an are thoroughly or comCort comCorts comlOrtatieBuy o t > s atieBuy able Buy your you jour Easter EasterOdords Oxfords and Hosiery ry now nowTHE nowTM nowSTORE THE BOSTON SHOE STORE STOREPhone STOREPhone690 Phone Phone690 690 117 S SPalafoE Palafox > E Street Pensacola PensacolaTry PensacolaN N > N NCoffee Coffee A Coffee Coffeer I ITryout r Try Tryout our freshly f y ground groundCoffee groundqif groundCoffee Coffee qif e at iOc IOCper per Perequal pottnd pottndequal ponndequalio Po tknd equal equalio io any other 15c 15cCoffee 15cCclfee 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TrainedBoarHoundIogsS TrainedBoarHbuild dBoarTiound Dogs Dogs2t30 B s sSQL S SQL i 2t30 to H np p m mAdmission ICE GIIBI GIIBIIn C < Admission jdrn Ad > g318Bdtlne 111H 15 cents centsW em C2ntScT ts l 0 In Inf Fancjr cT Forms iot f W WeSt e t mn Near Palafoxt Palafox j f > t il w wt1 + t1 tt4 t r 0 2 w < t e Zi A fI 0 5 r 1 1 > i N Ni1 i1 t rt t