4 0 j I Get in Touch With j F Pages Today c il ay 25000 Use The Readers JOURNAL Daily enGt GnfnL L Want Ads Section = = Pages 9 to 12 YOL XLNO 221 PENSACOLA FLORIDA SUNDAY MORNING SEPTEMBER 13 1908 PRICE CENTS I t c = = = 3 = = c > = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = c = = = c > c = = = c c = = c c = = 3 1 l PENSACOLIAN WHO WAS IN > THE AFRICAN SLAVE TRADE I Thrilling Story Told by F Klein Who Served on the American Brigantine Jeehossey in 1857 and 1858 BY BONNIE BURNHAM = c = c = c Actively engaged in the thick or the African slave trade In the year 18578 shipping as carpenter on the brigantine Jeehossy which at that time was among the private vosseis evened and operated for the real pur pose of carrying I salable blacks from Africa and other countries to the United States where thev were quiel jy sold and r rt f fn face vitn conditions Interesting as they were full of sensational detail is the unique record of v tri s e of Pen sao las oldest and most esteemed citizens who after having finally settled in this city has resided for 13 years in the land of his adoption Mr Klein who after a remarkable career which would put many of the Modern novels to shame is spending the evening time of his eventful life pleasantly and peacefully at the cor nier of Belmont and Spring streets tills city He has seen the world and has a knowledge and understanding of Its ways in time of war as well as1 peace far beyond that of the average man Among his other excellent traits the old gentleman Is nothing if not quaintly chivalrous and In the shadowy little parlor the other day ie talked long and entertainingly ot his experience In the practice of smuggling the negro In his wild I state which when once bought from traders along the foreign coasts who dealt in the commodity of human ilesh and blood was at oncd stored a away and brought to America where fcc was sold at a handsome profit Shipped In 1857 After having learned the trade or ship carpenter began Mr Klein and having served my time In the Prussian navy I west to Cardiff England and shipped on an Ameri can ship for Charleston South Caro fjtoa I had not been in the city long when I was offered good wages as carpenter on the brigantine Tee IhoBsy Captain Vincent bound for the southwest coast of Africa I ac cepted We had hardly made the neces sary arrangements when tne captain cad every man aboard to the cabin wHjare in a private talk he offered them each the sum of SOO besides I their monthly wages if they would Assist in landing a cargo of slaves In Charleston which was to be secured > n the African coast II was the last to be called j When the plan on foot therefore I was submitted to me and especially when I became aware of the fact that I had been the last man aboard to be called I was insulted It is against the law of the Jand I said and refused outright to be come a party in the transaction I was given 12 hours to reconsider Meanwhile the threatening aspect of the men who knew and who also knew that I knew or the proposition in hand warned me that I had best not back out I returned to the captain I said A carpenter is an officer aboard a ship I am a carpenter and I have been left until the last In view of this I demand 51000 extra for my services in this matter It was readily granted Receives First Order After that there waa better un derstanding among all aboard The voyage continued and we had just hove in sight of land when I re ceived orders to cut tween deck beams from lumber we had carried aboard for that purpose I was told to number them in order that they might be placed In position at an hours notice as we went from one native settlement to another I It was the captains plan to pur sue the usual course of slave traders which was to visit the towns along the coast and to confer with the French and Spanish dealers who kept the blacks for sale These nq roes who had been in turn purchased from some tribe who had recently been at war and who followed the usual custom of selling their prisoners to traders were kept in long stockades along the coast They were given almost anything to eat watered like animals and kept there for the inspection of foreign buyers who would in turn take them on to the United States to be sold 1 into slavery The captain however was to ex perience a slight change in his plans Wild Blacks Take Possession At the very first post where we dropped anchor continued MX Klein we were to get more than we had bargained for As soon as the Meehossy had been sighted from the land three large canoes each manned by 50 or more wild blacks were seen rapidly ap proaching us They were nude excepting for the And many other painful and ISING distressing ailments from I which most mothers suffer can be avoided by using Mothers Friend This rem R IE445lIfr J edy L a Godsend to expect ant mothers carrying them through the critical ordeal with safety No woman who use Mothers Friend need fear the suffering incident to birth for it rob the ordeal of its dread and insures safety to life of mother and child leaving her in a condition more favorable to speedy re 7 covery The child is also MOTflEfll healthy strong and good 1 stur e dOur book containingralna miureu tie information will be seat free irrltiBg to ER BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO H WKA i I Adaata Ga U o BUILDERS AND BUILDING MATERIAL Who they are and where they may be found If you are going to build anything consult The Journals Building Directory I E W PEAKE Expert Electrician and Electrical Contractor Bids on all kinds of jobs Office t In Star Laundry Building East Garden street Phone 955 F M WILLIAMS Contractor and Builder I Windmills Pumps Road Graders Office 204 Blount Bldg Phone 970 1 WICKE CO PLUMBERS i All kinds of bath tubs gas steam S and Electrical Fixtures S Bids furnished on any size jobs W R TAYLOR will put a new gravel roof on your I building on short notice He also Sells Brick Lime Tar Cement etc 209 E Garden Phone 328 S N G DANIEL i CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER S Estimates Furnished on Request Phone 1158 Pensacola l Fiat f i i S a S S S S S I S F FULGHUM General Contractor and Builder Pensacola Fla Phone 3S9 Thos F Wrighton The Old Reliable PAINTER AND PAPER HANGER Been in business here for over 25 years No Job too big none too I small Prices reasonable No 46 W Romana Phone 302 I I Saunders Mill Co 31 E Garden St Phone 717 Sash Doors Blinds and all kinds of Builders Hardware Paints Brushes and Building Material C H TURNER CO CONTRACTORS AND PLUMBERS Brue and Garden Phone 346 Bath Tubs Cabinet Mantels etc I r S S I belt arrangement they wore in which I were thrust knives and other imple ments of warfare Finahythey cam up alongside making many peculiar gesticulations The captain gave them some rumS and they straight way began clambering over the rail Orders were quickly given not to al low any more aboard but they grew fierce and threatening when an at tempt wa made to prevent them from coming It began to look as if the crew was to be overwhelmed 4 Previous to this I had sharpened some old cutlasses which with some old revolvers were quickly distributed among our men The cook was ordered to heat as much water as possible ana to scat ter broken bottles on deck prepara tory to a hand to hand encounter with the visitors The boiling water was to be thrown on the bare bodies of the nc groes should they become more threatening and during the general fistic encounter and scrambling about which was bound to ensue according to our calculations the burly black fellows who of course wore no shoes would be badly cut by the glass a process which would retard their progress in any onslaught which they might plan When the danger appeared at its thicket and the crowd of blacks were becoming more and more un ruly a breeze suddenly sprang up from the land and the captain saw his chance Quickly setting sail he caused the three canoes belonging to the ne groes to be cut adrift and them put on full speed The Meehossy was fairly flying out to sea and far in the distance we could jst discern the three empty canoes of the savages as they bobed helplessly up aud down in the water We had gone perhaps a mile and a half before the natives still on the ship final saw what had happened and that in allowing themselves to be thus duped they had lost their boatsThe The sight of home rapidly slip ping from view didnt appear to look good to them and one by one tne fierce appearing humans dove into the water like rats swimming their way to shore This was probably the most excit ing day of the entire voyage Bargain for Slaves That the good or bad ship Jee hossy did finally come into direct i comunicatlon with real slave traders is further proved by the remainder of the interesting narrative The next day continued Mr Klein we came to a little town call ed Acra It was here that the cap tain and supercargo went ashore ani completed a bargain for a number ot slaves which were to be taken aboard I never knew how much the aver age trader charged for his slaves neither could I find out That gen erally remained a secret with the cap tain After the deal wag closed the ea being rough we decided to await a calm before taking the negroes aboard That was to be a disastrous wait for all hands The next day to our surprise an American war vessel came within speaking distance She exchanged civilities with us leaving almost immediately Close on her trail came another war vessel We had begun to be somewhat suspicious and when she proved to be an English manowar we knew that our fears had not been unfounded Her officers had proiJ ably decided to ascertain the nature of the business in which we were en gaged Finally a boat was lowered and an officer came aboard He shoo hands with the captain and super cargo and without any investigation whatever returned to his ship Some one said that he and our captair were Free Masons and that we har nothirg to fear But we were mistaken A second officer suddenly made it his business to pay us a visit and succeeded i overhauling and disclosing everything There were the iron bars with hand cuffs attached iron grating for tfcf hatches sacks of red bread and ric with which we had intended to le the negroes and also the betwee deck beams which I had lately mad and numbered The captain made numerous ej discs but to no avail Ve wer taken aboard the manowar whos II name we learned to be The Falcon and kept under strict surveilance for ten days There was not a man among us however who failed to keep mum and we were finally re turned to our own vessel You have taken us for thieves said our captain to the Englishmen and we will just wait around in these waters until an American manowar comes by and squares accounts for us In reality however we hoped to outstay the Britishers who still en tertained serious suspicions regarding lour movements and then take on 01110 cargo of slaves After two month j waiting however e were forced to i give up and nut for home without j so much as a single black aboard Hccsivcd No Money j I Thus it was even heron thr grat I civil war coiul hd broken whm the savE iraJe had begun oin its I j way into the law and rule of a great I j acd glorious country lie the rancirt I II j growing cancer that it was that the II brigantine Toehohsy Jinzlly re wr I ed to the port of Charleston on lwv in the spring of 185S slit a very I unfortunate financial venture She had been beseiged at every turn by continued ill fortune Her crew received their monthly wage j but the extra mosey which was tr 1 have been pon in case till trip Iud been successful was of course with 1 held heldThe The captain had suffered must He had made the trip iiractiMly 1 without remuneration for his pain and his close approach to success did I not tend to improve his mental atti tude in the matter rf The crew scattered Mr Klein I went to New York and after sowing several years of service finaiv came to Florida and Iss been a resiJenf of this city since the year 1S85 A Burglar in Town his name is had cough He doesnt care for goldor silver but he will steal your health away If he appears in your house arrest him at once with Ballards Horehound Syrup It may mean consumption if you dont A cure for all coughs colds and chest trou bles Price 25c 50c and 100 per botj tie tieSold and recommended S by W AI DAlemberte druggistand apothecary 121 Sbirfn Palafox street Penisa oln Fla Paving the Way I George said the pretty girl l know youre awful bashful f This was portentous with leap year so new He blushed assent And youd have proposed 1C me j except for that I This too he was bound to acknowl j edge I edgeWell Well I would have acepted she went on and so thats settled Discussing the matter laser she ex j pressed a natural pride that she had not taken advantage of the season j Philadelphia Ledger I Subscribe for The Journal i I About the greatest man that ever lived in this community was Dug Skinner broadminded bighearted and brilliant and yet he died with all his talents and goodness unjii > pected 0 How did you come to find out i about it I married his widow Houston Post i j A LONG TRAIN Of physical l frllom no Trth r ce tnan I Jnj > o > T bd r mp i H j Rhtaicatjm y i aTea tirrj Pile K 3r cnr Nrs Deb My SI rlcnncss DrIpf4AIczeTAa are I few d tbcm S Kottorers Excelsior I Blood Purifier i CUm all th c It far rapr T to all the = I Jlntli tie Cupior JlaJre ik ppe rll Sfiirs the vid y one jm 5 I t 1120 r tai HIT vt t > > ot r i tf > cfal I and 5It Tlh ini In tTo > 2 p > n < nc yirMf t it The nirf3lce of KLTTCKERs ECCT7SinR Bit > rrrsirTER guarantee that I itirlc a 4 < is a < 3 Pnc IT OO a boe 3IannJat S by I THE FV KEITERER MEDICINE CO i c Jacfcsonrnie Fla iI iI If I I I j i FRENCH MARKET COFFEEI Beautiful as well as useful presents FREE with this Standard Brand of Coffee A handsome CUP and SAUCER packed in every 4 Ib lithographed paiL All other sizes contain Coupons for presents I THE GREAT EDUCATIONAL CONTEST Closes Dec 1 1908 Read and save the Yellow Contest Coupons found in every can It may mean S 10000 FOR YOU iI For particulars ask your grocer or write I CONTEST DEPARTMENT I PiEW ORLEANS COFFEE CO LTD NEW ORLEANS S A S S w LINKS Some Pointed as Well BROKENLINKS p as Eloquent Comment ii By Vandelia Varnum Thomas WellKnown Lecturer and Writer on Current Events DeFuniak Springs Florida ID = = = There was an article recently in 1 The Journal that reminded The of Joe I Lincolns characterization of Uncle Daniel Hank He says the other parlys foots Cause thrv dont vote his way He says the feebleminded schools I Is where they ought ter stay If he was law their mouths hed shut Or blow them all ter smash He says their platforms nawthin but A great big mess of trash Says I Djsr ever read it Dan You btt I aint says he And when 1 do well 1 tell yon Vfl let you know by gee iSorr frs reckon more or less I t7c or i6 tjirufc their mind i Ani tqeiiiftq IkerJate or guess nut tPJII sint DasiTs kind I I The LorJ knovi all things great or i snudl i WiMi doubt lies never vexed I HP in His wPdom kuwn it nil But Donl Fank came next I Says I Kow dyer cnow youre right I U How do I know says hf I Well now I nun I know by glint Im right because I bo P SIt was not editorial Xo fact is more patent in this year of the Lord than the lack of enthus I iasai for Tilt I have sen no paper that evince the slichte symptom of it and aT the influential paragraph err and corrercidents of former cam paigns seem to have lost their bear 4S m j WT t I Were r Strong I I in several ways The unusual beauty of tij I our Pall Woolens is a tower of strength itself and the fit and style of our suits adds much to I the strength of our rep utation i I Fall Suits j I Tailored to Taste I 2000 TO 5000 U j j II PRICKETT PERSON 6 f ARDNE 1 I PRICl GERSON GARDl F TAILORS U Brent UBuilding I Incorporated I FRANK 8 QARDNBR Managou I iS WHOS YOUR S BAKER I w i BREAD S I I and I BUTTER i I All little children want bread and butter between nlcals and if the bread is II of the right kind it will I not hurt them Give them lots of it Our bread is always the right i kind It makes miscle and bone It is made of the best material obtain able White and pure r Our cakes sre also very I delicious Ask our driver i to visit YOU every day Phone 242 I The F I I I West Florida 1 Steam Bakery I ings They remind one of the im promptu speakers in old college days whose stammering efforts would likely in the end turn up on both sHies or the question Walter Wellnmns ar ticles in the Chicago RecordHerald have helped Bryan fully as much as Taft Even the cartoonists seem to be canned A sickly smile is about the most they attempt to call forth Where is Davenport to arouse the spirit of 96 But why should Taft arouse any enthusiasm One hours spontaneous and vociferous screeching at the Chi cago convention for Roosevelt by the galleries and outsiders and twenty minutes of artificial hurrahing Ion Taft by the delegates primed for the occasion This tells the story He is not the peoples candidate Some are afraid he will carry out Roosevelts policies whatever they may be no one knows and others are afraid he will not but none know him very well and fewer yet care to This does not mean that he is not a good man Good men are spotting down the surface of the earth every where If they were rare Taft might he the peoples idol But it takes more than goodness or ability or re commendation of friends for leader ship The first visit an aspirant for lyceum honors pays to a Uceinn bu reau he is likely to load up with a ton or so of encomiums of press and personal notices The fellow at the desk will push them aside as so much froth which tbc mostly are saying hI dcnt care for this truck What do the people say How often are you called back to the same place The people never called Taft if they elect him it will be through the inertis of the other party It is probably true that Roosevelt would have swept everything before him had he consented to run Not that he is a better man than Bryan On the contrary he is neither as good or as able to my thinking Many men in public life have made mis takes that terminated more disas trously than those of Theodore Roose velt but no one in memorys time has made suoh unreasonable petulant not to say impudent breaks His treatment of old and honored officials like General Miles and many others in military and civil circles his re peated endorsement and advancement of friends like Paul Morton and others found guilty of offenses ol the law or breaches of public trust his continued appointment of trust employes to places of public honor his unheard of discourtesy to the writers of child and animal life his headlong plunge into the Brownsville affair usurping the rights of judge and jury his peanut political manipu lations to control New York or win over the city of Cleveland his assum ing the power to fashion and stamp the coin of the country his public and imperious discharge of an innocent pilot on his waterway trip with the governors and recently his butting iI if we may so term it into the discipline of West Point by attempt ing to reinstate some expelled cadets all these and many more grievous mistakes of etiquette and assumption of power have been his Often he has had to retract and always the in cidents have been humiliating I hope Ill not be imprisoned for lese majeste Yet there has been so much in Roosevelt that the people liked these hotheaded blunders have hen largely overlooked But while they like him they are in no wise bound to like everyone he may choose to force upon them It is unfortunate when any one attempts to dictate who his successor shall be It remains now for the democrats to make the most of the indifference and Tukewarnrness of their opponents I may be wrong but it seems as though they do not realize their vantage ground this year It is quite possible they do not appreciate Bryan He is a long way in advance of one wing of i H I Fall ofI Specialties We arc receiving a full line of fall specialties All fresh and fine Your stomach needs a change now and if YOU will phone us we will make suggestions Ye want your trade and we are sure you will want to trade with us after a months trial We u ual Iy keep our customers il HOYTBROSCO 14 West Garden Street Phone 812 1 1 the party so fur perhaps that it mn not reaize his gent leadership H T it clean honest just and able A conservative as Roosevelt and unlike him is not a revolutionist No op ponent has over been able to moec him squarely before the people Money has defeated him but not all the combined strength of capital or official power has vanquished him even for a day Under the limelight for fourteen years every leading paper against him his own party contribn iug to his defeat slandered and ridi culed as few men have ever been ht has never lost his poise always a gen tleman always a friend of the people dignified in speech affable in manner magnetic in leadership Whether in or out of the white house he is the first citizen of the country Where is John Temple Graves bfeln to these clays May be he is prepar ing some of those startling chautau qua addresses I can see him and his waiting audience It is a great moment when the dignified manager on chairman rises to Introduce ttm well known and popular speaker whose addresses have charmed and swayed the multitudes The writer remembers an occasion when the chair man after exhausing most of the adjectives began fishing for the name It was on a card in some ol his pockets but he relied on mem ory I now take great pleasure in introducing the renowned vest pocket one side then the other in side coat pocket outside coat pocket hip pockets no card to be found The audience snickered and tho renown ed proceeded to oharm etc without a name I can see him turn to Mr GraTes Excuse me but what is your full name That is one method to pur sue when the whole name is a blank ilr John Temple Graves will pro ceed to give his whole name Let rue see continues the chair man in a whisper Let me see You are running forr Vicepresident sheopishly Certainly vyiepresldent of course but excuse me I am so busy but but what party John Temple aside Confound it the Willie Hearst party Why yes of course of course Im afraid be Is aick sick of his job If Pensacola wants to see some thing doing take a walk up to DeKun iak Things are rustling here More building large important building than in any one season before but we need moch more We need colleges and apartment houses and another hotel for the tourist season Is near at band and it promises to be large Order Your S Fall Suits Now Let us take your meas ure now for that fall suit and you may have it de livered to you any time next Christmas if you like We make it to suit you and guarantee a per fect fit Hundreds of pretty samples to choose from Our fashion plates show all the styles for fall and winter We save you from 25 to 33 13 per cent on your tailormade clothes Try us I D 6 I MAYERS Merchants Hotel Building J Smile Smile and the world smiles with you There is sure to be lots of smiles if you insist on Red Heart Beer for yours It is the beer that touches the exact spot every time Only lOc a bottle The Lewis Bear Company Sole Agents 5