Newspaper Page Text
GINAL ILLE O facial Weather Forecast. I... , , MOSTLY FAIR FRIDAY, SLIGHTLY COLDER IN NORTHEAST POR. " TION; SATURDAY FAIR, MODER .." ATE VARIABLE WINDS. . 10 PAGES TO-DAY. Pensacola Harbor Is the Deepest and Best Port South of Newport News. VOL. XIV. NO. 77. v : . PENSACOLA. FLORIDA. FRIDAY MORNING,. MARCH 31, 1911. PRICE. 5 CENTS. 4 1 S ? I . E,T,t lE'lCIIil BS1K1IBIK t U l 111 III I Z I ft f 111 III I 1 I A I . 1 i i 0 THE DOVE 'OF PEACE HOVERS OVER MEXICO But the Sale of Firearms to the Revolutionists Con- " tinues Brisk. PROVISIONAL SECRETARY OF -STATE SAYS THE OLDER MA DERO HAS NOTHING TO PO " WITH THE WAR AND THAT ONLY FRANCISCO MADSRO, JR., AND THE MEN IN THE FIELD CAN STOP THE FIGHTING. By Associated rtse. EI Paso, March 30. The dove of Mexican peace seems to be hovering over the .border, but the. sale of fire arms to revolutionists continues brisk. Whether one of the Maderos Is com ing her to tails peace la uncertain. Provisional Secretary of State Garxa declared, that the elder Madero has nothing to do with the war. and that Francisco Madero. 'Jr., and the men in the field are the only persona who can wttle the war. ' His coming here .is considered im probable, unless by an -agreement with the United States., as there is a war rant out for him 'here for inciting: a revolution against a friendly: nation. Tho rebels continue active- south of Chihuahua and' many bridges have been blown up on the interantional line- . The . rebels refuse to allow re pairs to be made. .'-'-, ANOTHER WEEK WILL TELL , THE TALE IN MEXICO By Associated Press. . San Antonio, Tex, March 30. An other week will tell whether there is to be. peace or further war In Mexico, according to Alfonso Madero, brother of the . rebel leader, Francisco L Ma dero. , ... -7 A synopsis of the talk between Jose Yves LIman tour, the Mexican minis ter of finance; and Francisco L Ma- dero, Sr, at New York, in which ten tative proposals were made, has. been sent to the infmrrecto chieftain, at r present a day's journey west of the city of Chihuahua. "Within a week his &nswer Is expected. . He will say. the final word 'as to whether negotiations shall become formal. . - : Mlly brother," said Don Alfonso." "if hn'is convinced 'of -the sincere wish' of th? zovemnent to-rrant the conces- felons denilnded : by- the people."" win appoint envoys "to meetthe govern j ment representatives, wnere sucn a meeting will take place, I cannot state. Certainly none of our family would care to visit. Mexico without the full est guarantee of our safety." . V SENOR DE LA BARRA PASSES THROUGH SAN ANTONIO Bv Assaclattd Press. San Antofcvo, Tex., March 30. Senor de la -Barra, the new Mexican minister of foreign affairs, passed though here today, out was " not Joined by any of .the .Madero family, who are expected Continued on Pags Nina. m JUSTIFIED II KIDHG RICHARD P. STACK, WEALTHY k LUMBERMEN, WILL PUT UP SUCH DEFENSE IN HIS SOON. " ' TRIAL ' By Associated Proas, St. Louis, March . 30. Richard P. Stack, the wealthy Es can aba, Mich, lumberman, who is on trial here -on a charge of kidnapping his son. John King Stack m from the home of his former wlfes relatives here, will at tempt to Justify himself, it became evi dent today, on the ground that his for mer wife, Mrs. Roy Burbank. had de clared that the boy should never again visit his home in Michigan. In an interview Stack said that he has no objection to letting his former wife see their child, hut would not tell where he has concealed his son. A writ of habeas corpus Is expected to produce the boy in court. Man Hanged For Murder; Joked of Death to Very End By Associated Press. Pottsville, Pa-, March 30. A remark able display of nerve was made in the county Jail yard here today by Joseph Christock as he was about to be hang ed for the murder last fall of Mrs. Ann Richarda Declining the croffered assistance of a priest and deputy sher-J irr, the man wainea smilingly from his cell to the foot of the gallows and ran lightly up the steps. It was a public hanging and about the gallows stood 1.500 persons to whom Christock waived ' his hand. Then he reached up. grasped the noose and placed it around his neck, put his arms by his side to be strapped ani smilingly said: . AiJOTHER TOi S DESTROYED POLLOCK, LA, IS PRACTICALLY WIPED OFF THE MAP BY FIRE WHICH DID $200,000 -DAMAGE. : By Associated Press. - Alexandria.- La-, March " JO. A two hundred thousand dollar fire practical ly wiped out the business section of Pollock,1 La during last night. Twenty-eight buildings, including two ho tels, several . stores and residences were destroyed. The fire, which start ed at 9:S0 o'clock, is supposed to have been - of Incendiary 'origin. .'-:) " Pollock is seventeen miles north of Alexandria on the St. , Louls.-Jxon Mountain & Southern railway. con CASE DRAGGING JUDGE HUNT WILL HAVE TO RULE ON AFFIDAVIT CHARG- ING JUDGE GORMAN. BIAS AND PREJUDICE. WITH By Associated Press. - Cincinnati, March SO. The case of Georg D. Cox today went back to the status it maintained eleven days ago, when two of the three Judges 'appoint, ed to hear the mandamus proceedings against Judge Hunt rendered an opinion ordering, him to rule in " the affidavit filed by Cox's attorney charg ing "bias and prejudice" against Judge Gorman. - It is practically certain Gorman will ot try- the case. ' Y. FIGHT DEMOCRATIC SENATORS WILL HOLD A SECRET CAUCUS AND IT IS PROBABLE A MAN MAY BE CHOSEN.' By Associated Press. Albany, N. Y, March 30. The Dem ocratic senators hope to settle the sen atorship contest at a secret caucus to morrow morning. Tho caucus today adjourned until 10 a. m. tomorrow without taking a vote, after the organization leaders had di rected a full attendance with the ex pectation that a senator may be elect ed and adjournment taken for a week until the regular quarters in the cap itol are ready for use. - EXPRESS MESSENGER WITH $50,000 STILL MISSING ' By Associated Proas. El Paso, Tex March 30. Officials of the Wells-Fargo Express Companj' declared today that A. W. Hawkins, the express messenger who disappear ed at the same time as a shinment of 350,000 in currency from the Bancho.' de Sonora in Hermoslllo; to its branch , In Guayamas. has been seen at Mazat- . Ian. The express company officials de- i clare they are confident HawMns nav port, as he la known to have made many Inquiries as to sailing dates of vessels for South America. ROBBERS HELD UP TRAIN. St, Petersburg, March 80. Robbers held up a train at Widsow, a small sta tion on the Warsaw and Granlca line last night and secured $40,000 which ' was to have been, used for the pav- j ment of railroad emoloYes. Twn tu. sengers were wounded, by the robbers, who escaped. "Good -bye, all- The nervy man then held his head in position for the adjustment of the black cap and in another moment, the trap was sprung. He was dead in twelve minutes. Before going to the gallows Chris tock made a complete confession, de claring he had shot the woman when he was detected by her attempting to mistreat her daughter. He told of numerous highway robberies and burglaries he had committed in the neighborhod and wound up his con fession by saying he deserved to be hanged for his Crimea He Joked of death to the very end. IS OG THE H BUCKET SHOPS flOTVIOLATE IflliOMl Amendment Defining "Buck eting" Declared to-Be Unconstitutional. SUPREME COURT OF DISTRICTOF .COLUMBIA DECLARES IT DE- " PRIVES CITIZENS OF THE FIGHT TO CONTROL CRUSADE OF DE PARTMENT OF JUSTICE WILL THEREFORE PROBABLY COME ' TO NAUGHT. " By Associated Press. Washington, March , 30. "Bucket shopping" in. the District of Columbia Is a lawful occupation, according to . a decision handed down today by Justice. Wright, In the district supreme court, and as a." result, the 'Widespread . cru sade waged-by-the department of Jus tlca to end the practice in several citle threatens to come to naught. Juatieo Wrght based' his decision ground that' the amendment to - ths coda defining "bucketing' is unconsti tutional because it deprives citizens of the liberty .to "contract guaranteed to them by. the constitution... ". ' .- The decision was . rendered In the case of'-Edwju-d -Altemus. of Jersey City,, and Louis A. and Angello Cella, who 'operated "a . so-called, bucket-shop under the title of the Standard Stock I & Grain Company, With twenty-six J others, they were indicted and while six t of those pleaded guilty and were finwd In sums aggregating $3,100 the remain der decided to fisht the 'case. , The movements-of the government leading ap:'to ' the indictment- were shrouded. In the greatest secrecy. '. ' On April 2. 1910, however, when tn dictments were 'obtained ' raids m "shops" In - seven' cities 7 were made simultaneously,' wires were 'cut and customers were thrown info V panic. Since then,' according to Attorney Gen eral Wickersham. '"bucket shopping- has become a thing of the past east of Dwiver. . 7 ' - ;- ' S" .' ' 1 .The gorerrrment aneWujr!cd:. t'pdaj; its lntent-on-. to.;, s'pealj cm.,t,Iaatlc Wrighrtdecision. ' ' . PROHIBIT JEWS FROM . HAVING CHRISTIAN NAMES By Associated Press. , St. Petersburg. March 0. -The holy synod today issued an edict prohibiting Jews bearing Christian first names. New York, March 30. The appalling disaster in the Triangle ' Shirtwaist Factory, at Noa 23-29 Washington Place, in which upward of 200 men. women and young girls were burned Phoio of New York Shirtwaist Factory Holacaust; Taking Down Description of the Dead ? i . 'v'.?! . ! " ' ' 5 ," : :--.. J : -! " ;v i r r" v . ! i . ; Yit -A'j :c , ; : i " ' - i NEW, WORLD'S AUTO . RECORD3 ARE MADE By Associated Press. - Jacksonville, March 30. Two new world's record. were hungt "'up in the -Pablo "Beach automobile races today.4 Driving , a Buick in the twenty-mile free for all Bob .Bur man made the. distance in 13 min unitea. and 1L93 seconds or at tho rate of 91.06 miles an- hour. - This against the previous record of 90 miles an hour made at Dayton. . In the. mile trials Wilcox, driving, a National, made a mils in 40.33 seconds, established a world's rec f or stock cars and lowering tho ' mark of 40.5 made by . Oldfleld at Daytona last year with s Knox. SUPPLIES FOR TI CHINESE INDESCRIBABLE SUFFERING WILL J BE ' RELIEVED JN .CHINA , TO SQ ME EXTENT j BY. ARR1 V A L OF " "TRANSPORT. ' . ; 7 , j By Associated Preaa. i Washington, -March 30. The . United States transport Buford, bearing tho relief suppliogs to the , starving peo ple of China, arrived at Shanghai to day. - i. . Announcement of the arrival .of the Biiford in Chinese ,, waters ' reached Washington almost " simultaneously with; mall ; advices t to the state de partment from Shanghai and Nanking detailing i pitiful 1 tales . of the inde scribable ; suffering , of -Jthe starving millions., , . -. : , ' $ '.....,,.!..- ;j Mr: -BoStlck, ai missionary, j writing from Pochow, says the suffering poor have reached the extremes of misery. A few. months ago they vere living on wheat ' bran. With .this' exhautsec they have ' resorted to cooking leaves of trees and even "simple dry wheat chaff.- - i . ANOTHER SUBSTANCE FOR THE i MANUFACTURE OF PAPER By Associated" Press. . -; i Washington, , ' March : 30. r Another substance, has , been discovered ; from' which paper may be manufactured, by a man from a svsa estate at -Trinidad. , The- new . kabf ' ance t Is -ground sugar, cane tc vhlcLi' is add-d bamboo fitTQ, ,Tte Ctonlk:fmp t ihese two,! mixture In which the fibre "is of Just the length to produce a cheap and ex cellent paper. .He has made paper by this process without the use "of chemi cals. , 7 ' . r The quality of the paper, according to the report, can command .the mar ket agcinst any wood paper now being manufactured. . or crushed to death, cost more lives than any other fire in the history of the city. Those who, were not burned to death were shattered to unrecogniz able masses on the sidewalk to which they Jumped. QUARTER RAISED FLORIDA FEE SYSTEM Example No. 5. " Case State vs. Torn" VooK In Escambia county. Charge Lewdness. Examination July 21, 1910. Tried July 29, 1910. Plea Guilty. 1 COSTS. JUSTICE COURT Taking affidavit ........ Issuing warrant....... Docketing case ....... Issuing subpoena ..... Securing four witnesses Entering Judgment ........ Writing commlttement . . . . i Recognlzanoe of witnesses . . Filing two papers ' CONSTABLE Arrest of prisoner .......... . Return on warrant .. . " Copying subpoenas ......... Serving subpoenas ......... Return on subpoenas ...... 7 . Mileage . Committing prnsoner to Jail SHERIFF Recommitting prisoner Release of prisoner Board CLERK ' . Docketing case 7 Arraigning prisoner t Indexing case . - Information, writing oath (20c), administering oath i- affixing seal-(10c.) filing (5c,)..".......:....... . Issuing . capias . . Issuing writ . Sere , facias .' Taxing costs .......... , . Filing two papers ...... Entering sentence. ...... COUNTY SOLICITOR Total costs. ABANDON AVIATION MEET. Berlin, March 30. The projected In ternational aviation races from Paris to .Berlin and Brussels and London probably , will "be abandoned owing to tho attitude of the Paris Journal, one of . the papers contributing to th-3 prises,- which yielded to -the French agitation against flights In Germany. The Berliner ;Mittag. Zletung will 'ap4 ply the, $25,000 which it offered for tho vMitfte-iaaotEer- contesiii'.,? , BANDITS LEVY TRIBUTE. ' Lima, Peru, March 30 A band of 160 bandits is levying tribute on the merchants In the north. Troops have been sent against them. The govern ment is criticized for not-having main tained sufficiently equipped garrisons in that district. . On learning of the disaster George McAneny, president of . Manhattan Borough, ordered attaches from the department of buildings to begin an investigation at once. District Attor ....... :.; ; ,.i ?Ji'Vm ' .t,' - - MILLION DOLLARS FOR THE .20 . .40 .08 .20 - . .24 .20 " .40 .60 - JO $ 2.32 . 1.00 .10 o 30 .... ..- .40 . ............... .03 8.60 ' t ................ - .50 10.95 OMSV .25 .25 2.25 2.75. .16 .10 .10 (6c) .41 .40 .75 .15 .10 .40 2.57 5.C0 $23.59 JOHNSON NOT IMPROVING. Cleveland, Ohio, Miarcli SO. Former Mayor Tom L. Johnson was reported to-day as resting . comfortably after a night of broken slumber.. Although hU physician refuses to make an official statement, close friends of the family admit that he is gaining little or no ground in his fight for recovery. . WANT A NEW.TfUAU.V-. Independence, 4Cas . March 30. Ar guments for a new trial were "begun before Judge J. E. Flannelly . to-day on behalf of second degree murder for killing J. D. . S. . Neely, a wealthy Lima, Ohio oil man. Truskett, who Is 70 years old, was in court. The penal ry for second degree murder I from 10 to 20 years in the peniten tiary. '1 1 ney Whitman at once set the machin ery of his office In motion to see If any of the building or fire department laws have been violated and Indict-, ments are expected to follow. j RAILROAD Megargel Immediately Files Acceptance of Franchise1 And Bond of $10,000. ALSO FILES WITH THE. CLERK A CERTIFICATE OF DE POSIT OF $100,000 AS REQUIRED BY ORDINANCE, AND PROPOSES TO START WORK OF SURVEY ING DURING NEXT MONTH. I With the subscribing of the quarter million dollars last night by citizens. Hoy C Megargel, promoter of the pro posed railroad between Pensacola and Jasper, Ala, filed his acceptance of tVa franchise ordinance with the city clerk, and at the same time filed his bond o $10,000 and certificate of deposit of $100,000 as required by the ordinance to insure thRt the promoters carry out the provisions of the ordinance as to the amount of work to be done within a certain period. . With all of this done, and the as surance by Mr. - Megargel that he will opn offices In Pensacola about the middle of next month, and his Inten tion of commencing work upon the proposed road within a very short time, the prospects of a railroad as sumed a much brighter aspect than at any time for a long period of yeara 7 Yesterday morning there 'remains $76,000 to be' raised, and during the day $35,000 of this was subscribed, and the remaining $40,000 being under written by a syndicate of local citizens who were determined ,to close upi the business before -nightfall. When Mr. Megargel was Informed that the full amount had be.en subscribed ho im mediately proceeded to the office of City Clerk Aymard and carried out his part of the agreement. .. ." The money subscribed . by the citi zens Is not a donation to the pro moters, but the subscribers will re ceive - first mortgage bonds In return, which will be a good investment. Mr. Megargel stated last night that he was well pleased with the manner in which the negotiations had been concluded,' and he proposes to com mence work at a very early date. Hd! will return toNew York within a few days, to return In ten days or , two weeks and op'eiT'offlces "Tor "Immediate business. ; CONFER 0 WAGE QUEST! REPRESENTATIVES OF ILLINOIS CENTRAL AND TELEGRAPHERS MEET AND WILL ENDEAVOR TO SETTLE MATTER. By. Associated Press. Chicago, March 30. W. ; I Park, general manager of the Illinois Cen- ' tral railroad: H. P. Par ham, of St Louis, representing the telegraphers, . and J. ,W. Miller, of the Louisiana di vision of the telegraphers union, con- : ferred here today on the wage ques tion. A; strike is threatened for April 1 by the men, who ask an increase of 20 per cent in wages. At a strike vote recently taken, SB ' per cent of the 1,600 telegraphers vot- ed to go out unless there was a sat- isfactory wage increase granted. The Chicago conference was expect ed to last two days if no satisfactory agreement could be reached before that time, as all parties' interested had announced an Intention to avoid -a strike if possible. ' BACK TO THE COAL MINES FOR THOMAS E. LEWIS I By Associated Proaa. Pittsburg, Pa, March 30. Whan Thomas L. Lewis relinquished his po sition as president of the United Mine Workers of America to-morrow night. he will leave the headquarters In In dianapolis for his home in Bridgeport. Ohio, and on Monday will take a place as a miner in the Wheeling mine creeks of the Lorain e Coal & Rock Company. It is estimated that Lewis has received a number of business of fers but he prefers to remain in the : union and it is said will be a candidate for international president again. - -. ' $ The Wants Will Help 1 ! in another city and I must dispose ; of all my household kooAs, rent or sell my house and prepare for tho i gg Journey in a few days" you've ; JF heard a friend or acquaintance ex- i 2 press himself In that way, haven't you? if Such miLii ahnnM nvolr. ..... Tho Journal Want Aas and sum : -T mon mirchajr for hi. Kn......ij F f ood and a tenant or purchaser or his property or if he wisheo, 2 he might rent hia bo ma ready fur- nished. Tho Want will put him 2 in touch with people who will bo interested in securing Just what hj S Is most concerned in disposing t X and tho expense will be but a it minimum. Tf i Tf Jurn1, Want Ads are of 2 Inestimable value in many ways 2 Watch thm fnr nam 7s nary opportunities. 2 $ Read Tho Journal Want Ada. Use Tho Journal Want Ada. THE A