Newspaper Page Text
ORIGINAL JLLEfiLE lia THE F-ENSACOLA JOURNAL, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27, 1912. I IE PAYIQG POLL TAXES VERY SLOWLY THUS FAR ONLY GOO OR 700 HAVE BEEN PAID, WHILE IT IS ESTI MATED THAT 2,500 ARE ELIGI BLE BOOKS CLOSE MARCH 9TH. Thus far between 600 and 700 poll taxes have been paid, according to Tax Collector Roberts. This number Includes both whites and negroes, and while most of the number are white, this is still a very small proportion ot the eligible voters in the county. Only a few more days remain in which fo pay poll taxes, the time limit expiring Saturday, March 9, which Js just one week from next Saturday. As this is the most important elec tion which has been held In Florida - in several years, it Is hoped that every eligible voter will pay his poll tax and qualify before it is too late. The sooner this matter is attended to the better it will be for all par ties concerned. Not only will the tax collector be saved a lot of work later If the voters will attend to this de tail now, but It will also save the , person paying the poll tax the neces sary Inconvenience f having' to wait to be waited on, which will neces sarily occur later. Leaving out those who ar exempt ed from paying pall taxes, It is esti mated that there should be at least 2,500 to pay before the books are closed, and it can easily be seen that unless the citizens begin attending to this matter at once there will be a rush at the close pf next week, which will make It almost Impossible to ac commodate those who are left over. HOW COLD AFFECTS THE KID . NEY3. Avoid taking cold if your kidneys are sensitive. Cold congests the kid neys, throws too much work upon them, and weakens their action. Se rious kidney trouble and even Bright' disease may result. Strengthen your moneys, get ria or tne pain and sore ness, build them up by the'timely use of wy j&Ktaey puis. Tonic in ac lion. Quick In results. , W. A. D'Alemberte, druggist and apotneeary. in s. Palafox St. Roosevelt Says He Is In Fight to the End (Continued from First Page.) he knows how to use the machinery at his, disposal, renominate himself, even tnougn tne majority of his party is against him. But. after he has been out of office for a term, he has lost control of that machinery. He is in the position of absolutely any private citizen, as the machinery is then in tho hands of a man occupying the omce or president." . The colonel had an early breakfast and was soon hard at work. Telegrams poured in and many men active in New England politics went to see the colonel and urged him tc roil up his sleeves and throw himself Into the fray. While he will keen in touch with the political situation In all parts of the country, the colonel expressed the determination to identify himself with no Roosevelt organizations. Requests for speeches have been re ceived from a number of states. The hardships of an extended speaking tour and campaign ar such that he Is reluctant to enter upon it, but he said he would be obliged to reserve his decision on that point. He said, however, that whether or not he .embarked upon a speaking campaign he would reiterate time after time his belief in the political principles which he set forth in his speech at Colum bus. It is upon this platform that the Roosevelt campaign is to be fought. CHAMP CLARK SAYS THEY HAVE APPARENTLY FORGOTTEN By Associated Preas. Washington, Feb. 2. Commenting on Roosevelt s candidacy, . Speaker Champ Clark said: "There aro some peculiar interesting facts in the Re publican embroglio. The big wigs ap pear to have forgotten historical facts, or scorn them." Then he refered to the eighteenth of June convention, the date of the anniversary of Waterloo and then to the date of Roosevelt's announcement on the anniversary of the aay that Napoleon escaped from TTba. He said: "No doubt the result in the November election will com plete the historic parallel by sending, not only the colonel, but the whole Republican party to Helena, a con summation devoutly to be wished.' AFFAIRS AT THE WHITE HOUSE GO, ON AS USUAL By Associate re. Washington, Feb. 28. Affairs at the White House went on as usual today. There was no great increase in the number of congressional calls. 3 in consequence of the announcement of CoL Roosevelt's willingness to accept another nomination. Secretary of War Stimson was among the president's callers. Asked as to what attitude he would take with regard to CoL Roosevelt, Mr. Stimson said : CALOK2EL EIUST iiumr YOUR LIVER Every Tims You Take This Powerful Drug You Are in Danger. Take Dodson's Liver Tone instead. Calomel is made from mercurv, and while mercury has many uses, it is a dangerous thing to swallow. If calo mel stays in the system very long it salivates. Even when it works nat urally, its after-effects are often bad. D'Alemberte's Pharmacy has a liver medicine called Dodson's Liver Tone which is positively guaranteed to take the place of calomel. It stimulates the iLxer Just enough to start it work ing, and does not make you sicker than ever as calomel often does. Dodson's Liver Tone won't force you to stop eating or working after taking It. It is as beneficial for children as for adults. Try a bottle today under the D'Alem berte Pharmacy's guaranteed. You know this store is reliable. NEMO'S fRPICIDE Fools the Calendar Don't look older than you are. It is Just as easy to look younger. While lack of hair or poor hair is not always an indication of age, it is frequently accepted as such. A person well advanced in years posse eslng a good head of hair is al ways spoken of as "well preserved." Everyone can retain beautiful, luxu riant hair if thy make the effort. In almost every instance poor hair or the loss of hair may be traced to the activity ot the dandruff germ. New bro's Herpicide kills this germ and puts the scalp in a perfectly healthy condition. With the destruction-of the dandruff germ the hair no longer drops out. The itching of the scalp ttops almost at once. Newbro's Herpicide is4 the original remedy for which there are many sab. stitutes, preparations claimed to be "just as good." You don't have to ac cept a substitute. Insist upon having genuine Herpicide. ' For sale' by all druggists. Applica tions obtained at good barber shops. One dollar size bottles are always guaranteed. Send 10c in postage to The Herpicide Co., Dept. R, Detroit, Mtch., for sample and book. DAlem- berte Pharmacy, special agent. "I will make my position perfectly clear la the speech I shall make in Chicago, March 6.' -This speech Is to be made before the Chicago Taft club. Several days ago Mr. Stimson announced that he would talk of the Taft administration. His speech has been looked forward to as one of the series cabinet officers are to make in behalf of their chief. President Taft will make no direct answer to the announcement from CoL Roosevelt prior to speeches be will make in Ohio, according to state ments from official sources. An expansion of the Roosevelt head quarters in Washington " was an nounced today by Medill McCormick, who is in charge. The organisation perfected by the western governors in charge of it, it was said, would be strengthened in its eastern connec tionsand various independent Roose velt ' organizations be brought to a center at Washington. BRYAN SAYS THE REPUBLICAN FIGHT WILL BE INTERESTING By Associated Press. Ogden, Utah, Feb. 26. William J. Bryan, commenting on Theodore Roosevelt s declaration of his candid acy, said today: "The announcement of Mr. Roose velt's candidacy for president is news that is news, except that it was fore shadowed by his speech at Columbus and by an Outlook editorial on a Third Term of Office.' Mr. Bryan added it would be an interesting fight which the Democrats would watch in tently. NOMINATE ROOSEVELT OR A DEMOCRAT WILL WIN R AeenrifaI Dra at San Anionio, Texas, Feb., 26. Cecil A- Lyon, national committeeman and chairman of the Republican executive committee of Texas, Is pleased with CoL Roosevelt's announcement as a candidate for the Republican presi dential nomination. "While all the initiated knew it was coming," said Chairman Lyon, "its ef feet will be none the less electrical. The candidacy of CoL Roosevelt will appeal to Americans of all parties. If he Is nominated, as I confidently ex pect, he will sweep the country as he did in 1904. "If he is not nominated that is, If Mr. Taft is nominated we might a well begin addressing Wood row Wil son, or whoever else the Democrats name, as 'Mr. President.' n GOV. JOHNSON SAYS TEDDY WILL MAKE NEW FRIENDS By Associated Press. New York, Feb. 26. Governor John son of California, says that now that CoL Roosevelt has come out in the open for the presidential nomination. thousands of new admirers will join the colonel s friends. Governor John son said: . "The statement of CoL Roosevelt was wh&t we all expected. We knew he would come out In the open and now that he is to flght, we believe he will make the strongest contest In his tory. We In the west are confident of his nomination and that the battle is practically over. Col. Roosevelt's letter to the govern ors stating briefly that he would ac cept the nomination for president if It was tendered to him created no sur prise here in political circles in view of his laconic remark in Cleveland that "my hat is in the ring." Col. Roosevelt's letter to the Repub lican governors who desired to know his position with respect to a nomina tion for president was given out by the colonel's secretary last night and was as follows: "New York, Feb. 24. 1912. "Gentlemen: ,1 deeply appreciate your letter and I realize to the full the heavy responsibility it puts on me, expressing as it does, the carefully considered convictions of the men elected by popular vote to stand as heads of government in their several states. "I absolutely agree with you that this matter is not one to be decided with any reference to the personal preferences or Interests of any man but purely from the standpoint of the Interests of the people as a whole. I will accept the nomination for president If it is tendered to me. and I will adhere to this decision until the convention has expressed its prefer- nce. One of the chief principles for which I have stood and for which I now stand, and which I have always endeavored and always shall endeavor to reduce to action, is the genuine rule of the people; and therefore I hope that so far as possible the people may be given the chance, through direct primaries, to express their preference as to who shall be the nominee for the Republican presidental convention. "Very truly yours. "THEODORE ROOSEVELT." Republican County Chairman Sam uel Koenig said that CoL Roosevelt's announcement would not affect the situation in New York county. "New York county is and will be for President Taft," he said. .National Democratic Chairman Norman E. Mack said regarding the statement that it was a fine thing for the Democrats. Amos Pinchot, brother of Gifford Pinchot, said that Roosevelt would get most of the delegates from New York. Etate. Ill iMi liiyy m will really be correct for thissp-riing's wear, and we have c ertainly placed ' large orders fupon them a pretty l3w heifcl model just in, 50 I PAIR, m r . Tans, j Vici Kids, Patents Velvets, Calfs, Dull Kids. Come iake a look, buy if you MEYER SHOE CO. riQ2 SOUTH PALAFOX. I"ff. . TEDDY WANTED TO TAKE FJOUGH RIDERS TO MEXICO By Associated Press."" Wasjifingtori, Feb. 26. Thev an nouncelrtaent of Roosevelt's willigness to accejMt the presidential nomination ir. a reiilly to the letter of seven Re publiearjl governors asking him to stand J or the nomination, a reply to thK te:jt of which was given out in New "Stork yesterday, and his conse quent break with Taft, was declared tonight to have removed a picturesque FOssibilJEfcy in connection with threat ened fcnuble in Mexico. In hl letter, made public yesterday, RooseMejlt said: "I will accept the nomixKctl on for president if it is ten dered tq me and I will adhere to this decision until the convention has ex pressed, its preference."- Senators who claim to be conversant with tfcte facts stated that about a year ago ml.n the Madero revolution was at its height in Mexico and the pos sibility of intervjfntion being discuss ed, Roosevelt wrote a letter to Taft volunteering to head a regiment of cavalry which was to be in the force of the invading force. Row levelt, it is said, stipulated that his subordinate officers would be of his own choosing and included some old "Rpugh Riders." The letter is said to have been addressed as "Dear Will' and t he reply pt Taft was addressed ' T . rt-, SENAITOR LODGE WILL NOT i OPPOSE COL. ROOSEVELT Bv Associated Press WatsWington, Feb. 26. Senator Henry Cabot' Lodge, Roosevelt's intimate friend! -and close counsellor, stated to night that because of his friendship he will not personally oppose Roose velt, tuid therefore will not take any part I the campaign for the Republi can pmsitential nomination. Lodge said he is opposed to the constitutional change which Roosevelt advocated in his Coqumbus speech. At tie White House, as when the newsr-tvas received last night, no formal statement regarding Roose veltJsi Jetter was evoked. EMTJFJE FAMILY SAT ON A NEGRO BURGLAR ; '. By Associated Press. Chicago, Feb. 26. A negro burglar wa -taJken prisoner here early today by s.n entire family sitting on him. George A. Schmidt, Jr., entered his home after attending a dance. He saw the fjntruder dodge behind a portiere in tile parlor. He grappled with him and when he raised a cry, his father, mothjftr and sister' came to the rescue. Father and son succeeded in felling the TMirgiar and then all aided in hold ing W in on the .floor. Mi hi? Rose Schmidt left long enough to caS'l the police by telephone. She operieI wide the " door and then took her .so, at again beside the rest of the famUjn on the negro. "Is, there trouble here?" asked a husky police sergeant a few minutes later. -ih should say dar be trouble; pleas get xne outen this 'dicament," came the near jo's husky voice T:p family explained and the negro wasjaocked up. QIAPEPSIfJ GOOD FOR STOMACH ' i If DIGESTION, HEARTBURN, GAS AiUQ DYSPEPSIA GO FIVE MIN ;TES AFTER TAKING A LITTLE .QflAPEPSJN. i "7iJje question as to how long you ara poltng to continue a sufferer from In d>astion, Dyspepsia or out-of-order Stocaach is merely a matter of how boob you begin taking some Diapepsin. 1'g your Stomach is lacking In di gestive power why not help the stom awk do its work, not with drastic Itfj Tigs, but a re-enforcement of diges tive agents, Buch as are naturally at worik in the stomach. Heople with weak Stomachs should Ha ke a little Diapepsin occasionally, ana there will be no more Indigestion, no feeling like a lump of lead in the stomach, no heartburn. Sour risings. Gap on Stomach orJelching of undi- geptea iooa, Heaaacnes, Dizziness or i?ick Stomach, and,, besides, what you eat will not ferment and poison your brmth with nauseous odors. All these syqiptoms resulting from a sour, out-of-order stomach and dyspepsia are generally relieved in five minutes after ta'clng a little Diapepsin. Go to your druggist and get a B0- ssgat case of Pape's Diapepsin now, land you will always go to the table Sith a hearty appetite, and what you it will taste good, because your Istjomwch and intestines will be clean tand tesh, and you will know there bane rot going to be any more bad mights? and miserable days for you. They rresnen you and make you feel UKqyine is worth living. WORKS BOARD OPENED BIDS IDADJOURiE WILL PROBABLY AWARD CON TRACT FOR MAKING SEWER AND WATER CONECTIONS AT SPECIAL MEETING TO BE HELD TODAY AT 12 O'CLOCK. After opening the bids submitted for making sewer and water connections in places where property owners had failed to do so after notification, the board of works yesterday at noon ad journed until 6 o'clock yesterday af ternoon to further consider the matter. However, when they met yesterday afternoon the members had not fin ished checking up the bids submitted and it was necessary to again adjourn until 12 o'clock today, when the con tract will probably be awarded to the most satisfactory bidder. Three bids were submitted yester day, but it is impossible to ascertain yet which is the lowest bid, as some bidders were lower on certain items, while others were lower on certain other items, and it will be necessary to figure up the whole business in or der to tell just which bid is the lowest all round. However, there is not mueh difference in any of the bids received. The bidders were: C H. Turner Construction Co., E. G. Acosta and Chas. A. Born. Each of the bids was accompanied by the necessary certified check. Dr. M. A. Lischkoff has returned from Europe and is now located at 366-370 Brent Bldg. Practice limited to Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. TRIfETCLOB TO SPEND DAY PENSACOLA REPRESENTATIVES OF TOWN AND COUNTRY CLUB OF COOK COUN TY, ILLINOIS, WILL ARRIVE HERE FROM MOBILE TODAY. According to advices received by the Pensacola Commercial Association, the Travel Club of the Town and Country Club of Cook county, Illinois, will ar rive in this city on the early morning train from Mobile today, and will spend the day and possibly longer in Pensacola. 1 The club is on a regular southern tour, visiting the principal cities of the south. While here the members of the club wilfbe entertained by committees of the Pensacola Commercial Associa tion and will be shown over the , city and the .places of interest near here. Secretary Henderson said yesterday afternoon that the Commercial Asso ciation would make an effort to have the Town and Country Clu bvislt Pen sacola on the regular southern winter tour this year. It is not known when this tour will begin, as the date has not yet been determined upon. 662, day or night, will get a launch quick. Pensacola Launch Company. THE BLUEJACKET NOT ALL THAT COULD BE DESIRED By Associated Press. Washington, b. 26. That the American bluejacket is not all that he might be physically or mentally is the concern to be drawn from a report by the fleet surgeon of the Atlantic fleet on his examination of recruits. The average age of the recruit is said to be too young, a majority being under twenty-five years and a large number of "ordinary seamen" under twenty years of afee. More care should be ex ercised in selection, the report Insists. How to Make Better Cough Syrup than n xou van Buy A Family Snptlr, Sarlas; $2 amd Fully Guarantee. IE 31 A full piat of cough syrup as much as you could buy for $2.50 can easily be made at borne. You will find nothing that takes hold of an obstinate cough more quickly, usually ending it insLie uf 24 hours. Iteellent, too, for croup, whoonine couzh. sore iunn. asthma.. hoarseness and other throat troubirs. Mix one pint ot granulated sugar "nth H pint of warm water, and stir f ar 2 minutes. Put 2V4 onnoH of Pinex ( flftv cents' worth) ia a pint bcttle, then ad the Sugar Syrup. It keeps perfectly. Take a teaspoouful every one, two or three hours. This is just laxative enouarh to bela cure a cough. Also stimulates the appe tite, which is usually upset by a oough. xum vasie is. pleasant. The effect of pine and sugar syrup oa the inflamed membranes ia well known. Pinex is the mo si valuable concentrated compound of Norway white pine extract rich in glial col and all the natural healing nine elementa. Other prepara tions will not work in this formula. The Pinex and Sujrar Syrup recipe is now used by thousands of housewives throughout the United States and Can ada. The plan has been imitated, but the old successful formula has neyer been equaled. A guaranty of absolute satisfaction, or money promptly refunded, goes with this recipe, lour dropnst has Pinex, or will pet it for jou. If not, send to Th Pinex Co, Ft. TFsyne, IaL About T Plant Y pring Garden t New Seeds Just Arrived. ' LAiMDRETH'S OLD RELIABLE Sold in Pensacola Over 30 Years, "Seeds Which Succeed" Full Line of Seed Have Just Been Received by Express, Including: Large supply also of the (DWARF AND TALL) Most complete assortment of Flower Seed in the South. WE'LL DELIVER THEM The CRYSTAL PHARMACY Brent Building The X3JL Store Phones 921-922 I ...ron... Chumuckla Mineral Water Telephone To 1548. It is highly recommended by leading Physi cians for Kidney and Stomach Troubles, Eczema, Indolent Ulcers, and is a Natural Enemy to Indigestion. t 5 Gallons For $1.50 SOL. GOLDRING & CO. Th surgeon found soma striking evidences of physical and mental de generation among the men on two or three ships, he argrues, although they appeared to be performing their duties oo tiofa rtnrilv these men would fail in time of gTeat excitement. Many un der-sized men and men witn poor pny nrtd. Rpeardlne the youthfulness of the recruits, the re port says: "It is true that youth presents the oHvantacr, rf fllprtnpsa and readier Knarntihilitv for trainlnsr but presents the great disadvantage of lightness in weight, immaturity 01 mino, jacK or nnnror n on ill ir A hfirrlshlnn or CXDMUrs and it is doubtful if their physical and mental powers would co-ordinate in time of some trying emergency. Ho Won't Limp Now No moro limping for Tom Moore of Cochran, Ga. "I had a bad sore cn my instep that nothing seemed to help till I used Bucklen's Arnica Salve," he writes, 'Taut this wonderful healer soon cured me." Keals old, running sores, ulcers, botle, burns, cuts, bruises, eczema, or piles. Try it. Only 25 cents at W. A. D'Alemberte's. Taft Keeping In Touch With the Situation (Continued From Page One) neutral zone for th border and will not invite even a temporary invasion of American troops. EX-BANDIT IS PURSUING AN ARMY OF REBELS El Paso, Texas, Feb. 26. Colonel Pancho Villa, ex-bandit but loyal to Madero, is pursuing Colonel Antoine Rojas, according to dispatches from Chihuahua. Villa, with one thousand ex-insur- recto troops, le.ft Chihuahua today over the National Lines Railway with orders to catch and fight Rojas, and is now at Villa Ahumada, sixty mil3 south of Juarez. Colonel Rojas, with about 600 men, is advancing from Pearson to Bauche, over the Mexico Northeastern, and probably will unite with Salazar's and Cam pa's forces. WANTS INVESTIGATION OF CONDITIONS ALONG BORDER Washington, Feb,' 26. Senator Stone introduced a resolution today that would direct the foreign relations commiifea Ut wialro a. jtromol iava&U- lme to As -. .. our Bush Beans, Pole Beans, ; Beets, Cabbage, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Cucumber, Egg Plant, Herbs, Kale, -Lettuce, Watermelon, following in bulk : Some Suggestions For Your Sweet Tooth Crosse & Blackwell's Crystallized Ginger 25c a box. Sunbeam Crystallized Ginger, metal boxes, 25 cents. Stuffed Dates,-Stuffed With Nuts. Smyrna Pulled Figs, the most popular pack age of the season, 25c a box. Also a full line of Lenten goods every thing for thei Lenten table. McHugh Grocery Co. Phones M27-1C2S. WEST GARDEN STREET. gation into conditions along the Mex ican border. By this means, the resolution points out, the United States would deter mine its specific duty in the insurrec tion situation. Senaor Stone Introduced a similar resolution when the trouble became scute along the border last April. ARMY OF REBELS BELIEVED TO SE ADVANCING ON JUAREZ El Paso. Texas. Feb. 26. A Vas quisUs army, commanded by Emilio Cantaloupe, Mustard, Okra, Parsley, Bush Peas, Pole Peas, Peppers, Radishes, Spinach , Squash, Tomato, Turnip, j Rutabaga, s' Collards. Street Peas, Nasturtium Electric Service As a Property Investment Why it is not money spent to wire an already built house. Go to tho leading real estate agent In your city and aak him for his list of vacant houses. Check them over and aee how many of them are marked "electric llghta." See how It compares with the pro portion of unwtred houses. The situation la practically the same in every prosperous clty It la tho unwlred houses that go begging People who i lease, want electric service and trg willing to pay moro rent to get It. ' Ask us for free esti mate to wire your home THE PEHSACOU ELECTRIC CO. NEW BUSINESS DEPT. PHONE 106, 3 CamDa. ia believed tn 1m xfvann upon Juarez tonight United States Consul Edwards notified all Americans to leave Juarez at 8 o'clock and it Is believed all had come here. I Blamed A Good Worker. 1 blamed my heart for severe dis tress in my left side for two years writes W. Evans, Danville, Va., "but I know now it was indigestion, as Dr. King's tfTew Life Pills completely cured me." Best for stomach, liver and kid ney troubles, constipation, headache or debility. 25c at W. A. D'Alem berte's, RESUME CONSIDERATION OF THE SUGAR TARIFF SCHEDULE By Associated Press. "Washington. Feb. 2fi. The ways aid means committee today resumed con sideration of the sugar tariff schedue. discussing the advisability of raishg revenue that will be lost in reducftr the sugar duty to 1 cent a pound by increasing the. silk schedule and du es on other articles that may be clased as luxuries. STUART'S CURES KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBKt) t