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s THE PENS AC OLA JOURNAL SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1912. "On the Square, Within Easy Reach of Everywhere; : BTOl "On th3 Square, Within Easy Rsach of Everywhere." ihhi 11 11 Glean Sweep I C othi 9 Tli W 1 en s and Boys' Furnishings, Shoes an citSo E3 0 o -1 Hi iT 0 SALE BEGINS THIS MORNING IT is only twice each year that we give our patrons advantage of a great sale a sale that spells real economy in the purchase of high-grade clothing and shoes for man or boy. Our reason for conducting these sales is, that in accordance with the policy of this Institution, we prefer to sac rifice each season's goods-rather than carry them over. It enables us to begin each season with fresh new and up-tb-datc merchandise. To Introduce this sale we will sell the celebrated Kugpenhimer $22.50 and $25.00 Suits at the amazing slaughter price of only SALE I ENDS WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17th 1 .00 If V i IS J ,!. ' W lh fpil Y li M n' f II II OopjryaWII I ! r . H""1 e Your choice of any $10.00 Overcoat or flip cfnfP - JIUTVUVUW 111 k&JVf OVVtV Your choice of any $1250 Overcoat or Cravehette in the store..!.. 7 Your choice of any $15.00 Overcoat or Cravenette in ,the store...... ..1... ...... Your choice of any $18.00 Overcoat or Cravenette in the store.:..!..........,....... Your choice of any $20.00 Overcoat or Cravenette in the store Mm If on' AM Moy&9 Suits 1 . w jrk : a. 3r v. : -4 Great .4 They cost you only about 1-2 the regnlar price All $4.00 Shoes, 3.6 All $3.50 Shoes, $3.1S All other Shoes have been reduced, for this sale, f All our new arrivals in celebrated John B. Stetson $3.50 Hats, including the newest shapes and blocks. QQ (iO During this sale, your choice for only vt.ww All $2.00 M. & O. Special Hats, this sale, $1.69 1 1. 1 fl ' O 1 1 riuriions in ivien s kjerviceaDie : 4 ' A' ( K' " .''It. ' - I? f V; i ,! PS !! If " ... I llV it H ! I if - 1 T a I eaucuons in ivien s kjerviceauie vjhuci wcai We have determined that when this sale is over that we will not have a single suit of heavy weight Underwear on our shelves Men's heavy fleeced Underwear, 3Sc garment. Men's heavy ribbed, pure white UnderwearOc garment Men's natural wool Underwear, regular price $1, 75c garment. Men's natural wool Underwear, regular price, $l.r0, garment. Men's pure lamb s wool Underwear, regular price 4.UU, a.tstP garment Hen's Pants, Sweaters. Hats. Caps and in fact every article in the store has undergone an unbalieyeabfe cut in price for this great sale. W S E E 2 , To the first ten persons buying $2.50 worth at the opening of the sale this morning, a Dress Shirt. Don't-Whatever You Do-Miss This the Greatest of All This Store's Great Semi-Annual Sales Lin . 2 To the first ten persons buying $2.50 worth at the opening of the sale this morning, a Dress Shirt. A