Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 28, 1911. 5 Fhona 38 ( PEOPLE AND EVENTS) By BONNIE THE WEEK'S EVENTS TUESDAY. .Meeting of the Tourist Club at the San Carlos hotel, t:80 p. m. ' Meeting: of the American "Woman's League at the home of Mrs. II. E. Wilson on East Chase street. ' W. C. T. U. meeting; at Fort Barrancas, 7:30 o'clock. ' WEDNESDAY. Euchre at the Progress Club, 8 p. m. Meeting: of the Young Matrons Club; hostess, Mrs. Ed. For- chelmer. THURSDAY. Meeting: of New City club; hostess, Mrs. J. O. Jennlng-s, Elgh- teentn avenue ana lakb street Meeting of the "W. C. T. TJ. at S o'clock. - " A MODERN WOOING. "Oh, Phyllis, prithee come to me! Come thou and be my own! A golden kingdom waits for thee, . "TTrVh Trl,1 crown Anil throne. "I would I might come over there Where everything Is bright. But oh, my Strephon, true and fair, My bat shuts out my sight! Ah, wellady! Ah, wellady! I really cannot see my way!" "Take thou my hand, my dearest heart; ' I'll lead thee gently o'er uiuna iv luab aauu fc, And guide thee evermore." Td gladly follow thee, my dear, - But still must stand Inert; I cannot move an inch from here. Clad In my hobble skirt. Ah, wo Is me! Yes, wo is me! I cannot step a step, you see! "But you can change your hat and gown; What's fashion 'side of love? Throw off the youke that bears you down, And seize life's treasure-trove." ,alas, I fear I can't do that! , I'd give up all for thee, . But I can't wear a skirt or hat That's not in style, you see.' Helgho! Alas. Unhappy ipass That lover never wed that lass! WJXBERFORCE JENKINS. ADMIRAL YOUNQ IS ILL IN MOBILE. Admiral and Mrs. Young, who, went to Mobile Saturday to see Bernhardt, did not return yesterday, as they in tended, the admiral having been at tacked by a congestive chill yesterday morning. He was better last night. however, and will probably return home today. r-in ARE SINGING AT THE FLORAL A CHAUTAUQUA THIS WEEK. Mrs. F. E. Brawner, Mrs. Jack Grif fith and Miss Missouri Cawthon left the city yesterday afternon for Florala, where they will sing at the Chautau qua. These ladies bear quite a reputation for good voices in the city and will prove quite an attraction to the Chau- Desire for Drink The man who drinks to excess needs treatment for his condition. The Orrine treatment can be used with absolute con fidence. It destroys all desire for whis key, beer and other intoxicants. It is a simple treatment, it is Riven in the home no sanitarium expense no loss of time from work. It is an Inexpensive treatment. Many men spend more tn a day for whiskey and beer for their friends arkf themselves than would pay for the treatment, "We are so sure that Irrine win benefit 'Mt .Via. . . AW A MM - - - ui.h rnj k.kj juu lime u ajtcr a trial you fall to get any benefit from its use. we will give your money back. ORRINE is prepared in two forma, No. I. secret treatment, a powder, absolute ly tasteless and odorlees. given secretly In food or drink. ORRIXE No. 2. in pill form, is for those who desire to take voluntary treatment. ORRIXE costs only II. 00 a box. Write for Free ORRIXE Booklet (mailed in plain sealed envelope) to ORRIXE CO.. Orrine Building. Wash ington. r. C. ORRIXE is recommended and la for sale in this city by W. H. White & Co., 106 S. Falafox St. The Pure Food Store Where Quality Reigns Supreme. A MOST DELICIOUS PRESRVE Spiced Cantaloupe in glass 40 cents Sol.Gahn&Co. - Agents NunnaUys Candies. Phone 1720-1721. BURNHAM . the First Presbyterian church at taoqua. They will be gone all week. PARTY DRIVE TO BAY MINETTE IN AUTOMOBILE. Mr. Wm. Fisher. Mr. John W. Bul lock, and Mr. W. R. Massengale of At lanta, left the city yesterday after noon at 1:30 m an automobile to make a trip Into Baldwin county, Alabama. They expect to return to the city to night. Mr. Massengale Is an enterprising young busines man of Atlanta, and his many friends here try to make his visits as pleasant as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Massengale leave to night for Atlanta. MISS ELLA BRENT ILL AT SANITARIUM. Miss Ella Brent, who was recently operated on for appendicitis, is im proving rapidly, much to the satisfac tion f her many friends here. MISS ESTHER HEINBERG TO MAKE HER HOME HERE. Miss Esther Helnberg, of Birming ham, Ala., will arrive In the city this week to make her home here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Heln berg. Miss. Helnberg is well-known here, having lived here some years ago, and her many friends are looking forward to her return. NEWS OF LITTLE BRENT WATSON. The latest report from little Brent Watson Is to the effect that he Is Im proving, and, while he has not been pronounced out of danger, there are great hopes of his recovery. MR. LEOPOLD LOEB RETURNS TO DENVER. Mr. Leopold Loeb, who has been spending the winter with his niece, Mrs. Morris Dannhelsser, leaves the city tomorrow for his home In Denver, CoL; Mr. Loeb came to Pensacola for his health and haar made many friends here who regret his leaving. MISS WENTWORTH 8ANG AT ST. KATHARINE'S CHURCH. Among the enjoyable musical num bers at St. Katharine's church Sun day was a solo, "Eye Hath Not Seen," from Gaul's Holy City, sung by Miss Wentworth. Miss Wentworth's voice is an exceptionally, sweet one and the selection was excellently rendered. PM MISS REBA BRADLEY HAS RETURNED HOME. Miss Reba Beryl Bradley, who has been visiting Miss Jenet Allen, left the city Saturday night for her home la Richmond, Va. Miss Bradley's charm and personality won for her many friends while in this city who regret exceedingly to see her leave. SISTER OF MRS. STEPHEN ALLEN RETURNS HOME. Mrs. Jake Wells, who has been visit ing her sltser, Mrs. Stephen Allen, re turned to her home In Richmond, Va., Saturday night. MEETING OF THE NOMADS. The Nomads held a delightful meet ing with Mrs. C. F. Zeek yesterday afternoon. Mrs. Zeek Is a charming hostess and her affairs are always en joyed' by those attending. The place of the next meeting will be announced later. EXCELLENT RECITALS BY PROF. ALVIN ROPER. Prof. Alvln Roper, one of the best pianists ever heard In Pensacola, gave two recitals at the First Meth odist church on Sunday and Monday afternoons. Mr. Roper Is with the Sunday school specialists who stopped in the city the last few days. He is an exceptionally good musician and his selections were well rendered. Among those particularly fine were: Selection from the "Bohemian GlrL" Nevln's "Rosary. Medley of National and Patriotic Songs. Interpretations of Classical Composi tions and oratorios and some of his own compositions. ARE PARENTS OF A FINE GIRL. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Boomes are be ing congratulated on the arrival of a ten-pound girl baby at their home Sunday morning. AMONG THE PENSACOLIANS TO SEE BERNHARDT. Mrs. Frank D. Tracy returned to the city Sunday night, after a brief stay in Mobile. Mrs. Tracy was among the Pensacollans who saw Sarah Bern hardt in "Camllle." UNIQUE FAMILY REUNION. A most unique family reunion occur red yesterday at the home of Mrs. M. E. "Sites, 200 West Romana street. when the family of three generations met and were entertained at a course Burner, after which the home was thrown pen and a general reception enjoyed by friends and relatives of the family. Among those present were Dr. and Mrs. Freeman of the Navy Yard. Mrs. S. L Laney of Key West, Mrs. P. J. Williams and family, and SAVED MOTHER AND DAUGHTER Two Ladies in Mt. Pleasant Are Healthy and Well, To-Day, Thanks to Cardui. ML Pleasant, Tenn. Mrs. M- E. Rail, of this place, says: "I was a great sufferer for two years, and was very weak, but learned about Cardui, and decided to Cardui is all you claim for it, and more. Now, I have gained tn weight, and am in per fect health. X san't say too much for Cardui. for saved my life. My daughter, when changing into womanhood, got in very bad health. I gave her Cardui, and now, she Is enjoying the best of health. Cardui Is worth Its weight In gold. I recom mend It for sick women, whether young or old.' Being composed exclusively of harm less, vegetable ingredients, with a mild and gentle medicinal action on the womanly constitution, Cardui la the best medicine for weak, sick girls and women.. If you are sick and miserable, or suffer from any of the aches and pains due to womanly weakness and disease, Cardui Is probably just what you need. Cardui helps sick women back to health and strength. It has been do ing this for more than 60 years. Cardui should surely help you, as It has) helped a million others, during this half century of time. It Is certainly worth trying. " N. B. Write to: TLadles Advisory Dept., Chattanooga .Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn, for Special Instructions, and 64 pasre book. "Home Treatment for Women," sent In plain wrapper, on request. Mrs. Nicholson of Harris, Fla., and Mrs. Pano of Mobile. A delightful evening was enjoyed by both friends and relatives who will not soon forget Mrs. Sike's hos pitality. DEALING WITH BROTHERS. Brothers are somewhat difficult to deal with, and the lot of a sister who has to cope unaided with a brother or brothers is not always a happy one. , , Brothers are born autocrats. Only sons are, naturally, the worst, for mothers are notoriously partial to their boys. An only son with elder sisters is particularly unfortunate, for he Is either pampered or bullied. An onljh son with younger sisters is the biggest autocrat of all. for he rules in a realm bZ,his own. , Providence usually en dow 4 one younger sister at least with the gift of retaliation; but If the girl lets her tongue wag too freely, and the boy lacks the gift of 'humor and Is spoiled enough to be ."huffy,' the re sult If often a lifetime estrangement Sisters and brothers should be friends and comrades and should stand shoulder to shoulder in the battTe of life. Until ohaperonage is abolished, brothers are useful for "taking girls about," and sisters. In return, should, when mother's ill or away, discreetly see that brothers have all those crea ture comforts without which no man Is ever content. Girls should evince and try to feel interest in their brotbers's sports. If it be football, she should master the simple technicalities, so as to be able to talk intelligently about it, and if the brother takes her to a football match, she should watch the sport, and not spend all her time looking at the other girls' dresses. Musical girls gen erally find an appreciative brother, for men have ever been susceptible to music and are not too inconveniently critical. Brothers are often quite un expectedly proud of their sisters' achievements, and are not ashamed to show It. It is safer to spoil big brothers than little one. Big brothers who have ap proached the age of reason usually see through It; little brothers who are spoiled become we cannot put It more mildly Insufferable little beasts. Sisters should remember that broth ers are only mankind In the making and that theirs Is the proud task of training them to be husbands. They should not exact attentions, for they are not mothers and wives, be fore whom all good-hearted beys bow for a space at least, but show good humoredly that they expect them. Much unpleasant family bickering might be avoided if girls and boys re membered to be comrades and If, in stead of trying to rival or oppose each other, they endeavored good-humored-ly to help the other on the way, prac ticing the good old friendly rule of be ing as ready to give as they arc willing to take. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. A. I Peake, who has been visit ing her daughter in New Orleans since Mardl Gras. has returned home. She spent a most pleasant visit In the Crescent City. Mrs. Rudolph Zens, who has been visiting her son. Mr. I R. Benz, for several days, will return to her home In Mobile today. Mr. and Mrs. O. Cv Bernhoser, who have been making their home for the last year at the residence of C. A. Easter Post Cards Free Not Cheap Trash, But 10 Beautiful Ones. -We win send free to any reader of The Journal 10 beautiful, high-grade embossed, colored Easter Post Cards, all different. We do this because we want you to know the high-grade cards we carry. If you prefer beauti ful assorted cards, say so when yon write. All we ask Is that yon send us this advertisement and 4 cents, stamps or money, to cover postage. Address Johnstone Post Card C05 Dept. S10, Rochester, N. T. Bredt on Lakevlew avenue, returned to their home in Ohio yesterday. Mr. V. T. towensteln and Mr. A. J. Neuberger, of Mobile, are in the city spending a few days. - Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Blalsdell returned to their home In Illinois, after a three months' visit to Mrs. C A. Bredt on Lakeview avenue. JOINT MEETING OF BIBLE CLASS 01 THURSDAY GENERAL THEME FOR DISCUS SION WILL BE "CHURCH AND SOCIAL PURITY," AND A NUM BER O PROMINENT CITIZENS WILL 8PEAK. The Joint meeting of the young men's bible class which was to have been held tonight will be postponed until 8 o'clock Thursday night. The general theme for discussion will be "Church and Social Purity." The topic, "Safeguarding the Church and -Youth," will be discussed by Dr. Clarence Hutchison. A treatment of the general topic will be given by Mr. John Bradford, anl on "Social Evil" by Dr. Chas. P. Hall. The subject, "Social Responsibility of the Church," will be handled by Rev. H. C. Threadgin. This meeting Is sure to be one of deepest interest and soundest instruc tion and members of all the classes are urged to be on hand. Perhaps few meetings are held which can be more helpful than this. The peculiar fitness of the speakers on these subjects in sures the best thought. BLUE RIBBON VANILLA EXTRACT. Made from the finest vanilla beans and aged until the flavor Is perfect. Use Blue Ribbon Vanilla Extract. It gives desserts the flavor you long for. THE THEFT OF' A SUIT CASE J. DAVENPORT AND JD. HOWELL, CLAIMING TO BE JOCKEY AND VALET, ARE IN CITY JAIL STOLEN ARTICLE WAS PROP ERTY OF JOHN M. M'LELLAN. Testerday morning John, M. McLel lan, a registered guest at the Manhat tan hotel, reported to the police de partment that he had lost a suit case, and furnished a description of the article. Detectives Ray and Schmltx Immediately went to work on the caso with the result that within a short time a suit case answering the de scription furnished them was at the police station, as were J. Davenport and D. Howell, two rack track follow ers. Davenport and. Howell are charged with the theft of the suit case, and according to the statement of the offi cers. It was found In their possession The missing suit case was located in the western section' of the city. The suit case has the initials "W. W. Md" stenciled on one end. McLellan left the city yesterday morning before the suit case was lo cated, but left Instructions at the police station to ship It to Nova Scotia In case It should be found. . Davenport claims to be a jockey and states that Howell Is his valet .They will be given a hearing before the re corder this morning. WAKPOT AT D'RIM RAILROAD COMMISSION CON DUCTS HEARING THERE AND TAKE TESTIMONY OF A NUM. BER OF CITIZENS. ' Special to The Journal. DeFunlak Springs. March 27. -Hon. R. Hudson Burr and Hon. N. A. Blitch, railroad t commissioners, were In the City Saturday conducting a hearing In the request by dtisens for a new depot here. The testimony is being taken at the court house and a large number of prominent citizens have befn testify ing during the day. Hon. W. W. Flour noy is conducting the examination for the town and Judge Daniel Campbell for the L. N. railroad. The points that are being urged by the city is that the depot Is not sani tary; that the facilities for taking cars of the traveling public are not ade quate, and that the lighting of the sta tion at night Is very poor and not in keeping with the needs of the city and traveling public Something like twenty-five wit nesses testified during the day, con sisting of the mayor, city councilmen. merchants, railroad employes and physicians. CHARGED WITH The Banquet to Henry Clay in New Orleans in 1 842 Cost $ 100 per Plate Never before had the historic old St. Louis Hotel, near tho famous French Market Place, contained such an assemblage of beautiful women and famous men. Here it was that Henry Clay made his only speech in Louisiana, and with matchless eloquence paid a glowing tribute to the beauty of Southern women. Before and after this banquet the guests sipped the famous French Market Coffee, as was the custom in those days. Then this famous beverage could be had only at the French Market. Now you may serve it at your own table, for the old French Market blend is perpetuated by The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process "There is but one French Market flavor" You can obtain this rare coffee blend with all the enticing aroma and natural strength preserved, for we pack it in hermet ically sealed cans. And it is untouched by human hands from plantation to the cup. Order from your grocer today. Try some, and you will agree that there is only one French Market flavor. Packed by New Orleans Coffee Co.. Ltd, New Orleans, La. LANNQN STORE WAS CLOSED F. E. BRAWNER, PURCHASER OF DRY GOODS STOCK, IS TAKING STOCK AND MARKING PRICES PREPARATORY TO HOLDING GREAT SALE. F. E. Brawner, who bought the T. A. Lannon stock Saturday, had a force qf clerks at work all day yesterday taking stock and marking down prices. The store will be closed while this work is going on and announcement will be made shortly concerning the great sale which will be put on. It's a . very f reqtient occurrence to have a large sale of realty or impor tant business changes result from a little Journal Want Ad that reaches an interested reader at a minimum ex pense. CHAIN OF WIRELESS STATIONS TO BE ERECTED By Associated Press. New York, March 27. A chain of wireless telegraph stations extending from Maine to Florida is Included la once childless, mm happy and physically well,-with healthy children, will tell how Lydia KPiiildiam's Vegetable Compound made all this possible. Here are their names and correct addresses. "Write them, and learn for yourself. They are only a few out of thousands. "Mr baby bJ taken thre prises m the healthiest and prettiest." Mn. A. P. Ander son, 819 Highland At., Indianapolis, lad. "I am the motber of a twelve pound boy and be la etronf and health t." Mrs. Marr Amundnon, HJ.D. So.l, BoxeO, Cadott, Wis. "Mr babr ia atronr and hAalthv aiul T n well. A Mrs. B. M. i Street. St. Paul, Hinn. J k "Since my baby came we are a bappy A f fsmllr." Mrs. BerjJ. II. Stansbery, S. Ko. 6. "My health baa been restored and X now bare a bis baby bor.M Mrs. Anna Anderson. Box 19, Black Dock, Minn. "Am now a well woman and bare the dear. tii baby boy." Mrs. Frank Harpoam. B. B. 2fo. 1, Holstein, Nebraska. "I hare a big, fat, healthy boy. Mr. A. A. Baieneer. Ii 7. O. No. 1. Baltimore. Odia. I bare one of tbe finest baby girls you eTer L 1 saw." Mrs. C. . Goodwin, 915 S. 12tU Street. - "We a;e at laat blessed with a ewsei little baby glxfe" Mrs. O. A. Juapercmae, Montegut, La. "I hare a lordly baby boy and you can tell very one that be 1 s 'Plnkhara' baby. Mrs. loufs Fischer, 82 Munroe St., CarUtadt. K. J. I bare three children and took yourGom pound each time." Mrs. John Howard. WO- Mrtt chorrfj mington, Vermont. f My husband is J .y4.. 1 Km PI... St., Buffalo, 27. Y. I hare a fine strong baby daughter now. Mrs. A. A. Giles, De witt Till, K.YBoute44. Our first baby is etronf and healthy and we attribute this result to the timely use of your Compound." Mxa. fred Yohana, Aurora, uregou. "Iowa my life snd to your Compound. J?.Dto. Troy, Alabama. "Sow 1 bare a nice babr eirL the lor of oar home." Mrs. IXwylra Cote, 117 Southgats St., Worcester Mass. "Am tho mother of a twelre pound baby boy who-Is the picture of health." Mrs. Flora Abr, 1ST74 State Are., Cincinnati, Ohio. "Wo hare one of the finest baby boys." Mrs. A. C DaVanlt, Elmo, Mo. "I owe the health of myself and tare children to Lydia X. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. McIknouh, N. T. I hare an eleren gie Eater, K. T. O. Va. 1. Wesleyrille, Pa. "Your medicine has brought happiness to our home.' Mrs. Jo Grantham, &2S W. Vandereer St., TaylorrtUa, 111. "Now my home is made happy by a b!ar baby boy-Mrs. Mary Sedlock, Box 127? h'egaunee, Michigan. For farther information, address Mrs. Pintham, Lynn, Mass. advice is free, always helpful and strictly confidential 1 f4l!rlliSCfl E very is an Opening at this store. Latest Spring Styles in up-to-date millinery, now being shown. i Millinery Department Ready-to-Wear Store the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Com pany system, the annual report of tha company for the last year made public today shows. New stations were erected during the year south of New York and many coastwise vessels have been added to the fleet equipped with the Marconi system. Sehorn, 1063 Weodbrida IMriCf&xdw'ri i If -If-rir . -p- j, Mn. gcd win's 1 the bappiert man allre C rtaK.k.. TT It . . I tar babrs rood health Mrs. W. O. Spencer, B ... it -' Alfred L. Gals. Box . raoond bor. Mn. Mao Her Bfawrrawip AMriAA&iietiMrJ YsrfV:-- SXX1 Mother's Friend Blouses and Wash Suits FOR BOYS Come in all colors and sizes. Styles are Russian and Sailor Blouses: with milita ry collars and. with out. Blouses 50c and 75c Wash Suits $1.25 up New Spring styles just arrived. Watson, Parker Reese Co. PI Everything to Wear rpSI BALKCOM'3 DRUQ STORE - One o! the Surprises o r which await you is a de- o licious Cherry Cobbler i q at ft I BALKCOM'S i DRUG STORE s o n (Successor to Hannah Bros.) . Ha BALKCOM'S DRUG STORE e3 IVliss Herximan, Remember, Sells HATS J ESCAMBIA WRECK. To close out the material from ihe wreck of the Escambia, 'which coss'.sta of a number of mantels, windows, doors, stairs, lumber and tin roofing, the price of same will be greatly reduced. Apoly tn office, H. Monk, rear of EscamDia buiWing. SAM CHARLES Shoes Half-Soled In 15 Minutes. Called For and Delivered. "NUFF SED. . 511 South Palafox IsYour Piano Dead? NOBODY PLAYS IT? Exchange it for an up-to-date PLAYER PIANO We will allow you full value for your old piano and make terms to suit. Used Pianos as low as. $5 per month. Guaranteed. The Clutter Music House THE WORLD'S BEST KNOWN ( ANTISEPTICS. THE PEROXIDE OF HYDROGEN PREPARATIONS Peroxide Greaseless 6k!n( Food ..... 25c Peroxide Tooth Paste and Powder 25 o For Healing- Oums and "White Teeth. Peroxide Talcum Powder .25o For Toilet and Bath The Enemy of Perspiration. PEROXIDE SOAP For White Skins and Healthier Scalps. PHONE 1100. THE R. LEWIS CO. Successors to Hooton's Pharmacy. A Dollar Dinner that will not fail to delight you. To-night, at the San Carlos GEORGE H. HERVEY, Mflr. o a c o