Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2, 1912. I FARMERS L. R. BEWZ GETS si li ar tea mm m m.m. m m-m Fifty Million Dollars Taken From Fire Ruins Securities Found in Vault of Equita ble Building Undamaged. New York. Jan. 30. Fifty millions of dollars worth of securities were re moved from the . vaults beneath the wreckage of the burned Equitable building today. They were taken from the vaults of the Mercantile Safe De posit Company. Most of the securities removed belonged to the Emigrants bank. All the securities were undam aged by either fire or water. The above forcefully demonstrates the value of having a Safety De posit Box. Suppose all these securities had been at private homes? Safety Deposit Boxes for rent at $2.00 per year up, here. American National Bank folATENTS KBB8S 1 Jf 1 RIZES forpatmta. Patents nenrad through a I adTeitiaed without ebart. bew UtU of 1 Tenuon seeaaa ana powuow Daren. tiwiM t lsTentucv" "Why mm lareatoim uUl." Book o patent. Send a rough akrtch or model for aetrea of Patent Omee record aad report oa patecuouuy. pertal areata ia HO cities and town. Jo. Greeley hU Acting Coromisslorwr of pstests hs4 foil ebargt ft C. S. Patent Office. QBKSIJET MelNTISK, latent Attorney, . Tv auOtln xtoB, D.ti Don t Fail to take advantage of Frank's special cleaning and pressing offer it only lasts a few more days. . FRANK'S 117 N. Palafox. Phone 183. New and Relay Rails " We make a specialty of both, and are prepared to supply your require ments promptly. Metzger Brothers, MOBILE, ALA. DRESS WELL- BE WISE For Sal Big Lot of Uncal led-For Tailored , Trousers and Suits, Pay Me the! Balance Due on 'Any .That t Fit You. , . f - LET ME B YOUR TAILOR. "Always Busy" 117 North Palafox. TERSELY TOLD. $5.00 REWARD. The Journal will pay 15.00 reward for evidence sufficient to convict any soy or 'person found stealing fbscrlbers' papers after delivery of same by carrier. "V. V. Campbell, of Vernon, was among the business visitors In Pen sacola yesterday. D. G. Mclnnis and H, C. Helton, of Geneva, Ala., arrived in the Deep Wa ter City yesterday and will probably be here for several days.- They are stopping at the San Carlos and are here on business. . , e S. A. Alford, a well known attorney of Chipley, Is in Pensacola today. He arrived yesterday and Is a guest at the San Carlos. a a a E. K. Strous and wife, of Richmond, are among the late arrivals in Pen sacola. They came in yesterday ani are here on a pleasure trip, stopping at the San Carlos. a " William Hammond and wife, of "Warren, Pa., are here for a winter WOE2ERJ TAHE TJOTECBI A man cannot understand the torture and suffering many women endure uncomplainingly. II the majority of men suffered as much para sad endured wka patience the weakening sicknesses that most women do, they would ask for immediate sympathy and look for quick cure. . Many women have been saved from life of misery and tufferiai by turning to the right remedy Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a remedy which is safe to take because containing no narcotics, alcohol or injurious ingredients. It is aa alterative extract of roots, made with pare glycerin, and first given to the publis fcy that famous specialist in the diseases of women-- Dc R. V. Pierce, ei the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute of BuSalo, N. Y. t JSC road to recovery. rJSHIUlE AT chop woo TWO MEETINGS WILL BE HELD SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 24 UN DER AUSPICES EXTENSION W VISION OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA. Special to The Journal. Carnlers, Florida, . February 1. The superintendents of the Farmers In stitute and Extention Division of the University of Florida, Prof. P. H. Rolphs has sent notice that there will be a Farmers Institute held at Camp Walton, Saturday, February 24th. There will be two meetings, one in the morning at 10 o'clock and another at 1:30 in the afternoon. This is one of the greatest opportunities ever offered to the farmers of this part of Florida 'and does not want to be rcissed by anyone. The people can feel themselves particularly fortunate as there are many places asking: for In stitute workers and comparatively few can receive them. Let every body come, both ladies and gentlemen and show the management that we appre ciate what - they are trying to do for us. The speakers will be Prof.. Spen cer,' juid Mr. C K. McQuarrie. 1 Mrs. R- C. Irwin and - Genevieve spent Sunday night and Monday visit ing: Mrs. W. N. Hartsrove. Mr. J. M. Jordon was & visitor to Pensacola last week, srolne down Sat urday on the Swan and returning on the same boat Tuesday. The launch Swan made the bayous Tuesday, delivering- her own freight to various points, This Is rather tin usual as the Norma generally carries the freight from Camp Walton Into the bayous. Mrs. P. L. Hand spent last week visiting: her numerous friends in the neighborhood of Howell, Fla., among them being the families of J. J. Weekly, D. J. Howell, and W. A. 'Doug las. ' Mr. Jas. Duncan has been a sufferer for the past week with Asthma, but at last reports was improving. Forest Ranger A. G. Browne Is a busy man these days superintending the placing of cups in the turpentine district. Mr. J. A. Hartgrove is spending the week on Five-Mile bayou doing some work for Mrs. R. C. Irwin. visit. They arrived yesterday and are among the many northerners now at the San Carlos. R. C. Adams and wife, of Brewton, are visiting in the Deep Water City, guests at the San Carlos. - IF ITS VANILLA EXTRACT. Ask your grocer for Blue Ribbon Vanilla Extract, and get the best for your v money. - Only one teaspoonful to the quart is required. "Best and takes less. , ,.v"..' J. J. GRANT DRIVES CAR FROM MOBILE Driving the latest model 1912 Chal mers "36" automobile, J. J. Grant, the Pensacola representative of the Me Caskill Auto Company, of DeFuniak, arrived in Pensacola yesterday after noon from Mobile, from which city he brought the sample machine. Mr, Grant reports the roads to a fearful condition, .but the trip was made with out any mishaps. . . Since it began business several months ago the McCaskill Auto Com panv has done an extensive business throughout west Florida. , Farm Land For Sale. Section in Baldwin county, Alabama. Two houses, good spring, S6 per acre. Terms. J. A. Hicks, 207 S. Palafox SU, Pensacola, Fla. jan30-lw TURKISH TROOPS TO BE HEAVILY REINFORCED By Associated Press. - Athens, Feb. 1. The Turkish troops in Macedonia are to be heacily rein forced in the near future by brigades of infantry, regiments of infantry and batteries of artillery brought from Asiatic Turkey. It is reported In au thoritative quarters that 35,000 Turkish troops of all arms, from the various army corps stationed at Anatolia, are on the way to Rodosto, on the Sea of Marmora, where they are expected to arrive within the next few days. They will be sent on to Macedonia from that point. When you want a launch, day or night, call 662. Pen sacola Launch Company. BIBLE SCHOOL WORKER TO SPEAK Claude C. Jones of Jacksonville, State Superintendent of Sunday School, will speak at the First Chris tian church, corner 7th avenue and Gadsden street, tonight, (Friday) at 7: SO o'clock. All bible school workers are invited to be present. Mr. Jones is ' a prominent Bible school worker, and his visit here means much to the workers. - v 1 IIbs. Lizzie M. IlKSSEEiMirR, of Lincoln, Neb 529 "C " St says: "I send a testimonial with much pleasure so that some suffering woman may know the true worth of your remedies. I was a great suSarer from female troubles but after taking one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which a friend advised me to take, I found myself very much im proved. Alter taking three more Domes, ana using two boxes of Dr. Pierea'a Lotion Tablets. I found mTSelf on the I was in Door health, five years bet now I am cured. "I hope all women suffering from female weakness will give Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription a fair trial. Doctor Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate ead invigorate stomach, lirer and bowels. Sugsrootted, tiay raaoles. LETTER FIRING 1! FU JOB ARCHITECT ON JAIL BUILDING NO LONGER IN THE EMPLOY OF THE COUNTY BENZ SAYS HE HAS NO STATEMENT TO MAKE. I R. Benz, architect en the new county jail building-, yesterday re ceived a letter Bigned by the chairman of the county board of commissioners und the derk notifying- that his ser vices as architect are disp ended with from date. It is now known when . the action was taken by the county board, as no special meetings have been held re cently, but it is presumed that the chairman acted by consent of a ma jority of the members of the board. Architect Bens, when seen last night by a Journal representative, produced the letter which he had just received, but declined to make any statement regarding the matter. The letter follows;- - ' - Pensacola. Fla- Jan. 31. 1912. Mr. L. R. Benff. City. Dear Sir: The board of county com missioners Instruct me to inform you that your services are dispended with from this' date as architect for the board of county commissioners, Es cambia county, Florida. " You will please turn over, as per your employment, all correspondence in your possession between yourself and the county commissioners, and be tween yourself and the Blount Con struction Company and Messrs. Mc- Gban & Sons, contractors, on the new county Jail building;. Also, all orders. and data, in your possession relative to extras issues by you to the va rious contractors. ... - Please deliver this date to the clerk of the board, Mr. Jas. Macgibbon, at once. ; Yours very truly, JAS. MACGTBBON. JOS. I. JOHNSON. ? ' Clerk. Chairman. CANDY DAY. Saturday a box of candy free with purchase of 25 cents or more. The Crystal Phar macy. CARLOS IS TWO YEARS OLD "PENSACOLA'S FINEST" OPENED ITS DOORS TO, THE PUBLIC JUST TWO YEARS AGO YESTER- DAY. ; Yesterday was the second anniver sary of the opening of the San Carlos hotel, for it was Just two years ago on the first day of February that "Pen sacola's Finest"; opened Its doors to the public. ; ... Many who were Inclined to. look askance at the hotel proposition at that time can hardly realize, either, that, during two short years, order and W. " ' - ' i ' ' f 1 MANAGER GEO. H. HERVEY. system have been brought out of chaos, and the city s largest undertfak ing became a proven success. The hotel has paid from the very first, overstepping the rule that- no new hotel is ever expected to pay under two years time. This second year showed a marked increase over the business of the first. and at the present time one of the everyday conditions existing; at the hotel is a crowded bouse. All credit is due to the splendid management of George II. Hervey, who found and met successfully a situation which seeded the stroke of a master hand. - It is due to his energy, and his ability as a financier and hotel man that the San Carlos, after, only two years time, enjoys its present pros perity. Many prominent citizens called at the San Carlos yesterday to offer con gratulations. TWO YOUNG MEN IN NEW BUSINESS In another part of today's Journal is the announcement of Wicke Brothers, who have just opened up a plumbing shop at 113 North Palafox street It is understood that fienry T. Wicke, who Is an experienced plumb er, will be in charge of the operating end of the business while his brother, A. F. Wicke, will look after the office. Both the partners in the business are sons of the late IL H. Wicke, and are industrious, energetic young men for whom their many friends predict succeaa in their, nos venture. Wc beg MODERN A. F. Wicke If It's for the Office Phone 235 ; , Prompt Service Cde Book Store 1 1 23 South Palafox JUNIOR ORDER OF UNITED AMERICAN MECHANICS MEET 11 ' ( By Associated Press. Washington, Feb. l.-A meeting of of the national and state councils of the Junior Order of United American Mechanics began here today with the object of taking some action toward the immigration measures pending In congress. Senator Penrose, of Penn sylvania, Senator Overman, of North Carolina, and a dozen representatives will address the sessions. Have you tried the 44 Cigar? It represents eighteen years effort to please you. CLARENCE KUHN DEAD. Cincinnati, Feb. 1. Clarence W. Kuhn, a member of th former bank ing firm of S. Kuhn and Brothers of this city and a cousin of the head of The Present High Price of Butter will . probably remind yen that the value of your cows depends upon how much milk and butter they give. You can increase their Productiveness, by giving them the proper feeds. Hammond Dairy Feed is rich in fat end milk-producing qualities and always shows remark able results. Suppose you try a sack. Order from your grocer or, if he hasn't it, tall us and well see that you are supplied. The Lewis Bear Co. Distributers. j pps sj to announce the opening of jdut PLUMBING SHOP j - a-.-.. At 113 North Palafox Street The entire thought of this shop will be directed toward promptness and when you need plumbing work of any kind done, let your first thought be of Phone 1674 A phone call will bring an experienced mant and our charges will be rdisonable 1 on all classes of work Phone 1674 the banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb A Co. of New York, died here early today following an operation. ' ; PIONEER ELECTRIC LIGHT , MAN DEAD IN NEW ORLEANS Xew Orleans, Feb. 1. Maurice J. Hart, 63, a pioneer In the electric lighting business In this city, proml- -Gary s is the very best mined in the Alabama Coal Fields, and is guaranteed and sold only by ' 14 East Government Street. Phenee Yard C and 134. ;:: ' Offlee S3 snd 119. 'When You Think of Coal. Think of Cfy." c ( m Read page 3 -of-The Journal next Sunday without fail. 113 North Pal afox Street Henry T. Wicke N Xienx In politics and public affairs, died at his home here last night after an Illness of several weeks. He was born in St. Louis. His widow and two children survive him. Read The Journal's Want Ads and Profit thereby. ehabe Goal Save the Pennies You will be able to save many pennies and in the end, many dollars, if you buy your meats here. We are leaving no' stone unturned to please the people and a glance at our meats will show you how well we are suc ceeding. We want your orders and will give you the best meats at the right prices. Why not favor us with a trial order T THE PARLOR MARKET. 14 SOUTH PALAFOX ST. " PHONES 173-45. Do you want your , piano tuned? We have three first class tuners. Satisfaction guaranteed. Phone 15. The Clutter, Music House. A Sensation On the Corner of Davis and De-Soto Streets. Dear Wlfey? . I have Just found out xvlcre to get our Sunday dinners. Just phone (t0, and ask them for chickens, country pork, country beef. Western pork. Western beef, home-made sausage, bam, bacon, liver, head cheese, brains and country veal, also everything In frsh vegetables. Just try them and be convinced. Enterprise Market Manhattan Hotel EUROPEAN 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Southeast Corner Garden and Baylan Streets. "Ask the Traveling Man." s Best grades of Alabama, Jellico, Anthracite and steam; also Petroleum Coke, suitable for grate, stove or furnace. W. S. Garfield & Co. ICC AND COAL MERCHANTS. Phones 1942 and 88. Office and Works, Bayten Street Wharf. SAM CHARLES She Half Soled In 15 Mlnutt. Called Fir and Delivered. "MUFF SED." 511 South Palafox Diamond Edge Tools FOR ALL MECHANICS, AT H H. VV. GIBBS HARDWARE CO. 44 SOUTH PALAFOX STREET. DIRECTORY T. a YATES. M. O. Optician, 410 Blount Eulldlng. Twenty years' aa sn Eya Specialist. Examination free. DR. J. B. TILLER, DENTIST 110 Blount Budding. Office Ptone 66. Residence Phona 41 SHIP YOUR PRODUCE to M. P. FERRIS. He Win Give You the Benefit ef Market Prices. Strictly eommlselon. 14 E. Intendencla. Pensacola. Fla. , Mother Johnny, you said yo4 been to Sunday school. Johnny (with a far-away look) Tea, mamma. Mother How dos It happen that your hands smell of fish? Johnny I carried home the Pnndaj school paper, an' the mitsides pafe i all about Jonah an' the wbalo. La -' die Home Journal.