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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, FRIDAY MORNINGFEBRUARY 16, 1912. 5 !eople and Events By Bonnie Burnham. jTHE POMPADOURS FLUTTER TO EARTH THIS' iiiAK AS DAINTY VALENTINES. .Th Pompadours, who, as everybody knows, are a crowd of mystic fairies veil able to come to earth each year In any ruise they choose, suddenly ap r eared last nigrht as the shades of evening were falling, right at the San Carlos hotel. If you please, where the ball room, receiving the magical touch f many fairy fingers, awaited their coming. How they came, from whence, and Just when, no mortal could tell, but on they came all the same, pretty and fresh from the Royal Land of Prlscus, tretty, fussy, little old-tlmey love messages, everyone of them, In . their valentine costumes. The ball room had been fancifully decorated in countless red hearts, true lovers' knots, pink roses and smilax, rrany of the larger and more experi enced looking hearts having been ruth lessly pierced with golden arrows. The classic white pillars, each lost In a lovely bower of green, bore also their burden of hearts, red, all of them, and pulsating .with seeming tender ness. . , . ' The electric effects made the scene a truly beautiful one, suggestive, in deed, of the St. Valentine days of old, when we all sent fluted pink and blue things, trimmed with certain promis cuous doves. Th. stage this year represented a huge old-fashioned lace-paper valen tine, with its forget-me-not trimmings, Its doves and cupids,, and generally gorgeous designing. . Electric lights sparkled among the trimmings, and on either side were two large French flower baskets, fashioned of gilt, filled with flowers and electric drops of fresh morning dew. The red-shaded chandeliers, the spirit of Bt. Valentine everywhere, and the pretty opening music played by the San Carlos Ladles' orchestra, made the Introductory part of the Pompadours ball, too, unusually pic turesque. .-' The figures in the stage valentine were soon the subject of the full at tention of everyone, for there was the Queen of the Pompadours, all In her queenly beauty; there was her king, who had Just been chosen quietly from among the guests, and there was Cupid himself, the love-Imp who Is responsi ble for so many, many things of the 'earth, and among the mystical Pom padour maids as well. The queen, who was charming Miss Cora Louise Simpson, wore the regu lation costume of the evening worn by all the Pompadours, a sky blue princess slip with & red heart bodice, bands of hearts on her skirts and Valentin tinsel everywhere. The cap was a little red poke ef fect, with tinsel, white gloves', black mask and - black silk slippers and stockings completing the costume. She carried a large bouquet of red carnations. The king was quickly recognised as Mr. Wilmer Hayward. the dainty little Caridrwlth hi true little love- god costume and his' arrows,' being pretty little Catherine Turner. The queen then waved a sceptre of hearts and at her command, eight special dancers, all masked and all Pompadour Maids, whose identity will always remain a Mardi'Gras secret, came forth to dance before the king, for his royal entertainment, this pret ty feature of (the evening being round ly applauded. i Contrary to their annual custom, the Pompadours chose no maids nor no dukes this year, the lovely valentine tableau and the special dancers being the leading features of the evening. After the dances, the remaining members of the Pompadours, all, of course,, as valentines,, began threading Three Beauty Aids Women Should Know (From French Beauty Monthly.) "Any woman who wants to have lovely and beautiful hair can do so If she will use a dry shampoo once a week. Just put a cupful of oornmeal In a fruit Jar and mix with It an orig inal package of therox; sprinkle a litt'e on the head, and brush out. It brushes out easily, taking all dirt with it, and leaving the hair clean, bright wavy and full of life. This treatment causes hair to grow. "To avoid enlarged pores, dark and discolored blotches, wrinkles, super fiuout hairs and blemishes of com plexian, stop using fancy cosmetics and apply each morning only tho simple lotion' made by dissolving an origtoal package of mayatone in half a ptat of witch-hazel. Do this, ana youj complexion coon will be soft, smroth and altogether charming. "Worry Is a beauty destroyer. If thre are children in your home, don't borrow trouble, but prepare for emer treacles by keeping at hand a Jar of Mthers Salve. The world never saw its equal as a healer of cuts, burns, bruises, sores, sprains and aches, it Is splendid for sore throat or croup, tee." 'I Realizing that the price of butter has been too high, ?wc are glad' to announce that, by taking adT vantage of every discount, we are able to offer" Fox River Butter at 40c a pound ol Cahn & Co. . Agents Nunnally's Candies. -j PHONES: 1720-1721. V ! X3 nnnr Phone 33 From 2 to 5 p. nu From 7:30 to 10 D. m. JLSJJiSLSLSJLSU 's their way in and out among the guests, to choose their gentlemen part ners for the call-out dances. To these favored partners, gold initial scarf pins fashioned in honor of the club, inter-twined with tiny arrows were given as favors, the king being presented with a scarf pin pre senting a royal crown of pearls. After the first three dances, the ball took the form of a Leap Year dance, with the pretty maskect Pompadours in possession of the situation, as they sought out their partners. The Valentine dance of the Pompa dours Mystic Society this year proved, indeed, one of the prettiest and dainti est of the many beautiful ideas which have . found expression in former dances given by the ladies, .the San Carlos ball Voom being r. a thing of woodland beauty , and sweet-heart thoughts of valentine days gone by. Those receiving were Mrs. TVV J. Forbes, Mrs. K. T. Goodwloe, Mrs. L. Hilton Green, Mrs. W. IC Hyer, Mrs. John Merritt, . Mrs. Horace Simpson, Mrs. J. ' C. Avery. Mrs. M. A. Quina, Mrs. Lewis Willis. Mrs. T. C. (Watson, Mrs. Attalia Mallory, Mrs. J. E. Turtle. After the ball, the cafe was filled with Pompadour supper parties until two o'clock, the San Carlos Ladies' orchestra, which had also furnished the splendid music for the dance, add ing to the merriment of the evening with appropriate selections. MY SONG. I sing a song that is bright with Joy, As over the earth it rings, A song so sweet it can never cloy. And peace to the ad one brings. The old, old story, but ever new, Of Jesus, who fop- us died, ! Who gave His life for me and for you . Of Christ and Him crucified. A song that carries a message sweet To palace, hovel and all. To kings that rule, and people that greet - , . . The beggar outside the hall. A song of glory, that sounds afar ' O'er the world's majestic tide, . The baby born 'neath the eastern star Of Christ and Him crucified. I sing of love that can never fall, "A river of life, and free To all that would of Its Jpower avail, And ask upon bended knee. A love so precious it conquers death, The terrible cross defied. The thorn-covered . head and the anguished breath . Of Christ and Him crucified.. Our Savior then and our Savior now, Who comes from His home on high, And puts His hand on the mourner's brow. And hears e'en the feeblest cry. I sing of Him, with a heart aflame, For His arms are open wide. And hell shrinks back at the precious rEf-- name . - . Of Christ and Him crucified.' And this be my song in all the years That may keep my soul on earth, .-, No matter how rough the way appears. No matter how void of mirth. The storms may gather, and dark the night. I'll trust Him whate'er betide And follow, no matter how long the light -V Of Christ and Him crucified. v The wreath of fame has no charm for me. For wealth I cars not a Jot, Content whatever my fate may be If never by Him forgot. My hope and my faith are placed above, . And this be Vny joy and pride. To sing the mercy, and wondrous love Of Christ and Him crucified. HAMILTON J AT. Meeting of the browning club. The I Browning dlub met yesterday afternoon at the usual place. Miss Pauline Reese being the leader. An Interesting program was studied, the following Browning lyrics being read: "Now," "Poetics." "Summum Bonum." "A Pearl, a Girl" and "Eyes Calm Beside Thee.' MRS. ARCHIE SCALES BROWN ARRIVES. Mrs. Archie .Scales Brown, of San Antonio, Texas, is the guest of her mother, Mrs. A. E. MacOavld. Mrs, Erown, as Miss MacDavid, was among the city's prettiest girls, and her visit is a source of, much pleasure among her friends here. ARRIVE TO SPEND HONEYMOON IN PENSACOLA. ,Mr. and Mrs. William Klrkpatrick arrived in the city last, night to spend their honeymoon with the groom's pa rents. Mr. and trs. J. A. KirkpatrlckJ a, their home on East Gadsden street. Their marriage was an interesting so cial event Of the week in Atlanta, Ga., the following clipping from the At lanta Journal being of local Interest: "A delightful "party of the past I POOR SEVERELY AFFLICTED But Troubles Which Caused Her Almost Constant Distress Finally Dis appeared Because v She Depended oVi the Right . Medicine. Johnson City. Tenn. "For years, I was a sufferer from headaches," writes Mrs. Lucy Fine, of this place, "and was .never entirely relieved of them, until lately. Now I am feeling well, as a result of having taken Cardul, the woman's tonic. - - : - ,. . As soon as I began to take Cardul, I could see the severity of my afflic tion greatly lessened. Cardui also helped a stomach de rangement which forced me to spit almost constantly. Since then I. have used a bottle of Cardui occasionally, at longer or shorter intervals, and have always been benefited. That taught me to depend upon it and. for that reason, I will continue to use Cardul whenever it. is neces sary." You, too, Can depend upon Cardul. It will do the same for you, as it has done for other ladies. It will help to make you well and strong, -because its ingredients have been proven to have a very special tonic action, on the womanly organs: in fact, no other combination of me dicinal ingredients is of known su periority for this kind of trouble. Trust Cardui. Give It a trial. s Let Cardui show you what it will do for you. Your druggist sells Cardul. See him about it, today. N. B. Write to: Ladies' Advisory Dept.. Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., for Special Instructions, and 64 page book, "Home Treatment for Wom en." sent in plain wrapper, on request. week was .the '42 at which Mrs. Chas. J. Turple entertained at the home of hetr parents, Mr. and. Mrs. L. B. Sul livan, in Innman Park, in honor of Miss Lynne Sullivan, a popular bride elect of this month. x "The tables were placed In the liv ing room, which was artistio with palms and ferns. The score cards were cupids, which carried out the valentine idea. The first prize, a white and gold plate,was won by Miss Ethel Eastin, the consolation, a white and gold bon-bon dish, was won by Mrs. C. R. Morris. The guest of honor was presented with a pair of silk stock ings. "Invited to meet the guests were Miss Julia Williams, of Talladega, Ala.; Miss Ina Mossman. of Prince ton, Ind.; Miss Esther Eastin. Miss Gladys Reld, , Miss Isabella Kuhn, MJss Marcia Ellis, Miss Kate Mc Calla, Mrs. R. N. Pelot, Mrs.. H. M. Godfrey, Mrs. J. B. Latimer, Mrs, C. Morris. Mrs. Ellis Lockhart, Mrs. May field Wimberly, Mrs. Tally Comer, Mrs. W. T. Shipley, Mrs. George Carl ton. Mrs. LeRoy Wallace, Mrs. J. R. Sullivan, Mrs. Edgar Alexander, Mrs. Paul Key. ' "Mrs. Wallace entertained at a mat. Inee party at the - Forsyth Saturday afternoon in honor of Miss Sullivan. "Her guests were Mrs. Sullivan, Miss ' Mossman, of Princeton, Ind.; Miss Julia Williams, of, Talladega, Ala.; Mrs. Edgar Alexander, Mrs. Rob ert Sullivan. Mrs. Charles J. Turple and Miss Sue Haley. Mrs. Bird." NEW CITY' FLINCH CLUB MET. The members of1 the New City Flinch club met yesterday at the home of Mrs. Brown, on East Hiil, several guests outside of the club membership being present. After the games, a delicious course luncheon was served. PRETTY PHANTOM BALL AT THE PROGRESS CLUB. the Progress club was also a scene of unusual gayety last night, when the ladies complimented the gentle men of the club with a phantom dance, which was a decided success. Each of the ladies were masked, the enjoy ment of the evening being increased when it was announced that the dance was to be a Leap Year affair, with ladles' favors. A congenial and clever crowd was present. , . KNIGHTS OF PALAFOX TO DANCE AT THE K. OF C. HALL. The Knights of Palafox will give their annual ball tonight at the K. of C. thall, when Palafox will make his regular appearance; which always fore tells the coming of Prlscus. Palafox and his knights will hold high carni val at the chosen place of merriment, in fact, and it is whispered that a most beautiful queen and ladies in waiting will be chosen this year. The ladies will be selected as usual from the audience, after which the dance proper will be on in force. Palafox and his knights compose a mystic so ciety which is made,up of a large num ber of the city's most popular young men. . The grand march tonight is at eight thirty o'clock, IpWA LADIES VISITING AT THE HOTEL. Mrs. Ida Dixon Johnson and Mrs. Nellie Ward, both prominent ladies of Grinnell. Iowa, are guests at the San Carlos hotel for a few days. They will probably spend the carnival here, as both are delighted with the pros-J festival under circumstances so thoroughly delightful. SOME HANDBAGS. - . The pattern of her handbag is a de fail of her equipment whleh no well dressed woman will neglect nowadays. Quite a novel idea as to the method of carrying one's shopping or. visit ing bag is with a comparatively short cord and tassels attached to a tortoise shell hoop, intended to be slipped over the arm. The bag itself is of black antelope.set in plaits Into the silver gilt mount, and expands conveniently for shopping. Of altogether delightful pattern is another bag in fine seal morocco, olive, navy blue or black, measuring eleven inches by seven, and containing a set o natty fittings In silver gilt. In the center is a kid lined compartment for money. Visiting bags of black velvet or watered silks in variants of the favor ite envelope share with, flexible rims and ion? shoulder cords are trell rp ; resented, i Very attractive Is the miniature' carriage or motor bag, some five and a quarter inches long. !n morocco of Mil kinds' of dainty colors pale pink and gray and containing card case, mirror, powder box and numerous other requisites In silver. Then there are the bags for theater and evening use, of which the charms are legion. There is a handy little matinee bag in pretty shades of soft beaver calf, gray, brown, green or mole, fitted with opera glasses, mirror, etc.. and having useful pockets for handkerchief, money and so on. DR. BISBEE A SAN CARLOS VISITOR. Dr. Eisbee, editor of the Universalis Leader of Boston, Mass., is making his headquarters at the San Carlos during his present visit here, where he will be gad to receive his friends. He spoke to an especially apprecia tive audience at the. First Universalist church last night, his subject being "The Place of the Christian Church in Modern Life." He goes from here to DeFunlak Springs. YOUR FUTURE COMPLEXION. ' , . "It our modern girls ever think ahead, I wonder what their vision is of themselves at 85 or 40?" said a man the other day. "My own mother kept her beautiful complexion until she was an old woman. Her only cosmetic was cream, which Bhe put on to cure sunburn, and she was as fresh as a rose until she was 80. Now the girl who is young believes that at 85 or 40 she will be too old to care what kind of- S sjfinjshe has, but she won't be too old. She is much more , likely to be desperate about the condition of her looks at 40 than she is at 18. At 18 the average girt has a fairly good skin, but in these days she is not content with what she has. She wants either to be pinker or whiter, and so the top of her dressing table is filled with little potsf of cream and rouge and powder, and she is learning the art of "makeup, which carried to the extreme, makes her look like the worst efforts of a French impressionist. I saw in the railroad station the other day a strange' woman, hardly nor than a - girl, who, I found out afterward, had come from foreign lands to bs featured In a certain the atrical performance. She was very slender and1 very dark. Her skin was unnaturally whitened. Her lips were deep scarlet. There were blue shadows about her eyes, and, beautiful as she was. she had the weird beauty of some creature of a nightmare rather than the radiance of a lady of dream a Now,, what of that girl ten years Krom now? She will simply be ' down nd o'ut." No complexion can stand such treatment. And is it worth while to be a. beauty for a year and a hag the rest of your life? One can have some sympathy with the older women who try to repair the ravages of time by the artistic touches which will hide their wrinkles c-r tone up their sallow skins, but the young girl with all her equipment of satin smoothness of cheek and of dainty coloring is ex tremely foolish when she covers up her greatest attraction .with pig ments. Perhaps ray statement may seem ex aggerated, but no woman who has watched a half-dozen of sixteen year old girls make up their complexions in the waiting rooms of railorad .sta tions or department stores can help being appalled by the -satisfaction with which the little rouge rags and powder puffs are applied. Once upon a time we hid our aids to beauty. Now we let the whole world know, and while we may be free in this age from the sin of deception we are in a fair way to bring about a generation of tpalnted old women. The girl 1 who would like to have her future complexion something more than a mask of wrinkles and sallow ness should begin now to value the natural aids to beauty. Correct diet, plenty of exercise, an intelligent mind, all have their Influences on the com plexion. I know that some people will laugh at the statement that Intell'erence of mind has anythfng to do with beauty of skin. It Is the wise woman, how ever, who knows that brains can bring about most things, and she who uss her brains in the acquiring of loveli- reckle February Brings Out Unsightly Spots. How to Remove Easily. Do you know how easy it is to re move those ue!y spots so that no one will call you freckle-face? Simply get an ounce of othlne, double strength, from Crystal Pharmacy, end one night's treatment will show you how easy it is to rid yourself of freckles rfnd get a beautiful complexion. Tha sun and winds in February bring out freck les, and as a result more othlne is old this month, and the druggists sometimes nna it flimcuit to get sumcient to supply all calls. Be sure to ask for the double strength thine, as this is sold under guarantee of money ack if it' fails to remove the freckles. Face We Cod mag1 i to visit our display rooms at 103 North Palafox street (opposite .court house.) Here you can inspect, at your leisure, our magnificent line of high grade pianos. :. , We have some special bargains in used and rebuilt pianos, among them being: Estey Upright, Whitney Kranich & Bach (Rebuilt) Upright Grand (Rebuilt) In Good Condition, (Rebuilt) I In Good Condition, - $95 $75 $450 ISusasssI H Altmatt $z (a. CATALOGUE No. J 05a, FOR SPRING AND SUMMER IS NOW READY AND 1 WILL BE MAILED ON REQUEST. ORDERS FOR WOMEN'S AND MISSES TAILOR-MADE SUITS AND GOWNS GIVEN ESPECIAL ATTENTION. PLEA5E MENTION Jifttj Annus, 34$ att& GRAND MASQUERADE BALL Monday and Tuesday Nights FEIIHUAHY 19 ANB 20 DARRIOG' FULL ORCHESTRA Admission 50c Perfect Order Guaranteed Miss Herriman (s buying advance spring novelties In neck fixings for you while In New York. ness will be more likely to prove a handsome old woman than she who foolishly forgets the future and lives only in the present. The happiest women are not those who are raving: beauties in their early years and who lose their looks in mid dle life. They are, rather, the sweet faced girls who develop into charming: womanhood and into gracious old age. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. J. F. Learning" and children, of Hlg-hland Park. 111., are in the city for a few weeks. Mrs. J. C. Richardson and children, o? Greenville, Ala., are gTiests of Mrs. Herbert D'Alemberte at the corner of Reus and DeSoto streets, until after the carnival. Mrs. D. R. Burnham is the eruest of her daughter. Miss Bonnie Burn ham, at the San Carlos, arriving: from i Chicag-o on Tuesday evening". j "Mr. and Mrs Francis Wilson have as. their guest Mrs. B. L. McKinnon, of Marianna, Fla. Mrs. O. E. MacPeynolds will enter tain at cards this afternoon in honor of her guest. Miss Marie Wood, of Jacksonville. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Horsier have as their carnival jniests Mrs. WeU house and Miss Wellhouse, of Atlanta, Ga. HIGHEST POSPfSLE QUALITY. Blue Ribbon Vanilla Extract is made from selected Vanilla beans. It is the highest possible quaMty. Ask your grocer for delicious Blue Ribbon Va nilla. "Best and takes less. One tea spoonful to the quart." TINVILLE. TInville, Feb. 15. Our little town has grown rapidly in the last few weeks. We are glad to welcome all new-comers. Mrs. Palmer and children, of Pen sacola, - have returned home after a few days' visit with her mother, Mrs. J. May. Mrs. Gus Reiss, of Pensacola, spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Webb, of this place. Misses May and Maggie Southern lally and numerous other exceptional p!hi 103 SOUTH PALAFOX CATALOGUE No. 105A. 35Uj Btrttta. Km $crL 3S) Remember, Sir: Those 101 N Combinations f in Every-day Articles of Everything to Wear For Men and Boys CHEAPER QUICKER Watson, Parker, & Reese Everything Oe to "Wear. spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. J. Cannon, of Ferry Pass. Mrs. John May, who was called to Brewton, Ala., on account of her els ters illness, has returned, reporting her convalescent. Miss Lula Donaldson, who has been visiting relatives in Hartford, Ala., for the past two months, is expected home about the fourteenth of this month. Mrs. S. Donaldson was called to Pensacola yesterday on account of her son's baby's illness. invite bargains. si to PS I MATTRESS I made v from your old one by special improved mattress machinery. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pensacola Mattress Factory Phone 1515. MISS SARA ELCE, China Painting 318 Blount Bldg. 4 Class Begins 9 a. m.. Fast. 11th. Pastime Bowling Alleys 15! West Romans Street. 7 FIRST-CLASS ALLEYS 7 LADIES' DAYS TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS. BOWLINQ FREE FROM t TO l Carnival Costumes Wai Be For Rent. Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 19-20. In Sstln, Velvet and Cambrics. Wigs, Masks, Bells and Gloves, .st.... Mrs. Kcrdstrom's Millinery 11 and 13 East littendsncla Street. Near Palafox. JS3 BALKCOM'S DRUO STORE ETJ ire You Coi'ghing? Try a bottle of Balkxoni's Cough f.Islclna 5 Qirck! I 25c the bottle. Baton's Drug Store 1 1: BALKCOM'S DRUO STORI fTill MBMSBlMSBMSSSMSBBHBBBBBBHBBBBBBBBBBHSBBBBBBBSBMtBBBBBHSBBaBSaBSBM T A MCT TJ ADD TO FINE DECORATED CHINA, Lessons Flrlno. Studio, 321 Brent Bldg to 12:30, 2 to 6. An Electric Limited Home stands out at night with cheeriness and glow. It has an inviting wel come its neighbors lack. Those who use elec tric light appreciate the perfect illumination, its convenience, cleanliness and economy. If your home is not wired, ask us for a free estimate. THE PENSACOLA ELECTRIC CO. NEW BUSINESS DEPT. PHONE 108. Best grades of Alabama, JeHico, Anthracite and steam; also Petroleura Coke, suitable for grata, stove or furnace. W.S. Garfield & Co. ICE AND COAL MERCHANTS. Phones 1942 and ft. Office and Works. Biylsn Street Wharf. Read The Journal's Want Ads and Profit thereby. (