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v w IRid WX1Wt1WKKW WX1Wt1WKKWk t B Bn 11
k WK WKriKi7rtncrX
riKi7rtncrX wnatiKkWar FURNITURE FURNITUREi WiXWXiWifRt WiXWXiWifRtt uF n t l E = Et l
yyy yyykWKk
kWKk d3 t a f LfTt U UJahtt 1
7 kWd k k X Jahtt QHzF 1f n4i 1E
JE75T T A WEEK NOW NO W TILL EASTER LA S TI3R 7 7Hasnt w r fi + u uI uT r ry rabout 7 7c 7Ilasi1t
y c
Hasnt the theSpring a a Spring r n cleaning cleaningo and nd changing about for fo or this is event brought to o light f many man things ins that a you o wan want replaced by new ones onesor onesr
or o r the e need of o new e articles that a make for o r convenience convc c o nv c ne ience a ne c Our mammoth s store ore is e s now filled ee with the e choicest Furniture urns ure and an Fur Furnishings furnishings ur ¬
4 > > ns nishings E n s ever gotten 0 en under r one roof in West Florida f ord af all allot of which you may enjoy and an use while you are paying for or them themBUY them1tf em
rYT tiyy tiyyT
b p tt Odorless Refrigerators RefrigeratorsThese R frigeratorsThese
These refrigerators are absolutely absolutelysanitary absolutelyanitary absolutelysanitary
sanitary and are endorsed by the theRed theRed theRed
P Red Cross Society There are noS no noseams noseams
S seams or joints to become foul The Theair Theair Theair
air circulation is such that fish and andfruit andfruit anda
a fruit will not contaminate milk andbutter and andbutler andbutter
butter Cold air is used only oncetherefore once oncetherefore oncethexefore
therefore odors are carried off andout andout and andout
out A great eat feature of the Odorless OdOrlessr
r R is it uses Jess ice than other makesi makesPrice makes makesPrices
i Price 14 16 18 and 22 Other Otherrefrigerators Otherr
1 tr r refn refrigerators erators of most excellent excell nt quality qualityfrom qua1 qualitya ty tyI
I r from f rom O 9 u up upParlor P PParlor
Parlor Furniture FurnitureWe
We earnestly invite every woman womanin
G t in Pensacola to drop in and examine examineour
our parlor prices Theyre swell Fullsuite Full Fullsuite Fullsuite
suite of five pieces prettily uPholstered uphol upholstered upholfi ¬
stered for 30 Others up to 75 and andair
air fi iU
100 handsomely upholstered inleather in inleather inft
ft t leather Odd chairs and rockers insilk in insilk insilk
silk tapestries and velour veloure velourS6509
6509 650 9 12 15
Dining Room RoomOur Furniture FurnitureOur
Our line of Fine Oak Sideboards SideboardsDining SideboardsD SideboardsDining
Dining D ning Tables and Chairs are aremaryels aremaryelsof marvels marvelsof
of beauty beau and elegance and are just justwaiting Justwaiting lustwaiting
waiting for your order to put them themin
in your home homeOur homeOur homeOur
Our plan Buy Now Pay Later Lateris
is for YOU YOUSideboards YOUSideboards YOUSideboards
Sideboards X15 15 to 65 65Chairs 65Chairs 65Chairs
Chairs 75c to 5 5Extension 5Extension 5Extension
Extension Tables up to 25 25USE 25USE 25USE
Small Tables and Pedestals PedestalsTheres PedestalsTheres
Theres always alW ys a place in q the hall hallor
or most any of the rooms rooms in thehome thehome the thehome
home for a small table or r pedestal pedestalWe
We have some beauties now nowsome nowsomethat Some Somethat
that will appeal to you strongly be because because because ¬
cause of their littleness in price pricet0
2 to 1O
Iron Beds BedsAll
All Iron Beds in the room gives givesan givesan
an air of coolness in fact is cooler coolerand coolerand coolerand
and easier to keep clean than the theother theother theother
other kind We have some youll youlllike youlllike youlllike
like in
White Pink Pinkand Pinkand Pinkand
and Blue Blueand Blueand Blueand
and in a combination of colors Also Alsohave Alsohave Alsohave
have them with with1canopy canopy cano Y tops for mos mosquito mosquito mosquito ¬
quito bars
250 2 0 55Q 56 S 65Q Q up to 20 20Window 20Window 20Window
Window Shades ShadesHeres ShadesHeres ShadesHeres
Heres where we come in strong
Every spring sees a big demand for fornew fornew fornew
new shades Weve got em you need needem needem
em and we want you to have em emWe emWe emWe
We have shades to fit any anyw window windowlarge windowlarge ndow ndowlarge
large or small in fact we make makeshades makeshades makeshades
shades to fit any window windowSO window50ents window50cnts
SO 50ents cents up upHunq
Hung Free
Mattresses an anSince and Springs SpringsSince
I Since about twothirds of your lifeis life lifeis
is spent in in bed the bed should by allmeans all allmeans allme
means me ans be as comfortable as it is pos possible possible possible ¬
sible to make Ostermoor Matresses Matressesare
are BUILT not stuffed which guar guarantees guarantees guarantees ¬
antees a smooth even surface free freefrom freefrom freefrom
from knots and bumps 15 and
1550 the latter in two parts Others Othersat
at 450 750 and 1250 Sleep e4SleepSound SleepSound SleepSound
Sound as as a Log only costs you 450 450that 4 450that 50 50that
that is a Victor spring It will not sag sagit
it is noiseless it will always retain a asmooth asmooth asmooth
smooth even snrface last a lifetime
200 Rolls of Mattings MattingsHeres
Heres a department thats our ourpride ourpride ourpride
pride No other like it in the whole wholestate wholestate wholestate
state stateWe
We have just received two hun hundred hundred hune ¬
dred rolls of the most exquisite e pat patterns pattras P Ptarns at ¬
Laid Free at 20 25 30 35c
Druggets r e s Rugs u uThis and an Carpets CarpetsThis II IIThis
This department has shown won wonderful wonderful wonderful ¬
derful growth the past year But thenthats then thenthats thenthats
thats the natural result of beauty beautyand beautyand beautyand
and worth w rth quality and low price priceFloor priceFloor priceFloor
Floor Rugs Axminster Smyrna Smyrnaand Smyrnaand Smyrnaand
and Moquette in in beautiful floral and andOriental andOriental andu
Oriental designs 1 up u P to 5Druggets 5 5Druggets 5Druggets
Druggets up to 18 18Stair 18eStair 18Stair
Stair Carpet up to 1 a yard Laid Laidfree Laidfree Laidfree
GoCarts GoCartsKeep
Keep the babies out every pretty prettyday prettyday prettyday
day Some of the prettiest GoCarts GoCartsever
ever seen here They are the famous famousHeywood famousHeywood famousHeywood
Heywood cart are strong and very veryattractive veryattractive veryattractive
attractive Get one and load it with withhome withhome withhome
home products productsFolding productsFolding productsFolding
Folding GoCart for 250 Willow
10 12 15 25
250 to 25
I Phone 149 A iRrI S 7II TO II T TI I T A SouthBPalafox 108110 108110J BPalafox BPalafoxWE
J Pensacola Fla FlaJVL 7 L i J L 1 u ui South Palafox
1 1f
f 1
t i iI ii
I d > < i 1 > L A Ar
i A 1
r x xf
t r Reveals the Domestic Infe Infelicity iofori ¬
r ri Kate KateClyde a t e deity Duo to Bad CookingTeBs Cooking GookIngft
i ft Tells of an Orga Orgatfzatloi zatloa For Fortke forh Forthe
h tie Correction of the Faults of ofthe oft ofr
r + 1111M Clyde CI y J d e the Members and Suggests SuggestsSome Suggestsfr =
t fr ti A k i iR 1z1j J Some ma Appetizisg LenteNTWbits LenteNTWbitsA Lenten Tidbits
t i1 i1io R
io Iii l
T I Ift
ft I 1 t n AD cooking is the cause of ofmere orW ofmere
W mere divorces for incom incompaOWMty incotnpatiblky
1 B paOWMty of 0 disposition thanyou than thanyou thanyou
you ever heAra of e remarked remarkedM
1 vld M Mrs Good Sense to me mela meaIa meZ
aIa Z la a nay y day she went on there was wassuch wasDe wasr
r De such timing as incompatibility of oftemper ott8lllPM off
f temper Pelks didnt take themselves themselvesse
se Berieusly erIeY lY When two people came camet cameto
t to the point where they the either had toY to tofly toly
Y fly to pieces or fly at each e oo other they theyutmaliy they1HN theya
a < utmaliy 1HN Iy discovered they had dyspepsia
and they took tookherb tookherb tookherb
herb tea or orchanged orchanged orchanged
changed thecook the thecook thecook
cook Nowadays Nowadaysno
no one seems to tohave toha tohave
have ha e any plain plaincommon plaincommon plaincommon
common sense senseIve senseIve senseIve
Ive been beenstopping beenstopping beenstopping
stopping at my mydaughterin mydaughter mydaughter
daughterin daughterinlaws daughter In In18ws Inlaws
laws for Instance in instance instance ¬
stance for the thelast the1st theIast
last month and andI
I never saw a acouple acouple acouple
couple quarrel quarrellike
like those two twoI
I never could couldmake couldmake couldmake
make out why whyuntil whyuntil hy hyURtil
until Id been
there awhile
Ile had t is sot < < C ed HI reed eke
The first nightfeed night night1M
feed edecrttsenmt edecrttsenmtrutty t t
dinner was aw awtully awfur
rutty late Jehn hadnt had any lunch lunchb lunchlIut lunchbttt
b lIut t that didnt make any BY difference He Hejust HejtNIt Hejest
just bad h t to sit down deWRand and read the foodadvertisenieats food foodadvertisements fooda4verti5emeBts
advertisements in the back of the magaM mag magazine ¬
azine aM a turttt uat the real stuDws stuff was good and andready andreeI1Y andread0
ready I
readyWell Well first there was a soup thin thinsat thinud I IDC
sat DC watery and It was coW I suppose supposeIt
k It Bad been left on the back of the thesieve the8ve thep
p sieve 8ve while the roast r 8It was getting done donebut done1Nt doneS
S but anyway they night at just as well wellhve wellhlwe welli
i have taken time to warm rID it for the theroost theroast i ir
roost r ut wasnt done anyway It was all allgreasy a1lOR allgreasy
greasy en the outside and raw inside insidecj iasldead
S 1 > cj and ad d I saw John keep k p pouring red pep pepper pepper pepper ¬
per sauce ever it to give It some flavor ftavorC1
01 wate4 tM t 10 t tt H bin that red peptape pep pepper ep epper ¬
per sauee sa saWing tape was awfuMy bad for the lin lining UnI ¬
Wing met of his s stomach but I didnt dare to tohe i i
he leaked se madNot mad madNot i iNot
Not a Green Thing ThingPer ThinsBar
Per vegetables etablos we had sweet pota potatoes potates ta tatoes ¬
toes and white potatoes aDd macaroni macaroniaa4
and heaeeCv B e0dy e tly I felt Hke a chicken that thatIMS thatHs thatas
IMS as Ms crop full III ef e cornmush aDd cant cantget cantet cantget
get et oaaugh water la its bill to wash washtfe washtke washUte
tfe Ute xteee down Youve seea themebk them themctrftcfeteff themt
ctrftcfeteff ebk g hak tk t ek lr bills bt > is may be Oh if ifwe itwe Ifwe
we earl e U oa oaIyhve oaty y have had a single green greeneffetabe greenTegetable i
effetabe Y etabe a blade ef grass 1TU8cveBlt even but t1
wwww wwwwno 1 1no >
no the whole dinner was so hopelessly hopelesslysoggy hopelesslysoggy hopelesslysoggy
soggy And guess what the there e was for fordessert tordessert fordessert
dessert An underdone apple pudding puddingwhose puddinghose puddingwhose
whose gluey white substance stuck our ourjaws ourjaws ourjaws
jaws at every chew chewAfter chewAfter chewAfter
After dinner I just couldnt help it itI ItI itI
I had to lie down With all that stuff stuffIn stuftIn stuffin
In my stomach I just couldnt stand up upBy upBy upBy
By and by I went to sleep and I had a aperfectly aperfectly aperfectly
perfectly awful nightmare and when I Iwaked Iw Iwuced
waked w ed up I felt a little mussy but butmost butmost butmost
most of that tired feeling had sort of ofworn otworn ofworn
worn away I have always alva s had a good gooddigestion gooddlgesUoncould gooddigestioncould
digestion dlgesUoncould could oat e t nails nallsthank thank the theLord theI theLord
I Lord
Not Like His Mother MotherBut MotherBut MotherBut
But poor John he never was built builtthat builtthat builtthat
that way He went into his den and andtried andtrled andtried
tried to work over some reports and be hegot begot begot
got an awful headache His wife she shesort shesort shesort
sort of became restless I dont know knowas
as I blame her seeing how I was feel feeling feeling feeling ¬
ing but she didnt have sense enough to togo togo togo
go into her own room and try to sleep sleept
It Itoft t off She walked into Johns den and andI
I heard he rd her giving him the very dickens dickensin
in that peevish voice of hers Pretty Prettysoon
soon r guess his head hurt him con considerably considerably conslderably ¬
siderably for he answered back something some something somethlngawtul
thing thlngawtul awful and then the fight was on onThat onThat onThat
That very night she went to her hermothers hermothers hermothers
mothers and she didnt come back for fora
a week By that time his headaches headacheswere
were gone and he was feeling better betteryou betteryou betteryou
you see Td been cooking for him since sinceshe sinceshe sinceshe
she left and so they had a grand grandreconciliation grandreconclUation grandreconciliation
reconciliation and were as loving as asturtle asturtle asturtle
turtle doves You see shed been sort
of dieting too tooso tooso tooso
so her temper temperwas
was improved improvedAnd
And to think thinkthose thinkthoe thinkthose
those too young youngidiots youngidiots youngidiots
idiots never neverknew neverknew neverknew
knew it was wastheir wastheir wastheir
their stomachs stomachsthat stomachsthat stomachsthat
that was the thematter themstter thematter
matter con concluded concluded concluded ¬
cluded the old oldlady oldlady oldlady
lady mournfully mournfullyPhysician mourntullyPhysician mournfullyPhysician
Physician Heal HealThyself HealThyself HealThyself
Thyself ThyselfNow ThyselfNow ThyselfNow
Now that thafLent thafLentis Lent Lentis
is here I won wonder wonder wonder ¬
der if I couldnt couldntdrop couldntdrop couldntdrop
drop a hint to
She CM kMro rfi Mm M Oe OeV Marion Know Knowry Knoweery
Itall She start started started started
eery < < V tfWfeaw cl dicle s ¬
ed the idea of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the Improvement club We were all to tocorrect tocorrect tocorrect
correct ourselves ofone of One particular fault faultand faultand faultand
and come out quite perfeot at Easter EasterIt
It seemed to make the Idea more
The gown in the cut is of gray silk The elaborately el borately trimmed skirt has hasruffles hasrumes hasruffles
ruffles of silk and insertions and a d motifs of Irish crochet This charming lace lacealso lacealso lacealso
also forms the yoke und shoulder capes Bretelles of silk are arranged over the theruffled therumed theruffled
ruffled blouse
palatable to sort of form it into a club clubOf clubor clubOf
Of course Marion was made president presidentand presidetand presidentand
and she was awfully nice about abo t help ¬
ing me to find out my chief fault too tooOnly tooOnly tooOnly
Only this is what worries me me I sup suppose suppose suppose ¬
pose because beca she was president no one onethought onethought onethought
thought of her finding out one ot her herown herown herown
own faults and staring to uproot it itShe ItShe ItShe
She hasnt very many I admit She Sheis Sheis Sheis
is very pretty and graceful 8c ul and clever cleverbut cleverbutI cleverbutI
but butI I was 88 almost home when wh n it dawned dawnedon
on methe me m she he does make you feel uncom uncomfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable ¬
fortable at times because be aus8 she always alwaysknows alwaysknows alwaysknows
knows it all allThere allThere allThere
There isnt a single subject you can canmention canmention canmention
mention but what she Is able to togive togiveyou gIve gIveyou giveyou
you points on itand it Itandcoxrect and correct your our mis mistakes mistakes ¬
takes Usually she Is perfectly > > right rl ht
too but oh dear it doesnt make you youfeel youfeel youfeel
feel nice niceIf niceIt niceIf
If you show her a gown you have paid paidan a1d a1dan
an extravagant price for because you youwere youwere youwere
were told it was an advance style shehas she shehas shehas
has an old one in her closet the identical identicalsame
same thing which she bought in Paris Paristhe Paristh Paristhe
the th season before last lastYou lastYou lastYou
You show her the new hat you have havetrimmed havetrimmed havetrimmed
trimmed which everybody seems to tothink tothink tothink
think is very pretty and she he looks at atit atIt atit
it with her head on one side and says saysYes saysYes saysYes
Yes my dear very neatly sewed but butyou butYOU butyou
you ought to bend It this way and wear wearit WearIt
it this way on your head and she sheleaves sheleaves sheleaves
leaves your poor little hat transformed transformedIt
It may have havemore more style but you prefer preferit Jire r rIt
it your own way so you spend UM next
hour patting and pulling it back into intoshape intoshape intoshape
shape again againIf
If you give a little lunch party she shetakes shetakes shetakes
takes the opportunity to enlighten enlighteneverybody enlighteneverybody enlighteneverybody
everybody about the latest wrinkles in intable Intable intable
table decorations for such occasions and andthe andthe andthe
the most up to date dishes Of course courseshe courseshe coursesho
she doesnt want to make you feel badly badlybecause badlybecause badlybecause
because you havent them and she tells tellsTou teUsYou tellsYou
You ought to bend It this way
you so sobut 0 but she just cant help noticing noticingthese noticingthese noticingthese
these novelties at toe smart houses houseswhere houseswhere houseswhere
where she is Invited InvitedI
I wonder If any anyone one could Just drop dropa
a hint to Marion so she would come out outperfect outperf outperfect
perfect perf ct in time for Easter EasterSome EasterSome EasterSome
Some Lenten Tidbits TidbitsSpeaking TidbitsSpeaking TidbitsSpeaking
Speaking of Lenten lunches reminds remindsme
me Have you ever tried the economy economyof
of using halibut Instead of crab meat meatfor meatfor meatfar
for deviled crabs crabsIt
It works to perfection if you have haveyour haveyour haveyour
your fish highly seasoned and well wellminced wellminced wellminced
minced The addition of a little oyster oystercrab oystercrab oystercrab
crab chopped in each individual dish dishwill dishwill dishwill
will make detection absolutely impossi impossible ¬
ble bleft ft is s wonderful by the way what wh t a anumber an anumber
number n mber of attractive dishes can be becompounded becompounded becompounded
compounded with fish and oyster crabs crabsOnq crabsOn crabsOne
One On of the t e best is any white fish cooked cookedvery cookedvery cookedvery
very dry and then baked In little in individual indlvidual individual ¬
dividual copper saucepans after a athick athiCk athick
thick sauce has been poured over it itcompounded itcompounded itcompounded
compounded mainly of cheese and andsherry andsherry andsherry
sherry mixed together In a yellow yellowsauce yellowsauce yellowsauce
sauce Two or three little oyster crabs crabsare crabsare crabsare
are placed in each dish and they add addgreatly addgreatly addgreatly
greatly to the delicate flavor Of course courselike courselike
like 111 < e all cheese dishes this must be beeaten beeaten beeaten
eaten piping hoti hotNew hot hotNew hotfiat
fiat i 6 L LNew
Of course the ideal house will be pro provided provtded provided ¬
vided with avenues for exchange of air airregardless airregardless airregardless
regardless of cost Here is an old oldpractical oldpractical oldpractical
practical hint for the owner of a lim limited limIted limited ¬
ited purse Have a piece of wood cut cutwith cutwith cutwith
with the thickness and length of the thewood theWood thewood
wood forming the lower border of thelower the thelower thetower
lower sash The wood may be about aboutseven aboutseven aboutseven
seven Inches deep Now raise the low lower lowr lower ¬
er r sash Cant the piece of wood and andslide andslide andslide
slide into the groove holding the sash sashPush sashPush sashPush
Push the wood down as far as It will willgo w11lgo willgo
go and bring the sash down upon it itTho ItTho itThe
Tho air will enter where the panes panesoverlap panesoverlap panesoverlap
overlap The board and the sash sashshould sashshould sashshould
should meet accurately or there will be bea bea bea
a draft
= cJL l l il 7 i ft >
ONT NT come to the breakfast table tabletelling tabletelling tableJuIJ
JuIJ telling everybody what a miser miserable miserable miserable ¬
able night you spent spentcouldnt spentcouldntsleep couldnt couldntsleep
sleep a wink Suppose Supp you didnt didntHave didntHave didntHave
Have you any right to plaster your yourmisery yourmisery yourmisery
misery over everybody else elseDont elseDont elseDont
Dont comd to the dinner table in the theevening theevening theevening
evening detailing to the family every everybusiness everybusiness everybusiness
business worry and perplexity every everydomestic everydomestic everydomestic
domestic trouble making them take in inalong inalong inalong
along with their food the aura of your yourdisappointment yourdisappointment yourdisappointment
disappointment anger and despondency despondencyIts
Its enough to have been disappointed disappointedand
and angry yourself without wlthoutmaklng wlthoutmaklngeverybody making makingeverybody makingeverybody
everybody else suffer The man or wo woman woman woman ¬
man who will pour out the troubles of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the day at the evenihg ev nl meal no mat matter matter matter ¬
ter what those troubles were ought to tobe tobe tobe
be choked oft and led away to eat alone aloneafter aloneafter aloneafter
after the rest are done doneA doneA
A greater sinner still is tho person personwho personwho personwho
who sits down at the family table with witha
a grumpy forbidding dontyoudare dontyoudarespeak
speak expression of countenance as ifhe if ifhe ifhe
he were a boss executioner and was wasprepared wasprepared wasprepared
prepared to strike off the head of any anybody anybody anybody ¬
body who talked or laughed aloud while whileeating whlloeating whileeeating
eating There is a frightful supersti superstition ¬
tion in a few quarters that it Is not notseemly notseemly notseemly
seemly to talk and be merry while eat eating eating t ting ¬
ing but that in Inotder order to express properthankfulness proper properthankfulness properthankfulnesa
thankfulness to Providence for the food foodput foodput foodput
put before us it is necessary ne essary to chokethat choke chokethat chokethat
that food down in solemn surly si 81lence ¬
lence Wherever a family for its sins sinsIs sinsIs
Is afflicted with this sort of unpleasant unpleasantperson unpleasantperson unpleasantperson
person as one of Its heads you will see seethe soethe seethe
the younger members of that family familychilled f familychilled mlly mllychilled
chilled into dead silence wherever the theperson theperson theperson
person appears and they slide oft of one oneby oneby oneby
by one this way ay and that to some someplace someplnce someplace
place where they can assemble and be befree befree befree
free and merry without the presence of ofthe ofthe ofthe
the family nightmare I have seen fathers fa fathers fathers ¬
thers of families who were exactly of ofthat ofthat ofthat
that kind who gloried in repressing all allmerriment allmerriment allmerriment
merriment among their children and andcasting andcasting andcasting
casting a pall pf freezing fr ezlng silence over overthe overthe overthe
the family meal The result was waspity waspityIt pity pityit
it was wasthe the children had such a dis dislike dIslike dislike ¬
like and dread of tho presence of their theirfather theirfather theirfather
father that they got away from home homeso
so soon as they were grown and some someof someot someof
of them fell into evil ways The old oldman oldman oldman
man then blamed it on Providence for forafflicting foraffllcUn forafflicting
afflicting affllcUn him speciajljr when the un unfortunate unfortunate unfortunate ¬
fortunate outcome wag was nothing but the theconsequences theconsequences theconsequences
consequences of his own grouty ugli ugliness ugl1ness ugliness ¬
ness at home homeI tome tomeI
I dont know actually which is the theworse theworse theworse
worse transgressor the grouty dis disagreeable disagreeable dieagreeable ¬
agreeable father or the individual in lvldua1 who whotalks whotalks whotalks
talks of bodily ailments and horrible horribleand
and disgusting Incidents at meaisSome meals mealsSome mealsSome
Some folk who consider co lder themselves themselvesreally themselvesrealIy themselvesreally
really well bred and refined will detail detailhow detal1how detailhow
how they have taken medicine and what whateffect whateffect whateffect
effect it had on them br how this or orthat orthat orthat
that food disagreed with their stom stomachs stomachs stomachs ¬
achs and other particulars that are areenough areenough areenough
enough to turn a refined well bred per person person person ¬
son Inside out and upside down downIs own ownIs
Is It any ny wonder thatnearly that nearly all the theworld theworld theworld
world Is dyspeptic dyspc tlc when we consider considerS
that besides swallowing with our food foodquantifies fooJquantf foalquantales
quantifies quantf les of chemicals that do not be belong bplong belong ¬
long rightly there we mu must t also swal swallow swallow swallow ¬
low the bad temper coarseness busi business business bumness ¬
ness troubles and bodily ailments ct ctthose otthose ofthose
those who gather around th the table t teat tot toteat teat >
eat with us The wonder is that an anrefined a1refined and andrefined
refined sensitive persons are left alive altvaat alttat aliveat
at all allNo aUNo allNo
No Let us put aside while eating all allthat allthat allthat
that can hurt the most fastidious Let LPtus Letus V > t tus
us be merry and talk and think of ofpleasant 0 0pleasant opleasant
pleasant matters except that thatmustnt thatmustnt w wmustnt
mustnt talk with our mouths full Let IM IMmake Ufmake uimake
make use at table of the most refined rlIn dH and andcourteous irdcourteous d dcourteous
courteous manners we possess 8 Let t1 t1sound tr trsound th9 th9sound
sound of laughter rise from our boarI boarIthe boarithe I Ithe
the bright atmosphere of refined cheer cheerfulness chetrfulness cheerfulness ¬
fulness pervade all Let us avoid avo d fad fading Inading tlilljIng ¬
ing anything unpleasant upon thOM thowaround thOMaround thouaround
around us Let each meal be the oct octsion OlIeion oresion
sion of Joy and affectionate manifwu manifwution manif manifeetation t1 t1tlon
tion So shall the children look bad totheir to totheir tl tltheIr
their early home as to one spot on tiua tiuaearth tuaearth tunearth
earth where they were happy happyJANB happyJANJi happyJANE
The gown illustrated is of chestnut chestnutbrown chestnutbrown chestnutbrown
brown broadcloth The skirt is plain plainsave plainsave plainsave
save for a panel formed with ribbon ribbonvelvet ribbOnvelvet ribbonvelvet
velvet fastened at the ends with ilh tiny tinygilt tlI11gUt tinygilt
gilt buttons A like trimming ader
the bloused bodice A becoming becominlCand < < co coand coand
and lace relieve tr trbrown tfbrown trbrown
Jabot of white ace
brown tint at the throat Th slee l Iee tv J Jare 1 1are iare f fvelvet
are similarly adorned with straps strapsvelvet tipsvelvet f
velvet Very original o are the theand giro giroand trci trciand
and sash of flowered ribbon ribbonci