Newspaper Page Text
8 THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 1, 1914. CALOMEL IS MERCURY, IT SI CLEAN LIVER AND BOWE , , , . . . .. V ' "'. : DON'T LOSE A DAY'S WORK! IF YOUR LIVER IS SLUGGISH OR BOWELS CONSTIPATED TAKE "DODSON'S LIVER TONE. LS GENTLY Tou're bilious! Your liver la slng-.-ch! You feel ' lazy, dizzy and all "ked out, Your head Is. dull, your -ic is. coated; 'breath bad; stomach and bowels constipated. But don't salivating calomel. It makes you you may lose a day's work, ulomel is mercury or quicksilver .; h causes necrosis of the , bones. mel crashes into ' sour bile like ' imite, breaking it us. That's when feel that awful nausea and cramp - you- want to enjoy the nicest, st liver and 'bowel cleasing; you . experienced . ust take a spoonful . uniless Dodsoft's Liver Tone ,to NYour druggist or dealer sells. oO cent bottle of Dodson's Ilv " "one under my personal money-1 baek ; guarantee; that : each spoonful wHl . clean your sluggish liver better than a dose of "nasty calomel and that it won't make you sick. Dodson's Liver Tone is real liver medicine. ' You'll know it next, morn ing because you will wake up feel ing fine, your "liver- will be working, your headache and dizziness gone, your stomach ,wiir be sweet and your bowels regular. You , will feel like working; ; you'll be cheerful; full of vigor and ambition. ; ; Dodson's Liver Tone . is, entirely veg etable, -therefore harmless and can not salivate. - '.Give it to your children. Millions of people' are .using Dodson's Liver Tone instead of dangerous calo mel now.. Your .druggist wlh tell yon that the sale of calomel . is almost stopped entirely here. , - (Adv.) - l ) -, TV .-.. yyy.-. . T ::- I- . si Vy Corns Quit. Pains JJith 'pftto it ucia-u i. 111 . II .1 I Mil IIIIUIIIHL Mllllll H ' " .- 111. 'I ilWMMW ""I How About Your Boy? The child with defective ;g"ht may never realize his handicap. You may wonder why he .seems stupid and backward in school. Fits-U Spectacles fitted after a care ful examination may change his career and make him a uccessfulman. many, more relatives and friends , to mourn their loss." Mr. Hudgins' moth er was, with them, when they died; she had been here three or 'four weeks vis lUng them. , Mr. Hudgins took sick Thursday morning and Mrs Hudgins Thursday evening, all that .th doctors and lov ing friends could do for them was in vain Mr. Hudgins- passed away Wednesday evening at eight-thirty, and Mrs. Hudgins passed away at eeven-fifty Thursday morning, Oct. 22nd, not knowing her husband was dead. They were laid to rest in the Rob erts cemetery at 2:30 Saturday after noon, October 24th. in the presence of a large number of friends. Mr. Claude Hudgins of Hodgensville, Ky., and Mr. JJ H. Hibaugh of Bonnleville, Ky., attended the funeral. . Mr. and Mrs. Hudgins will be missed both far and near -but our loss is their eternal gain. EXCURSION SUNDAY Steamer Baldwin leaves City 2 :30 ; leaves island 4 :30 p. m. Joseph "' R. - Kndwland. . Joseph R, Knowland is the -Republican candidate for senator in Cali fornia. , He has represented the third California district in congress- since 1904. . - -. . SOUTHPORT I f DESTIN. hi 9 j estln, Fla., Oct. 31. Mrs. Chas. ; flopper is visiting in Boggy recently. Dr. J. L. Ingram Manufacturing . Optician. 14 South Palafox - Street. ROBERTS-GONZALEZ Roberts-Gonraies, ?ct. 31. Mrs. S. E. Sals of Miilview was the' guest "of her father Mr. J. S. Jennings the lat ter part of the week. Mr. Hillary Davis of MoSino was Been on our streets one day the lat'.er part of the week. Mr. G. W. Prausr of Chicasro anti Mr. Julius Pael of Urady, Texas, are guests at the home of Mrs. O. H. Jack.son. They came to see after the estate of their sister and brother-in- law Mr. and Airs. C. H. Hudgins. Mr. Clyde Ja-ckson is in on the sick list to the sorrow of his many friends. Mrs. Ferrill Palmes returned to her home in Pensacola Friday. She was ac companied by her mother and sister Mrs. C. A. Dexter and Miss Gertrude. The "Grim Reaper" visited our community claiming both Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hudgins, causing many hearts to grieve. Their friends were legion and varied. Their continued efforts toward the general improvement of the Human Race without Prejudice to any, was noticed by the unfortunate and the more fortunate alike. .Eight years ago they came to us and soon became active parts of our com munity just how much good they were doing and how faithfully they labored we "alas" only now begin to realize and understand. Mr. Hudgins of Hodgensville,' Ky., and Mrs. Hudgins formally (Miss Emma Pagel) of Brady, Texas, were married at Hallettsville, Texas, eight years ago in September. Mr. Hudgins is survived by . his mother and one brother at Hodgens ville, Ky., one brother in Iowa, and one sister in Bonnleville, Ky. Mrs. Hudgins is survived by one sister in Chicago , one sister and brother in Texas. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hudgins have Master Dewey Bishop and Sister Martha returned from Garniers today after spending several days with rela- j ii ves. Madeline Marler who attends school in Niceville are visiting their parents at present. Mrs.- Fred -Williams has returned to Pensacola after a few days visit with her husband here. Dr. Harley Cawthon is here doing dental work this weelc The, Sadie went to town yesterday.. Mrs. Woodruff is visiting her sister up at Horseshoe, Fla. Mrs. Cr-utchfield is visiting in Pen sacola recently. , The Nautilus came in ytsterday for bait. The Swan passed through here Fri day also a "yacht." Hop!es Lung -Trouble Cured Many rfv-oVeries from Lung Troubles are due to Dr. Bell's Pine -Tar-Honey. It strengthens the Lungs, checks the Cough and gives relief at once. Mr. W. S. Wilkins, Gates, N. C. writes: "I used Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey in a case given up as hopeless and it ef fected a complete cure." Get a bottle of Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar'-Honey. If your cough is dry and hacking let it trickle down the- throat you will surely get relief. Only 25c at your Druggist. (Adv.) MUNSON. Munson, Oct. 31. Mr. . Pierce of Baker was in the city a short while Monday. Mr. H. Rce of Bagdad spent Thurs day here. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Munson left Sunday morning for a few days in New Orleans. . Miss Frances Stanley spent the week with Mrs. J. A. Brittenham out from here about two miles. Messrs. Bates and S. G. Collins of Milton. wer here Friday. Mr. Gee Collins and Dr. O. O. Enzor and family have returned after a week in Montgomery .and La Pine, Ala. Mr. O. L. Ford came again Fri day. Mr. M. O. King made his usual trip to Munson Friday. ELY'S CREAM BALM OPEHS CLOQGEI NOSTRILS AND HEAD CATARRH GOES L tar.t!y Clear Air Passages; Yon breathe Fx Nasty Discharge Stop-, Head Col-.. - U uil Headache VesLi, Get a small bottle anyway, Just to try it Apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and Ktonped-up air passages of the head , open; you will breathe , freely; ' rug and headache disappear. By - .ig!i the catarrh, cold-in-head catarrhal sore throat will he gone. End such misery now! Get the roaJl bottle of "EIjs Cream Balm" ny. drus a tore. This sweet, frag rant ':ahn dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the in flamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty dis charges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a toli with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is distressing .but . truly needless. ' Put your faUh just once in "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold cr catarrh will sudely disappear. (Adv.) ' Soutfeport, -- Fla.. Oct. 31. A quiet , wedding , of great interest took place m Southport on "Tuesday night when Mrs. J. N. Mason gave In marriage her daughter j Lucille to Mr. Joseph M. Porter "aoth. of this place. The ceremony being attended by rela tives only. The bride who is a hand some semi -blonde was attired in f becoming golng-away suit of navy blue and wore a stylish "black velvet Hat. Mr. and Mrs. Porter left ' for Port St. Joe on the launch Echo which had been chartered for the occasion. Thera they will visit Mrs. Porter's sister. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Porter will be at home to their friends in one of Mr. Porter's cottages. Mr. Porter belongs to one of the old families of Bay County where "he is most highly esteemed for his fine bus iness qualities as well as social prom inence. - Mr. R. M. Cary, : trustee, .of the Southport ' Lumber Company was a visitor here on Thursday. Mr. T. W. Saltmarsh made -Jt. brief visit here on .Thursday. Mr. . T. R. Hodges Shell Fish Com missioner for the State of Florida spent several days . here last week coming from ;Apalacfclcola in his handsomely equipped boat "Seaf cam" which was formerly used as a private yacht, and was "built at a cost of $33,000. Mr. Hodges was conferring with parties here regarding leases of new : oyster reservations ; - - ' - Mr. W. II. Taylor has returned, to Southport after' having spent some months at Point Washington where he was engaged in business. Mr. J. M. Barrow.' manager of the Sulphur -.Pyint mill was in Southjiort for a short visit "on "Friday. Mr. W. W.. White was a recentvlsi- tor at Suiphur Point. ' On account of the illness cf the Rev. Mr. : Owens ? who1 has : frequently preached here. The Rev. Mr. Ellison pastor in charge of the Melhodist church here could not fill, the pulpit as usual on Sunday night, but ser vices were held by Mr. J. W. Ansley who preached an interesting strmon. , The choir was assisted by. Mr. W. W. White who gave some fine. sacred music on the victrola. Among the recent arrivals .in South port was- a -fine specimen of a dia mond- uack rattle snake found on hi3 premises and shot by Mr., Jasper Jasperson last week. The spake measured five feet long and had five rattles to testify to his age. . . The picture show at Lynn . Haven continues to draw nightly patronage from Southport. " Dr.' J. R. Field of St. Andrews spent several days this week" in Southport on' business; ; "-, ' ' - Mrs. J. J. Pippey left yesterday for Panama City : to attend the ; Baptist convention which is in session there this week. While in Panama City she will be the guest of her' son Judge O. C. Nelson 'and his family. . The burning of the Gulf View Inn at Panama- City Tuesday night is a great loss - not only to Panama City but to all the residents of this bay counry. Its magnificent outlook to the gulf and picturesque, situation of inviting comfort have ' for several years made it the mecca for tourists and local travelers. . , Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Hubbard are re ceiving the congratulations of " their host of friends on the advent of a lit tle daughter born on Wednesday, . Oc tober 21th,' lai4. Quit Plasters, Salves and What- Not. After , using "GETS-IT" once you will never again have occasion for asking, "What can I do to get rid of my corns?" "GETS-IT", is the first sure, certain "orn- Yet" Witk Coma? Us "GETS-IT Tkey'U VsaitU ender ever known..- If you have tried other things by the score and will now try "GETS -IT" you will realize this glor ious fact. 4 . Tou probably are tired sticking on tape that won't stay stuck, plasters that shift themselves right onto your corn, contrap tions that make a bundle of your toe and press right down on the corn. Put two drops of tGETS-IT" on that corn in two seconds. ' The - corn Is then doomed as sure as night follows day. The corn shrivels. There's . no pain, no fuss. If you think this sounds too good to be true try It tonight on any corn, callus, wart or bunion. "GETS-IT" is sold by druggists every where, 25c a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. (adv) War Or No War We've a lot of new goods. Just look over this list and make a note of the items you wish sent up tomorrow. - New Layer Raisins, New Package Raisins. New Package Currants, Package Dates, New Figs in packages. Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Apricots, New Prunes, Brazil Nuts, Now Pecans, Shredded Cocoanut, New Mutiet Roe, Graham Flour, Rye Flour, Cracked Wheat, Ota Fashioned Scotch Oat Meal, Yellow Corn Metl, . . . All Kinds new Canned Fruits and Vegetables, New DM! Pickles (Bulk), Barrfngton Hall Coffee, always fresh. DEERLAND. Deerland, Fla Oct. 31. Mr. Will Bethen spent last Saturda y in De Funiak Springs. The crowd that went to Crestview to the quarterly meeting report a fine time. Mr. W. G. Davis spent last Tuesday in the Deep Water City on business. Mrs. Chester Beard and two sons spent the first part of the week at Mossy Head' with her mother. The traveling men were plentiful here this week there has been six here this wek.v . Mr. Robt. Winsltt of De Funiak Springs was here last Thursday look ing after the DeFuniak Springs tele phone company line. " The Harry Bros, of New Orleans had their traveling tank repairer here this week stop-ping some leaks in the tanks , they installed . for the - Pine land ' and Timber Company. Mr, L. Curgus Hart, was a pleasant caller, here last Thursday and Fri day. He is home for a few days from Atlanta, - Ga,' where is taking a busi ness course. These frosty mornings reminds us of . syrup making - time and o'possurq hunting. - . JIrs. Jno. McDonald spent last Sat urday in DeFuniak Springs shopping. Dr. Lee . is to preach at Dorcas next Sunday, Nov. 1st., everybody is cordially invited to attend these ser vices for he comes highly recommended- ... EXCURSION SUNDAY Steamer Baldwin leaves City 2:30; leaves island 4:30 p. m. Hoyt Bros. K West Garden 'Street. . Phone 812 McDAVID. IN THE HEART OF PENSACOLA. The Central Pharmacy. Phono 17. McDavid, Oct. 31. Miss Saltsman of Flomaton visited Mr. and. Mrs. Gamon last week. .Miss Earle Livington of Pensacola visited friends here recently. Mr., Saltsman has moved his family here, their many friends are glad to have them with us again. The Ladies Aid Society met with Mrs. Wiley Bowman Tuesday, 2:30 p. m. at her home. All report an en joyable meeting. Mrs. O. K. Bowman and two charm ing children Bessie and James visited relatives in Flomaton last week. Mrs. Pittman and Mrs. Nickolson were visitors in Pensacola last week. Mrs. Martin Hall is very sick to the regret of her .many friends. Mr. Hurde carried a jolly crowd over to Mineral Springs in his car Mon day evening, those who enoyed the ride were Mrs. Barker and Misses Carrie Hudson, Eva Bowman, also Dr. Bryan and Mr. Barker. Miss Bessie Nicholsen of Brewton Industrial School has returned home. Marvin Johnstoribf "Pensacola. was a business visitor here Sunday.. The many friends of Miss Bedie Mays are . very Dlue since her depart ure to Bogalusa, La., where 3he goes to make her new home bearing the new name of Mrs. Holly. Our school Is progressing nicely with Miss Annie Harrison principal and Miss Carrie Hudson as assistant. Subscribe for The Journal. For Weakness and Loss of Appetite The Old Standard general strengthening tonic. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TON IC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonic and sure Appetizer. For adults and children. 50c. (adv) f s'-: ;-s-.-':,.' f . -4- t .... .. v. ... - VtY xV ' t Roger o. Sullivan. . Roger C. Sullivan is the Democratic candidate for senator in Ollinois. He is fifty-three years old; has been ac tive in politics since .1890; . is presi dent of the Ogden Gas Company of Chicago. . ' Famous Bon Bons and Chocolates are today as skillfully prepared and embody the same purity and deliciousness as did the first box when it went out into the world followed by millions oi others in the building of the -world-known reputation. The acknowledged standard of the world. The standard by which all candies are judged. Quality higher than the price price within the reach of all. Shall we send the box "she" is expecting to night? Phone 109 ' 1 -'.--, . - D Alemb erte s Pharmacy 121 S. Palafox Street CONSTIPATION, COLDS, HEADACHES, ULi lll A I L VI II I U UlnnfU VI ' I ii i i i ii i uii i mi i ii nil mm u m m w I II U l J 111 1 I I I J 1 J I I I J l J If LLU I 1J 111 II Furred tongue. Bad Colds, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Head aches come from a torpid liver and constipated bowels, which cause your stomach to become filled with undi gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrel. That's the first step to untold misery in digestion, foul gases, bad breath, yel low skin, severe colds, everything that is horrible and neaur Cascaret tonight will surely en you out by morning a i o will keep your head clear, sweet liver and bowels re- make you feel cheerful an.i months. Don't forget your chlldr little insides need a ooi cleansing, too, occasionally. tir.iy. crrt 'A;, i i n. ? CANDY CATHARTIC n. n) rep Vv W w Vw V j V.7U CENT BOXES -ANY DRUS STORE ALSO 25 & 50 CENT BOXES Remember, We Are Still Selling Ice In fact, we sell it the year round. In many lines of business and in not a few homes, ice has become in dispensable in the cool and cold seasons as well as the warmer periods of the year. ; At this time some of our customers in the homes are discontinuing the use of ice, but many others are going right along with their takings. The' have found by experience that it pays to keep the refriger orator in commission all the time. And they arc practicing true economy. There is a way to get OUR ICE every day in the year. Don't forget that. Pensacola Ice Company Phones 59 and 259. We Sell Coal and Wood. FOR TO D FOR o A Y 'PEG IS COMING 32L Ci 37" a t: OPERA HOUSE T.H U R S D A Y S 13 MB' . .Bk. - - I HtSI m IM-IGH-l , NOV. THOMA DIXON'S NOTED PLAY wiif DRJS FAT rpni) L. ul Notable Cast! Complete Production! Mr. Thomas Dixon, Himself, Will Appear Between the Acts and Address the Audience. Tickets on sale at Balkcom's, Tuesday, November 3. 50c, 75c end J51I.00. MAYES PRINTING CO. PRINTERS FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE 7-19 Wert Government 8t- Phone 18 1 Aflent Hart Schaffner & Marx, and Kirschbaum Suts L. E. NOBLES & CO. "Your Money's Wort r Your Money Back". . 9 South Palafox. rhno 790. TRUSSES Every .- m r r1 ! r f here. W iat received a fun utortrrent. BALKCOM DPvUG CO 17 Sooth Palafox 8re. Phor Piana Factory to Vou- .."Kranlch t Bath," "Cold Strira j macher." "Letter," "Emerson. f man," "Chlckerlng." Player p "Ceclllman," "Letter." nd cheap'' '. r Mualc, cut price. Fictory see f The Clutter Music Hous-