Newspaper Page Text
THE PENS AC OLA JOURNAL, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 25, 1912. "53 People and Events We Have Just Received a Big Lot of Phone 38 a From 2 to 6 p. m. Problems By Bonnie Burnham. g 10 p. m. H xiora Heart atui. Ladies O 8TREET AND LANE. HEMLOCK "Behold this street of mansions square, With pillared rat and well-trimmed hedge, Round orchards, sjbors, gardens, groves, And H!ld ponds with marbled edge. And walks of box and drives of fern, Where fountains spray the flowering urn On terraced lawns of emerald down The pride of Oldenbury Town! "J cannot pause,or lonf admire; rm going further up the road. Across the falls, beyond the glen. To that remote frontier abode Those seven small houses deep In pine, Whose early lamps In winter shine Like fairy tapers ori the plain The mountain trail of Hemlock Lane. i "Their lawns are banks of leafy moss; Their pillars tower In living pine; Their orchards are the coral thorn, Their arbor but the briery vine: And all their pomp and all their pride me children round the low fireside. "Where still the hardy breed they rear ur Concora Bridge and Paul Revere! T SARAH N. CLEGHORN. MRS. MARY LOVENDAHL OUT AGAIN. - Mrs. Mary Lovenda . who has been AiGH V very lllrwlth measles, Is out again, to the delight of her many friends. She was confined to her home for a week, being under the care of a physician. PREPARING FOR , COMMENCEMENT. Now come the days when the mighty Senior lords it high over all at school ; when the Juniors become more and more conscious of the coming of next years honors, and when the Sophomores make life more unbeara hie, If possible, for the Freshmen. There will be a fine graduating class enjs year at the High School in Pen- sa-cola, and the yovng people are now deeply , engrossed In preparations for Commencement night, and the various medal contests which axe always a feature of the closing year. CHURCHES TO OBSERVE PASSION WEEK. The churches will observe Passion week generally, next week, which is th most solemn time In all the church calendar, the climax of which Is reached on Good Friday, the day of tne , cruci nxion or our Lord. As usual, there will be very little social activity In the city, those fail lng to keep Lent Invariably observing this one week at least. There will be dally services during the six days. LITTLE GIRL DIES IN TEXAS. ktlss Gertie Stearns has received the sad news of the death of her little Tifeice, Lillian Steams, at El Paso, Taxas. The little girl, with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. L. -J. Stearns, were visiting In the Texas city, where Lillian contracted the dreaded disease, meningitis. She was a. bright child and loved by all who knew her. ENTERTAINED AT LUNCHEON. Mrs. G. 'W. Moore entertained at a dainty luncheon yesterday on the mezzanine floor at the San Carlos, her lovely hospitality being enjoyed by a number of fortunate friends. The spring flowers were used as decora tions, and the affair was among the p!easant ones which have recently been enjoyed by society at the hotel. A Home Recipe for Wrinkled, Saggy Skin (From Beauty and Health) Tha famous saxolite lotion recom mended by beauty specialists for re movlng wrinkles and for reducing dis tended pores, can be made at home. Ask. your druggist for saxolite in pow dered form, 1 oz.. and 1-2 pint witch haxeL Dissolve the powder In the "witch hatel and bathe the face, neck and hands in the solution. Results are remarkable, and instantaneous. The skin tightens, and this naturally re duces the wrinkles, as well as creases or folds about the neck, cheeks or hands. The tissue beneath the skin also becomes firmer and more solid. One feels much refreshed and ex hilarated after using this truly won derful preparation. Its continued use for only a short time makes one look five or ten years younger. Ths Pure Food Stors Whtrs Quality Reigns Supreme Rich, Wholesome,"" Delicious is tlillefs llayonnaise Dressing prepared fresh in our delicatessen department hv nur exnert. . ,j r . ft We now have this i' - dressing put up in large bottles, attractively labeled and convenient in shape, and it Js meet ing with exceptional success. 25c SolCahn&Co. Agents Nunnaiiy's Candles. Phonas 1720-1721. CAPITOL WELCOMES NICARAGUAN BELLE, t . - ':- f . 1 ' W 1 S n nil ill II ur 1 1- .-. .- I, i ni f Senora Caatrillo. Washington has given Senora Cas trillo, wife of the new minister from Nicaragua, an open-armed welocme. She is young and exceedingly at tractive, and J expetced to become a prominent figure in society at the capital. , WEEK OF PRAYER CONTINUES. The week of prayer, which Is being conducted by the Baptist Woman's Union, is proving of much Interest to those who are attending them, the first of the series being held yesterday afternoon at three thirty o'clock at the First Baptist church. Special prayers and readings ware in order, appropriate to the solemn occasion, and a good attendance was reported. Today the ladies will meet at the East Hill church, and tomorrow at the West Hill Baptist church. DRESS 'AND THE WORKINQ GIRL. A great many working girls dress too conspicuously, especially on the streets and at their offices. It Is largely the matter of dress, too, that makes a true distinction among the ordinary working girl, so-called, and the prosperous appearing business weman, who Is the kind of person whom all of her working sisters wish to be. The clothes tell the story: gingerbread, taggy, soiled finery for one and modest well brushed tailor ed things for the other. ' CONGENIAL CROWD OF NAVY PEOPLE. Quite a number of the wives of the officers of theorpedo Flotilla have taken up their homes at the San Car los, with the result that a congenial crowd of visitors are to be seen in cozy groups during the day and even ing in the prettiest nooks of the hotel. Some of them have the children along, und the mezzanine floor has taken on a decidedly domestic appearance. WILL NOT RETURN FOR EASTER. Misses Gertrude and Marie Dexter, the young daughters of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dexter, will not return for the Easter holidays, as both have charm ing invitations for Easter house parties. Miss Marie is In her second year at National Park seminary, Washington. D. C while Miss Ger trude is at Rogers Hall, Lowell Massa chusetts. Both will spend Easter in New England. MISS KATE CONNORS GOES TO D'FUNIAK SPRINGS. Miss Kate Connors, one of Pensa cola's well known young ladies, left yesterday for DeFuniak Springs, where she has accepted a position with a large concern located there, She has many friends in the city who will regret to lose here, but will con gratulate her upon her pleasant bus! ness opportunity. ' " MEETING OF THE NEW CITY CLUB TODAY. The regular meeting of the New City club will occur this afternoon at the usual hour. Mrs. Frank L. Mayes will bo hostess at her home on Cervantes street. TACKEY PARTY INVITATIONS. A number of the young men of the city have received the following Invi tations: "I take my pen in hand to let you know w are a goin' to give a Tacky Party at Mrs. J. M. Flemings home, 511 North Hayne street, at 8 o'clock sharp on March 29. You ar to bring Miss . Be sure and come in tacky costume. "Yours truly, "LILLIAN SMITH, ."R. S. V. P." THIS IS ALL, TRUE, TOO. A society woman -Jias recently de scribed a case of a certain "social climber,'" as she is wont -to call her, In the following manner, says the Mo bile Register. There are such a lot of frightened ones in the social world, men and women, who are so afraid of their prestige that they only trust themselves to be polite to those they think important. These are the wemen, who fluant their exclusiveness, They- find their names in the papers, closely flanking . social leaders, and permit no obligations, business or so rial, to swell their visiting list with the socially intelligent. Hostesses have been guilty in their own homes of explaining the presence of a guest The foolishness of such fright, and narrowness are soonbbserved by the ones that count and soon a woman with no more character than the above description warrants finds herself friendless. SHAKESPEARE CLUB MEETS TODAY. Miss Cora Mallory will act as hostess of the Shakespeare club this afternoon, the first two scenes of act three of Hamlet to be studied. Mrs J H. Pierpont Is to be assisted by Mrs. Frank D. Tracey in leading the alternoon's discussion. THE FRENCH CLUB CHANGES TIME OF MEETING. The French club, which meets regu larly on Wednesday afternoon, will meet from now on at four thirty Dear Mrs. Thompson: Please tell us some games to play at a party which is to be given by a club of ten glrlsL TWO FRIENDS. The following guessing game Is good: A number of articles of un it n nwn fi1y rinonHtv- iHmmilnn!i ,Io. Z1 v.; .v.m7ir Vh. ?.!??' ge: elJor a.?Ele'! i " ..' , Kii i:i an orange, the length of ' a ball of twine, the number of pins in a pin. cusholn, etc., are arranged on a table. Then the company is Invited i to view, handle and examine the articles and guess as to their respec tive details. Each article should be numbered so that the guesses may be written on slips of paper by each per son opposite the corresponding num bers. The best guesser wins the prize. The full particulars about each article must, of course, be known by the hestess and the slips of paper must be prepared beforehand. Another good game Is called "teapot." One player goes out of the room. The re maining players select a word which has two or more meanings. Suppose the word ' train" Is selected, when the player who has been out comes into the room eac hof the others. In turn, says something to her in which teapot" is substituted for "train." For example, one says: "I like to ride in the teapot." Another says: I hear that Mr. Smith Is going to teapot for the football match." Another: "What a long teapot Mrs. Brown has." When tho word is guessed the player whose o'clock instead of at four as hereto fore. Yesterday proved be a delight ful meeting, Les Femmes Savantes being studied. "OH. MOTHER-HEART." A yellowed dress, a little shirt, a tiny. tattered shoe, cap of lace, so wee and frail, be- ribboned with faded blue, silver spoon, where, in the bowl, two tiny toothprints show, Where baby's Hps, so sweet, were prest, Just thirty years ago. A rag-doll coated with dirt and grime, has waited for many years. And a golden curl from my darling's head is wet with my falling tears. seem to see, the years long past, when Mother-hope was new. The wonderful things that my baby boy I knew was sure to do. But today, they say, "they have laid him away where the convicts are all laid to rest. While I bow my head and softly say, "He doeth all things for the best." But I cannot believe that those baby hands, so small, so sweet, so fair. Could, commit a crime, the price of which Is, Oh, God, the electric chair! The mistake was theirs, for the mur derer whom today was laid to rest. Was not the one whose golden, head once lay upon my breast. My baby died, yes, years ago, when tne rag-doll was laid away. And I'll meet him There in the skies so fair some wonderful, happy day. The little boy who, day by day, shout ed, and romped, and played. With beauty and grace, .so rare, and grana, that it made my heart afraid, The young man, who at the close of day, would put his head in my lap. And softly say, in his winsome way, "Let s play I'm a little chap, Are only memories which came to soothe my breaking Mother heart, But the man who lies in a convict's grave, and my son, are far apart. For my baby died, yes, years ago. when the rag-doll was laid away: And I'll meet him There in the skies so fair, on some wonderful, happy day. VIOLA DI NIO. HER CONDITION QUITE CRITICAL Late Advices From Clinton, Give in Detail the. Ter rible Suffering Ex perienced by Mrs. McElroy Clinton. Ky. "For six years," writes Mrs. M. C. McElroy, of Clinton, Ky., '7 was a sufferer from womanly troubles. I could not eat, and could rot stand on my feet without suffering greit pain. I had such awful suffering, down fn my right side, that I could hardly bear it. My doctors said that I was In a critical condition, and going down hill, and I had lost all hopes of ever getting better, when I began to take Cardui. Before I had taken one bottle of Car dui I felt better, and In a week's time. I was better than I had been in six years. Cardui works like a charm. I think it is the best medicine I ever used. I advise all suffering women to take Cardui." Cardui Js recommended to all women who are weak, out of sorts, under the weather, or suffer from, the pains and ailments due to a weak womanly con stitution. It is a purely vegetable, harmless, strengthening tonic, of special power over the womanly system, and has brought health to thousands, who had failed in other ways to find relief. We urge you to try Cardui for your troubles. Your druggist sells It. X. B. Write to: tAdles Advisory Dept., Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Ctiat tanoosa. Tenn.. for Special Instructions, and 64-page book, "Home Treatment lor Women," sent In plain wrapper, on re-Quest. sentence suggested it must go out of the room while the others chose a word and the game goes on as before. Dear Mrs. Thompson: Will you please advise me how a tan rain coat) can be cleaned? READER. . ! Soak the coat ror about thirty iM minutes in a tub of warm water tn , tl which you nave put aoout a naJf a . . , Th v v,AoH u ov, VII L11U OLCll mj . VJ U 1 III v V suds made of ivory soap and scrub well. It should look like new when dried and pressed. Dear Mrs Thompson: How can tan shoes be cleaned without making , them darker? Is there any safe wayj of removing warts from the face? i B. - Tan shoes always turn dark when! they are cleaned and polished. For warts: Drop a little vinegar on the' wart and cover it Immediately with' baking soda. Put on as much soda ' as will stay on and let It remain ten minutes. Repeat several times a day. In three days the wart will be gone, Dear Mrs. Thompson: (1) What will stop ingrowing toe nails? (2) What ' will keep the skin from tearing loose' aroung the finger nails? i TROUBLED. I (1) Cut the nail straight across. Do I not cut down at the sides. If it is Very sore, it may be necessary to visit ' manicured. MRS. JOHN B. JONES TO BE HOSTESS. Mrs. John B. Jones will be the next hostess of the Nomads, the meeting to be held as usual on Mondav. "Karlv Days in Philadelphia" will be the sub ject of a paper to be read by Mrs. H. j- impson, -L,iDrftries and Club" by Mrs. W B. Ferriss. YOUNG LADIES LEFT FOR THE NORTH. Miss Florence Marston left for Chi cago yesterday, where she will take up the study of nursing. She was accompanied by Miss Mabel En jard, who is returning to her home in Goshen, Ind., after a pleasant visit in the south. Both are being greatly missed by their numerous friends and admirers. AT TEMPLE BETH-EL. On Monday evening, at six thirty o'clock, at Temple Beth-El, there will be Impressive ceremonials, com memorative of the first day of the Feast of the Passover. Special ser--ices will also be conducted at ten o'clock on Tuesday morning. NOTICE TO READERS OP "PEOPLt AND EVENTS." The telephone numbers of the editor of the People and Events page are 38 (The Journal office editorial rooms) and 2980 (the San Carlos hotel). If not at one number, she Is at the other, and may be so located at any hour of the day or night. Between the hours of seven and nine p. m., the time is devoted entirely to "telephone talk," at 38, but news over the wire Is most welcome at any time. PERSONAL MENTION Mr. A. Lischkoff will return to the city this morning, after a short busi ness trip through South Florida. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Melton, of Pine Apple, Ala., are guests of Mr. H. E. Melton of this city. DELICIOUS IN FLAVOR. Blue Ribbon Vanilla and Lemon Ex tracts are delicious in flavor. TSe kind the finest cooks use. "Best ani takes less." CLARE OF VERMILYA EYE RETARDS TRIAL vs.'?'. ,r .,.w . .. i Chicago, March 27. The state is en countering a lot of difficulty In filling the Jury box for the trial of Sirs. T,iiaA Vf T-mUvtL accused of havinar murdered several persons by putting arsenic in their food. Mrs. Vermilra's i hypnotic eye 1 blamed. j "sh has a disconcerting habit of! crivnr-t-ntr jshartlv un at a venireman and looking him straight in the eya at the moment the state's attorney puts the question: Y"ould you be willing to Inflict the death penalty upon a woman as freely as you would on a man?" As if by some mysterious power of attraction the venireman, before an swering, has Invariably looked to ward where the prisoner sat In her wheel chair. She is still suffering from the effects of arsenic she is said to have taken with suicidal intent shortly afer her arrest. When their eyes met, the candidate 1.50 values all going at. Men's $3.00 Patent Leather Shoes, at - Big lot of Flouncing Embroidery, XJT bands and galoons to match,-- J - Full Line of Fresh and New .Goods, just received and will go at FIRE SALE PRICES 1 n JL 11 w 4 Just a Few Days remain of this week, and the quicker you come in to take advantage of these Pre-Easter sale prices. Look: CHILDREN'S HATS. 5 White Trimmed Hats at. $3.03 $2.50 Whits Trimmed Hsts.$1.50 $1.50 School Hats at 75o SAILORS. $1.59 Fancy 8allsrs at... $3.50 Milan Sailors at... $5.00 English Sailors at. ,..$1.00 ,..$20 ,..$3.00 All $5.00 Hats ..-....$ 3.00 All $8.00 Hats $ 6-00 All $15.00 Hats $10.00 All $20 Hats ...$15.00 All $25 Hats .....$18.00 Miss Herriman's for jury service has usually faltered then answered: "No, I don't think I could do It" Attorneys prosecuting the case are powerless to prevent Mrs. Vermilya from looking at the prospective jurors, so she has not been interfered with in her tactics. She sits quietly looking straight ahead, until the "death question" is put. That Is her cue. Her glance quickly rivets itseJf upon the venireman's face, there is an instant of absolute quiet, and then another dismissal. Dr. M. A. Lischkoff has returned from Europe and is now located at 366-370 Brent Bldg. Practice limited toEye, Ear, Nose, Throat. GAHDIDAfEFOR COiTY BOARD RICHARD B. SAUNDERS, YOUNG BUSINESS MAN, ANNOUNCES FOR COMMISSIONER FROM DIS TRICT NO. 3. Richard B. Saundr announces hi3 candidacy this morning for county commissioner from district No. 3, sub ject to the action of the Democratic 1 rimarie, nd promises if ho is elect ed to give the county a business d minlstraton. Mr. Sannders has new before offer ed himself as & candidate for any ' office, and he is doing fo this time after a numser or m inenas bitb urged him to do so and assured him of their sujpoit. There ar half a I dozen candkiatee for commissioner from this district, which Is raw rep resented by Geo. H. Pavis. and the race will be n ?ntereting one. THIS BOOK WORTH READING The Adler-I-ka book telling how you can EASILY guard against ap pendicitis, and how you can relieve constipation or gas on the stomach al most INSTANTLY, is offered free for a short time by J. Sheppard, druggist, 405 South Palafox Street. 7Cr Three-point house ZLOr ' Slippers, 60c values Vyv Eon OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE 53 BALKCOM't DRUQ TORE CCjjJ wnat Are tne 5 A. D. S. Preparations? 5 High grade, sold un- 2 g der a positive guarantee. That's all. 8 Balkcom's Drug Store 3 (Ths Home ef A. D. 8. Preeara. tlone.) (Kwiwir t Hannah Br.) PySj BALKCOM'S DRUQ STORK EsO Afternoon Tea, Days: Wednesdays and Saturdays, at The San Carlos Hotel. On ths Mmzanins Floor. "Jtftt a Bit of Hervey Hospitality." CEO. H. HERVEY, Mor. TQRPEDOBOATS START FIRHIG THIS 1RB COMMANDER EBERLE WRITES LETTER TO COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS NORTHUP ADVISING VESSEL NOT TO APPROACH WITHIN FIVE MILES OF CER TAIN POINTS. Practice by the Seventh, Eighth. Ninth and Tenth squads of the Atlan tic torpedo fleet is to commence in the gulf this morning and continue for several days, and it will be unsafe for vessels to approach within five miles of the point where the firing is done. Much of the practice will be t night and that vessels may know that such is being done of the torpedo boat destroyers will display a search light. Commander Eberle f the fleet yes terday addressed a letter to Collector of Customs Xorthup in which he re quested the collector to notify vessels that the practice will be southward of Santa Rosa island, and that targets will be located about 5 S-4 miles east Boutheast of Caucus channel. The lo cality of the practice will be marked during fring by three destroyers, and during actual flHng of the guns searchlights will be displayed by at least one of them. He requests that vessels not approach within five miles of the firing. R. G. Collins, Postmaster, Barnegat, N. J.. was troubled wih a severe 1a grippe cough. He says: "I would completely exhausted after each fit el vlo'ent ccuahing. I bought a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and before I had taken it all the coughing- spells had entirely ceased. It can't be beat." TV. A. D'Alemberte, druggist and apothecary. Ill S. Pula fox St. A Nty Accident. "TVhat's the matter wlv old BiU?" "Why, that post what usl to stand outside the dook o' Cambridge 'aa been ' taken away, anl the pore old feller came ! out an' didn't notice it.' -London Opln- Ion. Tho Discovery. -Snobby Aw, what did you find regarding aw my family tree? trenf-alog'.st That the crop was failure. Lirriacott'. out $1.75 KasBassB r ri 1 -f Pri pp A - L A I IVt Spring Dress 3XG JJ Call and See those hand some white Embroidered Serga Dresses For Easter Day. They Are Beauties. Tha READY-TO-WEAR Store 10 South Pslafox Street. CtiM Distinction. "D& ye f Jim rt n- years' per. iU for teallr that 'ow?" ? "erve 'lm rifht too. Why 3MtTt buy tho and not pajr tor 'lm like any othe gentleman ?" fkhefcoli. Too Literal. MoTavlnh I want '1r pennyworth f strychnine. 1 Ch1it (with prroaaional caution) WTiat 60 you want i for? McTavlah (natotiJn at tto opner tunl ty ) Fourpenoe.J-rmy Til uotra I J . $25,000 TO LEND, on Improved City Real Es tate in amounts from $5C0 up.' Escambia Realty Co. . Mrs. A. What fi!d your huabaixt pay, when he aw tho bill for your nw iwjr Mri. B. I own t hear. I atari 4 i.o" play on tha piano. Boaton Ttaeacrfpt. fivmnathv. Wlfa My Joar, you ax aerlousfir iU.s and 1 think you ho4 hotter write itiwn my lMt wtshea. Polo Mela. Sturdy Button Oxfords The demand for Red Crosi button oxford the last few week has proven conclusively that they will be one of the mort faaliioaable walking: ihoes thii season. The Red Cross model shown here has a short vamp, rather high heel and the new high full toe. Come in and try on this at tractive Red Cross style. Until you have worn a Red Crosa fchoe, you wouldn't believe a shoe so stylish could be so wonderf ully comfortable. Orfordi 13.50 and 4, HIch Shoei 4, J4.S0 and 5. ''ffa4 milk roar fi" Trade Mask Boston Shoe Store 117 ft. Palafox St. he i?s