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8 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 23, 1912. Time to do a little think ing about the underwear part of your wardrobe.' For spring wear, Balbrig gan, Lisle, Nainsook and Linen - 50c to $1.50 a garment. Spring Neckwear in new designs. Spring Shirts in new pat terns. Spring Hats in new blocks Spring Suits ready, too. Everything Spring for men and boys. The John White Store "Florida's Leading Clothiers." 209-211 8. Palafox St. "Alwaya Something New.' R-E-Y-N-O-L-D-S E-N-V-E-L-O-P-E S-E-A-L-E-R Easily operated by any office boy, seals all sizes and kinds of envelopes without an adjustment and has a capacity of sealing 6, 000 letters an hour, while the electric sealer has a capacity cf 12,000 per hour. Demonstration on request and machine Installed on approval for thirty days absolutely with out cost. We have accepted the exclu sive agency for WEST FLOR IDA. Hand-power , machine $35 Electricmachine$1 25 Phone ue today and we'll eend a machine to you with our dem onstrator. CCX Exclusive Local Agts. Phone 912. Straw Matting We've Just Received a New Importation of Japanese Matting and Matting Art Squares Oriental and Floral Designs. Matting, 35c yard. Matting Art Squares, $4.00 and $5.00. Put down in your rooms by experts. MARSTON&QUINA "West Florida's Oldest Furniture House." Tommy Pop, what Is sound advice? Tommy s Pop Sound advice, my son, Is generally nine parts sound and one part advice. Philadelphia Record. mam Why You Should Come to Us for Your Footwear: OUR SHOES Rank first in style, quality and durability. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT is unexcelled and we repair shoes bought of us at half price. NO OLD STOCK To work off on you and a guarantee of satisfaction with every pair you buy. SHOES SHINED FREE when bought of us. 3E3E. O. -e!TSCIIKr Phone 728 Pensacola BALL PLAYERS ARRIVING HERE TO START WORK ROACH RETURNS FROM GEORGIA, WHILE PITCHER STEWARD AND CATCHER GUITTEREZ ARE EX PECTED TO REACH HERE TO DAY. Ball players who are ; to form the Pensacola team for this season are be ginning to arrive, Ernest Roach re-, turning last nigrht, according: to report from Georgia, where he went earlier In the week, and Pitcher Steward and Catcher Guitterez are due in today. Roach did not find conditions In Al bany that suited him, and as soon as the local club forwarded transporta tion he returned. Pitcher Steward, considered by many the best of last year's hurling squad, was due last night, as well as Catcher Guitteress, and It Is expected that both will reach here today. The return of Roach solves the third base problem and new the Infield will be In shape as scon as the club can secure a good man for second. "What Manager Oliver and Ed. Peake have . accomplished in Montgomery to wards securing players is not known, but If they fail it is practically certain that two men can be had from Mobile as aoon as ihat club begins to. turn loose some of its surplus players. New Orleans Wants Game. The local management tias been In communication with the New Orleans Southern League club, and has found that the Pelicans would come over for a series of four games during the early portion of April. One of the dates wanted by the team will conflict with other games already arranged, so this will have to be adjusted before It Is certain the team will come here. The management has also arranged for games with the Eddys of New Orleans for April 12, 13 and 14. Many sufferers from rheumatism have ,been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by ap plying Chamberlain's Liniment. Not one case of rheumatism in ten re quires any internal treatment what ever. This liniment Is for sale by all dealers. CAPTAIN A! OTHER MEMBERS OF THE CREW OF THE EDGAR RANDALL ARE DISCHARGED BY UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER MARSH. At the conclusion of the preliminary trial yesterday of the captain and crew of the fishing schooner Edgar Randall of Mobile. Captain George Ol- sen, Henry Olsen and John Larsen, the lstter two members of the crew, were ordered held for trial In the United States court by Commissioner Marsh. The other members of the crew were discharged. The. charge against Captain Olsen and the two other men held Is con spiracy to convert the stores of the fishing vessel to their own use. They were arrested a few days ago by the police, when It was discovered that most of the stores of the vessel had been sold. Why Is Sugar Sweet? If sugar did not dissolve in the mouth you could not taste the sweet. GROVE'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC Is as strong as the strongest bitter tonic, but you do not taste the bitter because the Ingredients do not dissolve in the mouth, but do dissolve readily In the acids of the stomach. Is just as good for Grown People as for Children. The First and Origin al Tasteless Chill Tonic. The Stand ard for 30 years. BOc. Giles Pecken had a bad case of ma trlmonal dyspepsia. Miles How's that? CMlea His wlfA rtnn't im with him. Chicago News. When You Take Your Prescrip tion to HANNAH'S Pharmacy you can ftel safe that It will be tilled Just as your doctor pre scribes. Quickest delivery In the city. .Phone 881. Corner Garden and Palafox Sts. 19 S. Palafox II MEN HELD YOUR STOMACH TROUBLES OVER INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN, GAS, HEADACHE AND OTHER STOM ACH MISERY RELIEVED IN FIVE MINUTES. Take your sour, out-of-order stom ach or maybe you call It Indigestion Dyspepsia, Gaatrltia or Catarrh of stomach trouble right with you to J your Pharmacist and ask mm to open a 60-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin end let you eat one 22-graln Trian gle and see If within five minutes there is left any trace of your former misery. . The correct name for your trouble is Food Fermentation food Bouring; the Digestive organs, become weak, there Is lack of gastric juice; your food Is only half digested, and you become affected with loss of appetite, pressure and fullness after eating, vomiting, nausea, heartburn, griping in bowels, tenderness In the pit of stomach, bad taste In mouth, consti pation, pain in limbs, sleeplessness, belching of gas, biliousness, sick headache, nervousness, dizziness or many other similar sympoms. If your appetite is fickle and noth ing tempts you, or you belch gas, or If you feel bloated after eating, or your food lies like a lump of lead on your stomach, you can make up your mind that at the bottom of all this there is but one cause fermentation of undi gested food. Prove to yourself In five minutes that your stomach is as good as any; that there Is nothing really wrong. Stop this fermentation and begin eat ing what you want without fear of discomfort or misery. Almost Instant relief is waiting for you. It is merely a matter of how soon you take a little Dlapepsin. SHIPPING TRANSACTIONS AND NOTES CF INTEREST ALONG THE BAY FRONT. The tug Ethel rammed a submerged stick of timber in Mobile bay Thurs day and sank. This vessel is familiar to many along the waterfront here. A gang was busy yesterday driving piling and preparing a protection for another projection of the DeVllllers street sewer. The tug Marie is hauled out on the ways for slight repairs. The steamer Cayo Manzanlllo, which arrived yesterday, put In for about 1,- 500 tons of bunker coal. Chief Mate Nilssen of the Norwe gian bark Clara, who came here some months ago aboard the bark Edderside but who joined his present ship ii South America some weeks ago, was much interested in the Mobile news yesterday which detailed a series of mishaps to the Edderside, the latest of which detailing the fact that the ves sel had been raised from the point where she sank at Gulfport and towed to Mobile for repairs. The Italian bark Genista wm shifted from the stream to Perdido wharf yes terday to take on a consignment of deals and scantlings. m m m Arrived. Anselma de Larrlnaga, Br ps, Bavin. 2815, Tampa to Gulf Transit Co. Cayo Manzanlllo. Br ss, Camay, 2279 Pert Arthur to Galllard-Johnson Coal Co. Cleared. Anselma de Larrlnaga, Br ss, Davin 2815. for Galveston, with 769 tons of bunker coal. Cayo Manzanlllo. Br es, Carndy, 2279 for Hamburg, with 600 tons of bunker coal. Bartholdl, Br sch, Chutem, 299, for Kingston, with 344,000 s ft lumber. Samoa, Nor bk, Hultmann, 1054. for Rio Janeiro, with 626,000 s ft lum ber. VESSEL8 IN PORT. Steamships. Snowden, Br, Jenkins, 2055, to The Kcyser-MuMon Co. Alkaid, Dutch, 1883, to Gulf States Shipping Co. Cralghmor, Br, Williams, 2297, to The Keyser- Muldon Co. Gracia, Span, Ruiz, 2123, to Gulf Transit Co. Hubert, Br, Martin, 3598, to Cary & Co. Ingelflnger, Ger, Ruhne, 2193, to Gulf Transit co. Calliope, Br, Smith, 1853, to Gulf Transit Co. Manchuria, Br, Bennett, 1918, to Pensacola Lumber Co. Ships. Combermere, Ital. Laddanra, 1630 to master. Barks. Clara, Nor, BJerkhalt. 863, to master. Elvo, Ital. Marini, to Pensacol i Lumber Co. Volturon, Ital, Stagno, 1468, to mas ter. Sopochlese, Ital, PontermoH, 1023, to master. victoria I, Nor, Jensen, 443, to master. San Pedro, Urug, Font, 1061, to mas ter. Genista, Ital. Trapanl, 1756, to master. Schooners. Julia A. Msy, Br, Banks, 86. '.o Stearns Lumber & Export Co. Donna Christina, Am, Christopher, 165, to master. Alice May Davenport, Am, Nash 952, to master. K. C. Lockhart, Am, King. 2 68. to master. FREE CANDY TODAY, Box of candy free today with every cash purchase of 25c or more at the Crystal Pharmacy. HARBOR AID MARINE NEWS AMUSEMENTS. At the Bijou. Today's program consists of three of-l the very best made pictures. Bound er" is the title to one of those Selig eclmal pictisres that always prove in teresting. First you see brother and flstt-r. starting on a lion hunt, the brother shoots a lioness, which, wound ed, bounds away, the brother follows. On the way home the sister finds two little cubs, -which she becomes very much attached to and raises them as pets. Later they protect her. from Tete Lopez, a bad Mexican, and saves the brother from the ravishine: wolves. This will prove a most thrilling rlc ture. "A Diamond Brooch," a Vita grarh. shows what Jeaiousy will do. and deals with both on and off the stage. "The Daisy Cowboys." an Laison, full of real western life and one of these subjects that always prove popular. Joe McAnallan. the Irish tenor, who has become very popular with the pic ture show patrons, will King one of New York s latest hits, "TaUe a Little Tip From Father," accompanied by Reilly's orchestra, the music that pleases and appeals to all. "Shamus O'Brien" at the Elite. The poem of "Shamus O'Brien" by the gifted author, J. S. La Fanu, Is a favorite with Irishmen all over the world, because It crystallizes a desire that is deep down in the hearts or countless millions or Irishmen for the freeing of Ireland from official asso ciation with England. This famous poem the "Imp" Company has utilized In a two reel feature which will be shown at the Elite theatre today. In the year 1798 Ireland was in a state of rebellion against England. The events of this period in Ireland are known .s the great Irish rebellion. Ireland was more or less united to Great Britain. She had long ago lost her king, but she cherished an am bition for her seperate parliament. separate government, separate nobility and separate everything. Memoers or the Irish aristocracy were concerned in this rebellion. The entire south of Ireland was in revolt against English rule. The sentiment has been successfully preserved and conserved in the south part of. Ireland, so that for the last thirty years there has grown up in that part of Ireland the demand for what is called "Home Rule," that is government of themselves by them selves. Only the north of Ireland wants to remain an integral part of Great Britain. And tnis condition of affairs prevailed in the year 1798 when the south wanted to secede from the United Kingdom. In that year the English soldiery were in possession of the country and Shamus, otherwise James O'Brien, was a rebel against the government typified Ty the English soldiers, and the hearts of the people were with Shamus. An enemy gave Shamus away, he was put in jail and sentenced to the gallows. But in the last moment he makes the dash for liberty and succeeds. The story is wonderfully worked up in this picture and many thrilling scenes show the fight of the Irish people against their oppressors. It represents one of the ""Imp" Com pany's best efforts. King Baggot, the most talented moving picture actor, plays the part of Shamus and he suc ceeded to portray this character in an exceedingly masterful and artistic way. It Is a picture not only every Irishman will love to see, but it Is in structive as a historical picture as well. Another feature at the Elite today will be "Eyes That See Not," a "Rex,' with Marlon Leonard In the principal part. "Breach of Promise." At the opera house on April 11 a mock trial entitled, "A Breach cf Promise Suit." will be given by some of Pensacola's most talented amateur performers. This promises to be a treat In store for those who like a play of this kind and a big laugh for all. The following prominent Pensacola people will participate 1 nthe play: Judge Judg'e Bellinger. Clerk Mr. Marsh. Plaintiff Miss Bell Berlin. Defendant Mr. Geo. Hervey. Attorney Judge Sheppard. Crier Mr. Scott Loftln. Witnesses Miss Chaffee, Miss Hilda Green. Dr. Qulna, Mr. Smithwlck, Mr. Davis Yonge. Jurors Messrs. Sol Cahn, A. M. Avery, D. G. Brent, R. E. Ia. Daniel, M. E. Clark, J. O. Semmes, C. S. Bonacker. Frank Sullivan, C. R. Greenawalt, C. W. Parker, Frank I Mayes, J. E. Stillman. R. G. Collins, Postmaster, Barnegat, N. J., was troubled with a severe la grippe cough. He says: "I would be completely exhausted after each fit of violent coughing. I bought a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and before I had taken it all the coughing spells had entirely ceased. It can't be beat." W. A. D'Alemberte, druggist .and apothecary, 121 S. Pala fox St. "Hi 5X32 Tre quality snow eair Today 'Bounder," Sellg. One of those Animal Pictures that pleases everybody. "The Diamond Brooch," Vltagraph. Showing What Jealousy Will Do. "The Daisy Cowboys," Edison. A Picture of Real Life. And the Now Popular Irish Tenor, Joe McAnallan, will sing New York" latest hit, "Take a Little Tin From Father." This program will prove to be one of the best shows In Pensa cola for some time. HO El B-, MT-TTJ PlIJ rr-v:; .'.-rrr.r...... .cr. :t. ,t mn BONITA THEATRE Refined Photoplays Until a short time ago, scarcely one person in a thousand had ever tasted a really good soda cracker as it came fresh and crisp from the oven. Now every man, woman and child in these United States can know and en joy the crisp goodness of fresh baked soda crackers without going to the baker's oven. Uneeda Biscuit bring the bakery to you. A food to live on. Stamina for workers. Strength for the delicate. Bone and flesh for little folks. It will cost you just 5 cents to try Uneeda Biscuit. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY MOTHER OF B. B. JOHNSON ( . IS DEAD IN CINCINNATI ' By Associated Press. Cincinnati, March 22. Mrs. Eunice C. Johnson, mother of B. B. Johnson, of Chicago, president of the American Baseball League and member of the national commission, died at her home here today. She was 83 years old. Men's Blue Serge Suits, $9.50. Cashman's, 317 Pal afox. THEODORE ROOSEVELT, JR., LEAVES FOR NEW YORK Btr Associated Press. San Francisco, March 22. Theodora Roo?evelt, Jr., departed for New York today to take up his duties with o brokerage firm there with which he is E -- L 3l T Tlieeitre TODAY 7) 03-9 BBC tbd E M M (tff W The story of the famous Irish Patriot, in Two Reels. It's an "Imp!" With King Baggot as Shamus O'Brien. Also "Rex" Feature Today. (Miss Leonard, chief actress.) A BULLY GOOD SHOW. i- it tslKlsMi rr. 33 We're Going to Have a Long Dry Spell pretty soon, if previous years' experience tells any thing. But, then, after the dry season will come a long" period of rainy days. Why Not Fix that Leaking Roof in Dry Weather? Order No. 1, 2 or 3 cypress or pine shingles from us and get the work started. The shingles we sell you arc the best that the money can buy. "What You Want When You Want It." STEARNS LUMBER 6 EXPORT CO. C. R. BURGOYNE, Secretary. Phone Last Lyceum Number LYRIC GLEE CLUB Monday, March 25th LECTURE HALL, First M. E. Church ADMISSION : - - 25c and 50c now associated. For the past . two years he has been in the carpet busi ness here. A farewell dinner was given in his honor last night by friends. Young Roosevelt decided to return to New York at the time of his recent visit to his father and came west again only to close up his affairs. AUGUSTA CELEBRATES HER LARGE COTTON RECEIPTS Angusa, Ga., March 22. Augusta last night celebrated with a banquet of business men the receiving of 500, 000 bales of cotton In a single year. From September 1, 1911, to March l, 1912, this city received the half million bales, breaking all records and stamp ing it as second to Memphis only as the biggest Inland cotton market east of the Mississippi. Former Senator Chauncey Depew of New York, and Col. George Harvey were present. n 1 in ftn 7 lm' 3E JOHN H. KOHLER, Manager Retail Yards. 1313. Today is the Eighth Day of the Bankrupt Furniture iati N. BERLIN'S OLD STAND We will have better bargains to-day than any previous day. Don't forget that this stock must be sold in- a few more days. Come and look at our prices and stock and you will be convinced that this is the ' greatest furniture sale Pensacola has ever seen. American Sales, and Salvage Company.4 (H. BERLIN'S OLD STAND) Our Shirt and Collar Work is unexcelled. We wash them clean, starch them just right, and iron w them perfectly. Collars dampened to turn so will not break, ironed to shape, and every edge made smooth as ivory. We solicit your work because of the merit ofj the work we turn out. . Star Laundry & Dry CleaningCo. 37 E. Garden St. DELICIOUS NEW ARRIVALS Beardsley's Smoked Boneless Sardines, in glass. Beardsley's Sliced Dried Beef. Most appe tizing for luncheons, picnics, excursions, etc. In glass jars. OUR HAPLEINE DEMONSTRATION will continue to-day. The ladies are invited to call and sample the dain ties prepared with this delicious flavoring. McHugh Grocery Co. PhouM iej7-n:s. WEST GARDEN STREKT. LLL that ire jcoJ Lu If you'll notlro the buildtnt; that 1 belnir done In PnixS3a. vr.u'11 notify that most of the brick ri "fumUihed b:f u. Ve are exclusive agenta for I McMillan onicii co. We are a eU'na; lota cf wnni coal ani wood that givea perfact aatliifaetlon. a ahould Ilka to aee you. Phone 363. Export Fuel 6 Ice Co. Cor. Tarragona and Jackaon. Read The Journal's Want Ads and Profit thereby.