Newspaper Page Text
3 THE PENS AC OLA JOURNAL, SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, IUTZ. f The highest consideration is due a shoe that joins to a degree of style and work manship rarely seen, the wear resisting qualities for which our shoes are noted. Just a little of your time we'll appreciate the op portunity of showing you the proper footwear ' for j Spring and Summer 1912. '. The John White Store j "Florida's Leading Clothier." 283-211 S. Palafox St. Business Man and Mr. Office Man Have You Seen Our Show Windows '. They hav baen especially di done for your benefit that you might see at a glance samples from eur well ' selected stock of practical Office Equipment. ' tn our Nerth Window we show Modern Office Appliances and Time Saving Devices of every de scription and in our South Win Cam a collection of Piling Cabinets tn Wood and Steel that Is worthy of yeur consideration. Drop hi and have us show you the greatest gathering of Office Supplies ever displayed In Penaa cela. , Phone 513. TRY A BOX OF Majestic Breakfast Sausage They're Delicious. 1 -LB. BOXES. Also we're prepared to help you with .your luncheons with delicious Home Boiled Meats, in our . Delicatessen De partment. And, of course, Dewey Coffee is a help for any meal. OcHugh Grocery Co. Phones 1137-1(28. ; WEST GARDEN STREET. DIRECTS JUDGMENT RETURNED IN FAVOR OF DEFENDANT By Associated Press. New Tork. Feb. 23. Judge Holt in the federal court today. In accordance with the ruling- made In the litigation Instttued by John Armstrong Chaloner against Thomas T. Eherman, his "com mittee of estate" for an accounting, directed the Jury to bring in a verdict for the defendant. This was done. Upon -learning tjjat the ! suit had been dismissed. Chaloner Bent this telegram to his counsel. Delighted. Appeal Is necessary. The greater the delay, the greater the cost; the greater the outrage, the greater the object lesson to the public concerning need of reforming lunacy legislation. I have been a martyr so long to ignorant judges and unjust laws that I ara getting used to it. As sure my brilliant and learned counsel " of my commendation on their conduct of the cate." Pale Delicate Worim and Girls. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL. TONIC, drives otrt malaria and hnlMa na f tern. For grown people and children. 86c YUAN SHI KAI HAS - AGREED TO GO TO NANKING. ; By Associated Press. ' San. Francisco, Feb. 23. Yuan Shi Kal has agreed to come to Nankine. tk republican capital, at the request of the Chinese Republican Assembly, according to a cablegram received by the Chinese Free Press from Sun Tat Sen's private secretary. STUART'S . CEID-AWO-atOICH-TIIOUl. G CROWD HtOSS HERE TO Willi THE DONNA WILL CARRY LARGE NUMBER TO ATTEND FARMERS' INSTITUTE, WHICH IS TO BE HELD THERE TODAY. Quite a number of prominent Pen- pa.colla.ns will leave this morning for Camp Walton to attend the Farmers Institute to be held there today. The Commercial Association, through the kindness of W. K. Hyer, Jr., who ten dered the use of the Donna, made ar rangements to take a number of peo ple free of charge, and this boat will take a full load as all of the passages were quickly taken up. It Is under stood that a good many others win also go, Including quite a number of politicians from different parts of West Florida. The institute will be conducted by Prof. P. J. Rolfs, of the University of Florida, and two sessions win be held -one this morning and one this after noon, s The Donna leaves Baylen street wharf this morning at 6 o'clock and will return about i o'clock tonight. U. CABELL H AS ACCEPTED H POSIT! WELL KNOWN LUMBER INSPEC' TOR, AFTER TEN YEARS SER. VICE, LEAVES CENTURY TO AC CEPT"' POSITION WITH LOUIS IANA COMPANY. After being with the Alger-Sullivan Lumber Co., at Century, for the past ten years as an export lumber in spector, H. D. Campbell has resigned that position and has accepted a more lucrative one with the Great Southern Lumber Co, of Bogalusa, La. He will still work in the export trade. i During his res Id ft nee at Century r. Campbell made quite a lot of friends in Pensacola, who -will regret to learn of his leaving this section, but who will be pleased to learn of his ad vancement. Mr. Campbell Is at present at Fort Deposit, Ala. STQRf.7 SIGNAL S RAISED HERE SOUTHEAST WARNINGS ORDER ED UP LAST NIGHT FROM PEN SACOLA TO GALVESTON AND HIGH WINDS; WILL OCCUR. Storm warning signals were ordered up from Pensacola to Galveston last sight, a message being received by the weather bureau to this effect , last night at 9:20 o'clock and the signals Immediately displayed. The warning message reads as follows: "Southeast storm warnings ordered 9:80 p. m. Pensaooia to Galveston. In dications point to brisk and high east shifting to southeast and south winds winds during the next 24 hours with squalls." The wind attained a velocity of 37 miles an hour early last night from the southeast. If. yon are troubled with chronic constipation, the mild and gentle ef fect of Chamberlain's Tablets makes them especially suited to your case. For sale by all dealers. WILL SOLVE MYSTERY OF ' DEATH OF EIGHT CHILDREN ' By Associated Press. i New York. Feb. 23. Mvsterv in the deaths of eight children and the ill ness of . four other Infants in the Brooklyn nursery and infant's hos pital Sunday was expected soon to be solved oy a chemical analysis of the contents of the stomach of two of the dead children. An irritant Doison. be lieved to be oxalic acid mixed with lime water and milk, was indicated as tne death agent by an autopsy. All of the poisoned babes were In one ward. Ther are only four chil-' dren In the ward who have not shown sumptoms of poisoning. The physi cians scout the idea that the children suffered from any disease of which they wer not cognisant. Coroner's Physician West said that the evidence in the cases suggest the theory of deliberate poisoning, perhaps by some hospital attendant afflicted with homicidal mania. PENSION BILL IS LOADED WITH GRAFT AND THEFT By Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 2S. In an attack on private pension bills pending in the house today, Representative Rodden berry of Georgia, Democrat, declared the Sherwood service nension Mil am it passed the house some time ago had own ioaaea aown wnn "grart, steal, injustice and privilege." '"The house took the leadership awav from the committee that reported that bill and loaded It down sfc a Repub lican congress would have done," as serted Mr. Roddenberry. ALABAMA TAX COLLECTOR DROPS DEAD IN HUNTSVILLE By Associated Press. Huntsvtlle, Ala, Feb. 23. Captain W. L Spivey. tax collector of Madison county, . dropped dead in the court house today. He was a Confederate TT7 f) XL JLLJLL o Tine dBreatt Fnire faille off $U(ID9(n) Ir ttBue SttocCi off ttBue IPeousacoDa TraSir recently damaged by fire and water, will go on sale this morning with but little regard for former values. The place of the sale will be on East Garden Street, at the stand formerly occupied by the Morgan Stables, and next to the offices of the Pensacola Gas Co. It is needless to announce that this is an opportunity of a lifetime to get good values at prices that will surprise you. BRAWNER-RIERA NATIONAL GRAIN DEALERS I IN SESSION IN ST. LOUIS. By Associated Pros. St. Louis, Feb. 23. The National Grain Dealers' Association met here this morning to discuss what action shall be taken in view of the sugges tion of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, chem ist of the department of agriculture, regarding the confiscation of decaying com. ' . The grain men, ft Is expected, will urge the government to declare ex empt' from the food and drugs act all products of the soil in their raw state, uch a decision would prevent the bureau of chemistry from going into the grain inspection business and carrying out the confiscation of in terstate shipments of the grain. Grain dealers went to Washington, D. C., several weeks ago and conferred with Dr. Wiley on the corn proposi tion following his decision regarding sulphured oats. While Wiley had ad mitted that "hulphured oats" were not injurious, his ruling was that the ulti mate consumer was being cheated. A WARNING AGAINST WET FEET. Wet and entiled feet usually affect the mucous membrane of the none, throat and lungs, and la grippe, bron chitis or pneumonia may result. Watch carefully, particularly the children, and for the racking stubborn coughs give Foley's Honey god Tar Com pound. It soothes the inflamed mem branes, and heals the cough Quickly. Take no substitute. W. A. D'Alemberte, druggist and apothecary. 121 S. Palafox St. "TIDE TIME- EASILY WINS THE DOG DERBY. By Associated Press. Irfmdon, Feb. 23. The Waterloo cup, known as the "dogs derby," was con tested for at Alcar. Lancashire, to- ay and won ssy J. W. Dullerton's "Tide Time,'' who defeated Adversary. Both Tide Time and Adversary ' are greyhound puppies. The betting against both of them on the night of the draw was 1,600 to 25, but al though they were , so little fancied, they disposed of all the favorites in the early heats. Time Tide is a black dog puppy bred at Sheilfield, in Ireland, The Waterloo Clin In an annual coursing contest in which sixty-four greyhounds participated for a stake ef $125 each, to which the Karl of Kefton, president of the National Coursing club, adds a cup valued at IE00. Watch top page 2 to morrow. CHEERS REPORT FAVORING ITALY TAKING OVER TRIPOLI. By Associated Press. f Rome, Feb. 23. When a report ad vising Italians of the annexation of Tripoli was read in the chamber of deputies today the galleries constant ly cheered. The galleries v had another chance for cheering when a telegram from General Caneva, commander in Tri poli, was read. The general thanked parliament for yesterday's demon stration in favor of the army and navy. The annexation report was sub mitted by a committee of v twenty-one deputies appointed to consider a bill along this line. ROCKEFELLER INTERESTS GIVE ANSWER TO OIL SUIT. By Associated Press. St Louis, Feb. 23. Declaring that the Rockefeller faction of stockhold ers Is trying to obtain control of the Waters-Pierce Oil Company to per petuate the oil monopoly, the answer of the Missouri Company to the man dpmus suit of the Rockefeller inter ests was filed here today. At the annual election Pierce tell ers refused to count the Rockefeller vote, so proceedings were brought to compel a count. It Is declared the directors proposed by the Rocke feller faetion for the Piece Company ere figureheads. OFFICIALS OF CASH REGISTER COMPANY GIVE BOND By Associated Press. Cincinnati, Feb. 23. Officials and employes of the National X3ash Regis ter Company, including John H. Pat terson, president of the corporation, appeared in federal court this morning to give bail for their appearance on April 2. Hir AMUSEMENTS. ' 101 Ranch at the Pastime. Today the. Pastime theatre on South Palafox street is showing a series of motion pictures illustrating the life on the 101 ranch in Oklahoma. The 101 ranch is owned by the Miller brothers, who also own and operate the 101 Ranch Wild West Show that has shown in Pensacola upon several oc casions. 1 The pictures, which take up four reels of fllm3, are extremely interest ing and entertaining and all day yes terday attracted a crowded house at tfie Pastime. Mr. Andy Nolan, who has been identified with the 101 ranch for the past several years, is in tbe city and during the course of each performance lectures upon the picture anrt wild western life as it exists today upvn this, one of the largest and most complete ranches in the United States. Perhaps upon no ranch in the west today is the real western life exempli fied as upon this ranch owned and op erated by the Miller brothers. The pictures give an exact portrayal of this fascinating life. They show the cowboys in the act of performing their every-day duties as well as giving a definite idea of their forms of amuse ment and recreation. Great herds of cattle - and horses are seen as they graze upon the wide expanse of prairie. Before your eyes, upon the screen, you are given a vivid touch of that fasci nating cowboy life as it is experienced upon the 101 ranch. Bucking bronchos are roped and saddled for your enter tainment and the whole picture is ex plained and made all of the more in teresting by the instructive talk of Mr. Nolan. Although it was the Intention of Mr. Nolan to show the 101 ranch pictures in Pensacola but the one day, through a special effort on the part of the management of the Pastime arrange ments have been made whereby patrons of the house will be given the oppor tunity of seeing -them again today. No advance in price has been made for this special feature. Creators and His Band. One of he most enjoyable num bers of Slg. Creatore's concerts is his version of the Carmen Overture. A noted critic expressed his opinion of this selection as follows: "There was an episode in last sweep one off his feet. It was the Carmen. v Berirn'? with the sensu ous rhythm of the southern dan-e, when the Castilian pulses catch the fervor and the castanets tinkle, the leading themes gradually creep into the tone body. By and by. In a grad uation, that is passionate and yet F D 0T rp THEATRE u All-Feature Show TODAY "THE SILENT WITNESS" THANHOUSER "ARREST NG FATHER" MAJESTIC "BRONCHO BILL'S LOYE AFFAR" BIRON New Song by M. G. RAYFIELD Orchestra Music COMING: "A Vic tim of the Mormons," three-reel feature. NOTICE: The current event pictures will be changed daily. Every day something new and highly Interesting. I j mm aas 66 Median's" Razor Stropper POSITIVELY STROPS and SHARPENS W :JT" Gillette, Meehans, ST riEf ' ECtsJ rfift Durham Duplex, f SI5M Enders, fS iGNg Keen Kutter. Ward and I..,,.,,,,, i,r Hutu limn f j Safety Razor Blades The use of a "Median" Razor Stropper, made especially for safety razor blades, guarantees a per fect blade and a smooth, easy shave. It only takes a few seconds to insert the blade in the Stropper, sharpen it and have it ready for use. No safety. razor set is Complete without a Mee han" Stropper. It keeps your razor blades in per fect condition for a clean, easy shave. COMPLETE $2.00 The CRYSTAL PHARMACY , Brent Bldg. . . logical, they dominate. Then, swept along , into the very atmosphere into actual belief, the auditor forgets the leader's intense physical effort, ceases to wonder at it, for the. message of the music grows ponderously into el oquence, and one is taken before he realizes it into the very tragedy of the close. It seems like a story told with thrilling power. It is no trick, still less affectation. It is real it is tragedy. It means sometMng awe some, fearsome. It seems like an in spired vitality. The critical sense, even of him who knows every bar of that music, ceases to act, he is lost in the . power of it. It is as if the leader feels each character in the music His baton seemed charged with electric energy and direful un derstanding And the dash and crash of those closing measures of Carmen rising like a torrent, telling such a story a story full of tragedy of life and death carries one into complete sympathy, compels him to hear and to feel and to thrill The effect is not quite like any other musical experi ence of this sort I can remember. It is unique in its power and its elo quence. It makes one wish for more much more of the same sort." Sig. Creatore will most likely include this number on his program here Thurs day, Feb. 29, in the Opera House. There has already been a large ad vance sale of tickets for this concert, which promises to be the leading mu sical "treat of the season. Concerts matinee and night. HOW COLD AFFECTS THE KID- N EYS. , Avoid taking cold If your kidneys are sensitive. Cold congests the kM neys, throws too much work upon them, and weakens their action. Se rious kidney trouble and even Bright' disease may result. Strength n your kidneys, s-et rid of the pain and sore ness, build them ap by the timely use of Foley Kidney Pills. Tonic in ac tion, quick in results. W. A. D'Alemberte. drocgist and apothecary, 121 S. Palafox SL UE UT. FIELD3 TO BE TRIED FOR DISOBEDIENCE. By Associated Press. Washington, Feb. 23. Lieutenant Ben W. Fields, who commanded the squad detachment of Americans that by mistake went into Mexican terri tory at Juarez while on duty along tbe border, will b tried at Ban An- ire V "'A Victim of the Mormons" At the ELITE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH. tonlo for disobedience of orders. The war department was at first disposed to condone the mistake, but later it determined to make an example of Fields for the benefit of Mexico and for effect on other American officers. Fields, while on a belt line car, that took him into Mexican territory, rhould have alighted at the inter national bridge. Juarez was momen tarily excited at the presence of the Americans. Hero is a remedy that will cure your cold. Why waste time and money ex perimenting when you can get a prep aration that has won a world-wide reputation by its cures of this disease and can always be depended upon? It is known everywhere as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and is a medicine of real merit. ' For sale by all dealers. "How's your son gettni along in Wastiington. Uncle Jim?" "Fust class. He's got a Kterary Job now." "Literary Job?" "Yea. He puts freeh blotters on th Senators desks every morn'." Cleve land Plain Dealer. Don't fail to read top page 2 Sunday. . . CARD OF THANKS. We take this means of expressing our deep appreciation to our many friends for their thoughtful attentions and tributes -of respect upon the death of Mrs. Jasper Sarra. THIS FAMILY. IadTotiMd wttoot chart. w Hsu of U I TenUoasceD4poMitaiuras. "HlaUM I lavactors. "Why oije Inruton ilL" Rook o II patrnts. Send us roagto akeu or model tor mmttk M f P&m Office Tmrordt mad report on pataaUiitr Special agents la COO ettlos nod tmnm. Mr. Groeief valla Aetioc Opmtr'M(oriT of Parents bad foil charm of C. 8. Patent Offla. OELEEI EI MctBTTIBE, latent Attorneys. kWaa)Uctoa. ! C PATENTS Fortune! Iv i RIZE3 for i'4. PMaUMcorcd (broach dy-J. o s r CO TODAY Mile, Grosse Singing "Last Rose of 99 ammer Pensacola's Only 5 Theat v F1E Today 0 THEATRE ' THE LIFE AND INCIDENTS ON THE 101 RANCH Real Western Life as It exists today upon ths Biggest Ranch In the United Statt. 101 Ranch Lecture by Andy Nolan. Pensacola; St. Andrews and Gulf Steamship Co. t STEAMER TARPON W. G. BARROW, Matter. FIRST CLASS . PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE. Between PENSACOLA, MOBILE, APALACH1C LA, CAPRABELLE. ST. ANDREWS, PANAMA CITYj MILLVILLE. And All Point or, St. Andrews Bay, Car retells and Aoalachlcola. SCHEDULE: Leaves Pensacola, Sunday 8:30 p. m., for Mobil. Ala. s Leaves Mobile, Monday 7:30 p. m. Leaves Pensacola. Tuesday 8:30 p. m., for St. Andrews, Millville, Aoalachleoia, Carrabelle and Intermediate Polnta. For aditional Information apply to H. H. BOYER, V. W. WALTHER, President. General Freight and Passenger Agsnt, Pensacola, Fla. Phone 651 Owing to the apparent shortage of coal you ought not to delay ordering WOOD at once. We carry ged dry pine and oak wved that burns. Phone 363. Jf Export Fuel 6 Ice Co. Cor. Tarragona and Jaokson. Erery Ketfdns AdT2rH ed ia Xfcfs P&ptr For Sib it CRYSTAL PHARMACY BOIMITA A K 1ASTI veteran. i -