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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1911. EPfflG 10 Tts tlgiest type of happiness 13 reached by hariiig childxea in tie tome; but the coming of the littlo ones Is often attended with appre hension and dread. Mother's Friend if used by the expectant mother In preparation of the ordeal, carries her through tho crisis with safety. Photos of the Camp and Operations of United States Marines at the Guantanamo. (Cuba) Naval Station and One of Their Officers HILDKEN TUT mectjail asPJrlOME This great remedy assists nature In all necessary physical changes of the sys tem, affords bodily comfort during' the period of waiting, and preserres tho symmetry of form after baby comes. The penetrating and soothing qualities of Mother's Friend allays nausea, prevents caking of tho breasts, and la erery way contributes to strong, healthy motherhood. Mother's Friend Is sold at drag' stores. Writs for our free book containing Taluahla infor xnation for expectant mothers. SSADFIELD KEQUIATOS CO, Atlanta, 0. Mother's OFFICE FORCE OF CIRCUIT CfcERK WAS BUSY YESTERDAY MAKING PREPARATIONS FOR PAYMENT8 i DUE APRIL 1ST. - Friend WARRANTS DUE The efflce force of the clerk of the circuit court was busy all day yester day making out the warrants to Vrn jver to the local bank from which the county commissioners have arranged jto borrow money to take care of the cpecial jail warrants which fall; dua on April 1st J This money was borrowed to take care of the deficiency in the special fund caused by the slow payment of taxes, and the warrants on which the circuit clerk is now working are-' to provide for the money obtained from the bank and to pay the interest. The gross' amount of these warrants, fcf which there are several, is $30,003. M ILL CLOSE SATURDAY P.M.'S Pensacola, Fla March 15, 1911. r We the undersigned insurance agents .gree to close our offices at one p. m. !n each Saturday throughout the year beginning witli Saturday, April the first. , KNOWLES BROS. ! By Ellis Knowles. JLNDSRSON & DORR, PENSACOLA INSURANCE AGENCY, By J. E. Daniels. FISHER INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Cecil E. Smith. EANTELX, AGENCY. A. Llschkoff. OWEN -CLARK INS. AGENCY-- By G. W. Owen. I S. BROWN & CO, NEW YORK LIFE INS. CO, McDavid-Hyer Co, Agents. P. G. BUSHNELis Agt. Prudential Ins. Co. Bich25-Jt. IIFIISTO I BE IflSPECTED i feOARD OF SAFETY WILL HOLD I SPECIAL MEETING FOR THIS A PURPOSE AT 3:30 P. M. POLICE- 1 MEN AND FIREMEN WILL AP- J PEAR IN FINE UNIFORM. I ' A special meeting of the 'board of public safety will be held this after -jioon at 3 o'clock for the purpose of Inspecting the uniforms of the police and fire departments. 'All of the members of both depart -jnents will be required to appear at tho session 1: full uniform and thay will bo carefully inspected by the fcoard. . -. i Vote for Henry T. Beirne for Plumbing Inspector, the plumber with 24 years prac tical experience. t . Billy -Say, what did de old jay want ter know? ' .iReddy Wanted ter know where Vail street wuz. Z Billy Gee.' Why didn't yer got Um up de alley and skin him at craps? r-Puck. i-"Ah, little boy, Fm glad you didn'v laugh when that poor man slipped on tr banana and fell down. Z Boo-hoo-hoo! It was my father!" " "Cheer up, little man he's not bad ly hurt." r"l don't care hope he Is boo-hoo. It was my banana he stepped oai" Cleveland Leader. WORMOLOGY should be studied by every parent. If your child is nervous, fretful, starts In Its sleep, Is pasty faced, has rimes under its eyes, always seems hungry. Is not raining weight, you can be sure the trouble Is worms. White's Cream ermifuge is an absolute cure for worms. Is it's own purgative. Sold by SIl druggists. SAM. S. PINNEY FOR TREASURER -. Sam S. Plnney announces himself this morning as a candidate for city treasurer, subject to the action of the white Democratic "primaries, and so liclts the votes of all who participate In these primaries. Mr. Plnney Is a young man, well known throughout the city, and his friends, who have urged him to come forward, believe that he will prove a very strong man in the race. He has been with the firm of Marston & Quins for the past ten years and has a very Vide acquaintance in the city. SURA CE , 1 i s -' v ; " " - , v ' - v r' , f . i-. :. . CAMP OF U.S. MARIN Sl Guantanamo, Cuba, March 29. The marines of the United States war ships encamped here have been un dergoing severe drill training and have been whipped into splendid 10 GIVE BABY MAY SUNDAY SALVATION ARMY WILL HAVE UNIQUE FEATURE "AT THE ARMY HEADQUARTERS AT THE EVENING SERVICE GOOD WORK OF THE PAST. A special service will be held at the Salvation Army hall Sunday night at o'clock .when Capt. McKlnney says, a baby will be given away. In conver sation with a Journal representative yesterday, Capt. McKinney said: "The baby's name is Thomas Ben jamin Fisher. He has blue eyes, light hair, light complexion, is in fine health and 6 months old. One Pensacola lady has already called at the officers' quarters for the child, but it will not be given away until at the close of th- service Sunday night. All are in vited and the hall will be opened at 7:30 o'clock. , . "The army workers of. our city are busy continually in connection with feeding the hungry. They came in contact recently with a poor family who were not only in need, but all of the children were sick, and the father was not able to work. When the army gave the father who met them at the door a large basket of food the little ones gathered around It as would a nest full of little birds when the old one would return with a worm. The father's eyes were filled and it was a sad picture. This home was found under the pines In the woods." One woman recently told her sad story to thp captain. She said her sick children were laying on the floor and she had no bed for them. A bed was supplied by the army at once. One bushel of potatoes and a supply of meat, bread, butter, cabbage, eta, was taken also. Wood is hauled to the cold, medicine furnished for the sick, cloth ing given to them who can not buy. and physicians sent to the homes of them who can not pay for one. , The Salvation Army has what Is known as the poor man's store, where cast oft clothing is sold. These clothes are given to the army by citizens of Pensacola, called for by the army and taken to this store, where they are sol i to the poor. The army believes in al lowing the poor man to pay a few cents for - these clothes, making him feel that he has paid for what he s wearing, and not have him feel he is a pauper. But none are turned awav when there is no money. The gospel is preached to the non-going chur.h Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures All Spring Ailments. . Mrs. Marlon Bruce, Cumberland. Me, writes: 1 have taken Hoods Sarsaoarilla for a great many years. and I think it the best blood medicine in the world. I take it both spring and fall. This last winter and spring I was In very poor health. I was weak and had lost all my appetite and I was all run down. As soon as I began to take Hood's Sarsaparilla my strength came back and my appetite returned. I am now well, do my housework, and no longer have that tired feeling." Get it today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called barsaiaos. shape by their officers. Skirimsh drills, hill climbing, practice marches and wall scaling have been their chief activity. The men are feeling in such fine - fettle that they are urgently 30 YEARS OF SUCCESS THE CRYSTAL PHARMACY OF FERS A REMEDY FOR CATARRH THE MEDiCINE COSTS NOTH ING IF ITFAILS. , When a medicine effects a success ful treatment in a very large majority of cases, and when we offer that medicine on our own personal guar antee that it will cost the user noth ing, if it does not completely relieve catarrh, it is only reasonable that people should believe us, or at least put our claim to a practical test when we take all the risk. These are facts which we want the people to substan tiate. We want them to try Rexall Mucu-Tdne, a medicine prepared from a , prescription of a physician - with whom catarrh was a specialty, and who has a record of thirty years of enviable success to his record. We receive more good reports about Rexall Mucu-Tone than we do of all other catarrh remedies sold in our store, and if more people only knew what a thoroughly dependable remedy Rexall Mucu-Tone is, it would be the only catarrh remedy we would have any demand for. Rexall Mucu-Tone is quickly ab sorbed and by its therapeutic effect tends to disinfect and cleanse the en tire mucous membraneous tract, to destroy and remove the parasites which injure the membraneous tis sues, to soothe the irritation and heal the soreness, stop the mucous dis charge, build up strong, healthy tissue and relieve the blood aad system of diseased matter. Its influence is to ward stimulating the muco-cells, aid ing digestion and improving nutrition until the whole body vibrates with healthy activity. In a comparatively short time It brings about a notice able gain in weight, strength, good color and feeling of buoyancy. We urge you to try Rexall Mucu- Tone, beginning a treatment today. At any time you are not satisfied. simply come and tell us, and we will quickly return your money without question or quibble. We have Rexall Mucu-Tone in two sizes, 60 cents and $1.00. Remember you can obtain Rex all Remedies In Pensacola only at our etore The Rexall Store The Crystal Pharmacy, Brnt Bldg. people and the sick are prayed with at all hours. What the army is doing in the United States: The Work Elsewhere; Here are some figures showing what the army Is doing all over the United states: Number of corps and outposts, 831. Total attendance, 11,140,732. Local officers and bandsmen, 4,294. Number of industrial homes, 65. Accommodation, 1.6S6. Men admitted during year, 8,696. Meals supplied 1,318,044. Beds supplied. 463,550. Workingmen's hotels, 77. Nightly accommodations. 7,990. Rescue homes fror fallen girls, 22. Girls passed out during year, 1,724 Children's homes, 4. Accommodation, 225. Beds supplied, 197,000. Slum posts, 20. ' Families visited, 26.290. Persons temporarily assisted, 38,- 303. Tons of coal distributed, 275. 'rf(v4 s." - t.o r . 'f -rr-. hoping to see real active service. They do not listen patiently to reports de precating the seriousness of the. trou bles in Mexico and along the United States borders. The United naval Pounds of Ice distributed. 836,412. Christmas dinners for poor, 302,000. CROMANTON. Crora&nton, March 80. The past week has been the most blustering of the year. For two days the rain came very moderately, but considerable wind with a heavy shower as a finish and a cold wave to wind up with, leaving the ground in splendid condi tion for planting. The bay country Is now full of people looking up invest ments, who apparently never tire on account Vf the twind or rain,, and a great maliy are locating. P" I Studebaker is making line progress with the fishing smack he Is now building for Mr. Bryan, of Pana ma City. Mr. Kennedy has his. .fine house about enclosed and he will leave shortly for the north, preparatory to bringing js family to the Land of Enchantment. Mrs. Scott has arrived to assist her husband In beautifying their home on Fresh Water Bayou. Mr. Howe has his house about en closed and will soon return to the north. - Mr. Welch has his lots about clearel UP. ' . preparatory to building anl planting. Mr. i Crawford has purchased a launch, the Ruby, and will soon be seen enjoying the bosom of the mighty deep. Mrs. Smith is now here ready to complete a land deal with Mr. Craw ford for her fine home in the northern part of town. Mr. C. W. Forbes has gone ttf South port to put down piping for an arte sian well for the mill company. H. M. Felix Is now In St. Andrews painting and decorating the baK building. A vote for A. Greenhut will be a vote for a progress ive, business administration of the city government. Maybe all men are liars, but some reticence in regard to your views on the subject is often wise. Puck. HUES AND HOES We handle the best quality of garden and farm tools of all kinds, hoes, rakes, or what not, We handle all grades at all prices. We prefer, however, to sell the good kind, the kind that work easily, that make you think well of us because they are so zpod. H. W. GIBBS HDW. CO., miesen Bunaing. J5 Only One "SROMCr QUININaV that Is Laxative Bromo QmnmQjl Cures a Cold in One Day, Crip in 2 DysL station here proves admirably situat ed to dispatch men and ships to the Mexican coast in case American lives and property become endangered there. ' THE MONODIET about which we hear so much, does not mean living on one food exclu sively, but on foods that harmonize. Certain elements of nutrition are essential to health, but all these ele ments cannot be obtained from any one food hence the necessity of a variety. Deficiency of one or more of these elements, such as iron, for instance, in the blood, will cause anaemia, run down condition and sleeplessness. ' If you are pne of the unfortunates who have ''. drifted into this . state, change your diet, eat foods that are rich in the mineral "elements of nu trition, and take Vinol, our delicious cod liver and iron tonic, which con tains no oil and supplies iron to the blood in the most easily assimilated form. , . . Vinol creates an appetite, aids diges tion, makes pure, healthy blood. In this natural manner it builds up the run-down,' weak and deblitated. If you don't find this to be a fact we will return your money if you will try a bottle. ' White's Pharmacy, Pensacola, Fla. "He takes a cold hath every morn ing a Very remarkable man." "Plenty of men do that." "But I knew him for five years be fore he ever mentioned the " fact." Louisville Courier-Journal. CANDY DAY SATURDAY A box of Candjrfree Satur day at The Crystal Phar macy with every "cash pur chase of 25 cents or more. Mother I gave you a nickel yester day to be good, and today you are Jui as bad as you can be. Willie Yes, ma; Tm trying to show you that you got your 'money's worth yesterday. Boston Transcript. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Tour druggist will refund money If PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles In 6 to 14 days. 50c. :: ?v 7 v R. M. MERRITT. For jrour next Registration Officer. He is a young man and needs your vote. Saturday To Florida Chautauqua, SATURDAY, APRIL 1st. LADES' NECKWEAR- Just received, entirely new line of Ladies Neck wear Lace Collars, Jabots, Stocks and new line Hand Bags and Purses, Barettes, Belt Buckles and Pins. OLIVER DRY GOODS CO. PALAFOX AND INTENDENCIA. . PHONE 750. Pensacola State Bank DESIGNATED CITY DEPOSITORY ' I Will Appreciate Your Account W. A. BLOUNT, JR., President F. E. BRA. W NEK, Vice-Pres. J. 8. REESE, President B. The Peoples National Bank of Pensacola . . DIRECTORS,.. J. J. HOOTON. R. M. CART. L.' J. REEVES. T. E. WELLES. W. A. D'ALEMBERTE, J. S. REESE, W. DeC. KESSLER, A General Banking Bualneis Transacted and Accounts Solicited; Ships' Disburse- merits 'given Special Attention. ; , . " EffljilllllJmfE AOENCY FOR BABCOCK BUGGIES. Complete Line of. Farm Wagons and Light Delivery Wagons. WM. JOHNSON & SON HARDWARE DEPARTMENT. THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK PENSACOLA HILTON GREEN, President. WM. FISHER, Vice-President MANSFIELD MORENO, Asst-Cashler. A general banking business condue ted on a safe and conservative basis. r. i nr x j lour esi menu m me Business vvona Any business man who is a depositor with a good bank knows that his bank is his best friend. p j If you become a depositor at The First National Bank and give us your confidence, we will keep inviolate your secrets, and aid you with advice and in a financial way. if necessary. In fact, we will give you every possible assist tance in keeping with safe and sane banking. We invite you to call on us. We want to make your acquaintance. . Four per centl, compounded quarterly, paid on savings. - . Safety Boxes for rent in our Mammoth Fire and Burglar-proof Vault. First National Barilc of Pensacola, Florida. : Designated Depository of the United States. . W. K. HYER, JR., W. 6. KEYSER, W. J. FORBES. President. Vice-President. Cashier. THOS. W. BRENT, Ass't Cashier. W. N. ROBERTS, Aest Cashier. ; D I rectAra F. C. Brent, W. A. Blount, W H. Knowles, W. K. Hyer, Jr., W. -J. Forbes. W. S. Keyser, Knowles Hyer. Thos. W. Brent. The McMillan Auction Co. Sales Solicited. ADDRESS A. M. McMillan, Auctioneer Nov115 S. Palafox Street; tEjicurBiom DeFuniak Springs, Fla. Round Trip ' Ticket .00 'A. E. MANN, . Cashier. M. CART. v Vice-President J. W. DORR Csshler ai n,5 tir -ji si i