Newspaper Page Text
THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SATURDAY MORNING; OCTOBER 31, 1914. The Journal's "Want Ad Way" The Journal's Want Ad Way 99 The J 1 u Want Ad Way" pj ournai s 3 IE ARTESIAN WELLS. "zZrrci 4 M WELI.8 "Will put in well 2 . iV inches diameter; any depth, and 'fJrtee water. Call or write Gray Well Co.. Cottnndaie. Fla. June23tt SEEDS and NURSERIES rt-ipnr VT'RSRHT' Stock '-irrwt from West -"Florida seed and .-eleeteflr West -"rida Bud wood la the hardiest. Write n . t7June FOR SALE Real Estate. vnn SALE Residence on East Hill car ilrt Fl'' rooms with reception hall bath. All modern 'conveniences. Si. owner. Box 133. Panama City Fla, Hr 2tmeh MISCELLANEOUS. ire ARK HEADQUARTERS for Onion .pfs onion scea, wye, kusi rrooi oats, rfh, Imported Garlic, x Garden imple- so carry a full line of Flower pots, 'hums, isean roia, uniraney inimoiea ,. Stove pipes in an sizes. jr'iani isrllo !t wJ11 Pav yu better than gold Ar. stock. Come and se us aout ilgnilnp some. J. xS. UUDuisson & isra , aioci - BIJ:DSOE Furniture. carpe.. j WrlKht street. Just open: everything lean and' sanitary; fresh meats, griocer es and vegetables. Phone 803. 29olw WE WILL DYE for youJ rnone u. jejuuxe .tail oring C- 9 West Intenden- cia. rancy ayers, natters, tailors, cleaners. Ladies' and erents' suits relined; redved. All work guaranteed. 22octlm WE SELL everything: for ! everv automobile. Square " . . Dpal AlltO vO. i K-nnTHUP ft WOCT. Mineral Director. ohrmes, offlc 89. resiaence 55. Open fcay and night lSJlytm HAVE A RPKC1AL MACHTNB to rrfnA lawn mcwers. Prices reasonable, sat- 1 ,s . U ' 5" 11 Ior smaii auromowe. rurae Furnished Apartment 2 rooms, kitchen. verty to-wtt: couit .Jx T Vh nn nr , 1807 ' 2IOC12W- private porch, bath, hot water through i de of Hayne street. ;!tur pacxed for shipping. Phone 1807; . . out A,fQ fr)Rt rK)m down Bta!rSf pj. south of the northwest s t FLOWEiRS Orders for put flowers, bulbs vate bath, electric licrhts. Low rate. Cen- twenty-nine (29). East - ' . m 1-777 Palms, etc.. wi:i b nnut l.v Mrs Hot-, tral location. 18 North Reus. Phone of Tarragona street, th lection guaranteed K L. Herrin. 214.duced prices. Write or see J. D. Ander- Iniendencla Phone 833. tolnov . - J OT All ktnrta. for tov or fire nlm. I . elivered Phone 80S Hyer Fuel Co.. or Barrancas Avenue . and reet AGENTS WANTED. iOKNTS WANTEDTo advertise our roods by dlstributlnr free samples to Waumw. 80 cents an hour. Write for pn jnirujr.. . jn r avun w ,v, pnch.Ave., vayton. O... Z5oct . 0ENS Big;' 14x28 O-.mpleto Framed! Art. Rellartoua and Copyrighted Ne.trro lotures, I2c. . sensational sellers. 300 er cent profits Sample free. Also por- lralt, convex work .pillow tops, lowest Mrea. People Portrait. Dept. 68. Chi - tago. Z5oct PERSONAL. Southern Lady, 25; worth $12 000; would marry. H-Box 85, Toledo pea-ue. Toledo. Ohio. 25 oct Live Stock and Poultry. JOR SALE Fresh 8 gallon cow, age i three years. - Price $50.00. IL P. Fer- fi, l-ox 81, City. SSocttf . OR BALE At a bargain. 20 head choice ! dairy rowi in all stages of milk. Ad- eress "Dairy." care of Journal. 20oct7t PAR LING'S 55 per cent Meat Scraps: Darling's Bone Meal for chickens and P'rtlHier. Granulated Bone for chickens. iTheat and poultry supplies. Pensacola irwa company. octietf PALMISTRY. SiLDAM ELDON Scientific- palmist. cltlrvoyant and ostroloKist: test read- fS by mall; send blrthdate and 5 two Mnt stftrrma. 45ftf ' TTourtuwnth strnot N. X. Washington. D. C 14octlino TOUR PIANO can be made like new in tone, touch and looks by our three ex ert piano builders and case finishers. Low prices, and you can pay by the ek. The Clutter Music Hous. llnov TO EXCHANGE. TN!FD t.O EXCHANGE One adding i rnachlna with stand, for ra aK .acrlar a v Iith four or more drawers. Apply W. A. y Hardware Co. 29oct MOTOR SUPPLIES EVERYTHING for motor cars. Square Deal Auto Co. Slaug Female Help Wanted. ?2 85 PER DAT" paid one lady In each town to distribute free circulars for wncentrated flavoring In tubes. Perman t position. F. E. Barr Co., Chlcagjo. 2"oct WANTED. AN'TED Phyelc'an for a large Saw r;n Co. Commissary Manager, $75; ncr Foreman, $125; Helper, $2.50; Sawyers, Foremen, $100; Engi-'eers- Firemen, $75; Loaderman, $3.25; 'r' Goods Salesman, (store) ; also ."tverai Traveling Salesmen mttcren: Cotton Oil Mill Men; Lint er ra". 13.50: BUcksmith and Car Re- r.-airer. a;rer, $75; n0K Pactnrv Foreman i Ton a,,t.. Ctory . f. 11 P s-aiary); Stenograer and Of- e,?l8n- !i Iron Molder. $20; Track -'er and Foreman. $60; several '.'iX hish class positions. Address "S, Meridian, Miss. 25 oct I'srd, Engraving of ail kinds. calMng !;;Vrv'!d!"? invilatlons. etc.. MAYES '-vr west Crovernment. Uuly FOR SALE. FOR SALE, OR trade for horse and buggy, twin Indian motorcycle with side cai all practically new. , R. M. Merritt, Perfection La'un- dj-y 31octlw PHONE W9 for the best native beef. pork, chickens, eggs and groceries. Vegetables, fresh goods. low prices, prompt delivery. Your patronage- appre ciated, lly motto is to please. C. T. Davis, prop.. The Economy Market & urocery. 403 North Railroad Street 81oct7t FOR SALE Repeating shot gun, 12-guage Remington; practically new; c-st $22; will sell cheap. Also one girl's bicycle, ehean. Flfr. WIlHnms 2(1? CTt Ptrvnntoa street. . worf-- FOR SALE A good paying, smau bus.- ness. For particulars, addrees WilMn Bakery. Milton. Fla. S0octl6f - FOR SALE Small open motor boat, fully newTheao Address E li. rT.rl Journal. . 30oct7t OiTl? r-TT IT" A T r 1. . . with modern conveniences on W. Chase street. a. sctcrliicc. Pnoiie sH. 2Sr)ct6t I -,FOR SALE A bargain. 22-foot semi speed launch in excellent condition. aoOCtlllO i FOR SALE Satsuma Orange and Grape Fruit trees on Trifoliati ana sour stock. Townsend Bros., 21st and Wal- nut streets, Jacksonville, Fla. 26octl6t T7i"T C T r A A. 4-.-r-.r 4- V L launch, row Doat, twu engines a anu 6 tt P., D. M. Witherill, 1701 East Gadsden street. 25 oct lwpd FOR SALE 40 acres clay sub-soil, 30 acres under cultivation, 6-room house, two-story barn. 7 miles from city on hard road. Address Box 72, S.V V?S Tcky; 23 oct 7t pd x jiAvci tor saie at a uarsain me umu v Inir property: One saw mill complete with edger: one srrist mill comrslete with b, 5lca"' J.J"1""" Vh f,lteJk J.. m." i l fmb r'FOR RENT Nevly furnished rooms for 4 oVlock p. m., for the purpose of con count register, double column. A number. ladlea nd t l.r, Hot nn rnld ! .M,in v.L Hor,- r v, nf th- of other nloe store fixtures Also wagons an dany kind , of farm implements at re-1 son at Penaacola or Cantonment. la l- ' i prices and terms. SOoct ; . nlu'OR SALE CHT5AP Car load of driving j ! and farm horses, 120 "West Intenden- ii p i cia street. Thone 613 or 1037. Geo. W. Turton. Jr. FOR SALT5 F.glj Mash, Wheat. Chick Cin.h 'Cecil Ppnsamla Feftd Company. 31 East Garden. octietf . i oraphOPHONE records. 20c: search 1!8rht batterles. 25c: safety matches, 12 : box" , Cut rats on ... everything. I "Et.i'vTiriilv'r" 123 Sn-.lfh PalafOX. llaCt i . i FOR SALE Good corner, doing business) now two mocks irom f aiaiox. i erma. Rents for $35 per month. No encum-.) brance. - Price. S5.O0O. C. 1 McVoy, 14r , West Inten.lencia streei. mciini FOR SALE Improved and unimproved lands. Ideal for Reneral farming, truck ing, stock raising, satsuma orange, pecan and peach orchards. $20,000.00 cleared last year from 135-acre peach orchard near Atmore. Climate and sea sons unexcelled. Mexican Gulf Coast Realty Co.. W. E. UrQuhart, President. Atmore, Ala. 9octlm FOR SALE 11.000 acres yellow pine timber in middle Alabama, near rail road. Will cut 7.000 feet per acre. Bar- ra!n for quick sale. Tsrms. Mexican Oulf Coast Realty ' Co., v . 55. urcuna-t. I resident, Atmore. Alabama. Soctitn FOR - SALE Nice new runabout car very reasonable. Ownr leaving city, Ad dress P. O. Box 535. PenBacoIa. eeptftf FOR SALE Girl's bicycle; used vers little. W. S. Garfield. 21 West Inten dencia street. sep23tf FOR SALE Nice dry, stove wood, trim mings from dressed lumber. 90c per load, $3 50 per cord delivered. Stearns Lumber and Export Company. Phone 1313. aioct WOOO All kinds, for sto"f or Are place. Delivered. Fhone 80S Hyer Furl Co.. corner Barrancaa avenue and Garden. 1SS1. I4r,r FOR SALE Complete Ice Cream Par lor, including fountain, machinery, chairs, tables, etc.. at less than 25 per cent of original cost. Inquire Fisher Real Estate Agency. 25July-tf LOST AND FOUND. FOUND Gentleman's Watch. Owner can have same by paring for this ad vertisement. Scott M. Loftin. 31 octSt STRAYED From the Pure Food Store, black Angora cat. Leather collar. Re ward for return to Sol Cahn & C - 30oct3t TAXIS FOR HIRE. Phone 120, City Taxi Co. TAXIS FOR HIRE. SAN CARLOS Taxi Ex chanee. Phone 200. 2Socl PHONE 625. SUGGS Taxi Company NIMS TAXI COMPANY 84 East Garden Street. DAY AND NIGHT. PHONE 1131. TRANSFER, STORAGE. MERCHANTS TRANSFER CO.. Thor B Thorsen. Proprietor, eolib'ts all kinds or moving and hauling Furniture pactu tor shipment. Furniture stored. Office Phone 87$ Depot phone 704. jun2I I UNO H AM T R A NSFEK COMPANY. Phoe 63. Hauling, Packing, Storing. 19nor Subscribe for The Journal. HELP WANTED. WANTED A yard man, apply 229 N. Spring street. 81oct7t Ladies to sew at nome, good pay. Send stamp. Work sent prepaid. King Mfgr. Co, 1431 Broadway, X. Y. City. 25 oct WE WILL, start you In the cleaning and dyeing business, little capital needed. Big profits. Write for book let. Ben-Vonde System, Dept 51, Char lotte. N. C. 25 oct STKNOGRAPT' F.RS. . boofceenera. men. commissary clerics, elpriral nfne ! i wicrivB. mm men. ra.iiron.rt men. tbi- man ... .. . egraph operators, station agents we save u money and lost time by furnish ing you positions on Bhort notice. Ar lington Business Agency. Arlington. Ga. . .. : 25oct ' GOVERVMENT POSITIONS in postof ncVrraiTwarmliY "r PoodV Prepare for "exams" under f?rar TJ. H. Civil srvice Secretary- E1" Booklet G-28 free. Write to- day. Patterson Civil Servie Rhnn' Hochester.-v N. Y. ";ri HAVE A .CONTRACT To distribute 7 Million Free Pkes Rnrar Rnan Pnwor Want reliable men and woman to hlp $15.00 weekly. Waverly Brown. 730 North 1 v-ciuaso, ROOMS AND BOARD. THREE TiT-OCKS WEST OF SAN CAR- ' LS HOTEL Newly furnished suito oi roonriB, also large front room, 4arge private veranda, miodern conveniences, southern exposure. 412 W. Garden St. 27oct : FOR RENT PurniaRen rooms, them i.. I, i ..... , V i exposure, use of phone, bath and lights j Convenient to business section. Phone ' oaraen. cttf .FOR RENT-rTwo large furnished front rooms, connecting Exreptionaliy well lighted ad airy. Use of phone and bath. Convenient to business district. 119 West Chase street. Phone 1335. 2oct FURNISHED rooms for rent with kit chen if preferred. Private bath. Apply 1C00 Kast Laltua. W. A. Ray. 27sept FOR RENT Nicely furnished room, best location, moacrn conveniences. 516 Mrth Palafox street. 24seplm , v u.: ; 27mav ; -TTT 1 T- y r - . . . . . haimcu nuoniera wiui or wunoui board. Boarders, with or without rooms. Gentlemen preferred. - 2.. conveniences 124 W. Belmont. . ; lodern 25 oct i new and clean Kates reasonable.! ... . . . . , 05 est Crcrory street. Co oct 7t pd V.-, ' " :: : rr FOR RE?.T Suites of rooms suitable . for lla-ht housekeepiier. Private bath, , , r , ts "" , .,, , " v'CIlll1-1 1 VUUlCnWrOC.BlOUl -CaT. W I.-.U. C. A. Phone SO. 25 oct. 7t Pd : .i is-icE FTTRNTSHFTD rooms. Also suites f0r lierht houseke epinj?, opDosife S vjne park. Fine view, nesr water, os oar stops in front of door. 300 E. . Givorn ment street. Oct232w ROOMS FOR RENT With or without board. Terms reasonable. 1009 Norh Reus street. Phone S'G. 2octlm PARM LAND FOR SALE MTT8T soil at onco ire rleee of 240 acres j and one piece ? 60 acree, both located nenr Gonzalez Will make the entire 300 acres for $2,000.00, $500.00 - cash and bal ance in 1, 2, 3 year" at Address. Box S31. PensaeoTa. Florida. 8aep STRAYEjD STRAYED from my -farm at Myrtle C'rove, one small red butt-neaded cove, about 'our years old. Rcv.-ard for In formation. Herbert P. Caro. Phone in oct6tf FOR RENT. FOR PENT Unfurnished, first floor apartment. 112 West Cervante3 st. Separate gas meter. Instantaneous and all conveniences. oct 25 FOR RENT An aprtment, southern ex posure. v.'Uh use of entire front porch. All modern conveniences. Phone 1455. 26East Gregory street. 23oet9t FOR KPT-Xo. 203 South Palafox "Hvor Bldg" store, also 3 rooms up stairs. Knowlss Hyer, Agt., Brent BMt. Phone 22. 23oct2w FOR RENT Two large front rooms (ad IolninK bath completely furnished for j Mght housekeeping- Gas and phone. SO ta. unass. rnona SALESMEN WANTED SATF:jVTAN rrrerienced in any line to sell general trade in Florida. Vacancy November 1st. UNEX'CET t vp sperialty proposition. ComTispion f t raot $5.00 w-pcVIv for expenses. CONTTNF'TAL .TKWELUT CO.. 39-41 CONTINENTAL BUILDING, fJLEVBLAND, OHIO. 29oct SALESMEN to contract with merch ants for daily window picture ser vice. Permanent position with big money. Photographic News Service. 39 West 21 Street." New York. 25 oct SALESMEN Capable specialty man for Florida. Staple line on new and ex ceptional terms. Vacancy Nov. 1st. At tractive commission contract, balance of vear and 1"15. $35 weekly for expenses. MMes F. Bixler Co., 34-43 CarUn Bid?., Cleveland. O. 25oct WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy a good, all round, every-day horse. Give full description, age and price. Address "X." care The Journal. . 22octl0f TREES AND PLANTS. Sweet Pomegranates, japan t Write for prices on i Tree,. T. F. WestmarK Phone 51 Fast OArdon. Pensacola. fla. OCC-bvI, WRITE G. W. HINSET. Mgr.. Chlpola Nursery for prices etc.. on s ori da Grown Budsd Orange. Grape rrult ApalachlcoU. Fla. X7June POSITION WANTED. WANTER Position as stenographer or office assistant. Eight yeara experience Can furnish ' excellent references. Not afraid to work indfoors or out. Address "99" care- Journal. . 27oct7t Help Wanted Male Be a detective; earn 550 to $100 week ly; travel all over the world. Write Dept. ?8, United States Detective & Adjusting Agency, Railway Exchange. St. Louis, Mo. 25 on LEGAL NOTICE. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an execution issued out Court of Escambia County , Va ntlHnd E R tr rlPfir,d fff?H,I VIL .r?tor tfe Court House door of Es- tamuia county, i-ionaa, m tne city, or Pensacola, on Monday, the 7th day of . P-f, i. during ,e legal hours of sale. to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: tn ,,e riSht. title and interest of Harry " nson, ceceasea. in ana to lots rour Hi, Ave (5), Township one (1, south ran?e thirty (30). west in Escambia County. Florida and the following described pro- encine- on the east sixty (60) feet corner of block King Tract, east ence run east one three and one-half (173?. feet, thence run south aixtv (60) feet, and thence run west one hundred and . seventy-three and one-half (173H) eet to iiayne street, tnence nortn aiong the east side of Hayne street sixty (60) feet to point of beginning, comprising sM of lots pven (7) and eight (8. the south sixty (60 feet of north one hundred ' and twenty (120) feet of lot eleven (H) ! and the west half of the south sixty ' (60) feet of the north one fuindred and i twenty (120) feet of lot twelve (12), all i County, Florida," Deed at cost of purchaser. A. C. KLLIS. Sheriff, Escambia County. Florida, 518A-oct31oawtw STOCKHOLDER'S MEETING. Notice is hereby given that there jwill be a mpetine of th f tockho'drs of the Pensaoo'a Interstate Fair Aosociat'on in , tne omr-es of t no Aspo'-iation, No. 356 Brent Building, Pcnraco'a, Fla., on the ;.,""'"'b - 1 said association. A. M. AVERY. President. t 519A-oct31oaw2w I ... . eecreiary. Appoint Inspectors and Clerks. T.!a r . f t i r-i .- ft whn will munaar iYi Notice in ' herebv iven that at a meetinsr of the County Commissioners ,n an1 for EscamDSa county. State of Florida, held on the 13th day of Oc- tober. 1314. the followine named persons were duly appointed by said board to act as inspectors and clerks for the eenenU election toba he!d on the 3rd. iav of November. 1)1 1. at the various 1 precincts ref-nectiveiv: Prncintt No. 1 Milton Gollback, ferk; Sid w. Korerts, jonn iiurns, Henry Blum, inspectors Prerinct No. 2 E: C. Caro, clerk: H. C Miller. E. S,. Gilmore, H. C. Cravey. Sr , inspectors. Precinct No. 3. Chas. Kupfrian, clerk; ,T. N. Brewton. J. F. Coppersmith, J. H. Godwin, inspectors. Precinct No. 4. Chapman Gonzales, clerk: C. F Gonzalez. N. Condon, J. A. Clark, insrctors. Precinct No. 5. E. Snowden, clerk; J. F. Pierce. S. A. Garrett, Louis Frater, inspectors. Precinct No. 6. B. M. Bonifay, clerk: C. A. Dexter. T. J. Davidson, O. E. Jen nings, inspectors. Frerin'" No. 7. A. Anklson. clerk, M. T McMillan. W. A. Flnlay, Jr.. A. D. Nicho'son, inspectors. Precinct No g. A. D. ATcKinnon. clerk; T. G. Britton. E. D. B-arroughs. Henry Chalker, inspectors. Precinct No. 9. G. R Stanton, clerk; , Bob Coo'ey, B. R. Norris. W. R. Tisdale. j lnsoectors. Precinct No. 10. E. Ward, c'.crl:; F. O. Bryars, C. C. Davis, W. T. Welsh. inspectors. I Precinct No. II. J L. Roo'ns, cierK; ,T C. McCall,- D. G. Faircloth, J. M. Millstead, inspectors. Precinct No. lis. T. B Erlekson. clerk: Dan Berlin. E. J. Knipper, H. T. Beiino, Inspectors. Precinct No. 13 A. L. Kerle. clerk: Abe Christ, Joe Brown, Dan Murphy, Sr . inspectors. Precinct No. 14. H. J. Quina. clerk: J. P. Mcliuph, S. Z. Gonzalez, C. F. Sehad, Inspectors. Precinct No 15. Frances Commyns, clerk; O. H. Burkhardt. F. J. Johnson. Andy Graham, Inspectors. Precinct No. 16. J. R. Hollingsworth, clerk: C. F. Flowers, H .A. Joiner. J. E. Seals, inspectors. Precinct No. 17. H. C. ClopSh. clerk; J. J. Bowes. J. E. Spoon, Arthur W. Dnvis. inspectors. Precinct No. 18. W. L. Chance clerk; Andrew Bowman M. L. Hall J. M. Har rixon inspectors. Precinct No. 19. C. G. Hall clerk: C. H. Barrineau J. W. Hobby, John Bau meister, inspectors. Precinct No. 20. M. McCurdy, clerK; W. T. Newberry, W. A. Pervis, M. T. Johnson, inspectors. Precinct No. 21. C R. Vaughn, clerk; H. S. Cooper, R. N. Klttrell, G. W. Wal lace .inspectors. Precinct No. 22. F. A. Mayo, clerk: R. R. Jeter. G. C. McDowell. E. N. Jer nifiran, inspectors. Precinct No. 23 . Taylor, clerk; John Cairns. Jack Gentry. L I. Wil liams, iiispectors. Precinct No. 24. T. M. Scarrttt. clerk; R. G. BushnalU E. W. Thomas, Sr., T. W. Harris, inspectors. Precinct No. 25. J. C. Van Pelt, clerk; Wm. A. Waters. W. W. Murphy. H. A. Susrs, inspectors. Precinct No. 26. C P. Llcata, clerk; P. O. Shilling-, Fred Muller, E- H. Waltz, inspectors. Precinct No. 27. I E. Bogan, clerk; Fred t Thompson. T. M. Farrar, H. C. Flowers, inspectors. Precinct No. 23. O. B. Glngles, cerk: W. W. Day, Herman Heinberg, John C. Brosnaham, inspectors. Precinct No. 29. D. H. Sheppard. clerk; J. T. Mackey. Jas. Whltinj. O. O. Crona, Inapectora. Precinct No. SO. John H. Cross, clerk; R. A. Read, Tefrrill Covington. Aiva Moog, inspectors. Precinct No. 31. -John W. Bullock, Jr., clerk; Tim Burns. O. J. Semmes. Jr., W. J. Rendall, inspectors. , , Precinct No 82. G. R. BazzelV clerk ; E. R. Ward, Phil Klein. Henry Phillips. Inspectors. , Precinct No. 83. Joe E. Hanks, clerk; J. W. Ashcroft, J. E. Langham. Wm. Godwin. Sr.. Inspectors. . , . . Precinct No. 34. A. O. Zellus, clerk; : n T Ha rris. 15 A. bannrum, iv. k.. Forrest, inspectors. Precinct No. 3o. ftiTb. held at the usual " - , nh nf K.iJd nre- cincts respectively. .,.rrtnanv (Seal) JAS MACGIdBON, Clerk Board County Commissioners. Octl7-2-Sl-Escambia County. HALLMARK TRANSFER CO. Pensacola, Florida. Freight Hauling, Storage and Baggage a Specialty Household goods moved at short notice and reasonable rates. Baggage called for and delivered.- Furniture atorea. packed, and s Hipped Office Phone 114S. Residence Phone 297. FISHER-BROWN Insurance Agency. Genaral Insurance, j Agent Thlesen Building. Office 2nd Floor. Phone 913. J. W. BULLOCK, . Real Estate and Insurance 811 to 81S American National Bank Phone 777. DIRECTORY Prcf. Henry Seel. 874 W. Chase Street. Phono 1418 Piano, . Vtoun. Vocal. DR. J. L. INGRAM. GLA9SES CORRECTLY FITTED. UENJfe OUPLltAlcD WHILE YOU WAIT. 10 8euth Paiafox. With Will C. OlffenderfeN DR. J. P. PHILLIPS Pellagra am . Dropsy Specialty FLORAL A ALABAMA 1 "!( Doctor Phll'lps: Yoti have c'Tred me of Pellagra, my mouth, face, neck, arms was sore. Soles of my feet ar;d palms of my hands bad burning sensation. Had no energy, los of weitrht and indigestion. T scaled off and all the sunburn is gone Burning sersp.tinn. numbness, in digestion, loss of weight and energy has returned and I am well of Pellagra. Tours truly E. Sanders, Florala. Ala. T. G. YATES. M. D. OPTICIAN. 410 Blount Building. Twenty Year' Experience a an Eye Soecl-Ilst. . Examination free The M.&O. On the Square, Within Easy Beach or Everywhere. ASenrs Hart Schaflner & Marx, and 1 Kirschbaum Suits L. E. NORT ES & CO. "Your Money's Worth or Your . Money Back". ?9 South Palafex. Phone 790 IN THE HEART OF PENSACOLA The Central Fharmacy. Phone 173. !ViAVJi PRINTING CO. PRINTERS FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE West novrrnment St. n 1 Pensacola, St. Andrews and Gulf Steamship Co. STEAMER TARPON FIRST CLASS PASSENGER FREIGHT SERVICE Between AND PENSACOLA. MOBILE. APALACHI COLA, CARRABELLE. ST. AN DREWS,, PANAMA CiTY. MILLVILLE. And All Points on St. Andrews Bay. CarrabelU and Aoalaehicola. SCHEDULE! Leave Pensacola, Sunday 8:39 p. rr for Mobile, Ala. Leaves-Mobile, Monday 7:30 p. m. Leave Pensacola, Tuesday 6:00 p. for St. Andrews, MiilvHIe, Apa lachicola, CarrabeM and intermediate Point. R. J. REAGER. General Freight and Paasenger Agent, Pensacola; Pla. Phone 653 SECRET SOCIETIES . ii. i I. o. o. r. I Exeelaior Encampment. No. 4, meets every second and fourth Wednesday of each month at S p. in.. In Raff or d HalL corner liaylen ana Belmont streets. ; Visltinc Patriarchs are Invited to at tend. TV. E. EVERHARD, CHAS. FREIDRICHSEN. a P. Scribe. Pensacola Lodge, No 4. I. O. O. P. Tnnarn1n T.nrl2 No 4 I O O. F. meota every Thursday at 7:80 p. m. In i Rafford Hall, corner Bayien and Beimoni . 1- sireeia vmion coraiaiiT iuhihju. Work In lnltatory decree. Vf. M. ETEF.S. G. Lambrwcht. N. n. Secretary. Subscribe for The Journal, j Daring Exploit . German Cruiser Emden Reported BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Toklo. Oct. SO. The British embtesy hears that the German cruiser Errnien, flying the Japanese flag and disguised by the addition of a fourth smokestack entered Penang. a Erltlsh possession In the Straits Settlements and fired torpedoes which ennk ' the Russian cruiser Jemtchug and a French de stroyer. The Emden'a entrance Into th waters of Penang was audacious. Shu fame in under the guns of the 'ort and after sinking the cruiser and tLe destroyer, escaped mrough die Strait of Malacca. The fate of the rrw on bo.ird the Jemtchug is not yet known hero. Merchant vessels belonging1 to the belligerent nations are taking refuge at Colombo, Ceylon. LOOK at pretty pictures and READ roseate descriptions of fruit, nut and ornamental trees in then ORDER THE REAL any catalog you can get, STUFF from Pensacola Sesd aid irsw Go.! Address Pensacola or Cottage Hill. "riiiStSESTEK S PILLS j, rJ III! ita&io.v; lin,l!, J ,i Irfidlonl AeUy.url-irtf f-r A if, fR' A 'l 1-cteu.lm :!rnnf JSra-ulA Jllsn$& l'IH lu l-cd fcK i olU iMiruliicVV" T W-B t tm l it c. " liny ' tour v - f l;nrriit. A.-': for 'ff -TrR" mj vcars i..ntw eg i?ctt. t,afa.-rt, A.wavt Ktt:uWi 7 fir $hr nv rwirr.icrc, VElVlvKtRF 50-foot Motor Launch. Modern equipment, includ ing electric lights. For hire, for pleasure trips, or towing. A. M. HYER. Manager. Phonea 124 or 397. ! REMH3YFOR Piano Factorv to You. .."Kranlch &. Bth." "God Strinq 8cne macher." "Lectfr," "Cmfrssn." "Llii'le mnn," "Chlckerlng." Player Planoa Ceclllman." "i-ester." and ctieiper. Play er Music, cut prices. Factory agents. The Clutter Mus e House. WANTED You lo Know If your package carries no aroma, you are toting dope. If exhilarating aromatic coffee you want, go to the COFFEE RANCH CO. Phone 22. S4 a. Palafox St. MARSTON & QUINA. West Florida' Oldest Furniture Houte. Exclusive Anrti Ciorje-Wernlef e Book Case. Every atyi an. I MUUU 3.U hr. We iat reccivea a fut' acaorttnent. Iitvi BALKCOM DRUG CO. 17 South Palafox Sraet. hor GUTMAN'S The Store Noted for Values. 107 S. Plnfox Street. SAN CARLC3 HOTEL. Ceo. H. Harvey, Managing Director. Pensacola's Pride. New Fall and Winter styles Arriving Daily at La MODE 124 South Palafox Street r? iaaaiT aa A rim H rfS Watson, Parler & Reese Company ) -Everything to vear." J! 2J2lLlL2LlIKTJ JLJJo-"iV" -.- ...... . . .... iMorxiw- "THSOtOHeUABUK" 4 M&$"e'?&W&1 4t4 f-r-At Kt.'di. West Garden Street Cottage Reception hall, lare Jivin room, dinirj; room, !t,?t':.c, pantiy, kitchen, kitchen pin tr)', two tcJ roo:ns vith ! i!i between. Strictly moth vn, and on an 8l)-foot front lot. Paving fully paid. jj, mmem The Fisher Real Estate Agency Established 1S1. Pensacola Crockery Co., 107 South P4afon Btreet. Wholeteale Oea era in CROCK ERV, TINWA.1E. ENAMUw. WARE AND NOTION. Agent for McCray Refrigerator. The Parlor Market "Home of All That Pore" Fresh Western Meats, POULTRY, EGOS AND GREEN GROCERIES. PHONES 173-174. For Business ('V)A Oppor tu nities vc) r- , Vc ' Along the Llrt of - k ' A "' Deep Water Tovrc Co. t1 P'euit Buildtro. fhn-i YESTERDAY'S WEAVHE.l. it United Stat-s Dej.a rfne.-t a" .'rrl culture, Weth.r Bunau. Charles V. Marvin chirf. DAILY VEATHEH BULLETIN. Day tmpr ratures in Octooor usually rise to 77 degrees. Night tempraturen 1t (ctner usual ly fall to 62 degrees. Penacola, F!a., Oct, SO. 1014. Pensucola's Ternperature Dt.i Ifirhest on record for Oeoier, PS degrees. I.oweit on record for Octt-btr, tf c - Kree. Htphe't tmperr.tur- jretr1 :-y, 71 degreei. LoweKt temperature j'e.fer!:;., T,l tlegrees. Pervs-rn'' RinfM Drls. Normal rPlr.f,iT frr tho m-.-nth rf Octoh-r, 4 r infhi Total rainfall -hi" Oc'chrr '. 7 o j rn. ycHrrf,',3', 1 06 !i.t'. j Totrl decency ' j ar to f-?'-r.- jtr 30th. 6 7i inchr-r . a.v. a . m-.-rm ( Lrt 1B4 1M9 l4 " ! frM na ri i 1 - ' 1 , 1 Tt,np I 4 w STATIONB S S-5 . a t; K -x t- Abilene 04 74 .. Clou ly Atlanta '.6 fl .. t'l-ru- Doslon 1 54 .02 (Acu lv Burralo 42 " .02 rio i V I nirmlng-harn .. r.4 .. C7"ir irh!c.3ffo '' .. C!.H.r Denvr r CI , . . Ch n- iGalvect'-n f "? " .. :.: - j Green !?. ....: ,. f:j-.i - ! Hitt' i -s " . . r'- ipir-.n ' . . . Jnn'trin",''.'' ' .. C". ": .. C.'l f'lf "-i . . - ' . . i"Vi- Krinxvl'l". " ." . , . Loul file " ' ''' .. C'p.r MsmrM" :; . . .i- ! Mlriiir;i j-cM ... f,'J ;; .. t. .- ;?vT.'r r.z Pi .. r-i'-ir ! Mi nleoiT!"-y . . 0 70 .. 'JT j New Orlpf. .. 52 '. :) .. ir New V.-rk 1 f. .. C-Vy North r-I;ttte ..CO 73 .. C.'-vr OkJ-'.hoTra CZ 74 .. rhMJdy Paiftin 64 72 .. C! ,r PENSACOLA . 14 71 .. cu.c riienlx 64 fi .H CUv .ly JroMlard. Ore. . CP C2 .fl 3..;ui;- Salt Lake City. R2 CR .. Cl.-t; : Sun Francisco . c: 0t-, .. r.-.i- j Fher.'dan 0 7C . . C!.. : ! Bhrt-veptirt .... f 2 70 .. ("!" i Ti nr rt 54 7f- . . ." Toledo 53 y i 'VV'nKhlr'Rton ... f 4 -.( ('.Vllllit-.n ': '-If - j Utrr-mrter rcn!.nri 7 p. m .' the fnj'f -j3f.. ; IVowrsvrie ' ' (Jorpm t:hf?ti ; : I G.'il vcfton 1 New Orleans ::' '. ri-wcoii " 2 Mobile y I'enacfla Z"A' Aalochicola l Tar.ip i ' v' Had Tate- H' YeUbt in Me-Jiclne. M. D. Faurett t Ci'li-ill-. Cn.. i- ' he had taken bin weight i i :r.eJ;r.ri- for headache ai.d conM'pr.tlor, nevtr uced anytr.iis that did hi-i much srood as Chamterliiin'j T. v!- For sale by all deilere. iVi'i -'