Newspaper Page Text
1 i i lit 10 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNING, NO VEMBER 1, 1914. If I: s-i- i , if ' on ' J: t , 1 1 i f 1 'I i-j ' ifji n t? ji !f 'it Si .1 A flint for Coining IMermiy ; cv '...1t.r.riiT i In a little book designed for expectant .mothers more complete Instruction is .(riven In the use of "Mother's Friend." -This Is an external embrocation applied to the abdominal muscles for the purpose cf reducing the strain on ligaments, cords end tendons. In thus bringing relief and avoiding pain great good is accomplished. It serves to ease the mind. Indirectly has a i most beneficial effect upon the nervous I ryrzem ana tnousands of women have delightedly told fcow they were free of nausea, had no morning sickness and went through the ordeal with most re markable success. "Mother's Friend" has been growing- in -popular favor for mora than forty years. In almost every com munity are grandmothers who used It themselves, their daughters have U3ed it and they certainly must know what a tlessirs It is when they recommend It fo warnly. Strictly an external application It has no other effect than to ease the tnusclf s, cords, tendons and ligaments Involved nence Is perfectly safe to use by all women. It Is used very successfully to prevent caking of breasts. t "Mother's Friend" is prepared In the ' laboratory of Bradfield Regulator: Co., 101 Lamar Bids., Atlanta, Ga. MILTON.- MARSTON & QUINA, West Florida's O'dest Furniture Mouse. '. .. Exclusive Afients Globe-Wernicke Book Cases. The "Want Ad Way" page is one of the great fea tures -f this rypper. Read it. Milton, Fla.. Oct. SI. Master Ellis Williams -who has been seriously ill with diphtheria is almost entirely re covered to the gratif ication of every one. Dr. aria Mrs. A. It. Smith and Mas ter Claude Harris were in Pensacola Wednesday to consult a throat special ist for the latter. Mr. and Mrs J. E. Seliars and fam ily have moved to Bainbridge, Ga., where tlrey will locate permanently. Mr. G. I. Metz purchased their home here. . Mr, J. M. Peek and family moved to Brantley, Ala., this week. Miss S. A.- Hemphill, of Vernon, who has been the guest of Mrs. Ernest Ames is in Pensacola the guest of friends and relatives for a week or more. Messrs. Mallory Pen ton, A. C. Carter, J. T. Stewart, li S. Beasley and S. G Collins attended the- minstrel show in Pensacola Monday night. Mrs. F. B. McGraw is the guest of her sister in Pensacola. Miss Annie McDaniel spent Wednes day with friends in: Pensacola, Mr. E. L. Williams representing the Western Union branch at Jacksonville visited'the. local office here Wednes day. ' . - Mr. Will Dyson of Bonifay was in town Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mentz spent the week-end vith Mr. and Mrs. XL A. Brosnaham in Pensacola. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stevens and Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Munson spent several days delightfully in New Orleans on a pleasure trip. Mr. Silas Jernigan attended the U. C. veteran reunion in Lakeland. . Mr. Charles Diamond of DePuniak was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Diamond a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Bloorafield spent Slonday in Pensacola touring the shops. Miss Lillie Oomilllon spent Sunday with relatives in Laurel HilL Mrs. D. R. Read and little daughter Is a Powerful (fifiiienceiii Blood Work With a Definite Pur pose and Is a Known Antidote. INDUSTRIES I STATE FLORIDA EAT LESS MEAT IF BACK HURTS Take a glass of Salts to flash Ki&neyg if Eladder bothers you Drink lota of water. JKELY'TO SUCCEED GEN. WOTHERSPOON A 171 Specimen and - Strbngt Of Age rc:" b'tf (Hm KlMski fyfrfPhJ' Mii)Mw 's)Mi3 j&'a ''"''i WtMb There are sosse thinps.fn rnedlclise that are certain and definite. , They do tbe work. S. S. S. is one of these reliebles and Is a known antidote for all blood troubles. More than tbat, it Is harm less, for it does not hurt the stomach, does not affect tSe bones and joints, nor doe a it alter the integrity of the . nerves and pine. But it does sweep through the : blood, a powerful, searching, cleans ing influence, remarkable for results and a tremendous relief to those who suffer the humiliation of skin ercptions. Nearly all sickness Is due to slcpgish blood. And if yon let S. S. S. bathe your system with Its wonderful influence your nervous troubles, your wan, weary, faded, listless, lifeless body will revive and be come so renewed with the sense of enjoy able health you will scarcely know your self. Try S. S. S. today. Get a bottle at any drug store. It will put you on your feet ; keep you going all day and enable you to sleep sound and restfal S. S. S. is not a "dope," not a physic, but a fine, bracing, purifying medicine that Is sure to do you a world of good. It is just what you need. S. S. S. is prepared by . The Swift ; Specific Co., 60 Swift Bldy., Atlanta, Ga., and if yon are troubled with any stubborn blood disease their medical department will guide you safely to health. Write them. spent Friday in Per.sacola. " Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Collins and Mr. S. J. Harvey motored to Andalusia Thursday. Mr. E. S. Beaaley was in Pensacola Saturday In connection with the L. & N. R. R. Co. AMONG NEW ENTERPRISES - RE PORTED FOR PAST WEEK, LAND OF FLOWERS TAKES LEAD IN NUMBER AND IMPORTANCE. Columbus, Ga., Oct. 31. The Indus trial Index says in its issue for this week: . ' L, ' "It they just must fight, let them gro ahead. The people in, this country will furnish them with supplies and take their cash. "This idea thus expressed oy a member of a Southeastern firm,, has taken form and Is crystalizing- in . the minds of business men in this sec tion arid throughout the country. De spite the fact that it is closely related to the horrors, of a great war, there is a grim humor ahout it. The war in Europe practically paralyzed -business In this . country for a time, and now the countries which are engaged in that war are to much more than make up the shortage in the volume of our business that they caused. "They are beginning to do it. One j city alone, Chicago, has sent an aver ! of $15,000,000 worth of goods a week to Europe since the war began. Mammoth orders 'are beginning to come now from Europe to numerous cities and sections of this country and not a few of them aie for cotton goods . "People in this country are begin ning to realize that it is a fact that the war in Europe ' will bring to as a (greater measure of prosperity than Mrs. H. D. Allen and snail 'son of Pensacola are here for a, lew days the j we have ever enjoyed.. More, they guests of friends. have material evidence that the foun- Mr. J. H. Givens of Laurel Hill was Ljation cf that prosperity is now being tne guesrr. or Air. ami jars. J. ii. j constructed or orders from Europe x,nW cihj e-ajiy ttirt m. uie ww.. "There is more cheerfulness, more jMiss ouve weary spent Sunday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Creary in Pensacola. Mr. "Pat" Robinson. '. democratic nominee for Tax Collector for Santa Rosa County died at his home In the country Tuesday night of heart trou ble and was interred in the MiKon cemetery Thursday followed by a large concourse cf friends and relatives. Eating meat regularly eventually produces kidney trouble in some form or other, says a well-known au- i thority, because the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become over worked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particular- ; ly backayche and misery in the kidney ' region; . rheumatic twinges, severe headaches, acid stomach, constipation, j urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting: right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of wa ter before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice7 com bined with llthia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to normal ac1 tivity; also neutralize the acids In the urine so it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad yalts cannot injure anyone; makes a delightful effervescent lithia water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious kidney disease. (Adv.) f MT. PLEASANT SNEADS. mrr&mmi4t John Paulln, Sr., Says: "Pcruna Cured My Catarrh.' rz Mr. John Paulln, Sr., a pioneer of the state of "Wisconsin, writes from Grafton, Wis.: "I have used Peruna with good results for coughs and colds, which troubled me every fall and winter. It has also cured my catarrh, which always became worse when affected with but a slight cold. I am recom mending Peruna because it is worth its weight in gold." Mr. John Paulin, Grafton, Wis. These who object to liquid medicines can now procure Peruna Tablets. Snea-ds, Fla,, Oct. -31. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ferrell, Jr., of Marianna, spent Sunday here, guests of the . Ferrell hotel. Mrs. T. H. Hud gens and little daughter Allison visited relatives in River Junction Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Oscar McKee and Oscar, 3r.. of Do than, Ala., are the guests of Mrs. McKee's parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Evans. . . Mrs. C. R. Jenkins and Mrs. Hill vis ited relatives in Greenwood first of the week. Miss Daisy Lamee went to Quincy Saturday on account of the Illness of her Aunt Mrs. M. Shaw. Mr. Leon Butler and family have moved. h3re from Jacksonville. Their friends here are glad to have them back. The entertainment given at the school house Friday night for the benefit of the Baptist Orphanage was quite a success. The two-act- comedy, "Mrs. Jones' Afternooi) Tea," which ended the program deserves especial mention. It was presented by an "All-Star Cast" and was a typical old-time social. Much credit s due Mrs. R. Blacklock the drector of the play, also Mrs. N. T. Pender for the costumes. . Rev. T. E. Atkinson returned Wed nesday after a short visit with his daughter at Dothan. ' ' : Rev. H. J. Register filled his regu lar appointment at the M. E. church here Sunday. The Rook Club was delightfully en tertained at the home of Mrs. J. O. Kennedy Saturday night. Mt. Pleasant, Oct. 31. There was quite a drop in the temperature Tuesday. The first frost of the sea son, was seen Wednesday morning; thin Ice, too, was seen the same morn ing. Miss Alice Shepard, who is a student at the "Florida State College for Wom en spent the week-end with her pa rents. .Mr and Mrs. I. F SheDard. re i oi conoaence ana more oi couecuon?, turning- to Tallahassee Monday noon, man which mere room we no oetier Mr -Leonard Johnson who has toeen eVidC-nCe. I I,---. w,l .!i fothoi- ha xtaa sW 'Business in our section Is pro- monhS for 'the benefit of his health. ceeding along steady lines. The num- j r6turned to his home in Bairtbrtdge, oer or commercial xairores is smaller Ga Saturday, much improved. pernaps man usual, nsansraciunnj ,Mia Tilia. Hubbard snent Rundav esxaDiisrsments are Demg operaxeo, l yth home folks returning to Chatta with few exceptions, and banks are hoochee in the evenlns:. uWiywK . uwr pairons witn money M- j. T. Evans mad a bnslnea needed lor operations. The money trIn te oniiww Mondav stringency is passing. uonaiuons are j Mr c, Gramling of River Junc- iiiruviiiK cocuuuauy. I Hon snait Tueadav -with relatives vonfirutiiun wors i macy Kinas, I i..rl, u-ie esiauiisnmeni oi mausinai plants, i ITat at Oatav. G.orria. ar the operation of existing pla nts and I vaA cniiliv aa snnd some me organization ox corporations ana time here the guest of ber daughter, nrms oonunue, jsteacuy. m rne woutn- i MrR jt j. hetard east, an comprising a most reuaoie Mrs. A. C. Jones and little Miss index ox general business activity. Abbie Louise after SDendimr a while 'Among the items of construction I wlth Mn. Jnnm mother. Mrs. .Ttnnid work to be done, a s reported this j Grabbs. returned to Amsterdam, Ga., weeK, are. I Mnnrfav flttfirnonn. triages, two, sania Kosa county, Rev. Francis McHale of Marianna at. Augustine, jacksonviue, and st. Major-Gen. Hugh L. Scott. Washington, Oct. 30. During "the extended Mexican trouble the burden of border duty has fallen on the shoul ders of Major-Gen. Hugh L,. Scott. There is an impression that for his services in that capacity he may be rewarded by being made chief of staff of the army. If so, he will take up his new duties on November 22, when Gen. Wotherspoon, the present chief of staff, retires. General Scott is known as an au thority on Indian life and as an ex pert in the Indian sign language. This knowledge proved of great value to him in dealing with the Mexican leaders. Don't Marry Pimples Pimples Mean Soggy, Clogged Liver and Bowel, and These Mean an Ugly Disposition Most of the Time. ,13 rr'l-m- clear!" iQ And BSf I Ii I V IM III Johns 'county, Florida; clubhouse, Tampa, Fla.; factory i bxdldinflr, St. Petersburg, Fla.; courthouse to be re- was here Tuesday on business. Mr. A. O. Paramore of Indianapo- Is, Indiana spent a few days here last week the guest of his brother, Mr. S. moaeiea ana eruargea. fineiias coun-1 A paramore. He went from here to ty, Florida; paving. Miami, Fla.; j Miami and other southern cities cunnings to e remodeled lor noteii Mrs. L F. Sheoard is spending the uses, Orlando, Fla; negotiations are J week at Lanark Springs, the guest of in progress for completion of tourist w. M. Money. hotel building at Savannah, Ga-, at a cost of $25,000 to $275,000. Construe tion contracts nave Men awarded as I fTHTP A T? TM tt a T? counties, Georgia: fair -buildings. Gainesville, Fla.; Jail, $19.g63, Pinellas j What .War .Teaches. .as h.i ... ... I' n ?-ln-0ne hM len f nr 14 win tM (YA T7tTiV. lroMKTt! LnmA anJ jvTpa oTT It is li&ht eROTisrh to oil a watta; hear" nongh to oil a lawn mower. On a soft cloth it hecomes an ideal fymitur $olhhtr. Zdaiea a yard of cheeee cloth the best and cheapest . Dust Its Djmimt CktM. ' - And 3-iivOne absolutely preveBtsrcst or tarnish on all metal surfaces, indoor and out. la any clitnste. " r?.s f-'Oitm. Write ttday for eoerona f't sample and the Dictionary of nne-ft to ! -s 7- 3-in-One is sold eTerjnrheni ia 3-siz bottles: lc(l ..), 2Sc (3 ex.), 50c t3 oz l. Pint for f M JS"Lar). ALo ia Dattntcd ILindT Oil Cm. 2Sc (1 n . i r ........ -i 3-IN-ONCL OIL. COMPANY Lhh mwih 42 O A Broadway Hswi fjKw York Ctrv k The 'PerfecfctiLaiiiid m PHONE ISO. WE DO DRY CLEANING. DULL SPLITTING, SICK HEADACHE DR. JAMES' HEADACHE POWDERS RELIEVE AT ONCE 10 CENTS A PACKAGE. county, Florida; sewers', $122,007, Miami, Fla.; library building, St. Pet ersfcorg, Fla. ; reservoir to be en larged, Pensacola, Fla,; school build ing, Lyerly, Ga,; wareh-ouse, Atlanta, Ga., and Seale, Ala. "Industrial plants will e established as follows: Asphalt plant, Frichard, Ala.; Well as Business Life Courage in war or business is born of good pure blood. Pure fclood is the greatest blessing mankind can have. Millions of people need this power ful vegetable remedy that puts the ice I stomach, liver and bowels in fine con factories, Cocoamit Grove, TeLand, dition; tnat clears the skin of pimples. Homestead and St. Petersburg, Fla. ; rish, blemishes and eczema; that dls- destructor . plant, Miami, Fla,; fran- solves 'Doils and carbuncles: that chise for lighting and power plants makes nerves stronger and steadier and for electric railway has :aeen and gives to pale, weak, rundown peo- granted at Clearwater, Fla; company pie the fullest measure of health and has been organized in Atlanta, Ga., happinesa. to- manufacture brick. I Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- New Smyrna, Fla., will vote upon I ery, free from aloohol or narcotics, issuance of $63,000 of municipal lm-jdoes Just what is stated aljove, sim- provement toonds. I ply because it banishes from the blood Eleven corporations have been I all poison and Impure matter. It is formed with - minimum capital stocks the world's great "Blood Purifier; so aggregating $110,500.' You take a Dr. James Efe3tdache Powder and in Just a few moments your head clears and all neuralgia and pain fades away. It's the quickest and surest relief for headache," whether dull, throbbing, splitting or nerve-racking.- Send someone to the drug store and set a dime package now. Quit suffering it's so needless. Bo sure you get Dr. James Headache Powders -then there will be no disap pointment. (Adv.) CEHTIFIElPUBUCACCOUNTAflTS EMPIRSSUILDiliO AMERICANNATXBANXBUS-Cmo GUTMAN'S The Store Noted for Values. 107 S. PpJafox Street. SAN CARLOS HOTEL. Geo. H. Hervey, Managing Director. Pensacola's Pride. P Ui Ml GREAT DEI ONE SHIP ARRIVING AT LONDON HAD A CARGO OF 118 CASES OF 160 POUNDS EACH. enters Joints, dissolves the Impure de posits and carries them out, as it does I all impurities, through the Liver, Bow els, Kidneys and Skin. If you have indigestion, sluggish liver, fcackache over the kidneys, nasal or other Catarrh, unsteady nerves or unsightly skin, get Ir. Pierce's Golden Medical IMseovery today and start at once to replace your impure oicoa with the kind that puts energy and ambition into you and brings back youth and vigorous action. Hot Springs Liver Buttons Clear Com plexions and Temper. What'sthe use of pimples? Same as the red flag Danger Signal. Red flag says: "Tnuk not c 1 e a r!" en s xy : e e r anO s, not O i V e Hot Spring's Liver Buttons Just one chance aim out the difference b e- tween the way today way you'll feci tomorrow. iSever mind what else vou've ti-iel or what you think. ThtR will only cost you 25 cents. Ort acquainted with thptp wonderful little buttons and you'll improve In neaitn and deposition, be liapriT, mak( more friends and more money. Down here in Hot Springs we make a business of curing people of thr-ir i -mentH. These buttons ari marie fr a formula that is undoubtedly the best ever devised. Hot KDrinea lAveir T?utr. am mnlillr becoming as famous as Hot Sm-intr it'- self. Every druggist who is alive to the tlmse sella Hot Springs Liver Button and his price ia 25 cnt. In every box la a valuable ."Diet slip" t'nat I worth health to you if you are troubled wltl) indigesction, constipation, biliousness or kindred ailments. Either buy a box from your druggist or send to us direct let's get rid of the bile and a freeh. start. Hot SpHriKS Chemical Co., Dept. 11, Hot .S;ririz., Arkansas. (tu!v) A GREAT BOOK EVEKY WOMAN SHOULD HAVE BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. LONDON, Oct. 31 The increased British demand for opium due to the war, is being met by imports from the Orient. There has been no advance in the price of Persian opium, and the Turkish has increased only a shill ing the pound. One ship arriving at Londan the past week .brought 118 cases containing 160 pcunds each, aud there is a plentiful supply with the It is believed -oy the English that J Buffalo, Hsrmiinv le rurnlnc fihnrt of this Hninr I tCe. so important In the emergency hos pitals at the fronL At least Germany's importatolns are cut off entirely and its supply in store must be carefully guarded. If you -will pay the mailing charges, Doctor Pierce win send you his cloth bound book of over 1,000 pages newly revised with color plates and Illustra tions. ! Everyone should read and have it In case OI accident w ou..ikkks m iiio home. - - Treats of so many subjects in such an Interesting manner that knowledge of the human body is auickly and easily attained by all who read the book. Send 20 cents in stamps for mailing charges to Dr. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel, N. ' Y ana enclose this no- (Adv.) Monday, Soap Day, at the Crystal Pharmacy. WANTED Tou to know If your pack a ire carries no aroma, you are totlnir dope. If exhilarating aromatic coffee rou want go to the COFFEE RANCH CO. Phono 22. 44 S. Palafox St. A Fine FisH for Dinner You never enjoyed anything more than you will one of these finest . Spanish Mackeral or ompano and fur- Perfectly fresh of larcfe size thev nish a delightful, pal atable dish. Phones, 173-174 THE PARLOR MARKET 219 S. Palafox Street, it t IICHtSTER S PILLS rt: niA'.tjtn naiKu ti,j - r v-i i'ti r.iioon. 6rWi.v3 ' cw-. i --T. war c.r A-'Jl'T, fliA K. i.v, 8S FOOD SOURING I i!UiVIMbn UAU5tb 'PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN" ENDS ; STOMACH DISTRESS IN r, MINUTES. Wonder what upset yo n- ?, which portion of tho tv..i ; damage lo yon? VWU. If your stomach is in a rc.:;; ' gassy and urset, ar.-l win,! ., ate has fermented im.i ; lumps: head dizzy an.1 a.-i.,-.. gases and acids aiwj oructiit- ; . ed food; breath foul, toning ! just take a little P.-ipe's hl: and In five minutes y.n u ; became of the indigent !-h ,, tress. Milliors of men and u. in; , know that it is needless to 1.. Ptomarh. A little j n , , ally keeps this delicate orm iated and they et tli-ir :.ivo:ir.. without fear. If your stomach doi-su'! inn" your libera! limit wltiiout n . if your food is a Jin.c ii;:-t. help, remember ti, ntekoHt, most harmless relief in i-'.uie'K I sin which cost only futy c-nt. targe case ;it uru turrM, it-, wonderful it diverts f 'u things straight, pu .-i,tK- , :, that it is rally ast.iii'-. I:i for -our sake, don't w ith a weak, dison!. : , , ... , so unnf-oessary. w ft Will Bring Bett Your otore You More Business As-: us Hb Ait 1 1 Type "C" f .im:? Lamp th'it br'n more busine-s Pensacoii Electric C'o. New BiHin? Den Phones 20 lO an.1 J',n Business rduoancn For Men and Hoys. Practical Courses Teachers Individual Instruction Y.M.C.A. Night Fchonf Palafox and Belmont After Hoy. I We Will Be Located in Home, 21 SOUTH PALAFOX Reynolds Music f BAGDAD INN BAGDAD. FLA. , (Owned and Operat'i ' -v Land & LuuiIjui All Modern ConvenUjnf"-". Cuisine, American f 'Ian Hit' day and up. Hums ir,etH a!! i' MISS A HI.. Manc ! Sash.Doors.eiinds.Gias I PEHSACOLy Largest Stock of Clst In Factory and Yard. Corner Streets. 0 Phone 094. mm PILES CURED AT H0.M1 NEW ABSORPTION METMOOj If you suffer ftrn !! ' blind or protrudlnif Piles. r aJ'lreHB, tnl I t l! " eurf yourself ut home ly to noition trMitm-nt ; and will some of this home treatment trial, with reference!) from locality if requested. X"X " mediate relief anl np edy ur no moupy, but tll otiiefs i,i Urite todav to .Ir M Sm- P, South Kend, rnd.