= > l i I S 1 > F 4 > 1 I I 1 Jr 4 y t H < C THE PENSAGOLA JOURNAL SATIJKDAY MORNING OCTOBER 17 1908 E B HOFFMAN SONS SEMIMONTHLY PRICE LIST THESE PR1CESBP INTO EFFECT SATURDAY OCT 17 AND HOLD GOOD FOR THE NEXT 2 WEEKS PROVIDING THERE IS NO GREAT CHANGE IN THE MARKET DURING THAT TIME c CORNER GREGORY AND TARRAGONA STREETS PHONE 825 WE GIVE THE LOWEST PRICE POSSIBLE WE DO NOT MAKE YOU PAY FOR OTHER PEOPLES BAD ACCOUNTS NEW GOODS Ppache3 Evaporated per Ib 14 Rateine Seedless pkg 09 s Citron per Ib 16 Meat Loaf veal flavor < 10 Stove Pipe Gm per Joint 13 t Stove Pipe Elbow 61 each 13 Apples Evaporated lib pkg 09 Axe Handles straight 18 Axe Handles curved 10 Axes without handles 75 Butter Renovated per Ib 50 Butter Creamery lib pkgs Ask Price k P Blacking 2ml OS Baskets split 04 Brooms No 7 Perfection 5 strings 30 Brooms No C prood value 4 strings 28 Broom No5 Winner 4strings 23 Brooms XO 3 strings 15 Baking Powder Rumford Soz 13 Baklnr Powder Rumford 16os < 25 13akl8K Powder Royal 6oz 19 Baking Powder Royal Q oz r 48 Baking Powder Watermelon lOor 05 Baking Powder Watermelon 20os 09 Baking Powder Campbell Sor 05 Baking Powder Campbell 16oz 09 Baking Powder Good Luck IGoz 03 Baking Powder Parrot and Monkey s cents or2 tar 1 U 09 Brushes Scrub small 04 Bluing Miller tall box 04 JJBlulng Liquid pet bottle cu 05 Beane Eric Cut 21b can 10 Beans String Nunison 21b cans 09 Beans Lima Numeon 21b can 09 Beans with Tomato Sauce Winsom Brand 13c 2 for 25 Beans with Pork and Tomato Sauce lib can 05 Beans with Perk and Tomato Sauce Van Camps 21b cans 14 Bean wltfr Forte and Toraate Sauce Van Camps 31b caps 19 Beans Cut Wax 21b cans 13cor 2 Mr 2 Il Beans Red Kidney 21b cans 09 1 Beans Cut Refugee Erie 21b cans 10 Beans Lima lbcan8 Wlnsom Brand 13cts or 2 for 25 c JUDGE r TAFT > TIN OF TENNESSEE J epulilican Nomipee Deliv ered Eleven Speeches in the State I Says He Cannot See Why a Man Should Be a Demo crat as There is Nothing ButHistoric Tradition De manding Those of the South to Vote the Ticket I By Associated Press Bristol Penn Oct 16 Judge Wil liam H Tafts keynote for Tennessee and the south < was struck by the can didate at Chattamooga this morning Throughout the day which he spent In traversing tho state he followed the same line of argument and met with the same hearty response With verbal amplifications Judge Taft em phasized this argument With the materl interest of the outh dependent upon the continuance of Republican policies with nothing but historic traditiona demanding its people to vote the Democratic ticket parrying meanwhile for the success of Republicanism with the Southern De mocracy nothing but a tail to the northern Democracy JtTte then why not now tAke the fit political cold plunge and go pelltJcaHy where the m rlal laterestk of the country de roaBd and vote the Republican elect So great was the demand for the candidate that his itinerary in tho atia was Increased to cloven stops He spoKe during the day and eveaing at CSattenooga Cleveland Athens Sv twter Lowjan Lenolr City Knoxville Morrjttown Greenville JoansonCity and Bristol Only One BROMQ QUININE That Is LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN INE Look fortho signature of EV GROVE Used tho World over to Cure a Cold ia One Day 25c PHONE 870 FRIEDMAN DRY GOODS s COMPANY MB MM BnBV MB Mm Appeal to Democrats More Fds Required Continued from First Page being inaintained entirely by voluntary contributions If you and every mem her of YQur organisation will con tribute only a dime each it will go far Toward enabling us to continue ihe work we have undertakes In return for each dime or contribution we will send a copy of our official organ Democracy for the next six months Wont you please put this matter to the members of your association at your next meeting and give us such support and encouragemeat as you can If your association has not already selected two members to serve on the b execijtivQ committee of the National Democratiq League it is hoped that you wiH 3o so at tho next meeting of your organization It you have not already done owo will appreciate your sending us im mediately the names and addresses of te sewiy elected officers of your club and all other organizations that iavo been formed in your district to whom we cas send campaign litera ture and other matter for distribu tion iDo it now before you forget it As a mosJis raisins revenues to help maintain its headquarters cover the cost of preparing and sending out Beans Cut Refugee favorite Brand 21b cans 14 Beans Boston Baked large cans 09 Beans Lima Dry per lb 08 Beans White Navy per Ib 06 CANNED BEEF Corned lib cans 14 Roasted lib cans uu 14 Chipped lb cans 14 Cottage 21b cans 24 Burners No1 ° ° Burners No 2 08 Codfish lib brick 07 Crackers Efcelall 6 for u 25 Cheece Creamery perlb 19 Coffee Cafe Du Monde lib pkg 24 Coffee Hoffmans Special Ground ISc per b2 for va Coffee ground per Ib 15 Coffee Rio greep IScts Ib 2 for 25 Coffee French Opera 41b pail 95 Coffee Dixie Land 41b pall with cup and saucer SP Coffee Santos per Ib f H 20 Cakes National Ask Price Corn Meadow Brand 08 Corn Snow Flake 12 Cocoa Nelsons 09 Cocoa Bakers lb cans 25 Clothes Pins 2doz for 05 Candles 3 for 05 Catsup Erie ICcL size 09 Catsup Hoffman House 09 Catsup Blue Label 25 Catsup Tabasco Campbells 09 Clothesline Cotton 50 ft for < OS Chile Carne Walker lib can 09 Cards Playlnsr 1 ° Corn Flakes Kelloggs lOcts 2 for 19 Cream of Wheat la Cottolenc 4Ib buckets 50 Deviled Ham Underwoods 30 DRUGS Royalino Oil 25 Antiseptic Wampoles 50 Liver Regulator Simmons In pkgs per pks 25 Soothing Syrup Winslows 25 Syrup of Figs California 23 Salts Epsom lb pkg 05 S S literature and meet other legitimate expense of the campaign the liague officiate have made A arrangements wi1i Mr T F Gayn r of New York City tie inventor of the Hieroglyphic Bryan and Kern pin described in the within circular letter whereby the League will derive a percentage of profit from the sale of these pins which have been indorsed by Colonel Bryan and various national and state leaders The pin is a decided novelty and an effective campaign emblem and vre urge you and every member of your club ahd all other oa Demo crats to procure some of them and help us to raise funds to carry on our campaign Show your loyalty and give us a helping hand We trust that this appeal may meet withNa prompt and ener response Sincerely yours for Democratic suc cess Vq LJEiLTSR Chmn L G WARrI Sefr LAMAR COURT HOUSE PIGH TSTILL WAGING By Associated Press Montgomery Ala OcL 16The court house controversy Lamar county has not yet been settled although though State Examiner Joan Purifoy has been several weeks investigating the rights to signers to petitions to vote Snlligont is making a valiant fight however to move the county seat from Vernon where It has been for many years Judge Purifoy makes the statement that he has found the names of scores of men who thought they had a rlgt to vote but nave not such right because of failure to pay Rome of the poll tax since the draft ing of ihe new constitution In his opinion future years will see a cloud upon the right tQ vqte of a sreat many citizens as a result of poll tax provi sion and believes that something ought to be done to offset this unfor tunate possibility CAUGHT SEVENTY FIVE TROUT A fishing party composed of Mrs SF Bogart Mrs R Parlse Messrs F W Dennis Jr B C Rutledge and W L Bogart spent a pleasant after noon at the Marine Hallway yester day The party made the trip in the launch Mignon and were very sUe Sessful in catching fish Seventy five silver trout were caught within an hour and a half tae ladies catch ing most of them DISCUSSING DEMONSTRATION csy Associated Press Vienna Oct 16The possibility of an Austrian naval demonstration in Turkish waters in case the official protest against the boycott of Aus trian goods in Turkey brings no re sult is being discussed in Vienna MEDICAL END SESSION Specla to The Journal Louisville Ky Oct 16The Mis sissippi Valley Medical Asociation concluded its annual convention after electing the following cers Presi dent Dr J A Witherspoon Nashville Tenn7 first vice president Dr Louis Frank Iouisville second vice presi dent Dr Albert E Sterne Indianapo lie Secretary Dr Henry E Tuley Louisville treasurer Dr S C Stan ton Chicago St Louis was selected as the next meeting place 4 GERMAN EMPEROR J GIVES APPROVAL J By Associated Press Budapest Oct 16The em 4 peror gave an audience today 4 to German Ambassador Herr 4 Von Tacfeirsky who presented 4 a leter from Emperor William 4 expressing his aprovalot the 4 annexation Bosnia and Her 4 zegovina and assuring the Aus 4 trian emperor of Germanys en 4 tire support in the present sit 4 uation 4 + Emperor William is thusthe 4 + first sovereign to reply to Em 4 peror Franci Josephs letter annbuBciag annexation of the 4 9 provinces and 3jis decided atti 4 4 tude gives great satisfaction 4 + bere 4 4 5 4 t c S l > i S + < u Castorla Fletchers T f 33 Castor OH Flask 03 I Castor 011 round bottle rO5 Talcum Powder Mennens a o 23 Parejjgrjc t > A 03 Ammonia lOc size r r j OS Borax Powdered u 04 Mustang Liniment 23 Teethum Powdered 23 Eggs Ask PrIce Extract JSauers Lemon < Vanilla 9cts or1 for Su 25 Extracts WeLiKJ Strawberry Banana Orange and Pineapple 3 cts or 3tor r u 25 CHICKEN FEED Corn per Jb 1 u 02 Oats per Ib 2 4 Chops per Ib 02 Wheat 100lb sack 225 Wheat per Ib 2 Scratch Feed lOOlb sack 225 I Scratch Feed per Ibr 2 fl Chick Feed lOOlb saCKn u 225 Chick Feed per lb 2a 1 File for Gumbo per lb CO 1 FLOUR Flour 7 barrel > wood 312 Flour ybarrel sack u < v 284 Flour 241b sack 70 Flour 121b sack 35 Flour 61b sack 20 Grits C F lllb peck 30 Ginger lRed Rock qt 20 Grape Nuts per pkg > 14 Hominy Large cans Van Camps 03 Hamburger Steak 10 Honey In Comb 13cts or 2 for 25 Ink Black per bottle un 04 Jcllo Powder per Pkgr u 09 i Jello Ice Cream Powder 10 JAMS AND PRESERVES Jam Beachnut Grape 10 Jam L P C 9 cts 2for 17 Jam CJipper lib cans 09 Preserves Goodmans Best 23 Preserves L P C Compound 09 Jelly New Era 09 Jelly Tumblers L P C 09 Jelly American Preserve Co glass lOc 2 for u 13 Roosevelt Believes Taft and Sherman W Have 306 Electoral Votes in Nov G O P Also Has Chaiie in Colorado and Mary land SAYS HITCHCOCK IS GOOD CHAIRMAN Executive Thinks Nebraska > and Indiana Will Be Counted For Ohioan Washington D C Oct 16 Presi dent Roosevelt believes that Taft and Sherman will have about 306 electo ral votes He realizes that it has been a fight with a great doubt created but he is convinced that things are going well with the repub licans and with hard work he ex pects to see Taft beat Bryan not quite two to ont and he expects to see Governor Hughes reejected President Roosevelt has beena pretty good judge of political events He predicted just after the last dele gates to the Chicago convention were elected that Taft would have about 70Q delegates He bad 702 Claims Doubtful States The president it is understood claims all the states classed as doubtful with republican leanings New York Idaho Kansas and Wis consin with sixtyfive elector He also claims as safely republican the state of Ohio South Dakota and Utah thirty electors He Is almost prepared to claim Nebraska and In diana and while he regards hese states as close he believes they will both cast their electoral yotes for Taft TaftThe president it i = said also re affording a good chance to the repub gards Colorado and Maryland as licans but these states are not in cluded in the claim ho is making to his friends President Roosevelt realizes that a 1 Sensation Developed in the Trial of Chas W Morse S in New York Morse Had His Office Boy to Sign Notes Crediting the Enormous Sums So Secured to Morse100 000 Per Week Sometimes v Borrowed By Associated Frees New York Oct 16Leslle Whiting a youth of nineteen until recently a I 12 per week clerk in a brOkers of fice was the star witness today at the trial of Charles W Morse the finan cial man nad promoter who with Al fred H Curtis fonnerpresident of the National Bank of North America 13 I charged with having violated the na tional banking laws In the testimony of Edward P I Mosey the government bank exam I iner it was revealed that a person I named LeslleE Whiting had been one ot the banks heaviest borowecs at one time owing the institution as I J S Jelly Wllco glass r 10 Kraut large cans Van Camps 09 i Lemons per doz 20 Lamps Kitchen Reflector 25 I Lamp Hand filled with oil ready to light wO Lye Potash Storbcrs 5c 2 for 09 I LARDS I Lard Leaf bulk per Ib 12h Lard Silver Leaf IQlb palls 132 I Lard Silver Leaf 51b pails 67 Lard Snow Flake lOlb palls 110 1 Lard Snow Flake Bib pails 57 Lard Compound bulk per Ib 10 NO CREDIT 5 CONDENSED AND EVAPORATED MILK Milk Magnolia 10 Milk Winner 10 Matches 5 cts or 2 for 09 Mustard Colburns 09 Mustard Jones 09 Mucilage 05 MEATS Meats D S Bellies 12Y Meat Bacon wrapped 15 Meats D S Shoulder 10 If we have to cut them 11 Meat Bacon Shoulder 11 If we have to cut them 12 Hams Dove Picnic 13 Hams Swifts Premium Ask Price Hams weighed at time of sale Mackerel large ones 10 Mushrooms Imported 30 + e 44 14 + + + + + List of Taft States As J Claimed by Roosevelt t I i The table of Taft states accord 4 ing to the presidents Idea Is about as follows California 10 New Jersey 12 4 I Connecticut 7 North Dakota 4 Delaware 3 Ohio 23 4 Illinois 27 Oregon 4 4 I Iowa 13 Pennsylvania 35 4 Idaho 7 S South Dakota 4 Indiana 15 Rhode Island 4It Kansas 10 Utah It Maine 6 Vermont 4 4 Massachusetts 16 Washington 5 4 Michigan 14 West Virginia 74 Minnesota 11 Wisconsin 13 4 Nebraska Wyoming s + + ew york rffW 4 New Hampshire f TotaI30 l I tremendous fight Es being made on Governor Hughes in New York state but at the same time he believes it will fail just as the campaign which was made agatest him failed in 1898 At that tim the brewers liquor dealers and others had an enor mous fund which they ied in an en deavor to elect the democratic candi date for governor The president is in leartiest sym pathy with Governor Highes There is no legitimate effort In beaalf of the governor that he will not make The governors stumpUg tour of Western states for th + republican national ticket at the s Tiflce of his own campaign in New 10rk has ap pealed to the President as nothing else could havo done je te person ally communicating with every mem ber of the state maohno he has written them personal otters urging them to loyally support Hughes and thus far only one important county leader has failed to re ond to his note Uphold Hugh Some of the president caller ex pressed the opinion thail in view of the governors efforts foX the nation al ticket the entire repiblican ma chine would fall in behin the gover nor and polls and straw Votes which showed the state ticket peak would 12 PER WEEK OFFICE BOY BORROWED qJgtOOp much as 310000 There was hardly a week to go by in 1907 testimony showed that Whiting did not borrow 100000 or more giving Ice stocks principally as security It always appeared on th rordds Bteghowever t aat tfe enormous sums borrowed were crated to the account of Morse The witness e plained in answer tovquestins that hq had been sent ot the bank by his em ployers to sign the notes He also saidhe did not think his employer knew he was not of age Washington and a lag While British occupiet Philadel phia aid the American foce lay in winter quarters at Valley Forge one day as Washington amd hisjrtaff were I dining a fine hunting dog Thich was evidently lost came to seek something to eat On its collar was he name < General Howe Washingtaj ordered tIi lithe dog shoifld be fed a d then he sent it to philadelphia undei a flag of truce with a letter reading General Washingtons compliments1 Gee Howe He does himself tbi pleasure t return to him a dog wuch acci dentally fell into h hands aid by the collar to b inscription on the coliarappeirs be long to General Howe T e British CtTn reply Bet a csxllal let ter oveg pfetrarBi tbaiilirfor t act of courtesy his enemy1 fr S S S Meal Gonzalez lllb peck 30 Macaroni 1hJb pkg 5c or 2 for 09 Macaroni Spaghetti i lb pkg 5e or 3for 03 Macaroni Elbow lb pkgr 5c or 2 for 09 Nutmegs 8 for 05 Nails per Ib 7 04 Onions per pk 30 Oil per gal 13 OH Cans Glass 1 gal 23 Oil Cans Galvanised 1 gal 20 Oat Meal per pkg 10 Olive Oil Plaglnol pts 27 Olives Large bottle 23 Paper Toilet roll OS Potatoes Irish per pk 30 Potatoes Sweet per pi 23 Pigs Feet lib cans 14 Pigs Feet 2 halves for 05 Pencils Rubber Tips 5 for 05 Pec sKod ones 04 Potted Meats Ham Flavor 04 Postum Jarge 23 Postum small 13 Pineapple sliced 21b can IS Pineapple grated 10c or 2 for 19 pineapples cubes 09 PEACHES I Peaches Georgia Beauties large S cans 20 Cts 2 for HU 39 Peaches PIe Georgia Beauties largo cans 09 Peaches Royal Red large cans 24 Peaches Tiger Brand large cans 2Scts or 2 fort 45 2Sct PEAS Peas Sweet Wrinkled 21b cans ISe or2 for vp 25 Peas Early June 21b cans 10 Peas Sifted 21b cans 12 Peas Black Eyes California per lb 07 PICKLES Jickles Hymans Mixed qt jaru 24 Pickles Hymans Lily Hot jt jars 24 Elcklefl Hymans ChdwChow qt jars 24 Pickles sweet mixed lOc size 09 Pickles sour mixed lOc size 09 Pickles ChowChow lOc size OD Asserts That Bryan Will Be Beaten Almost Two to One 5 EXPECTS HUGHES TO 3E REELECTED The President Claims All States as Doubtful With S Republican Leanings only spur the organization on to greater efforts It was learned that Herbert Par ions when he last called on the presi dent expressed the opinion that he had entirely misunderstood the gov ernor and since Mr Hughes political campaign tour throughout the west he would work for him even Eiarder than he would for the national tick et because the governbr needed it more I was predicted that the re ception that Governor Hughes would have in New York city would aston ish the country Jews for Taft Regarding the situation among the foreign born voters In NeW York it was explained that they are a good deal mixed up The Jews at this time have a trend toward Taft butnot toward Hughes the Irish voters have a strong trdfed toward Taft while the Germans have a trend toward Bryan and also toward Chanler Notwithstanding reports from New YQrk that the president Is dissatis fied with Frank H Hitchcocks man agement of the campaign it can be said that the president is standing by IVIr Hitchcock He realizes that Mr Hitchcock has had a very difficult task and that he has been criticised by elements in the party that have fought to run him Every time Mr Hitchcock is criticised by this opposi tion the president says that Mr Hitchcock has done very well and that he believes in him 511 DONATED TO BOOK FUND 1 The Amount Increased the Total on Hand to the Sum of 128 The school book fund was yester I day swelled 0128 as 1 was con tributed during the day to the fund whch is being rarsea for the purpose of supplying books for the poor chil ren of the city It is hoped the do tiauons will continue as good today yesterday and the day previous The fund now stands I eviously acknowledged11700 sh 1000 tsh 7 100 Total 1280U t Memory Training f aaen oaly realized how great an t in life i a retentive memory they w4ild take care to see that their chit dr4i were properly trained The ir plest method consists 1 learning ev day a few lines by heart None rom faculties c b tae M as that or memory SfnHgart FaribenbIatt k 1 i Pickles Crosse BlackweU Chow Blackwell Chow 3S Rice Fancy Head per lb i OS SUGAR Sugar granulated per lb 5i Sugar granulated 171bs Coz for 100 Sugar granulated Sibs lloz for 50 Sugar granulated 4lbs 5oz for 25 Sugar granulated Ibs 7oz for 20 Sugar granulated 21b lOoz for 15 Sugar granulated lib loz for 10 Sugar granulated lloz for 05 Soups van Camps lib cans 09 Soups Libbys lib cans n 09 SYRUPS Syrup barrel per gal 60 Syrup compound 21b can 09 Syrup Alaga 21b cans ISc or2 for 25 Syrup Alaga pral 33 Syrup Peacock 21b cans 13c or 2 for 25 Syrup Sweetheart ga n liS Syrup Sweetheart 1 gal 5 Syrup Klggep In Cane Patch 1 gal 32 S rup gal Nigger In Cane Patch 38 Syrup Maple with Jock candy 33 Sat 21b package n 04 Sardines American < R for 25 Sardines ImporteM I3cor 2for a 25 Soda Arm Hammer t 04 Shells Shot Gun 12gage 43e or 2 for < 85 Shrimp dry lib cans 10 SAUCE Sauce Cranberry 14 SauceTTucatan 09 Sauce Pepper Small 09 Sauce Pepper Large 23 Sauce Red Snapper 23 Sauce Lee Perrhl 28 Sauce Chill 14 Salad Dressing Durkees 25 c T > rf > lnt Campbells 09 qausage Vienna can 09 SPICES Spice Whole per Ib 20 Cloves whole per Ib 20 Ground Allspice Cloves Cream of Tartar Cinnamon Ginger and Mace Gets pkg or 2 for 09 CANVASBACK I DRAMA NUT A PASSING FAD The S Vaudeville Houses of New York Now Show ing Moving Pictures BUILDING CODE COMMITTEE OF NEW YORK HAS PUT ITS FOOT DOWN ON SKYSCRAPERS OF FUTURETHEY MUST NOT c < EXCEED 365 FEET HIGH IS NOW THE LIMIT By Glen Guernsey Guernsey New York Oct GAny parson entertaining the idea that canvass back drama is only a passing fad that will soon die out is In error This is shown by the number of large New York theatres formerly devoted to vaudeville burlesque and melo drama which have been transformed into moving bay houses with the i general admission atn dime a throw The Fourteenth Strcet Theatre is the latest addition to the ranks of the add1 canvassbacks and signs are not lacking that other theatres will soon toUowsul Already there are near ly a dozen bigand expensive hou3es iozen representing a large investment de voted to this form of amusement in addition to the hundreds of near theatres with gaudy fronts which cater to the flveccnt patrons The existence of all these places has had a decidedly bad effect upon tae box office receipts of the regular vaude ville houses The Salome craze served for a lime to tract patronage to the vaudeville theatres but the sensational limits in that direction have apparently been reached and the managers of vaudeville houses are in deepest despair Stop Skyscraping New York Is inordinately proud of its skyscrapers The Metropolitan Lie Building which Is 676 feet In height and the Singer Building which projects into the atmosphere 612 feet are looked upon as architec tural achievements which will soon be surpassed In the brain of every New Yorker is a vision of the future when the skyline will show airpierc ing structures which will inalte tie highest edifices oft the pr sent appear pygmylike Vain dream The Build ing Cede Revision Committee h sset ItSAfoot down on the skyscrapers metaphorically sneaking and 1 its recommendations are adopted the SIng rad Metropolitan Life build ings will btI last of their kInd Threehundredandfjfty feet is quite high enough for any building In the opinion of the members of the com mittee and then only when the edi fices face upon a park spuare or plaza I the Board of Aldermen acts favorably upon this recommendation the skyscraper is apparently doomed Lure of the City October is the month when New York receive its greatest accession of population from the country dis tricts and this month has not proven an exception Farms villages and small cities all over the country are furnishing their quota t the teeming millions of the metropollsv Most of these arrivals are young1 people of both sexes who see iu the greatest city of the land an opportunity to ps play their ability For the young person from the country who has gained an expert knowledge in some particular line NewYork often offers fulfillment of the fondest hopes Asa rule em ployers prefer boys and girls from the country and mall tojwJS asthey are usually more anxious to succeed and less susceptible t the dissipa I 17 r r Pepper whole perlb t s Pepper gru dpI1 39 TOp grind p ppfer at time of sale Salmon pppr cans IS Salmon cheap tall cans 10 SOAP SOAP POWDER AND STARCH Soap Octagon 6 bars for 25 Soap P G Naptha sets or 2 for 03 Soap Ideal Sets ort for h 03 Soap Sweet Maria 05 Soap California Medicated green gen 9cts or 3 for 25 4 Soap Fain oval shape 05 t ovs Soap Ivory n 05 Soap Grandpas Wonder 05 Soap Sc1rlnlPloee u 04 Soap Scourall Ot Soap Sapolio 08 v Soap Bon Ami 08 Soap Powdered StarvJtophtha o Soap Pearllne n 05 Soap Powdered English Crystal 04 Starch Celluloid Sots or 2 for 03 Starch Cornirb package > 09 Starch Pearl Bulk per Ib 05 Tomatoes Clipper 21b cans t 07 Tomatoes Clipper Sib cans 5 Ol Tomato Pulp for Soup EC orBfor 09 Tea Heno all sizes per lb gi Tea Tetleys 141b 10 Tea Tetleya Ulb 20 Tea Tokay per Ib 60 Thread Coates 05 Tongue ILunch jlb cans 18 Tongue Lunch lib cans 30 Tapioca Pearl lib full weight per pakkage 10 or 2 for 19 TINWARE Buckets 2 qt OS Strainers small 10 Sifters Crank 11 Wash Basins small 01 Graters 05 Vinegar Fit per ga n 30 Wash Boards Wooden 15 Wash Boards double side H 25 Wash Boards Brass King 43 Wash Boards Glass 35 Whet Shredded per pkg 1 S I tion that shatter the energy of do city youth The young man of ability wjho has i a capacity for hard work has no reason N I son to fear New York The born and bred metropolitan youth may be able to put up a better front and for a time may laugh at his country cousin I will be only a matter ola f V years until his spirt 41 be chas tened and he will be tamely eating out of the hand of a boss TvCio came to New York from Oshkosh or Podunk 8 There is a pathetic side to this an nual autumnal invasion however The boy or girl who arrives in New York with little money and no friends or influence and expects to make a living by working in the stores or fac tories will have a hard row t hoe and they had much better remain at home There are always a thouscand vacancies for the man or woman whO can do something a little better than anyone else but for the untrained and mediocre New York has fed in ducements to offer Many a home less unkempt man who came to the city a few years ago with hope ot conquest beating hlglv in his heart now sleeps in City Hal ark and hita the bread line for his daily food The untrained girl from the coun try has an even harder time The great department stores prefer the homegrown product for their shop girls since the city grl is usually quicker to learn knows more of tho ways and wants of tho city folk who constitute the great mass of sopperi and more important is willing to accept a smaller wage The city girl living at home can getaong on a sum that would mean starvation for the young woman dependent upon her salary for a living The propri S etors of department stores are not philanthropists least not during buIne0s ioure so what would you2 Of the thousands of youngsters who are now pouring into the city it is likely that a yea ncnce will find a considerable proportion back at tho old home and mighty glad of Jt Not a few will Ire here yet and will be typical New Yorkers qite unable to understand how they ever man aged to subsist In the lltfle city or village which they once called homo and which they now recall only in terrifying nightmares A few nil have gone under swallowed up in the great maelstrom of vico and squalor that exists in every great city drunken criminals in the dens of iniquity and new faces among the painted women of foe Tenderloin A Well Kept Murder Secret That the Identity of the man wha killed Campbell of Glenure on May 14 1752 should still be handed dow father t son a solemn trust among a few members of the Stewart clan i tJ one of the curiosities of history The route trees know who fired that ot But the secret well theyre keeping Che Highlanders refused it to7Rob ext < Louis Stevenson Andrew Xing says at like William of Delor fiw he knows but may not tell Mr llackay the author of this most com plete and interesting account of the crimeand trial leaves us J little doubt ful whether he 1 among the initiated 1 should be the list he writes ta make public I secret that has became well kept Its antiquity makes Its cred London Spectator r i What He Would Do An individual applied t the ca company for a slt tB S I < Do you know how t drive e sir S You know that you must be pUt s with all your passengers V Ah j And honest For example what would you do i you should find in your cab a pocketbook containing f25 = 000Ncrtbing S I Nothing ata I should lire oatfcc Jt income rondos OUIgc1 c r I t Subtraction I an empty barrel weIgH tee pounds wbafcan you fill it witfcC make i weigh seven pounds Have to give it up 5 Fill it fall et ole S 4 Igoulceg less dst3ntjfrthZtrit > t than prejudice Diderot S I I a S