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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL,, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1913. .4 i ' 'i DAILY, WEEKLY, SUNDAY, BT JOURNAL PUBLISHING COMPANY. FRANK U MAYES. Pntldent MEMBER THE ASSOCIATED PRESS SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Threw Monthi.11.25 Weeklv. year, $1.00 Fix Months.... 2.R0 One Week.., .10 One Year .... $.00 One Month .. .45 OfflceH-Joarnal Building. Corner De Luna and Intendencia. . Entered as second -class matter at the post office ,at Pensacola, Florida, under Act of Congress. March 8. W9. Phones: Editorial Rooms. 38. Busi ness Office, 1500. FOREIGN ADVERTISING. Forelrn Advertising: Robert Ma Qoold. Special Representative. New York Office: Room 903 Bruns wick Building. Chicago Office: Boyce Building. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 8, 11S. President Wilson's First Official Utterance. f i President Woodrow "Wilson's inau y " gural address one of the shortest on record delivered at 1;0 yesterday af ternoon is the utterance of a statesman and a scholar, and the pronouncement as well of a man who appreciates to i their fullest extent the tremendous re- eponsibllities of hia great position, i - President Wilson does not deal at length with the question which are to te taken up for adjustment during his administration, reserving a more lengthy discussion of them probably ji- for his message to congress, but from what he does say we may conclude that he thinks the following subjects, in the order named, should be immediate ly considerei: The tarifT Banking and curr.cncy , ; Industrial Independence I J-' - ..ural development . Conservation of natural resources These are rive great subjects and are probably stated In their logical order of importance. Properly dea'.t with, the adjustment of the questions in i '. volve1 in these subjects will result in the greatest era of prosperity for this nation that the world has ever seen. The country's democratic president I " has started well. He made no mis : takes either during his campaign for (,-" the nomination or during the party's great fight for the presidency. His first official utterances and acts are in accord with his past good judgment. Tfle country expects much of him and I tne country win not re disappointed.. . Turkey shudders at barbarous Mex- i ico. " John Sevier of Tennessee. Tennessee has selected her two men to go into statuary hall in the national capital. The state has selected An drew Jackson and John Sevier. Of course Jackson has an inherent right to go into the hall of fame, although he was not a native of Tennessee, hav ing been born in South Carolina. Some of the commissioners who made the selection voted for Gen. Na than Bedford Forrest and the late Sen ator Edward W. Carmack. John Sevier 'was born in the famous Watauga set tlement eight miles from Jonesboro, the old capital of the one time state of Franklin. John Sevier's part in the early struggles of this country is well known to alt students of American his tory, and his right in the hall of fame will not likely be disputed. When the statues of Jackson and Sevier are placed in statutory hall they will be more peaceable in death than in life, because in the early history of Tennessee these great pioneers were implacable enemies. Roosevelt is perfectly willing to fuse In a New York city election. Congress Should Prepare a Budget. In his last message to congress Pres ident Taft repeats what he has before aid that it is Imperative that congress should have a budget to guide it in its appropriations. There is no doubt that the budget system for the control of finances is right, but Mr. Taft is altogether wrong In his method. He recommends that the budget be prepared by appointees f the president. Congress would not pay much attention to such budget. The house of representatives should appoint a committee to do this work- The constitution of the country places the responsibility on congress and a budget prepared by its own committee vould carry some weight with it. The United States is the only coun try that has not adopted the budget ystem. Most nations have budgets because they are forced to be econom ical and must make a dollar so a long ways. This government has always felt itself rich enough to'be prodigal. But this prodigality has gone far enough and congress should adopt the budget system and make all its ap- j.. nations on a business-like plan. The government will issue new In dian head nickels which are very hand some but what is wanted is a coin that has more purchasing power. Commission Charter and Public Utilities Regulation. The result "of the elty charter elec tion is of course gratifying to the friends of Commission government, but whatever the benefits that follow as a result of the Commission Charter they will accrue to the opponents as well as the friends of the measure. The Journal believes that the Com mission Charter will give Pensacola the most "effective, the most econom ical, and the most democratic govern ment that she has ever possessed and that we shall be able to rank In those, respects with the best governed cities of the country. The adoption of the Jones Public Utility Section is of equal importance with the charter itself. Under this section the city will be able to regulate the. rates and service of all privately owned Public ; Utility corporations doing business in the city, and itwill have the power on the other hand to own and operate, in the interest of the whole people, such Public Utilities as the public good may demand. Altogether, the charter and its Public Utility provisions as adopted by the mand te of the people at the ballot box will put Pensacola on the map as one of the most progressive cities po litically, as she" already is commer cially, in the entire South. : l- Gullt is personal in New Jersey. : The Education of Farmers. , , After all has been said and done the lives of all men depend on what some of them dig out of the soil. Then it is a matter of first importance that men shall be so instructed that the labor of their' hands shall bring forth the largest harvested return. To this end the wiser commonwealths are giving more and more attention to the art of instructing their farmers. The state of Pennsylvania is going ahead in this particular with the ex tension of its great agricultural col lege which now has. a yearly attend ance of 2,500 students. It is proposed to erect at a cost of nearly two million dollars, six new college buildings for the better accommodation of its dif ferent departments. Ifc is only the educated or what is generally termed the scientific farmer who knows how to cultivate the soil so it will yield him double crops; : By as much as the supply of trained men is increased, who may be depend ed on to feed the nation without rob bing the soil of its fertility, who know how to prevent waste, who know how to build roads and who use their brains as well as their muscles, by Just so much are the foundations of prosperity laid. Florida has made a fair start towards agricultural education and it cannot afford to fall behind- The young farm ers, and the older ones as well, must be taught 'to farm with every advantage that science can give. A dead Mexican is always a good Mexican. The army constitutes a majority in Mexico. ' Thomas W. Lawson wants to help Sulzer reform Wall street. Gee whiz! . , .-, - Every college man who gets married is referred to as a former football star. France just two weeks ahead of this country in getting a new presi dent. . .- . The tramp to Washington developed a bis corn crop- on the feet of the suffraseites. The Turks will try to capture Troy. The last crowd that tackled that Job had a big time and were a long time at it. It might be well for Porflrlo Diaz to think twice before accepting the invi tation to return to Mexico. In Franee he is living and doing well. o The Philadelphia Record says if the high water mark in pension appropria tions continues to rise, congress will soon have to provide a new high water gauge. . . . ..- San Francisco hotel keepers say the rates will not be raised during the Panama exposition. Baltimore made the same promises for the democratic convention. It seems Ilk our statesmen are I rone to apply the literacy test at the wrong time and place. The best time to bar illiterates is whea they want to vote and the place is the election booth. When the Illiterate has a vote he is a valuable asset to the seeking politician. Oftentimes instead cf being barred, he is provided with an "assistant" to show him how to vote. In some of the European coun tries it is not fashionable for working people to read and many sober, indus trious men cannot either read or write. Still too many undesirable foreigners have been admitted to America and to Am?rl;an citizenship. Perhaps under peaceful conditions, Madero would have given a good ac count of himself as president of Mex ico. Diaz maintained orderly condi tions until his vitality was sapped by afte and poor health. An unusual type of man, something between Diaz and Madero, is needed in Mexico.. It seems almost impossible to develop the habit of r elf-government In Mexico-. Mexico lias yet to find the man who will rule witu the firm hand or Diaz and yet create wholesome political habits among the people. Until such a roan comes to the front there will be no lasting peace in the republic south of the Rio Grande and the republic of S.-";r is such In name only. INAUGURAL ADDRESS OF PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON March . There has been a change of government. It began two years ago. when the house of representatives became democratic by a decisive majority. It has now been completed. JTlie senate about to assemble will also be democratic. The offices cf president and vice-president hive been put Into the hands of democrats. What does the change mean? That is the question that is uppermost in our minds today. That is the question I am going to try to answer, In order, if I may, to in terpret the-occasion- - It means much more than the mere success of a party. The success of a party means little except when the nation is using: that party for a large and definite purpose. No one can mistake the purpose for which the nation now seeks to use democra"C party. It seeks to use it to interpret a change in its own plans and point of view. Some old things with which we had grown familiar, and which had begun to creep into the very habit of our thought and of our-lives, have al tered their aspect as we have latterly looked critically upon them, with fresh, awakened eyes; have dropped their disguises and shown themselves alien and sin ister. Some new things, as we look frankly upon them, willing to comprehend their real character, have come to assume the aspect of things long believed in and familiar, stuff of our own convictions. We have been refreshed by a new insight into our own life. We see that In many things that life Is very great.' It Is Incomparably great in its material aspects, in its body of wealth. In the diversity and sweep of its energy, in the industries which have been conceived and built up by the genius of individual men and the limitless enterprise of groups of men. It is great, also, very great, in its moral force. Nowhere else in the world have noble men and women exhibited in more striking forms the beauty and the energy of sympathy and helpfulness and counsel in their efforts to rectify wrong, alleviate suffering, aad set the weak in the way of strength and hope. We have built up. moreover, a great system of government, which has stood through a long age as in many respects a model for those who seek to set liberty upon foundations that will en dure against fortuitous change, against storm and accident. Our life contains every great thing, and contains It in rich abundance. But the evil has come with the good, and much fine gold has been corroded. With riches has come inexcusable waste. We have squandered a great part of what we might have used, and have not stopped to conserve the exceeding bounty of nature, without which our genius for enterprise would have been worthless and Impotent, scorning to be careful, shamefully prodigal as well as admirably efficient. We have been proud of our industrial achievements, but we have not hitherto stopped thoughtfully enough to count the human cost, the cost of lives snuffed out. of energies overtaxed and broken, the fearful physical and spiritual cost to the men and women and children upon whom the dead .weight and burden of it all has fallen pitilessly the years through. The groans and agony of It all had not yet reached our ears, the solemn, moving undertone of our life, coming up out of the mines and factories and out of every home where the struggle had its inti mate and familiar seat. With the great government went many deep secret things which we too long delaved to look Into and scrutinise with candid fearless eyes. The great government we loved has too Bciusu purposes, ana tnose wno u$ea it naa rorgotien tne people. At last a vision has been vouchsafed us of our life as a whole. We see the bad with the good, the debased and decadent with the sound and vital With this vision we approach new affairs. Our duty to correct the evil without impairing the cess of our common life without weakening or sentimentalizing it. There has been something crude and heartless and unfeeling in our haste to succeed and be great. Our thought has been "Let every man look out for himself, let every generation ioott oui xor itseii. wnue we reared giant machinery which made It Impossible that any but those who stood at the levers of control should have a chance to look our for themselves. We had not forgotten our morals. We remembered well enough that we had set up a policy which was meant to serve the humblest as well as the most powerful, with an eye single to the standards of justice and fair play, and remembered it with pride. But we were very heedless and In a hurry to be great. We have come now to the sober second thought. The scales of heedlessness have fallen from our eyes. We have made up our minds to square every process cf our national life again with the standards we so proudly set up at the begin ning and have always carried at our hearts. Our work Is a work of restoration. We have itemized with some degree of particularity Che things that ought to be altered and here are some of the chief Items: A tariff which cuts us off from our proper part In the commerce of the world, violates the Just principles of taxa tion, and makes the government a facile instrument in the hands of orivate in- tererts; a banking and currency system ment to sen its Donas nrty years ago and perfectly adapted to concentrating casn and restricting credits; an industrial system which, take it on all its sides, finan cial as well as administrative, holds capital In leadina strinas. restrict the liber. ties and limits the opportunities of labor, serving Tne natural resources ot tne country; a Dooy or agricultural activities never yet given the efficiency of great business undertakings or served as It should be through the Instrumentality of science taken directly to the farm, or afforded the facilities of credit best suited to Its practical needs; watercourses undeveloped, waste places unreclaimed, forests untended, fast disappearing without plan or prospect of renewal, unregarded waste heaps at every mine. We have studied as perhaps no other nation has the most effective means of production, but we have not studied coat or economy as we should either as organizers of Industry, as statesmen, or as Individuals. - Nor have we studied and perfected the means by which government may be put at the service of humanity, in safeguarding the health of the nation, the health of its men and its women and its children, as well as their rights in the struggle for existence. This is no sentimental duty. The firm basis of govern ment is justice, not pity. These arre matters of justice. There can be no equality or opportunity, the first essential of justice In the body politic. If men and women and children be not shielded in their lives, their very vitality, from the conse quences of great industrial and social processes which they cannot alter, control, or singly cope with. Society must see to It that It does no't itself crush or weaken or damage its own constituent parts. The first duty of law is to keep sound the society it serves. Sanitary laws, pure food laws, and laws determining conditions of labor which Individuals are powerless to determine for themselves are Intimate parts of the very business of justice and legal efficiency. These are some of the things we ought to do, and not leave the others un done, the old-fashioned, never-to-be-neglected, fundamental safeguarding of prop erty and of individual right. This Is the high enterprise of the new day; to lift everything that concerns our ! life as a nation to the light that shines from the hearthfire of every man's conscience and vision of the right. It la inconceivable that we should do this as partlsians; it is inconceivable we should do it in ig norance of the facts as they are or in blind haste. We shall restore, not destroy. We shall deal with our economic system as it Is and as It may be modified, not as it might be if we had a clean sheet of we snail mate it wnat it soouin be. in tne spirit or those who question their own wisdom and seek counsel and knowledge, not shallow self-satisfaction or the ex citement of excursions whither they cannot tell. Justice, and only justice, shall always be our motto., -j And yet It will be no cool process, of mere science. The nation has been deeply stirred, stirred by a solemn passion, stirred by the knowledge of wrong, of ideals lost, ef government too often debauched and made an Instrument of evil. The feelings with which we face this new age of right and opportunity sweep across our heart-strings like' some air out of God's own presence, where luetics and mercy are reconciled and the judge and the brother are one. We know our task to be no mere task of politics but a task which shall search us through and through, whether we be able to understand our time and the need of our people, whether we be indeed their spokesmen and Interpreters, whether we have the pure heart to comprehend and the rectified will to choose our high course of action. This is not a day of triumph; it Is a day of dedication- Here muster, not the forces of party, but the forces of humanity. Men's hearts wait upon us; men's lives hang in the balance: men's hopes call upon us to say what we will do. Who shall live up to the great truat? Who dares fall to try? I summon all honest men all patriotic, all forward-looking men. to my side. God helping me, I will not fall them, if they will but counsel and sustain me! CONGRESSMAN L'ENGLE. Ocala Evening Star. Mr. IVEngle wants to be in Wash ington to see the old party again come into its own. Congressman L'Engle has been improving most rapidly of late, and will soon be enloying his old time good health and vigor. For almost four months he has been un able to attend to business, and for over two months was confined to his bed. The operation, a very grave one. has removed a chronic trouble that has Impaired Mr. LEngle's strength and caused him much suffering for many years, and whea once entirely recovered and his strength has been won back, he will enjoy perfect health agaip. Congressman L'Engle wanted very much, and it was his full intention after the election, to make a tour- of the state, visiting every county and each of the cities and larger towns and discuss the issues of the day with his constituents and learn their heeds and hear their views. His heart was set on this and It was a keen disap pointment to him when he found he would be unable to' make the trip. Mr. L'Engle will go to Washington ben congress conven?? to work for the common good of all the state. His tcul is in the work and he is fitted well, in experience and in education, to carry it out. He will go with the intention of making for Florida the host congressman that the state has ever sent to Washington- If it is right and he believes Claude L'Engle will fight for a principle till he drops. It is the Star's opinion that Congressman L'Engle will make a na tional reputation for himself in con gress. It is the fashion of the inter ests and the publications they own to sneer at such men as L'Engle. and to advertise the desirabillty of filling congress and the legislatures with mere clerks, who of course can be de pended on to do the bidding of the moneybags that elect them, but the steady increase of the number of In dependent men in our representative bodis shows plainly 'that people are not as ungrateful to the champions of their rights as cynics and subsidized 4th. 1913. often been made use of for private and is to cleanse, to reconsider to restore. good, to purifv and humanize every pro based upon the necessity ef the govern and exploits without renewing or con paper to write upon: and step by step writers and speakers would have us believe. PENSACOLA CUT MOBILE ENGINEER SAYS HE HAS NO INFORMATION THAT IT HAS BEEN AUTHORIZED. The statement made In a current issue of Shipping Illustrated that the Pensacola-Mobile canal was practi cally assured is denied by Chairman R. T. Ward, in charge of the local office of the United States engineers, says the Mobile Register. T have no information, said Cap tain Ward, "that this project will be ordered by the government at any early date. The ground was surveyed about two years ago and a report was made to the war department at Wash ington. Since that time the matter has been hanging fire. "While I cannot say positively that such is the case, I am of the opin'on that any survey which is being made at the present time is for the purposa of furnishing the department with further Information- concerning the project. "The matter is really not In the hands of the Mobile office, but this office did furnish thn rinav-m --(!- considerable information , concerning reraido Bay, and we may be called npon at any time for further infor mation. "While the project may be ordered, I have heard nothing of it for some time and am not expecting any action Just yet. This fact, however, may not be taken as a statement that the work II "Str PUTS plldU33JUO SU9( iovl sj will not be ordered, for the department has reports on it and may see tic t have the canals constructed." IS NOT ASSURED WORST STOMACH TROUBLE ENDED. NO INDIGESTION, GAS, HEART BURN OR DYSPEPSIA FIVE. MIN UTES AFTER TAKING "PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN." Every year regularly more than a million stomach sufferers in the Unit ed States, England and Canada take Fape's Diapepsin, and realize not only immediate, but lasting relief. This harmless preparation will digest anything you eat and overcome a sour, gassy or out-of-order stomach five minutes afterwards. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or what you eat lies like a lump of lead in your Stomach, or if you have heartburn, that is a sign of indiges tion. Get from your pharmacist a fifty cent case of Pape's Diapepsin and take a dose Just as soon as you can. There will be no sour risings, no belching of undigested food mixed with acid, no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness or heavy feeling in the stomach, nausea, debilitating headaches, dizziness or In testinal griping. This will all go, and. besides, there will be no sour food left over in the' stomach to poison your breath with nauseous odors. Pape's Diapepsin is a certain cure for out-of-order stomachs, because it takes hold of your food and digests It just the same as if your stomach wasn't there. Relief in five minutes from all stomach misery is waiting for you at any drug store. These large fifty-cent cases contain more than sufficient to thoroughly cure almost any case of dyspepsia, indiges tion or any other stomach disorder. (Adv.) PENSACOLA AND PENSACOLIANS We've Got the Goods Now while the "Naps" are training in Pensacola, The Journal might se cure a few real ball players and make a creditable showing against the "rube editors. Holmes County Advertiser. Blase Days? Never! The cup of joy for both Tampa and Pensacola is running over. The Chi cago Cubs are training in the former city and the Cleveland Naps in the latter. The presence of these great major league clubs imparts a tang and snap and go to life in those two cities not to be underrated In these blase days. Lakeland Telegram. Very Cleverly Put and 'Appreciated. If Frank Mayes, of The Pensacola Journal, wants the place of collector of customs in his home city under the Wilson administration, he is not likely to have any. opposition, but if he should that opposition would have a reeky road to travel. Some appoint ments have been suggested in Florida that are conspicuously unfit, but that of Mr. Mayes would- meet the full re quirements of efficiency in the public service. Lakeland News. A Mere Trifle Pensacola has the honor of shipping tbo lirst cargo of crude pitch ever shipped from a gulf port The cargo will consist of 5,500 tons and is being loaded with Wich difficulty on the German steamer Slidrecht for Cette, France Fort Lauderdale Herald. As to County Division Hon. Frank Mayes, editor of 'The Pensacola Journal, says that the trend of modern political economy is towards smaller political divisions of territory and that probably all of the proposi tions for new counties, about ten in number, which will come before the next legislature, have merit. This is an endorsement of county diviston from a man who usually knows where of he speaks. But of course Arcadia does not se where it applies to DeSoto county. Punta Gorda Herald. WILL REVOLUTIONIZE THE CUSTOMS SERVICE Washington, March 4. Unless con gress interferes, the organization of the customs service will be revolution ized beginning July 1. As one. of his last acts, President Taft today sent a message to congress announcing the redisricting of the service. The existing 165 districts will be re duced to 49, formed largely along state lines, and 11 6 collectors of customs will be abolished. Several ports of entry and a number of sub-ports -will be abandoned. Congress has stipulated that the new plan must reduce the cost of the customs service to $10,150,000. or a saving of $700,000 as compared with the current fiscal year. READ THIS BOOKLET, Sent Free Upon Request The Herpiclde Company want every one to have a copy of their booklet telling how to take care of and possess nice hair. The booklet contains much valuable information on the subject of saving and cultivating the hair. If the present-day men apd women would begin to live up to the teachings of this little booklet it is doubtful if the next generation wou'.d find a bald headed man or lady wearing false hair. It Is Just as easy to have robust and beautiful hair as to have thin, scraggy hair or no hair at all. . If the scalp is kept clean and free from dandruff the hair grows naturally and luxuriantly. The booklet tells how this may be most effectively accomplished by the use of Newbro's Herpicide. Herpiclde destroys the germ which causes dan SAID OF FLORIDA AND FLORIDIANS Needs An Alarm Clock To the outside world Miami does seem to be sleeping on her chances regarding that waterfront acquisition. The truth is, she is. Miami Mtropo lis. Already In Eviden The Florida Advocate says that last year DeSoto county's income amount ed to S17S.439.99. That is a ni in come for a Florida county. If Frank lin's income was half as muh our citizens would soon shew you that they were decidedly on the mav- Apalachlcola Times. Keeping Up With Procession Our neighboring town, Chipley, is preparing to put In electric lights. All West Florida is cn a boom, and we are glad to note that Chipley is keeping up with the-sprocession. Ma rianna Times-Courier. Principally Export-" Pensacola is going to have a new $30,000 soft drink factory, to supply principally export trade. Washington Verdict- Oyster Day Tampa got a vast amount of adver tising out of her Guava day. This reminds us: Why shouldn't Apalach lcola have an Oyster day? The fame of our oysters Is 'nation-wide, and a day set aside in thfir memory, and the day observed in Apalachicola with becoming ceremonies, would result in much good advertising for this com munity. Advertising will turn the trick alright. Board of trade could make a ten-strike here. Apalachicola Times. Real White Sugar It is now possible to make white sugar direct from the sugar cane, and this opens up wonderful possibilities for Florida. Conditions in this state are especially favorable to the culture of sugar cane. The sugar indusrry should begin to receive more atten tion. Punta Gorda Herald. A good treatment for r. cold settled in the lungs Is a HERRICK'S RED PEPPER PORUS PLASTER applied to the chest to-draw out Inflammation, and BALLARDS' HOREHOUND SYRUP to relax tightness. You get the two remedies for the price of one by buying the dollar size Horehound Syrup; there is a porous plaster free with each bottle. Sold by all drug gists. ' (Adv.) MAHOGANY LOGS STEAMSHIP EUPHEMIA ARRIVED YESTERDAY WITH BIG SHIP MENT FOR MENGLE BROS, OF LOUISVILLE. Another large shipment of mahogany logs reached Pensacola yesterday for Mengle Bros., of Louisville, when the German steamship Euphemla, Captain Jordt, arrived from Belize with a full cargo, numbering 2,867 logs. The Euphemla was moored at Com mandancia street wharf, where her cargo will be discharged. She is con signed to the Gulf Transit Company. KLING EXPLAINS WHY HE WILL NOT PLAY Kansas City, March 4. John Kling today mailed a letter to President Herrman, of the Cincinnati National league baseball club, explaining his denial of Mr. Herrmann's recent statement that Kling had signed a contract to play with Cincinnati this season. Kling in the letter admitted he signed a contract but insisted he did it with a distinct understanding with Herrmann's agent. Bob Williams, that the contract would not be binding un less Kling's local business partner agreed to his leaving here. This Kling, however, refused to do and thus the contract never became effective. MUCH OPPOSED PUBLIC SERVICE CONTRACTS SIGNED New York, March 4, The public service commission approved today the much-opposed operating contracts with the Interborough Rapid Transit Com pany and the Brooklyn Rapid Tra'nsit Company for the city's new $300,000,000 subway system. The vote was 3 to 2, Chairman McCall voting in the affirm ative. These are the contracts that W. R. Hearst has fought with injunction. HAS FULL CARGO IHb HAIK ANU IIS UAHt druff, frets the head from dirt and scarf fl3kes. The hair becomes light, fuffy and beautiful- Newbro's Herpicide U the original remedy that kills the dandruff germ for which there are many imitations and substitutes said to be Just as good. Buy nothing but the original. Ncwtro's Herpicide In 50c and $1.00 sizes is sold by all dealers who guar antee It to do all that is claimed. If you are not satisfied your money will be refunded. Send 10c in postage to The Herpicide Co, Dept. R, Detroit, Mich., and a nice sample will be sent with the booklet. ' - Applications obtained at the better barber rhops and hair dressing parlors. D'Alemberte's ' Pharmacy, special agent, , (Adv). GERMAN - AMERICAN INSTITUTE Practice Limited to Chronic, Nervous and Private Diseases.. . Thlesen Building, Pensacola, Fla. - Insurance -n KNOWLES BROS. BRENT BUILDING. PHONE 22. Equitable Life Assurance Society of New York. SAM CHARLES Sheas Half-fceled In 15 Minutes, Called Par and Delivered. "nuff sea 511 South Palafox PiUsbury's Pillsbury's Good piiisburys Better BEST If your grocer does not 'sell It. phone us. You will get It In time for dinner. Consolidated Gro. Co. Wholesale Distributers. Visit the BON MARCHE. The Exclusive Ladles' Store. WATCH HOFFMAN'S PRICE LIST And save on your grocery bills. Two Stores. E. B. Hoffman & Sons Pearl Furniture Co., Medium and High-Grade FURNITURE. 20, 22 and 24 West Government St, Goal and Coke Best Grades Alabama and Jellico. PETROLEUM COKE. W.S. Garfield & Co. Phones 88 and 1942. Don't Forget That Wilson - Biggs Company Succeeded F. B. Bruce, and are now headquart ers for everything- in the sporting goods line. 21 South Palafox Street, Brent Building. BRAWNER-RIERA CO. "One-Price Cash Depart ment Store." Corner Palafox and Romina Street. Phone 325 CHAS. A. BORN HEATING and PLUMBING Reliable Workmen Prompt Service Work Guaranteed 15 West Garden Street. Phone 325 O 0 Sk. Ha "Cary'a Cahaba," per ton. The Acme of Coal Value GARY & CO. Coal Merchants and Dealers in Weed, Lime, Brick, Cement, Platter, Flu Lining, Etfl. )