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J l 1 THE THEPESACOLA4JOiJpAt PE ACQL 1tFrr THURSDAY THU d SD Pl V MC MOPU4iNGL Nlff I APIIt I 4 27 7 1 19Ob Jo < s f l < < t r rd
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Continued Couunuedfrom from First bt Page Paget i ier
bands could c uld be b intrusted theC the thecor theoy
t better er C of kcepinggreen keeping green the memoryof memoryofcor memory of oftzr I
j cor cor oy tzr dead than n into the hands of those thosejjBdej thoSeunder theunder
under whose auspices we are today tod y yEeI os osjesbled s swomen
jesbled EeI > Jcdthe the women of the south southjvjjomes southPitomes southI
I jvjjomes jromes of all that t atls is noble and con constan connt eon5t2flt
true and andtfcej andther andthe3
stan nt and fld beautiful and
tfcej ther will forever be true to this trust trustVeterans trustetcrans trustYeterflSYOU
Veterans YeterflSYOU you need have no fear of ofbeing o oelng ofeIflg
being elng forgotten when your race is isran I Irun Isrun
run This assenrblage assezrblagehere here today at attests attest5 atzest5 ¬
tests the love 10v and honor we bear you youand youand youand
and those = whom we love the most we wecherish wec wecberlsh
cherish c erish longest and I say ay to you while whilethe whilethe whilethe
the sun and stars give light while the thekindling thekindling thekindling
kindling glories ot ottJhe o tie dawn succeed succeedthe succeedthe succeedthe
the darkness of t the night nightaye aye as aslong aslong aslong
long as children come to prattle ratUe at attheir attheir attheir
their mothers n knee kI ee there t ere to learn the thestory thestor thoetory
story stor of their theircountry Country so iong will the themother themothcrthrllled themother
mother mothcrthrllled thrilled by fealty to her home homeland homeland homeland ¬
land and transported by the grandeur grandeurof grandeurofilie
of ofilie the theme speaking with w1t inspired inspiredlips InspiredUps Inapiredlips i
lips embalm your fame in the amber amberof amberbt amberot
of her here1Oquence eloquence
Bitterness BltternessHas Has Disappeared DisappearedForty DisappearedForty DisappearedForty
Forty years ye rs have havepased passed since sln eyou eyoufought you youfought youfought
fought your Yourfightat fight at which all the theworld theworld theworld
world wondered nder p de and with w Ith those t ose years yearsbare yearshave
bare gone most moflt ot the bitterness en engendered enendered engendered ¬ I
gendered endered by that strife and today todayHistorians tod3 tod3tlDtoriansare tod3yIgtorIans
tlDtoriansare Historians are beginning to write not notwith notIth notvIth
with Ith the pens inspired with passion passionbut passIonbut
but dipped in the theclelr clear light of truth truthMany truthany truthIany
Many any many decades must aowever aoweverelapse bow noweverelapse ver verelapseb
elapse elapseb before rore the th whole truth is uni universally univeJllly universallY ¬
versally known and it is the duty of ofus ofus ofus
us here herein in the south to see ee to It that thatthe thatthe thatthe
the record of the noble roble part her sons sonslayed sonsPlayed sonsilayed
Played in this greatest of the worlds
i transmitted from genera generation generaiton ¬
ton to generation undimmed and un untarnished unumished unzrnIshed ¬
tarnished umishedIn
t tIn
In performing this t ls duty d tywe we would wouldnot wouldnot wouldnot
not rake up the t1 dying embers of bit bitterness bitterness bitterneSS ¬
terness and hate nor strike a discor discordant discordant discordent ¬
dant note notein in the peace pea ll which prevails prevailsfor
for now thank God Godno north thas as well as assouth asouth assouth I
south the fragrant blossoms blossomsof of love lovegrace lovegrace I Igrace
grace every fcillt hill where once the thethorns thethorns thethorns
thorns of hate ran wild The line be between between between ¬
tween the north and the south ut1i onco oncosharply oncosharpl once5harpy
sharply defined Jn n irrepressible differ difference difference difference ¬
ence once traced in fratricidal blood bloodhas bloodhas bloodas
has as now become but a vanishing shad shadow sh shadon d ¬
ow 0 and ere tils tnl generation is gray
Is invited by y the Ladies Ladiesof Ladiesof
of Christ Church Guild Guildto
to take lunch and supper supperat supperattho
at attho atthoMotherGoose tho thoMotherGoose thoMotherGoose
MotherGoose Market Marketfrom rkef rkeffrom
from 12 12mto nu ID to 11 Up p m at atNo atNo atNo
No 7 South Palafox PalafoxSt PalafoxStSaturdaYi St StSaturday StSaturday
Saturday j April 29th
L t tp
I p = lIm
I j4 g PMC PMCKufrians 19N1c ft D Dat I Iat
at atII
IKu II Kufrians fri ans Park ParkMonday Parkn
Ii IiI E
I n Monday Mo d y M May y Is 1st 1stDivision 1ste 1stI i ii
i t H
t 1 1t bv e B Bg
g I E EDivision
Division D IVISlon N No 0 I 1II
I J JAncient 4 4Ancient i
Ancient AncientOrder AncientOrderHibernians Order I j jI
t I
One mile mileb bicycle bicyclerace icy CIe race ra free fr e to toall t E Eall
g all prize pair of 3 shoes shoesHorse shQesHorse shoeSHorse 1
Horse race raceotie raceonemile one mile pacing pacingor
or trotting 2 in 3 prize prliell fine fineset fineEct ii iit
t Ect of harness harnessHalf I IBalr n E EHalf
Half mile miI running ro nning race 2 In n
1 3 prize a fine bridle These Thesetwo Thesetwo fi fitwo
two prizes can be seen seenlnH in inForbes thForbes
Forbes window window50yard window50yard
50yard 5 jard dash dashforMissesprlzen dashforMissesprlzenL for Misses prize prizea
L a aboxcandy aboxcandy100yard box candy candy100yard j jlOoyard
100yard dashfor dash for boys boyspr1z prize prizea 1
a fine neck tie tieif tieRunning I IRunning
if Running jump prize pair xrf xrfsuspenders tfZUzpcnders
suspenders suspendersPrize suspcndersii <
V ii Prize dance for forLa Ladies LadlesPara lesiara Para Parasol ¬ I
t I sol solI
Prize dance for Gentlemen G 1
it Straw Hat HatI i
t tt t
J U U1i
Ut t
72 r I
it 1 1111
111 In IllfninmrIIIU JUIII IJu
will have altogether ItQgeth disappeared disappearedCauses d disappearedCauses s ppeared ppearedCa
Causes Ca Scs of the War WarAs WarAs WarAS
As to the thecai1ses causes of O rthe the war w r honest honestmen honestmen
men disagree dlsagr e To TQm me m today looking
back backonl on history lsto 1 seems to have beenlnevlta been beeninevitable beeninevitable
inevitable lnevlta blerhecOng The Th congenital cong i nita ltillditteences ltillditteencesexisting dlffeences dlffeencesexisting dlffeencesexisting
existing Tietween betwe n the theca cavaliers Ilers of Virginlaand1llep Vir Virginia Virginla ¬
ginia ginlaand1llep and the puritans rltAil of t ilassachu ilassachusetts 3assachusetts assac u us
setts s tts accentuated accentu ted by theirdifferent theirdifferentpursuits their different differentpursuits differentpursuits
pursuits made it impossible lmP sstbl for them themto themto themto
to Tiew viewltl la iI thesame the same light llg J the momea momeatous moneatonsqn monientons
tons tonsqn questions sUonsof of state rights ghts seces secession secession ¬
sion 61 n and andpoUtfcal political domination Both Bothsides Bothsides Bothsides
sides thought they t1 eyw were were r right rlg t and andwhen andwhen anlwhen
when all allelsehadjfaUo else lHe hadfailoa they as brave bravemen braymen brayeznen
men turned to war warSterncleavero warSterncleaveroGordian stern cleaver of ofGordian o oGordlan
Gordian Knots knowing well that thatwhether thatwhethcrrightlyorwrougly thatwhether
whether whethcrrightlyorwrougly rigitrr rfghtIyorwrorily of iprongly it at leastwould least leastwould leastwould
would decide decideFrom decideFrom decideFrom
From a southern souffiernstandpointw standpoint which whichwe wrichwe ich ichWe
we believeto believe tobe to be the correct one the thesouth thesouth thesouth
south fought because becauseeqnal equal rights rightswere rightswere rightswere
were denied equal slates She fought foughtfor foughtfor foughtfor
for a principle she he thought to be berIg right rightfor rlgnttor t
for ora a cause ca seshe she Relieved to be bejusr bejusrwlth Just Justwith justwlth
wlth a valor val rshckDows she knows to have been beenglorious beengiorious beenglorious
glorious lIerstatesmen Her statesmen bad long longwaved longwaged
waved forensiC warfarn tn tht anlt nn1tn1 l
of the nation naUonfor < for forthosesameprinCi forthosesameprinCipIes those same princl princlpies principlea
pies and ficannotbe it cannot vanno be maintained that thatthey f1atthey thatthey
they were ever verworsted worsted in irithe the conflict conflictof
of debate Unbiassed history 1 will willrecord
record the th soundness 80UI dness of th i conten contention contention contention ¬
tion of the fl1esouthern southern statesmenon the thegreat thegreatq thegreat
great greatq question stl n of state rights theright the theright therigb
right of a jstate state to withdraw from a aunion aunIon aunion
union of ofw when ch it d formed rxned a complete completeunit completeunit completeunit
unit when that thatun1ohwhi union whi < h it helped helpedto
to create no lo longer g rad adhered 1ered to the theprinciples theprinciples theprIncipIe
principles upon which it was founded foundedBut roundedBut oundedBut
But the Victoriesof logic logicand and of ofl con constitutional constltutlonal on onsUtutiona1 ¬
stitutional law were without avail availI nval1nd availand
I and nd when w < < nt it seemed inevitable that
ae in might wasabout was about to toforce toforce toforce
force her measures measur s the south turned turnedto
to the only resource left the abitra iibitramerit abitrament bitrament
ment of the sword swordWho swordWho swordWho
Who shall t tell ll the story of those thoseyears t tiioseyears ose oseyears
years of strife tr te Poets nave sung of ofthem oftoom
them historians hlst rfans have havell11 filled d ponderous ponderousvolumes ponderousvolumes ponderousvolumes
volumes and an yet the halt has not been
told toldi
i Tribute to Southern S uthern Valor Valorj ValorThose
j t Those who led the t esollthernbravas esollthernbravasneed southern braves bravesneed bravesneed
need no euloglnm from me Their Theirnames Theirnames I Inames
names have been and will ever be on onevery onevery onevery
every tongue It Is not of them thatI that thatspeak
I i speak today but butotthe of the private prlvateln prlvatelnthe in inthe Inthe
the ranks who top often found his hisapplause hisapplause hisapplause
applause in the roar of otcannon cannon and andthe andthe andthe
the record recordo of whose deeds was the theprairie t theprairie e epraIrie
prairie grass which waved over his hisgrave idsgrave iiisgrave
grave The coinage patience and andpatriotism andpatrIotlsm andpatriotism
patriotism Iheshowed lie ie showed from Manassas Manassasto
to Appomattox put his hismotive motive beyond beyondcavil beyondcavUTh beyondcavil
cavil cavUTh There ta T wasnotoneheaIt w as not one heart be beneath bene beneath ¬
neath ne th a Jacket of ofgraywhic gray whica at all alltimes alltimes 111times
times did not feel 1 bat at it Jt was was fighting
for its country cou tJylthomeapd Us home and Its itsfr free freedom freedom e edam ¬
dom The memory of a a long line of ofsouthern f f50uthemii Zsouthern
southern 50uthemii patriots tiiots who fell at atYorktown atYorktownand Yorktown Yorktownand YorktowIand
and Cowpentf OJwp iandGunford and Guliford Court CourtHouse CourtHouse CourtHouse
House and jeingslIoJQlaln Kings Mountain thrilled thrilledthe thrilledUle thrilledthe
the hearts 1carrs eattsot of gray and they therle1t felt elt no nowhit nowhit nowhit
whit less patriotic than t an those who whofought whotoughthf whofought
fought toughthf in blue bI lue Je The words of otp Pat PatTick PatrIck t torick
Tick iHenry a southern 4hern tatesman statesmanGive tatesmanGlve tatesmanGIve
Give me liberty Iibertybr or give me death
rang in their the1rieas Dearsand andapnrredthemon spurred them themon
on to deedsof de deeds dSot of v valor lor and Id heroism heroismThe heroismThe eroismThe
The southern sQ tJ emsoldfers soldiers fought as only onlymen onlym onlymen
men m n who feelthat fe feelthatthey Ithatt1 hey e are defending
their home b metheir their liberty lIb fto and their theirhonor theirhono theirhonor
honor honorNQ honorNQ
NQ N Q fire was wasloo too deadly fo 0 0 be braved bravedno
no position too oo Impregnable to to be bestormed bestormed bestormed
stormed Wherever the thEUtUe th little St StAn StAndrews An Andrews Andrews ¬
drews Cross led there all dared to tofollow toI
I follow and to d die Tisnq Tis TIsno no Wanderlhat wonder that
1 I these men m achieved raucn mtrea tnuc in the face faceof faceof
J of tremendous odds oddsFor For two years yearsheld
I the finest army on the PI511t p1an t was wasI W35held
I held at bay baaI and d decisively < < eci3 e1Y whipped whippedin
in almost every e encounter coun rby by that
1 thin line Ilneofgray of gray gra graI
Incident of Battle BattleI
I I have it It itirom Jtrom bomt the > he li lips > s of r one who whosaw whosaw 110 110saw I
saw that l11atwheQ when whe the t e fight at t Fredlcks Fredlcksburg Frcdlckaburg Fredickaburg
burg was hottest and anaTheJiail tier thehall iail of ofbu1 ofbu1le bul bullets bulles ¬
lets le 5 made death outside o tslde the works a acertainty acertaInt acertainty
certainty the thEicries criesokthe ciles Dt oCtIie 1 wounded ewoundedand woundedand woundedand
and dying soldiers without wlthqutthe the trenchescaJ1ingw1 trenches trenchescalling trenchescalling
calling caJ1ingw1 wjrter er water waterreached reached the theears t1Jecars theears
ears of those hoi srlttoiiu Wlt A youth you h cast castaside castaside castaside
aside his musket uhslung unsln gb1s iis canteen canteenand cant canteenand en enand
and before beforehfS his comrades comra < t scould could stay
his steps ste was washound iqund on on a Christlike Christlikemission Cbristlikemiss1on Christlikemission
mission Bullets Bull ts hummed hu liunit 1 1e 1 about him himand himands himand
and ands snails alJs shriekedalt slirfek shileked d alt around aroundbut aroundbute but butie butcalmly
ie e calmly ministered to each Qt Qhis Qhisdying his hisdying hisdying
dying enemies a i cooling coolfngdraugtitp1ac coolfngdraugtitp1acing draught pint placing pintlug ¬
ing his canteen I tt to t theUpsrofone e > > po noan1 noan1thEm iand iandthen
then another an t1ier Soon there dawned dawnedupon dawnedupon
upon both sides SI es hi hls1ttt hIs loftydaring 1rttr d daring with withIts W withIts
Its ltshig high intent therflring tbe llrinS teeased ceasedand ceasedandsuch and andsuchaS andsuclta
such suchaS a shout ont went up as as111at that old hill hillhad hillhad hillbad
had never nevethe heard rd nor will ever hear hearagain hearagain
again a shout which w1 h 1 attested a attestej teste that thatAmerican lliatAmerican thatAmerican
American hearts hear stood ready to ap applaud appIaud aplaud ¬
plaud laud great go t deeds whatever vh ev r the color colorof colorof colorof
of the wearers coat coatTbe coatJIbestOI1 coatThe
The JIbestOI1 story stottiecrai9 ftie t t e drains full of such suchJncidents suchIncidents1 j
I Igreat
incidents and therecitar the recital of them is a agreat agreat
great and glorious gIorlotlsthlrig thing tor It shows showsus showius
us of ofthfs this generation ge eraUon in what heroic heroicmould heroicmould heroicmould
mould our fi fQrs 1ers were era cast castOhrthe castI
I Ohrthe Oh OnUi e t Field Fi r f of ofHonor ofHonorj ofH 1J nor nori
j Do Latour LatourD DtAuvergne uver8Iewas vas called calledthe calJe4th calledtht
the th first srenadler grenadierot of France Fr nce He was wasthe waS waSthe wa wathe
the hero heroof of f 1n mapy tlYbatt1 battlesand b tts 4M Napoleon Napoleonwished Napoleonwis Napoleonwished
wished wis ed topromote to promot Siiin bI Im for his valor valorand vill valcirand r rant
and ant daringbut daring b but t be preferred d to tor remain remainin remainIn maln malnin
in the ranks kg After Afierhis his death his hisheart hJsheart hisheart
heart was given fven to t nis b sregimentiand sregimentiandateverY regimen r glment and andat andat
at ateverY every troll r Uc ll call n a ac Comrade cinfr in de stepped steppedforward steppedforward steipedforward
forward saluted and nd said sai aja l Dead on onthe onthe onthe
the field of i h honor nor Tie southern southernarmy southern southernaamy southernarmy
army was was1ilJed filled wltb Latonr LatonrDAuyer LatonrDAuyergnesaId Lat nr DAuverv DAuvervgnes DAuqegnes
gnes gnesaId and W hUo lij ilQ no parade parndewas was made madeof m madeof de deof
of their deeds de ds tlieif t1elinames names are re forever foreveria
ia their theIrCOII comrades r8 eshearl hearte and today todayI tod todI toda todaj
I answer answ r for fo them all allDead 3 > ead eadon on on the thefield tbell thefield
field ll ld of honor honorBut honorf
f But not even eventh The courage and andbril andbrilliancy bril brilliancy brilIlaucy ¬
liancy of such men mea as t1ose ose could couldlong couJdlong cou1dlong
long avert the inevitable jn v1tab1 The lines linesof linesof linesof
of blue blnegraduaUytWleiled gradually tightened like tie tiecoils t thecoils a
coils olls of r some I 1 uge tige mi1t na ta1e ev and andev even erefftoe eventhe Ii Iit
toe t e geni JJ of t le e WS wa powerless powerlessJ powerl ss
I The bugle sang sail1peaxethe peace the last tent tentwas tentwas
was s struck comradeswith com comrade ct with Jth tearfilled tearfilledeyes i I Ieyes
eyes silently wrungcacn gjech others therslJiands therslJiandsbtittonedup hands fcandsbuttoned handsbuttoned
buttoned btittonedup np their faded d jackets cke and andstarted at1drted andStarted
started rted home weary weaIfluld and heartsIck ieaftslckFrom heartsIckFm ear s1ck s1ckFrom
From their th r h bands d barf slipped s J p c1 the theflze t theize e epnze
pnze flze ize at t waich wg1t th t they hadgr dhgfaspea sped and andajli anda11 d
ajli but their th k 1I faith tfh was n s gone go 1e But Butwhat Bntwhat Butwhat
what a change ng Grim Gi1 riiI ± it ylsaged war warhad warbad ar arh
had h d stalked sta1k d TUtMewriy1 tIiOIi Y rough the theland tle13nd theInd
land and the tall xhiqneys ch e SstOOd SstOOdgresome stood stoodgrewsome stoodgresome
gresome spectres spectr lo tothark > mark the spot spotof spotOwhat spotf
of Owhat f what liadoIice had d 4c pnce J > b eii n home The Thed
Pt 41ug 68k d un
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t I t tr
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1 l OL r I It
> t >
j 0
A c ft tes tesI tesof e S Sof I
of aay anykiilaheadac Tritifl nd headachei e toothache tothacbeearache toothachearac1ie toptfcidtej toptfcidtejsaracli
earache stomacljawsh st stoma ma bace badkache badkacheadeaclie bckachideache
adeaclie 3 deCheandaDsmi1 and andall aH dtoilarnerve nerVe dk dkorders di diDrd d dDrder
orders Drd areins are instantly t1y soothed s othedand othedandquick1yre1ieved and ajadquidkiy andquick1y
quidkiy quick1yre1ieved relieved and cored C1tt dby dbythat by bytiat bythat
tiat that most moStdependaQh1 dependable of all 11medi 11medicine li znedi znedidues m di diciue <
dues for the relief of o pain
If you have ever ejcperienced ejcperiencedits d dits
its gentle quieting influence infiue 1c on onan onan onan
an aching throbbing head tooth toothcr
cr other nerve you will wUJneverbe wUJneverbewithout never be bewithout bewithout
without it in the thehous thehousI house houseI
II I had been heensubjectto subject to sick delsheadache sickheadache sc scheadache
headache for over Syears 5 years writeMrsAO writesMrs writes writesMrs
Mrs MrsAO A Q Scharfer of ofGreat ofGreatBendXmi Great GreatBend GreatBend
Bend BendXmi Kan I used uSedone one bottle bottleof bo botteof tJe tJef
of f Hamlins Haml1 Wizard 03 and have havenot hvenot havenot
not had a headacha headac1ssinc headac1ssincATIfI since sinceAnd smcAndCDieclnngp
AndCDieclnngp And CDieckman of f 1931rend 1931rendricks 193 Eenclricks Hend Hendricks
ricks St Detroit DetroitMi IKch h writes writesI writesIbnve
I Ibnve have always alwaysfQ found d relief reli from fromearache fromearache fromearache
earache by using Hamlins Wiz WisardOil W1Zod Wizard
ardOil ard d OiPrlce Oil Price 50c and and100e and100eSold ud LOa LOaSold 100o1c
Sold o1c and 1ecommendedby 1ecommendedbyWHiTES recommended by byWHITES byWHLTES
Pensacola PensacolaFIa PensacolaFIaPhon Fla FlaPhone FlaPhon
Phon IRO Night Phone 446
nov noVgone gone dry and weeds choked the thegarden thegaden thegarden
garden path The heverrrace very verj face of f nature natureseemed natureseemed nat re reseemed
seemed changed Not so those who whowith whowit whowith
with wit eager ger eyes eY s Iantom ran an to meet him aH aHmother a amher I Imother
mother a wife a sister They were werealways werealwats werealways
always the same Not with reproach reproachtt
tt 9r > r upbraiding but butWlbh with Ibh a smile on ontheir ontheir ontheir
their lips though their hearts were werebreaking werebreaking t tbreaking
breaking During those long years yearstheirs yearstheI yearstheirs
theirs theI hadbeen hadb en thehardest thehard the hardest t part the thetryinguncertainty thetryIngnncertainty thetiying
tryinguncertainty tiying uncertainty the awful suspense suspensetne SUspenset
the t e horrible anxiety Alone A1 neperhaps perhaps perhapswith t twith I i
with but a faithful falthfulslave slave they whoj whojhad who whohad whobrd
had been beena accustomed to luxury were werereduced werereduced i ireduced
reduced to absolute want but bu tstill still no nomurmur nomurmur
murmur of complaint escaped them themTheir themTheir I I ITheir
Their example had been an I insplra insplration insx inspiration > Irn1 Irn1tioD
tion to those t at the thetront front more e potent potentthan potentthan
than any other and now that the t e war warwas warwas warwas I
was over they the nursed back to health healththose healtnI
those who whohad had fought their battles battlessustained battlessustained battlessustained
sustained their waning W ing courage jest jesting jesting ¬ I IingIlghtlr
ing ingIlghtlr lightly at the t 1e hardships they them themselves themselves ¬ 1 1selves
selves had endured and together toge h t with withtheir withtheir withtheir
their braves bTavesco coaxed ed the generous ge er us soil soilto soiltoyield ol1 i ito
to toyield yield them its fruits and prepared preparedto 1 1to
to enjoy the blessings of f f peace DeaceDId Did DidI i iI
I say peace No not noty yet tThe The w war warbetween warbetween < 1r 1rbetween
between the confederacy and the Unit United UnWed VaILed ¬
ed Stateswas States was sovet over overflut nut astrugglewas astrugglewasdestined a trugglewa5eatindd
4 destined stln d to be b waged more bitter bitt x than thanVSiat th thanthat n ntllat
that of shell s 1eU and bayonet in inwblc1 inwblc1there which whichthere whichthere
there could be no surrender for defeat defeatmeant defeatmeant eteatmeantdegradation
meant meantdegradation degradation and disgrace
No Place PIceThrthe ce forthe i ltheS Bloody d Shirt Shift Shifti Sli irt irtI
i I do not propose to wave wav tliebloody tliebloodyhirt the bloody bloodyhlrt bloodyhIrt
hirt It nha has no noplace place Inthis n Jhi genera generaion generation generalion
lion ion if it ever had h d 1 anS a an so I lYU lYUdismiss will willdismiss viUdismiss
dismiss with a word the black bla kreign kreignof reign reignof reignof
of ignorance and corruption which whichfollowed Whichtollowe whIchfollowed
followed on the heels e1 of IJ1e he war warThe WarThe wareThe
The south cherished Co bitterness bitternessfor bltternessrot
for the four years e rs that tore her er er1tal er1taland vitals vitalsand vithIand
and robbed her of the flOWer tiqw rat of nsryouth her h9routh heryouth
youth outh The bravest enemies enernie are ar al always aIways alwaYstJhe ¬
ways waYstJhe the greatest friends friendsatter after the thefight wefight theflghL
fight Is over oerBut But we cannot cannotforg2t cannotforg2tthe forget forgetthe forgetthe
the fruits of o that mighty mlhtyconllict conflict the thereconstruction thereconstruction thereconstruction
reconstruction We find findho ho justifica justification justification justification ¬
tion for it in history historyorin or dot principle principleIt
It was dictated by bhate hate and ignorance ignoranceand
and maintained by force and it did didI didmore didmore
more harm to the south than would woulddozen a adozen adozen
dozen years ycatso of war
Problems Pioblemsofthc of the Present PresentThe PresentThe
The war and reconstruction reconstruction ha have havogone havegone vo vogone
gone but the present Is as s pregnant pregnantwith pregnantWtthmomeDto pregnantwith
with WtthmomeDto momentous s problems clamoring clamoringfor c1 niorlIlg niorlIlgfor
for solution as aswasthe was the historic past pastWe pastWe pastWe
We of this generation g nernUon must needs eeissolve eeissolvethemand501ve solve solvethem solvethem
them themand501ve and solve them rightly rlgh b for upon upontheir upontheir 1pOnt
their t elr wise solution depends depen < Js the future futurehappiness futurehappiness
happiness and greatness of thp th south southTo southTomeet southro
To Tomeet meet the issues of otthe the hour we weneed weneed I
need a amIghty mighty stimulus stimnlnsand and thi thIs we wefind wellndin wefind
find llndin in that thatmdBt most precious heritagethat heritage heritagethat heritagethat
that can c nbe n be bequeathed to tQa t a apeqple apeqplethe people peoplethe peopleI peopleIth
the th record of their illustrious dead deadThe deadPhe 1 11he
The story of great obstacles which whtcKthey whicht whichthey
they t 1e heroically hcolc Uy dvercamer er meof of ° pyerrpowT pyerrpowTering O1TerrPDW1 O1TerrPDW1erlng overpowering
ering odds oddswili which h they obn bravely v lY faced facedot tacedJof facedof
of tremendous sacrifices sac illceS which y lCh thetf thetfstoically tJievl tJievlstoicaIIy thetstoically
stoically endured are sources sour es of In iuspiration InspiraUon Inspiratlon
spiration to succeeding succeedingagos ages jyhlch jyhlchwill Yihtchiwl Mcb Mcbwill
will wl l never fall and from frornwhlch which we wemust wemust wemust
must draw ilawfreely aw freely to meat durrespoaai durrespoaaibillties Ut so po lll lllbillUes sibilities
billties fully fullyIn full fullIn fullyIn
In speaking speakiIigof of this thlsoobfect subject H He Iienry IienryGradjsaid enry enryGradysaldi q qGrady
Gradysaldi Grady said uTlienture Tie future inthre holds boidsa a prob problem pr I IJemln b blem ¬
lem Jemln in solving solvin wlitcii w ilcli theOnf1iinws theOnf1iinwsst the gouffi oufh must muststand must5tand
stand st nd aloneIn a1one aionelndealing lnileaIing Sealing with which she shemustvcome shemUst shemmec1sertogetbet
mustvcome mUst mmec1sertogetbet on8 closer c r together than tl n amfal amfaltidn ambition mbi mbition
tion or ordespmr despdir bave nave driven jriv u ieri her ierand ierandon and andon mdon
on the outeomenjf ou outO of wfaica whlc hervery herYeryex herYeryexIstence bereryIstenee ex existence ¬
istence depfinds This problem is to tocarry tocarry to tocarry
carry within her 1 r body politic two sep separate Sepnrate sepate
nrate ate races rac nearly ecjuaV 1ual In numbers numbersSh n numberssii bers bersS
Sh S e emut mu must t carry the tberaces races In 1eac 1eacfordiacord peacer peacerfor eacer eacerfor
for fordiacord discordmeans discord means ruin She must mustcarry mustcarrythcin mutcarry
carry carrythcin them separately separatelyfur for assimila assimilation ass asfmi1ation miIa miIatiou ¬
tion means debasement debaBenrentShemust debaBenrentShemustcarry d baseme She must mustcarry niistcarry
carry them theml in equal eqcaljusdce equa justice justicefor for r to tothis tothfs
this she sh Is pledged pl d ed in flonor honor and grati gratitude gtat1tude gatltude ¬
tude She mirstcarry thenr theme even unto unfcothe untothe untothe
the end for inJ in human lman probabiOty proba iUfy she sheP shewilln sli sliwllineverbe
P will willn wllineverbe never verbe be quit quitpf pf either cltPeruIn In these thesewords tiesowords t eso esoworilSwe
words worilSwe we wabav have hav Tepresented tie e full duty dutfof dutyof dutyOf
of 1 the resouth south towards this thlsd depindent depindentpeople detnde1ntpeopler ndent ndentpeople
people and S d also the magnkidetbf magnkii i tthG tthGtask the thetask thetask
task with which whfcbwe we are confronted confrontedThe co fto foiited foiitedThe ted tedThe
The problem is plain wjat9s V I fs the thesolution t tsolution thesolution
solution solutionIbeIievej solutionI 5 i iI
I IbeIievej believe my fellow ciUzens citf ps Jht Vitit Jhtit t tIt
it lies in education ed caticnedncat1tn edncatlpn o oheart Pt Ptheart r rbeartas
heart beartas as welias welLll50t of hand and ai d brain brainthe tain tainwe o othe
the white masse as well Astife As the theblack theblackmultitudes black blackmultitudes bl ck ckmultitudes
multitudes multitudesThe multitudesThe multitudesThe
The vast stride which thesouth tlie th s tithll uth has hasI hastaken s stakeI
I taken in manufacturing ufacturIngm mipirig i rig and andother andother na naothezlnduslnat
other othezlnduslnat Industrial pursuits P JtS can nfn nfnlarge In Inigem5S a alarge
igem5S large me mees sur t reb Tff traced fcith to therspread therspreadof thesp spread spreadof ad adof
of technical knowledge 1q1OVledg ainong ri the iheyoung theyoung he hey
young y ung men of this thfsJandri land Technical Teciaicalschools Technicalschools 1ca1 1ca1schoolsDOW1l01r1h
schoolsDOW1l01r1h schools now now flourish fiourl8hln ini all aiiof of > fWe tile he son southern sonthern 011 011ern ¬
thern ern states s ta t S while W11 lIe formerlyjtb to foxmerIy rme t pur pursue PUJsue pursue
sue aught aughtbnt but professionair proCes professIonaFstu1e lonar udies was wasconslderdfl waseonsIderti wasconsidered
considered T ben i > eoealh athlhe th1h > ihe SOUthern gea JelltlemlUL geaUeman
tlemlUL To o labor bOfltb jrith Ihe iMd a waa
1 S Si i i iL
U Ike i badge adger of iserrit rvtiitea derand dir Severn a the thepoorest tke tkeIOOrestcfasses thepoorest
poorest IOOrestcfasses classes did dIaU all U they 1 could c < Jt1dto Jt1dtoayoid to toavoid toayold
avoid such labor for it was regarded1 regarded1astie regaroeduli rirdedaLthe i
astie uli e work yrorko of a asfave asfaveTilewaJ slave Tie TilewaJ Tii wax has haschanged baschanged baathauged
changed aft of f f this thi by Y wiping Wl u lni out outexistence p pexistence 1 1existence
existence the institution ot slavery slaveryand
and 11 d thus thnscauslng causing those whom whomlabor w homslave homslave1a slave slavelabor
labor 1a 01 had maintained in luxury and andIdleness andidleness andIdleness
Idleness to depend upon their thelrown own ef efforts efforts erfofl ¬
forts for fOtsupport support Today our young youngmen young youngmen youngmen
men men are learning to t mine and manu manufacture manufacturethematerlal mannfacture ¬
facture facturethematerlal the material wealth of otthls otthlss this thissection thissectlon
section s ctlonl to weave alllspiIitbefie and spin the fleecy fleecystaple fleecyntaple cY cYstallle
staple which is the souths south richest richestproduct rlchettpiod richestprodnct
product piod rct to design and build the theintri theintricate intri intricate IntrItate ¬
cate machinery and appliances neces necessary necesary necesvary ¬
vary ary for tie e successful succesf succeSstU > fU prosecution 0f 0fthe f fthe
the thevast vast industries of ofthls this century I
A PJea for Education EducationBut
But B t the education edu tJo l of o t tie enegro negro has hasriot hasnot hasnot
not kept pace ace with that of his white whiteneighbor whiteneighbor
neighbor 1 l bor Today In many parts partSo partSotit of oftie ofth
tie tit south the th saine a n primitive methods methodsof metho methoso s sot
of o agriculture are rc in vogue which were wereused wereused weceued
used almost J1 a century ago Parts of ofthis o othis ofthis
this land once the most feltileotl fertile on the theglobe theglobe theglobe
globe are fast rastbecomlnglmpOverfshed rastbecomlnglmpOverfshedaud becoming impoverished impoverishedand
and being overgrown with weeds and andclump andcllmp anddlunip
clump cllmp pines owing to ft the lack of ofscientific orIS ofscIentific
scientific methods of 0 cultivation cu 1tl Vatl on This ThisIs ThiSIs ThisIs
IS Is due to the Ignorance 19noranceof of the negro negrowho negrohola negrowho
who hola is now as of yore Ore tie t ecbiet e chief worker workerin workerin
in our fields To remedy this we weshould weshould
should iave hav more agricultural a icu1tnraland icu1tnralandme and andmechanical andmechanical
mechanical me hancal schools in which the ne negro fiesfowll negm ¬
gro sfowll will ll bS b taught t nght improved methodsJ methodsJof methods
lof 1 of farming and the he useulmanual useulmanualtTIldes useful manual manualtrades manualtrades
trades and occupations o cupatfons There are areseveral areseveral areseveral
several schools sc ools today doinggdod worJc worJcbut worJcbut workbut
but more are badly needed Thechief Thechief The l11achief
chief objection obJectlonursedaglnst urged aglnst this plan planIs planis planIs
Is that th t of expense but this thlsbowever thlsboweversa however howeveris howeverIs
is sa a fallacious S objection Nothing is isso Isso
so cheap as education cost what it itmay itmay Itmay
may and nothing is so dear as s igno ignorence ignorence ignorence
rence No matter what amount we w of oftie ofUIe ofVie
tie south south might expend eipendon on the th indus industrial indus industrial lndutrial ¬
trial education of the e negro we will willbe wlllbe willbe
be repaid thirty fifty yes yesone one hun hundred hundred hundred ¬
dred fold roldby by his is Incieasedefil icreased creased efficiency efficiencyffa iency iencyats
ffa a laborer Fcrmerly it was deemed deemedessentIal deemedessential
essentIal for internal nea and nfal <
security Qr1iY l to tinaM make JIlata Ignorance tie pri primal PTImal primaI ¬
mal condition of the slave and andas as a aresult aX aresu1t
X result ult the prima priIDR1law law of labor The Thewar Thewar Thewar
war war proved the tbe1 folly f llyo lly of such a course courseand courscfid courseand
and fid also ls showed that tl at no greater curse cursecan cur5ec cursecn
can c be Inflicted upon any people than thanthat th thanthat n nthat
that of being compelled c to keep as astheir astheir astheir
their chief laborers persons whom for forany fOrany forany
any cause it cancot ca ot be both wise and andsafe andsae andSate
safe to educate Therefore educate educatethe educatethe educatethe
the negro along agricultural and in industriajl industrial
dustriajl lines Fill his mind with a aknowledge aknowledge
of modern methods and andwe an anwe
will make for ourselves the finest finestpeasantry fi finestpeasantry es espeasantr
peasantry tae world has ever known knownBut knownBut
But It is not enough e ou to educate the thenegro thenegro
negro We must educate the great greatmasses greatmasses greatmass
masses mass or ignorant Ignorantwnftes whites with whom whomthe whomthe
the negro comes into closest contact contactfor contactfr
for it Is between this class CI ass and the ne negro n60gro nogro ¬
gro that friction frlctlonm most st often occurs occursWe OccursWe
We e must mustmako make jiI tl n JiS s element under understand un understand der derstand ¬
stand that we owe tie negro exact exactjustice exactjtlStice exactjustIce
justice and andundijng undying friendship frle ds ip and and1cause andtca andteause
tca teause cause them to sejj se se1 itjhe he reasons for it itDurfhg itD ItDtiri
Durfhg D Dtiri 11I1 n gthO g the long sears ars 8 of war w r no black blackman bla blacknan c It Itman
man ever prpve d false to the trust trustreposed trustrel trustrepgsed
reposed rel > Qsed in bimljHe him iI guarded the de defenseless defense defenseezs ¬
fenseless fense ess womenand wom iJ1ndchndren children of the theabsent thea theabSent
absent a sentm master ter figiting fig4 fig2ingaga1nst against his f free freedom freedom ree
idbm dom He lesowed sowedand and reaped to tnfeed tnfeedtlie feed feedthe feedthe
the armies seeking s se kInto to keep tie shack sbacklea shacklea
lea 68 on ale swri5t wrist wrist4t Y t any time tfmea a thou thousand thouf thousand ¬
sand tor torches hes Vpujd w 9 H3Id td hayej ended nd dlhe dlhewar lie liewar thewarand
f warand war and yet et nbtl uotJCne ne brand was kin kindled kindJed kindied ¬
1 died In n these latter latt i days In the heat beatof heatj heatof
j of ofpasslonben passion when we cry out that the thenegro thenegro thenegro
negro Is the thecurse curse of the south the thei thedeQt thedelt
i debt pf gratitude we owe hIm should shouldnot shouldiJiot
not be forgotten T
I Our duty duty1s is plain OVe Ve must do all allSin allhi
Sin in our power to tOfducate educate uplift ele elevate eleovate elevate
vate protect and andadvance advance the negro negroIf negroIf
If his capabllltiest prove sufficient and andIe
he becomes then an intelligent labor laborer laborer laborCr ¬
er the country wfUreap wilt reap the benefit benefitIf benefitIfhe
Ifhe If he prove insufficient we shall have havedemonstrated havedemonstrated havedemonstrated
demonstrated that t t fact factand and someone someoneelse someoneelse
else must take takebls his place placeBut But we will willnot willnot
not have ha ve discharged d Ischar ed the t e duty which whichQod W whichGod hlch
God in his unscruftable IlScnttablewisdgm wisdom wisdomthrough wisdomthrougi
through tie medium of war has pine pfaced placed
ed In our hands Until we measuring measuringunto
unto the negro as we would Dave him himmeasure hl111measure hlnmeasure
measure measure unto ns have made every ef effort etfort erfort ¬
fort to lift him from rom his bisfgnorance ignorance and anddegradation anddegradation anddegradation
degradation degradationIf I
It we fail we can then look c1villzation civiliza civilization civilization ¬
tion boldly boJdlyin in the face If we succeed succeedthis succeedthis ucceedis
this is greatest of the worlds ivorld miracles miraclesthrough miraclesthrough DJraclethrough
through the mercy nierc of oGod God accomplish accomplished accomplishedwill ¬
ed edwill will beyond all acts of of heroism heroismbeyond
all flights bf oratory excite excitethe excitethe
the e wonder and an admiration of ages agesI
I Am m an American AmericanToday Ame AmeIcanToday ican icanToday
Today there is i no north nort rib I south southSectional southSectional southSectional
Sectional lines have iave been wiped out outand outand outaiid
and now this country presents the
J glorious spectacle ot o a people recon reconciled reconciledunIted reconcUed ¬
cUed ciledunIted united harmonious loving from fromthe tromthe fromthe
the lakes to the Gulf the wounds of ofj
j war Vla healed In every heart as asonevery asoneveryhl11our onjavery onjaveryhill oneverybill
hill hl11our our proudest boast I am an anjmerican
I American one heart eart one hope one onedestiny onedestiny onedestlny
destiny one flag from sea to sea seaReturn seaReturn seaReturn
Return of the Battle Flags FlagsNothing FlagsNothing FlagsNothing
Nothing better portrays this univer universal nniversnl universal
sal love and affection than the return returnby retnrnbv returnby
by the War Department to the vari various Tarloils var varUus
ous oils southern states of the battle flags flagsfew fiagsbelonging flagsbelonging
belonging to th their lr regIments But a aew afew
few ew short shot days ago I stood witiinlhe within the
A Hard Struggle StruggleMany
Many a Pensacola pensac la Citizen CJtrzenFincfs Finds th thStruggle the theStruggl thsStruggle
Struggle Hard HardWith HardWith HardWith
With a a back constantly aching achingWith achingWlt achingWith
With Wlt distressing d treSSIn urinary disorders disordersDaily dis disordersDaily rd rs rsDaily
Daily existance is but a struggle struggleNo stngiNo
No need to keep it up upDoans upDoans upDeans
Doans Kidney Pills will cure ctireyon ctireyonPensacola you youPensacola youPensacola
Pensacola people endorse this tilsclaim thisclaim thisclaIm
claim claimAnthony
I Anthony Collins of 420 Intendencia IntendenciaSt Intend ncla nclatStj18318
tStj18318 1 St sta f says Mrs Collins read an ad advertisement advemsementabout advertisenient ¬
vertisement vemsementabout about Doans KidneyPub KIdneyPllJs Kidney KidneyPills
Pills and procured a box bo at Sidney SidneyKalins SidneyKaJtns SidneyEais
Kalins KaJtns drug drugstore store Na9South Na9SouthPaljlfox No 9 South SouthPal th thPa1fo
Pal Paljlfox Pa1fo fos street She suffered at attimes atJ
J times t m s from aching In her loins Iolnsand IolnsandI and andi
I i across her back bckafter after working hard hardabout hardabout hardabout
about U1ehons the house She used less than thanone tb thanoneboxofD0anS1dneYPiflSand n non
one on oneboxofD0anS1dneYPiflSand box of oDoans Doans Kidney Pills and they tieydid theydfdher theydid
did dfdher her much mu hgood good I have haveheard haveheardt heard ieardthese heardthese
t these esep1 pills ls spoken of highly h1 y 4 Iby th > y different differ lIIercut Utt r rmt ¬
cut mt people who Wh have tried ried them and andalt 3da1 andall
alt a1 consider them bemaremedy a remedy wiich wiichfulfills whl h hrUlllls ht
fulfills t llls the representations madefor madeforthem made for forti forthem
them themFor ti them themFor eIIla eIIlaFor
For sale by all dealers Price 50 50cents 50ce o ocents
cents ce tsFosterYlburn FosterJUlburn Co Buffalo BuffaloN Bug BugN
N Y sole saleage1ts oIe agents for the United UnitedStates UIiJ U ite iteStates d
States i f fReiaember
= Reiaember mber the tb tbt thetakg name Dw Dwtaiejno
taiejno t takg e10 no other o er J
0 0tI
tI < S
L f j p9 + Cr Danderine DanderineI I I 10 r IJ IJnY nY nYP P a 9 c cf cL crlwiSSWilsonsHair
I a 1
I iTflur CrewlEss rlwiSSWilsonsHair rlwiSSWilsonsHairl Hiss Wilsons Hair HairAND HairV
V l l
v > i >
iiiI 2f f lf J J2f t 1 v VII IT aJ 0 0iiiI
w II A t
1 r > 2 l c f
0 0C 0Dalleri1
4 4f
f s
14 I baRfermi lsS Is St S Exhilarating ExhiiaratiftIJInyiratinc
Jp 4i1 j Invlgirafing Invlgirafingan
i 3n4 audstrengthoningtoboth an strengthening to both the theb3tr bale ani ane amtscaip scalp tOt Ikateven evia eviaff25c mmItsc
e ff25c bottle cl otU o It is often terr enough to show wonderful woociertul1JpfoTements Iia Iiaprorements t
i prorements It Itat Itatonco at once Imparts a sparkling spukU g brilliancy
and andve1etysoftness TelTcty J lTety softness to the hair balrami and a fewweefcs few weeks use usetrfil usewJU
t3iIk trfil wmcausenew cause new hair iiairtosprout to sprout out out1l1 outnnoreruiescapang outnnoreruiescapanggrowabundant2yiong an over the scalp and andgrowabundanUy andgrowabundanUy1anr
growabundanUy1anr growabundanUy long and nd beautttnl uUfntUS Vio Ue1toveryday It every day
3 for f r raIorteroortiretjmesaweewm raIorteroortiretjmesaweewmbe awblfo after which two or orthr three times a week will willbo w1l1be
be enough to complete whatever growthyou growth dedre dedrejLiB deeirei i it iNOW
jLiB jLiBifi i L Lf
f 1 1Z
Z t Q
ifi y
r 1 NOW at all druggists in three sizes 25 cents
SO cents and andI andII andIshow iVOO 100per per bottle bottleCDCE ottIeFR
4 CDCE FR EE To show how quickly Dandarkie flandr acts acswe acswewill we
a FliCEc S J will r31 send a Ia large sample free by return mall to toany tomy toany
any one who sends this advertisement to the Knowlfon
Latest Photograph Photogr < 1 h of DaikferklO Dand rinaCoChicago Co Chacago with their name and address
Miss MiisCarrie Carrie Wilson 3728 64th Place Chicago and ten cents jn n i silver or stamps to pay payp postage > stage stager
walls wa11 of the capitoi pltol on the old red redhills redhills redhills
hills of Leon the heart of Florida Floridafrom Floridafrom Floridafrom
from which the arteries of war were werefed werefed werefed
fed and gazed tipoiCthose po thcse sacred em emblems emblems emblerns ¬
blems of the lost cause And as I Ilooked Ilooked Ilooked
looked at them xibboned and torn torn by bygrape hygrape bygrape
grape and andCanlstermd canister md stained with withblood withblo withbIoOd
blood blo d and smoke and an I battle grime gr ne inscribed in inscribed inscribed ¬
scribed with th tha never dying names namesot namesotShUoh namesof
ot otShUoh Shlloh Gettysburg G Chancellors Chancellorsville Chancellon1 Chancellon1vIlle Cbancellorirule
ville Fredericksburg and Gold Harbor Harborjawave Harbora Harborsawave
awave a wave of sentiment swept oer me and andrent andreit andrent
rent asunder the veil twixt me and andthe andth andth
the th immortal l bygone I i seemed to tosee tOsee tosee
see the lmperfsh Imperishable ble forms of Ander Anderson An Anderson < l lsou ¬
son and Ml1l Miller r perrY and Finhiy FJn1a and andBrevard andBrevard andBrevard
Brevard and the host of other brave braveFlprldians braveF1 braveFipridlans
Flprldians F1 rIdlans who followed them carry carrying carryIngthe carryin ¬
ing Ingthe in th the nags tl Florida Co < o the van in intie Int1 Inthe
tie t1 bloodiest blOodIestbUes hl dlestbattles battles ever known to toman tom to1nn
man m n and I ifl as s I gazed I wondered if ifthese ifth Ifthese
these th se sentiments1 sentI1 i n were also a1 entertain entertained entertainedby ¬
ed edby by b those who passed p ssed and repassed repassedthose repaSsedthose repassedthose
those battlescarred memorials The Theanswer TheanSwer Theanswer
answer came caznsquck quick ulc and apt Almost Almostat Almostat
at that time tI resolution res lutloa was introduc introduced intraduccd ¬
cd in lathe the senate providing t9 lding that both bothhouses bothhoUiSeS bothiioues
houses should join jolnlllcelebratlng n celebrating with witiappropriate wlthapproprlate withapproprIate
appropriate exercises eXejcie the return of ofthese ofthes ofthese
these thes flags l1agsand and onnext o on next Tuesday the therepresentatives thereptesentativesof therepresentaUyes
representatives of ofthe J he e people p opleot of Flori Florida FIorId Florlda ¬
da d manyof man many of whoniwere Who wborn LW were re yet unborn unbornwhen unbornwhen unbornwhen
when the thet1J thunderofwar d rof reverberated Vllrreverberatedthro reverberatedthrough reverberatedthrough
through thro gh the land will assemble in Tai Tailahassee TaiJahas Tallabazsce
Jahas lahassee eYlthJincoYorcd with uncovered fceadg to ren render rellder render ¬
der abeisance abe nc to thjosa t Q e folds fold for which whichtheir whichtheir whichtheir
their fathers fought f9Ug
Lifes Life Victors VictorsAnd VictorsAniiso VictorsAnd
And Aniiso so it ttwl11 will 111 ever eveIbe be As theSpar theSpartans the Spar Spartans Spartans ¬
tans point with pride at their dead deadwho deadwilo deadho
who ho fell at Thermopylae Thermopylaeso so ndt only onlywo onlyw onlywG
wo w of the th so south th but b t ill ll who speak the thelanguage thelat1guage thelanguage
language of bftlie the living 1 nS will hold Jn Jnmemorys 1nmetnorYsfoudembrace inrnemorYs
memorys metnorYsfoudembrace fond fondembrace enibVace those who fell fellat telllltour fellat
at lltour Our Thermopylaes s Defeated Det ated bodl bodlly bodl1y bodily
ly conquered as a nation we are ar still stillthe stilltue tl11 tl11ti1
the ti1 victors for the memory of o our purdead ourdeadSball ourdead
dead deadSball shall dwell dwe111n in In Ihe hearts of our tIureople ourpeople ourpeople
people until time tim e shall ball be no more moreSpeak moreSpeak moreSpeaks
Speak Hftlory Who are lifes vic victors vlctors vielois ¬
tors torsUnroll torsUnroll loisUnroll
Unroll thy ion on annals ail als and say sayi sayIs sayIs
i Is it those whom the world calls the thevictors theviCtors thevictors
victors victorsThat viCtorsThaiwtp victorsThat
That Thaiwtp win w1nthesuccs tie success ij of o the dayv dayvThe day dayThemartyrs dayThe
The Themartyrs martyrs artys or Nero Nex e1Y the Spartans SpartansWho SpartansWho SpartansWho
Who fell at Thermopylaes tryst trystOr trystQi trystOr
Or the th Persiansand Perst Pers1an s and Xerxes his hisjudges bisjudges hisjudges
judges judgesOr judgesOtSQcrates judgesOr
Or OtSQcrates Socrates Pilot or Christ CiristBest ChristBeitCoug ChristBest
Best BeitCoug Cou < jh Medicine for Children ChildrenWhen ChiJdrenWn ChildrenWhei
When Wn yon yo Q11Y ouy a cough medicine for forsmall forsmall forsmall
small children chlIdrei110U you yoiant Want one in which whichyou whichyou whichyou
you can place implicit confidence You Youwant YouwBJ1tone Youwant
want wBJ1tone one that th t IJF ls unquestionably harm harmless harmless harmless ¬
less Youwant one ne that is pleasant plea nt to totake totake totake
take Chamberlains Cough Remedy Remedymeets Remedym Remedymeets
meets m ts all aUo of these conditions There Thereis Thereis
is nptilng so s good goodfpr for the coughs and andcolds andcolds andcolds
colds incid incident ntf to thlldaood cl11l aood For sale saleby saleba11 saleby
by ba11 all druggists
WlJ We the th contractors of Pensacola Pensacolarenew Pensacolare Pensaco1arenew
renew re eYV our tenderof in Increase re se of wages wagesby wages wagesbytb wagesby
by bytb the th hour hourasfOrmerlY astformerly torm ly published J I ILoo
100 men > < > 12c 12cper per hour bour1 bour1L25men our i
125 L25men men yi s V > i14c 14cper periour periourL50 per hour hourLO a aU
L50 U O men v < < 18c per perho hoar hoar175men r
175 175men men < 22c per tour onr onr2OQmen I I2OO
200 2OQmen men > A 24c kper periour periour52J25 per hour
52J25 225 men 28c per hoar hoar2O
250 2 men J 1en j 30c per hOUr
275 men en 32c per PC rhour hour hour3ft houraeo
3ft 380 niea < v > i < v36c 36cper per hour
325 men 38c 38cper per hour houro
3 50 4J O men men 40c per hour hourAfter hourAnerma hourtter
After Anerma tter mature redel1 deliberation de1Ieition eI1Uon we are ar of ofthe o oth othe
1 the th unaJ unanimous J8Ot1soplaloI pplalon that it Uis is 4nr 4nradvisable n nacivtsable 1
advisable e to decrease depe decre se eth tie e hOurs boursI jof joflabor D
IlabQrat I labor at this jeasoir seasoir easono of the year yearWorking yea yeaWorkingfor yearWorking
Working Workingfor for lh theprjesent pr ent rot ot less than tiaanine thanitIne i inIn
nine nIn 9 Iteurs trs per day dayAY dayA y yA I IyRONA
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luhed l 11ed for the tencfit of feeders gcserally It may ar Bs 1c1w1 E Lad for fortLc the aaVfng aaVfngSOLO aWn aWnSOLD
Corner Garden and Alcanir PHONE 334 334SBunderSM 5 5z
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1 A SBunderSM Saunders Mill ll Company c CompanyManufacturers m pa nyL nyLManufacturers f X
Manufacturers of ofIt o oSashOoOrs t tISash
It ISash SashOoOrs ash DOQFS Qt Blinds and Mill Workj WOk Workl l
L I5tjTh4EIi UlVL BEFl BEFlDea i iDealers i iLME
V Dealers Dea ers in inLIME inLIME
Your Patronage Solicited SolicitedTllOnC Solicitedtoanuco1a SolicitedQenucol
Phone 177
toanuco1a Qenucol F F4ui F4uiI Fi13rIda
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When you want themlOf themlOfexhilarating the m
1 exhilarating draught fo foalways yeu 1
e always want water waterlJ11DA
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I1irD lJ11DA lJ11DAserved wWate1I
served at the fountain fountainsparkles j jsparkles
sparkles like fine wine It ItIs itIs S
Is oUIy water bbNiMg bubbliJiroVM bubbliJiroVMwith or
u with wit1tpreoo wit1tpreooI plue o oBottled
I Bottled nWaukesh at W MI MIJIOItSALB
SoleAgents Agents Agentsr
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