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Time for Yon Hunters'- : to orue e Up The season will be on again in a little while an& you want to be ready.- . . . , y If your blood tingles at thought of the sport be ready when the time comes. v ' Come into- ': -. v - ' ' "The Sportsman's Store" and let us help you with getting your outfit ready. Everything but the dog can be found here and we'll be glad to offer any suggestions we can. Fishing is fine now fellows and we can fit you out in great shape for every kind of fishing. w ilso n-B 22 South Palaf ox Street 8VALTY WILL SCUSSED 0 lighted to once more have a Rector in charge. P. CUNNINGHAM WILL HAVE T AS HIS SUBJECT AT THE FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH fTODAY. Lovalty" will be the subject dis ss?d by Mr. W. P. Cunningham this rruingr at the First Christian ;fch. Tn view of the necessity hav r arisen to discontinue the services amirisUr, this suio will be ex sJinply appropriate, especially 50 if ? members are incline to relax J!!r energies while the Obnreh Is un frtunate enough to be without a mtn- i "here will be no services in the ev 1 ny. Mrs. Mitchell will play as a j antary. "Etude," by Nevin. and Mr. X. Phillips will sing a duet. fae Sunday School will be held at . and is in charge of Mr. Jas. B. "kins. Special effort is being made each department to maintain effl- nt service, and visitors will at all p-be welcome, and may witness a 1J1 live, energetic and well kept fcK though without 'a shepherd. Interest In Revival. The riJ( nf meotinra nirViT, Victor, winesJay under most auspicious cir mfctances continue to grow in at. "fence and interest. Those -who were unable to get seats mrsday n'ght were provided for by time chairs in the aisle nio-v. fr. Peterson ban held the rant a.t- Uon of his hearers from th ' thro sermons on "If ye bring we TV hOW to Blve KOod clfte r' children, how much more will r heavenly Father give the Hniv rlt to them that ask Hirm" "WinV tie I vet:" 'Y ti.ij r the Holy Ghost Is come unnn wre powerful and telling in ef- ast evening Mrs. ISrrsesUne Pf!f- T wng most Impressively to a large 1 appreciative audience "Fttoe tn The meetings will continue rrow and thru next wetk. 'onorrov at 11:00 o'clock the pos ' will occupy the pulpit. Brother if'es "Dickinson will preach at 7:30 All are Invited to att-enrl xa I J aii of these services. Warrington Church Tonieiht. fr- W. R. Hancock, who was nrel. f 1 of the Christian Endeavor at Al- fj before coming to Pensacola, :ner w;ih Ar- tv if ttv.- Earcca class of First Baptist fch will conduct the meeting at .'"Ston Methodist church tonight J '1 r-4 are invited tn Mr. Smvth in ChNi. S. Smyth will take npr. V-l tCLJ g Sur.dav. of St. Katharines . "-'. jvii.f Btnto .vir. if'S re'irpfnent the srvire? have tVJ?inciPally conducted by lay - -ne members "win air be de- Epwerth League. "The Root of Murder" will be dis cursed by the Oladsden Street Fp worth League in the league room this evening at 6:30 p. ro., sharp under me leadership of Miss Ethel ISv-rs, Adj. Grimshaw of the Salvation 4rmy win ravor the league with an interest ing talk on this topic. Tou are invited to meet with ua fn this service. CATHOLIC. St. Michael's Church Until further notice the following will be the order 01 services on Sunday: 7 a. m. Mass. 9:00 a. m. Children's Mass. 10:00 a. m. Mass and sermon. 3 p. m. Baptism. Sacred Heart Church Cor. Jackson .nd Ninth Ave., Rev. lather Kennedy, pastor, .t-roi. jtienry seei, organist. . Sunday services: 7 a. m. Low Mass. 9:30 a, m. High Mass, followed by fcunaay school. 3 p. m. Baptisms. 5 p. m. Rosary and Benediction of Blessed Sacrament. Confessions Saturdays nd eves of reasts, 4 p. m. St. Joseph's Church Order of aer ices at St. Joseph's church: Sundays, 7 a. in. Low Mass and instruct Ion. 9 a. m. Sunday schooL 10 a. m. High Mass and Instruo tion. 4 p. m. Vesper, Rosary and Ben- alctlon of the Blessed Sacrament. Week days, Holy Mam Is offered at 7 o'clock a. m. and 8:15 a. m.; the Holy Hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 8:80. Confessions, Saturday from 4 to 6 p. m. and from 7 to 9 p. m. Also the evenings before Holy Days of Obli gation and the first Friday of every month. Baptisms, by appointment . Frlesta. Rev. Chas. E. Hartkoft Rev. Thomas H. Massey. BAPTIST. First Bastist Church North Pala- fox street, just above T .M. C. A. Surtaays. 9:80 a. m- Sunday school, Baraoa and Phllathea. Visitors cordiaHy wel come. 11 a. m. Preschm; txy the pastor, Eugene R, Isndleton, Th. M. Volun teer nurses will care for DaJDles white mothers worship 7:80 p. m -Preaching by the pastor. Informal song service. On the first Sunday each month the Memorial Supper Is observed at eleven o'clock pervloev On the second Sunday in ach quar ter the conference of the- church Is held after preaching. 35. T P. TJ, erery Sunday at :80 P. m. Wk Day. Monday's at 3 p. nw Woman's tneefc ings, Aid and Missionary alternately, iu basement rooms of church. Wednesdays at 7:80 p. m. Mid week cervices. Conducted by lay mem bers of the church Visitors cordially invited. , Opportunity given at nearly every service on Sundays for uniting with the church. Baptisms after night services at frequent intervals. Mothers are welcomed with their cMldren. Infants receive the beet of care while the mothers ate In church. East Hill Baptist Cfurh E. E. Rice, pastor. Residence, 1711 East Gadsden street. Church on Thirteenth j avenue and Gadsden street. j Sunday school 10 a. m. -' Preachljggr 7:30 p. m. and 11 a. m., on ! first and rrd Sundays In each month. B. T. P. 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7: so p. m. B. Y. P." TJ., 7 p. m. West Hill Baptist Church E. 13. Rice, pastor, preaching every second and fourth Sundays, 11 a. m. and 7:30 P. m. Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Hunaay scnooi. 1 a. m. EPISCOPAL. CHRIST CHURCH. Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity. Holy Communion, 7:45 a. m. Sunday school, 9:80 a,n. Morning prayer and sermon, 11 a. m. Evening prayer, 6 p. m Saint Katherine's Church Corner or Cervantes and Coraova streets. Holy Communion, 7 a. m., by Rev. John Brown. Sunday school, 9: SO. Morning prayer and litany, 11. PRESBYTERIAN. First Presbyterian Church East Chase street. Dr. A. S. Moffett, pas tor. Sunday, 9:30 a. m.. Sabbath school 11 a. m., preaching by pastor. 7:30 p. m., preaching by pastor.- Wednesday, 6 p. m., prayer meeting. Knox Presbyterian Church, Cor. 13th avenue and Blount street. Sunday school at 9:30. Preaching at 11 a. m., by Rev. Mr, Dickinson. -Christian Endeavor at 7:30. Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7r?0 p. m. all winter. METHODIST. First Methodist Church E. Wright street, between Palafox and Guille- marde; Rev. M. H. Holt, pastor. Res idence,' 1008 N. Baylen. Phone 1683. Sunday school, 9:30 a, m. J. A. Avant, superintendent; J. W. Andrews assistant superintendent, all depart ments. Preaching at 11 a. m., and S p. m Epworth League at 7:15 p. m. Prayer service Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. All are cordially Invited to attend all these services. Come with a pray er for special blessings. Strangers welcome . Gadsden Street Methodist Church- Southeast corner Ninth avenue and Gadsden street. Rev. J. A. Peterson, pastor. 3:30 a, m. sunaay scnooi, an uo partments, organized classes, w. f, Cunningham, superintendent; Herbert Richards, assistant. 11 a, m. Sacramental service; con ducted by pastor; subject of sermon, "The Alabaster Box Broken 6:30 t. m. Service of the Senior League. See notice of program else where. All invited. An Interesting service provided ,2J3, Sis 00 X P. Smith Shoe Co. Manufacturer . CHICAGO That's what every one of our customers that wears a Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoe says: "It's like walking on air my feet haven't ached for ages!" And we're mighty sure that you'll sav the same thincr if vou wear Dr. A. Rccd Cushion shoes for iust one day. For they're the easiest . shoes on earth. Nothing else like them for folks that walk. much. They fit easily the first time you try them on. And then the soft cushion insole shown in the illustration spreads into and fills the hol lows of your foot supports it with a cushion-f and distributes vour weight so evenly that you walk on the whole sole of your foot instead of just the toes and heels. That's the secret of its comfort. That's why people that wear Dr. A. Reed Cushion Shoes : l-.rt 1 : l .-a never buiici iiuui awning, uuiuuig icti. J Why not drop in tomorrow and see the line we have many new styles and com fort guaranteed in every pair, win .r you let us show It&jST v2 you L3.5.fArTfQpX compresses vmm jflEHABALLS OF FEET AS TOES rcosmoN supports anons ...... ...-220 IU1UWUWVY ( .'XV w 4 Meyer Shoe Co. Exclusive Agency Palafox and Romana Streets street, Wm. T. Fox, teacher All young men are cordially invited to attend one of these services. THE SALVATION ARMY. The Salvation Army Hall .Corner 7:30 p. m. Regular service, conduct- I Government and Baj len, Capt. Stev- ed hv Tastor: subject of sermon, "T ie ens in cnarge. Spiritual Farmer, and the Spiritual Harvest." The pastor urges every member to be present and welcomes all to the helnful services annonced above, you will miss something if you are absent. Come and let us worship. Pensacola City Mission J. T. iJe- -Ptarii.hen. tiastor Residence &uu i Havne. Telephone 1301. W Hill Church Corner F and LaRua streets. Sunday school at 9:45 each Sunday morning. J. S. Bowman, superintendent Prayer meeting Wednesday evenings Sunday school at Salvation Army Hall, south of public square at 2:30 p. m. Wm. T. Fox, teacher of Bible class. CHURCH OF CHRIST. Church of Christ Corner of Alcania and East Jackson streets. Rev. w. Reeve. Services as follows: 9:45 a. m. BIble school. 10:45 a. m. Singing by the children. 11 a. m. Preaching. All are given a cordial invitation. COLORED CHURCHES. Antioch Baptist Church. Colored- Today (Sunday) as follows: Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Mt. Moriah A. hi. E. Zion Church Corner Gregory and Si-streets. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Christian Endeavor meeting at 7:30 p. m. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 8 p. m. every Sunday. Rev. G. W. Seell, pastor; Aaron Brown, superintendent. St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church streets. Rev. Junior League at 2:30 Sunday after noons. """ Senior League at 7:30 each Sunday evening. Preaching every Sunday at 11a, m Eleventh Avenue Church Corner 11th avenue and DeLeon street. Sunday school Suixxay mornings at 1 West Wright and L. 10 o'clock. J. T. Johnson, superm- j J. C. Ducke, pastor, tendent. J. EL Hunt, acting superin tendent. .Prayer meeting Thursday 7:30 p. m. Preaching every Sunday night ex cept the third at 7:30. Myrtle Grove Church- Sunday school Sunday afternoon at 2:30. E. C. Caro, superintendent. Preaching the first and second Sun day afternoon at 3:30. Navy Yard Churcri Sunday school every Sunday morn ing at 10 o'clock. W. R. Wooters, superintendent. Preaching eaoh third Sunday night at 7:30. "Come thou with us and we will do thee good. Lutheran Church Rev. J. FV W. Reinhardt, pastor. Reformation Day. Sunday school, 9 a. m. English service, 10:30 a m. Sub ject, ''Luther an Example to Us In His Faith, Life and Death." English service, 7:30 p. m. Subject, "Silence In the Storms." ' UNIVERSAL1ST. First Universalist Church - East Chase street. Sunday school at 9 a. m., every Sunday. Young People's Christian Union ev ery Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. All are cordially invitea to attena. CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST. First Church of Christ, Scientist Universalist church building, 42 East Chase street. Services Sunday, 11 a. m. Wednes day, 8 p. m. Public reading room Is open daily from 3 to 5 p. m. V. W. C. A. No. 4 East Belmont street. Open dally from 9 a. m. until 10 p. m. Miss Anna B Orr, general secretary. Phone 945. JY. M. C. A. Paiatox ana ueimpnt Lstreets. Opn daily from s:30 a, m. 10 iw:uuine says tk hi- Sundays, 3:uw to o;uu p. m. a cordial invitation to strangers is ex tended. CHRISTIAN. First Christian Church Corner East Gadsden street and Seventh avenue. Sunday school, 9:4a a. m. jas. ts. Perkins, superintendent. Prayer meetingVedneday evenings 7:80. - NORWEGIAN SEAMEN'S CHURCH. Narweaian . Seamen's Mission Church South Palafox and streets. m. Sunday school, 9:30 a, m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and S p. Epworth League, 7 p. m. Class meeting Tuesday evening, 7: 20. Episcopal church, Seville Square- Rev. W. II. Marshall, rector. Morn ing service 11 o'clock, Sunday school 9 o'clock. Mt. Zion Baptist Church Cor. of Jackson and Alcaniz streets. Pastor Rev. E. J. Jackson, A. M. Residence, 319 East Jackson street. Divine services as follows: Sabbath school,9:3 0 a. m. Morning service, 11 a. m. B. Y. P. U., 6 p. m. Evening services, 8 p. m. Tuesday evenings, Home Mission training course. Thursday, prayer service, 8 p. m. Friday evening, choir rehearsal at 7:30 p. m. Come one, come all. Strangers made welcome. Housers Chapel, A. M. E. Z. Church Colored Haynes and Maxwell streets. Services every Sunday. Sunday school, 9 a. m., L. L. Fergu son, superintendent. Preaching at 11 a. m., and 7:30 p. m. - Christian Endeavor o p. m., S. A. L. Hawkins, president; Rev. A. Shinn, pastor. St. Paul M. E. Church Corner of Gadsden and Reus streets. Rev. S. C. Walker, pastor. Tuesday, 7 a. m. Holy Communion. 10:00 a. m. Sunday school. 11:15 a, m. Preaching. 7:30 p. m. Preaching. Tuesday evening, 7:30 PT&ytt meeting. Friday evening, 7:30 Choir re hearsal. BIRTHS. DEATHS fli MARRIAGES FOR PAST WEEK NOT A SINGLE WHITE DEATH WAS REPORTED, AND WHITE BIRTHS WERE MUCH IN MAJOR ITY BUT FIVE DEATHS. W. T. Hutchens, Nicholson, Ga., had a severe attack or rneumaxism. liis feet, ankles and Joints were swollen, and moving about was very painfuL He was certainly in a bad way w!ien he started to take Foley Kidney Pills. Just a few doses 'made ia feel better, and now my pains and rheumatism are all gone and I sleep all night long." D'Alemberte's Pharro- a .1.. PENS ACOL A MAN INVENTS NEW REEL R, B. King has Invented a new style of fisherman's reel, which will if known as "King's Balanced Reel." It is a combination by which the reel Is Services Sunday morning at 10:301 Eunk in the handle of the rod so that Pine bv Rev. A. Kielland. OHTHUDUA, the reel is in line with the rod Itself nsnercnen ana cunsnjuouuj " to Mr., King. Wright vices every Sunday at 9 a. m. THE. MISSION. Corner of Government and Reus streets. Rev. Frank X. Roberts, super intendent. Trftjhiti at 7:80. bv Rev. F. N. Roberts; Mgr.. also Jail services at 10 - pi Ttr:v Tfm m. vomo xnuu w itn s BAR AC A UNION. Tha following churches are repre REFUGE SHIP STRUCK TORPEDO, NOT A WIN t. London; Oct. 3L It is ofBclally an nounced that the refuge ship Amlral ntd In the Baraea Union, and have I Ganteaume. says a Bordeaux dispatch class session every Sunday morning j fQ Renter's Telegram Company was at 9:88 a. m. ' .' . I torpedoed bj' a German submarine and First Methodist, East Vvrignt street, dJd t trfk mlne .as was. at Urst a. TCtrk-BAtrlcle. teacher. - I.. Firet Baptist church, Xorth Palafox inousnu Xot a single white death was re ported during the past week, and the white births were much in the ma jority. The reports as filed in the office of the city clerk for the week were as follows: White Births. To Daniel Bridges and wife a boy. To T. J. Shelby and wife, a girl. To Anthony Fernandez and wife, a girl. To Jos. Borocco and wife, a girl. To Joe Geri and wife, a girl. To Randolph Reedy and wife, a girl. To Gus A. Soderlind and wife, a girl. Colored Births. To Avery Black and wife, a boy. To Mamie Shaw, twin girls. To Ivan Fowler and wife, a boy, (creole.) Colored Deaths. Infant of Lizzie Taylor, stillborn. Beatrice Jones, 1 year, dysentery. Ina Agnes White, 9 years, malarial fever. Robert Allen, 38 years, pellagra. Anna Bascom, 33 years, acute ne phritis. Marriage licenses were issued to the following during the past week: White Marriages. Alex. Jernigan and Lillian Hollands Johnson Shirley and Bessie Amos. Colored Marriages. Willie Gadsden and Sinkey Wash ington. David Wright and Carmalet Dorsey. Jessie Kelly and Bertha Williams. Will Lloyd and Mattie Phates. LITTLE KITCHEN CLEAHG Ai VERY POPULAR MISS FANNIE CALDWELL, IN CHARGE OF THE CANDY AND LUNCH ROOM, FINDS READY PATRONAGE FROf.r LITTLE FRIENDS. Miss Fannie Caldwell is- a great fav orlto with children and her popularity is now a splendid business asset at The Littlt Kitchen, where she serves hot chocolate, soup and sandwlclieo every day to the children, who find the Little Kitchen most attractive, with ita pure candies and nourishing lunches. "Their is lots of room for competi tion in thi3 kind of wrr," said Miss Caldwell yesterday, "and we cannot ioegin to meet the demand of all the schools. There is no reason why the Little Kitchen should interfere in any way with the school lunches, for there are so many children that there should be room for both to thrive. You know, competition is the Ufa of trade." Miss CaMwell through hr work with the fair, has come cloaely in touch with the children of I'eneacola, and her good Judgment and business ability make her particularly capa ble as manager of the Little Kitchen. , DYE WORKS OPEfJ NEW ESTABLISHMENT WILL; OPEN IN PEN3ACOLA "TUESDAY AT NO. 120 SOUTH PALAFOX STREET. f The Holzsteln'a Cleaning iU 1;. Works, a new establishment in Tn vi cola, will open for business TucsiViy morning at No. 120 South street. A featur of th opening l.iy will bo that of cleaning aJl kid glove free. This Is 4ng done to demon strate the character of worX that will toe done. The oompany offers a service which Is tho very beet and will iiiaugurato the most modern methods of cleaning and dyeing. The finest allocs or tlw most delicate laces will tot cleaned and, made to look as good as tJow, wbllo the dyeing facilities are equally mm, modern. Octagon and Ivory soap. ten cakes for 25c, a9 adver tised, Monday's at Trie Grys- tal Pharmacy. STUBBORN FIGHTING ON THE RUSSIAN FRONTIER Washington, October 3-1. Stubborn fighting, continues on the East Prus sian frontier between the Russians and Germans, and the Austrlans sunTered heavy losses near Tarlow on Qctober 29 at the hands of the Russians w!;o took one thousand prisoners, accord leg to a Russian foreign office dispatch received today at the Russian embassy. SHIPPING Arrived. Nygaard, Opr ss, 2748, Lordahl, Gal veston, to John A. Merritt A Co. Belfast, Br me, 2189. Kernahan, St. Vincent, to Zlmmern Coal Co. - Cleared. Nor ss Nygaard, LordhaL for Eab Jorg, Copenhagen, with 813 barrels rosin, valued at $5,720. . Sailed. Br ss Tottenham, for Bluefields, Kic. Keep Your Stomach and Liver Healthy A vigorous stomach, perfect working Liver and regular acting Bowels is guaranteed If you will use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They insure good Di gestion, correct Constipation and have an excellent tonic effect on the whole system Purify your blood snd rid you of all body poisons through the Bow els. Only -3c at your Druggist. - Adi) -A. " The Family Shot Store I i We want you to make this your Fam ily Headquarters lor Shoes, The place you'll be surq to think of first yhcn Fall and Winter Shoes are needed. This requires on our part better shoes' and better values for the money than you are apt to get at other stores. We claim that we have them and we ask you to come to see how well we meet our assertion? We've Shoes for the Man or Woman who counts the Dollars and wants the best possible values, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. Then we have Shoes for the Man or Woman who is looking- for style and luxury, and who wants the finest Footwear that money cah buy, $3.50, $4.00, $4.50, $5.00. Again our shoes for Boys, Misses and Children are the best values at any stated price, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00. j Our splendid expert service will see that ever' foot in the family wears a shoe that is "Just right"! SME STORE The House of Better Shoes.