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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 28, 1912. 13 Press of the Country v Favors Woodrow Wilson and are considering them. Officers of the Erie railroad expect to receive the demands soon. Success Magazine It looks more lik Woodrow Wilson for the Demo cratic nomination. The movement for hira lias come up spontaneously, right out of the ground, all over the south, the west, the middle west, and notable among the eastern states, Fennsyl- vania. Staunton (Ga.) News-Dispatch The chances at cresent undmibtedlv favor the nomination of Woodrow Wilson J tor president. ., v Terk (Pa.) Gasette Woodrow Wil Bon Is not only the man of. the hour, but he is likely to he the man, of the next eight years, at Washington. Houston (Tex.) Chronicle Signs are multiplying on every side that Woodrow Wilson is the best man for the Democrats to put up, because he Is the highest type of Democrat, an American of the character and calibre of the country's elder statesmen whose names illuminate the pages of our history. Mt. Ayr (la.) Journal Tile general sentiment among Democrats Is almost unanimous in favor of Governor Wil son of New Jersey as the Democratic candidate for president." It is not only so -in Iowa, but in all the western states, the south and most of the eastern states. He is no doubt the strongest and best man the party can name and will receive a larger inde pendent vote than any other man the Democrats can name. ....... Carrollton (Ga.) Press The signs of the times now Indicate that the ""Progressives" will sweep the country In 'the next presidential election, and Governor Woodrow Wilson seems to be the logical standard bearer of De mocracy's flag. Sonora (Cal.) Banner The solid vote of the south and rapidly increas ing favor in the west for Woodrow Wilson; already indicates his prefer ence for the Democratic presidential nomination. x Santa Ana (Cal.) Bulleltn Wood tow Wilson is gaining ground fast in his race for the Democratic nomina tion for president. 'He will be the next president if he secures the Demo cratic nomination. Columbia (S. C.) State "Big In terests" are desperately opposed to the nomination of Woodrow Wilson. Why? : , Kansas City (Mo.) Star A large majority of the Democratic voters fa vor the nomination of Woodrow Wil son and desire a presidential primary for this purpese. The politicians, how ever, prefer an old-fashioned conven tion and are equally enthusiastic for the Hon. Other Candidates. Mt Carmel (111.) Register The can didacy of Woodrow Wilson for presi dent seems to be gaining followers on every hand. Houston (Tex.); Chronicle--The Woodrow Wilson band wagon is car rying trailers. . Rochelle (Ga.) Era Woodrow Wil son seems to be the logical man for the Democratic nomination for presi dent but his running mate has not been found yet. ' LeSueur (Minn.) News The best man so far mentioned as a possible candidate for president is Gov. Wilson. He is the only one of them who gives any promise of standing with the peo ple. Wilmington (N. C.) Star Senator John Sharp Williams, of Mississippi, says Woodrow Wilson is the most available Democratic candidate for president. By the time the national Democratic convention meets at Bal timore it will be unanimous. Victoria (Tex.) Fact It is to be noted that three-fourths of Texas newspapers that have . declared any preference in the choice of a candi date for president or expressd opin ions upon the subject of the most suit able man to be endorsed by Texas Democracy favor Governor Woodrow Wilson of New Jersey. Fresno (Cal.) 'Herald. Woodrow Wilson's election would restore gov ernment to the people and would place in the White House a man upon whom the nation could place full re liance for the working out of national salvation. Ottawa (Kan.) Dally Republic The Republican papers of the country seem to be unanimous in their opposition To the nomination by the Democrats of Woodrow Wilsn. Wonder why? Poteau (Okla.) News If Oklahoma adopts the presidential primary Ie Flore county will give Woodrow Wil son as many votes as it will all of the other men mentioned for the nomina tion. Wilson sentiment gets stronger every day, and we believe that the New Jersey man will get the nomina tion on the first ballot, Florence (S. C.) Times Democratic congressmen, after being at home a few monthH, we are old, have returned to Washington as strong Woodrow Wilson men, because the people at home have spoken and they are some thing of politicians in a small way themselves. 3 Corning (Pa.) Free Press Unless there comes a change between now and the day of the Democratic na tional convention that will affect the standing of Wilson with the people, the dreadful defeat of Greeley in 1872 will be experienced by the Republic ans, no matter who they nominate, should the Democrats nominate the New Jersey man. Memphis (Tenn.) Scimitar When Gov. Wilson threw over former Sena tor Smith and his machine, he knew the consequences. A brave man never counts the cost to himself of doing right. Macon (Ga.) News Georgia will have her presidential primary and Woodrow Wilson will be her choice for the Democratic nomination. MRS. BUTLER DIES SUDDENLY highly estimable lady of ferry pass passed away ' lAte last night body will be shipped to former home in missouri. News reached here early this morn ing of the death' last night at Ferry Pass of Mrs. Tom Butler, a well known and highly estimable lady. Her death was very sudden, and was a great shock to her many friends. The body will be shipped Monday to the former home of the deceased in Missouri, where interment will be made. READJUSTMENT OF WESTERN RAILROADS The Combine Is to Be One of Hill Gould and Morgan Interests Against the Harriman Roads. By Associated Press. New York, Jan. 27. Reports that a readjustment of the western railroad situation is pending continue to be circulated in Wall street despite the denials put forth a few days ago. The combine is to be one of the Hill-Gould and Morgan interests against the ! rrnnt trwflv arxcK wilt m&aa rrrt rn tf properties from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Herald today says of the plan: "Controlling the railroad situation in the east, the Hill-Morgan group is now prepared to dominate the roads west of the Mississippi ' river. Plans are being considered for a joint own ership of the two Gould roads, the Denver & Rio Grande and the West ern Pacific, to be divided between the Missouri Pacific, and Chicago, Bur lington and Quincy systems, which will give the Hill line a through route from Chicago to the Pacific coast, "Blair & Co., who financed the greater part of the Western Pacific it VOXPOPULI. Listen, learn and be LED BY THE SPIRIT Editor Pensacola Journal. I am glad to note in today's Issue of your paper what you say concerning xaind. It is perfectly true, every wotd cf it In holy writ we read that God made man In His image and likeness and endowed him with all power "and dominion. We image God in our minds. God thinks and we think His thoughts after Him. And all that we see is the product of thought, which Is mind at work. Before I run, I think I run. Before I eat, I think of eating. If we want health, we think health; If we want love, we think love; if we want opulence, we think opulence; if we . want eternal life, we think of it as already ours and continue to think of it as ours; and lo it shall be made manifest, for all things are ours. When we learn to train all our thoughts in harmony with the Su preme Thinker, the earth will blos som with new beauty, while sickness, death, poverty, and all undesirable conditions will. disappear and love and harmony reign through all the uni verse. Because these undesirable things . have come through man's wrong thinking and the remedy lies In right thinking. We all believe that we have a soul or spirit. We must take another step unci Know tnat tne spirit we seem to have is really us, and the body which we have so long considered as being us. Is not our real selves but only a manifestation. Our real self is Spirit and is not subject to decay and disso lution. - We have been led into error and brought about all undesirable condi tions by thinking of ourselves as mor tals. Now let us affirm that we are immortals, children of the Most High God, and praise and give thanks that we know the truth and the truth, has mudo us free, even as Jesus said it would, and thus enter into a new and a higher consciousness where all un desirable conditions have passed away. The spirit of God is even now seek ing us and yearning to lead us aright. Let us listen and learn and be led by the spirit, We live in the spirit; let us also walk in the spirit. MRS. C. J. STEPHENS. , Pensacola Fla. MONDAY, ONLY. Ladies' lingerie gowns, Worth twice the' prices; Monday 49c, 9Sc arid $1.19. Brawner-Riera Co. CONFERENCE TO SETTLE THE WAGE QUESTION By Associated Press. New York, Jan. 27. Conferences to consider the demands made by rail road engineers on lines east of Chi cago and north of the Ohio river for Increased wages to conform with the standards on western roads will be held" here and in other cities in the east some time during the next four weeks. Neither the railroad official 3 nor the engineer expect any trouble in effecting an adjustment of a satis factory wage scale. The New York Central and the Lackawanna railroads have already received the demands 7 EPressflEgj (MSw FOR., 13 (ID CEDARS (fejOf v " Ladies' Skirts, pressed, plain 35c Ladi' SkirU, pressed, pleated . 50c Ladles' Skirta, steam cleaned, plain 76c Ladles Skirts, steam cleaned, pleated ...-91.00 Ladles' Suits pressed ;., ..60c up Gentlemen'a Suits, pressed , .....35c Gentlemen's Suits, spotted and pressed "50c Gentlemen's Suits, steam cleaned . $1.00 Gentlemen's Suits, French dry cleaned $1.25 ' ' J, ' We Make a Specialty of Cleaning, Altering. DYEIIIG and Repairing Ladies' Suits Don't fall te take advantace of this special offer. Now Is the time to Set your Spring Clothes ready. Remember, the above offer is for ..' W S RlL ' All Work Guaranteed to Be First-Class or No Pay. Steam Cleaning and Dye Works. -117 North Palafox Street. Phone 183 project, are known to lean favorably toward an alliance with the Hill sys tem. It Is thought that the Rock Island may also enter into the new combination. "Benjamin P. Bush, president of the Missouri Pacific, who was recently elected president of the Denver & Rio Grande, is known to be in favor of an alliance with the Burlington.'' EDUCATION OF THE COMPULSORY KIND South Carolina School Inspector Cites Reasons Why it Should Prevail Throughout South. , By Associated Press. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 27. Citing an amazing array of facts to demonstrate the "nee-1 of compulsory education in the south," Prof. W. H. Hand, state high school Inspector of Columbia, S. C, spoke before the eighth annual conference of the National Child La bor Committee here today. .Alter showing tha Kentucky stands forty-third in the percentage of Illit eracy of native whites 10 years of age and over, with over 166,000 such illit etates. South Carolina forty-fourth with 54,000, and North Carolina forty ninth with over 175,000, Prof. Hand Raid: -The south could once boast of an arseeracy capable, broad-minded and highly trained. The conditions condu cive tc such a society have been swept away, and the south today is pre-eminently the land where training and fit ness of the masses are indispensable." Prof. Hand showed that the entire volume of illiteracy had remained practically stationary during the ten years from 1890 to 1900, except in North Carolina, where the number in creased. He said . in 1900 the South A tlantlc states had 2,472,895 . white children between the ages of 5 and 0 years. The sechool attendance for that year was less than half the total number. ' ' ' ' FAULKNER CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR OF TENNESSEE Naahville, Tenn, Jan. 27. Walter S. Faulkner, attorney general of the sighth judicial circuit, announced for the Democratic nomination of govern or today. He advocates leaving the liquor question to the white vote of the state. INJURED CONTINUE JOURNEY. Garner, Ark., Jan. 27. Of the score of persons hurt last night when an Iron Mountain train was derailed near here, all were able to continue their journey except Mrs. Vernlce Hinkle, whose injuries are considered seri ous. Mrs. Hinkle's home is at Ferri day, La. The accident was caused by a low switch point. $3.50 Ladles Velvet Pomps, all sizes, $2.88 For Monday. Sale Ends 3it. Just Three More Selling Days of This Ssle January ;:;3tistt;?-: PUT DOWN THE DATE ; $2.00 Children's Patent Roman Sandals, Size Up to 2. $1.06 For Monday. Sale Ends 31st. as it is the last day, the wind-up of our big sale, and we propose that these remaining THREE DAYS shall be chocked full of interesting SHOE VALUES. We intend that the selling from now until closing time, will be FAST AND FURIOUS. r - - $1.50 to $k00 Ladles' Juliets, . 69c 50c Infant's Soft Soles, 26c $3.00 Misses' Patent Button Shoes, $1.99 $5.0a Ladles' - Bihy , Burke Velvet Sandals, - $3.79 $1.00 Ladles' Silk Hose, Black and White, 62c - $4.00 Ladles' Tan Calf Pomps, Wide Leather Bow, $3.18 $2.00 Men's Calf Work Shoes, $1.39 $2.50 Children's Tan . Button Boots, $1.59 $3.00 Men's Vlcl Kid Dresco Shoes, $1.97 THREE DAYS MORE and' then it will all be over. You certainly should not allow the last days to pass by without coming to this sale. JANUARY 31st LAST DAY. Meyer Shoe Company 102 South Palafox Street. ABY 1 BY JACK LONDON jar J i vv S -VvV-o V Jp tlt to f x J-.' '.x;s :. -- . n. . , ' -i I, v 4 , y ' , 1 t - From the South Sea Islands comes a Romance that viij set your nerves atingling. Think of a tale from the land of Robert Louis Stevenson 'combining the charm and mystery of Stevenson with the power and dash of Jack London Such is "Adventure" r' A Great Author's Greatest We congratulate ourselves that ve have been able to secure this noted serial for publication in this paper. This Great Story Will Begin in Next Sunday's Journal. Story To Those Who Have Had Experience With 0. K. STOVES, - Words From Us Are Needless To those who have not experienced the satisfaction that , comes with cooking with an "OK" stove or range, we rec ommend a trial at your earliest opportunity. In the "OK" Jewel is found every practical good feature and no useless ones to pay for. The, most durable fire back ever found causes this stove to heat up quicker, bake finer and use less fuel. c1 j A square oven gives full benefit of all the space in the oven. Extra wide fire boxes for wood are provided. Come in and let us show you. c f - w V i r yRplj 27 SOUTH PALAFOX STREET Leading Hardware Dealers 9 PENSACOLA, FLORIDA