Newspaper Page Text
18 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1912. ADVERTISING RATES (24 words, or less4 lines) ant One Time ... Two Tfmee . Thee Time 64 x THmt On Mont $1.50 4 Roe. Count six words cf average length, to a line. The redaction ta mt to tor coimeaottve insertions. Caeti with order. Ko ad. taken tor lee than tha east ef 1L Want Ads. For This Week WE ARE OFFERING 4 GENUINE BARGAINS. SEE THEM. $1000 Flaht lot on comer Lloyd and DeVtttfere street. 1250 Five los on corner and ear tine, Eat Hifl, each lot 40x137. $3000 Largo two-story, 7-room dwettlnUr on northwest corner of Gregory ' and Devn'ler streets. tfOOTQN & I "The Rental JL Blount Buildintf FOR RENT ft EAST OF P ALA FOX. ' ?7r???uflleirnaxda, 18 rooms v' $1$ K. Ouniemarde, M room, f i 419 E. Oadsden, 12 rooms,. nvi la. Jackson. 9 rooms-...-. ..50.00 ...$35.00 ...$25.00 .22.50 920.00 ! 47 E. Chase, 8 roosne. 410 E-. Romn, 6 room-. 1118 B. LRti. 6 rooms V 8f0 B. Berraont. 4 room... 1170 ...$15U ... $12.50 WEST OF PALAFOX. SIS W. Belmont. 7 room 845,00 22 S. Spring. 5 rooms 81 N. Spring, 4 room $15.00 US 8. Barcelona, 4 room . AHWf '.".'...rf-oo "'" 705 W. Rotmaa. t' room 21S-22 1 408 W. Qxreernment, 4 rooms.. . K"lflhta of Columbui HaH Just remodeled, and undoubtedly the best onventlon. or dancing; hall in the eity; over MoKugh's Store. Modem Offices . In the flre-proof "BTocnt" and "Brent" ' Buildings. HOOTON & WATSON. "The Rental Agent.? Blow BuTldtna. Phone 84. FOR RENT. FOR KENT April 1. on East rensaeola. Boulevard, overlooking- Bayou Texar, 3 room double house, furnished or unfur nished. Wharf and boat for use to ' right parties. Mrs. Richard BIsfMtt, East .Pensacoia Heights, P. O. Box 784. 24mchlw FOR RENT Three-room cottage, good " garden spot, on water front, suitable for chicken farm. "Will rent or sell Ap ply Philip Hannah, Little Bayou. 20mhlw HELP WANTED. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE "WANTED i -No canvaaalng or soliciting renuired. Good Income assured- Address National Co-Operative Realty Co, V8T4 Harden Building. Washington. D. C. 3mch3e RAILWAT MAIL CLERKS wanted. $300 - first year, promotion to $1800. Exami nation MT m vn"T state. Common education snflleleot with my coaching FtiU Information free. Write for book let.' J. 43 Earl Hopkins, Washington. X) C 4febU FREE rLIXTSTRATED BOOK tatla about ." orer 860.000 protected posMooa la U. a. rarrlo. Mora than 40,000 aea.netee ' ery yer. There is a tg chance here ' for yon, anre and generoua pay. lifetime employment Eaay to get Just ask for .boolclet C455. No obligation. Earl Kop : ktra, WMhlngton, D. C. Jmohfa BIO MONET FOR TOTJ wrtttnf words or rnueio for Bucoesafnl Bonga. It'a easy I FREE booklet tells hew. Dngdale Co.. Dept. 844, Washington. D. a 18fet8 CXVTXi ENGINEER $H5. 150 archHeo- tnral drarftaroan, $1B5; bank auditor, $100 and oommisskm; two district salea manars. 35 week and oomTmssloa. Business Mn' Clearing Hotwe, Houston, Texas. It $100 MONTHLT d expenses to travel and distrfbaM ea-rnple for big nmni - fuctarer; irtetidy work. 8. Soheftor, Law fcWgi. Chicago. lt X VTTLt, START YOU aarrrtmr $4 daOy at hanM tn aru ttma aflTertng mirrors". An carvitai; fre rnstmctktn booklet. gW- Dept. A16, Boston. Mass. . It JtlONEST MSN to soil nnrsery stook; ex ' perienoe unnecessary; salary or com mission weekly. Address Millburn Ad- Tartlemg Agency, MilUbnm, N. 3. J tmcV7t MARX $J0 WKK1CLT taking orders for CtT RATE GROCERIES. OUTFIT FREE. Standard Mercantile Company, Hippodrome Building, CleTeland, Ohio. If ' WANTED House girl to commence U work Monday morning.' Apply 238 E. , Oregory St. It i WANTED Tbunx lady stenographer, i" AddTesa m own handwriting. P. O. : Box 462. atatlng age, experience, and nalary wanted. - 21nich3t i'T7ANTED Good colored servant, settled ' woman preferred. Apply 902 E. Oads- ,den St. It .WANTED Men to learn the barber trade. Here Is an offer that Include ' tools with tuition. A method that saves years of apprenticeship. Positions wait ing in city or country shops. Write Mo ler Barber Colege, New Orleans. La. J4mohlw -WANTED Lady to travl In Florida for 1913. Soaps, Orocery Bpeclaltles, Can dles, etc. Ooodpay and tailor made suit In 90 dftys. Experience unnecessary. Mi' Brady & Co., Chicago. It WANTED-Brlght young man for re ceiving clerk; outdoor position; state age, qualifications, references and salary rxpected. Address P. X Boat 09. Pen sacola. Bmoh$t WANTED--Kxprienced cook. ' 618 North Ba.ylsn street. 2?mcnlw WANTED lIDltnery saleslady: none but the experienced need apply. The Ready-to-Wvar Store. tlmch2t WANTET An experienced cook; none other need apply, at 611 N. Barcelona street. ilmchlw YOTT ARE WANTED to become Railway Mafl Clerk. $80.00 month. Pensacoia Examinations. May 4th. Sample ques tions and coaching sent free. Franklin Institute, DepL 87 N, Rochester, N. T. 9mchtoapl8 WANTED White, settled experienced r woman to care for two child ten. do housework and live on premises. Ad '4reas P. O, Box B. B.r Pensacoia, Fla. '1 . ....,..... 2b WATSOiT Atfent" Phone 54 1 FOR RENT. Dwelling s EAST OP PALAFOX ST. mX 40$ N. Darhi .$22.60 .$10.00 .1?LW .$15.00 .$12,50 .$17.50 .$18.00 .$15.00 .$1S.50 .$25.00 .$20.00 .$10,00 AMM .$12.00 48$ E. Intend enda . $01 N. &th Avnte ... 1410 East Bralnard .... 1024 East Lee ....... 2$ E. Lloyd . v 8f0 North th Avenns 1811 East Cervantes . 908 E. Cervantes ..... 31 East Oonsales M. 243 East Gregory 3SI E. Romana ....... 203 North th Avenue 141$ East Defloto BSS North Oultlemarde lflfl East Intendencla . 1"2S Eaat Lee -.- 529.00 t2aoo $12.80 80S East Main ... .SSOlOO P01 N. 8th Arenne ... 1318 East Gonsalea 12.50 10.00 13.00 Monsaies ana 13th A 4n3 N. Hayne ....... 314 E. Intendencla ... Alt E. LaRua ....... 81 E. Moreno 1j! E. Romana , 1223 N. 13th Averroa . 1214 E. Cervantes ... 1413 E. Cervantes .... 15th Avmua and iOih 14.00 13,00 $1T.00 .$25.00 . .4. it... I45.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 19.00 ... . 4m . 107 b. Qrosory .. 131 E. Oregory .. $30.00 S42.S0 WEST O? PALAFOX ST. 419 W. Chase , - ,.r 81! W. Garden . ....... 121 W. Jackson 1801 N. Palafox ... ......... $ie).C0 .$25,00 . 8.00 .S12.50 .$18.00 .$30.00 .$12.50 .$27.50 p'iij iv. ureirory . 304 North Spring Tattle Bayou .... F1shrvine Bin West Oregory 1 1 fl Wiwt TRvmarxt. 13.00 14.00 32.50 11.50 112 West Government ......... 103 South Clubs ... Moreno and "E" West Peterson, Near School ... 823 W. Romana 1J N. Spring 25.00 150 10.85 17.50 Offices Good Locations and Cheap Rent. Stores and Warehouses Desirable Loca tions and Moderate Rent; The Fisher Real Estate Agency. THE REMT COLLECTORS. Phona 87. ' HELP WANTED. WANTED Experienced houe maid Phone 388. Z3mcti3t WANTED POSITION. WANTED Position as meat cutter? can furnish good reference; four jfears' experience. Address "Meat Ctttter. oare Journal. 81rocnl0t WANTED Position as etr ruler sawyer; good reference. Charles Seals, 1021 B. Gadsden street, Pensacoia, Fla. JOmehlw WANTED. WA2CTED 'Board in private famQles for .. students. Phone or write Jones' Busi ness College. mdh3tf WANTED Smalt second -hand eod.a fcran tatn. or Eves' Avtomatki MunLm alter. Must be fn first-class condition. P. A, Fountain, oare Journal. 9mch3t WANTED Live baby aMgator. WTH O. DhTenderfer, 10 S. street, limchlw OFFICE MAN wants room, strloftv prl vate family, near board. State price per month. Aaaress p. 0. box 14a. 19mohlw WANTED Watches to repair: work guaranteed. P. S. You don't nave to have a cop call with too to get thern will C. Clffnlerrer, M 8. Palafox street. mohirtf WESLET DUNCAN, Mattress Makers Mattresses renovated, rags cleaned, matting laid. eto. Ring phone 178$, or leave call at 513 W. Romana St. ISmehJw- W ANT ED Stock to pea tore. Running water. : Pasture under good fence. Will be salted and cared for. The. oM Monroe place, near Olrre. W. T. Tracy, P. O. Box 575. lfrmehtf WANTED When you want a competent plumber quick, phone 1874, Wloke Bros., 113 North Palafox street. Web GAtrrESEN A MORRILL Rigger and sallmakers, manufacturers of tents, awntngo tarpaulins and dray eoven. Phone 1344, 6184 South Palafox street. SJeb WANTED Tom patronage on tamber. shingles and building materials of all kinds. Steams Lumber and Export Co.. Phone 1818. 2feb MEN TO CALL, see those nncanedfbr tailored nants and suits now for sale at reduced prices. Ton par balance d'je. 1 (M fit yon. Save money. Loeb, The Tailor. 117 North Palafox. 2Sjan WANTED Ton to Join our pressing club, where your ekrthee wffl receive proper attention a-rtd assured ajeatnst ac cidents. Rates $1.60. Mendei-Wbito Tail oring Co. Next door to "San Carlos." Phone 875. ltjantf WANTED Ton to know that we hare Just received a full supply of Garden seeds. Including second eroo Irish pota toes, peas. etc. We are beerfquartere for all krrms or rerttlljtera, J. EJ. ru6nleson A Rro. 124-128 E. Intendencia St. Phones 1148-1147. . Sldee TOTJ CAN pay the same rent forever and never have anything but receipt. Toe can pay us for 7 or $ years and wb a home. Let us tell you. Leslie E. Hrooaa Company. denl2t? WANTED TO KNOW Why all dairy men, no matter what feed they may try, always fall back on Sucre n Dairy Feed. FV S Mellen A Co.. Phone 324. actstt Maxent Lots Below the Market. Garden Street Lots at $375.00 each are cheap. $425.00 Is the CASH price asked now by the Maxsnt Land Company. We have twelve (12) lots at the hfghest point on Garden Street facing sooth, In Blocks 47 and 48, right south of the Base Ball Park, which can be had today for $375.00 mchf $750O cash par lot, balance long time. Owner Is anxious to seH In the next few days. After a few days wotd not care to sacrifice at thla price. Five (5) fete In one Block and seven (7) in the ether Block. 8omeone -will make extra good money on these tots. . Do It To-day To-morrow Never Comes" LESLIE E. BROOKS COMPANY (Incorporated) RIAL ESTATE N. W. Corner- Palafox and Romana. AGENTS WANTED. WANTED Trust -worthy, competent man with fM00 aaeh and upward to estab lish and. manage permanent eubeVSlaTy buetoes. $160 a month and expenses, and extra share at profit. Large mas ufaeturtng company, weft known staple line, has excellent opening for steady, capable teas. Pfevqrabto Investment f high class business; good for $8,000 a year or better for the right man. with bt future prospects. For particulars address "C. it O." care Journal. It LJVB AGENTS malce J 100 weeXTv eeffl trrg our new Auto, specially. Repairs punctirre tn one mlnnte. Fastest seller on earth. Write Rlchadson-Bangster Co 403 Petem Bids Atlanta, Oa,. It AOEMT9 TrtpleweaT Hostery SpectaJ offer $ pair free. Greatest agnt proposition ever offered. Beautiful line. Everybody wrys. Credit given. Write to-dayi Trrplewear Mills, Dept. B., Ban som and 12th Sts., Phils. mchl4-St SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN to work small towne with soft drtnka: $35 weaktr smd expenses. Loa Angeles Product Co, St. Iiotiia, Mo. it WANTED SaHsnwm of gWllty and neat appearance to call on all merchants tn their territory. Eterant' side ttne, con venient to , carry. Good commissions, prompt remittances, Belmont Mfg. Co. Cincinnati, O, ' lt SALESMEN T yon want $10 a day side line dealt BnspplMt proposition ever sprung. WW soil everywhere. Strong enough for main line. American Factories Co., St. Louis, Mo. It ROOMS AND BOARD. FOR RENT Ftirntehed room, an .mod ern conveniences; hot and cold water; electric lights and phone. Truing man preferred. References 'jexfutitxV, Apply 18 West Gregory street. mehtAtf FOR RENT -Three large furnished rooms, all modern eonvenleneeat e of phone, bath and gas. Apply $4 W. Romana street, Ilmchlw FURNISHED FLAT, taonxTTwr rooms for rsntl nee of phone and bath. Apply 110 WT Chase street. mchSJtf ROOMS Two ooirrpetely famished rooms for lhtnt BOttseereesmr. use of ge, hh smd phone. S01 West Chase street. mchlstf FOR RENT Several 1002ns tor Eht hoKsekeepInc with use ox prtvate bakth. Apply 240 West Garden or phone fW. Jtmohtf FTTRNISHED ROOMS Ftrst-cSase fur nished rooms, two blocks tram the postoffice. 218 East aarragoewa street. Good Xsi-atlou. S5nocbJ JBK-I WANTED To Buy Or Exchange. AUTOMOBTL---WTa trade 5-paseengor Oidsmobfle. tn rood (unditlan. fm irrw encsmbered real estate. Jtave another car, reason ror seuaig. AOOrees P. Q. Box 77$. lgjan WAKTED One mile 88-pound relay ran delivered Peneacola tn good condi tion. Qnote lowest price quick. WCl pay casn. L.nocrswnaTcnee nznoer c.. Free port. Ftl - TSnov LOST. LOST Whit Fox teriier dog on W. - " - mini Mi u.ii (Jack 422 W. Chase Su G. S.) Return t auoe aaarese ana receive reward. $3mchlw LOSTV A atrtcit rtmtr em- ru Hi. Reward if returned, to The Pensacoia mvestrnent uompany, 24mch-tf LOST OoM watoh, between 3.-S0 and 3:80 Wednesday afternoon, between Schnnt "Mr, 1 ani riK IV rami,n.. c ward for rtnrn to 115 W. Cervames srreee, mcb21tf LOST larnond brooen ta moving pto tur shows, on Palafox street or East Hill cars. $25.00 reward If returned to C A. Fulfftium. Ihfcmehtf IF YOU do not patronize the Empire Laundry we both lose money. Phone 022. LOST YVra are losing money every time you don't uy your uEdtn materials from the Steam Lumber and Export Co, Phone IStt. 3fb FOUND. FOUND Most ' contractors have found the place to boy lumbar, shingles and building materials of all kinds at reason able price. "What yoo want when you want it." Stearns Lumber and Export Co., Phone 1313. 3feM PERSONAL. HEIRS Wanted at once, (0.000 re states seeking claimants. Ton may be one. Fact In Intematiosal dalin Agency. Ptttabnrg. Fa, gun-wed4t ALICE W. HERMANN. Chiropody. Man icuring. HalrdreeMng and Massage. Parlors at No. 211 Blount building, oppo site San Carlos hotai. Tetepbon "01. 2Sfeblm AND INSURANCE. Pensacoia, Florida. Business Opportunities. PATENTS SECURED or fee rettrmed. Bend sketch for free report e to pat entability. Guide book and list of in ventions wanted, sent free. One minion dollars offered for one invention. Pat ents advortised free, Victor J, Etveais A Co., TM, Washington. D, G. it WATSTED A Kye partner that can Invest $2,000 to take pne-he-lf interest la a wall-paying, established Deafness, and open up and manage a new, paying business In connection. This pronoeltlon will bear investigation at once. Address "Buernesa, care journal. IZmchlt MISCELLANEOUS. ITOTICEVAfttar tWfi date I win no contracted by my wife, Lillian Ooney. Tmcniny jtahii cvurfisx. WICKE BRO8. PLTJMBEBS Prompt aN tention grven repair wars, vnane l74. 113 North PalaArx. 8 fob TENTS ANT) TARPAtTLTNSt all sizes. for sale and rent. CoTreepondenoe so Betted. A. II. MoLeod A Co., Mamrfao turera, 04-6O3, South Palafox. Phone 117. S5Xeb SCARRITT MORENO, Pensacoia, Fla., Agent Dlebold end Coats Safes and Bank Fixtures. CtnToesortdenoe solicited. WANTED Tour Joh Printing and orders for Engraving of all kinds, calling card weeding Invitation, eto. MATES PRINTING CO.. 24 West Government. Uiy MERCHANTS' TRANSFER CO.. Thor. B. Thoreen, Prop., sonrits all kinds of movine and hauling. Furnftore packed for snlo'went. FwrrvltuTe stored. Offlee phone 978. Depot phone 704. JtmeSltf Subscribe for The Journal. FOR SALE. FOR SALS Fifteen thousand hot-bed vegetable plants; CKbbage, lOo dozen. 4Co hundred, $8 tbjwrndi coHerd, cauli flowers, 15c dowen; T5o rmndred; toma toes, lOo dosen, SOo hundred. $8.59 thou sand; lettuce. 10c doxen, SOo htrndredj 3.00 theneand. Phone No. 7T9 or J. E. Dttbntssoa A "Bros. 2Stnch3t FOR SALT) 3ome of ths best faxmlnj? lands In Escambia County. Improved and nnTmproved. Prices rljht; terms reasonable. Address A. Et Hlnman, Cen tury. Fh. 24mch SYNH SALB Dnv old TWtnj TsTjun1 Herl ehlclrf, Arcadfa Farms gtocfe. AnIy Mies MaHary, 4 Wert Lee EL. Phone 253. 2mcfc2t FOR SAlffiV-One of beet weekTy newspapers fn West Florida, with sTteodldly equipped Joh shop in oonneo tion; erdnslve territory for "both In an mrawallT wealtJrr and nronressive ty. Get tra 3L5O0 cah and balattoe will be easy at 8 per cent. Address "Busi ness, care Journal. Pensacole. Fla. thuTaMmn FOR SAXJ5 One baggy 110. 00 1 one Titfkl wgon. 3. 00; one sewing usAcdne $9.00. All tn good condition. Phone 1T88 $4mch-tt FOR SALE CHEAP Ford eutrtornoWle recently overhauled and in good run ning vrflfm. Address P. O, Box T73 or call at 1515 iii. jjioyn fct. umcrar FOR SALE A No. 8 Ctxjk grove in Are eondittoo. Good baker, caving Veen need only 8- months: with 4 lolnts "otoe. price 4j00. Phone 334 or call 13 North Reus SL 24mchtf FOR SALE-At Onkfleld about mT from city, on L. A N. R. R., 140 seres, nearly all rertoed, 80 acres nnder cultivation, large 10-room houve, large barn, small 8 -room howo; fine old ebade trees, hot and cold water; also about 5 tons of hay. 15 head ef hogs. Including 1 Berehlre OnaJe), 100 fteaa or chickens, incubator, brooder, all farm Imple ments, small automobile; or will rent for 8 years to party paying rent In ad vance, or glvinf seentitT for same. Call at Oakneld. Joe. L. Davis. Smchtilll? Governmenrt itreet, ?3mchlm FOR SALE New dredge in working OBder. 10-lnch pirmp; on Mhter 2St40 feet. Write W. B. FerrUis, Pensaooia, Fla. lBmohtw FOR SALE One douhle float Price reasonable. Apply Wagon A Carriage Shop, E. L. Herrfnr. 214 East Intei dencia streea l?mchlw B71 BARIAITi rVr qxrlwk aoeeptxnee. Ilupmohtl rtnabont. Good as new. In perfect oonSton. Rune Uke a watch. Tires ortly slinlbtiy worn. Price 1400. W. L. WlttkSh. I'hon 1-141.1. ISmch FOR SALJO Trtes) Trees! Trees! gat sum Oretngej Fl. !cn and all ether frutt, shaie and ernamental tree. Write for rttaJ" Alvtn Japanese Nursery Compear, MoMle, Ala. mohl$ FOR SALF-ir0 worth ef f-.irnttur In well W-ateid lonrt. one Mock from dspr.t. Will $ f r $800. Apply 8A4 N. Guniemanie utreet. 3fhlm DO TOC WArTT a real eosy home? I would t pleased U have you look through the prfHr f'Unganw Just coan pleted, on vmr ot Ssh avenue and l?th street; contain Ave rwnua, recitton hall, bath, pentrv, eernmndtuus front veranda, rooury bet4-k reh lattleewt In, hrmae fitted fhrniehtf Willi itas miu jectrtci ty; hot and coll wtr, taenia nnish of dark MiasUtn a.W. itatrlnl arul oon structlun of thte hoa of UiM very hight rrade. Lot U9t4ii; Urs-e. r.xirDV statle, jxt feet; ouihf'uie 14S; a riudrl potil try plant coiuttsSrig t,t llvrort hnuam l.lll, two iiKL.l-r l4fi-e i ii.t ail iu-coiuiorloii; will nt-tl all t.,fc--i:ti"rr ur lumm hji.1 to ir 75 ferl on iii uurfier. If inirtr-t. phone or call l f.. I- Heaa, HI a1 li South l-alnlos ret. or ytione 171, l'n iacol. 11, , rncnlai Good Property Store and dwelling, on routti weHt corner of 7th Ave, and. Cer vaatee SL. on lot ECxltT. Nov rentlnff lor $17.50 per month. Rent can. be hrcreased. Price, $1700 Cm eotrfheest oomer of 8th Ave. and Cervantes & lot 72x120 with two email houses rentrrug for $13. A, nlca baBdiDg- sfos for a reBldance. Price, $1600 ASK US. Q 1L Dobson Co. Fit BTeemt uMms Paeea em FISHER-BROWN Insurance Agency General Insurance Agents Thiesen Bldg. Office 2nd Floor, Phono 918. FOR SALE. FOR SALE One Reo Au tomobile, two cylinder. Good running condition; cheap. Apply N, Goldring, Pensacoia, Fla, emehtt FOR SALE Two-story, t-eoom house. with bath and every modern eonvee lenoe, beet North Hill looarlon, comer Spring and DeSoto. lot 90 by 125, stable and carriage hoase, $10,000. Alex Ze'ius. 2Sfeb FOR SALE Farm, 114 acres, every thing new; 13 acres enclosed with 5-foot chicken wire fence. gtrawberres, 100 frnft trees. $2800.00. E. PnlTlam. 807 East Strong street. TcncSlm FARM LANDS Best rrade and location. ten acres and up, $20 per acre. Easy terms. "Facts about Florida" free. Phone 1206. W. a Reeve, 1012 BL Cervantes street. 24men FOR SALE Farm of 14 sores Bear dry. all cleared and under cultivation; 500 fruit trees; splendid water; outbolWtngs; best small farm proposition; adjoining wild tana held at pa per acre, rerra is reneea witn ennnten-prooT wire rence. Price. 12000. Address Drawer CV tuzTTtf FOR SAL"5 Farm of 180 stores, with, two starv house, fmit rreee. oecaa trees. eto. Quick Pale, $2,000.00. B. A. Davis Marble Works, Fensacou. Z7Jan FOR SALE New maps ef TArcnmbia county, snowing ail government sup dfvlsions of eectiotMt. tnibflc roads, rail roads, and names of grants. Siee, f by 4H feet, male i meh to mil a. price $5.00. Stephen Lee, county sarvaTor. p. O, Box ITS. Pensaooia. 29oct FOR BALE Truck and DeJrv Farm. 877 acres on hard road and railroad, six mi ins rrom uamesnua, equippea com plete, silo. 60 head Jersey!. Very fertile. A. I Yidnt Gainesville. Fla, 15mch2w THE JOURNAL PAdAMA CANAL edition is the best book foe advertising Peesacota ever prodaeed. Get It and send It to your friends. At all book stores or at this once. FOB BAL9 Ten acres. Improved. haU mn irom etty nrmts, one mile from steamboat Wharf, church and school -house, on good road, Dwelling, bam, tool hoc se and ether outbaildlngs", all newi wa fenced, eroee-fenoed and cleared of stumpa. First plowed m Jlo, reploweds haerowed and cultivated sev eral times. Growing Bermuda Onion crop reserved. Price, $3B00j cash or part time. Robert N. Claggett, Santa Rosa. Ffci Reeiden Owner. $mchlm FOR One good, eonnd work bosee. $100 if taken at mce; worts $25 more, Addre-s Herbert i, Caro, care Lewis Bear Co. Pnone rs. Hatch FOR SALE Three lots Brrrton plaoe, $12S each If boueht at once. Address G. H. Davis, fcufaula, Ala. 8noaim FOP. SALTS Two ijewetk dhrohtr oeeee. Extra well itmuV; weacber proof, with glass alWve and oxidised'.ay tree. A Darg-am. The Jotm WKte Wwre. SSmchJm FOK SALE AO elaeeis of building materiaia. v. rret yow went when you want it." Fteama Lomber fcnd Exnort Co, Fhone 131$. 2feb FOR SALE The weet half ef the northeast Q tarter ef eeetlon twenty four (14). in Townehfp Two ($X north of ranee Thrtv-me (31). West, Escambia County, Fieri, eentemtng eeventy-etne (19) acres and 88-100 of an acre. This lad lies rear Quintette, Florida, end is a valuable tract Address P. O. Box 103, Peneaoola. Florida. noh24tf FOR SA LB Flatn brick. $8.09 per Ml also old material from Hutchineon house. East Gregory street. Apply to C. A. HHburn. llOd East Jackson street. m3chlw FOR SALE One tent 10x13 feet, 4-foot wan. with extra fly; also cot, mattress and quilt. $15 fur quick ea. 1W)0 X. Aloania street. 21mcalw TUVPSES Fitted by an expert. Relief and satisfaction guaranteed. Mail ord ers have prompt attention. The Crys tal Pharmacy, Brent Building. lSJlylyr FOR SALE Remington typewriter. No. 7, rractlcar.y new. Will sell cheap to a quick buyer. Easy term, if derlred. T. M. B.. P. O. Box 14L ISfeb CLEANLINESS for sale at the Empire. Phone 322 and get our prices. COMING Residence Section ef East Hm That section of the City Located South of Cervantes Street and East of 16th Avenuo car line to the Bayou IMPROVED. $4,000 a2-6tory 8room all modern con vinces. 80 feet front on Gadsden streets Pav ing Paid. No. 180; look at it. $3,750 a S-room cot ' tage, built of the best materials; modern. No. 1814 E. Gadsden street, facing' eouth. $3,750 a 7-room cot- tage, on 80 feet front on Gadsden. street, between 16th and 17th avenue, facing south No. 1600. The Fisher Real PflTVATE BRANCH fHONH, 87. $87,000.00 Face Value of Very Best Local Securities on various terrrrs, and In some m3tancttltEKlSisa current market prices. As the only licensed" broxr wholia2adlc-a3ih ing but stocks and bonds, I Irivitejiiifi wSether 'you -want to buy ortostlL Special Offer To Early'Bttyeis of treasury stock of the ChunTucSda LSneiuVpi tl and Hotel Company. It is the best development proF. osition in this section. Water new on the marktt and treasury stock on sale to furnish- ftedWb -advertising and bnildmgs at the- Sprhrg: ; G. A. WATERMAN LICENSED BROKER. 811 American National Bsnst Build!. fr-Oi Phone 627. Competent back shop floor machinists, round-house machin ists, locomotive pipe fitters, jacket men, coppersmitns, and boiJav makers. Apply to District Fore man Illinois Central Railroad, Louisville, Birmingham, and New Orleans. Transportation furnished to successful applicants from points above named to points assigned. Men to board themselves. Time starts when commencing work. FOR SALE. FOR SALE The services of expwt plumbers. When vou need one quick, phone 1474, Wlcke Bros., 113 Norti Pala fox street. Sfeb WE HAVE a large variety of extra fine garden and field corn. See us before buying. 3. E. Dublnecm A Brcuu, 124-126 Eaat InUndencla itreet. 2?fea FOR SALE East Pensacoia lots, front ing Escambia bay, on boulevard, rear car line. Below price of adjacent lots, If sold soon. Address box Til. Penpx;a. GOING Td B e Miliar 'Iii' OtfectTty-tr -UbxtAed. VACANT. $550 eacfi for 3 lota on Jackson street ar in south. Sidewalk paid. Betweenl7tiFnd 18th avenuew cm t the- corner oi JaclD soa street end 18th are nue. This Is -lie soixt2 west corner. $750 each fcfr3 lot eta gv the corner Gad den and 17th av-arc facrag-tsoTxtii &bJ2Xlt each. Estate HgBncy THEHOTf' C(OVeJLrX$X3$CaV 7s When tn Peaeaootfa Florida, ttu a HOTEL FLORIDA J. M. CAMP, Prop. American, XU10 to $2.00 per dary, Americen, f 00 to $10.00 per wnt j American, $23.00 to I3&.00 pet mootk. American, 2Vo single meals. 5Sropean. single 10 a, r$o and $V$$ per day. European, double tl.00 to $1.30 per day. European, single $3. $4 an4 Xi a week. European, double $3, fl-tO and $ per week. A TfifAL. VYH.L- COMVireOC-YOU. A