Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA TOURNAL, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 14, 1912. Ad ADVERTISING RATES (24 words, or Iess4 lines) OlM Tlma mm' . ' X mm wnv ..... cnt I six Timed Two Time ...... 4.. ...$0 80 ct nts $1.50 Three Time .. I Count bt words of average length to a iin'e. Cah with rdr. No ad. taken for loss Urns th east v Th reduction la rate ts for consecutive famrtleM. Hna Want A, So V.1 'easy p&yamYB wzs irjz? Lh 1315 East Cervantes: 4 rwm ho 11 nnA ; 7 ' " w f UMU bath; a nicely finished cottage at.. $1900 1409 East Strong; 5 large rooms; large -.;.x reception hall, bath and gas, tiled x hearths, hardwood mantles .. .. . . .$2300 1305 East Jackson; 5-room modern dwel ling, on car line. . .$2800 1503 East Gadsden:' 6-room modern cot tage, near car line; street to be paved. A bargain at .............. .$3000 T7 OOTON & WATSO J il H Blount Budding - Phone 54 L No. No. No. No. FOR RENT. BAST OFF PALAFOX. , Dwellings " Ewt Goniale Street. between 13th and 19th avenues, 1 room.. tSO.OO No. 310 Bast Aomsna, 6 rooms ... .116.09 S1 East Bobe, 6 room 9,12.60 1 East Gonzalez, room I12.S9 J15 North 8th avenue, 6 rooms ... ,$12-W l'!7 North Paris, 4 rooms $12. JO 11' 5 North Aicanis, 4 rooms ....i.ftl.OO 6U North $th avenue, 4 rooms ....$10,03 WEST OF PALAFOX. Dwlllnat . ' ': : 20 Weet Romana, rooms 934.00 1 South Spring; S rooms .."......$17.00 107 North Baylen. 4 rooms 1.3 SOS Wet Romans, 5 rooms $15.00 217 North Reus. rooms $12.09 - A large house at Fishervllle (20.09 Bay Shore, 6-room dweling 125.04 Knlehts of Columbus Hall Just remodeled, and undoubtedly the bp st convention or dancing hall ia the city; over McHugn s Store. Modern Offices In the fireproof "Blount" and "Brent" build iocs. Hooton & Watson "THE RENTAL AGENTS." Bieunt ButldlriB' Phon 84. FOR RENT -Houses hi town of CaryvIIle at $2.00 to $10.00 per month. Small semi-improved tarma (40 acres ready for occupancy; houses and oat-building, fenced. Low rental or will sell at mod erate price. 180 acres; targe new house out-buildings, well and living spring. Rent or sell. Cut over lands ta large or small tracts. Will sen on easy terras or rent. A number of these have houses. Geo. K. Wood Lumber Company, Cary vllla, Florida. MebJw RESIDENCE FOR RENT Six rooms and bath oottasre, desirably located en the car line on North Hill. Rent $28.00 per month. Apply R. C. Caldwell, or phone T77. llfeb FOR RENT Cottage, JW North Aksanla. Five rooms and bath. ; Apply Box 176. City. . ifeblw FOR RENT Ten-room bouse at 111 Guillemarde street: $25.00 per month. Leslie E. Brooks Company. 22jamlm FOR RWTT-Fbnr-room and ball eettsge on lenre lot Two blocks from car line. No. 80K North T" street. C8 per month At"'v F1ier Real Estate Agency 7oct4. WANTED. WANTED When you want a eonrpftent plumber euick. phone 1474, Wlcke Bros.. Ml North Palafox street. 9feb GAUTEPEN St MORRILL Riggers ' and sailmakers, manufacturers of tents, awnings tarpaulins and dray covers. Phone 1944. 618 & South Palafox street. 2feb WANTED Tour patronage on lumber, shingles and building materials of all Mnds. Stearns Lumber and Export Co.. Phone 1311. Heb LADTKS TO CALL, see rnv tailored stilts. skirts and dresses: all misfits and samples; elegant garments; low prices. Half rash, balance doilar-a-week. Loeb, The Tailor, 117 North Palafox. 2SJan MKN TO CALL, see those uncaHedfor tailored pants and suits now for sale at reduced prices. You pay balance due. I can fit you. Save money. Loeb, The Tailor, 117 North Palafox. . t 2SJan WANTED Tou to Join our pressing club, where your clothes win receive proper attention and assured against ac cidents. Rates $1.50. Mendel-White Tail oring Co. Next door to "San Carlos." Phone 673. lljantf FOR RENT. WANTED Tou to know that we have Just received a fall supply of Garden seeds, including second crop Irish pota toes, peas. etc. We are headquarters for sli kinds of fertilisers. J. E. Dubuisson & Bro. 124-123 E. Intendencia St Phones 1146-1147. Sldeo TOtT CAN pay the same rent forever and never have anything but receipts Vo can pay us for T or I years and own a ,bom Let us tell you. Leslie E Brook Company. 4c1 tt WANTED Boarders and roomers at S"7 East Intendencia street Board and room furnished at $5.00 per week. AU conveniences. Address 227 East Inten dencia. l$jaa WANTED TO KNOW Why all dairy. men. no matter what feed they may try, always fall back on Sucrene Dairy Feed F S Mellen A Co.. Phone S4 oetStf MUSICAL. GIIJFTLLAN SCOTT Professor of Piano forte, Organ. Sinking and Composition; Pupil of .Michael Hambourg, Director of Moscow Conservatoire of Music; Les clietisky Method; Tuition at Pupils res idences. Phone 142, P. O. Box 63. 23Janlm TV ANT ED Competent bouse girl for S-n . ml house ,wnrk. Apply 1S22 East Gadsden, phone 1427. 14febSt WANTED A general servant, who un derstands cooking, for' family of three. Apply 823 North Baylen St itfeb WANTED 100 men for cutting rtght-of-w-ay. Wages. $1.59 per day. Apply to H. Roe, Bagdad, F!a Ufeblw WANTED First class barber. Salary or commisBion. Address , P. O. Bv t Bagdad, Fla. ifeblw WANTED Competent woman cook for small, family In village m Northwest Florida. In reply state references and wasres expected, age and color. .Address "S" Pensacola -Journal. . : llfeblw WE CAN Secure positions ' for a few young men here in Peasacola which will eaahle them to earn expense while taking a business course in our school. Jones1 Business College, Pensaoola, Fla. icjan WANTED Good cook. Prefer man, with wife for assistant Will pay good week ly prices. ' Furnish roam. Gulf View Inn, Panasca City, Fla. i 17jaalm Dweliings . lm East Brainard ....$15.00 19J4 East Lee ...$12.50 901 East Wright $17.50 422 East Wright $17.50 14 Havne ......$25.00 22 E. Lloyd .'......$17.50 Romans and Florida Blanea $10.00 80$ N. th Avenue $12.65 Sl North Guillemarde $90.00 1 North Davis $15.00 North 8th Avenue $15.00 llj East Intendencia $20.00 lill Cervantes ..$15 00 HthSt. and 15th Avenua $15.00 0 B. Cervantes $12.50 11th Avenue end Lloyd ....$20.00 21 East Gonsslea ,.....$25.00 $15 East LsRua ....$12.50 24? East tlrwnrr ....... ..........9T0 18 North Hame $12,00 51! P- Romans , $10.00 ?22,I?rth ,th Avenoe . $15.00 ?4 Eaot Desoto f?treet ...,.no SCO 5onth Alni .......... ....320.00 1413 East DeSoto .....812.00 . J?S North Guillemarde $25.00 . Intendeneia .... $20.00 J If J East Jackson .i...20.00 il? JJjMl $12 60 60 East Main $20.00 West ev Palafox St. M North DeVllHers ......$17.60 $04 North Spring $30.00 15- Oregonr. $27.00 n North "xy $8.oo Bayou .$12.60 Ffhervt!1e ..f70 f?2 WMt Gregory , $13.00 lis Wwt Romana $l4.oo itf wt Vfwn merit . o Barrancas Avenue ..!12 0f) tlvth Clubbs ...$11.50 fil Garden ...$20.00 115 Wt Intendencia $12.50 Moreno and "E" $55.00 Wast Ptan -KT,. BV.I c.a en ""Location st Gouldino for meat ' " no oroeery S12.B0 Offleee Good Locations and Cheap Rent -y; rnouM oesirabis loca- sions and Moderate Rent - The Fisher Real Estate Asrency. "THE RENT COLLECTORS." Phone 87. Building Time What about those lots you've been intend ing to buy? We've a large list, both North and East Hill. We have two southern exposures on Gadsden street, between 16th and 18th avenues. We have one" of the prettiest lots on North Hill at .less" than the owner paid for it. V:-.2..:---:r:: -ASK US- C E. Dobson Co. Fit lewnt Vufltflna, Pheae 4ta, ROOMS AND BOARD. help wanted; WANTED Mid! txmpU to Mv on premiarf on ,.iay rvor; , woman ior kibhu va Gl Tf yjl im, auuut p!ao. Good wifet. Comfortable quar- VFB WftWl A mm m..m J-e, -.1 - AnA$. u2cu III UDi lJ UI O V V:iif9S 4JUUIV Apply Knowles Hyer. Brent Building, or "Virginia TWIm -' Dhm $.000 RAIL WAT MAIL CLERKS wanted; $90 a month. Rnnlnitlnna Ug. 1th Common education sufficient "Pull" un necessary, write ror sample questions. Franklin Institute, Dept. 57-M. Rochester, K. T OlSmch AGENTS WANTED. WANTED A live agent in each town in Florida to act as general agent for an Industrial Insurance Society, weeklv premiums from 10 s. to 50 cts. per week. Good salary or commission to the ngnt party. Afidress Post Office Box "V" Apalachioola, Florida. 10feb4t SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Live Wire Salesman to sell Soarbrough's New Census Wall Map of Florida; Just out: experience not neces sary. Write Paul Finch. Pensacola. Fla., General Delivery. !0Jan2St WANTED POSITION. WANTED Position as hotel clerk or salesman. Experienced. Address "C. K." 1013 East Gadseen St.,- Pensacola, . ISfeblw WANTED Position as bookkeeper or shipping clerk, by young married man. 2! of references. A. B. Bryan. 305 East Gadsden street. Hfeb3t WANTED Position as wood turpentine stiller or foreman of retort plant. Can give best of reference in either. Address Box 2S. Caryvtlle. Fla. 7feb-lm WANTED To Buy Or Exchange. WANTED Would like to exchange 5-foot roll-top desk, in good condition, for bookkeepers standing desk. 6 feet or longer, which must be In same condition. Address Pensacola Tar and Turpentine Co.. Phone 248. I4febtf WANTED To buy several good horses ana mules; must be cheap for cash. Address "Quick." Care Journal. llfeblw WANTED To bnv Antique Mahogany furniture; no matter how badly broken; highest market prices paid for desirable pieces. B. IL Falrehild, 38 East Romana street, phone 455. P. O. Box 483. SSJanlm WANTED American National Bank Stock. To buy or exchange good city property. I Lea DanleU. . - janlJ WANTED One mile 85-pound relay rail delivered Pensacola In good condi tion. Quote lowest price quick. Will pay cash. Choctawbatchee Lumber Co., Free port. Fla. 23nov HOTELS. PARK HOTEL First-class rooms Board for $1.75 per day. Special rates bv week. Centrally located. 100 East Gov ernment street W. L. Gllmore. Prop. feb61m NEW MERCHANTS HOTEL European. Rooms by the week. One person, $3.00; two persons, $5.00. Running water ia every room; free bath; bell aad hotel ser-Ttc- 8 Jan HOTEL MAGNOLIA Bagdad, Fla. Eu ropean plan, best accommodations, airy rooms, beautiful view. 5 minutes from sta tion. D. F. Ragland. Prop. lldecSm FOR RENT One furnished room. Apply 322 North Baylen St. Phone 616 14feblw NICE LARGE ROOMS furnished com plete for light housekeeping. Apply 1202 East Gadsden street llfebSw FURNISHED ROOMS First-class fur nished rooms, two blocks from the post office. 21S East Zarragossa street. Good location. . tolSfeb MISCELLANEOUS. MISS CELIA MYROVER ROBINSON. - public stenographer, 303 Blount "iii Ing. Phone 178. . . 16janlm WICKE BROS. PLUMBERS Prompt at tention given repair work. Phone 1874, 113 North Palafox. $feb TENTS of all kinds and sixes for rent during Mardi Gras. Give us a call; our prioes are reasonable. Phone 117$, A. H. McLeod & Co. llfeb B. H. FAIRCHILD CO. Best Furniture repairing, reflnishlng and upholstering. Mattress work and shades, 88 East Ro mana street., phone 485. ' SSJanlm LOOK Seamstresses " can use Sewing Machines at my eaice for 15 cents per hour. J. N. Andrews, 101 North Palafox street ltjaa SCARRITT MORENO. Peasacola. Fla., Agent Diebold and Coats Safes and Bank Fixtures. Correspondence solicited WANTED Your Jov Printing and orders for Engraving af all kinds, calling cards, wedding Invitations, etc MA YEP PRINTING CO... 34 West Government ' Ulr MERCHANTS TRANSFER CO.. Tbor. B Thorsen. Prop., solicits all kinds of moving and hauling. Furniture packed for h1rrint Furniture stored. Office phone $78 Depot phone 704. Jtmetltf MONEY TO LOAN. $10,000 TO LOAN on improved olty real estate. Give location and amount de sired. Would rather place It in amounts of $1000. or $2000. Address "Loan" care Journal. - i9Jan PERSONAL. PERSONAL See that your horses are correctly shod, G. A. Briggs. Lie prac tical horse-shoer, 19 East Garden street phone 1770. . I . make a soecialty of rub ber pads; they prevent slipping. lOfeblm MAN OF 47 Wants to make acquaintance of lady about the Fame age, with some means, in grocery business. Catholic pre ferred. Address "Business" this office. jf ; Sfeblw KODAK FILMS developed free. Prints made on all papers at same price others charere. The Clover Studio. Over Avery's Hardware Store. , 21Janlm EDUCATIONAL. PRIVATE TUTORING by a Northern teacher, with many years experience. Assistance given especially to pupils de siring to make up studies. Phone 1806. llfeblw WE CAN LOAN a few young men and women money to take a business course in our school. If Interested, write, giving full particulars as ta security you have to give, etc. Jones' , Business College, Pen sacola, Florida. 28Jan FOR SALE Live Stock. FOR SALE Fresh milch cow and calf, $50.00. G. E. Graves, R. F, D. No. 1., Pensacola, Fla lOf eblw FOR SALE A pony, suitable for chil dren's use. Apply The Lewis Bear Co. 28Jan FURNITURE. WE PACK. SHIP UPHOLSTER. Reflnish Furnltura Solomon Furniture Co.. Phone 971. 20 and 22 W Government Junelltf EXCHANGE. AUTOMOBILE Will trade t-passenger Oldsmoblie, in good condition, for un encumbered real estate. Have another car, reason for slling. Address P. O. Box 779 lSJan Business Opportunities. FINE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY In Pensacola for a roan, preferably north erner, who will devote his time. Requires $200.00 investment. State experience. Address "J" 138, Journal. lOfeblw DRESSMAKING. ALL KINDS of dressmaking. Alterations a specialty. Apply 113- North Cevalloa street, between Gregory aad Chase streets. llfeblw IN WASHINGTON AGAIN. Washington, Feb. 13. President Taft returned to Washington today from New York. He remained aboard his private tar in the Union Station until 8 o'clock when he wsls driven to the White TTo-ase. p nniiinntwn,,! iminnrmiir. run-! r ulr m nmrm r '.n nrlhllll.lY,i.-r, r.r-rr. .. ,., - -yi y ) MT i'iIbi n i'I-.-. -T" ,,Jn , tfTir"1 j f fji"TJ"?JWjliyjWIJ "I1""1-' llll'W.'lil 1 1. II I IM.JUli .MJ IJ q I r nr I Pill l...ji m,i V A Mi an in Jacksonville FOUR HUNDRED miles from Peensacola bought those fen w went street houses we have advertised for t h e P a Vt f e w oa v t fJ? T"l I "j-. lMpamontb! thorhw7trir2'oT"o7 3scTntT.d?o 60 feet of which run. through to the aHey, which we i effaJ "J ?a5u5i TWO OTHER OFFERING3 $1875Thr (3 hf North Hsyne Street, each contained four ti reent!d haI,'t0t8j $288'00- 675- cah" balanc? $25008,KJe) house " tt,e Ne9 district of East Hill, brtnolna total V rents yearly $361.00. $920.00 cash, balance eight pr cent. wDo It To-dajH-To-morrow Never Comes" LESLIE E. BROOKS COMPANY I (In corpora ted) N. W. Carwer Palafox an Romana. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE. Pensacola, Florida. FORSALEj FOR SALE Entire stock of Frlsdman Dry Goods Co., at private1 salei. In ventory can be seen at office1 of Patlllo CT&RinwI1 n .fan.. U KaVn4tf.v T L. French. Trust at nLs b Co f l"feblw FOR QUICK SALE Compile butchers outat, Including license, jlS. Phone 2054. , lOfeb FOR SALE Small Upright iknch IPiano, mission finish, brass andlee ticks; cheap for quick sale. Phone8022, or call 915 KSHt OaAmAmr i Tf.K1m anil FIVB ACRES of black loan! land, near the city. Also two beautlfuborner lots, close In. Both bargain, pqulrs 128 West Garden street. ... -f llfeblw FOR SALE Small cook stovewith pipe; Gasoline stove with perfrtlon oven; Incubator and Brooder. W. l Herrider, t-ajarox ana letn street llfeb FOR SALE Second hand sal mill ma. chmery cheap. Husks, Carjage, Twin Engines, Niggers, Edger, Trimmer. George E. Wood XAunber Comtny. Gary ville, Florida. I 8i'ebl0t FOR SALE--Fresh water flsh'.nd turtle. Cto, ITtaK mm A ivmmm fr Foot of Herron's Wharf. Sfeblw FOR SALE Camplete 8-foot fills Chal mers Band Mill, 50 m ciaclty; 4 Block Carriage; a bargain. A for list and price, J. S. Walton, Penicola, Fla Sfeblm r- FOR KALE The services ff expert Tthon 1874, Wlcke Broa. lit "brth Pnla- -.m- mat ha4 I h FOR SALE Good seven-rota house; East Hill: $200.00 ash. bancs only six per cent, easy nwnthly Utallments. Splendid location. Maris Reaiy Co., 206 Blount Building. f T $feblw FOR SALE Tinsmltt shop dttflt eom- H. Hortwn, Apalachlola, Fla , tblw $3 , I want the people to know . that I sell NEW HOMES of two kinds - i he Houss nnA T kind and the Npw TTnrr, Machined L N Andrews 101 N. Palafox. ACRES PER ACflE Land west of the city, 6 mfles and adjoining Beach Haven tract, near the Big Bayou, excellent land Jf110 Convenient to mark et. This is the lowest price for good acreage in West Florida. We can not sell part, (all must be taken) at this price. PER ACRE ACEIEO The Fisher- Real Estate feencv PR1VATV RDAktrU KHJrWi, W 9 THE RENT COLLBflTORS. Live Stock and Poultry. FOR SALE A good mule for farm pur- .pvijr Armour jq, 14leblW FOR B4T.FI P!1iairi T7mA w ji?f nu one uocaerei. Tiller -, i.v. Ainiy iuo iorxn Aicaris Street 24feb1w FOR SALE. FOR SALE i cash Register, 1 Cbmput- J7,'TTr . 'As i"lur' seven-root tables. 242 West Government Street. 14feblw BARRED PLYMOUTH ROCKS RHODE i ' --oiiw obsb iwr naicii- I insr from vminp- vfsrnmna ,v,.'.. i."1 -i . laying stralna $1.25 for 15 select eggs. ifiii? v:m- iyiw 14th avenue and lSth street. 13feblm EOjPf gOR SETTINO Pure Rhode Island i i a cenis per sosen. can be ! secured fresh this week. Phone $66. llfeblw F9?Hfrn, high-grade, 5-drawer Cash Register, store shelving lt--?n,ulre t6 Hub. Palafof -.uU,CJ1t.. . llfeblw FOR SALE Fourteen yard hens and Cervantes. - llfebat FOR SALE Twenty Whit Fan Tafl - -i- vumii, ii mra mx. once. ueo. Kupfrtan, Phone 1545, llfeblw SECRET SOCIETIES. ' Friday F.bTuarU-l,Vat 7A20 p' Secretary. " A P. A A. M. Fy 7nri?d Brothers fraterBal- G. RAT MXTCHETjIfc O. E. SHACKELFORD, W H Secretary. Sti?7? one large : T-r v icoounttBie prices. E i. Herring, Blacksmith. 21 East Intendencia SIreet- ' 13feb3t INDIAN RTTTOrWR rmmr vnna v uu wuiio, per aoBen. Book your ria. infhiw '.nfl? Shingle Mill has cut fo? in TVlaWo An '"Wfllnery eS8 acMn. Bolters. -paik: fLSa' Gumwfn Machine, two Engines, two Boilers, complete Saw Mill, wi jTai0"vAih -yoke ox team, with "7ilZ!!rf wasn. several small at lowY.Wi. ,.Tr.JT?"a- can tm SMigle MUl. Flomaton, AlZ Tsfeblw FOR SALE On affiount of gtvlns up nouseaeeping, entro eunirnm oi r dence. Inquire 114 East Gregory "treet. . t BTgiHfit Trrm rat.tb?s.w n and fixtures. 10 crona of boxes snd cuos. Plenty of timber can be leasia. Aaaress iL.rptrj- tine " care Journal nao-zw- 6000 LB9. COARSE CONFETTI, at - . . ... , .1.1 1 Tl a ra wnoiw?aio; in tonmui wi"! . your order todsy. Ben. F. King, phone 774. 2$ South Palafox. 30Janlm TRUSSES Fitted by an expert. Relljf and satisTaetion guarameeu. w"u,r era have prompt attention. The. Crys tal Pharmacy. Brent Building. Uflylyr FOR SALE New maj of Escambia county, showing all government: sub divisions of sections, public roads, rail roads, and names ot grants. ", y 4 feet scale 1 inch to mile. Price $5.00. Stenhen Iee. coimtv surveyor. P. O. Box 175. Pensaoola. k VSoct ltBASrP .? with Floiaton Shingle SffiL Flomaton. Ab :. - lJfeblw Ala1im"aIB?atrep,,,IaaJ ,a Booth AiBinia. on L. & N. Railroad, In small l,V,?,U "r?V N?w is the tlmeTo ShmeMillolnaTon?1-' SSBKS F?fcerLE: wh? own cypress 1. ""jruvmi snmrie ma- 7, , : wio txuu en Kindt All "lJ5 Flomaton ShhYxle MnL ,lu,wn' 18feblw FO SALR-- Tr.-. . " h-tn room nouse. -rSEHL HI ' location rer 1. TttttZ anrrtage hSuse: ISfeb TVTITAff BTTWD-n twwo . , edged everywhere as greatest laying fowl Sne5r J11 re-rds 1st and 2nd duck New Orleans, 1st drake and 1st duck St. Louis, 1910; 3 pr. Pensacola 2 pr. Santa Rosa Fair, 1st duck Lafav- mtm 1 . .b T ... . ' . Crowley, lit duck Lake Charles, La.: 1st young duck. 2nd old dnck and 3rd drake uowvjii.i dhow in largest Sonif "" a2U ast Tropical Fair, t0? EESE Largest bred, of we'fh , high as SO lbs. Have In - - - : , goose ana i&T.tLi1- won at St Louis ... '"la "t"1" onow. WHI'I'W A TTTJTt A VT -nnn. . il .V '" game Diraa Book- """"i usi rree. Mn. tb t x-ttvin. Red Rook, Fla. . $febl$t WS1 MSW H mm . - . . ...L"r,rIa island Red eggs, tl . ,fe,t.tini yht Orpington eggl $l.lfl S oF om chicks. Oakhurst irg . will S. BOX ABT, pRPTNOTON AND ROCK J.lirL0' Ton hatching ....7-1 . r5.ana Rocks $1 ORDER or OWLS, 0 I a P ter ineeta r ED- wTLLusra, JAS. t. azEH!t.rii Seeretary, asMeat VOLUNTEER VETERAN FfagMrM " Volunteer Veteran FiremeV. tlon meeu at Recorder's Court RV?" first Friday In each months i ikZm o, rx r. DAN arURPHT. PENSACOLA LO DOS HQ, Me tins Thursday. T:S0 P. ttL, at their hall. Cor. Bay. lea and Bel moat Bte. Vis. Iters eordlaliy O. LAMBRKCHT. Secretary. FOR SALE Seven-pasaerger Oldsmoblie, $1250. Apply corner Lloyd and Barcelona streets. 6feb FOSAT.H! TT.w, . h.: " two- .. i., x Biioocgia. 271an i FOR SALE All classes of balldlng materials. "What you want wlvsn you want It." Stearns Lumber and Export Co., Phone 1313. tfeb FOR SALE On of nicest tracts of land between Pensacola snd Choctawbatchee bay, fronting on Santa Rosa Sound and Pensacola Bay. Ideal location for sum mer or winter horn, or chicken ranch. Five-room .cottage, outbuildings, pump house, wharf, etc., all in good repair. Ap ply H. W. GIbbs Hardware Co. Wjanlra SATSUMA ORANGE, Grapefruit snd pe can trees. We have all kinds of trees for the Gulf Section. Catalog and prices on request. Alvin Japanese Nursery Com pany. Mobile. Alabama. 27janlm FOR SALE A cash business: grocery n... .. JIMn. trrr.A Hlt1neXt. 1IU T 1 1. . I.V"" y, V. . ' . 1 1 , " Owner Is sick and has to leave city for his health. Apply 242 West Government street FARM LANDS Best grade and location. ten acres and up, $20 per acre. Easy terms. "Facts about Florida" free. Phone 1205. W. S. Reeve, 1013 E. Cervantes street , J4mch FOR SALE CHEAP One fine Walnut Dresser and Wash Stand; with large mirror; also iron bedstead. Apply 60s West Garden Street Phone 249. 28Janlm truti oaljs - arm ox i acrw nr "ji all cleared and under cultivation; 500 fruit trees; splendid water; outbuildings; beat small farm proposition; adjoining wild land held at 10 per acre. Farm ts fenced with chicken-proof wire fence. Price. $2000. Address Drawer "C." aug27tf CLEANLINESS for sale at the Empire. Phone 322 and get our prices. THE JOURNAL PArfAMA CANAL edition la the best book for advertising Pansacola ever prodaced. Get It and send It to your fHnda. At all book rnr nr at this office. FOR ' SALE ISO -acres cut -over land in North Escambia, suitable for firilnr. good reads, school Just off the property, fine stock range adjacent most dflrab'e location, perfect title. 11200. Adlress "Owner. Box 245. City. Sldec FOR SALE 13 acres land; wl1:h good wen and 2-room house; 2 miles south or Roberts, between L. & N. and Countv Hard Road. Address, R A. Staples, 21$ East Wright street 2janlm FOR SALE Choice Tennessee, Alabama, and Florida milch cows on eas weekly payments. Can he seen at my farm, three miles west of city on bard road C C. Weameler. $Usnini FOl SA LE The west half 7t 71 nheast Quarter of 1 l foue4), in Township Two (2? nlSFl'f 5ar:ne (31P),Wert(2) Ebfi m'fcres'r'ri"? nty-nl. Ian. V."'1". CT This vaii imXt 11 'jpnaa. and Is a S'i. rSTt ..A ddress P. O. Box 109 Jrc""'a' rlona- mch24tf ! LOST. LOS-GoTd mratr'h t.v , ... . Say betWeen 11 a ifto. on DavVs ?urtn and BmlAard. rJ! turUDavjgetreet 14febtw I Llr stel - . K..uo m or auj. Keward. 13feblw n0110 treetb- nrrtiio.fc. 7-. , "u romana, isat- rftewarrl Zr J10;S. name cartteward for return to Frank Hrn Pertla Sanitarium. llieolt rn OU do not patronize the ipire laundry we both icsnonev. Fhone 322. LC-Tou are losing money every rJ,.y?" r 7 .Unfr t?.' Til--"r.r.'.earnB number and "i nuiie 1413. 2feb LOBunch of trn r. mlnrtrTndencia Street d receive smward. SOJantf FOUND. t, .CtuZ.rr?.wa" Orplng . J ""? ""' unpnea. . Itoute No I . m r m r ri i a v-, 7feb-lm FOR fiit.p v- . r.r,rr,- T ll.J "L- iT"" . . P"7 OnC. ujru mo xsareeiona streets. 6fb Clifford. Warrington. Fla. 4febim .,TS2n!ft-3& -ttea. .... """'J nn, jtt, i. ren-arol. i-fc.Ji. ZTOS..?. W5.W1 'rem the Whit. 7"..vvJrnaoe. . , jninoroas ana R I Hght R, R. Reeve, Cantonment Fla! - SUan STNGLE-roxm ,r. t.i . T lev rri c ' v i"na fjea. Braa- R,m;.. P... Vr,"" -""."nqiiea Indian Muscogee,""- ia tli S ,P.r.fc?HOD.? JSLAND RED Eggs for Fla r n v. rnnw. wottage Hill, Fla, R. F. D. No. 1. 28Janlm atrfnlV, fJT ?gg. for nti mt; ri , 1 lo' nooe isiand J.T rem,. Black Langshan. a, Zbjanim tins PTtV-r.,V' "'T006"!- Ana- pj ' v., cmimvui, . - . . - i m" WHITE WVAVTVTr-nrjio r.-. toni' ds: for ..5; '" Bp,CT,aiq breeders a. iiry tswer. FIOT- l&janlm FOR RAT.TT! TC-fcl.. rx . ! " , . i,. o. fdiurnli ijaa iiiiiijIri-Biii . siiuiA, ia car. Cr can hftv uma v.- ' aLnS '"ts. adl sSutharS ., "v, ius rast uaran St ! llfeblw FO Most contractors have found 10 ouy lumber, shingles and bui materials of all kinds at reason -ablces. "What you want when you r- f?8 LuR!ber e-nd Export stat, POn.TTMVV l .... ting the eg-gi". areyo'uT Fowl. ?hlte!re article at F. S. Mellen V CoT'VhonSm I sept FC-FIVE DROWN j - WHEN STEAMERS SINK ' By Associated Pn... ifski. Jar an. Fh 12 t - " listetween two Japanese steamers to Fassenger and sailors were . " trasn occurred between w.vuo. ioju n,i;U me raori Mam Bo-e old steamers ot compara- f Hi C. A. CIRCUS NEXT FRIDAY. AUSTRALIAN CHAMPION will. FIGHT JAMES BARRY Svdnev. N. a. W 14 a ey, the California pugilist and heavy- ci6in. tuajupion or Australia, has ' , . "i.i.v.ii who dames Barry, the Chicago heavyweight, to be v "w t v. f a. n.s s . '""e"' u m ana also ror a match With Sam Tinp-rrtrt - v foug-ht on Easter Monday, All 8. Meet me at Smith-Roner- Druer Co. "Where OualJtt, Counts." Our delivery sys tem unequalled. Subscribe for The Journal., LEGAL NOTICE. rncludinV aTe-Ui.- wt t and r'm'aTertatf ' oToTd "dJr'Xi Bunding on Smith Palafoi s4t. Site Brant n.,firi. Clz? f;J7 OTF?- for d.t,Wr: .fcT.'. T;L' ready dbr1I"TA. for rva! $02.0I Amertoan National BaXfeEg": UfebSt prrTM f. - - . fn JNrtL'!!?!' n WcTiav- of v, !. ...( I VI""." r.rc puoitoation of this notice. .Th la Decern J7t 1IU. flecTToawtw Kt-. . of jtu "yjrs ss Bendln f ih-"" . ml f o Tk . iTll" eomplalaant will ,y-- i? f .i oo,,rt on the r,Vi n;n, a, U, 1912. for a SLt for nu f 7..TX !3?. -Toion on 14feboaww JAMES T. i riiwrnt T. CREW NOTICE. Neither the Captara. owners consignees of th ItaJlan Bark C,tliarn'mrt 4Tl v. j f!b! 'or debts contracted RIX M. ROBINSON. CaTuln. Conslgnea- - ENTIRE PENNSYLVANIA I OWN IS BURNED Butler. Ta Vk h v. i . section of E&u Claire, Pa, a nearby - .vsssjr worn- n a child waa called on tor service "9 ouratet mgada, th town being Without nth. rv-.frM . i . . . flame. Practically th mir town U -liiioung irora exposure aue to below sero temperature In which the people fought th flame. Th low is $28,000. REMOVAL NOTICE. The insurance office of the undersigned has been moved from 28 East Government street to rooms 800-302 Am erican National Bank build ing:. 9iM WALKER ANDERSON j PRESIDENT TAFT ASKED RECOGNIZE CHINA REPUBLIC New Tork. Feb. IL A committee representing $00 Chine-. students In tfi Lnlted State announced todav xilti,? pfUt.f'n had acidreiwed ta President Taft nrrin. .,-L . recognition of the first 'republic in Asia th saw gowernjnent of CSOt." '