i > i i ih h C ifk THE HE > PENSACOLAJ PEN ACO r tJj JOU y RN aL L SATURDAY A MORNING MORNI MAY 12 1 1906 9 < i PAGE FIVE FIVEGeneral 1 t t tr Ii IiI = 1 I r < 1 J General James Jarri sFr Franklin nkl nBell Bell the New Chief Ch ief Of f Staff j HE general staff o at the thearmy thearmy thearmy army has recently undergone un undersrone undergone dergone another anotherchange anotherchange anotherchange change by reason of ofthe orthe ofthe the voluntary retire retirement reUrement retirement ¬ ment of its chief chiefLieutenant chi chiefLieutenant e t tLieutenant Lieutenant General GeneralJohn GeneralTobn GeneralJohn John C Bates from tramr fromive 2 tjve service and the appointment of off atFr1gadier ofBrlgadier f readier General James Franklin Bell Bells Bellhis a his 6 successor SU < OeSI5OI A fair preliminary preliminaryi i 1 g of the new chief may be formed formedr I Irm r r rm m one of his favorite remarks made madeng I Ilg ng before he dreamed of the present presentnor nor If I had anything to say in the theBitter the11tttr theatter Bitter he has been heard to say more morefan moretan morean fan an once I would never allow a pick pickr r shovel in my regimentGeneral regiment regimentGeneral regimenten General en r1 Bell has always held the theInion theInion theInion Inion that the proper pr per weapon of the theidier theiEr theidler idler iEr is the rifle and that whenever wheneverIn 01 army arm halts and begins to dig the en eny ent ontrr trr t YY y takes courage and begins to at attack atllk attaik ¬ tack The only om safe way to deal with withAn An 1 enemy he maintains is to keep him himu u u he h run all th the time The majority majoritythe 1 the mea In the ranks agree with within with11m with1rn in in his opinion In regard to the thei theJoper theproper proper i oper weapon far the soldier and it iteven iteven 1 > even en admitted by many men high inarthority in inauthority in1tbonty authority that if General Bells idea ideashould idealihould ideashould should prevail one principal cause of atC C t c seiHon would be removed removedThe removedTbe removedThe The general staff is a comparatively comparativelyriodera riodera creation The bill creating it itveat itwent itvent went into legal effect Aug 15 1903 1903I 1903The 1903The I The he general staff consists of officers officersdetailed omcersdtAlled officersdetailed detailed from the army arm at large under underjuch underIlch undersuch such rules as may n + ay be prescribed by the thepestdeat there thepresident president re kJeut Its duties are to prepare preparej preparelams j lams ans for national defense and ir blll blllof bUizatlon bltcattoa zatlon of troops in time of war tOln tOlnMitlgate ti ur in ininstigate inestigate instigate questions qUe tlOM relating rel tlng to the effi efficiency efficiency elficlency ¬ ciency of the army arm and its preparation preparationfor for war to assist the secretary of war wartnd warand warand and other general officers and to act as asheir aBheir astheir heir agents ani to perform pe orni such other othermilitary othermuttary othermilitary military duty d ty as may be ordered by bythe bythe bythe the president CHANGES IN INTHE INTUE 1I 1ITITI THE TITI U S NAVY NAVYORDERS ORDERS OF DBRS ISSUED I > TO OFFICERS BY BYTHE BYTHE BYTHE THE OBRARTMENT OF WASH WASHINGTON WASHINGTON ¬ 1 INGTON INGTONSoeclal INGTONS NG TAN TANSceclal Soeclal S eclal to The Journal JournalWashington JourntllWaMington JournalWingtoa Washington D C May Ma 11 nThe nThefoUowing 11TheoUowiftg The ThefattowiBg fattowiBg orders have been issued i med to tooScers toGicers todoers doers < of the U S Navy NavyCapt NavyCapt TcyYapt Capt apt J P MerreJl to the t e Naval NavalWr NavalWu NavalWar Wr College Newport R I May ay 17 17Oapt 170Jt 17Oapt Oapt J J Hasher detached the theNaval theaVl theNaval Naval War College Newport R IL I IXsy IMay May 17 aatf report to commandant oommudantS8COBd commandantSecond commandantSecond Second Naval Ototrict Di trict Newport R I Ifoe Itor IlOr foe ditty dittyClot thtyLI8wt aty atyLitevt Clot E R Pollock detached the theQosteBatioB thelGaste theQG QosteBatioB lGaste QG Meliat1oa tioR Naral NaY Traiah Training g Station StationNewport StaUonewport Stationa a ewport R L 1 to duty d a ail inspector of ofottteace ofontaaDce ofardamee ottteace at the t tl e works of the Fore ForeRiver Fore1U18I ForeRirar River Shipbuilding Company Quincy QuincyF Quincyluess I luess luessL4e I iMMt L4e t F B Uphaa Up U am4 detached duty dutya dutyinspector a inspector tD ector of orcteace at the t e works worksof workol i of the For lUrer Shipbuilding Sitlpbu ding Com Comiwnr ComputT Cornl putT l T Qnincr Mao to duty as asordnance asordttaace I ordnance officer of New Jersey when whenFar whenFer whenFer Fer Justice of Supreme Court Courtfor Courtete CourtBete Bete ete for Two TwoCharles TwoCharles TwoCharles Charles B Parkhill Parkhilland and andJ andJ andBW J B BW Whitfield i R O1IAKING O1IAKINGlo tT RT WotnlDE KNEf Kt + TEi I lo bTWGA bTWGAr r d dA A 1 f fcr cr T J to f f fCHIEF jl7Ei + i jl7E jl7EJ CHIEF or STAFF STAFFJAMES i JAMES FRATAUI FRATAUIBELL t tBELL BELL BELLV V r t This general staff consists of one onechief onechief onechief chief of staff and two general officers officersfrom officersfrom officersfrom from the army not below the grade of ofbrigadier orbrigadier ofbrigadier brigadier general four colonels six sixlieutenant sixlIeuten sixlieutenant lieutenant lIeuten nt colonels twelve majors and andtwenty andtwenty andtwenty twenty captains All are detailed for fora a service of four years and when relieved re relieved relieved ¬ lieved return to their former positions positionsThe The chief of staff tat supervises all troops commissioned commissionedI4eut commissioned commistJionedLIeut LIeut L C Palmer detached detachedppecial detachedpecial detachedspecial special duty Bureau of Navigation NavigationNavy NaIigntlonavy NavigationNavy Navy avy Department Dep rtment Washington D C Cto Cto Cto to special duty abroad then home and andwait andw andwait wait w it orders ordersPay orderslPay ordersIEav Pay Inspector I L Hunt additionalduty additional additionalduty additionalut duty ut as commissary officer of the theMaine theMaine theMaine Maine MainePaymaster MaineParmaster MainePaymaster Paymaster T S OLeary OcLeaI detached detachedNavy detachedNay detachedNavy Navy Yard Norfolk Va May 31 to tohome toome tohome home ome settle accounts and wait or orders ord61s orders ¬ ders dersPaymaster Paymaster master H E Bisooe detached detachedTexas detachedTeX8S detachedTexas Texas to Navy Yard Nonfolk Va Vafor VaI Vafor for duty dut as general storekeeper storekeeperPaymaster storekeeperPamaster storekeeperPaymaster I Paymaster W T Camp to the St Stiouis 5tI Stli I li iouis ouis when commissioned commissionedAssistant commie coned conedassistant I Assistant Paymaster R H Johnston Johnstondetached Johnstondetacbeci JohnstondetacheQ detached the Maine to the Navy Yard YardNew Yardi Yard4Vew i New York N Y for duty in connec connection connection connection ¬ tion with Connecticut and commissary commissaryofficer commissaryI commissaryofficer officer of that vessel when hen commis commissioned commissionH commissioned ¬ I sioned sionedAssistant sionHAsosistant sionedAssistant Assistant Civil Engineer P JBean JBeanto J Bean Beanto to the Reaselaer Polytechnic Insti Institute InsUt1lte Institute ¬ tute Troy N Ik y for a course of in instructk inafructloa i ii i structk > a in civil engineering engineeringCarpenter engfneerlngCarpenter engineeringCarpenter Carpenter W OTOfel OW4 O Noel to the Navy NavyYard NavyTare i iYar4i Yard Mare Island Gal for duty indepartment in indepartment tJep department rtment of construction and re reItair TaP81 repair pair ItairWarrant Warrant Machinist H Desmond re retired retired ¬ I tired placed on the retired list listOapt listOapt listCapt Oapt C R Vreeland commission commissionannounced commISlJionannounced commissionannounced announced announcedXdout announcedLioot announcedLieut Xdout Commander ComIDit lder H A Field de detached aetached a aached ¬ tached works of the General Electric ElectricCompany ElectrIcCompan ElectricCompany Company Schenectady N Y etc etcto etcto etcto to duty connection flttng < out Tennes Tennessee ¬ see and duty dutas as executive officer of ofthat otthat ofthat that vessel when commissioned commissionedLSeut I LSeut Commander J H L Hoi Hoicombe Holcombe I combe to the Asiatic Station StationAssistant StationAssistant Assistant Surgeon J P HaynesActing Haynes HaynesActing HaynesActing Acting Assistant stant Surgeon W G Stead of the line and is under the direct au authority aUthority authority ¬ thority of the president in his capacity capacityof of commander in chief of the thearmy thearmyThe army armyThe armyThe The new appointee to this responsible responsibleposition responsibleposition le leposition position is one of the youngest youngestbriga youngestbrigadler briga brigadier brigadier ¬ dier generals in the army attaining attainingthat that distinction only in 1901 Previous Previousto to that time he was only a captain of ofregulars atregulars ofregulars regulars When he was made m de brigadier man Jr appointment announcedCivil announced announcedCivil Civil Engineer D C Webb detached detachedNavy detachedNavy d dNavy Navy Yard League Island Pa to the theKaval theKava1 the1aval Kaval Station Key West Fia FiaChief FiaChief FiaChief Chief Boatswain D J QConnellcommission QConnell QConnellcommission QConnelJcommission commission announced announcedCarpenter announcedI announcedCarpenter I Carpenter T S Twigg warranted warranteeWarrant warrantedWarrant warrantenWarrant Warrant Machinist O Johnson to tothe tothe tothe the Yavy Nard Portsmouth N H HIt HIt HIt It Is Dangerous to Neglect a Cold ColdHow ColdHow ColdHow How often do we hear it remarked remarkedIts Its only a cold and a few days lat later Jater later ¬ er learn that the man is on his back backwith baokwith backwith with pneumonia This is of such suchcommon sucbcommon suchcommon common occurrence that a Icold cold how however however however ¬ ever slight should not be disregard disregarded ¬ ed Chamberlains Cough Remedy Remedycounteracts Itemedycounteracts Remedycounteracts counteracts any tendency of a cold to toresult toresult toresult result in pneumonia and has gained gainedits its great oppularty and extensive extensivesale sale by its prompt cures of this mostcommon most mostcommon mostcommon common ailment ailmentt It always cures curesand curesI curesand t I and is pleasant to take For F r sale by byall byI byall all druggists druggistsFor I I For Railroad CommissionerVote Commissioner Vote for Two TwoRHudson TwoR TwoR Hudson R afiurr afiurrand I Iand andN and andN andN N A Blitch Blitchop op Justice of Supreme Sup me Court CourtVote CourtVote CourtVote Vote for Two TwoCharles TwoCharles v vCharles i Charles B Parkhiil Parkhiiland l land and andJ andJ andJ J B WhitfieidTRY Whitfield WhitfieldITRY ITRY TRY BOS BOSStOS S CREAM PHONE NE 1326 13261 1 Ii f fI fI I I Wm Johnson Son SonThe The TheBeside Bill StoreI Store I I Beside the previous previ us shipments of Ladies Low Shoes Shoeswe Shoestwe we have just received a new lotof lot I of f the celebrated Duchess IIDuchessttI DuchessOxfords DuchessOxfords Oxfords in Patent Vic and Gun leather Metal We now nowhave nowI nowhave I have nice line of Ladies Oxfords find I as as you can in the city We have a few special bargains rg ins in Ladies Low Shoes Shoesto to offer a r you youOne youOne u uI I I One lot of1QO of 100 to 125 for arvj > = 89 5 cents centsOno cetsOno S SOne Ono lot of 915O 150 tor LL = = = S 119 119915O 1 IS 915O 150 Ladies Tan Oxfords for j J 9119 911992OO 119 92OO 200 Ladies Tan Oxfords forjii for 917O 917O925O 170 70 925O 250 Ladies Tan Oxfords for 1 7 9198 919893OO 198 93OO 300 Ladies Tan Oxformfsfor Oxfords for = 92B9 92B9935O 269 935O 350 Ladies Tan Oxfords for 9285 285 20 per cent reduction on all of our L50 50 to Mens 31VIensOxfords 3 MensOxfords MentsOxfords Oxfords Some exceptionally good values in these goods 9125 125 Mens Gray and White Canvas Oxfords this s i e 98c 98c91SO 91SO 150 Mens Gray and White Canvas Oxfords this t al ate 9119 9119We f 119 119We 19 19We We also have a nice line lineaf of White Canvas Oxfords at atreduced atreduced atreduced reduced prices Come in and see s e us We can showyqu showyqubetter show YQ YQbetter yqu yqubetter u better than we can tell youWin you youWm youWin Win Johnson Son GonL t L general in the regular army for his hisnotable hisnotable hisnotable notable service in the Philippines it was wasa a very sudden and unusual jump over overthe overthe overthe the heads of more than a thousand sen seniors senIors seniors ¬ iors There T erewasno was no dissatisfaction dissatisfactionhowever dissatisfactionhowever dissatisfactionhowever however even Jn the th army where such suchthings sucht suchthings things t lIlgsare are subjected to the keenest keenestcriticism keenestcrIUcism keenestcriticism criticism criticismAll crIUcismAiIot All AiIot of his predecessors p predecessorsYoung de essorsYouni Young Chaf f 1 1IN IN MEMORY MEM Y ORY or orDOCK OfDOCK DOCK TAILS TAILSIMPRESSIVE fAILSnPREiSSIVE IAILSIMPRESSIVE IMPRESSIVE iMAJSONHC iM NIIC CEREMONY CEREMONYAT AT SHADY GROVE CHURCH CHURCHNEATC CHURCHN CHURCHNEAR EAR N JAY J JAY Y FUA FLJAThe FUAThe filJA1le The 1le Pine Belt News of f Brewton BrewtonAla Ala la has the following concerning theMasonic the theMasonic theJasonic Masonic ceremonies at the grave of ofDock ofDock ofDock Dock Fans FansJ1tlder FailsUnder EatlsJJnder Under the auspices of Norris Lodge Lodgeof of Ancient Ancient Free and Accepted MaEons Ma Masons MaroM ¬ sons augumented augpmentedby by members of oflodges oflodges lodges 10 geS Ifrom Milton Pensacola Bluff BluffSprings BluffIlprings IIEPrlngS Springs Atmore Herbert and other otherpoints otherI otherpoints 1 I points there WJIB y as h held ldat at Shady GrovepJ1 Grove Grovechurch pJ1 church tch near n Jay via la seven miles milesifc mUesjliutheast ti ifc jliutheast utheast of li Pollard P 1l8nt last l la s Sunday an anImpressive an1mpressive animpressive Impressive service servi e at the th grave of ofBrother oftBrother ofBrother Brother Dock Fails The beautiful beautifulcerexflony beautifuler beautifulcerenI cerenI cerexflony er n1onY ny of f tKe timehonored order inory in inmemory inmemory memory ory of ot1i the deceased dec eB4 ci jflfas as s carried carriedofct carrieddit carriedRev ofct Rev J A Aibbott pSstor r of the theBaptist thecr thepost Baptist cr post tist church atMilton at MiItZ n delivered an aneloquent aneloquent aneloquent eloquent address upon the tenets of ofthe ofthe ofthe the order and d in beautiful language languageeulogized languageeUlogii languageeuiogiied eulogized < i the life of the deceased deceasedMason deceasedMa5 deceasedMason Ma5 Mason MasonHon MasonEion Il I IHon Hon John JB + < OlBannon off Brewton Brewtonacted Brewtonnoted acted as master of = ceremonies There Therewere Therewere Therewere were bout ab t sixty Masons tf sons in the procession pro procession procesgionand ¬ cession cesgionand and the solemn rites rlt s were weredeeply weredeeply weredeeply deeply impm Impressive ssive on the vast assem assemlage assemlage assemblage lage It is estimated that there were weremore wereniof weremo1ethan mo1ethan more than than2OOO 2000 people pe > 1eonthe on the grounds groundsPerfect groundsPrfect groundsPerfect Perfect order prevailed pr vaUed throughout the theday theda theday day da ana an dinner was served under the thewide thewJdeospreadlng thewlde wide wJdeospreadlng spreading branches of shade shadetrees shadetrem shadetrees I IeverythIng trees There were great quantities of ofeverything ofeverything everything good to eat and after aftereveryone aftereryone aftereveryone everyone had satisfied the inner man manmuch manmuch manmuch much was gathered up upMr upMr upMr Mr Fails wag about seventy years yearsof yearsQf yearsof of age ge at the time of histdeath his death a few fewmonths fewnonth fewmonths months ago and was U a prominent prominentmember promInentm prominentmember member m tnber of the Masonic fraternity He Heforrosrly Heform Hefornm9rly forrosrly form rly lived at Herbert Conecuh Conecuhcounty Conecuhcount Conecuhcounty county removing only a few years yearsago yearsagO yearsego ago to the beautiful part of the Land Landof of F Flowers owers where he died diedThq diedTh diedThe The Th cemetery a model of neatness neatnessfa fa one of the best kept we have ever everseen everen everpeen seen en and only wish that all our people peoplecould peoplecould peoplecould could sea se it acid ari < i profit thereby caus causing caustrg caus11g ¬ ing them to put those in Alco in equal equally ¬ l ly as good condition conditionFop conditioFOr FOr Justice of Supreme Court CourtVote CourtVote CourtVote Vote for Two TwoCharles TwoCharles TwoCharles Charles B Parkhill Parkhilland and andJ andB J B Whitfield WhitfieldFor For Railroad Commissioner CommissionerVote Vote for fo Two TwoR TwoR TwoR R Hudson Burr Burrand Burand and andN andIV I N A Butch BlitchCare BH ch I ICare Care of the Cat CatA CatA CatA A little pov powdeed potivde < Jered > ed sulphur made madeinto madeinto madeinto into a paste with lard or unsaltedbutter unsalted unsaltedbutter unsaltedbuH butter buH r and smeared upon the front frontpaws frontpaws frontpaws paws now and then is la an excellent excellentthing excelleItthing excellentthing thing to keep a cat in good condition condi condition condition ¬ tion but care should be taken that thathere that4here thatthere here is no exposure to cold or wet wetuntil wetuntil wetuntil until after the effects of the medi medicine medicine medidine cine have passed off Raw meat meatshould meatshould meatshould should not be given save in cases caseswhere caseswhere where food is refused and it is isnec isnecssaj necy nec necessary ¬ I essn essary y ° to build up the system Then Thenit I IIt iit it should be given in small quanti quantities quantifies quantities ¬ ties and be perfectly fresh and free freafrom freefrom I from fat fatLisle ia fatLisle t tLisle Lisle Threat Stockings Stockingstigle StoeJdnpL StockingLisle Lisle L le thread stoqkjpgs st kJPg qhould be bewashed bewub bewashed washed wub d In tepid water tinted tlntedwitb with a alittle alittle alittle little blue and soap should only be beused beused beused used for the feet Rinse in clear water wa water water ¬ ter allowing a piece of ammonia thesize the thesize thesize size of a bean to every gallon of wa water waterDry water ¬ ter terDry Dry quickly in fresh air but not notin notIn notin in the sun un It Ithis this is Impossible roll rollnp rollDP rollpp np DP tightly and wring in a clean cloth clothletting clothJetting clothletting letting a fold of the cloth come be between between betgeti ¬ tween each fold foldot of the stocking stockingvan van Mr LL fee and Bates Bateswere were veterans of the thecivil thecivil thecivil civil war General Bell was only five fiveyears fiveyears fiveyears years of age when that memorable con conflict connfct conflict ¬ flict began He is also the first gradu graduate ¬ ate of the United States Military acad academy academy academy ¬ emy to attain the rank He is unlike unlikeall all the others in one more very Important Impor Important important ¬ tant particular particularhe he does not bear the therank therank therank rank of lieutenant general which was I OLIVE OLIVESpecial o iE ij ijSpecial Special to The Journal JournalOlive JournalIQIUve JournalOlive Olive May 11 11rhere There will be bepreaching bepreaching bepreaching preaching at the Olive Baptist church churchSaturday churchSaturday churchSaturday Saturday night at 8 oclock and also alsoSunday alsoSunday alsoSunday Sunday at 11 oclock at at 730 by Rev RevEd RevEd RevEd Ed Clayton O1a 1bn All are invited in ited to be bepresent bepresent bepresent present at the services There will be beSunday beSunday beSunday Sunday school at 10 a mMiss m mMiss mMiss Miss Gertrude Goodhue of New Or Orlearns Orlearns Orlearns learns is now at home with her par parents parents parents ¬ ents Her many man friends are glad to towelcome towelcome towelcome welcome her back bockMiss backMiss backMiss Miss Lavatus Jernigan and Miss MissHarriett MissHarriett MissHarriett Harriett Bealwere l the guests of Miss MissLizzie MissLizzie MissLizzie Lizzie Merritt Wednesday eveninglast evening eveninglast eveninglllst last lastMrs Mrs Nettie Brewton and little son sonwill sonwIll sonwill will leave Monday next for their home homeat hom homat at MoDavid after spending a few fewweeks fewweeks fewweeks weeks with friends at this place placeMis placeMm placeMrs Mrs Alice Cretghton was the guest guestof of Miss Alice Goodhue Wednesday Wednesdayevening Wednesdayevening Wednesdayevening evening last lastMies fastMiss lastMiss Miss Anna AnnaCre1ghton Crelghton was the guest guestof of her aunt Sunday last lastMr lastMr lastMr Mr John Hammack of Atmore who whohas whohas whohas has been here tor some time left yes yesterday yesterdayfor yesterda ¬ terday terdayfor terda r for his home homeMiss homeMis homeMiss Miss Maggie OwisJey spent Tues Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday ¬ day last with relatives r in Pensacola PensacolaMrs Mrs Mattie Harper and son Joseph Josephand Josephand Josephand and sister Mozell were the guests of ofMrs ofMrs ofMrs Mrs A W Major Tuesday last lastQuite lastQuite lastQuite Quite a crowa1 crow l from here attended attendedthe attendedthe attendedthe the Ferry Pass picnic and all had a anice anice anice nice time timeFor timet timeFOr timeFor I t For Justice of Supreme Court CourtVote CourtVote CourtVote Vote for Two TwoCharles TwoCharle TwoCharles Charles B Parkhiil Parkhiiland and andJ andJ andB J B Whitfield WhitfieldFor For Railroad Commissioner CommissionerVote Vote for Two TwoR TwoR TwoR R Hudson Burr Burrand and andN andN andN N A ButchFitt Butch BlitchWasnt BHtchPkt Pkt burg rg Wasnt on the Map MapEarly MapEarly MapEarly Early in the last century when whenvessels whenvessels whenvessels vessels sometimes cleared Pittsburg Pittsburgfor Pitts burg burgfor for a sea voyage the captain of a aBhip I Iship iship ship arrived at Leghorn with a car cargo cargo carego go The officer who examined his hispapers hispapers hispapersat papers papersat at once said Sir your pa papers papers paers ¬ pers P ers areforged are forged There is no such suchplace suchplace place Place lace as Pittsburg in the world worldYour worldY worldour Y Your our vessel must be confiscated confiscatedIhe The he frightened captain then secured secureda j ja i ia a map directed the officers atten attention attention ¬ I Ition tion to the gulf of Mexico pointed pointedout out the mouth of the Mississippi Mississippifollowed Mississippifollowed I followed that t at stream to the Ohio Ohiothence Ohiothenc Ohiothence thence to the forks and said though thoughthe I L the map showed no such place placeThere placeThere placeThere There sir is the port where my myvessel myvessel myvessel vessel cleared outl7RIUNKENNESS out outDRUNKENNESS outDRIUNKEiNNESS DRUNKENNESS CURED CUREDIt It will be gratifying to all lovers of oftemperance oftemperapce oftemperance temperance and a happy home to toknow toknow know that th t a simple siIi pJe and scientific cure curefor curetor curefor for the whiskey and beer habit has hasbeen hasbeen hassbeen been discovered Orrine never fa Is Isto Isto Isto to cure drunkenness if it is used In ac accordance accordance accordance ¬ cordance with the simple directions directionsin in the package and the discoverer has hasso I Iso fso so much confidence in the treatment treatmentthat treatmentthat I that we are author authQrzed zed to sell it With Withan vt1thj vt1thjan withhan effect a cure cure1or I Ior an absolute guarantee to cureor or the he money will wlllbe be refunded refundedIt refundedItls refundedItis It Itls is in two forms No 1 to be giv given given given ¬ en secretly and No N 2 for those who whowish whowIsh whowish wish to be b cured cur c1 100 each Moth Mothers lIothers Mothers ¬ ers and sisters have tod us of hus husbands buoondsanci husbands ¬ oondsanci bands and and brothers who since they theywere theywere theywere were given Orrine in many cases with without without without out their knowledge have lost all de desire desire desire ¬ sire for drnk and we are glad to rec recommend recommend recommend ¬ ommend tb the remedy 3Iaii ordersdilled orders ordersfilled ordersdilled dilled The Orrine Co Washington WashingtonTJ TJ IJ Cor C 1 or Whiles W1l1 s Pharmacy 1Q6 S SPalafox Sialafox SPalafox Palafox St Pensacola conferred on the others simultaneously simultaneouslywith with their assumption of the position positionof of chief of staff There was no espe especial especial espec1el ¬ cial significance in the union of the two twooffices twooffices twooffices offices and leading military men were werein werein werein in favor of dissociating them General GeneralCorbin GeneralCorbin GeneralCorbin Corbin who was interested personally personallyIn p rsonallyin In the matter made 8 a special recommendation recom recommendation recommendation ¬ mendation that this be done and named namedGeneral namedGeneral namedGeneral General Bell B l1 as an officer qualified to tobecome tobecome tobecome become chief of staff staffGeneral staffGeneral staffGeneral General Bell Is a Kentuckian born bornat bornat bornat at Shelbyville on Jan 9 1856 He at attended attended attended ¬ tended the public school in his native nativetown nativetown nativetown town and was such a bright lad that thathe thathe I Ihe he attracted the attention of the con congressman congressman congressman ¬ gressman for that district who sent senthim senthim senthim him to West Point His record at the theacademy theacademy I Iacademy academy was excellent and nd he was wasgraduated wasgraduated wasgraduated graduated in 1878 and assigned imme immediately immedlately immediately ¬ diately to a second lieutenancy In the theNinth theNinth I INinth Ninth cavalry a colored regiment regimentShortly regimentShortly I IShortly Shortly afterward he was transferred transferredto to the Seventh Custers old command commandDuring commandDuring commandDuring During that first summer In the young youngofficers youngofficers youngofficers officers military experience he did es escort escort escort ¬ cort duty In the construction of the thePacific thePacific thePacific Pacific railroads and scouting and led ledexpeditions ledexpeditions ledexpeditions expeditions for special work workLieutenant workLieutenant workLieutenant Lieutenant Bell soon went to the de department department department ¬ partment of Dakota and commanded a atroop atroop atroop troop in the bloody fight at Wounded WoundedKnee WoundedKnee WoundedKnee Knee He H acquired a reputation as an anIndian anIndian anIndian Indian fighter and was known to his hiscompanions hiscompanions hiscompanions companions in the department as a afearless afearless afearless fearless and venturesome soldier Aft After After After ¬ er serving for a short time as military militaryinstructor mlUtaryInstructor militaryinstructor instructor at Fort Riley Kansas he hewas hewas hewas was ordered to the Pacific coast and andwas andwas andwas was there when war with Spain was wasdeclared wasdeclared wasdeclared declared He sailed for Manila as a amajor amajor I major of volunteer engineers englnee1and and par participated participated participated ¬ ticipated in the attack on that city cityHere cityHere cityHere Here he performed a feat that for brav bravery bravery bravery ¬ ery and endurance is unsurpassed In Inthe inthe inthe the annals of that campaign campaignin in search searchof of information he swam at night around aroundthe aroundthe aroundthe the Spanish earthworks fronting on onthe onthe the bay bayWhen bayWhen bayWhen I When the second volunteer levies were organized General Otis gave Bell Bellcommand Bellcommand f fcommand command of a force gathered from dis discharged ¬ Ny rr rrcharged t tcharged charged soldiers of the regular army armyand armyand r rand and the first short service volunteers volunteersHe He proceeded at once to the front and andentered andentered i entered into the campaign with an en energy eDergy energy ¬ f ergy that was productive of notable notableresults notableresults notableresults results Congress awarded him a med medal medat medal ¬ al of honor for gallantry in action in inLuzon InLuzon s Luzon The following story Is illus illustrative Ulustrnuve IlIustratwe ¬ trative of his zeal and Intrepidity as a ascout ascout l lscout scout scoutOne r t One torrid day when he was attached attachedto t to General Hales brigade at Santo Tomas To Tomas j mas Bell wished to communicate with withi withGeneral 0 0I 0I i I I General MacArthur several miles a aBetween away awayBetween 4 4i I Between the two forces stretched an animpassable b bimpassable t tI I impassable impu able morass Wasting no time timeIn r i iIn In useless deliberation Bell stripped strippedhimself t himself of every article of clothing Ac Accept etccept ¬ I Icept cept his belt and his campaign hat and androde aD4lrode androde rode his horse Into the muck He man managed manI ¬ aged to wallow through the mass in insome insome r rsome Y I some way ay and presented himself to toMacArthur I IMacArthur f y yMacArthur MacArthur precisely as he was when whenhe whenhe 1 1he he emerged from the morass General GeneralMacArthur 1 1 I MacArthur a stickler for dress and andhimself andhimself r himself carefully attired in full regi regimentals ¬ i i imentals J Jmentals mentals looked at him In herror herrorWhy herrorWhy horrorWhy Why Bell he gasped what inI In InI 1 1I > I have the honor to report sir si began be beEan J Jgan gan Bell with all the dignity of the theborn theborn 1 born soldier And he did report to the thevery thevery 4 4ery very end before anything further was wasdone wasd wasdone < done doneAfter d doneAfter L LAtter After the war honors came rapidly rapidlyThirtysix rapidlyThirtysix rapidlyThirtysix Thirtysix months after setting foot la lathe lathe IBthe the Philippines he was made brigadier brigadiergeneral brigadiergeneral brigadiergeneral general After the war he was promi prominent premlnent preminent ¬ nent in the pacification of the archipel archipelago ¬ i iI I ago and developed great administra administrative ¬ < i tive ability His method of reconstruc reconstruction recon uuc ¬ t i itfon tion was criticised in certain quarters quartersbut i ibut but it was aB efficient H i practically re rebuilt rebuilt ¬ f built all of the roads in the province of ofBatangas atBatangas ofBatangas Batangas bringing about an era of ofprosperity o oprosperity o1prosperity prosperity such as it had never known knownThe knownThe knownThe The new chief of staff is decidedly a aman 8man aman man of parts partsELBERT partsFT ELBERT FT BERT O WOODSON I j I meaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaeam j fU fUfIJ I m Distifictive ifi ifiWaist a Waist ffl fIJ ftJ ftJm 1 1jcf m rnhI N m jcf Styles Im I ifisuch w wsuch such as we show will lift your our ideas aboveN above abovethe abovethe the ordinary ord parYi There is is a characteristic air airabout air airabout N W Wru ru about every everyone one of our ou Waists that appeals to toevery t toevery N Nm m every lady who wants a Waist thats different differentOur differentOur N Our Ourare fU fURoyal OurRoyal Royal Waists Waistsare m mare are perfectly made perfect f fitting t n They give givethe givetJ givethe tJ the wearer ye rer that satisfactory feeling that they theyare N Nm m are as neatly dressed as any with whom they theymay theyw OJ OJW W ma may come in in contact Why not buy a Royal RoyalThey RoyalThey W Wm m They are as reasonable as the shoddy kindPrdoe9 kind m mN N Prdoe9 ricc 125 to toSuccessors 900 900WATSON N Nm m m mm m WATSON PARKER REESE CO CON 00Successors N Successors to Green Watson ro rom m 33 3 and 35 South S ut Palafox pa fox Street StreetA s r et m mtiBeaaaaaaa tiBeaaaaaaa e eeaaaaeee2eali eeaaaaeee2ealiI eeaaaaeee2ealiOLOC I OLOC S SA A good 8 day Parlor Clock ClockA 5500 500 LOOgood 500A A good 8day Parlor Clock with alarm alarm8day 5800 80 6008day ° 8day 8 day Mission Clocits 275 to toRpparing 5500 5500anitary 500 500Rr 500Itrpairins ± Rpparing Rr > at reasonable re soDable prices pricesJ J F DAVIS JEWELER at Coos Book Store Storer StorsX6040DONOi X6040DONOi 04N04090 90A64d000989AO < o oi 90o01400e 90o01400eI r I i t The Ostermoor j jt s 0s 0 t te tV e 9 9i V r i I 0 Mattress tar is 0 Sanitary anitaryThe + A r t tThe 1 1V The nearer pure the air is in the u 1tPI rpTt r chamber the themore tHmo themore more mo refreshing will be the slf sleep p Unsanitary h bPddtq bPddtqiz < ddiS ddiSIK IK frequently an unsuspected 1tn u pected source of en eootamiBJitloo eootamiBJitlooThe taatinstlonThe The T Osternioor qsternloor Mattress tlllttre + > is thoroughly sanitary sa > iitars rtiitobiat rtiitobiating el1 > binat + l 9 ing every posH po possiblliv SMl1lY Hir of Inhaling tnbalt noxious ga gases gasese es white yo yoloep yow tJ tJ19p t e sleep > It i ig as 3 pure as th the Incoming Inc Mning oaone fI from the theIt theo ea T o It is soft and andyfeding yfedng but will never pack and become beeomehard 1 1hard L J hard ar l and bumpy In one piece 1500 l OO two pieces piecesQiIHA 1J5t 1J5tt 1J5tf e ee e Q r rQUINA t i ri f MA STON QiIHA I Io L o 108110 S Palafox St Phone 148 e isacoia 15ac la Fla FlaTHE FlaO i i r O t J Jt JJ JTHE rON09m9f ON09m9f t 0400 t2A0 4 + + aid r rTH J THE TH ETRA TRAVELLING YELLING MANS FRIEND FRIENDA FRIENDcombln A combination combln tlOn set of one Gillette Safety Razor and 12 122edged 122edged 182edged 2edged blade two silver tubes tub 8 with brush and soap all allin anin ti tiin in a velvet lined iJ8al al leather case is indeed the th traveling travelingman traUgman trareliagman man man friend Price complete 750 Razor with 12 1 blades5AIm blades bladesPhone bJad 5 5AIm fT fTCC CC a < > e > ke1 = e > re 4 4Phone 2 2P Phone P ne 335 Js S I 213 loath Patafox c Strovt 51 Pac Pensoootn n K V