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55 THE PEN SAC OLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1914. AMUSEMENTS. (5 n r 4 .-is-. : .My.-.-'-. Je- 'I n ' J -J ir f If 4 i f' ivy - I I V " 4 4v V j: i rv;; ; v. a y f ,4 S-U'fi. A t- f v - - -4 '1 1ft it ; 4 1 V1- A) iiTfiMi s 1 s ffl t wife had made was right and I was wrong. So I jslipped behind the scenes and changed them all," I didn't tell her, but I changed them. - And then I in vited her to come down and see the last rehearsal and bring half a dozen other good mothers with her. When they reachc--l- the hall said to them: "Ladles,- v.' ;ch this play for me and see if . I've made a mistake of taste. It's a delicate subject. If there's a word in it that ought to come out, tell me and I'll cut it. And if you think it should not be produced, say so and I'll pull it off. I've asked you as a. Jury of white American 'Mothers to decide this for me. Now be honest with yourselves and fair to me." At the end of the rehearsal they came, one - by one, took me fey the hand and said ft great many very beautiful things. I'm entirely too modest to tell them to you but I will tell you what my wife said. With the slightest touch of sarcasm in her voice she quietly remarked: "You needn't make any , more changes now." Tickets on sale at Balkcom's Tuesday. "To -day A Th)e menace of woman's present day mania for clothes and the eeil results attendant thereto, are graphically shown in the powerful drama, "To day1, Which comes here on Nov. 9th. In the cas-e of misguided Lily Wag ner, her husband killed her to cure her of th craze that nad' ruined her lift, but seeing "To-day" and think ing about It will suggest less dra matic cure. One of the chief problems of very day life in the cities and in many small communities is how to induce women to dress according to their incomes. Talk to any thoughtful dressmaker and she well tell you; unless you show t unmistakable signs of the mania your-, j self.- that the grip of clothes upon , her customers is appalling.' Although earning her living and sometimes a fortune In dressing women prettily, she herself deplores the -waste of-ill considered dressing the- waste In money. In Interest, in sanity, for see ing things out of proportion Is insan ity. She will tell you that there are uomen to whom clothes are the art and science of life. They care for nothing else, think of nothing1 else. They are possessed by velvets, ob sessed by chiffons. A moderate lik ing for pretty gowns and hats and .wraps is entirely natural. It is in its simple normal form an expression of a-woman's sense of beauty and fit ness. But it is only one of the in terests that make up a woman's life. a simple, well thought out wardrcoe is within the means of most women. It was within Lily .Wagner's. But she cared inordinately for handsome gowns. The sight of one mounted to her brain and befuddled it as the fumes of wine befuddle the drunkard. Beginning as a pretty girl with an average interest in dainty apparel, the liking' grew into an obsession. It became a monster that destroyed her. Ill OF BUSY TIES COLLECTION CITY LICENSES MANY WHO HAD FAILED TO PAY UP FOR NEW FISCAL YEAR CROWDED OFFICES OF CLERK AND COMPTROLLER DURING DAY. Meal hours were unknown with the city clerk and his assistant, and the comptroller and his assistant, yester day, and during the day thousands of dollars were paid over the -counter in the clerk's office, as many as fifteen Thfl rure? Ye. "To-dav" is a rnnstmrtivt r1v anil nttfra n rfttnodV. ', licenses C.t a thousand-dollar Clip. Lily is shown as idle, as allowing her mother-in-law - a patient, lovable mother-in-law, by the wayt6 do all the work of their little household, while she sits "thinking' of heaven knows what." There is the remedy, Lily might have learnsd to shop intel ligently, and to make her own clothes cr most of them. So she might have filled her closets with frocks that were pretty and suitable, and by such simple means the awful tragedy of her life would have been averted. Eugene LaRue, as the Mayor, Byron Jameson, as Tom Norton; Edyth Chase, as Hele-n Winslaw, in "The Sins o f the Father," at the Opera House, Thursday, November 5th. Sins Of The Father. Thomas Dixon, the distinguished author of "The Sins of the Father" which comes to the opera house Thursday, won his first fame as an orator. His curtain speech in Norfolk, Va, on the night of the premier per formance of the play was a model of felicitous speechn-akinqr- Among oth er things he said: "I think I have OLD-TIME REMEDY MAKES PURE BLOOD Hood's Sarsaparilla has been and Btill is the people's medicine because of its reliable character and its won derful success in purifying, enriching and revitalizing the blood and relieving the common diseases and ailments scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism,' dyspep sia, loss of arpeiite.that tired feeling, general debility. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies and en riches the blood, and in so doing ren ders the human eystem the greatest service possible. This, medicine has been tested for years. It is perfectly Iure, c!eJi and absolutely safe, as well as of peculiar and unequaled medicinal merit. Get Hood's, and get it new from any drug store. (Adv.) this play right, because I got ay my wife with it. To paraphrase the words of Lincoln--You can fool some people all the time, you can fool a lot of people In this world part of the time. but if you've been married twenty five yesrs, believe me, you cant fool your wife at all My wife does the typewriting for my foooks and plays. When she handed me this manuscript she said: - "You've got some things there that won't do. Cut them out. You can't say that on the stage." I replied: "I won't take out a word. This play's the apple of my eye and I'm going to put it on Just as I wrote it." But she kept at me you know what a woman can do when she makes up her mind Finally I said: "For Heaven's sake let me alone. I'm tired and nervous. I've , been working t on thlg : play 14 hour.? a day for 3 months, v I can't stand it. You're a typewriter and I'm a dramatist. If you'll attend to your business I'll attend to mine I'm go in? to put this play on Just as I wrote it." I did. And when I saw it coming out in the vivid light of rehearsals one by one I saw that every point my ' top- Scene from first s ct of "Today." rr: t-.a gas fhis foer Oepo rteni fy Opportunity is defined as "a fit time or occasion. The definition says nothing about price. But this November's opening week brings to you oppor tunity unfettered. Although we are not going to put into effect any general f-cice cuttin this early in . the season, we have arranged for this week a few "business stim liators.,, In other words these special items alone will carry the reduction in prices, but. these, should hurry you up about those needed winter garments. Every garment oered are the exact styles and materials we've shown at regular first-of-the-seison prices and include the following: : 50 all wool serge dresses, formerly sold for $8 and $10, special . , 25 air wool serge and gabberdine suits sold as high as $18 and $20, special 30 suits of broadcloth and gabberdines pop lins, etc. all shades, $30 and $35 values 50 of our best suits of Fassman - Hoffman and gabberdines, $35 and $37.50 values ........ Girls Friendly Will Havs Bonita. The Senior Girl's Friendly oe?ety is planning to take charge of the Bonita Theatre at an early date, and will give one of the finest moving picture entertainments of the season, the proceeds to be divided between the Girl's Friendly Society . ar.d the Women's Cooperative Relief Associa tion. The Woman's Uelief Association is at this time receiving many calls of distress and the Qirl's Friend.y So ciety Is showing a very commendable spirit In endeavoring- to nelp in the splendid work this body of women Is doing The Girl's Friendly Society has now a large membership and the girls who have undertaken the management of the n-.oving picture entertainment are most enthusiastic and bcyeful for its success. S6.50 $14.50 S22.50 broadcloth .825 Just received 25 dozen waists of beautiful crepes with embroidered collars, t ' . Q t A fl special a . Important Note W. make the' unqualified Offer to duplicate any offer ) from any catalogue house now doing business. Bring your catalogue along and let us show you. Np goods sent on approval between now and Christmas. At The Isis Today. Sunday's program at the Isis should attract many, for Manager Davison has arranged a combination bill that will not fail to please the raoet fasti dious. It is an extraordinary -bill for a Sunday, featuring' the "Million Dol lar Mystery," presenting: episode Xo. 18, and showing the narrow escape of the conspirators after their attempt to -capture Norton as set forth in the pre ceding episode. Many are following this ihnlling etory and the fact that r-ne of the most interesting episodes is to be presented will serve to draw manj- to the theatre.' "Our Mutual Gir!," a favoriie with patrons of the Isis will be shown. It is a very entertaining installment and has some very exciting- climaxes. "Snookees Day Off," is a-eido splitting- comedy of one reel that will bring many a laugh and will have to jDe seen to be appreciated. For Monday Manager Davison has arranged to show the greatest of all modern productions, "After the Bali." It probably is one of the greatest fea ture pictures ever shown In Pensac-jla, and Is the talk of the entire moving picture world. " Last night at 6 o'clock, the city em ployes, tired from their arduous day's labor, left the city building, without giving out the amount of receipts, but thc lattr overtops anything- in this line on record. It wfli real surprising just how many persons had for numerous reasons neglected to pay their license fees, and men In all walks of life looked after this important matter vesterday, to dodge the filly per cent, penalty which "becomes effective Monday. All manner of business and profes sional lines were licensed to do busi ness, and these after the licenses showed up In person in about every case. At times the crowd at the wicket in the , clerk's office had the appearance of a ticket sale, and nad to be lined up, taking I heir chance to get the attention of the men 'behind the counter. It was as bad in the of fice of the comptroller. Htre comp troller Bayless and his assistant, Mr. Murphy, had their tru.:?es, and both of them honored the receipts sent from the office of the cl-irk. Mr. E.cart, the city clerk and treasurer, and his assistant, Mr. Heinberg, both re ceipted for the applicants, and this was about all done in the clerk's of fice. When the clerk was called by telephone, either Commissioner Fou or Mayor Grecnhut was on hand to ans wer the calls, leaving the clerk to sive his almost undivided attention to ti e line of callers. Fees received amounted to thous ands, but did riot cover the estimated amount from this source. One man who came to pay a saloon license brought his money ir small denomina tions, and it was the clerk's duty to count out the $1,000 offered. The lowest fse paid was that , of midwives, who were tixed $1.00. Feotle ownin up to the ownership of a dog, paid a like amount for each canine possessed Outside of the saloons, the largest sin gle fee was paid by the Pensacola Electric Company, the total beirg over $700. Numerous insurance companies paid tip, of course through their local agencies, some of rhe agents paying for ten or more. r U yM1tV EXCURSION SUNDAY. Steamer Baldwin leaves City 2:30; leaves island 4:30 p. m. TAX- PAYERS D IH CHECKS COLLECTORS LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAIL ROAD COMPANY YESTERDAY SETTLED UP WITH THE CITY OF PENSACOLA, THROUGH TAX AGENT. BIG HAH TO CITROLAX CITROLAX CITROLAX Beet thing for constipation, &our stomach, lazy liver and sluggish bow els. Stops a sick headache almost at once. Gives a most thorough and sat isfactory flushing no pain, no nausea. Keeps your system cleansed, sweet and wholesome. Ask for Citrolax. D'AI emberte's Pharmacy. (Adv.) EXCURSION SUNDAY Steamer ; Baldwin leaves City 2:30; leaves island 4:30 p. m. A check for the sum of $10,084 was handed over to City Tax Collector John C. Wnitlng yesterday by J. B. Jones, of Montgomery, Ala., the regu lar tax agent for the Louisville & Nashville railroad company. This rep resented the railroad company'a tas for the past year, less two per. cent., which advantage is gained oy paying up before the first da, of November, The amount of taxes eet against the railroad company was $10,2S9.79, which is on an assessment or $731,522. This is the largest single tax pay ment settled with the city, the . next highest being the Brent, estate, which is about two thousand dollars less than paid by the-railroad company. Naval Stores Market. Savannah, Oct. -dl. The spirits of turpentine market opened and closeu nominal today with no salts. 'Re ceipts were 536 casks and shipments 76 casks, leaving Htccks of 29,126 casks. The rosin market opened and closed nominal with no sales. I;e cIpts were 1.167 barrels nd ship ments of S.747 'barrels, leaving stocks of 111,425 barrels. Quotations were as lollows: W. TSV 6.35 G 6.25 , ..S.00 4.50 4 .13 3.55 3.S5 553 3.55 3.55 D. 3.52 B, 3.50 "I Like His Looks' That's the cause of many a man's winning- out. '"I like his looks" is often due to his clothes. Because many men judge by appearances, good clothes are always a good investment. Wear one of our BANTAM suits and you'll always look your best. This suit is a half-way stop between the extreme and the conservative. An attractive-suit .of semi-English design, neat and Ijum'-ness-like. Being W. & W. Quality, it will in u!l and look well as long as you wear ft. See yourself in a BANTAM. Better Clothes. 20 South Palafox Street. CITY PRISONER GIVEN A CHASE A TRUSTY FROM THE CITY JAIL FLED THROUGH THE STREET3 AFTER TAKING JAR OF CHEW ING GUM. Considerable excitement was creat3d on Palafox and Intendencla streets shortly before 12 o'clock last night, when a- number of persons chase l Wil lie MalichL colored, finally catching him when the negro tripped and fell in a vacant lot on East Intendencla street. Night Watchman Steele and a numoer or oinerB iouit me iu.u .-- jail. Malichi was a trusty at the city jail and during his wanderings on Pala'ox street he is alleged to na" grabbe-l a jar of chewing gum fr-:m the counter of a stand on Palafox street. He was detected and a num ber gave chase. Tne jar or gum was the cause of the negro's capture, for he held it in his arms when he stumbled J and fell. MEMORIAL SERVICE THIS AFTERNO0: A memorial service by tli :., v.hlch both nests and the l.idirs n : : t-iry will participate, will ln -i,ii " ed this afternoon in the hall :x ' corner of llaylen and Romnnri Mr" It v.Ill (rmmence at 2:"0 '"lf k n the imMk! I invltrd. Thiff : have died during the jpar f lliw; It. Hro&dbont, J. T. Carter. ' t Craft. A. Griger, Thos. Houla' in, M. Livingston, Joaquin Mnrtinfr. F. McNcii, W, W. Nobles. C.n V.l H. O. Koch, Wm. Vor Kampf. H!h Wyntor, Jno. O. Ward, ChaH. WUIup Theo. Weber, Joe Lushlngton r.rvw L. Anderson. - Tl.o committee on srrangemr:, composed of the following: Jrrry 5 II van, Jr., chairman; J, O. Vm""'. secretary; Philip Heall, W. II. O.hb. Osrdl, J. 13. Rowman and L?? ?. erlvt. "EVERYBODY'S" 123 8. Pjlafox Street. Christmas Toys Now in. Frorr 1c ' $10. All toys purchanofi now, w i store free of charts until reitilrH. PATRONAGE SIGN IS TAKEN AWAY BIG DEPARTMENT STORE CON TRIBUTED 10,000 POUNDS, BUT IT WAS RETURNED WHEN FACTS BECAME KNOWN. N. M. K. L. H. G F. .SS 6.25 6.00 4.53 4.15 3.55 .5S 3.55 S.S3 3 55 3.524 1.69 BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. London, Oct. 'SI. On of London's great department stores has removed from its windows its royalWtronaSe signs. This is said to be due to a rov&l rebuke. This store, where Queen Alexandra j has heretofore done her shopping, sent a check for 10,000 pounds to the Prince of Wales fund. So large a donation might well be put to the credit of its advertising account in view of the publicity given It. However, the managers of th Wales fund discovered that the store dismissed, half of its staff, so that the donation came really not from the f inn bu from its unfortunate discharged employees. Whereupon the check was sent back and the royal patronage taken from the firm. The problem In England Is to avoid pauperizilg tbo unemployed. Th bur den placed cn private diarity 1c all that it can stand. Potn in the case of the Prince f of Wales and of Queen Marys funds, the principal Is to provide employment rather than to mkt doles to the idle. While some industries have received an artificial stimulus through the war. others have been forced to close. It is the aim of the royal family to Induce employers to keep their business going even at a Josa, rather than lo dis charge hands and soothe thMr con sciences by giving to charities which their own actions have made neces sary, i ood Kevs, ousewives No more bother t cook cakes. Wc have secured the excht iv agency for Was-nia"' high grade Cakes triotH-jturity of unequaHed de ness and absolute Better than mow. wives can make with their limited facilities they arc at the janv: cheaper and perfectly fresh. Received by exf fresh daily in the follow ing kinds. GOLDEN, SILVER. RAISIN, LAYER. 10c Cartons, a bitf VBc:' age. Warfield Grocery Co Phones 1566-1567 i : n 1 U 'i I i( I . 1 )' --a. -'" i a r rr : In ct I'v E c v. h Jon I he 1