Newspaper Page Text
I PENSACOLA WEATHEl WEST FLORIDA The Coming Garden Spot of the Nation. Partly cloudy with prob ably local showers Tues day and Wednesd-ay. Yesterday's Temperature; highest, 80 degrees, low est, 69 degrees. VOL. XVII. NO. 139. PENSACOLA, FLORIDA, TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 19, 1914. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. President Huerta Is Ready to Resign and be Eliminated Completely IMEXICMS TRY UNITED STATES' DEMANDS TOLD TO IB FORMER HUERTA OFFICER President Wilson Instructs Delegates to the Pence V Conference STRONG GOVERNMENT! AND FAIR ELECTION! Rebels Declare Thev Will! i Not be Satisfied With the! Elimination of Iluerta and I They Point to Their. Suc-j cesses Dttrinq; the Cam paign ETuerta's Dele gates Ready to Present His Resignation. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Washington, May 18. Settlement of the Mexican problem is conditioned on the elimination of Iluerta, and estab lishment of a strong provisional gov ernment, which would hold a fair election and settle the Agragian prob lem and other internal causes of the revolutions. This was told the United States commissioners to the Niagara Kalis mediation conference by Presi dent Wilson today. The president gave tha delegates letters to the medi ators, outlining the authority given them on this mission. The United Stated force's with drawal is conditioned on the settle ment of the problem in definite form. The president wants the grievances of Zapata aJid Carranza considered and also would conserve the rightful in terests of the people in the sections controlled by Huerta. A message from a diplomatic source Jn Mexico City said that Iluerta is ready to resign and be eliminated completely. The Mexican delegates to i le mediation conference have hinted (rat they realized Iluerta must be eliminated and are said to be ready to recommend his retirement as soon as a definite understanding is reached as to the kind of government that is to follow. The president expressed hopefulness for mediation. One official said it is Hiill hoped to get the Constitutionalists to enter the conference. The media tion conference expected to be short. The president thinks the- concessions Huerta Is ready to make will be learned in a few days. The talk of a compromise by Huerta retiring in favor of a neutral government, has not made much of an appeal to the rebels, who point to the success of their campaign. STAGE IS BEING SET. While the stage was being set In Niagara Falls today for the next big pcene in the Mexican crisis, officials In diplomatic and administration cir cles discussed the extent to which the mediation preliminaries might reach and the bearing the negotiations eventually would have on the hope of settling the southern republic's ills. Keported optimism of the Huerta dele gates over chances for mediation and their confidence that their long jour ney would not have been in viola tion found reflection in the capital. Members of the Mexican Federal mission were in New York today. Min ister Naon of Argentina, was expected in Niagara Falls where he was to co operate in arranging for the beginning of the conference next Wednesday. Ambassador Da Gama of Brazil, was In New York whence he was to leave for the Canadian border town. Min ister Suarez of Chile, was to leave here today and members of the American mission were to depart direct for Ni ngara lulls to reach there Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning, about the time the Huerta representa tives arrive from New York. While the rebels wore proceeding irspidly with their program in north ern and central Mexico, yet the day's stay of the Mexican mission m Wash ington and the exchanges of courtesies overshadowed military developments. The Huerta delegates declined while here to give out any statement, yet some of their viewpoints was believed to have been obtained from represent ative Mexicans with whom they talked. According to reports they feel that H is inevitable a successor must be chosen for Huerta; and that while theoretically they face an international issue, they are declared to have pri vately admitted the real problem con fronting them is the pacification of Rebels Say No Compromise Is Satisfactory BY ASSOCIATED PRESS Juarez. May 17. News that Hu erta had authorized his delegates to the mediation conference to present his resignation should it be necessary to restore peace, brought the statement from the Constitutionalists here that this action would not compose the situation. The elimination of llu erta's party is demanded. LIEUT. BECKER'S PRESS AGENT IjSjlWC TELLS OF THE PLANS MADE TO umH MURDER HERMAN ROSENTHAL RSITY IS TALKED j Becker Was Mad Over the WavRe Said the Killing United States Soldiers Corn- Was Bungled. WEST VA. WIDOWS TO BE COMPENSATED FOR LOSS OF HUSBANDS IN MINE WRECK DI i MOISTS pellcd to Guard Urrutia. Dr. A. j STATE FINISHES i ITS TESTIMONY V." Ml ire FLEEING FROM THE WRATH OF HUERTA RESERVE BANK 0R6ANIZAT S WORKED 001 Reaches Vera Cruz in the I Garb of a Working Man and When His Identity Becomes Known There is a Demonstration Against Him Led bv the Editor of I a Newspaper The i.-s Also Arrested. Chas. S. Plitt, jr., Forincr Personal Friend and Press Agent of Police Lieuten ant, Strong Witness and lie Relates Conversations Had With Becker Before and After the Murder. BV ASSOC "IATKD PRESS. Vera Cruz. May IS. Because demonstration against him by a mob i told of Mexicans. Dr. Aureliano I'rrntia, i was t;y associated press. New York. Mav IS restrict Amit. Latter! ney Whitman today completed the j case against Charles Becker, charged with instigating the. murder of Her i man Rosenthal. Charles 11. PUtt, Jr.. j former friend and press agent of Becker, swore that Becker, while en- rout to the Sing Sing death house a i asked him to kill Jack Rose, tie also of discussing the way the killing bungled and how Becker en- : 3 J$ " r ereneo Boo n -ider 1'. an lerhilt One, t ion a I 'nanimom? 'n vContlnued on Iage Three) formerly minister of the interior in the Idea vored to establish an a::! Huerta cabinet, late toda v was ar-! self and Plitt. rested y I tuted States soidiers. me James Marshaii. a ne T1 , . A I man alleged Urrutia had had bis ( saw Becker and Ja-k K JjanKCrS KepreSentlllC li,Vel"V I brother slain. Urrutia later was re- the "Harlem confercijc.e" 1 loUAl .llt- J L)istrict Assemble for the guard or hhn- hut marines were placed on in his hotel. Th Mexican ro said he 1 the "Harlem conference" which was ! declared by the appellate ourr to he had ' a part of the conspiracy to kiil Ros- Purpose of Formally Hx editing Certificates Respective Organization by associated press. New York, May 18. Representatives of five banks assembled here today to take the formal action necessarj- u call into being the federal reserve bank of this district. Two banks in this city and three upstate, institutions were designated to execute the certifi cate of incorporation, which was to be done at a meeting of the New York clearing house later in the day. With the signing of the certificate the bank is technically organized, and the member banks may proceed with the election of directors. In all of the twelve reserve cities, except San Francisco meetings were held today to execute certificates. In San Francisco this action will be taken Wednesday. asked life. 1 Urrutia appeared here today dressed Oljas a working man and made his iden- tity known. He was arrested and then released as he said he was flee j ing from the wrath of Huerta. Antonio Rivero de la Torreo. eoitor of tite El Dictamen. led the demon stration this afternoon. Tt was he who said Urrutia had a brother who was senator in congress dissolved by Hu erta and was slain. De la. Torreo was arrested and held incommunicado. Urrutia was one of Huerta's most trusted counsellors. He is popularly believed to have been the author of orders for the disappearaco of Huerta's political enemies. for a guard as he feared for his enthal. Piitt had before made S'tv SOUTHERN BANKERS GATHER. Atlanta, Ga., May IS. Officials rep resenting the First National Bank, Montgomery. Ala., Exchange National Bank, Tampa, Fla., Hibernia National Bank, New Orleans, Da., First National Bank, Jackson, Miss., and First Na tional Bank. Chattanooga. Tenn., met here today to work out the organiza tion plans for the federal reserve bank i to be located nere. The banks men tioned were designated by the federal reserve organization board to conduct the work of organizing the Atlanta reserve bank. SURVIVORS OF URNED VESSEL RRIVE IN PORT eral affidavits favoring Keeker. The defense will open tomorrow and Mr?. Becker will testify. Piitt took the witness stand for the state today and corroborated mi many details the stories of Jack Rose and others that Becker was instigator f the murder plot. As he testified he avoided looking at the defendant. BECKER INDIGNANT. After Rosenthal, had been murdered, the witness swore, he met Becker, who was indignant at the way the killing had been accomplished; "What is the matter with Jack Rose and the bunch?" PUtt quoted Be. kol as havini" eald. "To puil the stunt the way they did was very bad. You would suppose it was being done for j the moving pictures." On July 15. the day before thf mur der, Plitt said he saw Becker at po- , lice headquarters. i "KeeD away from Times Sa'iare to- j j night." he told me. j "What's coming ot?' I ased. Never mind,' said Becker. 'Do as you arc j told. We've got to have an alibi. To- j morrow you'll know why.' "'. ! PUtt showed signs of rervouness during his testimony. lowering !;:s , eyes under Becker's gaze. , The witness said he called on Dep- j uty Police Commissioner Dougherty and did the best he could to estab lish an alibi for Becker. He saw ! Becker later and Becker sent him r & :T7, TVA;1 .V.?,W THE CHURCH WILL DEMAND ITS RIGHTS i v e r It.' u t ' v - M t i Sen M l;it'tcfii t 1' '11 ! i ! i il j( , of (he .M:ijorii pi cm cmary Lei Suhnu'tt ed hv 1 C,tfiri'i;i . C nmmii i i InstriB ilie Spin and up iMon : " J'M. . V r i : i ' K In mia t 'il v , 1 " !' ire aiiji n i a ;n Me! Iirxiist I ;pi-ei M'SsjiMI l.ele ,. Ill i I .1 luief ! ii 1 ' t II iiv! .) v ! . i soijth. Mrs. Lakie Smith and baby Lessie (left; ; El mer. Mrs. Minnie McMillan ,inc baby s a or TP 1 'or trie first time West Virginia will ok- i.i i ; s tiirougii the new worknwii'ji -ojnien.-a i im la u . widmv wli'.-je husband was Kiliel in the -.nire . tii reeeiv e per moiitlt as lng as she lives ami t 'n i sh'i: receive STi per month until thev become ei.;h!' re are some or' West Virginia's new widows and "i 1 U n.i 'S Illelll ot t I rep. il l ill M S .111.!-;.. I "til''1! Alter .i oeecs "I' l-a.'i! ie. !) ! III. . l mo.! ; :. t. nil I' 1 1 1 f .n.i th. "1,!! I.'. l adj. ' ! I'M. ii II U I :n,t:i . t ! ' 1 A'. en i MS bands and fathers in the recent Kci u-s mine explosion. Jerome 1 ravers Amateur Golf Champion Is Eliminated in the First Round of the Match that el ; 1 i i. !1 H'ite th prein ; Tii.s :i II e; . r i" t. for eie.tiii iliterh.l o: I'll .! r e . pleti.ill ol" HAD SOME elope I e.i r!' e sit ei M ot t ! Dildj I 1 1 uril.i -, had !el,i - 1 1 , , t r i loie 1 ,'t RIGHTS in m ii-ajord t dee;., n.tial in , me r,... ( . oi i f err t'd that instead ndrrldlt. ruiiiiKs of thr Trrtaesr n p.-. I HV A SSi n'lATKh PliKSS. Saiidw ie'.i. litis.. .May 1 S. Jerome T ravers, aniater.r champiem of t UnLte.t States, was eliminated tod D. Although Condition ot Was Serious Thev see Rose, then under note to Rose witn , in the fit:-; round 'it the contest 1r the i!:'!iih ataatenr i-hantpionshiti. 'The v that an A -nerican would ' i take tile title across th" Atlantic was thereby redii.-ed to n minimum. Charles A. Palmer. v. ho defeated I Tra V its !y two up, i.t the Irish open to cii;tmi'!i'!i and was the runner-up arrest. He sent reference to the Sip.i tWo 1. SOUTHWESTERN BANKERS. Dallas, Tex.. May IS. Representa tives of five southwestern banks met here today to sign papers of incorpo ration for the eleventh district re gional reserve bank to be located in Dallas. The signers represented the First National Bank of Shreveport, Ua.; The Durant National Bank. Du rant. Okla. : The First National Bank, Kl Paso; The Union National Bank Houston and the Frost National Bank of San Antonio. MEETING AT RICHMOND. rtiohmond. Va May 18. Nearly 2"0 bankers representing a majority of the 4TG banks in the Fifth regional reserve district of which Richmond is the central city, were called to order here today for the purpose of organiz ing the district. Milton C. Elliott. secretary to the regional reserve re serve organization committee, deliv ered the opening address and a gen eral discusshm followed. Gov. Stuart and Major Ainsae wel comed the bankers formally tonight ana Kepresentative farter tilass. au thor of the banking act, made an ad dress or. the importance of selecting an Will Recover, and I hey 1 ell o (u'cat Privations lheyj Open loat. John I 'a! 1 f0 . 11 com e Mia note to nose witn if.fienw i ioc ; , Cll ; employment of counsel. Kngta n.l. Nenh.-r Returning to Becker sam trie tv it- .-. - if f mllmv Rocker to pole'-t his lawyer, i stn eu o , no I iie" 1 dl Olij, . tnn riisratchcd Plitt the wit l-lll to championship in from Ha ns worth Tra vers ttor Palmer golf tor (kj . T!.e Aim v ' i ;:!-l ie.'l (i I : . ! i : i are at the tarn. T ut; at the l:'.h caapht him a t the .-: the List two hoh'S. V i lohic! TICSS i: .1. Topping of t lie i ; club, 'on nee: i' ni t y S. Cha dwu k. '. ' ward S. Ki!.ii)i, of W and 4 to r'a. . Fl-.Uer of ''I Whit-hum or' i h" ftoy. clu ) by r sip iii'tl .'; t !oT,li! '.::.; n or e, i. . . ! me up. isl .errv esthr-..,j! I ui'i tm w i. r I i lie : . 1 1 1 g t ' t to CI .(!ling o he maj id crest s At tl.f 'ices i'o 'ions o '," le n!; t 'O- ! i o pen, e com ' ni oni.ii'g of '.in r rroeo m :n i -i. i. j... t churl h. f the . 1 n ! ' , p i-o to . 1 fir i i i rii me; 1 1 . ! tiic cei '.in,i.-i ., ,.,vi-n., .he, ,.iitp,. 1 ; c-1 - ;i pi'"'. ui'-.J . He sa 1 1 '! y Judge I ''it ite I'Otiim (ler! n.i t: n 1 1 ii' '. P. Sei 'Oil ' .en. iiotrum i lie on v lit 'a nderh p 1 I..' 1 1 today Becker then noss swore, Island. The dispatched Plitt to Rose's house on Plitt was whiie yards iinrt wiiii li:s driie shorter t: Tt avers much for th''; m il 'i .nse jUetitiy he his approach shots were about. twenty i.i n those of his op- a t W ' aristi lino 4 as- BV ASSOCIATKD PRKSS. Halifax. May IS. -Tl-.e United States revenue Cutter Seneca arrived here to day with four survivors of the burned steamer Columbian, picked up from a sm.iU boat forty miles south of Sa ble Island vesterday. I wenty-six sui vivors In small boats previously V,,.en rescued by passing ships, nmiitinn of the men rescued by Seneca is serious but it is believed had ! The i the I (Continued on Page Two) abU- glOli board :1 bank. of directors for the re- Report of Death of Young Parks Comes From Mexican Sources CREASE THE EFFICIENCY next day, Sunday, i serted, Becker said: i "I wonder if that bunch will squeal on me." "Then Becker told me to see Rose." i said PUtt. "and advise him that he was doing everything he could for him and for him to say rothing." I The next time Plitt saw Becker was in the Tombs prison, after his arrest. ! Becker said, according to Plitt, "didmt I I tell you they would equeal? I want you to go out and get everything you 'can on Jack Rose. Oet hold of the i men in my squad and have them tes tify I had no conversation with Mrs. Rosenthal on the night of the raid.-' Plitt said he saw Becker many times t in the Tombs after that. Plitt said he wrote Becker almost constantly after his conviction and I Becker wrote him from the death ' house. After Becker's convict mn and 1 sentencing, he said, he Journeyed with j the party up to the prison. "Becker i put his arms around me and started J to cry." said the witness. i " 'Old pal, he said, if I do go off in j the chair. I want you to do me one favor. Kill that squealing Jack Rose.' " i Here the witness was turned over! (Continued on Page To.) j ponent. Hven his patting was poor. Palmer was sufering from lum bago and his drives lacked their usual J M err. ay of K'.mor.or '. C. V. Inslee or' the Unelda club. New Vork i'.V 3 tip. . Frederick 1 terr.-shoff of defeated II. SI. Jolm of N land by 4 up and .1 to phiy. il IS re. t h" . ,r :ri - t : o ion won" tii.'Tn ' t h ' I :u:i m a.t j .V.-w ortlr.. jS21 8.00.0 FOR iTHFHARBQRSOF 1 S DISTRICT E CORPS Esto Marshal Kills Foreman of Lumber Co. Representative Emmett Wil son Has Secured This Amount for the Improvc- ' ments in the Third ni tric t. J MOCK CARAVELS ! GOING TO RUIN I V.Y ASSOCIATKD Pit KSS. I Chicago, May IS. The Santa Ma 1 ria, tin- Nina and the Pinta, reprodue j tions of the Christopher Columbun cai -i aveis, presented to this country by Spain for thr- world's fair of 13ft:;. are i decaying at a dock in Krie, P said here today. J. F. Foster tendent of t!ie ;-. i.t ii Parks of 'official i,ii, of the enra hie would take sier-.- to have- . turned. i The v Is last sumaicr " r-rp start ; d for the i'anama exposition at S.t ! Francisco via the ( ireat L;j.kes an '. Panama canal route bi t. it is sab ; pro ed too old and'i. wort iiy t stand the trip. Historical such-i l:;y- ,! i.a. c.-a-neil for their safe-y 'a.. it wa s , superin 1 this -:fy, a-Is. said them re- 'i.J.rti. . n t'..- c ii 1 ! v I e f I hi e end ii nit acted the West To; 1 I. I.,:., i a-agh. ttee nf f ! ' e. im , ;:iirr 'ii..!' e re, ui'i j ir-r.a t ioti '' ' nun i ', t . -e I'i 1 1- .rt. ' ai ii I lie con', rem . -i turdav ;.i-ihr. lie . i S . e ;.. P.- a-i ... . I lint I loll to !.;; t"-;d. f. fear feeia'-'il of Some of ie fr, a r d w graried. proceeded .;'! on the motion to re. ens A' of order raised bv ('.Hiimn that a motion to reeonsi ;-r wa not debatftble, ttn not i on an appeal irom tae rums - I chir. I Mr. I.iei-haagii contended 1 ceptance of th" i arr.eiiio lilt . -y board of trust of Vanderbilt, over t:. .eto of the bishops, was a iohition of their trust, a. dishonor to the church and had created an "irrc onilabl'i d.f ference." lie. tiec'are J the legal t .it. of Vanderbiif v:,n in the board o trust, but an equitable title re -ted ,a the confi-rfi i ' s f i.d t'a majority of the com nut tee ht lie--. t!ie right of recovery can be cxerc-e ! on'y by those conference. In reply to a question Mr. hlp'-Ni said the general -onferen-e, t'.ro - .. a n der. .1 O! he at ff ineati the m iriii t I ill- Cm i net; ie v i-onfererices In ha '.-e right. Rev. W. A. ''hri r : ! a i i the laaj-c ing to ).r. ol.'b- for c,i cra i tru--- p-itro i t t our ji-'urnmeT-an'i a no- Co: i i j n o I 't; .- reti.irt for i it i ri g o a ; :!l-l'l!il be-.n-ri-n irfil'Tfl ci-u'ef-i ie e'urht hat roe: P.T.-c 'fi-rc i BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Washington, May IS. That offi cials of the Mexican government be lieve that Samuel Parks, American cavalryman was killed, was indicated in a despatch received today at the state department from the Brazilian minister in Mexveo City, lie says the Mexican minister for foreign affairs had sent him a note promising to pun ish the men guilty of Parks' murder if it occurred. The foreign office also promised an investigation of the al leged imprisonment of the Smith fam ily reported from Tonala several days ago. The Smiths are Americans. Consul Letcher from Kl Paso, in tcrmed the department that the Con stitutionalists had ordered a vigorous campaign against the Guerilla under former Federal General Quesaila whose depredations or. the border have t een the subject of urgent representations by the department. Quesada's latest threat to destroy the windmills supplying water to cat tle on American -owned ranches, re sulted in an imperative demand from the state department that he be sup pressed. Consul Detcher also reported that General Carranz had ordered an in vestigation of the reported seizure of bullion belonging to the Bacis gold and silver mines near Durango. Consul Letcher today returned to his post in Chihuahua, Bill by Britten of Illinois De signed to Make This Branch of Service Con form With the Armv Or ganization at Present. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Washington, May IS. To increase the efficiency of the Marine corps. Representative Britten of Illinois, in troduced a bill today to create the grade of brigadier general in that corps. The measure would provide for the appointment of two officers of this new grade by the president. Present emergencies in Mexico, Mr. Britten as- (C?n:ir.ued on Page Two.) Br ASSOCIATED PRESS. Bonifay, Fla., May 14. Yesterday afternoon about 5 o'clock at Esto, in this county. Marshal Wellington of Esto shot Andrew Mixon. four balls entering his body and about seven o'clock died. Sheriff J. T. Mayo and Judge Tew left this morning to hold an inquest, which is yet in progress. Mixon was wood's foreman for the Alabama and Florida Lumber Company. Marshall Wellington was attempt-In? to take him into custody, when Mixon became enraged and it is claimed, started on Wellington with a dirk and did suc ceed in cutting some clothes but in flicted no wounds. SPECIAL TO THE JOURNAL. Washington. May IS. In the river. and harbors bill of the present session of congress. Representative Emmet'. Wilson of Florida has secured appro priations a-Jgr-g atii.g S21S.400 for rive. and harbor impruvtn.eoits in the Third district. Thc.-e- appropriations will be available i.u expenditure during the fiscal year beginning July 1. next. In addition to these appropriations. Representative Wilson has also secured an appropriation for a survey, with the view of extensive harbor improve ments, of Apalachicola bay and the north arm of St. Andrews bay. From the committee on public build ings and grounds, Mr. Wilson secure.! a favorable report upon his bill for a special appropriation of $30,000 for the completion of the improvements to the Pensacola custom house and EostoffiCr.. The on! was immediately i o passed by the house-, was certified to j the senate and passed. The gppropria- j tion is now available and WKI ue useu immediately to compie e the; federal building at Pensacola. Declaration From Vice President Marshall Creates Much Comment , T' -Vb ti-:ss. la I -- BY ASS :i.YTr. Washington, May is. ; Thomas R. Marshall's citrcla ra. ; one of America's ::ls today : there is too much scjr-nce in ; called educational sys'' ru and too little ! God Almighty" o cusioiu.-d comment in j Washington today. Tie- .ta!.'-m-nt waa i made at a church gathering here last t night. "There are tilings wrong in many of j the churches." said the va-e-i: re.-bJent. "that because church and state an: 'separate arid the- state make the .schools, the church feels itseif ab solved from any duty in the direction '.hat way f education of y j a - a . 'Thi state is drer. from the the time wh--n colleges, wher perm; t : agC f,f : ih. y iirt many o; lid athc '1 t. L.'C mi..: Up t tc- t d ci hro. h ro - 'hi.trch is children s of ('hrith s:-..ry upward. In this co-in! ry j a v a kensng a n d ; ring to in--!- tl at it en ir'-i v I'm many i . the htate." I The 'ce-jiresiijr-r ' known tha t some d.-i j ail of the othe- n,i 'Join the So'iao-rs. i 'But," la- added, "I shall never do this until it becomes a friend of tl, j church; tif-w-r whiie it Haunts on ti e ! streets a r-d banner in the face of j faith in God and tin- marriage service. 'The Socialism i;i wl.j.-), f l,.-l;fve and to vh: -h I sotiie cav to adhere " not that nl.iai o.acernH it:alf v. .'. U a waken 111? to the !- Jncibl be reared in tb r, faith from the n ar I bid. eve that there- i today a great spirltui! tlie church is begin has ttirriPd ove: f its fum tior.s " t also It ir 1 y he would forge.. Hico.1 partif.-j and prof c-ssor But now oil I bUl -lijcratron of powe thai of fcpirii.'' and projicri.