L S L 2
The Pensacola Journal
RANK L MAYES Pres and Gen Mgr
H > One Month5 45
One Year 55 M 40
One Week
SIX Months 2 50
Three Months 1 25 Weekly year 1 00
Building Corner De
Gfflees Journal
Luna and Intendencla
Entered as secondclass matter at the
postofflce at Pensacola Florida under Act
Of Congress March 3 113i9
Phones Editorial Rooms 38 Business
Office 1500
Robert LlacQuoid Special Representative
Offices New York 404 Tribune Build
ing Chicago B F Henriquez Manager
1548 Marquetto Building
Stillman Asks
For ReAppointment
It has come to The Journals atten
tion that Hon John E Stillman is an
applicant for reappointment to his
present position as collector of cus
toms for the port ot Pensacola
The Journal had fondly hoped that
the collector of customs as well as
the other federal officers in Pensacola
would this time be appointed by Mr i
Bryan but tho inexorable verdict of
the American people In the last presi
dential election imposes that duty
upon a republican president Mr t
It is possible that advice from demo
cratic sources may have no influence
with Mr Taft but the fact that the
people who are served by the various
government offices in Florida are most
ly democratic gives them an interest
in presidents appointments which
we believe he will not overlook
If we may presume therefore that
democratic endorsement may recoivo
some consideration The Journal win
take this occasion to say that it be
lieves the reappointment of Mr Still
man as collector of customs will meet
the Approval of the vast majority of
the citizens of all parties who know
him or who have business with his
Pensacola does not possess a citizen
who is more active in the cause of
good citizenship or civic progress than
Is Mr Stiliman and bis service as
collector has been eminently satisfac J
tory to the people who have business I
with the customs department Presi
dent Taft will make no mistake In re
appointing him
Last Mondays Election
In Alabama
The election in Alabama last Mon
day demonstrated one thing viz that
the people of Alabama do not want
the particular amendment upon which
they voted incorporated in the consti
tution of the state The vote which
has not yet been officially reported
was about 50000 for the amendment
and 75000 against it the antiamend
ment majority being about 25000
Ordinarily the vote against the
amendment would naturally be con
strued as a vote against the prohibi
tion of the liquor tramc but a singular
unanimity of sentiment in Alabama
seems to place an entirely different
construction upon it The Montgom
ery Advertiser which led the campaign
against the amendment says
As showing how misleading the
newspaper headlines may sometimes
be we find in the Pittsburg Post of
last Tuesday a special sent out from
Birmingham which the Posts headline
writer thus exploited Prohibition Is
Defeated Alabama gives majority
against proposition to make state
dry To begin with Alabama did
Dot vote on prohibition and conse
quently prohibition was not defeated
In any way In the second place the
state is already as dry as the law
can make It and the adoption or de
feat of the proposed amendment could
make no change in existing laws
The Mobile Register another lead
ing antiamendment paper says
There is said to be a disposition on
the part of some persons to read the
results of Mondays election to mean
that the prohibition laws are now a
dead letter and the sale of liquor may
be resumed unhindered We venture
the opinion that this will be found to
bea great error of judgment The
laws are still what they were the ma
chinery for enforcing them Is the
same and the penalties remain un
changed There is sure to be trouble
for those who are caUght in the act
Let no one imagine that the issue in
the late campaign was saloon or no
saloon It was the greater Issue of the
right of the people to change burden
some legislation
The Montgomery Advertiser in
commenting on the meaning ot the re
sult again says
It does not moan a defiance of exist
ing laws in Alabama There may be
those who interpret the vote that way
but they will find themselves mis
taken There were thousands of pro
hibitionists who voted against the
amendment in fact If it had not been
for their votes the victory would not
have been possible These prohibi
tionists and the conservative nonpro
hibitionists alike intend to see the
statutes given a fair trial for enforce
ment And very probably the contest
as settled will bring about a greater
determination on tho part of the lead
Ing people on both sides to frown
down any defiance of the laws If the
laws are unwise or inefficient in any
respect or for any community they
must be upheld and endured until they
A Bad Breath Boon
Her Cheeks Were Aglow Like Roses in
Bloom < c3
Her Lips Red as Cherries Thrice
Her Teeth Like the Pearl
Her Hair Tangled Curl
Her Breath Like Sweet Blowing
So much for poetry But STUARTS
as well They are practical and for
everyday use and they will make any
ones breath just as sweet and whole
some as the Girls breath In the eong
And what is nicer than a sweet
clean breath and what more offensive
than a bad foul one Every one tries
to get rid of It themselves and tolerate
it In their friends DutIt is awfully
trying and puts friendship and senti
ment to a severe test
A bad breath Is a sort of unspoken
imputation on cleanliness you cant
get away from it and cant explain
You can take foolish little remedies to
disguise It for an hour or so but this
is suggestive your breath Is unnatural
and your friends wonder why
Bad breath comes once in a while
from decayed teeth but there Is a
quick and effectual remedy for this
the dentist It comes as a rule 99
times out of 100 from a bad stomach
Foods gone wrong digestion im
paired assimilation imperfect nutri
I I tion misdirected and a consequent
misunderstanding all around
I And meanwhile a bad condition of
I things Is inaugurated There is flatu
lence sour stomach and with these
i two past masters of evil Pandoras box
is opened and a tribe of troubles let
loose any one of which might appaL
With all manner of chemical
changes taking place in the stomach
by fermentationwhich should not
is It any wonder that some startling
and disagreeable results are evolved
Bad Breath is conspicuous among
them because always In evidence No
use to doctor this or disguise it It
is an innocent sufferer
The STOMACH Put that in order
and the Breath will take care of itself
Charcoal has been a remedy for disor
dered stomachs for centuries It is
one cure that is almost as old as
the hills
Summing up charcoal In its pulver
ized state is a stomach tonic and ab
sorbent Stuarts Lozenges supply a
want a remedy that is simple handy
and efficient They embody a plain
practical proposition
Stuarts Charcoal Lozenges are for
sale everywhere 25 cents a box guar
anteed to contain nothing but young
willow wood charcoal and pure honey
sample sent Tree upon request Ad
dress F A Stuart Co 200 Stuart
Bldg Marshall Mich
can be modified and Improved Ala
bama must be a lawabiding state and
the selfish or reckless element will
soon find the dominating influence of
the antiamendment forces everywhere
against an interpretation of the vote
as a license to excesses I
It would seem therefore that the
open saloon in Alabama is in about as
bad a fix as it ever was and if what
the antiamendment leaders and papers
say may be taken as an indication of
public sentiment there is little pros
pect of its return
What effect the Alabama election
will have upon the Florida election
next November is problematical The
question in Florida is somewhat dif
ferent and the same result may not
necessarily follow here Candor com
pels one to admit however that while
the Alabama result may not have any
direct influence in Florida it neverthe
less affords an indication of what Flor
ida voters may do when they vote on
the same question
In the meantime Alabamians are
now cooling off and Floridians may
very properly keep cool for several
months to come
Yesterday was sentence day in the
United States court and those who
had been convicted during the week
in that tribunal were sentenced by
a et
if l
Have you tried our extra
fine quality of
Fruit Cake Q4 s
They have that real New
England smack
Try Them
Also our pastry bread and
rolls at the West Florida
Steam Bakery where purity
and quality count
West Honda
Steam Bakery
Phone 242
r >
North Hill
r2 vi tii Greenery
519 N Baylen Street
i Phone 867
Carnations Roses Coin
settias Evergreen
Orders booked for Christ
mas and Holidays
ftl Never Ate
Better Meat
than the kind I bought of you
an expression of praiso we
hear quite frequently A pleased
customer is a pretty good ad
vertisement dozens of pleased
customers make the very best
advertisement we could have
Well if we do say it ourselves
our meats are choice fresh ten
der and slaughtered under
wholesome conditions We would
like you to try them Once
with us youll stay with us
Fresh chickens and turkeys
received weekly
Phones 173458 I
Judge Sheppard
Walter Van a white boy of 17 years
who was convicted of raising a 1 sil
ver certificate to 10 was sentenced
to serve two years in the government
reform school at Washington Van is
from Millvllle
Tom Leath a negro who tried to
make a 1 note worth 50 and en
deavored to pass it in Jackson county
where he resided was sentenced to
two years in the federal prison at At
lanta and also to ray a fine cf 2CC3
George D ilorrell convicted of de I
laying the tinned States mails by as
saulting a carrier was fined 50 or 30
days in jail
New Sapho of Jackson county for
Illicit distilling was sentenced to 50
That the best bodybuilding
and strengthening tonic for
I Delicate GI1ildran
Y ol
My 9 year old daughter was My two children who were puny
weak pale and had no appetite I I and inline rapidly gained flesh and
gave her Vinol and she began to strength when I began to giva them a
thrive at once She gained rapidly V nol I proved that Vinol is a splen
in weight color and strength I did tonic for delicate children
MrcWH GILMOREDurand Mich Mrs C ALLEN New Bedford Mas
Vinol builds up healthy flesh and makes thin little limbs round
and plump Children love to take it
We return peoples money without question 11 Vinol
does not accomplish all we claim lor It Try if please
ALittle Talk About a Man X X
a K and How to Make Him a f
X X I Comfortable X X
a Most men around Xmas time generally find themselves literally a
X X swamped with holiday gifts of a varied and fearful array things
X that they never did want never shall want and never suspect
X X ed probably of existing Dont you know how to make a man
X your friend Make him comfortable Study his wants which
will probably be practical wants Fix him up for those moments X
N when hell want to relax from business cares so hell get the very a
most out of that rest under the very best of conditions
Get him a Smoking Jacket a Lounging Robe or maybe a durable
N practical Bath Robe Pajamas axe also in line Lets consider this thing
a Pajamas in Various Bath Robes and I
X Colors and Qualities Lounging Robes
Our line of Mens Pajamas range from the Bath Robes are the finest things in theworld
goodlooking silk kind in pretty blues and pinks in their place There isnt a man who doesnt need
41 and the festive champagne at 510 the mercerized one either and our stock is now unusually com
plete Those of the thick warm wooly blanket
41 garments at 5 down to those fashioned Outing
cloth at 450 are liked by some while others
Flannels at 1OO and 150 They are good
easy prefer the washable kind which comes In Terrycloth
comfortable all braided and stitched and
I garments cloth All
at 5 to 750 colors are represented
attractively fashioned the of and all
I I t 0 IO 4 50 t 0 7 eo
i 1 thing for some manfrom P styles from a < I
i Smoking JacketsAnother Good Gift
F dispensing good solid comfort the bosom the 1
IForf dispensing to average manly Smoking Jacket
the palm If he hasnt a Smoking Jacket see us about it and get him one I Weve som v n f
some solid and trimmed and faced with plaided effects and all done delightfully in silk r
cord designs They are 9
Then weve a snappy line of Mens Ties Gloves Hose Scarf Pins
Cuff Buttons Umbrellas Belts Handkerchiefs Muffllers oh anything
I in the world hell be wanting for Xmas ready for your selection
These things are not only Holiday Goods youll notice but will com
in mighty good and handy all the year round Let us tip you off
a however Come early while we can help you select It pays a
a Everything to Wear a
xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxxxxxxxx
and costs or 30 days and William
Smith also of Jackson county was
given the same sentence for illicit dis
Sterling Lucas for using the mails
for the purpose of defrauding was
given a sentence of 30 days The
court In passing sentence took into
consideration that Lucas had already
spent six months in jail being unaiue
to give bond and also that he entered
a plea of guilty
Postoffice Case Monday
The case of Henry Marshall col
ored a clerk In the local postoffice
who has been indicted will come up
for trial on Monday
The Correct Time
to stop a cough or cold is just as
soon as it rtsthen there will be
no danger of pneumonia or consump
tion Just a few doses of Ballards
Horehound Syrup taken at the start
will stop the cough If it has been
running on for sometime the treat
ment will be longer but the cure is
Sold by W A DAlemberte drug
gist and apothecary 121 South Pala
fox Street
Soeclal to the Journal
Chairs Fla Dec 4 Pattersons
store was forced by burglars last
night the safe was blown open and
about 175 in cash and stamps was
stolen The stamps were valued at
about 77 The cash taken from the
safe amounted to about 99
The postoffice is situated In the
store of Patterson and the door was
forced after much effort
Tracing the theft it was discovered
that the burglars secured from Boyd
Coopers shop a chisel and hammer
from J H Pattersons gin house a
large wrench and from the car house
of Section Foreman Drawdy a large
sledge hammer With these tools
they easily broke open the front door
of the store and using some kind of
an explosive they blew the door of the
safe to pieces using clothing to deaden
the sound Several persons said they
heard the explosion but did not con
nect It with burglars
The sheriff with his bloodhounds
was called but the dogs refused to
take the track
Shop early was the slogan of hun
dreds on the streets last night for de
spite the fact that three whole weeks
will pass into history before Christ
mas arrives and also despite the fact
that two more Saturdays the cus
tomary shopping days will pass be
fore the week of Christmas there
were many who mentioned to appre
ETI The merit
1f4 ICh and reliabili
> LEBRATED D ty of the Bit
I STOMACH d ters has been
BITTERS tor over 56
years Then
you really
ought to try
a bottle for
Sick Head
I ache Sour
I Stomah
I Costiveness
I 3f Colds Grippe
and Malaria
dative lady and gentlemen clerks last
night that they intended to get their
purchases in before the rush and thus
get a chance of selecting at first hand
anything and everything they desired
to purchase The consequence ww
that several hundred large purchasers
were given attention three weeks b >
foro Christmas and thus will forego
the rush of the later days between
now and the great holiday event 1
see The Journal had a piece about
I getting busy before the rush and
gave me an idea and that is why Im
here tonight In the past It has been
my custom to wait until Christmas eve
sometimes b4 for aiij thing was bought
No A the agony Is over and I will not
have to come down when everybody
will try and be just as disorderly aa
the line of respectability will warrant
was the way one determined and sen
sible little lady said It when waiting
for a car at 330 oclock last night
We are filling that car FAST WIT
LIGHT SURREYS to be shipped in
I January Call and select yours and save
I money
69 78 8175 92
I 125 150 to 300
Wm Johnson Son