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5 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 23, 1910. fill) Y p We carry the largest and best stock of Men s and Boys Furnishings in the State. If you are skeptical, come and see. Just now of special inter est . ' Wash Four-in-Hands, 25 and 50c. "Chester," the new low Arrow Brand Collar, with the "Ara-notch," two for 25c. The John White Store Th Store- With the Reputation." y SOS-7 S. Palafox St. EXCURSION . TUG MONARCH SUNDAY Big ocean-going tug will leave dodc at Palafox wharf at 10 a. m. and 3 p. m. for the Monarch Pavilion, Santa Rosa Island, -where the beautiful sands and eurf can be seen and en Joyed. . PAVILION 13 OPEN. The Pavilion is open 'for the season. Bathing suits may be hired here. Fish dinner and other refreshments will e served at all hours. Round Trip, 50 cents. New and Relay Rails We make a specialty of both, and are prepared to supply your require ments promptly. Metzger Brothers, MOBILE, ALA. . ( TERSELY TOLD. I $5.00 REWARD. The Journal will pay S5.00 reward for evidence sufficient to convict any boy or person found stealing subscribers' papers ir oeuvery or same Dy carrier. cola, the well-known secretary of the Inland Waterwavs Association: ar. rived test night and is registered at tne ban Carlos. . m J. W. Owens, of Tallahassee xraa one of the arrivals' from the east last night, registering at the San Carlos m m m -- - -y w, uivu eye 1 1 v yesterday at 4 o'clock for Liverpool, mw as & passenger james jargue, Sr., of thte city, who goes to visit his BiBwrs at a oeraeen, ana at Ki Harney Scotland. The steamer will touch at Norfolk for coal. W. W. Clark and T V TV out nent citizens of Milton, are at the Es- canmia. iney arnvea last night. . . The wrecked Italian bark Oban Bav was sold at public outcry yesterday, the sum of $750 being paid. The sale at tracted little attention. Italian Consul Caflero conducted the sale. This is the vessel stranded on the outer gulf oeacn. A shop on DeLuna street was found wiiu rii open aoor at 12:30 o'clock thi3 been nothing missed. The captain the Dolioft watrh prietor had forgotten to lock the door wnen ce leri me prace last night. New methods of cleaning off Pala fox street were adopted last night when connection with fire hose was made with city water hydrants and the street surface given the benefit of the full force of the water supply. The operation started about midnight a,nd was continued until this morning about 3 o'clock. It was effective work. ICE CREAM DEPENDS for its goodness upon the Flavoring Kxtracts. Use Blue Ribbon Lemon and Vanilla Extracts. 5 or 6 doses "666" will cure any case of Chills and Fever. Price 25c. A box of candy will be given to-day to each per son purchasing 25 cents worth or over for cash at The Crystal Pharmacy. NO PROGRESS MADE. Kansas City, Mo., April 22. When the representative coal miners and owners of the Southwest resume their joint conference here today it was admitted by both sides tha tlit tle progress had been made towards settlement of the miners strike. Read The Journal's Want Ads. and profit thereby. COL HOWARD ORATOR OF DAY T ELOQUENT SPEAKER OF COLUM BUS, GA., WILL DELIVER AD DRESS AT THE MEMORIAL DAY EXERCISES. April 26 is the day set apart by the Ladies' Memorial Association in a ma jority of the communities of the South, to pay tribute to the living and do homage to the dead sons of Dixie, whose deeds and daring from '61 to '65 were the wonder of the world. Under the auspices of the Ladles' Memorial Association of Pensacola. these beautiful and impressive ser vices will be held, as usual, at R. E. Lee square, beginning at 4:30 o'clock, next Tuesday afternoon. Heretofore it has been the almost universal custom of the Pensacola as sociation to Invite some eloquent son of a soldier of the South to deliver the annual memorial oration at Lee square, but this year one of the griz zled old heroes of the Lost Cause, who fought the battles of his beloved Southland from Bull Run. to Appo mattox as. a private soldier, Col. Rob ert M. Howard, of Columbus, Ga, has been invited to deliver the memorial address. By his old comrades in arms, the honorary title of "Colonel" has been conferred upon Mr. Howard, but, like "Erivate" John Allen of Mississippi, he prefers to be known as "Private" Bob Howard, or by the affectionate pseudonym, "Uncle Bob," conferred upon him- by the younger generation of his home folk. Colonel Howard Is one of the most distinguished Confederate veterans of the Empire State of the South, and one of the most lucid and convincing exponents of the South's position on the questions that culminated in the great four years struggle at arms be tween the states of the Union and Confederacy. His diction is perfect; his style pungent, vigorous, direct; his eloquence, descriptive of valorous deeds and scenes of carnage; lion hearted . courage and personal sacri fice of the boys in gray at Manassas and Fredericksburg; Gettysburg and Malvern Hill; Chickamauga and Chancellorsville; Mission Ridge and Nashville; Murfreesboro and Frank lin; Vlcksburg and Shiloh, is sublime; and his address at Lee square on Tuesday afternoon will prove an his torical, intellectual, oratorical treat, not alone to his comrades of '61 to '65, but also to the generations that have succeeded them. " Colonel Howard was a civil engi neer in charge of a division of con struction of what is now the Louis ville & Nashville railroad, when ihe civil war began. He was at Pensa cola then, and has never visited here since, hence he looks forward with a great deal of pleasure to his visit here at this time. He will arrive in tne city on Sunday afternoon, and will be the guest of his relative, Judge Boy kin Jones', at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hyer, on North Hill. G. NERI SUED W. A. FINLAY, JR., FOR $2,000, BUT THE JURY DID NOT THINK HE WAS ENTITLED TO DAMAGES. The suit of G. Neri vs. W. A. Finlay, Jr., for $2,000, which was placed on trial yesterday afternoon immediately after the completion of the Douville Skinner case, came to an end about 6:30 o'clock last night, when the jury rendered a verdict in favor of Ir. Fin lay. The suit was based on the allega tion that the plaintiff had been struck by an automobile driven by Mr. Fin lay and injured. This occurred near ly two years ago on Palafox street, but witnesses introduced by Mr. Fin lay testified that the latter was in no manner at fault, in that he had exer cised all precautions possible and en deavored to prevent an accident. It was upon this that the jury decid ed that the plaintiff was not entitled to the damages sued for. Are you frequently hoarse? Do you have that annoying tickling in your throat? Does your chouh annoy you at night, and do you raise mucus in the morning? Do you want relier? If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you will be pleased. Sold by all dealers. CAMPAIGN ON IN TEXAS. Houston, Tex.,' April 22. With the opening speech of former Attorney General Davidson at Waco today, the campaign for the Democratic nomina tion for governor of Texas will be in full swing and it is believed it will he one of the most vigorously contested in the history of the state. Among the issues figuring largely is that of prohibition, while Senator Bailey will also be an incident in the contest. The leading candidates- are Attorney General Davidson of Galveston, who resigned the attorney generalship to make the race; I. B. Colquitt, present railway commissioner; Hon. Cone Johnson of Tyler, and Judge William Peridler of Cleburne. It's a mighty mean man who won't carry home a box of WHITMAN'S fine candy for his little girl, when it does not cost him a cent. NEX TUESDAY A VERDICT FOR THE DEFENDANT Some Clothes audi For, Men Who Earn Their Bread By the Sweat of Their Brow , 200 pair of solid leather Shoes, five styles, made in either sewed, nailed or peg. Our regular $1.75 and $2.00 sellers, special to-day $1.45. 25 dozen of the best 50c Work ing Shirts on earth to-day, at 43c- WATSON,PARKER?REESE CO. Everything to Wear. VERDICT FOR PLAINTIFF IN SUM 112.500 E. E. DOUVILLE GIVEN THIS AMOUNT WITH INTEREST AT 8 PER CENT FOR FIVE YEARS AGAINST SKINNER MANUFAC TURING CO. A verdict for $12,500 with interest at S per cent for about five years, making a total of nearly $18,000, was rendered by the jury in -the case of E. E. DouviUe vs. the Skinner Manufac turing Co. in the circuit court yester day, after a trial occupying more than two days. The verdict was rendered shortly before the court adjourned for the noon hour. The suit was based on commissions claimed for the sale of the lands and plant of the company to a syndicate of local men, who took over the prop erty about five years ago. Suit was then brought and yesterday's verdict was the third one rendered in favor of the plaintiff, the two preceding ones being set aside by the supremo court. THE SLEEP OF GOOD HEALTH. The restorative power of sound sleep can not be over estimated and any ailment that prevents it Is a men ace to health. J. L. Southers, Eau Claire, Wis., says: "For a long time I have been unable to sleep soundly nights because of pains across my back and soreness of my kidneys. My appetite was very poor and my gen eral condition was much run down. I have been taking Foley's Kidney Pills but a short time and now sleep as sound as a rock. I eat and enjoy my meals, and my general condition Is greatly improved. I can honestly recommend Foley's Kidney Pills as 1 know they have cured me." W. A. D'Alemberte, druggist and apothe cary, 121 S. Palafox St. Empire Launday Work is strictly first-class and guaranteed. We give the domestic finish with the pearl white color, in dicative of perfect clean liness. Empire Laundry "Where Linen La it a." W. C. MACKEY, Mgr. Phene 322. Specials for To-day .In. BREWTON TEAM BLANKED LOCALS (Continued from Page Three) "J dropped a low throw. Sowell (hit safe ly over short, Gaff counting. Kafrb struck out. Anderson hit safely down third base line and was out trying for second. Coleman popped,, up to third base. Watson was safe on an error by first baseman, and stole ; eecond. Shuttle worth was safe on en error by Down ing. Bonifay waa out, second to first. Eighth: Penn was first up and struck out. Robblns- out, second to first. .Downing struck out again. Myers lined outs to short. Lybrand out, Penn to Tyles. McGann. struck out. Ninth: Hollidaiflied-out to Myers. Gaff walked. -Miller -struck out and Gaff stole seoohd. -Tyles struck out. Fell fiied out to right field. Ander son struck out and Coleman ended the game by the" Penn to Tyles route. The line-up was as follows: r. H. S.- Coleman, catcher; Shutle worth, pitcher; Watson, first base; Mc Gann, second base;" Anderson," short stop; Bonifay, third base; Ly brand, left field; Mimms .and Gaff, center field. B. C. I. Sowell, catcher; Penn, pitcher; 'lyles, first base; Kcbbins, second base; Downing, short-stop; Rabb, third base; Holliday, left field; Miller, center field. Hon The Which plays the better ball? Sam Crane telfe in Pearson's Magazine, now on sale. He describes and analyzes the play of the two leagues, plainly shows the difference, and incidentally explains why the National League regularly wins the World's ,. Championship. Here, for the first time, is a frank comparison of the two leagues, made by a man who has followed the game for thirty years. If you think one league is better than the other, read this story. Crane hasn't attempted to please both sides ; he speaks sincerely. His story should settle all arguments. TD earson s 100 pair of good Khaki Pants at 96c per pair. 1000 pair of 10c Sox, at 8c. The biggest line of 50c Dress Shirts to be found in the city. Yours for business. Time of game, 1 hour 30 minutes; umpire, Lurton. The game this morning win ne called at 10:15. The afternoon game will be at 4 o'clock. Foley's -Kidney Remedy will cure any case of 'kidney and bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medi cine. No medicine can do more. W. A. D'Alemberte, druggist and apothe cary, 121 S. Palafox St. EXCURSION TO DICK ERSON CITY. Sunday, April 24th. Music by U. S. Marine Band. Launch Swan leaves old city wharf 9 a. m. 50 cents round trip. Refreshments on the grounds. Regular dinner, 35 cents. CREW IS RESCUED. Newcastle, N. S. W., April 22. The crew of the British Indiana Navigation Company's steamer Satara, who were washed ashore on shoal rocks yester day, were rescued by the steamer Arara and landed here today. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invariably bring relief to wo men suffering from chronic constipa tion, headache, biliousness, dizziness, sallownes-Tof the skin and dyspepsia. Sold by all dealers. LAWLESSNESS SPREADING. Pekin, April 22. The lawlessness of the natives which began at Chang- Th rerllessns of th Inrreaned rot of lWins is exil;d in the sam : a few men x tho pr.ces ior their own profit : here' the whole rory. The inSwr-nces ivhich madf Mr. Tuft fhani fjiw mind about the tariff are set forth bv Alfred H-Ty I,v.-is, a!s-- hi ra;nc the four mm who rcaliy control the government. The diMUWCft whkh it i-rt cventy-fi ve per cnt. of youne men and afrrct principally innocent women and babies are (ZtrcriL-raj in p'ain words; it is t'.ie t: explartion of th greatest social evil. An old-time cevspapfr man writes of newspaper roc J.-V yfstcrii and to-day : anothet story tells how two women with pfies defy the Uei:ea States Suprene Court. Fr entertainment there are seven spleadid short fiction stones, indudiss a corker the cod story of ls2n Tat It, by V. C Maciar.ane. 9 Magazine for Shoes M N sha, the capital of Hunan province, is reported to be spreading. Advices received here say that riots have oc curred at Ningsiang, the site of a Protestant mission, thirty miles west of Changha. A mission school at Yiyang, twenty miles north of Ningsi ang, has been burned. The foreigners are said to have escaped harm. ONE CONDUCTOR WHO WAS CURED. Mr. Wilford Adams is his name, and he writes about it. "Some time ago I was confined to my bed with chronic rheumatism. I used two bottles of Foley's Kidney Remedy with good ef fect, and the third bottle put me on my feet and I resumed work as con ductor on the Lexington, Ky., Street Railway. It gave me more relief than any medicine I had ever used, and it will do all you claim in cases of rheumatism." Foley's Kidney Remedy cures rheumatism toy elimi nating the uric acid from the blood. W. A. D'Alemberte, drugrgst and apothecary. 121 S. Palafox St. Just received 200 bottles of Vinol. The Crystal Phar macy. Mrs. A. Why did you discharge Bridget? Didn't she took well? Mrs. B. Oh, yes, splendidly; but I really couldn't keep up Vith her dress ing, you know. Boston Transcript. M 4 ! A LI II RealWarm Q Weather I Is the decisive feature In the laun dry business. It takes New Method work to stand the real hot welt Ing weather. Let our wagon call for your work. NEW METHOD LAUNDRY. E. W. LAWRENCE, Proprietor. 15-17 W. ROMANA ST. Phone 136. The San Carlos Hotel (European Plan.) Combination Breakfasts, 35 to 50c. Merchants' Lunch 50c Table d'Hote Dinner ....$1.00 In addition to the daily a la carte service. Rates, $1.00 per day and up. GEORGE H. HERVEY, Manager. JOS. NORTON, Mural Artist Designer and Decorator of HIgh-Clasa Interiors. Address: San Carlos Hotel Pensacola. Cawthon Mobile. , The Monteleone New Orleans. - a CANDIES C h o c o 1 ate Peppermint, per lb .20c Chocolate Wintergreen, per lb . .20c Chocolate Dates, per lb. .20c Chocolate Figolettes, per lb .20c Chocolate Walnuts, per lb ..20c Chocolate Yumyum, per lb .....20c Chocolate Peanut Clust ers, per lb 20c Chocolate Nanon, per lb 20c Chocolate Marshmellows, per lb ..20c Chocolate Maple, per lb. . 15c Assorted Coco Bon Bons, per lb . . . 15c Empire Bon Bon, per lb . . 15c Duchess Gum Drops, per lb ........15c Fancy Cream Mixed, per lb 15c . B. Hoffman & Son Phone 825 57 E. Gregory. A STRIKE IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION when you install electricity in youf place of business. V.Tien the day are warm, you can make your placa cool and comfortable by the use of electric fans and customers will flnil it a pleasure to come to your place to shop. In the home, it is equally convenient. You will find it the acme of simplicity .cleanliness, conveni ence and comfort, and last, but not least, economical. Pensacola Electric Co., New Business Department. Phone 10.