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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20, 1912. F YOU WANT WEALTH COME IN AND LET US EXPLAIN TO YOU n n n fi n 11 ml mm v In a Small Investment in a Territory for Manufacturing Rights of the T 0 - - A I I 'AmA T " Maker Here are some figures which wil show live men the Unlimited Possibilities for s wealth in the manufacture of the greatest invention since the telephone : An average Florida county's population is (which territory sells for $200.00) 20,000 .That means homes to the number of............ ..........L.. .. 5,000 '- 5,000 homes means cook Btoves to the number of...- . -.. ...... m . 5.000 ' . Also heating stoves and fireplaces to the number of at least ...... - 10,000 Which make the total possibilities for placing the Little Wonder Gas Maker number.-,,.-. ............. .....i. 15.000 And at $10.00 each....... .... .... ..... ........ - $150,000 With the post of manufacture (at $2 each) .... -- - 30,000 'j. . Wet to you - $120,000 v -But even if you succeed in selling only one Burner in each home, your gross saleswould be...". 50,000 With a cost of manufacture of only ... . - 10,000 Leaving net to you $400Q0 Get busy, mem ; Gome to see us. Get a manufacturing territory; get out and get rich. Good reliable men can make their fortunes in a very few f years selling the Little Wonder. Call at once and let us show you. 112 SOUTH PALAFOX O i3! EE ATTORNEYS FOR THE PATENTEE If ULs ... " . . . J ' J Standard of the World This is The Standard Jewel Cast Range 'it is a cast range with every feature of a steel range in its design. Jewel cast ranges have attained pre-eminence in the stove world through their superior con struction and careful fitting. They will last a lifetime and are all sold at moderate prices. " ' j:: .... .. ,. " ? jfyf L The Jewel "Comfort" HOgS. Steel Range is Unequaled 'HLTm It has every improved feature known in the manufacture of highest grade ranges. It's construction is the best that skilled labor and superior blued steel with hand driven iron rivets can provide. You get everything you pay for in a "Jewel" and the best is always cheapest. This is the most complete line of ranges manufac tured, and we sell them at the lowest possible prices for which good ranges can be obtained. This is the the most com plete lowest poss line of ranges manufactured, and we sell them ible prices for which good ranges can be obtained. at As j vr7 60B11JV A J1EWEEL ARJOB. SAW IrOJEIL99 This is the stove now being used to demonstrate the Little Wonder Gas Maker at 112 S. Palafox St. , f IPoiofo Street p arl Furniture G o any