Newspaper Page Text
this PENS AC OLA JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 12, 191. ADVERTISING RATES (24 words, or less-4 lines) nt . One Time , ...... ..........25 Two Time .....30 Three Time . 35 The reduction In rate la for consecutive Insertion. cent cents - cent Six Time -BO cent On Month $1.50 Count six words of average length to a line. Cash with order. No ad. taken for less than the cost of 4 lines. Wa wanl STOOD v C2ESn.0JD(IDRl; Af!E NOW IN onoEn. To you who have RESOLVED to own your own home, begin by examining the following: $7750 2-story 7-room modern dwelling, situated on Southwest corner Palafox and DeSoto. Easy terms. $6500 Finely built dwelling on North side East Chase, between Palafox and Tarragona. 5 rooms, hall, all conveniences, lot 60x192. $5800 Large 2-story modern -room residence. No. 1S22 East Gadsden. A bargain and upon easy terms. Hi I ,TH1 T1IS3 H M JLGB&TS U V. aaeae"-immmimm REAL ESTATE, PHONE 54. FOR KENT. EAST OF PALAFOX. '? K Gumarde. 11 room S. E Cor 11th St. and loth Ave.. ?o eo rooms 120.00 16 S. LiRua, 5 rooms JXX 708 E. Cervantes. 6 rooms. 317 K. Intendencia, 7 rooms -5 5o 1104 E. Strong. 5 rooms siboo 1408 E- Gadsden, 5 rooms Vil'an 41 J E. Main. 6 rcom !06 E. Bralnard. 4 rooms . '.Jlon 208 S. Florida xiianca. rwra j 1630 R. Moreno. 6 rooms SIS E. Gonzalez, 5 rooms 117 N. Davis. 4 rooms i2M 109 S. Alcanlz. 4 rooms lit no 110S N. Alcanlz. 4 rooms SIO E. Intendencla 4 rooms .ii" 52 13 N. 8th Avenue. 4 rooms ....... -J"-"" 528 E. Government. 6 rooms 53S E. Government. 5 rooms 900 WEST OF PALAFOX. Dwellings nn Cor "A" and Moreno- 7 rooms .... 25.00 TC5 W Romans, 7 rooms 113 S. Barcelona. 4 rooms - 1220 W. Magnolia. 6 rooms Xiu S16 V. Wright. 5 rooms.. '"-j A large house at Flshervllle $f0.00 Large house at Little Bayou lSandeT W. Romans, suitable fww M N.rEraCor." AlcVnlx ud intendentfaSM.OO Double Store. 2-story bid.. B. "-...fl- tendencla Ktm 14 W Wright VV Lower portion of building occupied ( hy Southern Express Co.. on W Government JJIJ'iX 201 S Bavlen ou,w Warehouses . - - N. E Cor. Government and Tarroj125-09 Several other' targe warehouses i in cen tral location, with trackage facilities, and at moderate rentaL . Knights of Columbus Hall Just remodeled, and undoubtedly the beat convention or dancing hall in tne cltv. over McHugh's store. ,' Modern Office ' ... In the fireproof "Blount" and "Brent buildings. ' Hooton & Watson "THE RENTAL AGENTS." Blount Building. Phone 54. FOR RENT 40-acre farm with good house all under fence. 5 miles north of city, n hard road. Apply 1262 East uiiUMiu cl. : FOR RENT Four-room and hall cottage on large lot.. Two fciocRs rrom car line. v sns Korth T" street It per month. F1ier Real Esrst Agency 7et4S WANTED. W WTI'n Ymir arrierfl for fresh fish and oysters at all times. Free delivery. Star Fish & Oyster Co. Phone 333. liyaniw- WANTED You to" join our pressing club, where your clothes will receive proper attention and assured against ac cidents. Kates ?l.t0. MflPi-wni!e iau- orlns Co. iSiext door to "toan janos Phone "S. 12jantf WANTED Several music pupils for pi ano. Apply 322 North Baylen street. 4 J an WANTED Position by a registered pharmacist now employed; very best references. Address "Pharmacist." care Pensacola Journal. ijan.'w wiNTED Roomers and boarders: first class, comfortable, large rooms,' for men only. Apply No. 420 west cnase street. jan-w- SNEEZING, mopln- fowls - have roup. Cure them quickly with Conkeys Roup Remedy. Get it on a "money-back" guarantee at P. S. Mellen & Co.. also E. B. norrman & fcon. umw- WANTED Tour order for hand-sktmmed cream, wpam. nweet milk and butter milk. Phone 1652. Janotf WANTED Tou to know that Boysen, Florists, carry a complete stock of all Kinds of flowers, which they invite the , Inspect. Boysen. Florists, 252 E. ' Chase St. Phone S75. Out or town orders given special attention. 4janlm WANTED Tou to know that we have just received a full Bupply of Garden eeds. including second crop Irish pota toes, peas. etc. We are headquarters for all kinds of fertilizers. J. E. Dubuisson & Bro 124-126 E. Intendencla St. Thones 1146-1147. . 31dec NOTICE TO SAWMILLS Wanted a log ging contract by experienced man with teams. Apply at once P. O. Box 262. Pen sacola, Florida. 2jan2w WHEN you want a stenogTapner, don't wait for anythlr.g. There's no need of It Just unhook your phone and call up Jones" Business College. Phone 197f ept9tf WANTED TO KNOW Why all dairy men, no matter what feed they may try. always fall back on-Sucrene Dairy Feed F. S. Mellen & Co.. Phone 834. octStf MONEY TO LOAN. $5000.00 To lend in small amounts on Ira proved property. No Agents need apply. Apply "F" care Journal. 12jan MONET TO LOAN On improved real estate. Real estate agents need not apply. State exact location of property ' and amount desired when answering. Ad ' dress "Money." Care JournaL 22declm Read The Journal's Want Ads and Profit thereby. $5350 No. 9 West DeSoto St., 8-room modern dwelling on car. line . and paved street; lot (0x150. . $3150 .. No. 816 E. LaRua, an A-1 mod ern cottage, nice elevation, on lot ' 72x137ft feet. $2650 No. 1224 East Cervantes, 5-room cottage on corner lot, 120x137 lot, room for another dwelling. LOANS. RENT COLLECTORS? FIRE INSURANCE. - NO. 7 SOUTH PALAFOX ST FOR RENT. Dwellings East of Palafox St. 413 E. Belmonf .......'.$12.50 614 W. Hayne $25.00 1315 E. Jackson $30.00 922 E. Lloyd ....$17.50 208 N. 5th Avenue... $10.65 Romana and Florida Blanc..... . $10.00 808 N. 8th Avenue... ,...$12.65 Strong and 16th Avenue.... $17.50 316 N. Gulllemarde ....... "...$75.00 915 North Davis ......... .........$10-00 919 North Davis $15.00 1809 East Gadsden ......$30.00 820 North 6th Avenue $15.00 333 East Intendenci ..$10.00 119 East Intendencla $20.00 908 North Sixth Avenue $16.00 3S11 -East Cervantes ..$15.00 33th St. and 15th Avenue $15.00 S06 E. Cervantes . .$12.50 , 11th Avenue nnd Lloyd .$20.00 1315 East LaRua St. ..$10.00 515 North 7th Avenue $18.00 30S East Romana St. $35.00 81 East Gonzalez $25.00 915 East L&Rua $12.50 242 East Gregory $20.00 817 N. Hayne , ...$12.00 900 North 6th Avenue $18.0J 331 E. Romana ...$10.00 203 North 9th Avenue ...$15.00 1410 East Bralnard $12.50 1824 East DeSoto Street $20.00 West of Palafox St. , 304 N. Spring $40.00 . 724 W. Zarragossa, 9.65 614 W. Garden $27.50 161 W. .Gregory $27.00 420 W. Cervantes ...$12.00 1300 West Garden - $12.50 711 West Garden $25.00 314 West Belmont $45.00 809 North "D" ...$ S.00 Llttl Bayou $12.50 Til Wert Main ..$11.00 Fishervllle ....$27.50 1004 West Garden Street ..$20.00 519 West Gregory i $20.00 115 West Romana ..,..$14.00 1006 North Bavlen $35.00 209 West Cervantes S35.00 112 West Government $32.50 Fine Location at Gouldlng for meat ' market and grocery $12.50 Offices Good Locations and Cheap Rent 'tores and Warehouses Desirable Loca tions and Moderate Rent The Fisher Real Estate ' Agency. "THE RENT. COLLECTORS." Phone 87. WANTED. TOU CAN pay the mme rent forever and never have anything but receipts To can pay us for 7 or $ years and own a hom . Let us tell you. Leslie E. Brook Company. . de12tf WANTED One mile 35-pound relay rail delivered Pensacola In good condi tion. Quote lowest price quick. Will pay cash. Choctawhatchee Lumber Co.. Free port, Fla. 23nov WESLET DUNCAN, Mattress Maker Mattresses renovated, rugs cleaned, matting laid, etc. Ring phone 1762, or leave call at 512 W. Romana St. 13declm ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping.- Bath, gas and phone. One block from Gadsden St., 730 North 12th Avenue. Phone 1317. lljanlw FURNISHED FRONT ROOM And kitchen, routhern exposure, good loca tion. 300 West Chase street. Iljan3t WANTED Roomers and boarders. Apply 27 East Wright street. lljanlm FOR RENT Furnished rooms centrally located. Apply , 30 W. Wright - street, corner Baylen. 7janlw FURNISHED ROOMS First-class fur nished rooms, two blocks from the post office. 216 East Zarragossa street. Good location. , . , tolSfeb FOR RENT One room, completely fur nished for light housekeeping; gas stove. Phone 1096. 1000 E. DeSoto street 7janlw WANTED Active, dependable boys to deliver The Journal. Apply circula tion manager. The Journal office. 6jan CAN ACCOMMODATE two men as board ers in private family in refined neigh borhood on East Hill after January 15th. $25.00 per month. References exchanged. Address "X.T.Z.," . care Journal. Two blocks from car. one block from Bavou. Sidec TWO WELL FURNISHED rooms suit able for light housekeeping. Walking distance from business section. Apply 716 8th Avenue. Phone 201. 31dec2w TWO NICE ROOMS for light housekeep ing, fronting south. 1102 East Gadsden. Phone 285. dec5tf Business Opportunities. OLD CHICAGO . CORPORATION Open ing Distributing Offices in Pensacola, desires resident representatives. -Will al low $150 to $200 monthly, also authorized expenses and extra commission. Must carry 1500 to $1000 cash stock according to territory, contract, etc. Sales Manager, Dept. 41 M. New Bauer Block. Chicago. . . Sjanlw Subscribe for The Journal. FISHER-BROWN INSURANCE AGENCY. Insurance ; That 5 Protects. Agents Thiesen BIdg. Office Second Floor Phone 918 HELP WANTED. WANTED A Porter. Salary $7.00 a week. Apply "X" care Journal. 12Jan WANTED Good cook with , references. Apply 106 West Cervantes (St. -It WANTED Position by colored man as butler or chauffeur. 8 years experience as butler and two years i experience as chauffeur. Address 622 West Chase St. llJanlw WANTED Girl, to address and fold cir culars. Answer in own hand ' writing, giving experience, etc. P. O. Box. 388. lljan2L . WANTED Neat white girl for . dental .. office. Apply room 3 Masonic Temple. - - - ' 9jantfJ WANTEDA steady man, 'with-knowledge of generalTarm work. Must be willing to work cheap and stav on premises; See E. E. Johnston, at Oakfield. 9Janlw WANTED Active dependable boys to carry The -Journal. Apply Circulation Manager, Journal Office. 9jan WANTED Railway Mail Clerks, customs clerks. Average $90.00 month. Spring examinations in Pensacola. Sample ques tions free. ' Write -immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept 57-L, Rochester, N. T. toJan31 AGENTS WANTED. $5.00 to $7.00 dally selling New Fibre Brooms; 100 per cent, profit; every woman will buy. Begin canvass at ' once. Sample by express, 30 cents. Wynne Co.. Elmira, N. T. - 21decl6t LOST; LOST On Main street, between Palafox and Alcaniz streets, roll of bills con taining $51, five $18 bills and one $1 bill. Suitable reward if returned to Mrs. Jack son Brandon, phone 1244. 12janlt LOST A , Diamond Set Round Gold Locket, with monogram. Return to Jno. N. Day, at Fisher Real Estate Agency, for reward. Iljan3t LOST Beauty pin. engraved Marco, Jr. Return to John White Store for reward. lljantf LOST One dark brown Angora cat. Re- turn same to Brooks saloon, corner Bay len and Zarragossa. Liberal Reward. v 9janlm LOST A small blue-speckled female hound. Return to J. H. Smith wick. No. 206 West Lloyd street for reward. jan7tf LOST Bunch of keys. Finder please re turn same' to J. W. Schramm, care S. H. Kress & Co. 6Jan LOST Small setter bitch on last Sunday near Jackson's bridge at head of Little Bayou. Answers to name of "Judle." Is quite thin and Is heavily ticked with blue spots, with a large one near root of tail; tan ticks on muzzle. Had on cheap leather collar. For reward return to W. A. Blount, Jr. 30dec LOST LOST Small top wagon. Mole returned, but wagon is missing. Re ward for return to F. C. Brent. 28dec IF YOU do not patronize the Empire Laundry we both lose monev, Prion 392. STRAYED. STRAYED Small black horse and small .red horse. Picked up at corner of Hayne and 16th. Owner can have same by- moving property and paving reward and paying for ad. Phone 1363. Harvell & Son. " 12jan FOUND. STRAYED Taken up at my house at Oakfield, one red and black spotted sow. with three pigs, same color. Sow marked, split and hole In left ear and crop off of right ear. Also one blue sow. marked, swallow fork and under bit In right ear and under square in left. Owner may have them bv proving prop erty, paving for this ad and all exnenses. E. E. Johnston. Sianlw EDUCATIONAL. THE JONES BUSINESS COLLEGE is offering special reduced rates to all who enter the college during the first 15 davs of this month. They train you to be "a competent stenographer, bookkeeper. or efficient office assistant, either of which will enable vou to step into a position with possibilities always ahead of you. The training at Jones' Business College gives you confidence in yourself and your employer confidence in you. See us now auout tne special rates; ytu wni never regret the step. 6jan9t WANTED AH interested in literary education to- communicate with Jones's Business and Literary College. We are making special monthly rates In our day school to employed men ana noys as roi lows: I hour per day. $2.00; 1 1-2 hours. $3.00; 2 hours. $4.00: 3 hours, $5.00. Apply 21 West Romana St. 7declm FOR LADIES. SPIRELLA CORSETS French designs of latest styles. Have your corset made to order. Measure and orders taken by Mrs. W. C Wood, Phone 1753. - 9declm You ave That brand new bungalow at 708 North Alcanlz street. It la something elegant. Has reception hall, large living room, two bed rooms, dining room, ' kitchen, bath, pantry, back and front galleries. Has gas and electricity, with handsome combination fixtures. Lot 60x123 feet. Somebody Is going to get a bargain In this house. Price, $3500.00, Term. "Do It To-day To-morrow Never Comes" LESLIE E. BROOKS COMPANY (Incorporated) REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. N. W. Comer Palafox and Romana. FOR SALE. FOR SALE At a bargain, Launch "Emma." Apply to Wm. H. Knowles. 11jan FOR SALE One B-year-old mare, one ; second-hand rubber-tired runabout and harness. Mare well broke to buggy. J. E. Hull. Phone 1710.r . . 9janlw FOR SALE Ten acres one mile east of Olive, fenced; good two-room house, good well water, small barn, 145 peach and 100 pecan trees, nursery stock, plant ed last year. Price, $750. B. Marcel lus, Pensacola, R. F. 1. No. 2. 6jan2w FOR SALE Six-room cottage, corner lot. East Hill, with hall In center, front and back gallery, bath and sanitary connec tions, electric lights. Built for a home. Sidewalks laid and paid for. Price, $2200, $200.00 cash, and $25.00 per month. Apply to owner, box 77.- lljanlw FISH AND OTSTERS Free delivery to all parts of city. Crescent Fish and Ovster Co., toot of Alcaniz street. Phone 1026. 7janlm FOR SALE One Interstate 40-50 h. p. C pasenger. $800; one Mclntyre 40 h. p. 5 pasenger, $750: one Haynes 40-50 h. p. . -passenger. $700; one Ford, 22 h. p. 5-pas-senger, $175; one Ford. 23 h. p. 4-passen-ger $150; one Electric 2-passenger, $450; one' Auto Buss Body, 7-passenger, $200; one Taxi-Cab, 7-passenger, $150. These cars have been thoroughly overhauled, painted and put In A-1 running order. Demonstrations at any time. Phone either 1376 or 199. C. W. Upp, Agent. P.-Q. Box 471. 7janlw FOR SALE Small farm, good land, house small barn, plenty water. You should be able to mak this pla"e rav for Itself first year.- Box 777. city. 7Janlw FOR SALE 15-aore farm, good five-room house and kitchen, first-class ground; rinse bv Brent's station. Address J. H.. care Journal. - , . , , 7Janlw FOR SALE One of the ftnent homes in the finest agricultural eectlon of West Florida. Mv large two-story, 9 -room frame dwelling, in tne most ofsirauio t XTnrlanna- Florida. Lot 125 feet front on Main Street. En trance hail 18X25. aining room iot. other rooms (except one) more than 18 . n(1Ki. -m?a 1T anil floors: patent fibre plasterr Hot and cold lavatories m an oea rooms .uu vu wv pine panel work downstairs. Solid quar tered oak stair case. Magnificent tiled fire places; large nanosome mwiu, nu extra large Monarch grates. All bed- i ,sn.mnlmia rlnMta. House rOOTTlH lllvJ m,iiu..-....- - - - - screened from Insects. Great wide double ealleiie. Wired ron electricity wn nana- . - Ttnire vrntfnr closet some iiA.cui'-'.. ' " - " veneered. Masstve glass front door, ve neered oaK ana pine. i nreo j c- neered folding dors between down stairs rooms. Built l05-6 of best material and workmanship throughout. All modem con veniences. I offer this beautiful property for only $13,500.00, subject to prior sale. Francis xs. Laner, x ouou FOR SALE Two-story. -rom house with -bath and every modem conven ience, best North Hill Spring and DeSote. lot 90 by 125. tble and drriage house. $10,000 Alex Zeih, FOR SALE One large seeonfl -hand rafe Applv Anderson & Dorr. No. 23 East Government St. 8nov FOR SALE One of nicest tract of land between n-nsa,i VT v ' j hav. fronting on Santa Rosa Sound and Pensacola Bay. Ideal location for sum mer or winter home, or "cker! rancru Vive-room cottage, outbuildings, pump house, wharf, etc. all in good repair. Ap tt w r.ibhs Hardware Co. 13declm i' 'j --- .-. FOR SALE Quantity of furniture, china ware gas stove, piano, antiqut etc. Cal at'1102 East Gadsden street, or Vhrr,j 285. dcStf FOR SALE High-grade upright piano in perfect condHion. Will take $150 cash. Address P. O. Box 36, Pensacola'1lm FOR SALE The west half of the northeast Quarter w?? n"f four (24. in Townhlp Two 2. north of Range Thirty-one 31. West. Escambia Cmmty. Florida, contairlng seventy-nine (79) acres and 88-100 of 'an acre. This land lies near Quintette. FrWa, and is a valuable tract. Address P. O. Box IBS. Pensacola. Florida. P84" CLEANLINESS for sale at the Empire. Phone 322 nd pet our prices. - FOR SALE New maps of Escambia county, showing all Ke'" dlviflons of section. pub1c rods. rail roads, and names of grants. Size. 3 oy 4V4 feet, scale 1 inch to mile. Price J.0V Stephen Lee. county surveyor. P. 175. Pensacola. . zaocl FOR SALE 84 3-4 acres about-4 mile northeast of Olive. In Sec 12. Township 1, South of Range 30 TV est. W. O. W. Harper. R. F. D. No. 2. Pensacola Fla. . 22declm FOR SALE Farm of 14 acres near city, all cleared and under cultivation: ROO fruit trees: splendid water: outbuildings: best small farm proposition: adjoining wild land held at 300 per acre. Farm is fenced with chicken-proof wire fence. Price. $2000- Address Drawer "C." aug27tf FOR S A LE 1 60 -acres cut-over land in North Escambia, suitable for farming, good roads, school Just off the property, fine stock range adjacent, most desirable location, perfect title. $1200. Address "Owner." Box 245,. City. 31dee FOR SAUE Choice Tennessee. Alabama. and Florida milch cows on easy weekly payments. Can be seen at my farm three miles west of city on hard road. C C. Wehmeier. 31declm THE JOURNAL PANAMA CANAL edition is the best book for advertising Pensacola ever prodaced. Get It and send It to your friend. At all book stores or at inn c: een Pensacola, Florida. FOR SALE. FOR SALE Fresh fish and ovstere. at all times. Star Fish and Oyster Co. Phone 333. Free delivery. 12Janlw FOR SALE Remington typewriter. In good condition. Leslie E. Brooks Com ply- lljanlm BABCOCK BUGGIES. Safes. Vault Doors, Deposit Boxes. Etc See or write W. R. Johnson for prices, Pensacola, Fla. 6jan FOR SALE Caldwell, the Woodsman rJ?,1-' PeF,raUve Evergreens. Southern Wild Smflax. Orders filled on short notice. 115 N. Spring; street. Phone 1535- 7jan2w FOR SALE Boilers, Engines, - Edgers, Pumps, Sawmills, etc. I carry a stock of New De Loach mill on hand; you can select what you want. Let us figure with you before purchasing. J. S. Wal ton, 518 S. Palafox street, Pensacola. Fia- - 6janlm FOR. SALE Horse, 7 years old, harniss and farm wagon. Apply to H. Brlese. Olive, Fla, 9Jan2w F9 SALE Six lots and 5-room house: o-joot hall, back and front gallery: one outhouse. At a sacrifice. Apply Felix Stewart,, three blocks west of Jewish cemetery on hard road. 5jan2w FOR SALE New four-room cottage and Six lots, nettr hat, .hA.. - T,oa 5?rt ?flty- Terin- Fred L. Rhodes, ti Hurm rmaiox street. ; sjanm" FOR SALE Hirp automobile In good con dition; recently overhauled: $300. J. S Walton, 518 South Palafox street. Sjanlm FENCING FOR SALE 300 feet new or namental wire fence: cost 16c foot. Will sell cheap. Juniper posts nd fence all complete. A brim Geo: W C. Clutter. Phone 201. LaRua and 17th Ave.' loot FOR SALE PLNTtAso'-aeu . ferns, 3-inch pots. 10c each; msiden hairs. 4 Inch pot. bushy. 35c; primroses, assorted colors. In bloom. 35c- each; assorted, ferns,. 10c and up; pansies, assorted . colors 10c per dozen; rose bushes, ever .bloomers, assorted colors. 15c and 50c eachi. Azaleas in bloom, $2.00 each: Arancarias or pines. 81.00 and $2.00 each: hyacinths in bud and bloom. 75c dozen. Boysen, Florist, Phone S75. 252 E. Chase St. 4Janlm FOR SAiyR! Some eood working mules. Apply W. S. Garfield & Co. 17dec FOR SALE Chenn for - cash. 5 , acres partly fenced. . Houe and outbuildings. Address Wm. O. Griffin, R. F. D. No. 2. Pensacola, Florida. 27deelm V "AtM LA NTS Best rrade and locution ten acres nnd up. 920 per sere. V.nrnr 1205. W. S. Reeve, 1012 E. Cervantes street. 14mch TRUSSES Fitted by an expert Relief and satisfaction ruaranteed Mall ord ers have prompt attention i The Crys tal Pharmacy. Brent Building lSllvlvr MTSCLT.ANOUS. FRESH FISH And oysters at all times. Free delivery. Star Fish & Oyster Co. Phone 333. 12janlw LOOK Seamstresses can ue Sewing Machines at my office for 15 cents per hour. J. N. .Andrews, 101 North Palafox street 12 Jan PENSACOLA Umbrella and Parasol re pair shop, corner Tarragona and Gregory streets, J. C. Young, Proprie tor. 7Janllt SCARRITT MORENO. Pensacola. Fla.. Agent DIebold and Coats Safes and Bank Fixtures. Correspondence solicited WANTED Tour JoV Printing and ordr for Engraving at all kinds, celling eards. wedding Invitations, etc MATES PRINTING CO.. 14 West Government ljly MFRnfVTS" TRANSFER CO.. Thor. B Thoren. Prop., sollHts all kinds of mnvlnr and hauling Furniture parked for shipment Furniture stored. Office phone 78 Depot phon 704 Juneiltf Live Stock and Poultry. EGGS FOR SETTING Pure Rhode Island Red Eggs, 75 cents per dozen. Can be secured fresh this week. Phone 866. lOjanlw FOR SALE White Plymouth Rock Cock erels, Hens and Pullets, cheap. W. L. WltUch, Jr.. R. F. D. No. 3, Pensacola, Fla. 7jan HENS LAYING? Why not? A trial package of Conkey'i Laying Tonic will cost you nothing at E. B. Hoffman & Son. also F. S. Mellen & Co., if vou bring this ad. 7Janlw A LIVING FROM POULTRY PHTLO SYSTEM Famous 50-egg Cycle Hatcher, $6.50. FIreless Brooders. Aus tins Pyrotone poultry supplies. Send 10c for new 96-page book "Making Poultry Pay." Cycle Hatcher Co., Jacksonville. Fla. 9Jan7t U-NEED-A ORPINGTON AND ROCK YARX So let us furnish you hatching eggs. Orpingtons. $2; Barred Rocks, $1 per setting. Our Crystal White Orping tons are all the name implies. Route No. 1, Pensacola, Fla. 6janlm EGGS FOR HATCHING White Wyan dottes and White Orpingtons. Incuba tors at bargain prices. Reliable Poultry Far R. R. 1, Pensacola, Fla. 31declnv POULTRYMEN who feed wheat are get ting the eggs, are you? Fowls that are moulting need feather-making feed. Wheat makes feathers. Get a prime arucie (, a. Aieuen Jfc Co. Phone S34 1 I an ideal a snn LOCATION $T,0UU North HHI Two-story house, well built, on lot Comer Lot 9-fcet front on Reus street, corner of . Gonzalez, facing Alabama square; large GOOQ . '...'- EISYation ront galleries upstairs, from- which there is an excellent view of the bay and Neighborhood lwer Pr town; close to car line. The Fisher Real Estate Agency PRIVATE BRANCH PHONE, 87. THE RENT COLLECTORS. mmm n.iin.. iin , nin. in miui pi.i.ii nullum him nil mm miumi ijii i . i n m , m,.,, - ,,,,,-, SllMliDilii IHIII.II.I, 111.1M Minim iijjiilifcrtfl 11 II IliMI, 11 m ii i. Win ii ijniHiumi ill idfnti i m, imm i, nm -j "tm mMtn' wm LEGAL NOTICE. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE. Northern District of, Florida By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the United States District Court for the Northern District of Florida, on the 6th day of January. 1912, notice is hereby given that I will sell by public auction, for cash, on Wednesday, the 17th day of January, 1912, at 12 o'clock M., at Baylen street wharf. In the City of Pensacola, Escambia county. State of Florida, the steamer "Geneva," her engines, boilers, machinery, boats, tackle, apparel, appur tenances, and furniture, as she now lies at the aforesaid wharf. T. F. McGOURIN. 7jan9t - . .. .. United States Marshal. In Escambia County Circuit Court, State of Florida, .in Chancery, Freda F. Hill vs. L. Frana Hill. On Monday, the Eth day of February, A. D., 1912, the de fendant. L. Frana Hill, is required to appear to the bill filed against him herein. This order to be' published once each week for four consecutive weeks in The Pensacola Journal, a-newspaper published in said Escambia County. Jas. Macgibbon, Clerk Circuit Court, by Thos. A, Johnson, D. C, Pensacola, Fla., January 12, 1912. 12Janoaw4w CREW NOTICE. Neither the Captain, owners nor consignees -of the Italian Bark Brembo will be respon sible for 1 debts contracted by th crew of said vessel. r - G. FERRARI. Captain. SOUTHERN STATES LUMBER CO. Consignee. CREW NOTICE. Neither the Captain, owners nc; consignees of the British Steamship "Eva" will be re sponsible for debts contracted by the crew of said vesseL A. E. ELLIS. GULF TRANSIT CO.. Captain. Consignee. CREW NOTICE. Neither the Captain, owners Steamship "Atlantian" wlll be "1Zm responsible for debts con- r 1 ' traded by, the crew of said vessel. , - ' A. H. - WRIGHTON, GULF TRANSIT CO.. Captain. ' Consignee. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Creditors, legatees, distributees and all persons having debts, claims or demands against the estate of Emily C. Wripht, deceased, late of Escambia County, Flor ida, are hereby required to present them within two years to the undersigned ex ecutor and executrix of the last will and testament of said deceased. In default of such presentation same will be barred. R. M. CARY. Executor. ELMA G. BROWN, Executrix. nov24oaw9w HOTELS. NEW MERCHANTS HOTEL European. Rooms by the week. One person, $3.00; two persons, $5.00. Running water in every room; free bath: bell and hotel ser vice. 3Jan PARK HOTEL First-class rooms. Board for $1.75 per day. Special rates by week. Centrally located. 100 East Gov ernment street. W. L. Gilmore, Prop. 29declm HOTEL MAGNOLIA Bagdad. Fla. Eu ropean plan, best accommodations, airy rooms, beautiful view, 5 minutes from sta tion. D. F. Ragland. Prop. 15dec2m Louis They tell me she will get a million the day she marries Fred., Louise Well, it's worth it. Chi cago Daily News. 11 and Safety We have a high-grade corner, property, on a good paved street, four houses and a .store, lot 100x150 feet, that will pay over 11 net per year. The rental is $840 per year and the price $6000.. C. E. Dobson Co. 110 Bleunt ulUlna. Phone 4M FURNITURE. WE PACK. SHIP. UPHOLSTER. Reflntsh Furniture. Solomon Furniture Oo , Phone 971. JO and 22 W Government iunetttf SECRET SOCIETIES. ORDER EASTERN STAR.' V, .4 Regular meeting of Florida !&f$ Chapter, No. 9, O. , E. S., 5 &n. Tuesday, Jan." 16th, 8 p. -fe:ygr m. Visiting brothers cordial W ' ly invited. f MRS. J. I. TODD. MRS. MARIE S. WEEKS, W. M. Secretary. F. & A. M. Regular communication. Of Es cambia Lodtr Xn IK V- X, a rijf Monday, Jan. 15th, at 7:30. Vis iting brothers fraternally- invited. T. T. TODD, W. F. BIGGS, w. M. Secretary. ." F. A A. M. . ",. Special Communication of Pen- sac-tun ixwjb io. r . )P A. M.. will be held Friday. Jan. 9f 12. at 7:30 p. m. Visiting brothers cordially Invited. Work in F. C. degree. By order of C. RAY MITCHELL, C. E. SHACKELFORD. Master Secretary. ORDER OF OWLS. J Ord-r of Owls, pen- c c o 1 a Chapter 1494 m..,. : - - - ..j. i tt n 3 4th X J - r J i y P Kh t at J ':30 o clock ft K. of P. hall J. ED. WTT.T.rAwo JAS. T- GERELDi President Secretary. VOLUNTEER VETERAN FIREMEN Volunteer Veteran Firemen's Associa tion meets at Recorder's Court Room the first Friday in each month at 7:30 p m J. N. ANDREWS DAN MURPHY. , President Secretary.. . , PENSACOLA LODGE NO. 4, j. b. p. F. f Meeting ever' p. m., at their hall. Cor. Bar len and Bel mont Sts. Vis itors cordially Invited. F. H. CRANSTON. A. L. KERLE, . N. J. Secretary. CAMP WALTON. Camp Walton, Jaru I9. The Masona held their regular meeting here Sat urday with quite a good attendance. "Uncle" Tom Brooks, who has been 8ick for several days, is able to be out again. Prof. W. C Pryor returned last Sun day on the steamer Fritz to Jay, Fla.. where he will resume his position as principal of the school. Mr. W. M. Marler came over from Destin last Saturday to visit his family and also to attend the Masonic meeting. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Sellars, of -Bolton, Fla., were guests at the Gulf view hotel Saturday and Sunday.' i'-' Mr. T. C. Brooks expects to have his new launch running soon.' ' Rev. Mr. Stock passed through here Friday on route to Destin. He has been away several weeks on a visit to home folks in south Florida.- Mr. L. D. Smith's brother, of Cali fornia, and nephew, P. W. Smith, cf DeFuniak, came in Tuesday 'for a few days' visit. - : The steamer Fritz whije trying t- land at -Mr. Buck's store laet-Sunday ran into the wharf, damaging it very much. Mrs. W. C. Pryor moved into, her . new residence last week., W. T. Ray made a visit to Niceville Saturday evening, making the ;trip on the launch Gem, of Pensacola Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Soule are th-s proud parents of a fine boy, who came to their house Saturday morning. A SNAP FOR SOMEBO DT Six lots and two horses in the western part of town, $1350. Three lots New City: ' See me about them. J N Andrews 101 N. Palafox.