I o 1
1 C J
r <
Better Than Doctors
A prominent society woman
man of 1918 Winnie Sts
Galveston Texas who
extols Duffys Pure Malt
Whiskey for curing her
of dyspepsia and stomach
T 4 trouble after doctors had
failed to give her relief
Mrs Ashenherst recently wrote
vu HIt is with pleasure I write to
c inform you of the good Duffys
ic Pure Malt Whiskey has done me
C I was practically run down with
h c S I dyspepsia and stomach trouble I
I received no benefit from the doc
+ 4 tors so I decided to give them up
t < 3 and take Duffy Pure Malt Whis
key It has done me more good
than all the doctors and other
medicines n
Duffys Pure Malt Whiskey
is an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain great care being used
to have every kernel thoroughly malted thus destroying the germ
and producing a predigested liquid food in the form of a malt essence
which is the most effective tonic stimulant and invigorator known to
science softened by warmth and moisture its palatability and free
dom from injurious substances render it so that it can De retained by
the most sensitive stomach
It is invaluable for overworked
men delicate women and sickly 91
children It strengthens and sus 9
tains the system is apromoter of
health and longevity makes the
old young and keeps the young c
> strong
CAUTION When you ask tour druggist
tracer or dealer lor Duffys Pure Halt Whiskey
be sure you get the sreaulae It latbe only
absolutely pure mcdlclnal malt whiskey and
Is sold In large sealed bottles only never in
bulk Price S f0e Look for the trademark
Old Chemist an the label and make sure
the seat over the cork Is unbroken Write
CeasnltlB Physician Duflyn Whiskey
Co Rochester N V for a free illustrated
eedlcal booklet aad free advice
N GOLDRING Distributer Pensacola Florida
= cccc < n L
A son was born to John Alexander
and wife Wednesday
City employes received their pay for
th first half of October yesterday
J T Hughes a prominent citizen of
Florala was in the city yesterday on
a business visit
W M and JL McGill were among
the Alabama visitors to Pensacola yesterday
terday f tEd <
Ed Hunter colored charged with
being vagrant was sentenced to
sixty days in jail by Recorder Johnson
yesterday I
V S a fc
Henry Ritz was fined 1 and
costs in the recorders court yester
day for failing to put his premises in
sanitary condition after being noti
fied C
Eight cases were docketed for trial
in the recorders court yesterday
morning FiVe defendants were found
guilty ° three were discharged and
fines amounting to 11 were assessed
Capt W H Northup and T F Mc
G 1rin who spent the week in this
Section of tho state in the Interest or
the Republican ticket have returned
Judge J Knimett Wolfe who has
been holding court in Walton coun i
ty for the past two weeks returned
homo yesterday court having adjourn
ed for the term
a V C
Owing to Dr Whaleys absence
from the city for a few days there
will be but one service at Christ
church on Sunday 11 oclock in the
morning Sunday school as usual
Jno McConnell Warner of New Or
leans and M3ss Ethel Brainard of
St Andrews ure late arrivals in the
Deep Water City and are enrolled in
the Ponsaeola Business College
Complaint Is being heard regarding
he city not sprinkling in front of the
> ourt house or any point on the east
side of Palafox street north of Gar
den although the sprinkling carts
pass over the street on the west side
of the parkway
The case of Elsie Kehoe white
charged with being a lewd and inde
cent person was transferred yester
day from the recorders court to the
r county authorities
The maximum temperature at Pen
sacola yesterday s 76 degrees at
230 a m Awhile theminimum was 53
degrees at 320 a m Last year on
the same datethe maximum was 71
degrees and the minimum degrees
The average maximum for thfs date
is TS degrees and the average mini
mum 61 degrees
I Hundreds of housekeepers will be
I satisfied only with Blue Ribbon Lem
on or Vanilla Quality counts and
wins out In the end z
The Artistic Poison
Passing by other drugs eacn of
xrhich has Its own way of making peo
ple crazy we come to whaj may be
truly termed the artistic poison This
is says Dr William IL Thomson in
Everybodys Magazine the mescal but
ton which grows on a low cactus in
the valley of the Rio Grande and for
I tunately is scarce and bard to get
Chewing this button causes the most
I gorgeously colored scenes to appear be
fore the entranced vision far surpass
ing according to descriptions the most
magnificent sunsets It would seem tt
be the drug for landscape painters
but unfortunately whatever other
things drugs do they never increase
efficiency It was first discovered
among the Kiowa tribe of Indians
who used it in their religious rites till
missionaries Induced the government
to remove the Indians from where they
could cet it
Subscribe to The JouQla1
O N Hill of AcreeHull
Lumber Co Is Gone
From Mobile
It is Claimed That Indebted
ness of Mifi Will Aggre
gate at Least 10000 He
Has Not Been Seen in
Mobile in Several Weeks
Special to The Journal
Mobile Oct l6The whereabouts
of 0 N Hill said to be the president
and general manager of the Acree
Hill Lumber Company is causing con
siderable anxiety among creditors of
the concern in the state and several
other southern lumber sections Hill
has not been at his office since Sep
tember 8
It was reported today that criminal
and bankruptcy proceedings are to be
filed against Mr Hill unless he ap
pears very soon and straightens out
some affairs concerning his business
operations Several firms of local at
torneys have claims against the com
pany and it was stated that through
one firm charges of using the mails
to defraud have bean made before the
federal authorities United States
Commissioner Richard Jones when
asked as to the accuracy of the re
port concerning the fraudulent charge
and whether warrants had been Is
sued for Hill replied that he had
nothing to say upon the subject
The AcreeHill Lumber Company
I maintained offices in room no 209 of
the City Bank and Trust Company
building Persons occupying an ad
joining office could not say as to Hills
whereabouts but did say that he had
not been seen around the office for a
week of more The desks in the of
fice were clean as if not having been
in use for some time
I Warrants Are Out
It is known that warrants charging
Hill with the fraudilent use of the
mails have been issued and warrants
are also said to have been issued
at the instance of alleged victims of
the firm in Montgomery
From what could be ascertained the
AcreeHill Lumber Company did not
buy to any extent in what Is known
as the Mobile lumber district but on
the contrary bought heavily in other
districts in the state and Georgia
and Florida Among Hills alleged
transactions was said to be the pur
chase of seventeen car loads of luhi
ber from a Georgia firm ata cost of
16 per thousand feet and this it was
said the firm if there sre any other
members sold at a much lower price
and so far as known at this time have
made no returns There are many
reports concerning the method of the
AcreeHill Lumber Company current
today and there was much activity In i
some circles From the name Acree
It might be assumed that J O Acree
welL known In local lumber circles
was connected with the concern but
this Is not the case While Mr Acree
couldnot be located it was stated
that he was not a member of the firm
and that his name was used by the
concern following the sale of his busi
ness Bankruptcy proceedings against the
lumber company will it was said be
filed in the United States district
court this afternoon or tomorrow
They are being prepared by local at
torneys representing creditors of the
While the extent of the indebted
ness of Hill is not given out by those
concerned it was learned that it will
range from 10000 to 20000 And
there is nothing in the way of assets
so far as could be ascertained DN
Hill will be readily recalled as the
young man who came into promi
nence in this city in May last follow
ing his arrest by the local authorities
on a warrant issued by a member of
the firm with which he was then Iden
tified charging the alteration of a
A K itrs
Ive never hrui any grentlnck eu
clued the pessimist
Neither have I admitted the opti
Made my money by hard work nnC
advert1sInLouIsvflie CourierJour
Lengthy Session Held Last
Night and Many Mat
ters Discussed
The regular semimonthly meeting
of the Board of Public Works was
held last night in the city clerks of
fice Chairman Daniels presided and
Messrs Forbes OLeary TJiiftseasuid
WJaiker were present >
The minutes of > the last meeting
were read and adopted with the ex
ception that the permission granted
to Gus Soderlind to move sand and
dirt be conducted under the supervis
ion of the street superintendent
A communication from Mayor C C
Goodman referring to the bad condi
tion of the street in front bf his house
was referred to the street superln
tendant with instructions to afford the
relief asked
A communication from the Board of
Public Safety asking that repairs be
made to truck house No 3 was re
ferred to the building inspector
A communication from the council
informing the board thaf its request
I for an appropriation cover the cost
I of constructing a walk and wall
around the city jail was granted The
I city engineer was instructed to in
form McReynolds Hoaseman the
I successful bidders for ttis work to
commence same within three days
A decision rendered bj the city at
torney stated that the pplice depart
ment was vested with pbwer to say
what city prisoners shoull be employ
ed to perform convict Itbor for the
Permission was granted Walker In
graham to make temporay repairs to
a sidewalk on Chase and Spring
streets i
The oityengineer repojted that the
specifications for concrEte walks in
the city were complete This mat
ter is now in the hand of the city
attorney and will be reported upon by
him at a future meeting the board
when bids will be asked for
Thecity engineer wal instructed
to ask for bids for cutofs for drink
ing troughs i
The Gadsden eet Methodist
church asked permissiot to erect a
I I tent at the corner of garden and
i Palafox streets during he coming
Mardi Gras carnival the request
l was granted Mr OLearj voting no
A oonTuiinU < xd MJL yr > afcof
town insurance company offering
rates on insuring the boilers installed
in the city jUl and city hall was re
ferred to thl clerk with instructions
to Inform tte company that no insur
ance wouldce taken I
A scrubbng machine to be used in
scrubbing he tile floors in the city
buildings pas ordered leased at a I
cost ot 5per month
i Permlsspn was granted to Hooton
Watsonto make temporary repairs
to a sidewalk on West Romanastreet
was gransd
A communication from C J Levy
citing tb impassable condition of
crossing on Ninth avenue during wet
weatheij was referred to the street
superimndent with power to act
The ensacola Electric Company
presenjd a Mil for 1475 for dam
ages Wits wires by city employes in
trimmfe trees Action on this bill
was erred
A munication from Street Su
perin dent Burns Informed the
boardthat the Pensacola Electric
Comffiy Southern Bell Telephone
Commy Western Union Telegraph
Compy and the Postal Telegraph
Com ny were delinquent in the pay
men r taxes on poles erected in the
cltyJHe also said that these com
pane were not complying with the
city dlnance requiring that poles be
paid to a certain heighth The
cle was ordered to communicate
win the comptroller to ascertain if
thoaxes due on poles owned by these
copanies had been paid and if not
wlJ not The clerk was also instruct
cto investigate the ordinance re
q jfing the painting of poles
the WellesKahn Company was
gnted a permit to make an addition
j I For Vague Pais I
Backache Headache
A and other pains all over a womans body are often
caused by some not well understood female disease
No one can tell just where female trouble will
affect you It acts in a different way on different
people Hence treating the symptoms gives but
little benefit and the most successful method may
be said to be the treatment of the cause which you
may do by taking Cardui
I What Cardui has done for other women it ought
surely to do for you Mrs M E Allred of Hartford
Wash writes Ever shJ I was 16
years old I have suffered m female
troubles 1 had headache kacheand
other troubles every moth Some
two years ago I began tqse Cardui
and since then I have had backache
my other troubles have stccd I dont zj
need any medicine and IJn well
VALUABLE Write for 6p ilu trnted Book Joe aeS for
V L JUZJjdd HomS deadit symptoms of Female Dense osd eh
r Ice valuable hintn health hygiene diat dcIic c
BOOK FREE forwofnco Scnec postpaid Address Ladies Advisory 1
MtTh Cbmt K Mdiciae Co Cb
i o
< f <
s p r I
ri r
You wont tell your family doctor
the whole story about your private
illness you are too modest You
need not be afraid to tell Mrs Pink
ham at Lynn Hass the things you
could not explain to the doctor Your
letter will be held in the strictest con
fidence From hervast correspond
enpo with sick women during the
past thirty years she may have
gained the very knowledge that will
help your case Such letters as the fol
lowing from grateful women es
tablish beyond a doubt the power of
to conquer all female
Mrs Norman R Barndt of Allen
town Pa writes
Ever since I was sixteen years of
age I had suffered from an organic de I
rangement and female weakness in
consequence I had dreadful headaches
and was extremely nervous My physi
cian said I must go through an opera
tion to get well A friend told me
about Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound and I took it and wrote you
for advice following your directions
carefully and thanks to you I am to
day a well woman and I am telling
all my friends of my experience n
For thirty years Lydia E Pink
hams Vegetable Compound made
from roots and herbs has been the
standard remedy for female ills
and has positively cured thousands or i
women who have been troubled with I
displacements inflammation ulcera I
tion fibroid tumors irregularities
periodic pains backache that bear
ingdown feeling flatulency indiges
tiondizziness rnervous prostration
to its building on South Palafox
The request of E W Peake to erect
a boat house on West Cedar street
I was granted provided the structure is
erected on private property
I Mr Forbes of the special commit
tee on street sprinkling reported that
two sprinklers are now in commission
and that anew sprinkler has been
purchased to replace the old one now
being used The board decided that
the sprinklers be operated under its
direction and four mules were ordered
purchased for use in this work
Mi Walker asked if the cost of
water for sprinkling the streets was
charged to the boards appropriation
for the year He was informed by
Chairman Dniels that both the cost of
water for this purpose and that used
b ythe fire department was charged
against the amount appropriated for
use by the board
Street Superintendent Burns asked
permission to purchase a stronger
grade of brooms to be used in sweep
ing the pavement stating that the
brooms recently purchased by the
mayor were too weak for this work
soince the street sprinklers were put
n commission He said that the
works of sprinkling the streets was
being overdone by too much water
being poured on the pavement When
asked who requested the mayor to
purchase the last consignment of
brooms Mr Burns replied that he did
not know No member of the board
had any knowledge of the purchase of
brooms by the mayor This caused
Mr Walker to enter a strong protest
against anyone making purchases for
the board without first securing the
O K of the chirman stating that
such privilege would allow the boards
appropriation for the month to exceed
the figure intended to cover the ex
penditures for that period He said
that if this privilege was allowed the
mayor could bus a car load of
monkeys andthe board could jiot chal
lenge his right to buy them He said
that the chairman should know what
the board buys Chairman Daniels
I said that he did notbelieve the mayor
was andous to buy useless things for
the board The street superintendent
was asked how many useless brooms
he had on hand left from the recent
purchase by the mayor and he re I
plied Six dozen
A motion made by Mr Walker that
All articles for use by the street
superintendent receive the 0 K of
the chairman was adopted The
street superintendent was instructed
to select the grade of brooms required
and request the mayor to buy them
A communication from the assistant
postmaster asking where mail boxes
should be placed on certain streets
was referred to the city engineer
The water plug at the northeast
corner of Garden and Spring streets
was ordered placed in right position
Chairman Daniels reported the bad
condition of the sidewalk on the north
side of Wright street between Hayne
and Alcaniz He particularly re
ferred to that portion in front of the
Garfield ice factory stating that the
board and city jeintly were responsi
ble for the condition now existing Mr
Walker said that the sidewalk this
point was used very much by drays
in unloading freight from cars peopie
being forced to walk in the street
He said that conditions at this point
were worse than it no sidewalk was
there The matter was referred to
the street superintendent with power J
The A B C and X Y Z of l
No 3
written by Scymoar Eaton of Philadelphia 0
The owner of a retail hat store writes me to ask l
hQw to advertise hats
I dont know I havent thought much about hats
Ten to one I should do something revolutionary
perhaps advertise to buy the customers old hat As
a rule he is glad to get rid of it Of course that would
cut the profitin two but then the sales would multiply
by ten or perhaps by fifty and the storewould get
talked about
Perhaps I wouldnt do that at all fl make the 1
suggestion simply to let this hat dealer know that if
I owned his store I should get up and shake myself
make some sort of a noise not stand around behind 1
the counter leaning on everything waiting for a
customer who is six blocks away on the other side of
the street going north to change his mind come back
cross over and by mere chance in his < hnny notice
that I have hats in my window
P Tell a hundred thousand men who wear hats and
who buy two hundred thousand hats a year thatyou
have the goods the kind theyare looking for Ifithat
doesnt wake them up then give away a hatband and
a necktie and a pair of gloves cram the hats full of
ham sandwiches do something Your business to
sell hats not store them
I have no patience with the retail dealer who
I depends on the sidewalk and the weather for his trade
But it isnt necessary to be sensational simply
make readable news of your advertising It is the
business of the newspapers to distribute news and
if I want a moderate priced stylish hat your adver
tising is ten times more interesting to me than the
Associated Press dispatch that some galoot in Okla i
homa or Texas hanged himself
Good advertising is news Print this on the
ceiling over your bed so that you will read if first thing i I
every morning when you wake up
Keep your eye on fashion i
Fashion is today the biggest influence in the
world not necessarily the best influence but the
t biggest We dont control fashion fashion controls i
us always comes down the pike with whirl When
the storm breaks haul in your advertising canvas and i
stop buying Fashion hurricanes are shortlived j
Conrrighi IMS by Copaiy Catcezo
to relieve the situation
The matter of locating he new
electric lights was referred to Messrs
Thiesen and Forbes
Continued From First Paae
cepted the paper which the deputy
thrust out He appeared less indig
nant than his wife
Mr Hearst said that the summons
were entirely unexpected that he
had not the least suspicion that any
thing of the kind was to occur in
Why did you refuse admittance to
the offcer was asked
Because myself and wife were re
tiring lor tae night explained Mr
Hearst Ive no objection to beIng
served with these papers here in
Omaha or anywhere else Frankly
I do not believe this case will ever
come to a trial and the Knowledge
that this suit has been filed does not
S Tfcsi
Oct a box ef
Stearns Ebotrlo
R4Tand RCA OH PIlate
it you ar troubled w1 ris mIeaceckrosc l
or watertongi It is son OemOi drmac ea ia oat
of me house barn or More to die tote far 31
Tear aadneYllreo tailed co kill d aU vermin
All ready for UHIdoe not have to barnlud
X oc b ex 25et 10 M boA Lee
foldbrdragzlts rrCTTwber rka Mrect pre
paid on reuelpt or pric
Dr Mallory Kennedy
has returned to 1he city and resinned
his regular practice Office in Blount
I Building Hours 930 to 12 and 3 to
6 Phone 696
Will resume his practice In the city Can I
be loynd at Whites Pharmacy la theday
and at Ifis residence at night
Office pone No ISO Residence phone
No 447
disturb me in the least When Gov
ernor Haskell said not very long ago
that action against me was being de
layed because of his lack of funds
I offered to donate the neces
sary foods from my own pocket
and this offer still holds good
After serving the papers on Mr
Hearst Deputy Sheriff Stewart left
the car Examination of the door of
the stateroom disclosed the fact that
no great damage had been done aside
from breaking the lock
Affairs of State
The Cabinet Is In session
Roosevelt Hes a liar
Cortalyoc Say that he undignified
Root Call him a thief
Meyer Say its a shame and a dis
Wilson Accuse him of the drougnt
Bonaparte OBe sure and denounce
Garfield Dont forget to call him
2 rascal
WrightShow na quarter
Metcatf Wiiat did Hearst say
StrausSay hes a scad
Milwaukee News
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