Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA' JOURNAE, SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 31, 1914. lm EXPRESS COMPANY MAKES SHIPMENTS The Southern Express Company of fers free transportation to Brooklyn, N. Y., from points where express ser vice is necessary on shipments lim ited to one hundred (100) pounds, properly prepared for shipment and marked: "Christmas Gifts for the Children of Europe," in care of the United States government steamer sailing: from Brooklyn. N. Y.t Novem ber 10th. "" ' The shipments must be forwarded in ample time to reach Brooklyn on or before November 7th, approximately -forty-eight (48) hours before sailing' date from Brooklyn, N. Y., November 10th. These shipments should be entered on prepaid way-bills, nothing in the '"Prepaid" column, "Free-account Charity." TO R'S WIFE 0 iLLTOWORK CiTY TO EXACT PENALTY OF 50 PER CENT SOOi ALL LICENSES WHICH ARE UN PAID AFTER HOUR OF CLOSING OF CITY CLERK'S OFFICE TODAY WILL HAVE ADDED C08T. .... -JJki'&2t J All city license taxes which are un paid after the hour of closing of che office of the city hall this afternoon, will have a penalty of 50 per cent at tached, thus making the usual fee just one-half more. In other words, if a business man whose line is taxed for $10 should pay up before dark, he will have to pay but the sum named. If, however, that same man failed, from any reason, to pay before 5 o'clock this afternoon, when he urn pay, which he would have to do if he kept in business, his license tax would be $15, Just one-half more than the original. Thera are many who have not paid, and unless there be some greater ac tivity today on their part than they have shown in the past, many a dollar will be paid in penalties. The city has a license inspector who will, dur ing the coming1 month, start out to see that all places are propnrly licensed, and in case he finds places which are not so provided, he will either report Thomas Dixonr Noted Author, to Pay Visit to Pensacola s . 3 ' i .1 ,1), v ' , V if. J . ; 7 u . - V 7' ' ' 4 , ic . A Weak, Nervous Sufferer Restored to Health by Ly s dia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. K3ota, Minn. "I am glad to say that Lydia E. Pihkh.jn'a Vegetable rnmnnn"'' Vm5 dona more for me than anything else, and I their names to the police station, or had the best physi- j Will himself effect their arrests. It cian here. I was so has been the custom In the past to weak and nervous suspend any possible fine for not Kav that I could not do ! inS license upon the person procuring my work and suf- ' such a tax and Properly posting ihe fered with pains low ' t?ame- f uc!a ourse T11 not bearu,ar" j s- JL tu- nnteed in the future, however, and it down in my right rema,ng ent,rely wlth the recorder side for a year or whether or not there be any ,cn more. ItookLydia iency shown. E. Pinkham s Vege- Tjn to vesterday at o'clock there table Compound, and now I feel like a-;-r&d .been but fifteen sal Wns- paid up, different person. I believe there is snd several other places whose licenses nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- are rather high did not make settle table Compound for weak women and i-ent at the comptroller's office In the young girls, and I would be glad if I city hall. This is about a dozen sa- could influence anyone to try tne meet- ; . .v . cine, for I know it will do all and much leSS ln ie city and It s Pected that Zl ' i - j tn jn M thousands of dollars will be paid In by more than it 13 corned to do. - Mrs. proprietor3 before nightfall. one Clara Franks, R. P. D. No. 1, Maple- saloonpmn is due llcense fee foP five crest Farm, Kasota, Minn. J separate places, and he alone will con- Women who suffer from those dis- tribute the sum of $10,000 to the dev. tressing ills peculiar to their sex should county and state exchequers before L VV11 1 VA., MAW HWMj - Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re- erore wieir neami uy vxie uuuijr wum of wnat hag bem the usuaJ amount In and truthful testimonials we are con- the past years Not much over thirty Ctantly publishing in the newspapers, thousand dollars have thus far been If you have the slightest douht in tcr the city treasurer's office, that Lydia' E. Pinkham's Vegeta 'l"'e i the past the estimated re lle Comnonndwill help you, write ceipts from this source have been in to Lydia K.Iinkham Medicine Co. xcesa of twice that figure. The mayor (confidential) Lynn, Mass for ad- said yesterday that, thus far. abr.ut vice. Your letter will be opened, -ne-hair of what Is usually derive! read and answered by a woman, from the license taxes has been paid and held, in strict connaence. . over. Wanted Marrrage License. The clerical force in the city bundl ing has some lather out-of-the-ordt-nary requests about every day, but one man drifted into the . building a few days ago, and wanted a license. A.skeJ what the. nature of the business in which he was engaged, he became fighting mad, and said that was his business. The clerk impressed hni with the fact that he, the clerk would have to know In order to issue the pa per, and the now blushing young swain informed the city official that he was after a license to marry, and wanted no more foolishness about It. He was from the rural districts, but his name will appear in the marriage license recipients, as Issued this week from the office of the county Judge. V Thomas Dixon Is author of "The Clan iman," "The Leopard Spots," "The Sina of Father," "tio Traitor," "Th e On Woman," "The Southerner." License collections, while brisk dur ing the last few days, are much short Mr. Thomas Dixon, the well-known writer and author of "The Leopard Spots," "The Clansman," "The Trai tor." "The Sins of the Father," "The One Woman," and -numerous other stories, will visit Pensacola November 5th, the same day the company play ing the dramatic version of his story, "The Sins of the Father.", is booked at the opera house. Mr. Dixon visits New Orleans each season, and learning of his propose! departure from New York next week, Mr. Levy, manager of the opera hou.ce. extended an invitation that he also visit Pensacola. Mr. Dixon has accevtud the Invitation, and the following letter explains itself. My Dear Mr. Levy: I am in receipt of your very kind invitation to visit Pensacola on my "present trip South, and after investigating I find that I will not Incur very much Inconven ience, in the way of railroad travel. to do this on my way to New Orleans. I shall therefore take pleasure in vis iting Pensacola on November 5th, the same flay that the company playing "Sins of the Father" is with you, and will be pleased to deliver a short ad dress between the acts. I will leave here on the first train Tuesday, trd, after casting my ballot, and arrive Thursday morning at your leading ho tel, which I understand is the San Carlos. Sincerely yours, , THOMAS DIXON. Mr. Levy immediately wired Mr. Dixon of Pensacola's pleasure in hav ing Mr. Dixon visit here, and ac cepted with pleasure his proffer to ad dress the audience between the acts of the "Sins of the Father," the ?ame evening. Mr. Dixon needs no intro duction to the reading public of Pen sacola. He is one of the most promi neat of the living American ..writes. and probably no type of fiction has caused more discussion ' than the one he has chosen to examplify In all the stories written by him. GREAT HELP TO . A SICK WOMAN This Lady Says, "I Cannot Find Words To Express How Thankful I Am To Cardui." STMIS GET THEIR REPORTS THOSE OF THE HIGH SCHOOL RE CEIVE REPORTS COVERING THEIR WORK FOR THE PA8T MONTH. The students at the High School Jonesville Va. "I certainly appre- platA what fafiit arAm nl has done for me." writes Mrs. Owen were ven yesterday afternoon their F. Wells, of this town. "Before I be- . reports for the first month. The prir gan to take Cardui, I could hardly cipal stated to The Journal lastinlght go aoout. I had several womanly troubles which caused ma much Buffering, and were very troublesome. But now I feel like a different per son. I had often read of Cardui, but had little faith In it. My husband ursed me to try It, and now I cannot find words to express how thankful I am. Cardui is a wonderful medicine, and I feel that it was a greater help than anything I could have taken. I had scarcely no pain or suffering that he desired every parent to read the report carefully, especially the ex planations accompanying and to sign the report personally before returning it. A blink form accompanied the re port on which parents tire asked to place their authorized signatures and addresses, as well as their telephone number. In addition it is desired to at childbirth, and I feel I owe it all to bring every parent In as close touch Cardui. I know that no woman would as possible with the High School this make a mistake ln using Cardui at year, and for that reason thev aro that most critical time, tt will save requested to assist the teachers in we- , them so much suffering. curing more home study, and the prin- It is my sincere desire that this . cipal requests that parents commmii- i statement may be seen and read by cate with teachers and with him in! all sufferers who suffer as I did. I am telling all my friends and acquaint ances of the great cur I have received." If you suffer from any of the ail ments so common to women, give Car dui a trial. Thousands of women have voluntarily written, to tell of the gteat benefit that Cardui has been to them. Why shouldn't it help you, too? Try Cardui. , (Adv.) any case where students may appear to be studying less than the time ! recommended on the reports. CITY TEACHERS MEET TODAY ASSOCIATION WILL HOLD ITS FIRST MEETING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR AT 10 O'CLOCK THIS MORNING. EXCURSION SUNDAY Steamer Baldwin leaves City 2:30; leaves island 4:30 p. m.' A Pertinent Question. The question has been asked, "In wht way are Chamberlain's Tablets superior to pills?" The answer is. "Hiey are morer mild and gentle ln effect and more reliable. Besides they ' Improve the appetite, cleanse and In vigorate the stomach, correct disorder of the liver and leave the bowels in a natural and healthy condition, while the use of pills, owing to their dras tic effect, is often followed by con stipation." For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) VEGETABLE RATES HELD EXCESSIVE Firs! in Town ! Fresh California evap orated fruits including Seeded Raisins, Layer Raisins, Dried Figs, Apricots, Prunes, Peaches, Also Stone's fresh wrapped cakes by ex press this morning, 10c each; Try them for to morrow's dinner. Sol Cahn & Go. 103 South Palafox Street. Phones, 1720-1721. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Washington, Oct. 30. Charges for shipments of vegetables from Kenner, La., to Chicago, on which the combina tion of freight rates on which New Orleans were charged today were held to have been excessive by the Inter state Commerce Commission. The de cision was made in the case of the Kenner Truck .Farmers Association against the Illinois Central, the Amer ican Express Company and other car riers. The commission also held that the practice of the Illinois Central of per mitting shippers of fruits and yege ta Dies from New Orleans to ice their own cars while denying that privilege to shippers from Kenner and other Louisiana points, was not discrimina tory, and that the increased charges for the icing of shipments from New Orleans and points north of that city j to Chicago had been justified. j NAVAL OFFICERS AFTER BEST FOOD BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Washington, October SO. Efforts of naval purchasing officers to secure only the wholesome food for the en listed men are revealed in a special order which Paymaster General Mc- Gowan has ju?t issued to the officers and chiefs in his bureau. In it he de clares that "our men are no poison squad." "Every effort-to try on the navy any experiments or tests of any food pro duct whatever shall be' promptly sup pressed," the order says. Another order advises the contract. requistion and supply sections to "go slow on waiving competition, even in cases where It Is permissible," and to stand 'by the lowest bidder whenever possible. It declares "government 'red tape is never objectionable to honest men except when it is needlessly wound up so tight and so long that it results in obstruction." WAR IS HELL ! So is a leaky roof. See us about vours. Phone 310 LEE LUMBER CO. ! EXCURSION SUNDAY. Steamer Baldwin leaves City 2:30; leaves island 4:30 p. m. Would You Believe It? People often accept statemnts with a sort or mental reservation as much as to say, "I am not convinced." which leads us to remark that there Is noth ing that will so thoroughly satisfy you of the excellence of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as a personal trial. Mrs. John Mshton, Peru, Ind., who used this remedy inher family for the past ten years, says or tt, "I always give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to my children when sick with coughs or colds. I like it better than any other because they .take it willingly and It is free from narcotics. It has never failed to give immediate relief. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) IT IS THE TASTE, THE FLAVOR OF ER's Cocoa' That Makes It Deservedly Popular An absolutely pure, delicious and whole some food beverage, produced by a scien tific blending of high-grade cocoa beans, subjected to a perfect mechanical process of manufacture. Get the genuine, made only by y Walter Baker & Co. Limited Established 1780. Dorchester, Mass. It t.t.i'tu ui. The City Teachers Association holds its first meeting of the school year at 10 o'clock this morning at school No. 1. As previously announced the meeting Is important because definite plans for the work of the year must be discussed. With , rsard to the meeting an officer of tne association said last night : "Every teacher in Pensacola should belong to the only local organization for the interests of the teachers who work in Pensacola, and should give his or her active assistance in doirir the many things that need attention before they can realize even a part of what they wish for the schools. The number" of important problems Is large, but to each teacher some '.ne problem looms larger than others. The teachers themselves should bring for ward these general problems for dlj- cussion, with the hope -f Interesting everybody in solving them. For tbat reason all teachers in Pensacola should ally themselves with the organization and make its work count for mere than in previous years. It would ! a good idea if each teach-r would bring to ihe meeting some matter that ieems Important for consideration and discussion as well as suggestions for the general work of the association." Dr. Mitchell, Osteopathic Phvsician, removed to 211 212 Blount Building. Phone 1330. flfWE Place your order now for All Saints' and All SoulsVDays, November 1 and 2, for Carnations and Chrysanthemums. Also have to plant now, bulbs of Hyacinths, Narcissus,. Tulips, Daffodils. Orders taken for Pansy plants to be delivered about Novem ber 10th. Only One Phone 875. 252 East Chase Street. Boy sen, Florist Thcfti PHONE 1S6. WE DO DRY CLEANING. BOY CHARGED WITH STEALING A WHEEL John Louis Wood, coif red, will 're mven a preliminary hearing before Justice Johnson this morning, on a charge of stealing a wheel, the prop erty of young TI. Richards. Wo-jd heard that he was being sought Jy the officers and gave hin.elf up. He denies that the wheel had been stolen, but witnesses were summoned yester day to attempt to prove the case, and two members of tho police depart ment are among the number sub poenaed. n rT 000 wews For You, Housewives We have Just Received a Shipment of David Berg & Co. Kosher Sausage and Meats including Ring Bologna, Thick Bologna, Welner Wunt, Knack Wunt, Frankf urtert, Fresh Salami, Smoked Tongue, Pickled Tongue, Pastromer Peppered- Beef, Smoked Salmon. Also Rendered Beef Fat for Cooking WARFIEL Grocery Co. Phones 1566-1567. Corner Intendencla and Alcanlz $t. CertifiedPublicAccouotants Empire Duiixiso ATLANTA Am e r i c an N at l Bank B u turn o ?"5H8KSMC? PENS AGO LA, FLA. Read Ike Journal for War News Saturday, Candy Day, at The Crystal Pharmacy. WIFE APPEARED AGAINST HUSBAND W. H. Kierst was fined S3 and cotts ln the - recorder's court yesterday morning upon testimony sworn to by his wife, who Is a Pensacola girl, hut v. ho married some time sgo and had resided In Mississippi and Louisiana.. They arrived here on a visit recently and it was alleged Kierst arsaulted hi wife after he had returned to thatr boarding place Thursday night. The disorder was such that a policeman was called and Kierst was arrested. In the city court his wife testified readily that she was afraid of him, and then related to the court an al leged life of ill-treatment'to which she she had been subjected. Kierst en tered a denial; but the cort imposed the fine as stated and lie was unable to pay the same. He was locked up in the city jail. EXCURSION SUNDAY Steamer Baldwin leaves City 2:30; leaves island 4:30 . i At Home Now in our new location 21 S. Palafox - where you are welcome to call at any time and enjoy hearing the won derful Victor-Victrola render selections from our great assortment of the finest Victor records. .119 S. Palafox Street. ITCHED BURNED Bit fihJM'c FfTema I nnlcrl I . Cried and Fretted all tho ticuraSoaD and Ointment u. " lie., Arnett. Ark. "CuUour HnB m J merit completely eurd our boy 1 It looked lik a rsh fce and i.ivu , sna buroe tov , him. n fretted u th is nogoo-i i torn Cutlrur Ointment hlriM ! hort time. I rabed his fiw nn.i . time a dy with the Cut leura So54a each time I applied the Cut lrur i,"j freely. I used on enk of the and two boxa of Cutlcura OlntiauBiJI lees than a month ho wu coup c.j and never ha had any j m.-.,, j lnce." (Signed) Mrs. Myru ; 28. 1914. Samples Free by Wby ahould I iwi Cutlcura ';;- tt nothing the matter with my iy, J though Cutlcura Poap wa only tx troubles." Tru. it U for kin tn v,i j its great mission la to prevent tn Vr I For more than a generation in j, 1 emollient and prophylactic prop-nis ,1 rendered it the standbrd for thlt f.-l while its extreme purity and rfif-!4 grrance give to It all the advanur .. beat of toilet eoapii. Although cyJ Poap (25c.) and Cutlcura ' are eold by druKKlsta everywhere. ( fc 1 of each with 33-p. akin Hook will hJ free upon request. Addrrw po Cutlcura, Dept. T, Boston j Your Store r More Business A . Ask us ahnut tn? rW Type "C" Lamp th Lamp that brings yc more business. Pensacola Electric Co New Business Dept. Phones 2010 and 2011 Business Education For Men and Boys. Practical Course: Experienced Teachers In til vidua! Instruction Y.ftl.C.A. Night rctio:l Palafox and I1 .-nont After Nov. I We Will Be Located tn Our New Home. , 21 SOUTH PALAFOX STPE.ET Reynalds Music llous; Cut Flowers For All Souls' and Ail Saints' Days, November 1st and 2nd. Mrs. L. L. Boysen 252 East Chase Street. Phone 1800 Especially beautiful Carnations and Chrys anthemums. Also have fine Palms and Bulbs. No. Six-Sixty Sl! Tbi la prescription prcp-ircd fr';j for MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVtl Five or fix doacs will break env tikf;, "1 if taken then at a toe'e the fever ' 'J return. It ecu on the liver better p. m. Calomel and doci not fnp or i'-k-