Newspaper Page Text
THE PENS ACOLA TOURNAL, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 2, 1912. - - - ' - 8 If you want a different Derby for each day of the week, we've more than enough blocks to accommo date you. $2.00 to $6.00. In soft hats, caps for golf, CCting, etc., we have the greatest variety. All new, snappy Spring stvles. I ! The John White Store "FlaridVs Leading Clothier." 209-211 S. Palafox St. "Always Something New." Studying the better Interests ot our patrons we have accepted the agency for the celebrated. Saml Itaac's PLATINUM PEN POINTS Recommending for general office ue the number S'a Falcon. $1 the Gross. Samole cardr. containing differ ent ety'es dlrtrlbuted absolu.cly FftSE to busineaa houses and ofT'cse. Phene or write for samples today. CQ Phone 912. H eres a Bargain English Violet, fine toilet soap, made with buttermilk and Almond Cream, 3 cakes in a box, 10c a Box. If you have never tried Dewey Coffee, you've missed a treat. Try a pound today. McHugh Grocery Co. Phones l27-im. WEST GARDEN STREET. AMUSEMENTS. Feature Program at Bonita Today. This popular theatre comes forwprd again today with a program you cen- . not afford to miss. Mile. Crosse will ! einff one of her strongest numbers, "My Cavalier," a Spanish love son, j This popular singer has certainly I made good with the Eonlta patrons, as she is far above the average singer,! having: a voice that is clear and dia- tinct and well trainefl. "A Day in the j Wnlte House." belrff shown today. Is j the first moving picture ever taken in- j side of the executive mansion and i gives a series of Intimate views of ; President Taft and White House nota- ! bles. It shows the president signing ! the bill making Arizona the 4Sth state . w 3B Turn Yc as you pass our store and dow for the new spring styles in ladies oxiords and pumps. All leathers, including white buckskin and canvas, and all sizes, with an especially wide assort ment of widths. Prices S3 to S4. Free shines and shoe repairs at half-price to our customers. 3E3L O. J&J23OJSI Phone 728 Pensacoia CH NEW COMMISSIONER OF AGRI CULTURE ENTtRS GOVERNOR'S j CABINET WiTH CLEAN RECORD WAS CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT OF JACKSON COUNTY. to The Journal. Tallahassee. March 1 Pon. Wm. A. McKs, of, lv; rec've 1 his cotnrr.iKsIon en crrvv.'. .--sir ner of ag riculture of the stato of Florida an! JmmdJiatsiy entered uron the, c!?- charge . the djtes of that offce. 3dr. MclVie'i advert Into t're str.U ad- iu i; B mlnlft-J-.tion I cordially -.'-..'.omed by'11"- WI"lul; "mlL"1'" iur i , ,.sAf.1 4 4. 1 A I r. i c ; court in V. e-.-t !X-jr!-ia'd b in '.enor county, .ar, idc.-.a-e ir.u tine recoi'd : lor en.c'ency. iie is a. coir-i.rau.-ei, ; ! young man, aboundijtf in energy and ; : vigor, well informed ui;on public af- fairs, full of determination to make : roucI. and confidejn of lis ability to ; taKe care of any job he t?;cKles. I Air. afc-Rae Is a candi-J:ite m the ap- i ; proachiT.g- primary for the nomination ; ; for a full term as commi.iPiicr ot ; : agricultuie. His campaign for this; , nomination will be formally launched j in the next few days and will be prose- j jciiu-ii wuh Mr. ici;aes characteristic j .thoroughness and vigor. ; j There will be no meeting of the board j jof paruons on th.j nrst. I hurray in , .March. The next meeting of , l tlitl tH.'rtl t; -kill ' c lit: ; Thursday in April next r:. ' " 'e nt l1 t,n lne L in the union in fact, it shows life in and around the mansion. ThM. beyond ; ant' c)nv re'-o-d w!i!'-h h- s known wood, left on the 10 o'clock train lasi u"u'fr7"u '"' al-'u-iil - ....... to have m. ,'e as a c. ty offcer cf nisht ?rw Waehington. Senator Bank- no stomach ras or heartburn, fullness However, his ravings were conftned to V doubt will be a Rtronsr drawinst card;a'Ways voted the Republian ticket. fr,r. on ci.r.' fi.iron ! i tv.-i! no tii.. ni iAr frtc- i ' , When Ycci Yawn a fsood Bed In the day time, and feel dull, lazy and discouraged, you have every symptom of a torpid liver." Simmons Red Z Liver Regulator (The Powder Form) is a fine tonic for a disordered liver. It acts promptly. The bilious im purities which have inter fered with the free action of the liver are driven out, the stomach is cleansed and strengthened so that it can more thoroughly digest food. The bowels are purilied and a regular habit re-established. It is a solendid medicine for the whole system. Promotes a feeling of energy, mental activity and cheerful spirits. Sold by Dealers Price, Large Package, SI. 00 Ask for the geceL'X with the RH 2 on the laixcL If you cannot cm it, remit lo as. we will en It br mii. postpaid. Stmmont lire! Regulator U 1 put up in lHiaM form fnt tbo: who prefer ii. Price 1.0O per bottle. Louie ioi the Red Z label. 3. H. ZEtUN & CO.. Proprietors St. Locls, Missouri our Lyes look into the north win- 1 19 S. Palafox SEN. OANKHEAQ PLEASED WITH FLORIDA IRIP CAMPAIGN MANAGER OF OSCAR W. UNDERWOOD, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE. AFTER SPENDING ! FEW DAYS IN THIS STATE IN INTEREST OF ALABAMA CANDI DATE FOR NOMINATION, LEFT FOR WASHINGTON LAST NIGHT. Senator John II. Bankhead, of Ala bama, who la managing the campaign of Oscar W. Underwood, candidate for ... ., t -, q rrln 1r the Irttorowt rtf Mr 1 terday. meeting many men of affairs In the city, and when seen by a representative of The Jour nal last night wemed pleased with his s ifMt here, as well as to other points :i Florida. He excreed himself as 1 laed with the number of I nder nood fcuppciters he finds in Pensacoia nd 1'lorida generally. "I am, of course, gratified at the mount "of interest I find throughout j hi state In the candidacy of Mr. Un-0-:-rwiod," he raid when a?ked for an 'nierview bv a Journal man, "and if 1 Ur.ivr anything: new to say I would be.. ;Ut! to give you an interview, but there s nothing special to say." "Tou seem to he in good spirits, so I MiPVosed everything: looks all right," "eTitvired the nenvpaoer man. vr-ll, of course. In the short time I liavo spent in Florida and the com r a--tive!' few few reorle I have Si?en,' f t .'t.'niH-d the penptor. "-I cannot reach cv-- oieTnite conclusions hastily, but I i.n:! lots of friends and staunch eup !'.rters of Mr TTndprwood, and I be-Mc-e thft h? hs friends here who will took after him." -F'ced what he thought of local con l!trs rega"dlnir the nomination Mr. ''arkhead said: "That, too, is a sierilfic-'.r.t ouentlon Mii one which cannot he an5wered ! hastily, hut I find a gooIiy number of fll-.;ent:Ml m; n of jour cltv' who be !i"e that UnrB ooil is proper man for the nomination i3 the man who can lead the Democratic party to victory. ''In fact" continued Mr. Bankhead - j tin1 tne XTRaerwood sentiment in all Ke ctlons of the country. F.speelollv is th's true in the north. Tou would be 8urrrseij to know how etront? the sen. t!rr,pnt for him Js rj?nt in Nw York The thins- row Is to get T'nderwo.d nominated "and If he is nominated he ls Slir(. to elected,., I believe. As I haVft SBtj before, there are thousands cfreople in the north who will vote for hfm even because he 1 a southern man than If he lived in the nortri. I have been amouns our friends in the north and I am convinced that rosnv of themvaro easrer to vote for a Br.,ltnern nion in order to prove that the oU fPen? pf hostility between the two sections of the country Is for ever dead." The attention of Mr. Bankhead was raI!ed tn a Prominent Chicago man. rcw on a TO nsacoia. who 'but who Is now said to have become a. Democrat and to have expressed i ls ' choice for Underwood. Yes," paid Senator Bankhead "I Know or many instances just such a: ; thst in fart, I consider that one of the strongest reasons why Underwood j should be nominated by the democrats for the presidency. There are thou sands of votes which the Republicans have been carrying, but which he can carry this time and which I do not believe either of the other candidates can poll. "Underwood ls unquestionable the man of the hour. He Is Just what the Democratic party ls looking for sen sible, level-headed and courageous. " . LYNN HAVEN. Special to Tho Journal. LjTin Maven. March 1. The patriotic entertainment Riven under the auspices of the M. K. Aid Society on Washing ton's birthday was largely attended. The program consisted of patriotic song's, recitations and readings. Georo and Martha Washington were repre- i sented by Mr. Burnette and Mrs. Mer ! rill. Miss Julia Bennell left Monday for garasota, Florida, for a two months visit with lelitlves. The Lynn Haven Literary Society met I; -t Friday afternoon at Mrs. E. H. Hanford's on Florida avenue and Seventh street. The snblect for read ing was Benjamin Franklin. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. G. C. Morton's on Georgia avenue. The frame of the hall for the Ladies Circle of the G. A. R. has been erected and It is hoped that the building will be completed soon so that the meet ings may be held there. Dr. J. C Jones left Monday morn ing' for Panami City, where he will make his future residence. Dr. W. G. Lowe, of Atlanta, has succeeded Dr. Jones. The Lynn Haven Bank and Trust Co. opened Its floors to the public on Tuesday last. The bank will be a srreat accommodation to our people for hitherto all banking has had to be done at Panama City and St. An drews. PRESIDENT NAMES ANOTHER REFEREE Pearl Wright, Who Has. Controlled Federal Patronage in Louisiana, Suc ceeded by Clarence 3. Hcbart. By Associated Press. New Orleans, March 1. Clarence S. Hobart. collector of customs here, was today appointed by Taft as referee in federal appointments In Louisiana, succeeding Pearl Wright, the Repub lican national committeeman, who sent In bis resignation to the president with the announcement of his alle giance to Roosevelt. CHENEYS EXPECTORANT CURES COUGHS AND COLDS QUICKLY ENDS IfiDIGESTIOi HEARTBURN, GAS, DYSPEPSIA AND OTHER STOMACH DIS TRESS GOES AFTER TAKING A LITTLE DIAPEPSIN. Every family here ought to keep j some Diapepsin In the hou.e. as any one of you may nave an atta-.K oi in digestion or Stomach trouble at any time, day or night. This harmless preparation will di gest anything you eat and overcome a distressed, out-of-order stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't tempt you, or what little yon do eat seems to fill you, or lays like a lump of lead in your stomach, or If you have heart bum, that is a sign of Indigestion. Ask your Pharmacist for a 50-cent cane of Fare's Diapepsin, and take a little Just as soon as you can. There Will be no sour risings, no belching . l - . . j . l . . - iwu icii uli m l.'im t-LUiiia' II iui ... . i . - I JtitJii jour u roil l ll ivn llftuscuus . Pape's Piapepsln Is a certain euro for out-of-order utomnchs bocatiRA ft I prevents fermentation and takes hold of your food and digests It Just the same aa if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all etom- ach m'sry ia at your druy store. waiting for you These larpe 50-cent cases of Pape's Diapepsin contain rrc-e. than sufficient to cure any case of Dyspepsia. Indi gestion or any other stomach trouble. McKIIJNONVILLE. Special to The Journal McKlnnonviHe. March 1. Robt. Mc Klunon and Imrwatd Johnson went o Muscogee Sunday. Corbet t Ie, of Atmore, vlpited his sister. Mrs. Thos. Freeman. Saturday. Mrs. A. L. McCalimn went to Pleas ant Grove one day last week. Luther Ortmsley, of Enon, was a caller here Sunday. A large crowd attended the Baptist services held here Sunday. Rev. E. M. Rooks filled his appoint ment here Thursday night. J. V. Underwood, of Cnon. passed through here Saturday en route to Pine Barren. Carl Henderson made a business trip to Pine Barren Saturday. A. D. McKlnnon and son, Clifford, spent Tuesday at Pleasant Grove. Thos. Freeman and A. L.. McCallurn made a business trip to Atmore Tues day. Baldwin county, were among the bust- ! ness visitors here Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Hardy left Saturday tr visit her father at Roberts for several months. PAT McOnlre ls dad. Jim Dead? Was h- insured? Pat No; he's a total loss. IJfe. He Does she speak French at all? She Well, yes; but only enough to make herself uninteili?lble. Judge. Waxeiiam Long V.'ot's a 'germicide. an-way? T-iffold Knutt He's a man wot kills a German. Your blamed if,-n'ernce makes me tired. Chicngro Tribune. Knlcker Wliat sort of reformer is he? Hooker He wants othr fallows to ab staln fro'n ta& to make the price ko dow' whl!e he eats It. New York Sun. n.Vliat Is an optimist?" A man who thinks that if he puts 'linsh' on a tetter lx will he 1e!lveTei sooner than it would be otherwlse." Chicugo Reeord-HeraM. One of Many. "Well, pood-by. and don't b too hard on my frlcnfl th'i company promoter. He's done some good things." "Yes. I was one of them!" London Opinion. Leap Year, Too. Miss A You say every man has a mission. What's yours? Parson To save ynutis mm. Miss A Good. I wish you'd save one for me! Exchange. Marks Why do you allow your wife to run up fuch tig bills? Parks Because I'd sourer hve trou ble with my creditors than with her that's why. Boston Transcript. Alice Did your cousin have a good time durlnR her visit to Uoston? Kate I (rueas so. Mother and I took to our beds after she left, and she wrltriH that she took to her bed as soon as she cot home. Ilostcn Transcript. Things Unprintable. Willie Mother always carves when we have company to cUnr-er. B"bty Isn't your father able to? Wllile Guess he ain't able to without sayln' things. Boston Transcript. "Does your boy Jorh know how to run your automobile?" "I think so," replied Fanner Corn tossel. ."Kis work on the farm sriears to have helped him: his vocabu lary bein about the r.a.-na as hs uses on a mu!e." Washington St-ir. "I see where President Taft has been asked to appoint a woman to the Su preme Court vacancy." "Nonreiise! Do you suppes any nor mal woman ls to take a place where she has to sli still and let other people do ail the arfruint;?" Baltimore American. Sarcasm In the Home. Wife How about toe tickets, Jzr? I understand the Lheatre U packed at every performance. Hub It 1, but I managed to get seats for two weeks from tonight and, by the war! Wife Well? Huh You might begin to get ready now. Exchange. , "Father, Percy says he's very mucn wcrried about his income." "Tell him frt m me, my dear, not to let a little thing; like that worry him." Judge. Read The Journal's Want Ads and Profit thereby. Admiring; Youth What would you advise me to do first in order to be come an orator? Orator Get a Job addressing letters. "What are the relations now between your wife and yourself?" Oh, only her mother, two uncles, a sister and a few ccuins." AbKAllnLUKU Q IMAGINES HE 3 IS k bud m I H EPHRIAM POWELL. WHO WAS! PLACED IN THE COUNTY JAIL.) LAST NIGHT TO AWAIT LUNACY ' fcAAiYIINAIUIN, OMTO II lrfc n j . HUNDRED MEN TO HANDLE HIM 1 i Pnhri.-im Pov.-ell. colored, was taken into custody by Officer Reed, of the . police department, last night end im mediately turned over to the couny rj iLUtnoi Hies, n no pmvi-u mm in m ttrii in the county jail to await an exami- nation by a lunacy commission, it beins the opinion of the olilclals that he is insane. , Powell was apparently ravine era' when taken to the jail last n!?ht and aA,' nf fliA f.fflrpri it ri rl fith.ra vno ' . v . -j -rvi i ri Viim n n . i tnlii nnmn i f,i.. w his fist. . . , . . H said ii. would take a hundrefl .o nanote mm ana inai n uia lae iwciro men to bring him from his home io j m the Jail. lie also proved himself rniN expert in the application of vile epi thets and a very proficient "cusser." He considers himself a bad man. D'FUNIAK SPRINGS. Special to The Journal. DeF-uniak, March 1. At Freeport yesterday afternoon at 6: SO o'ciock Mr. Kenneth McOaskill and Miss Sal lie McCullouRh were married by l)r Lynn Walther at the Presbyterian church. The bride was gowned in white fatin, trimmed In Mexican hand maue lace and pearl emhioiuery. The maid of honor. Miss Tearl Tervin. was gewnod in pink messaline and carried pink roses. The bridesmaids. Mis Ruth Butler and Mies Marie Rosier, wore yel'.ow gowns and carried Jon quils. Mr. Bohanman and Mr. Max well McCa3ki!l were the attendants. Mr. Howard Cawthon and Mr. Hal Richardson were the ushers. Tt:e young couple left on tho 9: S3 train for South Florida. Chautauqua opened last nijrht undor favorable auspices. The address of welcome was made by President Wal lace Bruce, ot Brooklyn; the opening prayer by Mr. Slaughter, of the Meth odist church; a talk by Mr. Kenneth Bruce; a reading t y Mr. Waiace Bruce Amsbury; sinm:? by Mrs. Amsbury; music b ythe l.angnar's orchestra. The Chautauqua hotel Is under the m -gement of Mr. W. J. Hughes, of a- ro'ed hotei man FROM PRISON TO ESTATE OF $75,000 William Mysrs Steps From Peniten tiary io Return to Germany snd There Claim a Big Estate. By Associated Press. Pan Quentin. Cai , March 1. TVlHiam Myers put aside bis prison ftrlptx here today to step out of the penitentiary with a parole in his pocket free, to re- turn to Germany and claim a $75,000 i estate. His five year term for forgins J " a check for $23 would have expired next December, but the prison direc tors were moved to grant a parole jT his excellent conduft as a prisoner and the fuct that the estate will re vert to others if not snon claimed. "Heard about the latest insurance scheme?" "No: what Is it?" "Wry the cmrnv artei to ray aiimony to both parties in cas tne tnar rlic! turns out a failure." Boston Transcript. THE BEST PROOF Pensacoia Citizens Cannot Coubt It. Down's Kidney Fills were used thev cured. The story was told to Pensacoia reF'dents. Time has strengthened the evi dence. Has proven the cure permanent. The testimony is homo testimony The proof convincing. It can be Investigated by Pensacoia residents. Mrs. 13. J. Murray, 309 East Gregory street, Pensacoia. Fla., says: "For yers I hrd eHpckn of kb'nef en -rlalnt, the worst synftnms bema: pain In my back and hit. I also bad head aches and ofi-n wis so !!zy that I co'ibl rot stird alone. Chills bothirid me end I was extremely r-ervous. One cf my relatives hJ been cured hy J Dear's Kidney PHI ar.d I was led to set the remedy at the Crystal Pharm- j acv, and begin its use I a our- j prlsfd by the pronpt reMef I obtain- j ed pnd I continued taklrjr this remedy in-.tll my troupe wai c"-rect.ed " ' (Ftatem-nt gicn Arfl 23. 1S0S.) " ! A L.ssting Core. j On March 2". 1911. Mrs. Murray! f1i: "It irives me p'.easvre to apain , recommend Doan'a KJdrey PiHs vand ; ccpiirm all I have pre y'susly 'said : ahojt them. There ha been no re- ctirrence of my former trouHe.' j for BSle by all dealer.. Price 50 l cents. Forter-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo. I Xew York, sole agents for the United States. Kemember the name Doan's and take no other. Owing to the apparent shortage of coal you ought not to delay ordering WOOD at once. Wt carry Qooi dry pins and oak wood that burns. Phone 333. Export Fuel 6 Ice Co. Cor. Tarrsoon and Jackson. STACY - ?4 n T5a fcfv LA TS On. ST fB n IN VICI. PATENT, TAN AND DULL LEATHERS NO MAN can do better thin his best. The best efforts and long experience of educated shoe men hive combined their knowledge with the best shoe leather in the world. Con sequently we are ab!e to offer splendid selections ot these splendid shoes. r 1 g ( i STACY $S.S09 FOR icP Watson, Parker ? Reese j J Everythinjj to Wear 1 Today BQMSTA Today EXTRA A Day in the White House First moving pictu-c ever taken inside the exec utive mansion. Two other reels. MLLE. SINGING "MY CAVALIER." Beautiful Spanish love song. 10911 THE QUALITY GHOW REELS OF W SURE TO Ged. L Rvan The Irish Ameri can Tenor will sing "Good-Bye" coming: A Special Feature FRIDAY fheatre! "Imp ' and "Msjestic" ...Features... TODAY You Can Go to Church Sunday feeling as per fectly dressed a it is humanly possible to be, provided your shirts, collars and cuffs are laundered the Star Laundry Way the best way, the economical way. We iron with elec tricity no soot, no odor, nothing to soil. PHONE 114. Star Laundry & DryCleaningCo. mS i. i MBARS5 R3 era if - ADA R1S mud $ MEN FEATURE GROSSE U Ml a vs U t M W TODAY PICTURES O PLEASE ALL O Opening Monday B. T. B2li.une The Ceorgia Ci ruso will i.r.wj Eartlet'.' "Dream" "Tou t';Id me an h:r iin ' tho man with the sot .!. was twenty m!"utc "Well, It was." so; : ' ' "':'jt It li.'irn't e;nt lir vi f "Oh. I thOt'Rht you v.-. ' the train t.iui had ju-'t p.i-.- Subzcribe fcr The Jourr Jbiecuie Service As a Property Investment Why it is not tror.ey spent to wire an already built house. Go to the lesfMni rr! apent In your city 34 t Ms tlkt cf vacant he tt-em ever and ito 1 o-v ' thsm are marked ' i See how It cor.-.pnre si'. ' ' 1 portlcn of urw"--! c'"' situation Is practical " every prctprrcus r'ty " ' i nw'rod hemee t1" r" ' " --1 People wt-o lea?. v ' ' f' ervlce am re vviii;cj ' '' mors rent to net It. Ask rs for free esti mate to wire ycur horr.e THE PE.'ISiCGLl ELECTHIC CO. NEW BUSINESS DEPT. PHONE 1C6