Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 1914. People and By CELIA MYROVER Two Montclair Men at Montclair is represented in the .naval forces by two young men, Lieu tenant Walter Boardman Decker, of the battleship Connecticut, and En sign Edmund SelJen Randolph Brandt, ordance officer on the Prairie. Lieutenant Decker was born in Jackson. Mich., in Juno, 18S4. lie is the eon of Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Decker, No. 357 North Fullerton avenue, resi dents of this place for the past twenty-five years. He attended the public schools, and graduated from the Montclair high school in the class of 1902. He was appointed to Annapolis by the late United States Senator John F. Dryden of Newark, passing his entrance examination very suc cessfully and graduating in 190G. For two years he was instructor in steum engineering at the Naval Acad emy, and last year was assigned to the battleship Connecticut for a cruise in European waters. lit- expected to return home in December, when his ship was ordered direct to Mexico. In January of last year Lieutenant T)o:ker was married to Miss Edna Vivian llxsasco of Pensacola, Fla.. and brought his young bride to Annapolis, whilo on his European cruise, about four months apo, a little daughter wa3 born to the couple. Lieutenant Decker hf'fl not seen his first born. F'lsign F.randt, the sou of Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Brandt, of No. 1Jj Lor raine avenue, is ordnance officer on MEMORIAL AND Memorial and flower services nt the Confederate cemetery at Camp Chase ir CokMiibus, Ohio, will be held June . 1911. Wis hin the cemetery there are buried about twenty-three hundred -x -Confederate soldiers, who died as prisoners of the war at Camp Chase. Colonel Wm. II. Knauss. who inaug urated these services in 1S94. has each year in connection with the United Daughters of the Confederacy held services at Camp Chase and decorated the graves of these boys in gray. Through his efforts records have beer, made of the names of these buried bore a well as in other Confederate- cemeteries in the North, and through the Christian and Amer ican disposition of our congress the graves arc all now marked with a marble head-stone. Colonel Knauss's health is such that it is likely this will be the last nervier he will be able to attend. It will be remembered that Colonel MEETING CITY TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION TODAY FOR MAY MEETING The City "teachers' Association will meet today :it School No. 1 at 10 o'clock for the regular May meeting. There is ?onw important business that must be transacted, part v which la an election to lill the office of treas urer. Amvng matters of interest to FLOWERS NOT TO BE PRESENTED AT GRADUATING EXERCISES. Professor I:. D. L;nc has asked The Journal to announce that it is the wish of the faculty and school board, that no flowers or candy, or other souve nirs, be presented to the hitfh school j students at the graduating exercises. This rule has been made because it Is believed, for several good reasons, to be best for tho students, that they Teceive such tokens of congratulations from their friends elsewhere than at the opera house. MR. AND MRS. MALONE TO BE ACQUISITION TO PENSACOLA. Mr. J. H. Smithwick has rented his residence adjoining: his home to Mr. K. Ft. Malone and he and his Interest ing family are now at home to their friend?, corner Barcelona and Lloyd streets. Mr. and Mrs. Malone w-ill receive a most cordial welcome to Pensacola so ciety. Mr. Malone is cashier of the National Bank of Commerce. MRS. B. S. BERNARD HOSTESS IN MERIDIAN. Three tables of auction and one i which was the mode of entertainment for the sixteen delighted guests who partook of Mrs. F. S. Bernard's cordi ality yesterday afternoon. Mrs. E. J. Haris and Miss Annie D. Lewin cap tured the prises. Roes. lilies and Confederate jessamine made Morally sweet and beautiful the attractive parlor and reception hall. An added pleasure was the music rendered by Miss Minnie Mae Morrison at tho THE JOY OF DANCING EXERCISE Vtt fn wtumeu C men em to ear to laueo mi Ducim xercis antes thev axe assured tl Frsedom from aching feet tort Allen's Foot-Ease, tha amiaeDtic nowder to be shaken into the shoes. always rives. Since the tendency to hold Dancing naruea has becoms almost a daily aad hourly necea ettyMn srery community, the sale of Allen a Foot Ease, so the Draggists report, has rear hed the high water mark. Sold Kteiy where 23c. Trial package Tmsm. Address Allan S.Oaaatcd,LsBoj,K. V. Compare These Prices. New Irish Potatoes, per peck. 40c Old Irish Potatoes, per peck. 27o Bermuda Onions, per round. 4c Picnic Hams, per pound, ...15c Peacock Syrur. 1-sal. cans.. 62c Royal Baking Towder. 1 -lb... 44c Lemons, per dozen 13C Coffee Ranch Co. S4 S. Palafox St. Phone 422 Events PHONE 38 ROBINSON. the Front in Mexico the Prairie, which fired the first suns in Vera Cruz and cleared the streets for the landing party on Tuesday of that week. Ensign Brandt was about to pass examination for promotion as lieuten ant early in the winter, when he was ordered for duty at Pensacola. Fla, He has been stationed at Vera Cruz or the past two months. Ensign Brandt was born In Flat bush, N. Y.. about twenty-five yes; ago. and came to Montclair with his parents, when he was five years od. Like Lieutenant Decker, he graduated from the Montclair high school, being in the class of 1905. He graduated from Annapolis !n 1909, Just after he had reached his majority. Ensign Friedell, a brother-in-law of Ensign Brandt, is in charge of the ! United States submarine boats sent to guard the Panama canal. The many friends of Lieutenant Decker and Ensign Brandt are watch ing the news dispatches from Vera Cruz with much interest, because of the presence of the Montclair young men at the point, where Uncle Sam started his guns booming to subdue Huerta. From the Montclair Times. Mont clair. N. J. The Connecticut took seven hun dred refugees to Galveston and is again lying off Tamplco. FLOWER SERVICES Knauss is probably the only man in the country who has ever built a monument to his enemies. This monu ment stands in the center of Camp Chase cemetery. Colonel Knauss hopes that this year, as in years past, the people of the South will send flowers to be used for decorating the graves of the boys in gray who sleep far from home and kindred, and would also suggest that they send some of the gray moss, which grows in the South. If flowers are sent, please send them by express, prepaid, to J, Worrell, 17 North Front street or to Colonel Knauss at the same address. Please send flowers so they will arrive on June 5th if possible. At the exercises to be held on June 6th, at Camp Chase cemetery. General Green of Arkansas, General Bennett H. Young of Louisville, Kentucky, and the president-general of the United Daughters of the Confederacy have been invited to attend and are ex pected to be present. be discussed will be City School Sup ervision, by Prof. Wm. Tyler, and sev eral allied questions will also be taken up. A very large attendance of city teachers is expected. The meeting- will be held in the annex. piano, and violin. Master Marean Bernard, Th ehostess was assisted in serving a salad course with grape juice frappe topped with, cream, by Miss Morrison, her young sister, and little Miss" Hilda Bernard. Meridian Iispatch. VERSES. By Daughter Goose. If all the world was The Dansants, And all the prices cheap; And all the homes were cabarets. Where should we go to sleep? I had a little husband. His hair was dappled gray. I lent him to a lady To step the latest way. She pushed him, she pulled him, She shoved him 'till he tired; I would not lend my husband now Whatever lady hired. Humpty Bumpty hired a hall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall; But all of the Castles and all of the Quinns Couldn't teach Humpty to wiggle his shins. Hey diddle diddle! The drum and the fiddle. Have fastened us under a spell;; The most of us laugh to see the sport, But wish we could do it as well. Solomon Grundy Hesltated Monday, One-stepped Tuesday, Tangoed Wednesday, Uime-ducked Thursdav, Maxixed Friday, Half-and-halfed Saturday. and as there was nothing left to learn except La Ftirlana, which isn't popular yet, Rested on Sunday This is the end Of Solomon Grundy. N'ew York Tribune.' ! ANNOUNCE THE BIRTH OF A DAUGHTER. Mr. and Mrs. T. Oertinp Fillette an nounce the birth of a little daughter ; yesterday morning at 8:30 o'clock. both the little lady and its mother are j doing: nicely. j THE EFFECT OF EQUAL j SUFFRAGE. ! The president of the Maine Woman Suffrage Association Miss Helen M. i Bates, publishes in the Portland Press j a letter from a former Portland girl I who is now living in Illinois, that ' gives a graphic picture of the educa ' tional effect of the ballot upon the women themselves and answers the doubt that is in mar' minds. She says: "In Illinois we have grotten beyond discussing whether woman suffrage is the best thing or not, we can only dis cuss how we can best use it. The 'ITCHED so, he TORE HIS FLESH RESINOL CURED Tortured For Three Weeks, But Two Applications Did the Work. Washington, D. C. Dec. 3. 1913. "All over my body were small pimples which itched me so that I could just grab my flesh and tear it apart. For three weeks 1 could not sleep at night until I was simply exhausted. I tried most everything that was supposed to give relief, and I can truthfully say that not until I used Reelnol Soap and Resinol Ointment did I begin to feel like the man I was. After only two applications there were no more symp toms of my ailment." (Signed) A. Jackson, care of Water Registrar's Office. District Building. Physicians have prescribed Resinol for nineteen years, for all sorts of skin troubles, pimples, dandruff, sores cers, burns, woudns. and piles. E vj aruggisi sens Kesinoi umtment a Resinol Soap, but for trial size, free, J write to Dept. 15-R, Resinol, Balti- ! more, Md. Do not be deceived by irni- I tations. (Adv.) thing that has surprised me most in the actual working out of Jt is the effect it has had on me and others like me. The somewhat aimless interest that I have always had in public af- fairs has become definite, and has a punch (to use a. slang term) behind it. I feel part of the community as I never did before. She says that the vote of the women wares in stock. This will also give this does not merely duplicate that of the , cily a nttl publicity which otherwise men, but has led to a large increase would not be possible. j of "dry" territory. A difference is also j j shown in other matters: "In Spring- ! f T T field, recently, there was a question'! tn 4-1 r IX I aTT t 4- i upon public improvements a question between graft and public good. The right had a majority with the men of 43 votes and with the women of sev eral hundred. j "You would be surprised if you I could see the women who have never naa any interest except cooking ana cleaning, who are waking up to study public affairs. It is the greatest thing that ever happened, education ally. Women who didn't care at all whether they got the vote even those who opposed it feel that now they have it they must make the best of i'., and the first thing is study." A PLEASANT BIRTHDAY SURPRISE. Wednesday night about S o'clock ; merry party of twenty-five walked into the home of Mrs. I. B. Mason, ! on East Romana street, and surprised 1 ' "V.. " ' x no wao vumi-ivjau ui mem bers of the Woodmen Circle and a few other friends of the hostess. The Circle presented Mrs. Mason with a "Circle" pin, gold, enameled in the colors of the order, green and lilac. Mrs. Neilsen, the worthy guardian, made the presentation in a few well chosen words. There were a number of other presents from individuals. One, a lovely cameo brooch from her son, Mr. Archie Campbell. Piano music was rendered very sweetly by Mrs. Q'Donovan and Mrs. Mason, and a few songs by Mrs. Goss, j Mrs. Petersen, and others that were jmuch appreciated. Nice refreshments of cake, sherbet, coffee and Ice cream were served by the Circle and very much enjoyed. All had a happy time and left, wish ing Mrs. Mason many happy returns 'of the day. Mrs. Mason is one of the best work ers in the Circle and always remem bers ethers on their birthdays. JUDGE WRIGHT COMPLIMENTED BY NAVAL GIRLS. Judge A. O. Wright, who is commander-in-chief of the Confederate Naval Veterans, received a committee from the attractive bevy of girls who were sponsors and maids of honor for tin Naval Veterans this morning in his of fice. Miss Mary Waddell made an ap propriate speech in appreciation of liiy courtesy during the reunion, and pre sented him with a beautiful bouquet of satin ribbon, he was accompanied by Miss Dorcas Broward. As a iittins,- climax to this Informal meeting, Mrs. Waddell took a kodak picture of Com mander Wght, with Miss Waddell and Miss Broward on either side. Times -Union. TAKE PUNCH'S ADVICE AND DON'T Wear your plumes and yonr aisret tes and your frills and your furbelows, find all the rest of your "glad rags" tu the theatre? Bedeck yourself out in diamonds of the first water, or - pearls cf great price, or pigeon -blood rubies. Exercise your own judgment in the matter of your toilette, but heed this plea: Leave off the loud smelling per fumes. In your own home place a fountain of "Mary Garden" and "Floraymo,'' it' you please. Have vour back norch washed off with "violet water" or "lily of the vabey' extract. s i u i I Think of the possible latlv whom i perfumes make ill sitting behind you 1 at the theatre tonight, and dispense J with the- bottled bouquet of sweetness j Here's Your Chance! to get just the dress and waist you want at LESS than you expect to pay. To make things lively we will put on a few specials for TODAY AND MONDAY. EXTRA BIG VALUES TO TEMPT One iot crepe dresses, all colors ar.d j-tripes. !at-ft :-tyiss. $4 00 values for Saturday nd Monday, only - 55.C0 values for Saturday and Monday, on!;. $8.00 values for Saturday and Mondaj . only .... $7.50 values for Saturday and Monday, only One lot crepe and voile waists $!..". and $2.00 values for Saturdav and Monday, only One lot crepe waists, all colors, $1 . J-o vaiuvs at .. One lot Middy blouses. Jl. . alues La Mod 124 S. PALAFOX Str-et, when you start forth to add one unit to the thousand other units of the playhouse audience. Certainly you like the smell of gar denias. But Maybe 500 other people who " have saved perfectly good money for the Frivilege of occupying orchestra seats do not like "gardenia" perfume. And Being kind, Natuially You don"t want to offend. Just a word in conclusion. When you are tempted to use per fume before going to a public place, take "Punch's" famous advice about matrimony "Don't:" Doliy Dolrymr.-le in Bir mingham Ledger. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Wm. L. Johnson, who was op erated upon at the Pen.acola Sanita rium Wednesday, is improving and doing n'cely, which wll be pleasing news to her many friends. j One 246-Pound Fish Received Weighing 246 pounds, a monster warsaw attracted considerable atten tion on Palafox wharf yesterday, hav- ing brought to port on the smack Shcffeyld, which arrived the day be- but was shipped in the afternoon to j pne of the Saunders Fish Company's j customers in another city, where it will !hp UKfrl uk r, mn! rf artvrti.fne tho VUdliV JL N J W IU 1 Injure Plots John Kelker was fined $2 and costs in the recorder's court on a chare-e of "destroying ci'y property." This defendant was arrestee! at the instance of Gardner Kemfcle who saw Kelker walk across a grass plot in direct dis obedience to warning signs prominent ly displayed. It was announced that all such offenders would be likewise punished if caught. There were eighteen cases docketed in the recorder's court yesTdav morn ing an :d fines amounted to $66. Four wre co'-tir'iied. ca ?fs OH! I FEEL SO THANKFUL" Sincere Gratitude Expressed! by Lady After being De livered From a Very ' Low State. liayne. N. C. "I feel jt my duiy," sayti Mrs. Z. V. Spell, of this place, "to tell everybody how much good Cardui, the woman's tonic, has done for me. Last spring, T suffered dreadfully from womanly troubles, and was in a very low state of health, was not able to be up to attend to any of my duties. We finally consulted our family phy sii i;in. and he advised me to try Car di:i. the woman'.-; tonic, which I did, and soon I began to feel better. After lining1 seven or elsrht bottles, T was able to do my housework. 1 am now able to do all of ray work and take ca roy children. I feel so thankful for the benefit I have re ceived that I shall heartily recommend Cardui to all similarly afflicted wo men. If you, lady reader, suffer from any of th-- numerous ills so common to you ex, try Cardui. it hts been help ing weak, nerrot!?, worn-out women for over half a century, and will help you, too. Cardui is a rerfectly harmless vci;c- . table extract, of mild acting, medici- ! nal. toni cherbs. Tt is the ideal, trc -ngthening medicine for women. f Cardui retaliates irregularit ies, tones I up the womanly organs, and bring-s . k th brjghteness ot- hea,th. Get a bottle today. f Adv.) .$2.69 53.29 .$3.95 $4.69 ?8c 59c VSc PHONE 337. i DANDRUFF ON DEAD FELL DOT Could Hardly Sleep for Scratching. Hair Thin, Dry and Lifeless. A Few Applications of Cuticura Soap and Ointment Cured, Oiin. Ky. "I was bothered several yeax with scalp disease. There first came a pimple with a hard scab on it. I would scratch it off and then it would make a sore. At times I could hardly sleep at night for scratching. My hair gradually fell out. It wm thin, dry and lifelees and dandruS was in my hair. " I tried several remedies but none of them did me any good only for a short time. At last I saw the Cuticura Soap aad Oint ment advertisement. I wrote for a sample aad after using it once or twice I found out that it was Just what I had been wanting. So I secured a larger amount of Curicura. Soap and Ointment from my druggist. I first put Cuticura Ointment on my scalp and then I would wash my head with Cuti cura Soap. With just a few applications of the Cuticura Soap and Ointment I wss cured." (Signed) R. L. Pope. June 2. 1913. "Why should I use Cuticura Soap? There is nothing the matter with my skin, and I thought Cuticura Soap was only for kin troubles." True, it is for skin troubles, but its great mission is to prevent skin troubles. For more than a generation its delicate emollient and prophylactic proper ties have rendered it the standard for this purpose, while its extreme purity and re freshing fragrance give to it all the advan tages of the best of toilet soaps. Cuticura Soap 25c. and Cuticura Ointment SGc. are old everywhere. Liberal sample of each mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Address post-eard "Cuticura. Dept. T. Boston." tSTMen who shave n. shampoo with Cu ticura Soap will find it beet for skin and scalp. It's Correct If From Meyer a. Graduation Pumps for the VfCt CTirl Graduate,! . , . . ' " , , j HI in wnite satin canvas, bncki with all the new heels; alsos white, hosiery in. silks, orj gauzes, and a pretty white j parasol. You'll find all hercj complete, with that EYER ADE QUALITY Meyer Shoe Co Palafox and Romana. ' THAT BUSY CORNER Ko dales. and Kodak supplies. We do develop ing and printing as well. Reynalds Music House Steamer NATOMAH freipl.t nnd passpr.cre:' service between PensacoH and and intermed:nt roints. Milton Leaves l'pnwicola, 0 a. m arrives MH ton, l :'. p. m. Leaves Milton. 2:"0 p. m : arrives ' Fensacol-J. p in. Snecial ra '.- to parties of ten or . more. j Phone 1250. Palafox Wharf. We shrink free all fab rics bought from us. BON MARCHE Cor. Piafox and Intendencla. Latest styles of the fa A mous W.1 UOUg- i I las shoe; J on sale at ' Porter s Eazaar I 114 East Wright Street. I Phone 03' SAN CARLC3 HOTEL, Geo. H. Hervey, Managing Dire. tor. Pensacola's Pride. The Parlor Market "Home of A!! That's Pure" Fresh Western Meats, POULTRY, EGOS AND GREEN GROCEF'ES. PHONES 173-174. yea : few This is Hotpoint Week Everything in ing and cooking heat- appli- ances at reduced prices from May 11th to 16th only. Pensacola Electric Co. New Business Dept. Phones 2010 and 2011 The Smartest Styles can be gotten at LaMODE at the most reasonable prices. 124 South Palafox Street DIRECTORY DR. HENRY BORST. Stomach t?p-.-inJist .-iriri Spcchdist iri Piseafen of Children, Is now located In Ki?hr Real ICstate BuUclinfi. 201'3 South Palafox street. Office hours, 10 to" 12 and 2 to 5. DR. J. L. INGRAM. GLASSES CORRECTLY FITTED. ENSES DUPLICATED WHILE YOU WAIT. . 10 South Palafox. With Will C. Oiffenderfer. T. G. YATES, M. D, OPTICIAN. 410 Blount Building. Twenty Years' Experience as an Eye i Specialist. Examination free i DR. J. B. TILLER, DENTIST. 810 B ount Building. ; Orhee Phone, 88 Residence Phone. 41 SAM CHARLES Srees Half-Soled In 1S Minutes. Called For and Delivered. "NUFF SED." 511 South Palafox. W. A. RAY HDW. CO. Wholesale and Retail 710 South Palafox Street Phone 1450. MAYES PRINTING CO. PRINTERS FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE 17-19 Wet Government St. Phone 181 See Us For Business OrJDortunities Along the Lln of Deep Water Townsite Co. 711 Blount Bulldtno. hone 1028. MORGAN'S STABLES For First-Class Livery Phone 710. TRUSSES Every tyle ana l expertly fittd here. W hav just received a full aitortment. BALKCOM DRUG CO. 17 South Palafox STrt. han 19 i WILSON RTfins Company. Kxprt locksmiths anrl srijnsmith'. . bicycles repaired. Sportlrg goods "of all lcirds. 21 S. Palafox Stl IN THE HEART OP PENSACOLA. The Central Pharmacy. Phono 173. hb-i ' Kir.. . . .. I! i"3 muuiujj nircti 1 U"i d in Thfl Pan- Pr. SaU f1 - '"f- v. I I (of . 3 YEcan save you money on almost every article you buy in a grocery store! Why not start trading for cash today? E, Be Hoffman & Son The Store Whtr, Quant anr! Vlue Are Both Considered. Pi-onf ?25. 37 and oO Eat Greaory Street. Bankrupt Sale Birr bankrupt tock of B. Gt-rson & Co., con sisting of crockery, china cut la. ih t-ru are and other houst turnislnno- roods hi,q;h crrade chandi-e all beitiQ mcr-sac-t han rificed wholesal Come arou ml. at less e cost. in and look Escambia Crockery Co. P. E. BRAWNER, Mgr. B. Cerson'a old stand. Watson, Parker & Reese Company "Everything to Wear." i Notice to Ice Consumers. t Our w.igoim arc equipped :th irnl I and consumers plaso exa ;t oorrec' weight and report any ll.i'Ourte"y of drlvtrs to office phctiee 53 or Pensacola Ice Company. Reynolds' Asphalt Slate Shingles Red or Green. Lee Lumber Co. RING 310. Donna 50-foot Motor Launch. Modern equipment, includ iii electric lights. For hire, for pleasure trip or towing. A. M. HYER. Manager. Phones 124 or 397, Pensacola Crockery Co., WHoleteale Dsaieri in 107 South Palafox Street. CROCKERY. TINWARE. ENAMEL WARE AND NOTIONS. Agent for McCray Refrigerator. Agent Hart Schaffner & Marx, and Kirschbaum Suits L. E. NOBLES & CO. Your Money's Worth or Your Mony DICK", 29 South Palafox. Phone 790. " l . . tm e? Pensacola, St. Andrews and Gulf Steamship Co. . STEAMER TARPON nndr class passknoer and FREIGHT SERVICE Between PENSACOLA. MOBILE. APALACnl COLA. CARRABELLE. ST. AN- DREWS. PANAMA CITY. MILLVILLE. And All Points on St. Antfrovwo Bay, Carrabelle and ApalacMcola. SCHEDULE , LeVt",PeT.aCOla Sunday 8:30 p. r. for Mobile, Ala. heave bi,e' ry 7:30 p. m. " i uucjy o;oo p. Tl. " M.iiv.H. Apa- "tnicmi, warraceiu and !ntarmdi. , . L J R EAGER, ; General Frei?M and Pasnqer Agent, 1 Penaacola, Fla. Phona 53. f