Newspaper Page Text
10 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1312. 'eople and events s 38 By. Bonnie Bumham. tl. THE WEEK'S EVENTS MONDAY. Meeting- of the Guild Euchre at the home of Mrs. M. J. Heinberr, 7-Ieeting- of the Nomads; hostess Mrs. W. B. - Ferris. Meeting of the Caxtons; Mrs. Ma elver. TUESDAY. , . Meeting; of the Blx-Hand Euchre club: hostess Mr. N. Goldrinar. Social meeting; of the Business "Woman's Club, 6:30 p. in. THURSDAY. , ' Meeting- of the Toung- Matrons' club; hostess Mrs. H. Greennut. Boyer-liurton wedding. Meeting- of the Entre Nona club; hostess Mrs. O. Hlrach. -? FOREVER. Do you recall how first we met? Twas playing in a tennis net; Ah! that's a time rd fain forget For ever and for ever! Toti shouted "Love!" I acquiesced And It most really be confessed With you I wished to be obsessed For ever and for ever! And, when the fateful same wm o'er We went into an Ice cream store I thought you'd ask for more and more For ever and for ever! .When our affection came to naught A breach of promise case you brought. The mirth It caused would last, I thought. For ever and for ever! That happened years ago, and yet, My (literally) dearest pet, I'll think of you twith deep regret) For ever and for ever! La Touche Hancock. MRS. MAX KLEIN ENTERTAINED AT BRIDGE. Mrs. B. I. Gunderehelmer, one of the season's charming brides, and Mrs. J. Weil, who is a charming bride, to-be, were honoreee at a bridge luncheon yesterday given by Mrs. Max Klein., Mrs. Harry Ball made top wcore, snd Mrs. lionis Friedman next high. A lovely course luncheon was eerved, the floral decorations being In Tvhlte and green, hyacinths and nar cissi being used. McCULLAGH-MoCASKILL. Invitations have been received by friends In Pensaeola for the marriage f Miss Sallie McCullagh to Rtenneth McCaskill at the First Presbyterian church, in Freeport. BOYER-LURTON. One of the very Interesting events of the week !n Pensaeola circles will be the marriage cn Wednesday event Sng of Miss Georgia Boyer and Mr. Harry Lurton, wMeh Is to occur at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. Mrs. H. H. Boyer, on Ninth ave Tiup; ..The marriage will be witnessed fily by the members of the two fam ilies, and win be most charming In Its dainty simplicity. PARKER-WATSON. An event of Interest to a large circle of frnd was the marriage of Miss Elisabeth. Parker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Parker, to Mr. Harry Watson, which . was celebrated In the presence of relatives and a few close friends on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock at the bride's home at Fort Farraneas. Chap Jain J. A. Randolph of Relating. The home was beautifully decor ated with palms and white carna tions. Mr. and Mrs. Watson, who were recipients of numerous hand some gifts, left immediately for New York City, where, the bridegroom. Famous Expert Tells How Fat May Be Removed Rapidly and - Safely by a Simple Home Remedy Without Causing 'Wrinkles, DIs ; ' ' turblng the Diet or "Necessity For Exercise. "Fat is nothing but unused enerry." says a prominent physician, and the man or woman who is burdened with It en easily ret rid of it if they wish. All tney neea is ounoe or xaarmoia, 4 ounce of Fluid Extract Casoara Aromatic and 3 ounces of Peppermint Water; all of which ,they can get at any good drug store for a few cents. Then let them take -one teasnoonfal alter meals and at bed- . time until they are down to the weight . they want to M. This turpi a home recipe Is far and - away better than any or an the patent or secret madiolnea, for it reduoes the 'fat safely and harmlessly. The Ingredi ents are in fact beneficial to the system, having both tonic and purifying qual- i ties, and so help rather than distress . the stomach. The remedy does not cause wrinkles, for it reduces one grad ; wally and naturally, preserving a good sratline, and, best of all, needs neither physical exercise to help It do the work tier does it require any change in diet ,ne can get results and still take things ; ;asy eating meanwhile Just what, when ', i and how he or she pleases. Be sure ' and get the Marmola in a sealed package, ao that you get Marmola and not a sub The Pure Food store, Where Quality Reigns Supremo. The City is Full of First-Class Stores E(UTT There is Only One oj Cahn & Go. WHETHER RESIDENT OR STRANGER WHZN THEY WANT ITIifotoCiaoo '(Sro'ceries In the Itne of Staples, imported Delicacies, Delicatessen, Confections, In fact anything OF QUALITY IN THE CATINQ CINE FOR THE TA31E. GO DIRECT TO THE BIG GROCERY ESTABLISHMENT OF . L CABU'RJ CO., AGENTS NUNNALLY'S CANDIES 1720 PHONES: - 1721 From 2 to 5 - p. ro. From 7:30 to 10 p. m. who Is a nalive of Scotland, has made his home for several years. -1 The bride, a charming and lovely girl, is followed to . her new home by the love and good wishes of a largo number of friends, who regret that she is to make her home elsewhere. THE WOMAN'S RELIEF ASSOCIATION AND - v ITS FINE WORK. Considerable attention is being called of late to the fine work which is being done among, the city's poor by the Woman's Relief Association, which is presided over ao satisfactor ily by a number of Pensaeola'g best known society women. A largo num ber of charity cases are also being attended, to at the present time, the work of the Associated Charities hav ing practically fallen upon the shoul ders of these ladiee. Their aim Is a very worthy one, too, and should re ceive the support of everyone. GUILD EUCHRE TOMORROW. The Guild Euchre club win meet to morrow afternoon . at three-thirty o'clock at the residence of Mrs. Max J. Helnberg. Mrs. Heinberg and Mrs. J. Jacoby will be hostesses. f SHOWER FOR THE SISTERS OF MERCY WAS A FINE SUCCESS. . The "kitchen shower" given yester day afternoon by the Daughters of Isabella and the ladies of t. Michael's parish proved a delightful success, the good Sisters being "showered" with many lovely things suitable for their dicing room, kitchen and pantries. An unusually large number were present, and those participating: did so with a happy knowledge that the occasion was a most thoroughly worthy one. The guests were "surprised,' too, dur ing' the afternoon, when they were served withdainty refreshments. FOR MISS " GEORGIA BOYER. , Mrs. Frank Welles entertained In honor of her sister, Miss Georgia Boyer, yesterday afternoon, who will b a charming bride of the week. Twenty guests were present, five hundred ' being the entertainment chosen for the occasion. The score cards were hand-painted "brides" and "groom, -- and the pleasure of the afternoon was accentuated by the presence of two charming -visiting ladies from Atlanta, Mrs. Carl Cush man and Miss Mabel Chares t. Miss Effle Duncan served punch in the hall, and a lovely two-course luncheon fol lowed the games. The centerpiece was a, cunning bridal arch constructed of maiden hair ferns and small white wedding bells, a miniature bride and groom in wedding regalia standing be neath the pretty floral arrangement At each place were pretty French wedding favors representing pink roses, being so constructed that the guests soon discovered their petals to be filled with rice with which to shower the bride. Miss Boyer lg est of East Hill's prettiest and meet delightful voun ladies, and her approaching wedding is of much interest among her many mentis. THE NEW EVENING SLIPPERS. "" Gonreous new evening ftlinreru spa shown - this season to . , match - the meat exquisite toilettes. Those of DiacK orocaae, with emerald and gold, are most distingue with a black gown, and many of the evening slippers have reverted to the fash Inn nf a fnr. mer time, and have ribbons attached that are wound around the instep and anjcies tine tne sanaais of a ballet girt MET AT THE LIBRARY ROOMS. Le Cerele Franca's met at the rooms or tne rensaeola Library Association yesterday morning for the first read ing of the season. Mollcre is to be studied this vear. and a fin a iiort waa made yesterday. The leader was Mrs. u. v. zees. MRS. DAVE MARCUS ENTERTAINED. Mrs. Dave Marcus entertained the young laaies or the popular Maniton clob last night at her home on North raiarox street . Bridge was the amusement chosen, Nadine Face Powder PnductiaBioutiful CempUxion, Soft and Velvety. ''HE soft, velvety appearance remains I until washed off. Purified hv a process. Harmless as water. Pre vents (.unburn or return of discoloration. Wht. Flak, rtni, Mmmttu.- SOe. by Toll.t Caeattn Mill Moasr back if not entirely pmtt. Ptspsms by NATIONAL TOILET COMTANY. Portm. Tamm elaborate refreshments being after ward served. 1 Mrs. Marcus is among the best known members of the club. ARE GUEST8 OF . MR. AND MRS. HERVEY. AT THE SAN CARLOS. Mrs. A. Lipscomb and daughter, Miss . Abbie Lipscomb, of Hemstead, Texas, accompanied by Madame Her vey of Mobile, have arrived in the city: to be the guests of their rela tives, Mr. and Mra. George H. Hervey, at the San Carlos hoteL Miss Lips comb has been1 figuring in many ex coptlonally pleasant social affairs dur. ing her recent visit in Mobile, accord ing to the Mobile papers. A PENSACOLA NOTES IN THE MILTON GAZETTE. Mrs. Hazel - Johnston and children are spending this week in Pensaeola. ' Mrs. Wm. Barry was visiting her daughter, Mrs. Cole, in Pensaeola, this week. Miss Pearl Murphy ; of Pensaeola has returned after a visit here with Miss Clyde Whitmire. Mrs. D. T. Williams is spending tbisweek with relatives in Pensa eola. t Milton was well represented In Pensaeola Monday and Tuesday, a nearly five hundred tickets were sold here.- Of course we can't mention all that went CAP8 AND CURLS. The caps and the caplike toques or bonnets so much worn absolutely de mand that some loose, fluffy hair shall be drawn down low enough on the forehead or over the ears to show below the cap. This is not always easy, but a little experiment will usu ally teach a woman how to arrange her hair for thisettect If she feels that she must Pull her hair straight back into curlers or in to a knot hastily made on top of her head in & hurried breakfast toilet, let her go to - the hairdresser's for first aid and buy some sort of fluffy front piece that may peep from under the edge of her breakfast cap and -save the situation. BUSINESS WOMAN'S MEETING. , A business and, social meeting of the Business Woman's club will be held at the club rooms. No. 14 Ma sonic Temple, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 27, at six-thirty. All the busi ness women and girls of the city are cordially Invited to , come and bring their friends. Light refreshments will be served, so those who are down town need not go home before the meeting. PENSACOLA NOTES IN DE FUNIAK HERALD. Mr. Hal Richardson visited Pensa eola the first of the week. Messrs. H. E. Wickersham and Doc Davis visited River Junction last Monday on business. Mr. J. J. McCasklll left last Mon day night for Pensaeola on business and to attend the Mardl Gras. Mr. A. H. Bui lard of Glendale passed through here last Monday on his way to attend .the Mardl Gras at Pensaeola. Mr. Robert McCasklll visited Pen saeola the first of the week. Mesons. Campbell, West and Reeves all visited the Mardi Gras at Pensaeola th first of the week. Messrs. Chipley Campbell ' and Jim Morrison went to Pensaeola Monday morning to attend the Mardi Gras. George . Cawthon visited . Pensaeola the first of the week. Miss Nettie Clutter, who Is here attending Palmer college, returned to her home in Pensaeola last 'Friday night for a brief visit with her par ents. Col. W"m. W. Flournoy visited Pen saeola the first of the week. Mr. A. F. Paderiok came trp from Pensaeola and spent Sunday with, his family. Mr. Theodore McKlnnon visited Pensaeola Friday. Miss Winnie Witter spent Friday In Pensaeola, ' ' . - Mr. K. Paderick left Saturday night for Pensaeola. Misses Kate and Eva Alford, who are here attending Palmer college, visited Pensaeola the first ef the week. W. F. Graves spent Monday In Pensaeola. Mr. A, F. Paderick expects to move to Pensaeola this week. Judge Grace went to Pensaeola Thursday on legal business. Mrs. W. R. Blount and children of Pensaeola spent Tuesday night here. OF INTEREST TO PENSACOLIANS. The following from an exchange will be interesting to manv in the city, as the Misses Gould and Duggan vis ited Miss Hazel Grey here last sum mer. Miss Odette Burgoyne and Miss Lottie May Bose are also well known here: "Mrs. Margaret Southerlands genial home was the inspiration of a happy gathering Monday afternoon. "This is not the first time this esti mable lady has offered her home to make others happy, her sweet person ality, with her ever-present desire to please, attracts many of the younger set to her as well as those of maturer years. - The recipient of her gener oflty on this occasion was Miss Eu genie Van Allen, who entertained in formally Miss Emma Lou Rutledge of Auburn, Ala., one of the carnival vis itors, who is enjoying the hospitality cf Dr. and Mrs. Dannerly on Govern ment street. Miss Van Aller chose the carnival color scheme. In the parlor where the guests were received was suspended a huge heart painted in yellow and purple stripes and hung with the same color ribbons. The stripes were numbered, the numbers corresponding to cards, inscribed with wise sayings of wise people. One of (Continued on Page Twelve) 2S Ciiimmmii BE STIMULATED BY JCJO. D. JR. HE FORMS A SOCIETY WHICH HAS AS ITS MOTIVE THE FOS TERING OF WEDDINGS AMONG YOUNG COUPLES. Special to The Journal. New York, Feb. 24. Gentlemen who are hyper-suspicious about everything to which the name Rockefeller is at tached are curious about the purport of the plan Inaugurated here the other day by John D. Rockefeller, Jr., thrnnffh Vilo TCI HI a. r1 tn foater and stimulate marriage among young peo ple, j. none wno pretend 10 oe peyviuc divine say that it has something to do with accelerating the sale of oil and of the hundred and one other by-products of Standard Oil, including the much discussed butter made from kerosene, halfrd as the greatest dis covery of the age, next to Mark Twain's- patent corn cure. Young Mr. Rockefeller thinks that the proper . age for marriage is be tween 22 and 26 years. After that the man or woman who sidesteps Dan Cu pid's darts is apt to get grouchy and selfish and become Intractable to the responsibilities of the married state. Mr. Rockefeller's propaganda is pro claimed as a sincere desire to arrive at a better understanding of the prob lem of marriage, to the end that mem bers of the human family, who have doubts as to its advantages, may come to a realization of its desirability. The first of the meetings to propa gate the Idea, held the other evening under the personal supervision of the that he has some notions about moth- er-m-iaws that are not altogether in her favor. On of th iriPiVm imn-. gested that the best way for a man to guage the availability of jl girl as a life partner, is to Judge her mother, who the speaker said generally moulds ium cu&racier or ner daughter. "No! no!" cried Mr T?fWfnf wheeling around. "I don't think you can judge ner so. it is. however, gooa imng to judge tne girl Herself ty her actions in her home, her treatment sisters, . especially the younger and smaiier ones, in otner words, I ao believe it's good to Judge a girl, so to speak, before breakfast, while she is still hr nnbira.1 Blf vritinnt frills on. But you can scarcely pick a wife wisely by picking your mother - m-iawr And the married men treaent all concurred. Reerring to the wages a man ought to have on entering the hymenal gate, Orrin G. Cocks, secretary of the Laity for Social ServlcA. vhn ia with Rockefeller Jn his altruietio plan ui encouraging matrimony, said : "I should say that it would be very dangerous for a man of. -our class, of the middle class, to marry on an in come of less than $1,000 or $1,200 a year. Here in New York it is far better to marry with health in the early twenties than to wait till the money comes. Many articles of fur niture can be acquired gradually and slowly. - To put off marriage from time to time results in those subtle selfish influences that keep one from marry ing at all. Nothing so well unites an 3 blends man and woman as mutual sac rifice, mutual thought' an'd mutual planning. T have tnany friends on the East Bide who marry on $9 a week. Many men in New York, on the other hand, fear that they cannot support & girl in their own class, and are afraid td ask fcer to d&nr herself comforts she is used to. They might think otherwise if they could have frank talks with girls Just so situated and see how willing they are to make Just such sacrifices." He was opposed, he added, to late marriages in that man is by that time set in his ways, and often Inclined to regard his business, social or club life of primary Importance, while women after 28 years, he a4d, are less In clined to dofKesticlty. Mr. Coeks then spoke of the need of knowing one's prospective wife thoroughly, instead of Just falling in love with the young and attractive. It was hard, he said, to avoid this In New York, since men and women meet mostly here at the atres, parties and evening calls; where their true selves are necessarily more or less submerged. "Since a girl's character is bound to be moulded in greatest measure by her mother," he continued, "cant you pick your wife better by looking straight at her mother rather than at the girl herself T' This is where Mr. Rockefeller took exception to the mother-in-law. The meetings are to be continued weekly for an indefinite period. SAN CARLOS POOL ROOM REMOVES ONE DOOR, WEST. San Carlos billiard and pool room removed to next door west of Garden street entrance. Table and balls are the best in the city. One game guar anteed to cure that dull feeling. feb28-lw "Doctor, did my brother kick about giving up smoking?" "Yes; but he wasn't any too enthu siastic about giving up $6." Louisville Courier-Journal. When you want a launch, day or night, call 662. Pen saeola Launch Company. "How fat and well your little boy looks." "Ah. you should never Judge from appearances. He's got a gum-boil on one side of his face and he has been stung by a wasp on the other." Pele Mele. , SKI ail Q ii o Impair r.lenial Faculties and should not be allowed to be come chronic. Whether fcansed by heat or cold, stomach disorders or nervousness Hicks'CAPUDlE is the best remedy to take. It's liquid effects immediate pleas ant to take. 10c, 25o and 50o at t3 stores. 9 EVERY MOTHER KNOWS ABOUT THE GC3vi3cn)ttLlooLrDs IrirnQmol" G A R1 E T S You Don't Have to Sound Their Praises Long to Her For SHE KNOWS In the first place, there arc the Mother's Friend Suite for Hoys 'Russian Blouses 21-2 to Years Sailor Blouses ' s to 10 Years These come in solid white and colors and combinations of colors made to wear like iron, and to fit comfortably, the materials beintf Madras, Pique, linen. Duck, Etc. The price is from $1.00 f0 $3.50 1, Watson, MARRIAGE INVITATIONS CORRECTLY AND PROMPTLY ENGRAVED SEND FOR SAMPLES AND PRICES J. P. STEVENS ENGRAVING CO., -47 WHITEHALL ST., ATLANTA, OA. 3 BALKCOM A Sensible Lenten Suggestion: Rest First Then Take Care of Your Beauty Ills Intelligently and Scientifically. (FIND OUT ABOUT IT AT BALKCOM'S) "With a strenuous season Just ever,- and one to follow again after the 40 Lenten days, the average society -woman, or the woman who soes out at all. In faot, would ie well to nurse her beaotr woes Just about now In just as many ways as she may know, so that ehe may lmmerge fresh and rested and more charming; than ever before at Easter time. A good drug; store, the Balkeoro drus store, for Instance, Is a rahiaMe aid In this very Idea. With plenty ef rest and relaxation, the sldn will respond to a soothing treatment with some one of the very excellent lotions or crems to be had for the asking; now ia a good time to look after dandruff, falling hair, etOL, with the reliable preparations for the scalp to secured at Balk eom's, and for hrlght eyes, a clear, firm complexion, and general elas ticity, there is nothing quite so good as a course of Olive Oil, fyou'H find the very best in the very notsd brands at Balkeom's.) and the idea is worth trying. ' "With regular hours, regular diet, th Olive Oil treatment, a bit of complexion coddling, care of the hair, and a general cleansing of the ays tern, the average woman win be looking her very best when Easter time comes. The common sense route to beauty ask the Balkcom peopte about it Right away. Quick. Balkeom 's Drug Store Successors to Hannah Bros. BALKCOM'S The angleworm wiggle is the latest in frentied dancing. Eftsoons we shall be confronted with the frog hog-, the lizard squirm and the centipede shuf file. Milwaukee Sentinel. W. K. Robinson; under taker and embalmer, 41 E. Chase, Phone 710. M "Pebbles says he Is thinklns; of running- for congress." "Just so." "Do you think that wocld be ad visable r "Well, the exercise might do him good." Birmingham Age-Herald. Phone 100 for taxi. "We Southern Taxi never sleep. Co. Pessimistic Old Lady (after great deliberation) I think I will take one of those pears. Fruiterer (sarcastically) Wouldn't you rather have a bite as a sample? London Opinion. "Do you think the Chinese Republic will be a success?" "I'm afraid cot. It doesn't seem pos sible that" there will be a public office for everybody who has taken part In the revolution." Chicago Record-Herald. - Benevolent Visitor And what are you going to be, my little man? TJtflA Rnv Inffa-r & hue lnnor rm going to be sldt Sketch. yv V!sB!,Bs y'11 iP'p 4 If You Are a Mother With Romping, Growing Boys, You'll Know Parker & Everything to Wear. vywyy v 7 DRUG. STORE g? DRUG STORE Jack They ay that a dynamo or anything: that attracts will street one's watch. Ton That's right. Whenever I call on an attractive young1 lady my watch goes like the deuce. Boston Tran script. 662, day or night, will get a launch quick. Pensaeola Launch Company. "I won't defend a man whom I be lieve to be g-Jilfy." - "Nov, my boy," said the older law yer, "you mnsn't set your judgment op against 'that of the majority. I have defended plenty of men whom I be lieved to be ruflty. but the Jury de cided otherwise." Kansas City Star. Hub (suddenly waking- at mldnightl What In the world waa that noise? Wife (entering room) It's all right, dear. The people we coming home from the operaxar-1 I slipped down and gave the front or a slam so th neighbors would think we were there. Exchange. UnL. s ft Wmmt. BROWN'S (J LITTLE TABLETS Cures Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Kca.tfciirai BOO PaCKAOC ASK AT ANY DRUO STORB AT ANY DRUO STORE, w s's frww csw , Then, the Mothers Friend Dlouao Wolsts 50c to 75c and the mother's Friend Shirts 50c to $1.50 These, too, are made in the materials, styles, and durable ideas of all the Mother's Friend garments. Reese Co. f y v v v f v K9 y v i Vi HITCe T A VrCT" U AtJDToi initio orXMi. AruwXkJ FINE DECORATED CHINA, Lessens Firing. Studio, 321 Brent Bldg t te 1240. a te 6. f FRESH YARD EGGS 35c Dozen. also complete line of GROCERIES West End Grocery 412 West Btlmont. Phone 1443. Everything you want in a kitchen Cabinet is in It puts the things you want the most where you can get them quick est. Saves steps, gives con tentment and adds years to over-worked lives. The-most convenient, practical and . durable Kitchen Cabinet made. Complete line to select from at any price you want to pay. : . ;t .. $25.00, $31.00, $32.00 and $34.00 $1.00 a Week. Rhodes-Fotcb-Collins Read The Journal's Want Ads and Profit thereby. v