OCR Interpretation

The Pensacola journal. (Pensacola, Fla.) 1898-1985, April 08, 1906, Easter Edition, 3rd Section, Image 17

Image and text provided by University of Florida

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn87062268/1906-04-08/ed-1/seq-17/

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Easter Edition EditionVOL t GntnaL on t na I 3rd Section 17 p to g o 4
0 =
BiHght t Forth Large are Number o oAnswers of ofAnswers oAnswers
Answers a Large ale Proportion Propor Proportion Proport ¬
tion t on Correct CorrectMANY CorrectMANY
While W1 Je a large number of the puzers puz puztiers puzt
tiers t > n aiMed ise d Not 2 8 and 7 all eftsplay ellplay ell dis11a
play a creditable acquaintance wit witGreat withGreat witGreat
Great Aaerican JIt cD Writers am amcomparatively and andromparativeb ancomparativey
comparatively few missed more IhaiBdwia thathree than thanEdAin
three threeEdwin
Edwin Daram DttaralBi of f 420 West Remans Re ROmaDa Bcmane
mans was tae t e first tlr correct I lisQi oau o oanswers of ofantWen
answers antWen au veers draws aad he lI kehi entitled t tthat to tothat tthat <
that silwer sik + er cartwheel c tVk wbel wlienevobe wlienevo l1enevihe
he calls Jar It I It 1 ac at Tie Journal office officeCorrect oiceCorrect
Correct Answers AnswersTlie nswers nswersThe j
The correct answers aae wers to the th nine ninGreat nineGreat nixGreat <
Great American Writers puzzljctnres puzzl puzzleyicturei puzzlI
jctnres I ictures > hick were ere published 01 01last on on1ast oflast
last Sway April 1 were woreNo wereNo wereNo
No LClemeasNo L lClemeas Cteaeas CteaeasNo
No 2 EHolmes EHolmesNo Hoiaes HoiaesNo
No I ILowen Lowell LowallNo J Jo
No o 4 4WlkIttler Mutter MutterAo WbfctierKo
Ko o iIDle iIDleNo i RHey RHeyNo I
No 6 Bnersoc GBIIIersooN is BnersocNo
No N 0 7 I Cooper Cooper3Jo YP oAer oAerYo er erNO
3Jo g loagfeilow 84JOgfel1OWNo loagfeilowNo 1
No 9 Hawthorne tHawt LHawtbornCorrect HawthorneCorrect onlfl onlflCorrect
Correct Answers Received ReceivedCorrect R ReceivedCorrect ceived ceivedCorrect
Correct answers to all the puzzlp puzzle puzzlipctures puzzlepctures
pctures p etures In The Journal lasSunday las lastSocia lasSaaday
Sunday were received from the iol following iolJowing iolowing
lowing bright brlr t boys and girls girlsVirstaki girlsVir girlsVirginia
Virginia Vir akC C Walker cityarence city ottyCUtreac oit oitOueoee >
CUtreac + arence Martin city cityArtBUr oibyArt oityArthur +
Arthur Art ur JofeBSoa Jo k YOIl oityJulia city cityJli oftSFJulia
Julia < < loon JoAB on city okyManuel cityJl ltyMiguel
Jl Manuel uuel Johnson oity oityWillie okjWillie j jWjJlie
Willie Johnson city cityJohnie dtyJbfanie oIt3Job1e
Jbfanie Christie 01td tie dtJl city cityBtbel
l Btbel Ik > il bei el Bayltee l Bay1 a lbs s city ottyE
E Gale Bonlfay Jr alfnsco Muscogee MuscogeeFta us < ogee ogeeFla g gF1 eE
Fta F1 >
olara 39Rejr W o1 Ba H i aio o 9IHI df d hrtdi IndiMS Ind Indftti
i iMS ftti eiia Aerercro Afeercrotabie bie ottjv ottjvIraa cu cuna i i4frma
4frma Iraa na McOavW dtjBessie city cltJBe8 cityBessie
Bessie Be8 te 1 Perryaan Greet Gresfcview GresfcviewFla Gr few iewila
1 Fla ia
James Mo MoH loH1Ig i gh city dtyHarry cityHarJ cityHarry
Harry HarJ Baylees B 1e s out outCbarles oity oityCharles oItyCharles
Charles Obiaa city dtyLettie cityLtattie cdttyLetlie
Lettie Martia Martlaoib MartlaoibL1od city cityLloyd oityLloyd
Lloyd Margwtte Bh Blamer mor city oity6ublette oIt oItSublette cityi6ublette
6ublette Johnson city dtyEverett oIt oIterett cityEverett
Everett erett Rice city cityX clt cltX cityaThe
X llie OBriea o rlea city cityLyata cltJLat cityLydia
Lat E Maddox Oottage Hill HillFla nmFl HillFla
Fla Fl f fMary
Mary a Souder Delta FlaClinton Fla FlaClinton FlaClintoD
Clinton McOoanelt Bscambia Fla FlaMac Flalac FinMac
Mac Hodgkins Hod klH Milton Fit FlaNettie FIaXettie FitNettie
Nettie Armoad No address addressWillie addressmie addressWillie
Willie mie Wilkinson Orestview Fla FlaBverett FlaEerett FitHverett
Bverett Bftsoomfe no address addressJeff addr6QSTen addressJett
Jeff Davis J 1s Beard Ilrd city dtyRichard oIt oItRkhud cityRichard
Richard W Abercrombie cityMay city cityMay cityXay
May Stokes city dtyClarence clt cltClarence cityClarence
Clarence Stokes city dtyHerbert cityHerbert cityHerbert
Herbert E Reid I oity oityVictor oityYictor cityVictor
Victor Walton city cityAlthea cityAlthea cityAltha
Althea Bluer cityAddie city cityAddte cltJAddie
Addie Stewart Bagdad FlaSammie Fla FlaSammi PIaSamm4
Sammie Stewart Bagdad Fla FlaVelllf FlaXeUS FitNellie
Velllf XeUS Glackmeyer Glacb ever city oityElmire oft oftEtmire cityElmire
Elmire Bell city dtyHelena cit citHeleoa cityHelena
Helena Ravsober city dtyKathlya cityKathh cityKatblya
Kathlya Monroe city dtyBelle d dBelle cityBelle
Belle Murphy city dtyHarry clQH cityWarty
Harry H arr Porter 104 Houston st stMontgomery stontgomO stk7ontgomPn
Montgomery ontgomO Ala AlaHarry AJaHarry AlaHarry
Harry Porter citywin city dtyWill clt cltVTm
Will Sam Barrow c city cityPbley exyP ty tyPbley
Pbley P > oblt > y Barrow city cityChester dtyChester clQChester
Chester H Barrow city
ft > m OOiJ Aerict i iA
A < 1 1Oe A Y is aT aTtspoo
tspoo C7 NERAI Oe MoRaING t D IiD Ii a Yove YoveC7 wAGlrt
Minerva Jones Escambia Flatrack FlaJack Fla finJack
Jack Sfoggs city cityLilliam oityLUllam cityLilliam
Lilliam Suggs city cityBoykin oityoykin cityBoykin
Boykin Hyer city cityEmory olt oltEmOIJ cityEmory
Emory H Skinner city cityMyrtle cityIt cityafyrtle
Myrtle It rt1e Johnson city6udie city cityGadle oit oitSadie
Sadie Jones city citytSelmon cU cityi
i tSelmon Johnston oityAnna oity oityAnna oiboAnna I
Anna Lisa Hanrickson oity oityLena oityLena cityLena
Lena Sher city cityPercy clt cltPercy cityPercy
Percy A Quinn A N NBank Bank Anniston An Anniston Anniston
niston Ala AlaEdwin Alal8dwin AlaBdwin
Edwin Dunham city cityOllia oityuma cityLi11Ia
Ollia B a Lowry Lowr city cityGeorge ctt cttGeorge cityGeorge
George M Lomon 1 cit cit8ugene city cityEugene cityEugene
Eugene Herchoffer city cityGladys citSGlads cityGladys
Gladys Bell city cityBeth cit citBeth cityBeth
Beth Walton city oityEmanuel oltyEmanuel cityiEknanuel
Emanuel Comas city cityC cit citC citC
C J Heinberg city citySoneta citySoneta citySoneta
Soneta Harris cityGeorge city cityGeorge oltyGeorge
George Lamar Quincy Fla 111alarjorie FlaMarjorie FlatMarjorle
Marjorie McLean Bsoambia ES mbia FlaMay Fla FlaMay FlaayEvans
May ayEvans Evans city oityW altyW city4V
W Effie Suggs city cityJEJverett cityimverett cityEverett
Everett Solarl cityMarvin city dtyMarvin elt elt1larvin
Marvin Johnson city cityJohn oltyohn cityJohn i
John Frenkel citSEaiw city cityEdward clt cltEchard
Edward Eaiw and M Fronkel FreIlkelclty FreIlkelcltyClara city cityClara cityClara
Clara Frenkel city cityJeanie cityJeanie cityJeanie
Jeanie Knowles BayshOreRuby Bayshore BayshoreiRaby BayshoreROO
Ruby ROO Estelle McDonald cityIJessie city cityUessie cityJessie
Jessie St Walton Jr oity lt ltI
ABSW5TS A s1F Must ust Be Written on this Ceupaa C up DII DIIAtt8RtIeR B1Inko B1InkoAttendee Mtnk g gAtleattea
Attendee Win Be Paid Those Not Written Oa It It No NoExceptien l lIxcept8R Nolzceptlea
Exceptien to this Rule RoleMy RuleIy
My answers to the puzzles in The Journal JotI1 1al today todiyif a are aVfolIows aVfolIowsNel is 11 < s f f0110 loWS loWSNe ws wsNe1
Nel Ne1Ne Ne NelNo 1 j ji jNo2
No NeNo13 No2 2 2Ns3 i c 1 1NI
Ns3 Ns3Ne5 NI 3 3N K KNe
N Ne t 4Ne 4 4t 4Nt
Ne5 Ne5Ne6 Nt 5 5Nt SNe
i >
Nt Ne6 Ne6Mi NtNe7 i iNe
Mi NeNe Ne7 Ne7I 7 7K
j jNil
I K Nt 8 8N 8N
Nil N t7 0 0N F
N N9 t 18 18Naae l 0 P
1 1NaIl
T TStr80t
NaIl e eStreet <
Street Ne NeiJ
4 4a
iJ a L
Edna dna Marie Banks Men Memphis MemphisTenn lIemphisTenn his hisTenn
Tenn TenniFannie TennFannie TennFannie
Fannie Gonzalez city cityEdna cityEdna cityEdna
Edna RCedel city cityOEJd citrd city10d
OEJd d Swaine city cityLucy cit citLucy cityLucy
Lucy Swaine city cityMillie citynllie cityMhlie
Millie Swaine city cityJoseph cit citJoseph cityJoseph
Joseph + Swaine Riera cityJeanie city cityJeanie clt cltJeanie
Jeanie D Dow cityAlice city cityAlice cityAlice
Alice K Dow city cityGertrude cft cftGertrude cityGertrude
Gertrude Kerle city cityJoe cityJOe cityJoe
Joe Girl city cityLillian cit citLillian cityLillian >
Lillian Davidson Warrington Fla FlaLloyd PIaLlord FlaLloyd
Lloyd Miller Park HotelBridget HotelBridget Hotel HotelBridget
Bridget Di Lustrp Lustro city citySam citySam citySam
Sam Abraham city cityTom cit citTom cityTom
Tom King city cityCallie cityCalile citrCallie
Callie Colvin city cit
S Sol1owing
hollowing will be the order of services ser services ser1 ser1vices
vices at the various churches through throughout
out the city today todayCatholic todaCatholic todayCatholic
Catholic CatholicSt
St Michaels Church First mass massoclock massoclock 1 1oclock
oclock childrens mass 9 oclock oclocklast otcloc1tl oclocklast
last l t mass 1030 oclock vespers ant antbenediction and andbenediction ancbenediction
benediction 730 p m mSt mSt mSt
St Josephs Jose hs Church ChurchUntil Until furtheinotice furthernotice further furthernotice
notice is given the following will b bthe Qe Qethe ijthe <
the Lenten Service schedule at t S SJosephs St StJosephs StJosephs
Josephs church on West Governmen Governmenstreet Governmcnt Governmcntstreet Governmenstreet
streetSundays7 street streetSundays streetSundays7
Sundays7 7 a m Low Mass and In Instruction Instruction Instruction
struction 9 a m Sunday school 1 1a 10 10a 1a
a m High Mass and Instruction 73 73p 7 30 30p
p m Vespers Instruction Rosary ant ancBenediction and andedictlon antBenediction
Benediction edictlon of the Blessed SacramentWednesdays730 Sacrament SacramentWednesdays SacramentWednesdays730
Wednesdays Wednesdays730 730 p m Rosary RosaryReading RosaryReading sary saryReading
Reading on the Passion and Beneiction Bene Benediction Benen1ction
diction of the Blessed Bles d Sacrament SacramentFridays SacramentFrida SacramentFridays730
Fridays730 Fridays Frida s730 730 p m Way Wa of th theCross thCrosa tha thaCross =
Cross and Benediction of the BlessecSacrament Bles Blesses BlessesSacrament ed edSacrament
Sacrament SacramentHoly SacramentHoly SacramentHoly
Holy Mass on week days at atoclock S Soclock S Soclock
oclock except Saturdays Saturda when it wW wWhe WJ1be wlllbe
be at 730 oclock oclockConfessions oclockConfesslongin oclockConfesslon3
Confessions in the evenings before beforeSundaysHoly beforeSundasHoly beforeSundays
SundaysHoly Sundays holy Daysof Days ot Obligation Oblig tlon and andFirst andFitst andFirst
First Fridays from 4 p m mto to 9 9p p m mBaptisms mBaptisms mBaptisms
Baptisms Sundays at 2 p m or by zbyappointment byappointment byappoIntmcnt
Episcopal EpiscopalChrist EpiscopalOhrist EpiscopalChrist
Christ Church ChurchRev Rev P H Whaley WhaleyD Wl1aleD
D D Rector Sunday school 930 9 30 a am 8 8m am
m Sunday April 8th the congregaLion congrega congregation coi1 ega egalion ¬
lion of Christ church Rev P H HWhaley HWhaley HWhaley
Whaley 0 ID D rector will worship in inthe inthe inthe
the Baptist church The Baptists be being lj ljing E Eing
ing without a pastor have kindly of offered o ofered offered ¬
fered the use of their edifice to the therector therector therector
rector and vestry of Christ church churchService churchServIce churchService
Service will < be at 11 a m mOn mOn mOn
On Good Friday the rector of Chrlslchurch ChrIst ChrIstohurch Christchurch
church will hold service in the Presbyterian Pres Presbyterian Presb ¬
byterian b terlan church which has been beenco cour courteously courteously r rteously ¬
teously offered The collection will befor befor be befor
for the poor of the parish Service
Lena Israel city citySusie citySusie citySusie
Susie P Eagan city cityElizabeth cit citElizabeth cityElizabeth
Elizabeth Sigari city cityJohn citrJohn cityJohn
John Di Lustro city cityCarrie clt cltC cityCarrie
Carrie C rrie Davidson city cityArnold cit citArnoldSara cityArnold
Arnold ArnoldSara Sara city cityWilliam cityVjUiam cityWilliam
William Lee city cityMarle cityrarle citrfarie
Marle Pyritz PjTitZCity PjTitZCityAdele cityAdele city cityAdele
Adele Py Pyritz ritz city cityAndrew cit citAndl cityAndrew
Andrew Andl ew Brown BrownDennis BrownDennis BrownDennis
Dennis Eagan city cityEunice cit citEunice cityEunice
Eunice Gerson Hotel Escambia EscambiaiCelia EscambiaCelia EscambiatCeHn
Celia Rand cityNearly city cityNearly cityNearly
Nearly Correct CorrectThe CorrectThe CorrectThe
The following send correct answers answersto
to all the pictures but one as fol follows folI folII folIlows ¬ i ilows
lows I
v vTY9 vyyyvv vyyyvvday
day school 930 a m J JB B Tiller TillerSupt T111erSupt TillerSupt
Supt Epworth worth League agu 630 6 30 p ml1uscogee m mMuscogee mIuscogee
Muscogee Wharf VharfRev Rev IP A Rog Rogers Rogers Rogers ¬
ers pastor Sunday school 3 p m inT mT mT
T L Briggs supt Services at 730 730p 7 30 30p
p m by Rev George Carpenter CarpenterLutheran CarpenterLuthcran Carpentert
t s s sLutheran
Lutheran Church ChurchGerman ChurchGerman ChurchGerman
German Lutheran Church C urchRev Rev J JF JF JF
F W V Reinhardt pastor Confirma Confirmation Confirmation Confirmation ¬
tion English service 1030 10 30 a m Eng English English English ¬
lish service 730 7 30 p m English Len Lenten Lenten Lenten ¬
ten service Monday and an l Thursday 730 730p
p m Good Friday German service servicewith servicewith servicewith
with Holy communion at 1030 a m mConfession mCon mConfession
Confession Con ssion 10 a m Holy Communion Communionwill 1
will be administered adminlsteredEaster Easter night nl bt at atEaglish atEnglish atEnglish
English serviceScandinavian service serviceScandinavian serviceScantiinavlan
Scandinavian Lutheran Church ChurchServices ChurchServices ChurchServices
Services at 1030 a m and 5 p jn jnRev JIlRev mRev
Rev Helle pastor paatorBaptist pastorS
S S SBaptist
Baptist BaptistFirst BaptistFirst BaptistFirst
I First Baptist Church Sunday Sundayschool Sundaschool Sundayschool
school 930 9 30 a m The congregation congregationof
of Christ church will worship at thsBaptist the thoBaptist theBaptist
Baptist church at 11 a m Rev P PH PH PH
H Whaley will conduct the servicesEast services servicesEast servioesEast
East Hill HUlBnptist Baptist Church 11th Ave Aveand Aveand Aveand
and Chase Street StreetRev Rev J W Senter Senterfit
fit pastor Sunday School at 10 a am am am
m Preaching every second sec > nd and fourth fourthSunday fourthSunday fourthSunday
Sunday at 11 a m and 730 7 30 p m mPrayer mPrayer mPrayer
Prayer meeting every Tuesday night nightat nlg t tat
at 730 oclock oclockWest oclockWest I IWest
West Hill Baptist church W V Jack Jackson Jackson ¬
son street streetRev Rey J W Senterfit pastor pas pastor > as astor ¬
tor Sunday school 10 a m Preaching Preaching Preach PreachIing ¬
ing every first and third Sunday at 11 11a 11a 11a
a m m and 700 p m Prayer meeting meetingevery meetingevery meetingevery
every Sunday 7 p m mChurch mChur ms
s s sChurch
Church Chur h of ChristChurch Christ ChristChurch ChristChurch
Church of Christ cor Jackson and andAlcaniz andAlcaniz andAIcaniz
Alcaniz Streets Bible school 10 10a 10a
a m Communion service at 11 a m mPreaching mPreaobJng InPreaching
Preaching 730 p m by b W T Tracy TracyPrayer TracyPray TracyPrayer
Prayer Pray r meeting Wednesday evening
Mattie OBrien No No2 2 Harte HarteDear HarteDear HarterDear
Dear Puzzle Editor EditorI I am always alwaysinterested alwaysinterested alwaysinterested
interested in the puzzle page of your yourpaper yourp yourpaper
paper p per but this is my m first effort to toanswer tortnswer tornswer
answer them I hope I will be the thelucky thelucky thelucky
lucky one Yours Ruby Estelle McDonald Mc McDonald fc fcDonald ¬
Donald DonaldIt
It is better to first be wise and geton get geton geton
on the honor list as you OU did didfirst didfirstpop first firstpop
pop Nowrlook out for the luck luckthough luckthough luckthough
though luck is a poor thing to de depend depend ¬
pend upon uponever uponeverHeres ever everHeres I
Heres a spleiNid sple d letter from one oneof onei oneof
i of The Journals plucky soldier boysDear boys boysDear bo s sDear
Dear Puzzle Editor EditorHere Here I am on ondeck ondeck ondeck
deck again after a weeks absence absenceI
I had my puzzles ready last week weekbut weekbut weekbut
but on account of a death in our famA fam
U U USSUs US S w N y
1 1 JNIu SU s
9 t
A v
will be at 11 a m The afternoonservice afternoon afternoonservice afternoons
service s rvice will be daily in the Sunday Sundayschool Sundarschool Sundayschool
school room of the Baptist church at
5 oclock oclockWednesdays oclockWednesdars oclockWednesdays
Wednesdays and FridaysHoly FridaysHolyCommunion Fridays Frida SHoly SHolyCommuni Holy HolyCommunion
Communion n 730 a m Daily at 5 p pim pm pSt pm pSt
im m
St Katharines KathainesCervantes Cervantes and Da Davis Davia ¬
I vis street st eet Rev Andrew T Sharpe S ST SIT ST
IT T B rector rectorSundays rectorj rectorSundays
j Sundays Holy Communion 730 a am am aIn
m Holy H ly Communion 1st and 3rd Sun Sunday Sunday Sunda ¬
day da 11 a m Matins and sermon 4 p pm pWeek pm pWeek pm pWeek
Week Days Holy Communion Communionevery
every Thursday 10 a m servicesevery services servicesevery service5eycry
every day at 4 p nu nuSt m mI mSt
I St Johns Church Warrington WarringtonRev
Rev J R Bicknell priest In charge chargeServices chargeI chargeServices
I Services today at 11 a m and 730 730p 7 30 30I
p m mHoly mH01 mHoly
I Holy H01 Week services 11 a in and and730p
730 730p p m daily dan except Thursday and andSaturday andSaturday
i Saturday SatlrdayCentuJ SaturdayCentury SaturdayCentury I
Century Mission MlssionR Rev J R Bick Bicknell Bicknell ¬
1 nell priest in charge No services to today today ¬
1 day dayI
t t s sUniversalist
Universalist UniversalistFirst
First Universalist UniversallstChurchEast UniversallstChurchEastCbnse Church ChurchEast ChurchEastChase East EastChase
I Chase street stre t Sunday School at 10 a am am am
m Y P C U 630 6 30 p m All are arecordially arecord arecordially
cordially cord hilly invited to attend attendMetnodist attendt attendMethodist I IMethodist
Methodist MetnodistPalafox MethodistPalafox MethodistPalafox
Palafox Street Methodist r thodlst Church ChurchRev ChurchR9V ChurchRev
Rev W Q Vreeland pastor Rev RevJ
J Barney Butler assistant Services Services11amand ServicesTi
11amand 11 a m and 730 7 30 pm p m D Sunday school
930 a m J N Andrews Supt SuptEpworth SuptEpworth SuptDpworth
Epworth League 630 6 30 p m Home HomeMissionary Hornellsslona HomeMissionary
Missionary llsslona Y Society Soci ty wtll 11 meet Thurs Thursday Thurfiday Thnrsday ¬
day afternoon at 330 3 30 Rev Butlerwill Butler Butlerwill Butlerwill
will fill the pulpit on both morning morningand
and evening service todayGadsden today todayGadSden todayt
1 GadSden Street Methodist Church ChurchRev ChU ChurchRev r h hRev
t Rev F A Rogersq pastor Regular Regularservices Regularservices Regularserdc
services s 11 a m and 730 7 3Q p m Sun Sunr
Kathleen KathleenIS Jl McKinnon No 4 4Ouida 4Ouida 40uida
Ouida OuidaClaude 0uidaClaude OuidaClaude
Claude Kirpatrick No 2 Gough GoughH
H DAlemberte 885 Dauphin Mo Mobile Mobile Mobile ¬
bile No No1 l Chaucer ChaucerRuby ChaucerRuby ChaucerRuby
Ruby Mattair No No2 2 RodmanMary Rodman RodmanMary Rodmanfary
Mary Citsachs No No2 2 HearteLeona HearteLeona Hearte HearteLeona
Leona Blumers answers are sofaintly so sofaintly sofaintly
faintly penciled that it is impossible impossibleto I
to be sure as to No No6 No6Ray 6 6Ray 6Ray
Ray Merritt No2 No 2 Calhoun CalhounCarrie CalhounCarrie CalhounCarrie
Carrie Blount No No6 6 Haite HaiteB
B Lkjdon Solomons list was so sostuck sostuck o ostuc1t
stuck up with the mucilage with withwhich withwhich withwhich
which he sealed his envelope that it itwas itwas itwas
was badly torn in withdrawing it itbut itbut itbut
but all seem seem correct but No No2 No2Geof 2 2Geof 2Geof
nu M =
745 Song practice Thursday 730 p pm pm ppm
m All welcome welcomeChristian welcomeChristian welcomeChristian
Christian ChristianFirst ChristianFirst ChristianFirst
First Christian church 43 E EGregory EI EIGregory EGregory
Gregory street Sunday school i
10 a m H J Mackey Supt SuptCommunion Supt1 Supt1Communion SuptCommunion
Communion at 11 a m Prayer Prayermeeting Prayermeeting I Imeeting
meeting Thursday at 730 p m All Allcordially Allcordially Allcordially
cordially invited invitedPresbyterian invitedi invitedPrcsbyterlan
i t 1 1Presbyterian
Presbyterian PresbyterianFirst
First Presbyterian Church ChurchRev ChurchRevJulian ChurchRevJulian Rev RevJulian
Julian S Sibley pastors Sundayschool Sunday Sundayschool Sundays
school s < 930 a m Christian ChrisUanEndeavor Endeavor
430 p m Preaching at 11 a m mby mbyv by byRev byRev
Rev v W Q Vreeland Vreelandg 9t the Palafox PalafoxMethodist PalafoxMethodist PalafoxMethodist
Methodist church No service atnight at atnight atnight
I I1he
The following endorsement of ofJudge ofJudge
Judge Chas B Parkhill by the memo members memobers memohers ¬ I
bers of the Pensacola Bar is self ex explanatory ext explanator explanator ¬ t
planator i iHon i iHon
Hon Chas B BParkhlll Parkhill ParkhillPensacola
I IPensacola
Pensacola Fla April 7 1906 1906We 1906We 1906We I
We the undersigned members of ofthe ofI ofthe ofthe I
the Bar of Pensacola endorse the thecandidacy thecandidacy thecandidacy
candidacy of Judge Charles C rJes B Park Parkhill Parkrhill Parkbill
nomination for forUustlce forllusfjce
hill of Pensacola for f
Uustlce of the Supreme Court to sue Uc
I ily I failed fail to send > > ia and when Icomriared I Icompared Ii
i compared comp redmy my list to the paper 1 rni rnied inLs inLsi Jnlged
i ed two I say saythree three cheers for the theJ thepuzzle thepuzzle
J puzzle army a armyfor rn1 yf for 01 they are rolling rolling1out rollingout
out them old shiny cart wheels every eveiyMonday everyMonday eVPIYI
Monday Ion a morning And Ray Merritt Merrittis errittis
I is going to roll one of them away In lathe InI inthe
I the near future I hope h Good wishes wishesfor wishesfor wishesfor
for our dear editor and nd success for forthe fori 1 1I
I the puzzle army Your little friend friendRay friendRay friendRay
Ray MerrittCorrect Merritt MerrittCorrect 1 1ICorrect
Correct answers to the Statesurea States Statesmen tatesmen
men puzzle picture ware receivedthis received t tthis 1
this week from Barbara B b r8 E Wiley 21Webb 21 23Webb 21Vabb
Webb street Hammond H < < Ind Hsrryforter Harry HirrnC Harrytorter
forter C rter 104 Houston Hou ton street Montgom Montgomery ont 411 I Ier
ery er Ala and from Hazel Ha l and GOIdine Gol Goldine i idine
dine Jacoby of FIsherville Fla Flai
i Sunday school at the Stoddart Avenue Ave Avenue Avf1nue
nue Mission at 330 p m C F Zeela Zeelasuperintendent Zeeksuperintondent Zee1Gsuperintoudent
superintendent All are cordially in invited invited invited >
vited vitedSecond vitedSecond vitedSecond
Second Church of Christ Scientist ScientistThe
The Second Church of Christ ChristScientist ChrlsScientistServices Chrisc tr trScientistServices
Scientist c ScientistServices Services every Sunday Sundaymorning Sundaymorning Sundaymorning
morning at 11 oclock Wednesday afr afrternoons ar arternoons afiternoons
ternoons 3 oclock Reading roomopen room roomopen roo rooopen
open daily from 10 a m to 3 p m04 m04where mwhere m mwhere
where Christian Chrl lian Science literature literaturemay literaturemay literaturemay
may be had Room 6 Masonic Tem Tempie TempIe Temple <
a a aFirst
First Church of Christ Scientist ScientistFirst ScientistI ScientistFirst
First Church of Christ ScientistService Scientist ScientistService ScielttJetService
Service at 11 a m Senrfies S ± rvi rvltes 88 will be haheld beleld beheld
I held in the Penearola Pen lJ Library bulidcrag build buildon btrUI
lag on East Chsce street
ceed himself in the priniary of May
15 next nextJuffge nextJutTge nextJudge
Judge Parkhill ha has held thte oflico oflicoonly olllcoonb oMceonly
only eight or nine months IIK > 8tM and wo wothink WBthink wethink
think should receive the twttal ul renomlnRtlon renomination re renomination
nomination aDd election heretofore heretoforeaccorded keretoloreacconlcd beretotoreaccorded
accorded to others We heartily heartilycommend keartHycommend NrtJlycommend
commend him to the Bar of the theState tileState theState
State StateRespectfully StateReepeetfuily StateRe
Respectfully Re pecttuJ1 submitted submittedR
R P Rees Re A C Btefclejr Geo T TMorgan Torgan TMorgan
Morgan organ B D Beggs B B Craw Crawshaw Crawsba Crawshaw
shaw sba U J P Stokes Scott Sc tt M L Loflin LoflinA
A A J Fisher C L Shine Sk III e Wai B Brheppard Beppard Bheppard
rheppard C iST Coeton Co too J CampbellAvery Campbell CampbellAvery CampbellAvery
Avery Jr StilMran R Sullivan Pat Pattillo PatUUo Pattillo
tillo Campbell C H Laney E T TDavis TDavH TDavis
Davis A C Blount Jr Leslie E EBrocks E1Jr EBrc
Brocks 1Jr s John S Beard Lames R RLa ItLacdrum RLaaldrum
La Lacdrum drum Jno C Avery Jno B BJoaes 13Jone BJones
Jones Thos Pebley Geo P Went Wentiworth W Wentworth n nworth
worth E C Maxwell S Pasco Jr JrW JrV Jrf JrfW
W V A Blount Jr W A Blount C MV MVJones airJones r rJones
Jones W L Zachary J Walter Kehoe Ke Keaoe KeI
hoe e J H Snitthwick Sn 1thwlck F W Marsh MarshWra Yvsf MarshWm
Wm D Howe J Emmet EmmetHenry Wolf WoUHenry WolfHenry
Henry Bellmzar

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