OCR Interpretation

The Pensacola journal. (Pensacola, Fla.) 1898-1985, April 08, 1906, Easter Edition, 2nd Section, Image 11

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062268/1906-04-08/ed-1/seq-11/

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T PENSACOLA JOURNAL SUNDAY S wvnruNG mvrtnrivGT mvrtnrivGJOURNAL r APRIL 8 t9 1906 Otf PAG FAG1r eLt cLtvcN aN
o i > o W1 W1PAVE
Pensacola Cement Stone CosCONCRETE CosCONCRETE Cos CoVsCO
It will never need repairing and you grandchildren grandchildrenwill
will find it in perfect condition Our work dont dontscale donttscale dontscale
scale settle in spots or hold water they look goodand good goodand foodand
and wear good goodIVSirade goodMiracle goodMiracle
Miracle Miracle Hollow Ho How Building jy Blocks Blocksare Io Gmr ek ck5 ck5are B W S 6K 6Kare
are endorsed by the leading architects throughout throughoutthe t tthe
the country They are ar rated in all cities 25 per percent percent percent
cent above brick or single Hollow Holl w Blocks Put Putthem Pt Putthem t tthem
them under your house in place of unsightly brick brickpillars brickpillars brickpillars
pillars We guarantee they will cost no more and andlook andlook andlook
look far better betterCEMENT betterCEMENT betterCEMENT
last forever and look well Investigate Investigatefor InvestigatePLASTERORCEMENTC InvestigatePLASTER
for interior decoration Any kind of marble marbleor marbleorcement or orcement orcement
cement work Have you seen s n our imported marble marblefor
for interiors interiorsAgents interiorsAgents Ii IiAgents
Agents for Lehigh Portland Cement and Hyorated Portland FarilandLfliL FarilandLfliLPeusacoia 4 4J Ii Lime i
J ok
Pon Peusacoia acolaConlont Cement Stono StoooTELEPHONE C O OTELEPHONE iOlv iOlvTELEPHONE
TELEPHONE 399 399Factory 399Factory 399Factory
Factory Located at Corner E Wright Street and Ninth Avenue AvenueC
Q C GUNTER ELIHORE PreslKfr PreslKfrHow PresJSJ PresJSJlo
lo 1 T JI JIr <
< < r J yJ f j1tZ t tu
u n nSS
SS n S S 1 SUn S Ss Ssu
J How One 0 ne Man M an Was WasCured III rv8S By ByW I
i Cured of Profanity T Former Fo er Mayor Mayorof Mayor Mayorof Ia or orI
I I of 01 Pensacola o
n ssuss s j
The recent IPf > nt article on Profanity
b trudge Laney of the municipal municipalc
c cr > Tir with its interesting personal personalmnisccnces personaltHniS personalreiiniscences
mnisccnces tHniS < cnCfts brings to mind a story storjUch stol stolh storyCh
Uch Ch h I once heard in which the thesFaker theJf theraker
sFaker Jf ak told how he ee had 41 been cured curedprofanity curedo
o profanity profanityThe roanihThE
The pentlewm ED emaa was a tae looking lookingand
and iut intprpjtiftg > rejag maker p aker whom I met meta m t ta
a heson Bf ft Gf f the Maaoek Grand GraniHe GrandUrige
LHI Urige e He H wa was afterwards elected electedMaster electedG electedGrand
G Grand nd Master sad ad filled the officrhtiv offic officliily offiNhit
rhtiv liily hit Several of us u had 4 gathered gathered5is
i a hi 5is Is room ose ae eveaiag and in thenrse the theof the11rse
11rse of If the coaversatioR somethcg somethcgid someth Ig
1 1 as sad id about profaaltj being a aof art
rreach rt > ah of the moral JDOra law w aad there therespecially thereore
i ore re specially e ieclU obnoxious > tM to Free FreeTV FreeIafOns FreeIa
IafOns Ia ons TV n geaU OMia 11 said MidI
I was as cured of the t e habit of pro projne
jne frn fane Rwearing Bwear n many y years ago O and andl
I MU mutt tell you the t e story Wh When n I Ia Ic Iras
> ras c a Boxing youn 1 man I wa a civil engi engiVL
t rA r VL omptojmeat was almost almostn almostlJqy almostLuily
lJqy in n th the e er fell Joo Joosthig tIag railroad railroads
rJ ns r s and other work of that t at sort sortfli
bh fli not only ft cut me off from any anyi 8 j jtflh
tflh i 1 Society IOt b bat t threw me e in daily dailyact dai1 dai1r
r act > act with ith rough roe t men aarf a BQ with ig i g gand
1 t and troublesome negro hell
< ta r
tr trtie h n er r WOtHJ4m1 CU4arek for foriLi
tie iLi T 11 Lela llNlle ethilrejy Ml cared OU or IIwtare IIwtare1IIn eR6glaitt
1IIn d p F fplllc t la Uk n word of wain Is
J h I r t t ferVeirks iterfl derfajco IJ05 oeitieej
tit t t s TI1I1tlII evuv aC Io lr < < ioei IIed ts etakos edIesia
SQ ia ace + wd I II ftd bat ao CIKenok r6llere rN1eTew
11 a r i tr tr4e h5 aU Ne eokets 1 1 leave ave taken e1 e1I
I s
4e e JN MerewStJerMrCltrKJ MerewStJerMrCltrKJBest NereM ereer St Jener qty OI OII Ii J Jbest
Best For ForThe ForThe
The Bowels bowelscjcArtteRZmc
cjcArtteRZmc cjcArtteRZmcs
1 s 1e ° outltTueGoo4D oennt TstteGoodDoGood Gooa
t Ot ea UItQr + ek or tripe HtSc k 96ele3ierer 96ele3iererA NeT8r
A r nor e CU1JI xe tab tabtet et atsmvoa ped CCO ccac
c < re OftOltt Yom aODeJ hack aek
Living roughly and with many manyirritating man manIrritating manyirritating
irritating surroundings gs I picked up upthe upthe upthe
the habit of profane swearing and andshortly andshortly andshortly
shortly became 8 pastmaster in that thatsbamefal thatsbameiuI 1 1SHme
sbamefal SHme l practice I had h dno no fear of ofGod ofGod ofGod
God before my eyes and it makes maksroe ma makesme 3S 3Sme
me shudder now to recall rOOfll1the the fright frightful rbhtful rightful ¬
ful and blasphemous JJlasp tUJlOUS language that thatwas thatwas thatwas
was my daily fcftWt fcftWtAbout hab1C hfalidtAbout
C About this time I met and fell in inlore inIOTe inIoye
lore with the ladyVho lady wh who afterwards afterwardsbecame atternardsbecme afterwardsbecame
became my wife She S e had no suspi suspicion suspldon uspicion ¬
cion of my evil batbit and returned returnedmy
my affection atrectionaDd a and d so wa a were mar marrietf marrleci marrI
rietf rI I I had bought ug1tt fcjr f our future future futureLome I
home a place In tie country It was wasan wasan i ian
an old homestead which had been ne neglected neglected ¬
glected and was much run down jlIt nrWas jlItas > m mvas
vas as naturally na < a beautiful location locationand
and capable of f great t8at improvemonT improvemonTBefore n nBefore t tuBefor
Before starting on my honeymoon honeymaonI hone m30n m30nI
I put a man ia charge with some somenegro someDegro somene
negro ne hands and directed him toy t tCC
t 1
I After some weeks absence we re returned reoI repturned ¬
I turned one evening about dark and andthe andthe andthe
the next morning I started out to tosee tosee tosee
see if my directions had been carrie carriea1out carrieout carrierout
out I think that my m overseer must musthave musthave musthave
have got drunk the day da that I left lefthim J lefthim ft fthim
him and remained so until my ill re return reoturn return ¬
turn Everything had been neglect neglected ¬
ed and everything eve th1ng was wrong But Butthe Butthe i3utthe
the well was the climax It was so sor S socrooked < J Jcrooked
r crooked that a bucket droppd dr drO PP pad dfrom from fromIts fromits
f tf Its top would never have found as asway ts tsway lsI
I way wa to the bottom Of all the wells wellsever wellsever wellsever
ever dug I think th nk that was the worst worstI
I fairly falrl boiled over with rage I Iopened Iopened Iopened
opened the thefloodgate30f floodgates of my aug auger augerand r rand rand
and cursed those men and consigni consignthem consigni111em
them to the Tower regions with every everyepithet everyepithet leJ leJEplthet
epithet that I could invent After I Ihad Ihad Ihad
had exhausted myself m selt I went to the thehouse tlehouse Viehouse
house and sat down oownto to recover my
temper temperPresently temperI tcmperPresently
Presently I arose and went into intomy inromy intomy
I my room and looked for a package of ofpapers ofpapers f fI
papers that I wanted want d Not N < > t finding
I them I went out and called to my mywife m mwife mywife
wife saying sa ing My b dear have you seen seenanything seenanything
I anything of a bundle bundleyof of papers p ers that thatI
I took out of my m trunk and left on onthe oathe 01the
the table tableOf
Of was the reply replyUnion 1ep 1epn replyUnionLabor
n t I
Union UnionLabor La LaRoom labor Hall HallRoom
Room 1 Old Armory Building BuildingA II
sufficient to accommodate
75 people for rent at atreasonable atreasonable atreasonable
reasonable rate rateMECHANICS rateMECHANICS rateMECHANICS
Whore Wh employers can se secure secure ¬
cure help Office clerk in incharge incharge11 incharge I
charge charge11 all the tme Phone i
776 and you ou will be sup supplied suppli supplied ¬
plied pliedHOME pli pliedHOME d dHOME
Much M u c h Ridiculous Stuff Being BeingPrinted BeingPrinted BeingPrinted
Printed in Relation to the theDrainage theDrainage theraina
Drainage raina e Scheme SchemeThe c eme emeThe I I II IThe
The amount of ridiculous stuff that thatis
is being pubuisbed by the newspapers newspapersof
of the state in relation to Gov Bro Browards Browards Browards
wards drainage scheme is amazing amazingsays
says sA S The Ft Myers Press and goes goesto goesto goesto
to snow how little is really known as asto asto asto
to the true condition of the Okeecho Okeechobee
bee region most of these editors hav having having haying ¬
ing obtained their ideas deas from fairy fairytales fairyI fairytales
I tales of magazine magaz ne writers whose imaginations imagi imaginations imagInations ¬
nations have havabeen been drawn upon to a agreater agreater agreater
greater extent than any real source of ofinformation ofinformation ofinformation
information Among the many stor stories stories stories
ies current in the Florida press of ofto oftoda to today today ¬
day da is that there are tides in inOkeechobee LakeOkeechobee Lake LakeOkeecbobee
Okeechobee an underground passag4 passag4from passagfrom passa passafrom
from the sea and large springs in inthe inthe inthe
the lake a1 aU of which exists only in inthe Inthe dothe
the minds of ofthe the originators of these theseyarns theserarns theseyarns
yarns yarnsAs rarnss yarnsAs
As s a matter of fact LakevOkeecho LakevOkeechobee Lake Oleecho Oleechobee okeechobee
bee is a body bodyof of fresh water covering coveringa
a territory about 30x40 miles in n ex extent extent ¬
tent with sandy shores ibeyond Ibe ond which whichis
111 is the rich body of saw grass muck muckj mucklands
j I lands an s which it is the purpose of the theDrainaga theI theDraina
Drainaga Draina a Board to reclaim for cultiva cultivatiou cultivltlOll cultivalion
lion by permanently lowering the thelake thelake
1 lake The water in the lake lakeis lak is regulated regu reguj regulatedby =
j lated latedby by the wet and dry seasons in h hvarIably invariably
variably falling in the dry seasons and andJ andagain
I J agan rising after the heavy rains rainshave rainshave
1 have set In In normal seasons there thereis
j is a difference of several feet between betweeni betweentbft
i the low and hgh h gh water wat r periods This Thisseason Thisseason Thissea
season sea + on on on account acc unt of the unusual unustialheavy unusuali l lI
i heavy hea and constant rains throughout throughoutthe th mghQ t tthe
I the fall winterand winter and spring the lake lakeis Iakis lakeis
is several feet above the normal but butjust btitjust butjust
just as sure as the rains cease the thrlake thslake
lake will fall fallWith fallVith fallWith
With all the information attits com command command cornmand ¬
mand the TimesUnion Times Union of last Friday Fridayi FrIdaysets Fridaysets
i sets forth a new reason why wh the lake lakecannot lakecannot lakecannot
> cannot be drained It has discovered discoveredthat
i that aquatic plants pi nts so choke up ths thsI th thcanals thcanals
I canals that they must be dredgedtwice dredged dredgeiltwice dredgedtwice
twice a year to keep them open andtherefore and andtherEfore
1 therefore it says water will not run rundown rundown rundown
down hill Why not senda send a repres3ntative repre repres
i I s ntative down here and see what a afalse aI afare
I i false statement this is Steamers are areplying are areplyng
1 plying the canals regularly from Kis Kissimmee Kifsimmec Kissimmee
simmee to Fort Myers and the largest largestCaloosahatchee largestCaloosahatchee
1 Caloosahatchee river steamers have haveemade havemade hayfmade
made frequent trips into the Jake no noI nolIes
I lIes lest aparsonage alJ rsonage than Thos A Edison Edisonand Edisonand Edisonand
and hisfamily h1 rfamily being on a trinnow trip now in inj inthe inthe
j the lake on the steamer Suwanee SuwaneeNow SuwalceNow SuwaneeNow
Now since the canals c nals weref wer cut by bythe bythe bythe
the Disston Company over twenty twentyyears twentyars twentyyears
years > ars a 30 o there has not been a dredge dredgein dredgn
in n th Hicpochee canal the only canal cana1acting canalacting canalacting
acting as asa a drainage out of Lake Okjae Okjaechobce Oloo4t Oleachobce =
chobce Far from fr m filling up it is just justtfre ju justtlfe t ttIfe
tfre reverseTlte revere f Tlfecuna1 Tlie canal has Jvash vashft vashftitself h lj ljitself l litself
t itself out from a 45foot canfal until untilthe unin1 unin1I untilthe
the width wI th is 75 to 85 feet and instead insteadi
i of having to dredge out this canal to toj tdleep tokeep
j keep it open a large sum of nionej4 lnoneyawas nionej4i
i ws w s spent sp < nt in a effort to dam up hiS his hiscanal 1 1canal
1 canal to prevent overflows on on onCaloosahatchee the thei t ti
i Caloosahatchee river riverAnd I IAnd I
i And right here let us remind r the theTimesUnion lhiTImesUnion theTimesUnion >
TimesUnion that it is the duty of the thestate thcJ thcJstate thedstate
state to icU elleva elia cethe Q Jthe settlers along the theCaloosahatchee th 4 4Caloosahatchee
Caloosahatchee ri upon upon v > n whosehanks whose backs is isthe I3the h hthe 11 11Caloosahatchee
the largrst larg st continuous body bod of < rl 1 1produ rep repproductive jj jjproductive
productive produ tive lands in the s6iiefr from frontioverfioWs fromoverflows I Ioverilos
overflows Years ago engnigers eng tiers r5 warn warned warni warncd
i cd the state that a canal can l cut into this thisj thisriver I Ii
j river would cause great overflows and andsuch andsuch
I such has been proven to be the case caseuntil caseuntil caseuntil
until thousands of acres of the nchosi nchosiland richZsland riclistland
land are constantly in danger of o over overflow OE1flow overflow ¬
flow The plan to lower Lake Lak Okee Okeechobee Okeechobee Okeechabee
chobee would at once reclaim thous thousands thomands thousands ¬
ands of acres acres of muck lands and plac placthe 1 llaCthe > lac lacthe
the upper Caloosahatchee out of dan danger daner danger
ger er
gerWhy Why should the TimesUnion and andother allelother andother
other papers in the state attempt att mpt toj tojcreate to tocreate i icreate
create false impressions as to the the1feasibility thefeasibility thefeasibility
feasibility of draining the sawgras5J sawgras5Jregion sawgrasi sawgrasslregion I Iregi
region regi on which is really not a part oi oithe atthe otj otjthe
the Everglades proper If an unjust unjusttax unjusttax unjustta
tax ta c has been levied why wh not make the thefight thefight thefight
fight on that In fact the courts have havesaid havesaid havesaid
said that the fh method of collecting the thespecial thesp timespecial
special sp cial tax is not constitutional Then Taenwhy li1enwhy Thenwhy
why not have a law passed that would wouldbe wouldbe wouldbe
be constitutional and that would fall fallalike faBI 1
alike upon all ll lands to be benefitted benefittedthe
the states a well as the private land landowners landQyners I 1owners
owners The muck lands can be bedrained bedrained
drained thousands of acres of rich sol so soncan 11 j jcan I
can can be reclaimed the big land com companics companics cornpanics
panics would be benefitted and South SouthFlorida SouthFlorIda SouthFlorida
Florida would become one of the th most mostprosperous mofttprosperous mostprosperous
prosperous sections of the state stateWhat stateWhat stateWhat
What the do I know about aboutyour aboutyour aboutyour
your papers papersIf l I
If an earthquake had opened the theground theground
ground at my feet I could not have havebeen hatbeen havebeen
been more astonished If any of ofyou ofou ofyou
you ou have ever heard a woman woman womanswear 1 1swear Iswearrou
I Ihorror
swear swearrou you know what a shock and andhorror andhorror
horror it gives to hear such words wordseven wordseven woJseyen
even from the Ups of an abandoned abandonedwoman abandonedwoman
woman but that my wife should ut utter utter utter ¬ I
ter theml themlThe themThe themlThe
The thought occurred to me that thatshe thattshe i ishe
she must have suddenly gone mad madAfter madI madIMter I IAfter
After a pause I poke again againMy againsM againMy
sM My dear I didnt mean to vex you youI ou ouI
I only wanted to know if you ou had hadseen hadseen hadseen
seen a package of papers papersmthat mthat that I had hadthis hadthis hadthis
this morning morning5Puand nlorriingI
I c xc 5Puand aAd your o pgDfirs 1 p > pgj L wts wlethe wtsth3 I Ith2
the reply GO G < > to = and dont dontbother dontj dontother
bother me with you ou nonsenseMy nonsense nonsenseMy nonsenseI
I My dear said I What does this thismean thismean I II
I mean meanHIt mean mean4t
meanIt HIt It means this she said I have haveonly h haveonly vc vconl
only onl used us d the language that I heard heardyou heardyou
you ou utter a little while ago If myhusband my myhusband myusband
husband whom I have prom promised sed toj to tolove I
love and honor can use such woJvi woJviit WOJ WOJit wo 1 1it +
it cannot be wrong for his wife tc trrepeat i j jrepeat ir
repeat r peRt them themMy themUIy themMy
My friends if ever a man felt lit litii J Jte I Itne
tne and mean m tn I was a3 that man If IfU Ifthere j jthe
there the U fe e had been z ra rat hole in the room roomI
I would have crawled into it It way wajh
t h 7 tF 0 H u Z Q iPFS1 II71 I
While the damp cold changing weather of ofWinter ofWinter ofnter
Winter nter intensifies intensi fies the pains and other disagreeable disagreeablesymptoms disagreeablesymptoms discgreeablesymptoms
symptoms of Rheumatism sm it is is by no means awinter a awinter awinter
winter disease exclusively Through the long longmonths longmonths ion g gmonths
months of Summer its wandering pains and twitch twitching twitching twitching ¬
ing nerves are ar are felt by thosein those in whose blood the uric uric uricacid uricllcid t tacid =
acid which produces the disease d sease has accumulated accumulatedRheumatism accumulatedRheumatism accumulatedRheumatism
Rheumatism is a disease that involves involvesthe the en entire entite entire ¬
tire system Its I s primary J > ri ary cause results from m the thefailure thefailure te tefatlureof
failure of the eliminative organs the Liver Kid Kidneys KIdneys ¬
neys and Bowels to carry out of the system the theurea theurea theurea
urea or natural refuse matter This coming in incontact incontact incontact
contact with the different acids of the th body forms formsuric formsuric formsuric
uric uric acid which is taken up and absorbed by the theblood fheblood theblood
blood This acid causes fermentation of the bloodmaking blood bloodmaking bloodmaking
making it sour soutand and unfit for P properly nourishing nourishingthe
the t h e body b 0 d y and an d as this t hi s vital Vlta I stream goes to every everynook tory Last Rheumatism Summer I had in the a severe knees attack from which of Inflamma Inflammatory I was wasnook wagnook wasunable ¬
nook and corner of the body the poison is is distrib distributed ¬ unable to leave my room for forseveral several months I Iwas Id Ias
w was as treated by b y two doctors and also tried differ different ¬
uted ute d to all a 11 parts The e nervous system syst weakens weakensfrom wea k ens ent kinds of liniments and medioines es which whichfrom whfehfrom whichseemed
from lack of rich richpnre pure blood the skin becomes fe feverish ¬ seemed to relieve me from pain p in for awhile but at atthe atI
I verish yens h and an d swollen swo 11 I en the t h e stomach stomac h and aD a digestion d g are areaffected the One same day while time reading I was not a any paper nearer I saw getting an adver advertisement adTeraffected admroraffected well wellOne wenyens wellverish ¬
affected the appetite fails and a general neral diseased diseasedcondition tisement of S S S for Rheumatism I decided decidedto
to give it a trial which I did di d at a t once After I had hadtaken
condition con d Itlon of 0 f the t h e entire system is IS the t h e result resultNot resu l t taken three bottles I felt a great deal better and andI andNot andNot
Not only is Rheumatism the most painful of ofall I continued to take It regularly until I was ea eatirely eztires
tirely tires y cured cure d I n now feel better r than an I have h for foryears
all a 11 diseases d Iseases with WIt h its swollen stiff joints throbbing throbbingmuscles th ro bb lng years ears OHAS E GILDERSLEEmuscles GILDERSLEEKE GILDERSLEEVEmuscles
muscles and stinging nerves but it is is a formidable formidableand < 618 82nd Street Newport News Va VaALMOST Vaand Vagand
and dangerous trouble If the uric acid is allowed allowedto
to remain in the blood and the disease becomes chronic chalky Deposits form at the joints jointsand oints r rand
and they are rendered immovable and stiff and the patient left a helpless cripple fbr fl r lifeEvery life lifeEvery lifeEvery
Every day the poison remains remains in in the system the disease gets a firmer hold The best time timeto
to get rid of Rheumatism is in warm warm weather because then the blood takes on new life andthe and andthe andthe
the skin is more active and can better assist in the elimination of the poisons With the theproper theproper theproper
proper remedy to force f rce the acid out of the blood andat and at the same time build up and andstrengten andstrengten andstrengten
strengten the Liver Kidneys ICid eys Bowels and other organs of the body Rheumatism can be per permanently perluanently PerinanentlY ¬
manently cured External applications relieve the pain and temporarily reduce the inflam inflammation inflamInation inflanilnatlonI ¬
mation lnatlonI and for this reason are desirable but they cannot have any effect on the disease diseaseThe diseaseThe diseaseThe
The blood is poisoned and the blood must be treated treatedbefore before a cure can be effected effectedS
S S Sr S a remedy made from roots herbs and barks is the best treatment for Rheuma Rheumatism ¬
tism It goes into the blood and attacks the disease at its head and by neutralizing the acidand acid acidand 1 1and
and driving it out and building up the sour blood so it can supply nourishment nt and strength strengthto
to every everyptqt part of the body it cures Rheumatism permanently S S S Sis is the only safe cure curefor curefor cureFor
for the disease dis a e being purely vegetable it will not injure inju e the system in the least as do dothose dothose dothose
those medicines which contain Potash or some other mineral ingredient S S S tones u up upevery upevery P Pevery
every part of o the body by its fine tonic to c properties propertiesWhile propertiesicons
While cleansing the blood of all poisons Po icons it builds uptSae uptSaeappetite 1 1aPPelite j jappetite
appetite and digestion soothes the excited nerves re reduces reduces reduces ¬
duces all inflammation inBaptm tion relieves pain and completely completelycures 1 1cures
cures Rheumatism in In every form formMus formMuscular Muscular < ular InflammatorY Inflamma Inflammatory ¬
tory Articular or Sciatic If you are worried with the thenagging thenagging thenagging 1
nagging pains of Rheumatism do not wait for it to be become become become ¬
come chronic but begin the use of S S S and purge purgethe purgethe purgethe
the blood of every particle of the poison Write for our book on Rheumatism and ask OUT ourphysicians OUTphysicians OUTphysicians
physicians for any advice you wish We make no charge for either eitherTHE eitherTHE eitherTIllE
m 1 1eeeeaeeeaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaa
eeeeaeeeaaaaaaaaaaeaaaaaaaa a aee aeem
m LI m COFFEE COFFEEI COFFEEWE m mm m mlit lit y 1J 9 J Jy JrJ
rJ 1 1N
N fIt fItI
I For Rich and Poor M 1
J Jfa
N 1
m aI aIr Si mHAVE
ro SiI U Um
V Jj1 I
m A trial rya U will w a convince U Urya the e connois connoisseur connoisseur connoisseur ¬
seur that we make no extrava extravagant ex rava ravaan ¬ 1 1Market i i8J
8J gant an claims when we say that thatN a ae m
N rJ rJOur
Our Coffee is e s the Best Beston on the Market MarketRetail MarketWholesale MarketWholesale
Wholesale and Retail Grocers GrocersBecause
Because you have to have Groceries and Provisions is s no reason why you shouldhave should shouldhave N NN
N have to pay a aGet too much for them unless you are overmuch fond of your old grocer grocerGet tu tuOJ
OJ Get prices from us now and then and you will wHl1earn learn something somethingPLUTO somethingnts N Nm
m N NfU
fU PLUTO WATER WATERWe We arethe are ar agents a e nts for Pluto Water Its the finest r water for forthe forN
N the stomach bowels end kidneys kidne Y Ycheaper s Get et the Pluto habit Its a good one and andcheaper r
N cheaper than paying extortionate doctors s bills billsPhone f
Phone 1O5 10 JAS JASMcHUGH McHUGH Proprietor Pro rietor m

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