n 4 4s 4E j I s PAGE E EIGHT T THE HE PENS4 PEN SAC COLAJOURNAL OL JO URN A L SAT SATURDAY U R D A V M MORNING 0 R N lNG J JUNE U N E 23 lyuu 19 U h Many People Experience ExperienceDifficulty ExperienceDifficulty I IY Iin Difficulty DifficultyIn Y In being able to settle upon clothier aclothierthat afclothierthat a clothierthat that they can depend upon Too many manystores manystores manystores stores cater for transient business look lookahead lookahead lookahead ahead only to the chance of getting new newcustomers newcustomers newcustomers customers and dont take proper care of the theold theold theold old With us it is just the reverse reverseWe reverseWe reverseWe We Buy and an Sell Clothing Clothingto to the end that we may hold all our old cus customers customers customers ¬ tomers and through them gain new ones onesand onesand onesand and it is to such careful thought in this thisdirection thisdirection thisdirection direction that we rank as the biggest bigg st and andmost andmost andmost most reliable clothing house in all of West WestFlorida WestFlorida WestFlorida Florida This year so far is our busiest busiestwhich busiestwhich busiestwhich which fact bespeaks the confidence of our ourcustomers ourcustomers ourcustomers customers in our methods Remember we wesell wesell wesell sell everything that man and boy wears wearsTHE wearsTHE wearsTHE THE JOHN WHITE STORE STOREPhone Phone 225 205207 S PALAFOX PALAFOXTbl 4 P Ii 1 Tbl lTT1OTFIV If yo you CMI are Interested ta If a Dental 1 Education mca this Couoon to the theI DENTISTRY I E T iM I I I K I Southern Demal College for beautiful Illustrated i8Ustr ted fr free e Cttatote CatloeueDR C CDR Jlsll 1 III 11 DR S W FOSTER Dean 100 N NBtlerSt Butler Bt tier St Atlanta Ga GaSend GaSend GaSend Send me CAtateote Catdtt Cat 1tse Nc27 27 of Southern Dental College CollegeToDy Collegezi Mai Tk I IToDr ToDy zi f NAME ADDRESS BOSSOS BOSSOSIce Ice Cream Factory Factorycaa caa furnish you cream inay In Insay Inaay say quantity Satisfaction Satisfactionguaranteed S4atlsactlonguuaJtted Satisfactionguaranteed guaranteed guaranteedPHONE guuaJttedPHONE guaranteedPHONE PHONE 1326 1326SAM 1326SAM 1326SAM SAM BOSSO Prop PropThat Propf PropThat f I I That aieMt meaa good l tteK ck tat it dont dontrequire dontrequire oatrequire require good lack to buy good clothing clothingand cIotJiintm and furaisbtags but butGood Good 00 Common m on Sense SenseShow I IShow Show your good sense by calling oni oniroe on onme I Ime me for your Sumaier Outfit Suit Hat HatShoes HatShoes HatShoes j Shoes Hosiery Ho iery aad Underwear and andyou andYOU you ou will wlIl1aae have the good luck to get taej the thebest I j I I best goods s as well as the nobbiest nobbiestand and aeateet t at the least 1e t laoaey JDOBeyDd n onev onevAnd I IAad I And Dd doat forget I carr carry a full line Uneof lineof lineof of Boys Clothing Shoes Hosiery and andHats andHatti andMats Hats HatsBegiaaftag MatsBeginn4ag HattiegiamBg Begiaaftag JUDe 3i I to July 1 10 PER CENT DISCOUNT DISCOUNTon + on all ClothIng for cash cashYours cashYours cashTours Yours for good goods goodsJOS goodsJOSCOLEMAN goodsJOSI JOSCOLEMAN JOS GOLEM COLEMAN AN I 212 S Palafox St StPhone StPhone StPhone Phone 727 727Gentlemen 727Gentlemen 727ent1emen1 c Gentlemen GentlemenShow GentlemenShow ent1emen1Show Show Your YourGood YourGood YourGood Good Cents Centsset aH get good OOd raises raisesyo TaluesSoo Soo 811 you yo CN show your yourgood yourgourd OUf OUfgo good go oasts oe t8 hare ere it is isstgaal a aslgHl aslgaai stgaal for a display of oftfee oftIks oftrle tfee aobWost and swellest sweUestsua swellestMmJItOl swellestsummer sua summer er clothing ctothingHats dotBingHtlts clothingMats Hats Shoes Shoesmnd Shoesand and mndFurnishings andFurnishings nd ndFurnishings I 1 Furnishings I 1 be found IB Pensaco Pensacoia I ia IK fact yew cxmldnt cxmldntad couldntdad Idat IdatiARci dad ad better quality alit go gonfeore SOWIllocs gowhere where you wilt Oar Stet Stetsoa Stetson son Hat soft and stiff at atift atii1 ift 1 is a wiaaer other otherHats otherR1Lts otherHats Hats from 1S6 up upStraw upStrw upetraw Straw Hats at any old oldprtaa oldpr1c oldhclce prtaa wttk some mighty mightygood mightygood good ores at 7 15 Tic c < and a ahotter a1IoIIv aidea hotter Summer Immel negM negMga neg1igas negligee ga gas Skirts 75 coats and a adollar adGIIar adollar dollar dollarH dGIIarH dollarI I H t 0 I ANSON ANSONCASH I CASH CLOTHIER CLOTHIERCenter CLOTHIERCner aoTNiERGrll Center Grll Iler falafel and Mall SHlPPINIG Z 1 1Arrived NEWS NEWSArrived Arrived ArrivedMagician ArrivedNegiclan ArrivedMagician Magician Br ss Raby Rab 3271 Liver Liverpool Liyerpool Liverpool ¬ pool to A A Brown Co CoCleared CoCleared CoCleared ClearedDharwar Cleared ClearedDharwar ClearedDharwar Dharwar Swed bk Olsson 1238 for forBio forRio forRio Rio Janeiro wltfc wt 9S00 s ft lumber lumberDoaua lumb lumberDonna r rDoJlDa Donna Christina Am sch McLead 196 1 i for Belize with 229000 s ft lumbor lum lumber lumbor ¬ bor Sailed SailedMexican SailedMexican SailedMexican Mexican Br ss for Liverpool LiverpoolVESSELS LiverpoolVESSELS LiverpoolVESSELS VESSELS IN PORTSteamships PORT PORTSteamships PORTSteamships Steamships SteamshipsBuraby SteamshipsBUrBby SteamshipsBusby Buraby Br ss Thomas 2361 Galveston Gal Galveston Galveston veston to the W S Keyser Ke ser Co CoDora CoDora CoDora Dora Baltea Ital ss Figari 2601 2601Genoa 2601I 2601Genoa I Genoa to Gulf Transit Co CoDundonian CoDundonian 1 Dundonian Br ss Smith 2123 New NewOrleans NewOrle NewOrleans Orleans Orle ns to F O Howe Co CoB CoE CoE E O Saltmarsh Br ss Rogers 2319 2319Liverpool 2319Liverpool 2319Liverpool Liverpool to Gulf Transit Co CoEarlswood CoEariswood CoEartswood Earlswood Br ss Fayn 1840 pt FtInglls PtInglis r Inglis to J A MerrItt Co CoFederica I Federica Aust ss Zar 2261 NewOrleans New I Orleans to Gulf Transit Company I Huttonwood Br ss S White 2533 St StVincent StI StVincent I Vincent to Gulf Transit Co CoLouislanan CoI i I Louislanan Br ss Wfood 2385 New NewOrleanes NewOrleanes NewOrleanes Orleanes to the W S Keyser CoMarian Co CoMarian CoMarian Marian Br ss s Hogg 1218 Newport NewportNews NewportNews NewportNews News to Pensacola Lumber Co CoMoaviso Co1IODlso CoMonviso Moaviso Ital ss Rerello 2774 New NewOrleans NewOrleans NewOrleans Orleans to Gulf Transit Co CoParkwood CoParkwood CoParkwood Parkwood Br ss 5 Hubbard 1102 1102Cardiff 1102Cardiff 1102Cardiff Cardiff to Pensacola Lumber CoShips Co CoShips CoI I Ships ShipsHarvest ShIpsHarvest ShipsHarvest Harvest Queen Qn n Brit ship Forsyth ForsythRio Rio Janiero to order orderNordstjarnhen orderNordstjornhen orderNordstjernhen Nordstjarnhen Nor ship 1635 I Iralcsen La Guayra to W S Keyser KeyserCo Co Barks BarksDefcregori BarksDegregori BarksTh Th Defcregori Gio Botto Ital bk 1294 1294Genoa 1294Genoa 1294Genoa Genoa to Roesasco BrosDharwar Bros BrosDharwar BrosDbarwar Dharwar Swed bk Olssen 1238 1238Buenos 1238BuenQ6 1233Buenos Buenos Ayres to Fr J Sohreyer SohreyerKing SOOreyerKfng SchreyerKong King Malcolm Ma1 colm It bk Gun 1233 Ge Gei i + oa to Huges Co CoLuisa CoLuis CoLuisa Luisa ItaL b bkjtl l Montano fromNolloth from fromNolloth fromNolloth Nolloth to masterl masterlMonrovia mast r rMonrovia I Monrovia Nor bk 1449 Aase Ham Hamburg Hamburg Hamburg ¬ burg to order orderPort orderPort orderPort Port SonocJan Uruguay bk 1112 1112Ferres 1112Ferres 1112Ferres Ferres Mentevideo to German Ameri American American ¬ can Lbr Co CoSpero CoSpero CoSpero Spero Nor bk 628 Bostig Las LasPalma LasPalma LasPalma PalmaSterling PalmaSterling Palma PalmaSterling Sterling Nor bk Etlepsen Lablta LabltaBay LabltaBay LabitaBay Bay to order Schooners SchoonersDonna SchoonersDonna SchoonersDonna Donna Chnstlna Am sell McLeod McLeod16S 16S BelizeElizabeth Belize BelizeElizabeth BelizeEUzabeth Elizabeth T Doyle Am sch Crouch Croucher er 641 New York ork to order orderFrances orderFrances orderFrances Frances T Tunnell Am sch Tun Tunnell Tunnell Tunnell nell 1239 Philadelphia to order orderMarrow orderMarrow Marrow N Cobb Am sch Saunders 260 Havana to master masterBarkentine mutorBarkentlne masterBarkentine BarkentineHubert Barkentine BarkentineHubert BarkentlneHubert Hubert Fuller Am barkentine 679Nash 679 679Nash 679Nash Nash Port of Tampa to C W Oil Oliver 011ver Oilver ¬ ver Brig BrigJennie BrIgJennie BrigJennie Jennie Hurlbert Am brig Wright 418 Havana to J A Merritt CoG Co CoG CoI I G B Burnhans Testifies After Four FourYears FourI I k Years Yearsj I j G B Burhans of Carlisle Center CenterN CenterIN IN N Y writes About four yearaj yearajago ye yedr yedra ri riago ago a + go I wrote you 00 stating that I had hadbeen hadbeen hadbeen been entirely cured of a severe kid kidney kidney ¬ i ney trouble by taking less than two twoI twobottles i I bottles of Foleys Kidney Cure It ItenUrel Itentirely 1 entirely stopped tb the brick dust sedl sedlment sedlmeat 1 ment and pain and symptoms of kid kidj kidney j i ney disease dis 8se disappeared dlsappo red I am glad gladto j I to say sa that I have never had a return returnof Iof of any an of those symptoms during thefour the thefour thefour I four years ears that have elapsed and I amefiidently am amevidently amI I evidently e dent1y cured to stay cured and andheartily andI andheartily I heartily recommend Foleys Fole s Kidney KidneyCure KidneyCure I Cure to anyone aay BY one suffering from kid1 kid1ney kid kidney I ney or bladder bl ddM trouble t le For sale byw by byW b i iI I W A aXAlembarte ° te druggist and andapothecary andapothecary andapothecary apothecary apothecaryREMEMBER apothecaryREMEMBER apothecaryREMEMBER REMEMBER THE O R C PICNIC PICNICON ON JUNE 28 AND ND BE PREPARED PREPAREDTO TO ENJOY YOURSELF jn9tf jn19tft t of t i WEEKLY Y nEVlEW nEVlEWOf RE VIE VIEOF Of SOUTHERN SOUTHERNI j ij I I i i INDUSTR RIES ES ESI ESI I 4 4New I New Corporations Farmed in Dixie DixieDuring Di DiI Dixiet t I During the Week WeekJust WeekI I i Just Passed Passedj j I I Chattanooga Ch ttlU1ooga Tenn June Ju e 21 21Many 2 21Many 7 7Man Many Man of the new industries ind strIes establish established ¬ ed in the South Southdurhlg during the week end eadng endI endng ng today as reported d to The Tradesj Tradesjman Trades Tradesman Tradesman I man show heavy heav capitalization which whicheiciences whichevidences evidences a continuation of the policy poiicror 01 doing things thIn s on a large scaie scaieThose scaiejThose scaleThose Those which are capitalized at over amillion a amillion aI < million dollars each include a steelplant steel steelplant steeLplant plant in Alabama a machine shop in inGeorgia inI inGeorgia I Georgia and an investment company companyin I in Missouri MissouriI I In the list of those capitalized at atI I between 500000 and 1000000 are areI aretwo I two land companies in Louisiana a afuel afuel afuel fuel company in Missouri three land landI ln lni I i i and investment companies in Oklahoma Okla Oklahoma Oi la lahoma ¬ homa an irrigation company in Vir Virginia Virginia Virginia ¬ ginia a lumber company and an an oil oiland oiland oiland > and gas company in West Virginia Virginiai VirginiaEelow ViriIniaBelow ViriniaBelow Below these figures the new n w industrieso industries i j o or the week range in capitauzation capitalizationfrom t from the half million dollar mark markdown 1 i down to 10000 although it will be bej beobserved j observed from a persual of the list listthat listthat st stthat that quite a number of those whuh whuhare whi h I are among the most important have havenot hayenot havenot not reported their capitalization capitalizationThe The he Tradesmans list of new indus industries industries industries ¬ tries for the week is > as follows followsAlabama followsAlabama l Alabama AlabamaBirmingham AlabamaBirmingham AlabamaBirmingham Birmingham 25000 mine < 10 000 investment company compan1800000 compan1800000steel 1800000 IS00000steel 1800000steel steel works worksGfcdsden worksGadsdenRolIing worksGadsden Gfcdsden GadsdenRolIing + Rolling mill 1 160000power 160000 160000power < > 0000 0000power power plantBridgeport60400 plant plantBridgeport plantBridgeport460000 Bridgeport Bridgeport460000 460000 mining com company compan company panyHolfywood30000 pany panyHollywood Hollywood Holfywood30000 30000 lumber com company compan cornpan ¬ pan panySelma 3 Ii IiSelma5000 ji Selma Selma5000 5000 lumber company companyRescuevilte coxni coinpanRescuevillSaw > anr anrRescuevileSaw Rescuevilte RescuevileSaw Saw mill millArkansas millArkansas millArkansas Arkansas ArkansasArgenta ArkansasArgentauight ArkansasArgentaUight Argenta Argentauight Lright and Power plantPowhattan100000 plant plantPowhattan plantPowhattan100000 Powhattan100000 Powhattan 100000 mines minesLittle minesLittle minesLittle Little Rock5OOO Rock 5000 mattress and andspring andsprIng andspring spring bed factory factoryParagoulo factoryParagoul factoryParagould100000 Paragoulo Paragould100000 L100000 100000 land company companyFlorida companFlorida companyFlorida Florida FloridaPensacola FloridaPensacola6OOO FloridaPensacola6000 Pensacola Pensacola6OOO 6000 electrical supply supplycompany supplycompany supplycompany company 10000 grain company companyJacksonville companyJacksonvlll companyJacksonvilleOron Jacksonville JacksonvilleOron flron ron company planing plan planing planing ¬ ing mill Georgia GeorgiaMacon GeorgialIacon GeorgiaMaconx000000 Maconx000000 Macon KOOOOOO machine shop shopAthens shopAthens shopAthens Athens Foundry and machine machineshops machineshops machineshops shops shopsWaynesboro shopslWaynesboroElectric shopsWaynesboroElectric lWaynesboroElectric Waynesboro Electric light plant plantjCartersville plantJ plantCartersville2600 jCartersville J Oartersville2OO 2600 electric light lightplant lightpant lightplant plant Indian Territory TerritoryDavisM5000 TerritoryDa1s TerritoryDavis5000 DavisM5000 Da1s 5OOO amusement company comp ny 5000 amusement company companyTiSmore comPDnyTi companyTidmore6600 TiSmore Ti Tidmore6600 more6000 6000 gin and cotton cottoncompany cottonccmpany cottonccmp company ccmp any Kentucky KentuckyLouisville Kentuckywuisville KentuckyLouisville Louisville 10000 development developmentcompany developmentcompany developmentcompany company Louisiana LouisianaNew LouisianaNew LouisianaNew New Oifloans OrlIrons40000 40000 manufactur manufacturing ¬ ing company 25000 importing and andmanufacturing andmanufacturing andmanufacturing manufacturing company 50000 im improvement improement Improvement provement company 20000 coal and andcoke andcoke andcoke coke company 10000 ice factory factory50Q000 500000 land company WOO grani granilithe granillthe grantlithe lithe company land company com R lY 500 OO 000 land company 60000 navigation navigationand navig tion tionand and gravel company 50000 mining miningcompany miningcompan miningcompany company 25000 OOO lumber and export exportcompany exportcrmpany exportcompany company companyThibodeaux crmpanyThibodeauxlOOOOO companyThibodeaux100000 Thibodeaux ThibodeauxlOOOOO 100000 cane cutter cuttermanufacturing cuttermanufacturIng cuttermanufacturing manufacturing cornpanyPlauchevilleCotton company companyPlaucheville companyPlauchevilteCotton Plaucheville PlauchevilteCotton Cotton gin ginWinchester glnIV1nchester200000building ginRVlnchester200000 IV1nchester200000building RVlnchester200000 Winchester 200000 building and andloan andloan andloan loan company I Mississippi MississippiThibodeaux MississippiThibodeaux100000 i iThibodeauxl00OOO Thibodeaux Thibodeauxl00OOO 100000 cane cutter cuttermanufacturing cuttermanufacturing cuttermanufacturing manufacturing company companyAb companyAbldeen companyAbp Ab Abldeen Abp deen deen4100000 100000 oil and fertil fertilizer fertilizer fertilizer ¬ izer company companyMerrill companylerrlll50OOO companyMerrI1150000 lerrlll50OOO Merrill 50000 lumber company companyRosedale companRosedale10000 companyRosedale10000 Rosedale10000 Rosedale 10000 lumber company companyHattiesburg companHattiesmrg150OOO companyIiattiesburg Hattiesburg Hattiesmrg150OOO 1150000 + telephone telephonecompany telephonecompany telephonecompany company companyJackson companyJ companyJacksonFertilizer acksonillertilIzer Jackson J Fertilizer fac factory factoryiBrookhaven factpryiBrookhaven50OOO ory oryBrookhaven50000 iBrookhaven iBrookhaven50OOO 50000 brrck br k works worksMissouri worksMissouri worksMissouri Missouri MissouriCanton MissouriCftnton4000 MissouriCanton4000 Canton Cftnton4000 4000 creamery creameryGalena creamerJGalenaillne creameryGalenaIi Galena Galenaillne GalenaillneSl Mine MineSt ne neSt St L JJOuis Louis6000 ouis 6000 OOO frog and switch switchcompany switchcompan switchcompany company fuel saving company 10 000 lumber company 12000 12000itlevelop 12000itlevelopment develop development ¬ ment company 500000 fuel company com company companr ¬ pany 30000 land company 5000 5000embossing 5000embossing 5000embossing embossing company 50000 invest investment investment investment ¬ ment company 2500000 investmentcompany investment investmentcompany inyestmentj inyestmentjcompRn I company 10000 automoble com company comI comIpany company ¬ pany manufacturing company 200 000 manufacturing company 35000 35000wooden 35000wooden 35000wooden wooden ware company molding and andmanufacturing andmanufacturing andmanufacturing manufacturing company 100000 100000land 100000land 100000land land company companySt St Chares Char Chares8000 es8OOO 8000 land company companyHolt companHoltUOOOO companyHolti50000 Holt HoltUOOOO 60000 telephone company companySarcoxpi companySarcoxpi5OOO companySarcoxpf5000 Sarcoxpi Sarcoxpi5OOO 5000 telepbone com company company cornpany ¬ pany concentrating company company mine mineWfentworth mineW mineWentworth Wentworth W Concentrating com I FREE F A L LBOOKKEEPING BOOKKEEPING AND SHORTHAND SHORTHANDto 1 to FIVE persons in ineach each county desiring to take takei takepersonal i i personal rsonal Instruction who Will withinclip within 30 days i Sip and SEND this notice to either of ofMontgomery i r ir DRAUGHONS Hl H s I 9J 4iithze44C 4iithze44CMontgomery W WMontg Montgomery Montg mery Atlanta Raleigh R lelgh Co Columbia Columbla Columbia ¬ lumbia Shreveport Dallas or Jack Jackson JackSO1 Jacksod son Miss MissT MissWe I Va T also teach BY MAIL successfully of Ofi OfiI I REFUND MONEY Law LawPenmanship Penmanship Arith 1 I netjc moUe Business Letter7ri Le LetterWrIting Writmf np Drawing urawJngCartoonlng Cartooning Cartooning1Business tt English Banking etc 27 Colleges Co1k Colleres > ies In 15 States S tes 30000000 Capital i7years 17 years yearssuccess success Indorsed by bybus bybusn bustno bust ness n no Ss mop men No vacation enter BUT anytime time Write WrltoS for S catalog rosm PosmollSsecured IIS secured or orMONETREFflDED < MET REFJJRDED YOU MUSTlaordertopctHomeStndyFBEE MUSTlaordertopctHomeStndyFBEEwritenowtlras MUST in order to 5CtHomeStudTFREE 5CtHomeStudTFREEwritenow > writenow writenowtlras thus u I rdeslrOto Idesiretoknow Idesiretoknowmore desire to know knowxaore knowmore more about ar aroutyyonrEpecialme8tudpogermada outyyonrEpecialme8tudpogermada your yonrspectal special HbmoBtncly fuma BtndyOffer Offer made madepublished in the published at a f JJ 1JJ 1 5 f F 1 ANTIC ANTJCOAN AN ANClUPESO ANCIUPE ltROW ltROWClUP ClUPESO ClUP D SH5JHit QUARTER SIZES SUESIS 16 CENTS EACH 2 FOR 25 CENTS CENTSCLUCTT CENTSCLU CENTSCLUCTT CLUCTT CLU TT PCABODY 6 CO COWe coMAllt CoMAKCA MAllt 0 CLUCTT C UETT AND MONARCH ONA CH S NINTD NINTDL NINTDWe TS TSI I L m Charcoal CharcoalWe We have just received a avery avery avery very fine stock and will de deliver d dliver deliver ¬ liver orders promptly in any anyamount anyamount anyamount amount J Telephone Telephone363I 363 363SEWELL I SEWELL SEWELLWoodand SEWELLW 1 L Lao Woodand W ao oodandCoal an Coal Company CompanyMal CompanyMa Mal ineGroceryCo me Grocery Go I 604 605 S Palafox PalafoxPhone St Sthone StPhone Phone 725V 725 725V 725V V J VIDAL Manager ManagerWe Mana ManaerWe 1er 1erVQ We carry carI a full line of Imported andDomestic andDomestic and andDomestic Domestic Groceries and Provisions ProvisionsWe We want your patronage patronaseSAFES patronageSAFES patronaeSAFES SAFES 1 SAFES I SAFES 1 SAFES SAFESBuy 1 1Buy 1Buy Buy Liebold Safes SafesScarritt SafesScarritt SafesScarritt Scarritt Moreno Agent Agentpany pany panyFlat panyFlat panyFlat Flat River River14000 14000 land company companyJoplln companyJoplnConcentrating companyJopln4Concentrat1n Joplln JoplnConcentrating Concentrating mill millAlba millAlbaJ millAlba Alba AlbaJ Mtning M I ning company companyCarthage com companyCarthageMining a aCarthag CarthageMining Carthage Mining company companyKansas companyKansas companyKansas Kansas City CitFountlry CitFountlryNorth Foundry FoundryNorth North CarolinaRuthrford25000 Carolina CarolinaRuthrford CarolinaRuthrford2 Ruthrford Ruthrford2 25000 000 veneer company companyMooresboro companylIooresboroCotton companyMooresboroCotton Mooresboro lIooresboroCotton Cotton mill millTarboro miltTarborolOOOOO millTarboro100000 Tarboro TarborolOOOOO 100000 knitting mill millAshevile m mallA ll ll3hevieSaw A Ashevile < 3hevieSaw Saw mill millMooresville millMooresvlUeOIl millMooresvllleOII Mooresville MooresvlUeOIl Oil mill millDurham millDuIlbamBrick millDurham DuIlbamBrick Durham + Brick works worksOklahoma worksOklahoma worksOklahoma Oklahoma OklahomaGuthrie OklahomaGuthrle OklahomaGuthrle4250000 Guthrie Guthrle4250000 250000 construction com company company company ¬ pany 150000 investment company comp ny 500000 development company con1pa 25 000 investment company 500000 t500000land 500000land 500000land land and lumber company 100000 100000mines 100000mines 100000mines mines 100000 importing company 150000 ice company 125000 manu manufacturing manufacturing manufacturing ¬ facturing company 300000 oil com company comopany comparry ¬ pany panyBlackburn parryBlackburn I IBlackburn Blackburn 10000 development pdevelopmentcompany tJ6evelopmentcompan developmentcompany company companyLawton compan companLawtonl30OOO companyLawton130000 Lawtonl30OOO Lawton 30000 development com company company cornpang pany panyGrand panyGrand5OOO pangGrand5000 Grand Grand5OOO 5000 telephone sytem sytemKingfisher syt sytemKingfisherCreamery m mKingfisherCreamer Kingfisher KingfisherCreamer KingfisherCreamerSouth Creamery CreamerySouth South Caroling Carolina1Inman Carollri CarollriInmanKnltt CarolingInmanKnittcng Inman InmanKnltt Knittng ng mil milSpartanburg millSpartanburg25OOO mP1Spartanburg25000 Spartanburg Spartanburg25OOO 25000 foundry and andmachine andmaclline andmachine machine shop shopLeesburg shopL shopLeesburg5000 Leesburg L Leesburg5000 5000 warehouse com company company cornpany ¬ pany panyTimmonsville panyT panyTimmonsvllle5000 Timmonsville T mmonsville5000 5000 hardware h com company colIpany company ¬ pany pany Tennessee TennesseeChattanooga TennesseeOhattanooga150OOO i iChattanooga150000 > Chattanooga Ohattanooga150OOO 150000 cotton gin gincompany gincompanr gincompany company 15000 skating skatin rink rinkMemphis rInkremphls10000 rinkJremphis10000 Memphis remphls10000 10000 cotton company companyKerrville companyKel companyKerrvilleSaw Kerrville Kel KerrvilleSaw rvilleS Saw w mill millHumboldt millHumboldtMarble > 1HumboldtMarble > Humboldt HumboldtMarble Marble works worksShelbyville worksShelbyviUeSButton woi ks ks6heibyvtlleButton Shelbyville ShelbyviUeSButton Button factory factoryTexas factoryTexas factoryTexas Texas TexasBryan TexasBranElectric TexasBryanElectric Bryan BranElectric Electric light company gas gasplant gasplant gasplant plant plantGiddings plantGiddings5000 plantGtddings5000 Giddings Giddings5000 15000 land company companyFort companyFort companyFort Fort Worth Vlorth25OOO 25000 mines 20 000 fuel company 20000 building buildingand b i1dng i1dngand and loan 1 1Riesle company companyRiesle Riesle Ries1e7000 7000 cotton gin ginKlnsville ginK ginKnsvine I Klnsville K sv1lle5000 = 500000 irrigation company com comnanv comDam Dam I Dall Dallas100000 Dallas as 100000 100 00 0 mining company 10000 produce company amusement amusementcompany amusementcompanJ amusementcompany company companyBan companJISbn companyfan Ban Antonio Antonio100000 < > 100000 development developmentcompany developmentcompany developmentcompany company companyWilmer companyWIlmer5000 companyWilmer5000 Wilmer WIlmer5000 5000 gin and mill com company company conipany ¬ panyHouston25000 pany panyHouston panyHouston25OOO Houston Houston25OOO 25000 oil company companyCrockett companyICrockett15OOO company1Crockett15000 ICrockett15OOO Crockett 15000 lumber lum r company companyStamfordh companStamforQf30OOO companyStamfordi Stamfordh StamforQf30OOO + 30000 mill and eleva elevator elevdtor elevator ¬ tor company companyBeaumont ompanBea j jBeaumont10000 Bea Beaumont montlOOOO 10000 oil company companyChanning companyClianning20000 i Channing Ohannlng20000 20000 lumber company companyVirginia companyVirginia companyVirginia Virginia VirginiaBuena VirginiaBuena VirginiaBuena Buena Vista VistaCreamer Creamery and ice fac factory factor lactor ¬ tory tor torNorfolk Norfolk 25000 manufacturing manufacturingcompany manufacturingCOmlany manufacturingcompany company 25000 lumber company companyMarion companMarion500OOO companyMarion4500000 Marion500OOO Marion 500000 lumber company companyPetersburg companyPetersburg60OO companyPetersburg60000 Petersburg60OO Petersburg 60000 lumber cornpany com company comI ¬ I IlSuffolk50OOO pany panySuffolk panySuffolk50000 Suffolk lSuffolk50OOO 50000 lumber company ccmpanyWchmond25000 companyRichmond c > I Ichmond25000 Richmond chmond25000 25000 vinegar com1 com1pany com company company pany 25000 development company c I I100OOOshoclt 100000 100OOOshoclt shock binder company companyRadford ComDanyRldfordLumber companyRadfordLumber RldfordLumber Radford Lumber company companyPulaski companJPulaskiPaning companyPulaskiP Pulaski PulaskiPaning PulaskiP Planing mUl mUlWilliamsburg mmWilllamsburg50oo mUlWilliamsburg5000 Williamsburg Willlamsburg50oo 5000 brick com company compan company ¬ pany panyWiniChester panyWimchester200000 WiniChester WiDiehester20c000 200000 building and andloan andloan andloan loan company companyAlexandria companyAlexandra100OOO companyAlexandrn100000 Alexandria Alexandra100OOO 100000 distillery distilleryHamilton disWleryHamilton50000 distilleryHamilton50000 Hamilton Hamilton50000 50000 milling company companyWest companyWest companyWest West Virginia VirginiaMilton Virginialli1tonIlOOOO VirginiaMiltonx10000 lli1tonIlOOOO Milton 110000 oil company companyCharleston companChnrleton100000 companyCharleston100000 Chnrleton100000 Charleston 100000 mining com company compan cornparry ¬ pan 20000 land company flour flourand flourand flourand and grst mill company 35000 35000Princeton 35000Prfnceton10000 35000Princoton10000 Princeton Prfnceton10000 10000 bottling works 25000 milling and construction company com company compan ¬ I II IKimball10000o pany panyKimball Kimball I mballJ100OOO 100000 lumber company companyEvenwood company companyEvenwoodGOOOOO companyEvenwood600000 Evenwood EvenwoodGOOOOO 600000 lumber company com company company ¬ pany panyWHliamson panyWnUamson500000 panyW W WHliamson WnUamson500000 1500000 oil and gas gascompany gascompan gascompany company companyBeard companeardJOOOOO companyBeard100000 Beard eardJOOOOO 100000 lumber company companySir < ompanySir Sir Knights Attention AttentionRegular AttentionRegular I IRegular Regular conclave of ofCoeur orCoeur ofCoeur Coeur De Leon Com Commandery Comm Cornmandery mandery m ndery No 1 1Knights 1Knights Knights Templar T mplar 730 730p 7 30 30p 11 p m Monday June 25 25ILmnY I 25H 25HARRY H HARRY tRY W Y GIBBS GIBBSE GIB GbBBSw E EC ECW C CW W HAI HENRY RY NEBDHAai Recorder Recorderf f 1 WATSUN ATsONOUT OUT FDA FDASPEAKER SPEAKER OF OFHOUSE OFFavors HOUSE HOUSEFavors Favors Drainage D mina inag e But ut Administra Administration ministra ministratiQll tion Is I S Said al to Bs a Opposed Opposedto to Him HimJ till tillf I IJ f J Wl V Watson Wn n of Dade county who whowas whowas whowas was was elected speaker of the house of ofRepresentatives ofI ofRepresentatives Representatives R several sears ears ago agoand agoand agoand I and who will be a member of the next nextlegislature next18Gislati nextlegislatifre legislature is again a i1 a oand aandia1 ae for forspeaker forspeaker forspeaker speaker of the house says the Jack Jackonvl Jackonvne Jackc onvl onvne c + le Metropolis Mr Watson iat on in ini 1 i the t c campaign declared himself as fav favorable favI favorable ¬ I orable to drainage yet et it is under under1stood und understood r rstood stood thatthe that the administration forces forcesare forcesare forcesare are are llnod up against > t hm in his contest con contest cmte3t ¬ test The administration has notcen notcentered notcentered not cen centered tered on a cand candidate date and it is doubtful doubt doubtfUl fUl if they will be able to do so as asthree asthree asthree three ambitious lawmakers from that thatside thatsIde thatside side of the house are desirous of be being being being ¬ ing speaker speakerIt spe 1 < er erIt It is said that I L Farris of this thiscity thiscIt thiscity city cIt is very ver anxious for the position positionand p siton sitonand and some of his friends here declare declarethat declarethat declarethat that he e will begin a campaign for the theposition thepasUon theposition position while VhlJ Mr Ir Farris was strong strongiy iy supported in Jacksonville J by b the thea thet1admh1istration theiti a iti administration forces he was also alsobacked alsobacked alsobacked backed by many friends of Broward BrowardHe BrowardiHe He did not commit himself on the thedrainage thedrainage I drainage scheme however Frends Frendsof of Governor Broward in Jacksonville Jacksonvillehowever Jacksonvillehowever I Ihowever however declare that Farris is one oneof oneof oneof of the most enthusiastic admirers that thatthe thatthe thatthe the governor has in the whoe state stateand st stateand te teand and they believe that the adminstra adminstration tion will throw its strength to him himOne himOne himOne One of the best qualified men in the thesfate thesfate theslate sfate for speaker of the house is Hon HonGeorge HonGeorge HonGeorge George C Matthews the brainy rep representative representatlve representative ¬ resentative from Marion county countyThere countyiThere I IThere There was no drainage issue in that thatcounty thatcounty i icoulty county and Matthews being conserva conservative conservativeit conservative ¬ tive tiveit it is thought would be the logical logicalcandidate logicalcandidat logicalcandldat candidate in in case of several aspirants aspir aspirants aspirantsln ¬ ants antsln in the a respective factions E S SMatthews Sfntthews SMatthews Matthews of Bradford county is be being being being ¬ ing strongly st sti tingly urged for the position by his friends friendsIt frl nds ndsIt It is generally agreed that HanHunt Hon HonHunt HonHunt Hunt Harris of Key West stands the thebest thebest thebest best chance chan e of securing the presidency presidencyof of the senate s nate At present no other othername othername othername name Is being mentioned in this con connection connection ¬ nection It is believed that Mr Hal Harris Halrshasalread Hayhas ¬ I ris rshasalread has already enough votes pledged pledgedto i to secure the position positionBASEBALL positionBASEBALL positionBASI3BA BASEBALL BASEBALLAmerican BASI3BA LL LLAmerican 1 1Amerllan American League LeagueWashington L LeagueWashington ague agueWa Washington Wa hington 2 New York 1 1Philadelphia 1Philadelphia Philadelphia P iIad lphia4 4 BQsQn Boston 6Chicago 6 CChicago 6Chicago Chicago 5 5f Detroit tr1t 0 0St 0Sl St Louis 2 Cleveland 12 12National 12National 12National National League LeagueBoston LeagueBoston LeagueBoston Boston 9j 9 Brooklyn 1 1New 1New 1New New York 4 Philadelphia 1 1Pittsburg 1Pittsburg2 1Pittsburg Pittsburg 2 St StLouis Louis 1 1No 1No 1No No others scheduled scheduledSouthern scheduledSouthern scheduledSouthern Southern League LeagueLittle LeagueLittle LeagueLittle Little Rock 0 Atlanta 4 4Shreveport 4Shreveport 4Shreveport Shreveport 2 Birmingham 3 3Memphis 3MemphIs 3Memphis Memphis 3 Montgomery 1 1New 1Ne 1New New Ne Orleans 2 Nashville 1 1South 1South 1South South Atlantic League LeagueMacon LeaguelflElcon LeagueMacon Macon 3 Charleston 2 2Jacksonville 2Jacltsonvllle 2Jacksonville Jacksonville 1 Augusta 3 3Savannah 3Savannah 3Savannah Savannah 0 Columba 3 Tf you knew the value yal e of Chamberlains Chamber Chamberlains Chamberlains ¬ lains Salve you would never wish to tobe tohe tobe be without it Here are some of the theliseases theUseases thetiseases liseases for which it is especally especallyvaluable esp cally callyauable ally allyvauable valuable Sore nipples chapped chappellhands chappedhands chappedhands hands burns frost bites chilblains chilblainschronic chilblainchronIc chiiblainnchronic chronic sore eyes itching piles tet tetter tetter tetter ¬ ter salt rheum and eczema Price 25 cents per box For s Rale le by b all alldruggists 2ii 2iidruggsts alldruggists druggists druggstsCOfFEE druggistsoiFFEE COfFEE COfFEEI I I IW Je are the e Pioneer PioneerGoffue PioneerCoHee Pao ecr ecrCoffee Coffee Roasters of ofWest ofW ofWest West WestoH W st FloridaMcFIiJOFF Florida IFloidaMcHUGHS McHUGHS oH IBJC fl IBJCfl d dhave BLENDS BLENDShave have no equal Atria Atriawili A Atrialwill tria triawill will convince the con connoisseur conlnoisseur connoisseur noisseur that t we wemake wemak w e emake make no extravagant extravagantclaims extravagantclaims extravagantcIms claims claimsv claimsWholesale claimsWho cImsW110rsale v Wholesale Who es le and Retail RetailGO RetsilGROCE RetailGROCERS GO GROCE GROCERS GROCERSand H O U Uand RS RSand and all kinds of Feed FeedStuffs Feedi FeedStuffs i Stuffs StuffsWholesale StuffsPluto StuffsF1utO F1utOWholesale Pluto Water WaterWholesale Wholesale and Retail RetailNew RetailNew RetailOrleans I New Orleans Grocery GroceryJas Co Coi CoJas CoJas i Jas McHugh McHughPhone McHughPhqne10S McHughPhone Phone Phqne10S 105 Proprietor Proprietora a J I KE KEEPOOOL P t C OLAND AND SAVE ENERGY ENERGYBY > = > i BY USING USINGELECTRIC USINGK USINGL L K iEbfCTRICPANS iEbfCTRICPANSE ELECTRIC FANS FANSr r i I ELECTRIC E E RIC LIGHTS LIGHTSAPPLY t p APPLY AT OFFICE OFFICEPENSACOLA OFFICEPENSACOLA > f > 1 < PENSACOLATERMINAL P PENSACOLA j f 5 ElE ELECTRW TRmTERMINAl TERMINAL COMPANY CUMPANYI COMPANY47639cO3 I I = = c wI H 3 < 100 r I 4t63990 463900 47639cO3 47639cO3I PAID TO WIDOW WIDOWI I beg to acknowledge receipt rec ipt of check for 463900 in se e Ia Iawent e ement ement ment of claim c aim undehpol cy on tile life of my m ate husband I wish to tothank t tthank tthank thank you ou and the Society Societ for the prompt and satisfactory se sett t P Pment Pi ament i ment of claim claimThis claimThis claimThis j This is isa a copy of a letter received from a lady in Pen Pen5acoa Pen5acoashowin Peasacoashowing > aco a ashowing showing showin > the prompt settlement made by TH THE E EQU EQUiITABLE TABLE In Innearly a anearly nnearly nearly every Instanpe Instan e in this city THE EQU1TABUE has been lH > fn th thfirst thofirst tbfirst first to make settlement Original letter on l file in this office officeInsurance deei ohceInsurance i I Insurance InsuranceFire I Fire sura Life c K n i owles Bros Genl Pensacola Pensacolay I ArtsFire Arts AtsPensacola A ts tsI I = A 4 + + + + + + + + + 4Q t9 t9a 9400OA O OONNmO Oq oo s DN a > OOL OOLIron E1 4 Iron Works and Supply y Co CoManufacturers COi CoManufactures 0 0 i Manufacturers Manuf cturets r and ndRepalrer Repairers of MACHINERY AND BOILERS BOILERSFORGINGS BOILERSFORGINGS t tFORCINGS4 o FORGINGS MILL AND STEAMSHIP SUPPLIES STEAMSHIP STEAMSHIPRE 4 RE REPAIRS ° AIRS A SPECIALTY TV Prompt attention given to all oJes oJeslay a aday < lay or night Ageiits for James McKay Cos celebrated Los Lo and andY Y Timber Dogs also Chains hall S o of all descriptons Office phone 123 Res R s 4 4dence 9p 9 dence phone 1029 P 0 Box 123 12 PHIL W1TTMAN Wl T TMAN Mgr MgrIF MgrO MgrIF Mgroo A oo cmoo O e eooo nom eo op m a c W9 eaoaoe 00 9 400 + Q 00 00 006oAN090900 o + io Woo I o I IF WOMEN ONLY KNEW KNEWthe j e i ithe o i the perfect comfort a gas cooking range affords them in ititheir intheir o otheir their kitchens theres not a one we earnestly bel eu eubut eni ei t o oo o but that would insist on a gas stove being Jnstared Instal ed in irtheir intheir intheir their k kitchen before another a other nightfall The fuel is It d4liveredaright dlUverad Itlivered i livered liveredaright Bright Into Intothe the range > through a small pipe an anall and andaU s sall all you have Ive to do Is to turn a valve and scratch a amatch zmatch match when presto your fire is ready for Instant cook cooking cooklng cooklug i lug t tCostBut i I iI ioht d o oht t CostBut Cost But 13 i 3 4 9Installeda i Installeda Inst Installed n eJ and nd ready read for fo use se Will witt 4 4Installed be glad to have yoi yoicall youi o ocall 4 call < and an see Se one in operation at our officeE office officeGas officePensJcpla i E e eacs PensJcpla acs a Gas as Company GompanyPhone 4 4 Z Phone Phoni45e 148 f 24 and 27 E Garden Gard Card n SraEom Street StrlJ t 4 4PHONE i 1 e om 9404d1 0 060 1004 000140 004 + 004t + 000 + 4s0000 t tr tW 0ot 0otAI r AI iii fl 111 need have no terrors for or yen yenif yo yoIf c cVYRIi µ W VYRIi ASH DAY LI I if you send your washing to toThe toThe toThe The New Method Laundry LaundryE I IPH PHONE PH NE 1186 lE E W LAWRENCE Prop No8 WEST ROM ROMAS ROMVAStj AM S 1 tj 1 Dont W Want I F IF nt No Little Cozy Corner Corneri i i Without an anELECTRIC anELECTRIC anELECTRIC ELECTRIC FAN and ELECTRIC LIGHTS LIGHTSPEMSACOU LIGHTSPENSACOILA 1 PEMSACOU ELECTRIC COMPANY COMPANY5O2 re Y 502 S Baylean St Phone 57O 570I 5 70 I 4 4WEARE WE WEARE ARE AGENTS FORSOUTHERN FOR FORSOUTHERN FORSOUTHERN SOUTHERN BRICK BR CK CO and McMILlAN BRICK CO COi COHave COHave COHave i Have two tw < > million good hardburned brick ready for ship shipment shipwent hipmente ¬ went 00 per p r thousand f o b at kiln Get our ourprices ourprices ourprices prices on 0 ot Builders Hardware and Lumber LumberMill Lumberi Lumberdun i i S dun uncerS s Mill Company CompanyPhone Phone 717 i 21 East Gordon Strooi StrooiVVAAVAAAAAAAWVAAA Stl881JUSTRECEIVE SfraefJUST VVAAVAAAAAAAWVAAA VVAAVAAAAAAAWVAAAJUST JUST JUSTRECEIVE RECEIVEqONE RECEIVEp ONE SOLID CARLOAD OF WINDOW GLASS GLASSONE GLASSONE GLASSONE > ONE SOLID SOLIDCARLOfD CARLOAD CARLOAD I OF CARYS MAGNESIA ROOFING 2000 2000WHITE 2000I WHITE CEDAR POSTS EVERYTHING FOR HOUSEBUILDING HOUSEBUILDINGPhone HOUSEBUILDINGPhone HOUSEBUILDINGPhone POfTS l Phone 1 11 1 H G DeSILVA CO COYou NTfE 10R 10Rf 4 6 q qj qYou f ffltt11 j You Can Sweep Up Dead DeadCockroaches DeadCockroaches DeadCockroaches Cockroaches by the Panful Panfulany Panfulany Panfulany any Morning if the Night Nightvou Nightv vou v ou Use UseStearns UseStearns Usef UseStearns f Stearns Eledriv at a i Roach Paste PasteYour PasteYot1rmonCJbaeklnUat Your Yot1rmonCJbaeklnUat Yo p money back if it falls toezt to ext eztIt Y redEds ted Bugs Bu s waterBu Water Buz I Iere etc etcut eceItIs It ItIs is lure deAth de d > th to Rats RatsSmall > ut of doors to die diethe dieSmall dieSmall Small Site 2S Cats Ho Hol HoSTEARNS + s the quantity 9100 9100receipt IOO IOOSold 100Sold Sold l evrywbire Cftt71Yb re or i4fr n receipt ol prlco t tIII ISTEARNS SSTEA STEARNS STEA N3 ELEC E ECrRIC R1 vm T hlcago hlca o > III US USA USAto2 A to2 jt 4 > JI n > I o