w we w awwn
LtThXe1 J
Tho r d
Oldest M I
Brand J V 1 W t
Saves trying the temper when tying
1 the tie The tie slides and sets right
4 with this meritfeature which
j c is original in
L d
47 AsiiJnitedSh1rtzCoBarCc
Hbather TrovNY
Palafox and Intendencla St Pensacola Fla
We Have Our Entire
Christmas Stock
of Umbrellas ready for in
spection They include all
the new styles
EiA iz Also a lot of Silver and
1rv w tji GoldHeaded Canes
1JiSJ If you have planned mak
vr L11 ing a presentation of this
kind make your selection as
soon as possible and let us
ti know the inscription you I
wish engraved
k77 Lintlenstruth I
The Jeweler I
1001 MEETiNG
Grand Representative Thos C Wat
son of the I O O F of Florida will
leavo today on a combined business
and pleasure visit of swveral weeks
during which he will visit Washington
where the Rivers and Harbors Con
gross is in session Baltimore sad New
The principal object of Mr Wat
sons visit is to attend a meeting of
tho finance coinmitteo of the Odd
Fellows of which he is a member
This meeting is to be hold in Baiti
more and will be of several days
duration On his way there he will
Ktop in Washington for a few Ilays
Mrs Watson will accompany him on
the trip and from Baltimore they will
JKO to New York on a visit to friends
PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to
cure any cao of Itching Blind Bleed
irg or Protruding Piles in G to 11
days or money refunded 50c
Mrs Helen Armstrong a delightful
ly intelligent and unusnaly capable
oman who has been lecturing
throughout America ant Europe For
the pat 11 years on the subject of I
Jomesiu science and who thereforei
kcows her business to a faultless
Jcsnr gathered a reproseutative
juv < J of ensaola woman about her
nn > tstrday atornoon at the
of V hall on Ba len street i I
Her bill of fart for the day proved
The Fight Is On
Every moment of your life when i
you are at home or abroad I
nwake or asleep I
Between the poison germs that are in air
Iced ar d water everywhere in fact I
End billions of your invisible friends I
he lIttle soldlercorpuseltS in your blOd
If tLese little soldiers are kept strong i
nd healthy by takiap Hoods Sarsa
parilla you heed have no fear of ds I
e ae Begin using it at once if yon a i I
at all und r the weather or hava
troubles of the food stomach liver I
Tifl kidaaca H it fii vxjur JTn ° iAt
to be curry of lamb with rice bGrder
raisin brown bread asparagus alad
puff balls anti apricot roll Today she
will lecture on the preparation of fried
oysters Scotch scones baked bananas
and almond cream cake using coto
leue the famous allSouhen product
at course during all her demonstra
A Valuable Lsson
In reality the lecture is a lesson
a very interesting and enjoyable ics
souin cookery and Mrs Armstrong
Is a most fascinating teacher She
talks with the greatest oase and
handles word3 with as much skill as
she does the utensils of the kitchen
making both her address and work on
the stage most attractive To see Mrs
Armstrong at work and to hear her
cheery voice as > she explains the va
rious steps in the preparation of
delectable dishes one would never for
an instant remember the tale of woe
told by so many housekeepers about
IYoU have no idea how difficult it is
to set a good cook or this servant i
problem will drive me distracted and
so forth The preparation of food
vhich is generally regarded as an irk
some duty in vhich the greatest com
pensation is the finished result prop
erly prepared meats light pastries and
oner wholesome things to eat all so
daintily and nicely prepared that th
Y ry sight of the dishes creates a
hoaJnj appetite
The chief value of her explanations
lies In the taCt that she makes clears
si many of the small details which I
c tribute s large to the successful i
preparation of food and also that she I
know l of the convenehit utensils
that lighten labor and assure th best I
results Every person in ih > audience
Rained s > me new and helpful informa
tion yrstenlay and without doubt an i
even larger attendance will crowd the
hall today
PAZO OINTMKXT Is guaranteed to
cur any cast nf Ttchine Blind Bleed
jug or Protirdine Piles MI G to 1
1an or money refunded 5rte
Furnished by local office T7nited I
StatE weather bureau for The Pen I
sacois Journal of Dec S Iftftf
Maximum temperature yesterday 69
deyye at G a HI
Lowest tepratur yesterday 60 de
srees at 4 p 1 minimum will occur
ahtt midnight
Meua temperature yesterday G de
Normal temperature yesterday 55
Departure from normal yesterday 1
plus D dejoees I
Average maximum temperature for
this dats 6 degrees I
Awra re minimum temperature for
this date 4S degrees
Accumulate excess o daily mean
temnerature since ttrst of month 62
Accumulated exso daily Bteaii
tempers ture from January 1 to first o
month 1M7 degrees
Total raiofaH since firt of month
J53 inches
Noriuml raiaOiH rO this month 17
il s
Total tiefi fettey o miitfrH from
Jauar tat to first omt 106
The presidents meg makes
about 18000 words and covers a IegJ
oT subjects that are nationally in
Mr Taft rays that the state depart
information tan
all the
ment is getting inforaton
f an as to the war status In Nicaragiia
and that
of Grace and Cannon
this is determined steps will b taken
to give the Central American republics
to tmJestand that American cKIzens
in that region must be accorded teir
just rights
traditional rela
He says that our trditona
tions with Japh are not strained ami
wih be
hat There is no war clcud hanging
of the
twppn this country and the land
Mikado He admits his predecessor ran the
country extravagantly and that the
190910 deficit will be 73 000000 ami
defct wi
then some but he shows how I is
proposed to end 191112 with a reserve
of 3712000 in Uncle Sams treasury
old pensions for aged
He favors 01 age pnsions
clerical employes of the government
frauds will r
He thinks the sugar
suIt in the conviction of the guilty
trust has
men and he says the sugar trst
paid back to the government the
money it swindled by underweighinq
in the New York custom house
He admits the maximum and mini
mum tariff clause gives the execu
tive wide latitude but prophecies that
there is no prospect of a tariff war
He proposes to have the navy run
economically and favors only two
new battleships this year He will
make the secretary of war economize
or army expenses
He is going to write a special flies
Fige on The Sherman antitrust law
also on the conservation of national
resources He is dumb on
and Batlinger
He favors postal savings banks and
wants them started speedily
He favors the passage of the ship
subsidy bill
H wants Secretary Wilsons report I
read and digested that we may the
more thoroughly appreciate th pres
ent prosperity of the American farmer
Hs thinks tOOOO ought to be spent
fighting the white slave traffic
He favors th 1013 emancipation an
niversary but wants the commission
preparing for i to servo without pay
He says the country is on the
whole prosperous though he aduiifd I
the cost of living has risen greatly
He say the tariff is not to blame for
the boost in living expenses
The Message
Washington DPC 7 President
Tafts message was read in both
houses of congress today
The Message says in part
To hn the euate and House of Itcpresenta
Vii ieituons of the Unt d States with
al foreign governments have continued
I upon the normal basis of amity and goad
unil ritanding and are very generally
saisfa ton
saasfactorvFi horlc < s Commission
I The International fisheries commission
appointed pursuant to aid mid r th > au
thority of the convention of April 1
IJfCS between the United States unit
Great Uritan has completed a system
of uniform and common international
regulations for the protection and preser
vation of the food tithes in intsiiational 1
boundary waters of tht United States and
Otiada The regulations will h duly I
submitted to Congress with a lew to
the enactmt nt Of such legislation ts will
he necessary unucr the couvetition to
put them into operation
Tht convention providing fo tle set
tement of international differences be
twteti the two countries of certain of the
boiindnrv waterj and the appointment of
commissioners to adjust certain othtr I
< Iuestlons siKntl on the llth clay of
cteton 1
January 19O and to the ratiHeation of
whieli the Senate cave its advi e and
eons > nt on March 3 1909 Im not yet I
been ratiSeJ on the part of Great Britain
I Tho second peace conference recenlv
held at The Hague adopted a convention
for the establishment of an International
prize court upon the Joint proposal of
I delegates of up United States France
Germany and Great Britain The law to
be obse vd liy the tribunal in the
I dision of prize cases was however left
I In un uncertain and therefore ansatisfac
I tory state Artt e 7 of the convention
i pr vltt that the court was l l > e nov
1 emea by the provisions of treaties ist
inp betwctn the eliKerents but that in I
the absence of ucn provisions tht court
shall apply thE rules of International law
if no general recognized rule existS the
out shall give Judgment In accordance
with the general principles of justice and
As however many questions in in
ternntlenoi maritime Saw are understood I
krat n
diffeiently and therefore interpreted dif I
ferently Jn various countrtes It was
deemed advisable not to intrust legisla I
tive pow rs 10 the propose court but to
determine the rules of law prup rly ap I
plicaole in a conference of the represen
tative maritime nations Patsnrtnt to
an invitation of Great Britain a cinfer
ei ce was held at London from Dec 2
ItHis to Fb i6 1SK in which the fol
lowing powers rtcptc the United
Stages rosliintary Frane
> nnv Great HruUn italy Japan the
therlaiiOf Kursia and pall
The unterence suIted In the eelKrn
Hon rt T < iMion unanimouMv aiieed to
no siKivd l > y the participating powers
oncerninjr among other matters the high
ly iirportant sbets of bJockMe con
traha id the dcstrution of neutral prizes
and voyair The Declaration of Lrt ndin
it an eminently satisfactory coiHIication
of the Internal maritime taw and it I
hcpd that its reasonableness tI fair
vrlS secure its general adortion
lies wl Slr i fcntrl a tin
tn < er th nti ritv Riven in tin sun
diy ivil appropi latin a t aprnl ar
t H9 L > > UhVted Stxtep was represented
at ie internatioiwl conference < > 1 mtri
tint law it Brussels Tne confTenc met
on the 2 th of September lat arI re
SL1C4I in the signatutv and rtfniicluin
of a convention for the unin ati < n of cer
tin reirulatlons with reeanl to maritime
assi > tnce and salvage and a convention
for the unlficali of certain rules with
regard to collisions at sea
r r an appropriation made at the
ast session of Conirress a con mtssion
w sent on Ameritan cruisers to Mon I
I rovia to investigate the inlet nf the
United States and its citizens in Liberia
Upon its arrival at Monrovia the com
mission a < nthusiasticaily recrtved and
during its sty in Liberia was every
i wht met with the heartieat expressions
lof good will for the mean govern
ment and people and the hope a re
I peatedly expressed on all sides that this
Rf vr ment might se its wav cltIIlr to
do somVtrine to reli ve the critical posl
tir of the Keouhiic arisint in a measure
I frou external as well as internal and
finnlal ejnbarrasamerts
It will be remembered that the interest
of the Unitd States in the Republic of
Liberia s prn rs from the historical fact
of the foundation of the republic by the
o > > n5 ation f American < ittz < ns of th
Airicin roc 1n an early treaty with
LJbsria thor is a provl = Un in ier which
he United States may boo ailed men for
advice and assistance Pursuant to this
provision and in the spirit f the moir l
relationship of the United States to LI
henS hat rvpibi last year asked this
eovemmert t lend > isjmee in the
solution of certain of their national prob
lems and hence the eommiwicn was sent
The report of the commissioiiers bas just
been HKnpleted and is now under evami
naticn by the department of state
Today more thai ever before Ameri
can capital is seeking investment in for
eint cottrie s and American products I
iT more iaj isore Scnerally ieakiair for
< gn rraket As n consequence in all
COlintrica there are American citizens and
AnlPka i Interests to l > e protected on
O casiII t by their government I
The IanAnerlcar poky of this KOV
ernment las ions ben rixed in Its prin i
dpcs and te1l1 ins unchanged Vlth the
handed circumstances of the United
states ant of the n ubllcs to the south
uf us most of which have great natural
sour es static government and pro
edsut ideal the apprehension which
ave rise to the Monroe loctrlne may be
aid to have nearly disappeared and
ither thn hKtrlne as it exists nor any
other doctrine of American policy should
le Tnnitted to oprate for tho perpetu
afns of irresponsible government the
esape of just obligations or the insidi I
o is allegation of dominatJnB ambitions
on t part of the United States
M nnetins wlt 1 resldnt Diaz and
in jireetlnK exchanged on both American
and Mexican soil wvfd to signalize the
t lose and cordial relations which so well
hind together this republic and the great
republic immediately to the south be
tween which there is so vast a network
of material interests
I am happy to say that all but one of
the cases which for so Ions vexed our re I
lations with Venezuela have been settled
within the past few months and that I
under the enlightened regime now dSrect
jns the government of Venezuela provis
ion das been made for arbitration of the
remaining case before The Hague Tri
On July 30 1CO the government of
Panama agreed after considerable ne
Kotiatlon to iiulenmify the relatives of
tne American olllcers anj sailors who
were brutally treated one of them hay
iii indeiHi lK > on killed by the Panama
police this year
What About Zelaya
Since the Washington comontions of
liiii were communicated to the govern
rnent of the Unite States as a consult
ing and advising perty this government
has been almost continuously called upon
ly one or another and in turn by all of
the live Central American IJepublics to
exert itself for the maintainaiice of the
o mment of Nicaragua which has lot
central America in constant tentil1 or
turmoil The r sp < nses inwl te the rep
rest ntutlon of Central American repub
lics as riiie from the United States on
account of its relation to tie Washing
ton conventions have been at all limos
conservative and have avoided so far as
possible any semblance of interference
although it is very apparent that the
considerations of geographic proxinity to
the Canal Zone and of the very substan
tial American interests in Central Amer
lea Rive to the United States a special
position In the zone of these Republics
and the Caribbean sea
I need not rehearse here tile patient
efforts of this government to promote
peace and welfare among these republics
efforts which are fully appreciated
by the majority of thim who are loyal
to their true interests It would be r
less unnecessary to rehearse here the s ui
talc of unspeakable barbarities and op
pression alleged to have bren committed
by the Zelaya government RecerJly two
Americans were put to death bv trder of
President Zelaya himself They are re
ported to have been regularly commis
sions olllcers In the organized forces of
a revolution which had continued many
weeks and was proceeding In un orderly
fashion in control of about half of the
republic and as such according to the
modern enlightened practice of civilized
nation they would be entitled to be dealt
with as prisoners of war
At tho dte when this message to
printed this government is proceeding
v I4h deliberate circumspection to determ
ine the exaiL trvij r r > tor to t
reports and upon the course In the premi
ses most consistent with its dignity itA
duy to American interests and its moral
obligations to Central America and to
In the Far East
Tn the far East this Kovernment pre
serves inncrmngetf its policy of supporting
the principle of ntallty of opportunity
and scrnpulous resT > oc for tho Integrity
of the Chinese empire to which policy are
plrtfged the inter < sted Powers of both
East and West By the Treaty of 1903
hiia has undo taken th abolition of
likin with a moderate arJ proportionate
raisins of the cuvtoms tariff along with
currency rfoTn These reforms being
of manifest advantage to foreign com
merce as well as to the Interests of China
this goernment is endeavoring to facili
tate these measures and the needful ac
quiesccnco of the treaty powers
Cordial With Japan
Our traditional relations with the Jap
an empire continue cordal as usual
As tho representative of Japan His im
perial HicThness Prince Kuni visited the
IIiid onPuiton celebration The recent
visit of a delegation of prominent business
men as guests of the chambers of com I
merce of the Pacific slope whose repre
sontativer Jiart b ° en so asreeablv received
in Japan will doubtless contribute to
the growing trade across the Paific as
w11 as to that mutual understanding
Which leads to mutiiil apprecfciton The
arrangement of 1905 for a cooperative
control or the coming of laborers to the
United States has proved to york satis
factorily Tle inafr of a rexJon of the
xistinn treat v elween the UniJeu States
and Japan wlich is terminable in 192
s already receiving the study of both
Department of State
I earnestly recommend to the favorable
action of tho Congress the estimates sub
mitted fcy the departmnt of state and
most especially the legislation sug pested
in the secretary of states letter cf this
date whereby it will be possible to de I
velop and make permanent the reorgani
zation of the department upon modern
lines In a anner to make it a thorough
ly eificient instrument in the further
ance or our foreign trade and of American
interests abroad The plan to institute
I ii certan specialization in business with
Europe and the near Cast will at once
commend itself These poltcogeoTaph
cal divisions and the detail from the dip
lomatic or ccnsil service to the depart
ment of a number of men who bring to
the stu1 of corr p ated nrablems in
lifferent parts of the world practical
nowledge recently gained on the spot
Clearly is of the greatest advantage to
tio cretrv of stat in foreseeing con I
itions likely to arise and In conduct
ing the great variety of correspondence
and negotiation I
Under a provision Of the act of Aug 5
i9 I have app ntl three officials to
assist the otlict rs of the government in I
< Iletiiig information necessary to a wise
a < inistratiin of the arlft at of August I
> < I < A s to th flestions of ustnm
ailministration they are cooperating with I
the ofli < ias nf the treasury department
an < l as to matter of the needs and the I
exigencic of our nanxifacticrs aul x
porters wiiii the ilepaprtmnt of c em 1
mrco and labor in Hs relation to the
s 11
domestir aspevt of the subject of foreign I
tommene In the study of foreign tariff
treatment they will assist the bureau of
trade relations of the tlfpnprtment of
suite It Is tiojved thus to voordinat and
bring to hoar upon this nest important
subject i the agencies of the govern
ment w1 h can contribute anything to its
efficient handling
At a < onse iience of Section 2 of the
tariff act of Aug 5 1SK it becomes tie
duty of the secretary of state to conduct
as diplomatic business all the ncgotia
tiations necessary to ptacf im in a posl
lion to advise me as to wnether or not
a particular country unduly discrimi
nates against the United States In the
fense of the statute referred to The
great scope and complexity of this work
aa well as the obligation to lend all
proper aid to our expanding eommcrv
is met by tie evpansdon of the bureau of
trade relations as set forth in the esti
mates for the department of state
Expenditure and Revenues
Perhaps the moat important question
presented to this administration is that
of economy in expenditure and safllclem
of revenue The deficit of the lat fiscal
year and the certain def of t ie cur
rent rear prompts ConsriT to throw
a greater responsibility ei tie OxritiVc
and the se < etary of the treasury than
had heretofore lxen declared by statute
This declaration imposes uiKm the sec
retary of the treasury the duty of as
semblhg all he estimates of the execu
tive departments bureaus and offices of
the expenditures necessary in the ensu
ing fiscal year and of making an esti
mate of the revenues of the government
for the sarie period and if a pnibnbe
deficit is thus shown it is mide the
duty of the president to reeoimm nd tne
method by which such delicit cai be
met The report of the secretary shows that
the ordinary expenditures for the eurrnt
fiscal year ending June 30 lain will
exceed the estimated receipts by 3107
fiO If to this deficit is added the sum ti
be disbursed for the Panama Canal
amounting to JGS OOOiW and JlttH 9nO
to bt paid on the public debt the deficit
of ordinary receipts and expenditures will I
be Incrpaoq to a total d < si < It of 73075 I
620 This deficit the secretary proposes
to meet by the proceeds nf bonds issued I
to pay the cost of constructing the Pana
ma canal I approve this proposal
The icy of paying for the construc
tion of the Panama canal not out of
current revenues hut by bow issues was
adopted in the Spooner act of ItlZ and
there soems to be no good reason for de
parting from the principle by which a
part at leat of the burden of the cost j
of the canal shall fall upon our posterity
who are to enjoy It and there is all the
more reason for this view because the II
actual cost io date of the < anal which is
now half done and which will be com
pleted Jan 1 1913 shows that the cost
of engineering and construction will be
2 77660 < tO instead of JI37 52 w > as
originally estimated In addition to
engineering and construction the other
expenses including sanitation and gov
ernment and the amount paid for the
properties the franchise and the prlvil
esg of building the canal increase the
cojii by 75435rWO to a total of J3752t
In order to svoid a deflit for the en
suing fiscal year I directed the heads of 1
tho departments in the preparation of I
their estimates tn make them as low as
pots > ibl consistent with Imperative gov
ernmental necessity The result has Ilttm
as I am advised by the secretary of the
treasury that the atimates of the cx
tenses of the government for the fiscal
Seftr ending June 30 1911 thnf 1 = f t >
neirt a less nv fi63OCO
u aii the total or appropriations for the
current fiscal ye r and less bv f94oooftno
than the estimates tor that year t o far
as the secretary of the trejsurv Is able
to form a judgment as to the future in
come and compare it with the expendi
ture for the next tis1 year nling June
i 1911 including the payments on nc
eount of the Panama canal and the plWic
debt there Will Ite no deficit in the year
ending June 30 1911 but a small urplus
of S712IX >
In the present estimates the needs of
the departments and of thr government
have beer cut to the quirk so to speak
and any assumption on the part of Con I
gress so often made In time past that
the estimates have locn prepared with
the expectation that they may bt leduC I
will result in seriously hampering proper I
The secretary of the treasury points I
out what should be carefully noted In re
spect to this reduction in governmental
expenses for the next seal yeer that the
economics are of two kindsfirst there
Is tt saving in toe permanent administra
tion of the departments bureaus and
offices of the government and second
Ihtre Is a rrent rlut Ion in expenres
by a iostp neinent of projects and im
provements that ultimately will have to
be OArrieI out hut which are now de
layed with the hope that additional reve
nue In the future wij permit their exe
eution without producing a deficit
Od Ago Pensions
Most of the great industrii organza
tlons and many of the vUQooutl
Hiiwas of tin country art coming to
the < nncKisioii that a system of pensions
for old mplcyees and the substltuUon
thereof of vmnner anj more energetic
Servants promot s both evonorry and eifl
Clencv of administration
1 am aware that there Is a strong feel
Ing n hoth houses of Concress and pos
sibly in the country against the estab
Bshment of civil pensions and that this
has naturally grown out of the heavy
burden of military pensions which It has
always been the policy of our government
t < > assume but I am strongly convinced
that no other prrctiil sI ton of the
difficulties presented fr the superan
nuation of civil s rv ants can be found
than that of a cxsttm of civil pensions I
Frauds In Custom House
I regrtt to refer to the fat of the dis 1
covery of extensive frauds In tht collec
tion of the customs revenue at New York I
city in which a nuiriix of the subordi
nate ev loyees in th < w < igliing and other I
leparhnt were direvtiv > nnrnd and 1
in which the benefiiiri wr the AmerI
kHZ Sugar Refining c npanv and others
The frauds consisted in tho payment Ofi
duty on underweights of sugar Th I
government has receverr4 from the
American Sugar Retinir company all I
that it is shown to tiave been defrauded
of The sum was received in full of the i
amount due WI ich might have lw MI re 1
> Iy cixi srjit against the benefi
ciary of the fraud but tbeie was an ex
I press reservation In tilt contrari of set
tlement I > > whl h the settlcmert should
n t Into Cr with or prevent the crtnil
na 1rIIIn nf evervone wh was
I found to h sinet to the same I
I Criinina pr < i otis are nW proceed
trr > trpitist a r wh r ft tlc vjrnment
rtfHLijs Ti tisuv jinrtment and
I the deparuit of ju tio are exerting I
Fighting the Plague13
In street cars and elevated trains of New York City tLjs zri has been dis
played I
l 4 y > Tr k f c
t If you Have Consumption
iJf Do not give it to others by spitting in the CT If
s you do not have It dont let others give it to vr > u
by spitting Consumption is caught main OJ
through dry spectum If you must spit use your
i Committee on the Prevention of TtHjerctrfcsis I
69 Shermernorn St
1t iiII l i t i i
This is one of tM weapon employed in the fight to prevent the spread of the
grat white plague The deadly germs of tuberculosis lurking in th mucous dis
ehergM from consumptive lungs get into the air and pro bre4th into the lungs
I of healthy people where IJ there is any sore SPOt or weakness left by a cold or
other irritalins disturbance they fasten and uain aothei victim
Dont neglect a cough or cold To break up coM quickly th r is nothing
so oSfctlve as tne mixture of two ounces of Qlyctrrine a balfi r Virgin
Oil of Pine compound pure and eight ounces of pure Whisky Si uJ
take a teaspoonful every lour hours It clears the throat and tort r aw
relieves hoarseness awl heeds irritfttioffs of the mucx U9 surface awl
Itecatiie of its purity is far preferable to the ordinary cough mixtui many
of which contain chleroferm or ether thisg It is claimed by the Leach Cbesoical
I Co of Cincinnati who prepare the genuine VSrgui OU of Pine compound pure
II that this mixture win lre k a cold in twentyfour hours and ewe any mgk
that li curabitt
every effort to discover al the wrong I
doers ln < luding ths offlcers And emplOy I
eel of the orrfmrles who way have been I
privy to the fraud It would seem to me
that an Investigation of the friids f > v
Congress it present pending tin prubing
J > v the treasury darlcwnt iv ul the < j
rnnrrent of justice as jr > r sel migut
ly grving imriunity and i > thiwi ii
an embrrrassuient in setirini TIM tvn
of the guilty parties
Maximum and Minimum Tariff
Two features of the new tnrrr at
iaJ for special referem By Jrn of
the claus known as the maximum m < i
minimum clause it is the dnv of The
executive to consider the laws 5ui I
tuv cf other countries with Tn J
to the Jniportatlun into ti > e cit itis I
of the products and merchandise t the
Unitni Stat s the minimum duties p < >
iled iii the fchl ae to go int fici n
ess the Irerldent makes eui a fl 11
then the maximum duties provlj t
the bill that is an increase of T i
ent ad valorem over the mini m
duties are to e in bees Fear lu h
expressed that this power eouteiT t in
duty imposed on the Executive 1 liC v
hI lead to a tariff war I bee to
the hope and belief that r > M t <
need ix anti < ipatd
The discretion granted to the e ut i
bv the term unduly diecnmini
chic In order that the maxliun fl <
shall Le charged against the iniLntrtM fr
that b > a
a country it is nSry t
find on the port of that country nn iJ
disriminations in its aws or th ira n
unler them against the tiati ff t
United States but that the diiI 1 In
tions fiiind shall be tmndtacthmat j s w j
ut good and fair reason I 11 i a
tiis power was reposed in the 1 > n
with the hope that tho maximum lui
night never te applied in uny t c 11
that th hewer to apply thrn wul n
abl th president and the tatS d lart
merit throush friendly regotuuiii to
cure the elimination from il < law ni >
the practice under thm cf any fircign
ijntry of that which if undul i jsjtii
naiorx Xo one is seeking a tariff war < r
a condition In which the spirit of re
taliation shall Ie aroiis ii
Uses of New Tariff Board
The new tariff law enables me t > > ap
point a tariff beard to assist rnS in on
tie 1 iln will lhe derartim Hj r late in
the administration of the mimimini um
inrixlmuii clause of the 31l < nd also to
assist offlcers of the government in the
administration of the entire Iw An I
examination of th law rnd an under I
standing of the nature of the facts wli < h
should be considered in discharging the
functions imposed upon the exemtve
show that I lave the power to diret the
tariff Itoard to make a comprehensive
gF ary and encyclopedia of the terms
u + d and articles embrac in tho tariff
law and to secure information as to the
cost of production of sin h goods In this
country and the < est of their production
In foreign co ntri = I have therefore
appointed a tariff hoard consisting of
three minb rs and have directed them to I
perform all the duties above described
This work will perhans take two or three
years and I ask from Congress a con
I tinuing annual appropriation ovial to that
already made for its prosecution
I believe that the work of this hoard
will be of prime utility and importance I
whenever Congress shall deem it wise
again to readjust tie cutom duties If
th facts secured by the tariff board arc I
of such a character as to show generally
that the rates of duties imposed by the
present tariT law are excessive under te
principles of protection AR described m I
the platform of the successful p at
the late election I shall not hrs f to
invite th attention of Congress li this
fact antl to the necessity for action predi
cated thereon Nothing however halts
business and interferes with the course of
prosi erlty so much as the threatened i
I revision of the tariff and until the facts
are at hand after careful and deliberate
investigation upon whi < h such revision
can properly be undertaken it seems t
me unwise to attempt it
The War Department I
In the interest of immediate economy
aid b vau = < 6 of the prospect i > f a deficit
I I have required a reduction ir the sti
mates of the war department lor the com
ing tisca year which brings the total
estimates down to an amount t fjOO O
le than the corresponding estimates for
last year This could only to > accom
plished by cutting off new projects and
suspending for the period of one year all
progress in military matters For the
same reajou I have directed that the
army shall not be recruited up to its
present authorized strength
The Navy Debt
The coast defenses of the United States
could bed
proper are generally all that
d sired and in some respects they are
rather more laborate than under present I
conditions are metled to stop an enemys
fleet front etiterlng the harbors defended
There IF howvei one place wlcre ad
ditional defense Is Ixidly needed a1d that
is at the mouth of Chesapeake bay where
it Is proposed to make an artificial island
for a fort which shall prevent an nemys I
fleet from entering this most important
strategic base of operations on the
whole At ntic and Gulf coasts I hop
that appropriate l > isati < i will be adopt
ed to secure the construction of this
The Navy
The return of the battleship ftnt from
its voyage al und the w rM in more
efilMint condition than when it started
was a noteworthy event of interest alike
to our cltizms and the naval authorities j
of tiie world B sides the beneficial and
farreaching effect on our personal and I
diplomatic relation in the countries i
i whl h the fleet visited the marked she
oit of the shIps In steaming anuind the I
I w > rH in pll Heathers on htMiIe time
has increased respect for our nny and
his aliled lo our national prestige I
Owing to the necessity f or economy iri
expenditures I hart dire ted the curtail
ment of recommindatlons for lI val ap
propriations so that 1hy are JSSWKOOI
less than the corresponding estimate of
last year and the request for new naval
construction is limited to two firstclass
battleships and one repair vessel The I
use of a tiay is for military purposes
ard there has been ounJ need in the
department of a military bian h dealing I
I 3lr < tly wth the military use of the fleet j
The Totary of the navy rtas also felt I
the lack of responsible advisers to aid
lilm in reaching conclusions and de < ilirg
important matters between tooidinate
brancht of the department Tc sTure
these results he has inaugurated n ten
tative plan involving certain changes in
the organization of the nvy department
ln < Inkling the nay yards all nt which
have been found by the Kltrrneyponferal
to be in accordance with law I have
approved the execution f the plan pro
posed Itecatise of the greater efficiency
and ecoii ii iv it proml
Injunctions Without Notice
The platform of the mircessful party
in the last election coraine the follow
ingThe Republican party will uphold at
all times thO authority and Integrity nt
tie courts state and feiieial and will
ever insist that their powers to enforc
their process and to prote lif Iibrtv
and operty shall l e prfswrved invirmt
We believe howeer that th rue of
pnx ejir > in the f Ira jTrts wrti r <
pett to the Issrjance of the writ of in
junction should b iiirre accurately d
fined bv statu and that no injunction
or temprrary restrairme oder shotiM be
ISSuei without notii exfpt wit < re ir
paraWe Injury would rtwtlt from delay in
which case a speedy nearing thereafter
should 1M granted
I recommend hat in compliance with
the promise thus mjui appropriate legis
lation be adopted Ti nUB of justice
will bet b nt and fie chief ceuse of
complaint a ait ill nsMered injuri
lions without notice will tie removed by
the enactment > > f t tatute fttini
hereafter the issuing 4 any irjunrtiin
or restraining order whir tmportry
or permanent by any federal court with
out previous notice and a r onaW op
portunitv to he heard t n Inaf of the
parties to be TJoine i unless it shall ap
rear to the satisfaction of the court that
th deliy necessary to give Uh notice
and hearing would result in arable
Injury to the complainant and unless aT s >
the court shall from the cvi Ierce make
a written findina which shall be spral
upon the court minutes that iirnediate
and irreparable injury is likely to ensue
I to the complainant and haH d tine th <
injury state why it Is iTparaM and
hall also endorse on the tr 5 d tho
date and the hour of the ian of tr
AntiTrust Laeis
Tie jurisCIc tlon r tl a re
f rn over int rstu 1 reres nt
Itd to the pasraiX t oJdJJ tber
man antitrust I v the interfctat
commerce law t mersdments The
developments In ration of thosr
laws as showi tfrta trlais
Jbdit ia VIe Irfo the surces ol
I Information ej disussion and
ne mynresth c o ajrundments
Thc T orator la ambcji In a SCo ja
jkLvgFf5wd1r3 J
Jq = = = = c w
Ithfdnss A
1 of the food Lt s
I Pitkins Five Year Guarantee Paints
i Barrels and halfbarrels 75c per gallon 5gallon
cans 85c Single gallon 90c Slate 5c gal higher
Our ntire Stocks
and presents for man lady boyt girl
and infant at prices lower
than the lowest
We will offer for this week 10 yards Black
Domestic C
Ladies TailorMade Suits Silk Lined all 4 398
wool 4
One lot Mens Shoes on display in our Shoe De
partment actually at onehalf price Come and wait
on yourself It doesnt take a salesman to sell you
these Shoes at the prices
Ladies 350 Shoes High Top Patent 1 98
Vici must go at
Get your boy a Christmas Suit We have them
By buying a Mans Suit from us means a cash
saving to you
Felt Slippers all colors SOC
i When you buy trom us your dollar does double
work Come and be convinced
Brawner Riera Company
Cor Palafox and Romana
I r
d n
insfiwl of irilms thun in
j n > fiviKf
tml I hTi I
all a
the pi sfiii i onitruiii1
avail mysf > f tin ftM e nvii nt oppor
tunity to bring thi jvts to tnt
attention of nprtB I
Postal Snvlnns Banks
The se oiiJ subject warthV of mention
ir tr po ltttttfo department Is the real
I iraotuabiltty of en
n < srity nd ntire
titbHshin postal savings banks The
5 Still party nt the last election ilr
aif1 In fare f postal sainfta hanks
alt I aThi the proposition fend op
vxn > nis In many parts of tie country j
am < orivjn < fd that the people Je lr such
hank and am sure that when the hank
are furnished they will be productive rf
h p utmost good Tie postal savtap
banks are not onstitrVd or the pur
pose of rretlnjr competition with other
banks Th1 rat of Interest upon 110
p ltK to him the would be limited
would be tIC maIl as to prrv nt thj
I Irawir d noslts away from other bankF
I believe them to b recessrv In f > i < l
ir offVr a proper iridiement to thrift
and svirs to a great many ptpl e
small nan rho rio not now have bank
irii faiiitieb and to whom sih a p yt m
I vr iff offer an opportunltv for time a
urrulation r < i capita Thy will fur
nitu a iatirfit 6UtltH ha eri n >
< trx 1 rr Ji ire TH artu I < ft3 trul
In nearly aX the r njiTie of to i wrV
for tho system of gwrnni nt t
I l MI f
wtlirti tote wfii ii v
thos > who aoJrrate ii s n
In ir I lie e < s of ii e
6 < fativ lanking 1111
The qutlon of hnw
posited in postal sav i r
invested is cot free fv
b Meve that a atir t
this purposes as n > J c
mnl to the WH conHier
nt Its last sxfiiion I t F J
I tleiav the ry > n WcrjT
tihliKhintr a posta1 = a ir ba I
af > r the nport of the monet y lt
I Ship Subldy BI
Frj njl thf iu1f f 1
I Trei u I arm lh
rrm Os thp nII I
f 1 t h Ii 1
tablisnont f iI
atc1 111 eil < a
lAtrwrin n w11 ag lir f v t
i at < tle eIT Sa 1
1 Ar < a hna Japan a 1 I Ip
fn 1 I nt ir f
p rhaps n Tifflcient Tr1 f rJU
t 1r > wh n might first ie fo T ta
pile tI till methrxl if illJ I iri Am an
I Continued on Page Seven
Dnfv One BROMO QUININE hat is
I Laxative Bromo Quinine t3 011 K fvery ZSc
1 Cures a Cold One Day Grin in 2 Days
I l