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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 24, 1912. Hz? (c 1 i Li Li na E-Z Seal Fruit Jars -Are all the name implies. Easy to seaL Easy toopen. Are a Revelation in the Fruit Jar Business. And taken point for point, are the best in the world. E-Z Seal Fruit Jars Are not an experiment. They have been tried and found by all to be the best in the world Easy-Seal Fruit Jars Arc made from the best quality glass, even in thickness, to resist the cracking influ ence of scalding liquids. The glass is dark, purposely so, to retain the color as well s .' . . as the luscious flavor- of the fruit. The E-Z Seal Jar is easy to seal, easy to open: has a large, wide mouth, which takes the whole fruit, instead of necessitating cutting it This Jar is so simple that a child can seal it It seals with a touch. If Seals Willi a Toiicli Here Is fhe Jar you're sore to ap preciate next tune that big red peaches, plump pears ana juicy pi urns need canning. rf?-! J' tar Ktss I LOr-H:;" IDT 0 r-ni si Ml tea: v Come In "when yon Ye in town, and let os show it to you. Nothing just like it. b the fruit jar line, was ever made before. It has a wide mouth and takes a whole peach or pear without cutting Into halves or quarters. Another advantage ct this wonderful ATLAS E-Z Seal Jar CLIgfctnlnc'TitnniitacO Is the easy and sure way In which ft seals. The Illustration shows Just how it is done put rubber ring and 'glass cap in place; fit holding-wire over cap; press down on side lever and it's done qir tight till you open & If : w ITT , SOLD 0 IT X-TST JQ"5T The Mies E-Z leal Jar Is the best advertised Fruit Jar in the world. All the leading magazines and periodicals of the country have an "ad" on E-ZSeal Jars. In each "ad" is a coupon, good for one E-Z Seal Jar at the store of the merchant who handles them. Then, too, there's profit for the merchant in handling E-Z Seal Jars. Order a sample shipment now; display and explain the merits of the jar to your customers and take their orders now for fruit jars. In other words, wake up, get busy and get the fruit jar business. Write us about our special advertising feature or ask our salesmen. "They know' OTIS C. B. ROGERS, President "IF WE SELL IT, IT'S GOOD" J. A. AVANHT, Vice Pres. end Gen. Mgr. " C. W. FORUM. Asst. Sec. Treas. Total M Resources More Than Two Millions. ? $2,OO,O0.O0 American National Bank Under Gorcrnmcnt Supervision Gorernmetit Depository; . . Depository for Postal Saving . PROSPECTS ARE -Ms r.i I JTHOt V. HAKKAK, Vfce-PmBtdent. JOHN pygUTingK, Assistant Cuhitr. M. E, CLJLRK, Cahir. J. W. ANDHEW3, Assistant Cashier. 3C ; OUR 8PEC4A.UTY ..We Boy and Set! AH Sacttftne, !' Metzger Brothers, MOBILE. ALA. fr, TERSELY TOLD. $5.00 REWARD. T Jovmdl vmi py $3.00 rvard fop cvidenc ufflcM to oonvfel any boy or penon found iteafWig ubacribwa' papwa fter delivery of earn, by crrtr. W. IL CapL f Martamia, spent yes terday In Pensacola. Mr. Capal Is wall known In Pensacola and haa rrvvny frlnd hero. Ho was a gueat of tins San Carlos while in the dt. Julln( Salomon. spendir.g'a fw days in PenaacoJa. Mr. ci40Tnn. im a well Known life Insur ance nan and comes to Pensacola alxmt once a month, where ho s well known and well liked. Some of Mr. Salomon's friends were getting after him yesterday to announce for the po sition of presidential elector, but Uncle Jules Bays he la thronsrh with making races and that he only wants to help his friends get elected now a a W. TV Armfteld. H. F. CoTe, R. S. Maneely and John Chance, of Bonifay, well known hnalness men of that city, wpent yesterday m Pensacola. rvests at the San Carlos. -mm It. H. Adams, of DeFuntalr, Isacmong the Sunday visitors in Pensacola. He arrived yesterday and Is a gnost at the San Carlos. X I Swlndal. of JVockson-vde. Is ependlngr Sunday fn Panaacola, stop ping at the San Carlos. Geo. "W. Tnrton has scoured the ser vices of M. H. SnapT. of Lawrence, Kansas, who has had about ten yeara experience in the photographing busi ness. Mr. Snapp is well known throughout the east where he has worked In a number of the large studios and says he is very much pleased with the Deep Water City. 0 E A STRONG TEAiHI JOHN O. OLIVER AND B. W. PEAKE RETURN FROM A VISIT TO MONTGOMERY, WHERE THEY SAW MANACER DOBBS. Last Lyceum Number LYRIC GLEE CLUB I . , ,, . ... Ipnday, March 25th LECTURE HALL, First M. E. Church EMISSION: . 25c and 50c Manager John OL Oliver and Ed. W. Peake of the local baseball association returned yesterday morning from Montgomery, where they went for the double purpose of getting- off-dates of the Montgomery olub for Pensacola and to endeavor to land some ball players. They report very good suc cess and & satisfactory trip, though nothing definite ts yet known. Manager Dobbs said that he could pessibly spare a player or two a little Later on and would also take tip the matter of dates m Pensacola as soon as he has an opportunity. Manager Ottver yesterday reoeived a letter from Manager Finn of the Mobile otah, with whloh a number of dates have been arranged during the season, assvrmg the dub that be will be able to torn loose a couple of good men, a pitcher and tnflelder hut ha wtn not be able to do so before the first portion of AprfL Bokenfohr, the New Orleans pitcher, who pitched a couple of games In PenRaoola last year. Is also a possi bility for the local team. In fact the team this year, from the present out look, win be even stronger than the one of last year. SPECIFY BLUE RIBBON VANILLA. The fmest cooks nowadays use de licious Blue Ribbon Vanilla Extract. Ask your grooer for Blue Ribbon Va nOla Extract. "Best and takes less." When It "Wast "Bmka ts a very E el fish man. There waa only one time in his life when he showed an attachment lor anyone but himself. "When waa that?" "When he waa ervteg a term as sheriff.' Baltimore American. THE VERY BEST. 10 yards Best Standard Calico for 49c Brawner Riera Co. Is what yon gmt at the Parlor Mttr&et. We ax ready at all times to aupplr yon with the choicest cots from high grade beef, mutton, lamb or veal and we are artists In Che cutting1 and r preparing of meats for the table. Oar Choice hams and beoons vfH be found deridoua and acppetlz lng for breakfast. THE PARLOR MARKET. 4 SOUTH PALAPOX T. PHONES, ro-o. BUSY WEEK Ifl PARLIAMENT FOREIGN RELATION QUESTIONS WTLL CONSUME CONSIDERA BLE TIME DESPITE LOCAL LEGISLATION FORECAST. The Sailor's Chestr Bobby This sailor must have been a bit of an acrobat. Mama Why, dear? Bobby- Because the book says, "Having Bt his pipe, he sat down on his chest." E&cred Heart Review. $25,000 TO LEND, on Improved City Real Es tate in amounts from $500 up Escambia ISealtjr Co. By Associated Press.- London, March 23. Foreign rela tions are certain to occupy a good deal of attention during the present session of the British parliament, despite the heavy bill of local legislation forecast la the king's speech. On the government side of the house of commons there is a small but very busy body of members whose great In terest Is foreign politics. They hare not been at all satisfied with the way In which Sir Edward Grey has been carrying on his office, and they fre quently criticise him, Thus far their chief grievance has been the treatment of Pes-sla by Great Britain and Ras suit. So persistent liave they been that Sii Edward in a recent speech occu pied considerable time in repiyii to them, Ce contended 'fiat tiKre-aad been a tendency to review the Anglo Russian agreement from a wrong point of view. Great Britain had not assunw ed any new responsibilities under that agreement, as some seemed to believe. Great Britain had always wished to see the integrity" of Persia preserved, so that the agreement tn that respect was not an increase of responsibilly. Russia had obtained a dominant in terest In northern Persia long before the agreement was made, and to read Into the agreement an object to work against Russian Influence in that part of the country was to read Into It something entirely contrary to the spirit of the agreement Sir Edward reminded his critics that the agreement dealt with Afghanistan and Thibet as well as Persia, countries over which there had been frequent dlplomatlo tension between England and Russia. To remove that tension was the real reason for the agreement, and in this respect It had fulflled expectations. Besides having brought about better relations between England and Russia, the agreement would greatly Improve the condition of Persia. Certainly had It not been for the agreement matters would have been much worse there. When the agreement was made Persia was on the eve of revolution, was fall ing Into chaos, and the government was breaking up. Had there been no agreement when the revolution broke out Russia would have pushed on to Teheran and consolidated her influ ence m northern Persia. . England would have had no security that that influence would not have been used to purh on strategic movements, railway extensions and so forth to the Indian frontier, and she would have been p : if si . i r i rt n I. wny noi 5moK8 rensacoia uaua ugarsY Quality Unsurpas scd JPrice3 Right. Tampa- Hivn Smoke re Hetn Fler De OonraUa 10o aotv 3 for 25o Pter De Oerea ,..H)o strain bt f tmsrclaL.. . 15o eech, ar 2 for 2So Ifosrs for a Bigger and Greater Pensacola" Manuel Gonzalez Company PtlMM tT74 SO -m) West Qoowiwwawt fetreet. pressed to tak measures In the terri tory bordering on the Indian, frontier t3 secure herself against military ag gression and strategic expansion on th part of Russia. There would have been continual friction and, said 13 Ir Edward. "Lord Haldane would be ask ing for Increased army eetlamtee to provide for a further strengthening of our position on the Indian frontier." The government. Sir Edward eaid. was opposed to sending British troops to protect the trade routes In the south and he believed he decision was well taken. The trouble there had been caused by the preeenoe of the ex-fchah and now that Russia and England had undertaken to aee him out of the country Persia, herself would be able to protect trade. In the north Russia waa with (Jawing her troops and had given definite evidence of her Intention and desire not to embark on any per manent occupation of Persian territory. r9 AIM INTRODUCTION TO PENSACOLA PEOPLE, CONCERNING QDo So HesnedlDes LEflCo Some time ago, the representative druggists of the U. & gathered at Netv York in a mammoth convention, and did a noteworthy thing. Placing their best prescriptions at the disposal of the convention, they formed the "American Druggist Syndicate," in which the best of their efforts and experience were placed, the purpose to sell the very best preparations known to them collectively. These goods are only sold by members of the Syndicate, and are recog nized as the best and most reliable in the country. The Balkcom Drug Store has "become a member, and will represent the association here in the future, which ought to be the best kind of news to everyone. - The list is made up of preparations known as good preparations in all the drug stores of the country and are sold with a Positive guarantee, or money refunded. Try the A. D. S. Remedies, and the entire line. Pensacola, remember, will now be the West Florida home of this great enterprise and at (Successors to Hannah Broa.)