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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, SUNDAY "MOANING, NO VEMBER 1, 1914. v SOAP ON HAIR CAUSES DANDRUFF, SCALP GETOBL HAIR FALLS OUT t .,,ic' GET A 25 CENT BOTTLE AND TRY A "DANDERINE HAIR CLEANSE." . ATr -A-nshing your hair with soap --avs apply a- little Danderine to the "jo V.vigorate the hair and pre .? !t dryness. Better still, use soap as --v-'r.E'iy Possible, and Instead a '-lianderine Hair Cleanse." Just oiton a cloth with Danderine and "'-i'tv "it carefully through your hair. a'iir.g one strand at a time. This remove dust, dirt and excessive 0; I;, a few momenta you will be clean, tut It will. he wavy, fluffy and iburact. and possess an incompar softness and lustre. '. TATE BOARD OF HEALTH IS" SUES EULLETI N ON THE UR GENT GROUNDLESS REPORTS PUT IN CIRCULATION. The following under the heading of Vi'.e Tongues" has been issued by ;he Florida Board of Health: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor." This is one of the ten rules handed ior from riount Sinai, which have reen re? vr tied as the basis for all the oili's safest legislation. We have over got beyond them, and the fact iat false reports are anions' the seri es rritnes is established by the place i this commandment in the code. . And 'thy neighbor'' doesn't include frelv the man who lives the other s:-3e cf the line fence it means all vse whose interests are identical th your own, who rejoice in the fan disasters. Indeed, jt wouid -eem that the original meaning of hf words in this place includes all inkiii'l all who belong to the great fatherhood of Man. '"hat right has one man to speak ?ainst another? None, unless it be i protect the community against his doing, and then only upon such ositive knowledge as would be ac- pten as evidencs m a coyrt of law. former president of the United att;s once said in a public address: You have not the right to speak ill f a public officer unless you know ou are speaking the truth. If, on ne other hand, you do know that he s a public servant has committed rons. you fail cf your duty ar a itizen if you do not denounce him or, the housetops." - ,:, Florida's Legislature has recognized le-evil of false report by enacting ! !a- which reads this way. ""Whoever a's-ily or maliciously disseminates or pr;ads rumors or reports concerning Wrinkles Big and Wrinkles Little Go Quickly SS2 Urns of Secret Information on Beauty, By Valeska Suratt. Whose Fame As America's Self-Mace eeaury Gueen, Is World-Wide 5Y MISS VALESKA SURATT. ,OT so much the big wrinkles, but );""e-or wm cnange to on of ex Si the ones, are what -rob th . isite beauty. Jt is difficult to explain i. V. I. Vi ' r.V,.i .arano.. the marked change whicd thlg r o matter how faithfully and vigourous- yeu may engage in massaging w , there wi i be no perceptioie re- .',r; .u1;1 Afi. Veariy a creams sow for this purpose 2 the stores have the same base and sgrdints. This is why pehraps you ive f-xnerienced but little improvement 1th one cream over anothes. Every ronaaa Ehould as well know now as later .s:-n '..wmmhn i t -OS " ', "i, . : . :. u -1 i v. . r-'.vh-.-.A. ; $ o& 4l AV Any Worn -si Can Now Beaut-fy Her- self Quickly With These Formulas." 'hit the cost of prepared creams is too ch to allow their iise being liberal and sr.stinted,- as it should be to produce re- silts. Furtberroor. their ingredients '? usually lacking in effect, because ':-ee ingredients must be cheap, other- :s there is no profit In their sale. If will make up your mind to wake ip your own cream, which you can do in fnr moments as follows, you will have 1 rr.arkable wrinkke eradicator. one i works quickly and surely, and it cost vou far less than any prepared am you can buy. . furaermore, you rUni - change In a short time, mak- ,?-e face plump and youthful to a -k" 3 degree. . , . ' -t..t,Ar f- i e3. yvu clq siup S cf hair veiw quicklv. Here is a for- which produces marked changes j- the ha ir roots and scalp tissues. The ' N Ay V, .U rlnctrAlt 1 JlRSoIVft TWO .V .". ' . . "'z . : . . i"k- you can.arec rta OI DiacKneaas y.espoonnuB or giycenne rew minutes. Surinkl som neroxin ces of ptol In half a pint, of water -a sponge which have wt with i:s cream ham averv Qiy win nroaucB xratT is tnat aanarurr is aosomieLy plying nyqrouzd talo to the arm -pits a .I'1, th ha1r roots regain their keeps these fresh and dry all the tinr. it-.f'.u vigor, hair grows quickly and and . you will not have your arm-pits ;'!n,.nt1y, often several inches a month, wet and your drees-shielde curl up like -it tkpa on a very sjlky and healthy ropes. It will save the damage to your u.s There is nothing so satisfactory garments through fading and rotting of v'sis splendid formula. Mix one ounce the fabric. Hydrollsed talc can be se-rid"ir'lno1- in water and alcohol, half cured at any drug store- It destroys all tt , rh" or use fuU I,,nt of t'ay rum odors at oace. it is also the best thing This makes a very economical known for jcereplling feet. adv :'.-.. '.."'.-: ' Besides cleansing and beautifying the hair, one application of Danderine dissolves every particle of dandruff; stimulates the scalp, stopping itching and falling hair. Danderine is to the hair what fresh showers of rainand sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the roots, invigorates and strengthens then. Its exhilarating and life-producing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beauti ful. Men ! Laaies ! You can surely have lots of charming hair. Get a ?5 cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderine from any drug store or toilet counter and try it. , : . Adv.) the existence of any infectious or contagious disease shall be punished Coy imprisonment pot exceeding six months, or by fine not exceeding one thousand, dollars." . . " At various times the State Board of Health has been annoyed by reports of disease in epidemic proportions where only ope. or two cases, or none at all had occurred. Such rumors are diffi cult or impossible to trace their source, but whether they emanate from idle gossip or ignorance or from malice, the result is the same. The community is injured, injured seri ously, for good health is the biggest asset of any neighborhood, and good news never quite overtakes the reports of evil that have ' ever so slight a start. . , Probably many florid ians know that the statute books contain this provis ion that guards the State against such insidious attacks. Many , do not know It. Few prosecutions "pave been made der its authority, for loyal citizens appreciate tht harm that may come in this waj'. It is difficult to conceive such reports 'being- circulated with malicious Intent, but whether by ma lice or thoughtlessness, the good name of any community may be irretrieva bly attacked. - - It is Indeed the duty of every citizen to report the existence- of epidemic disease, 'mi he should not tell Jt to the winds that scatter it to the cor ners of the earth. Me should report his suspicions to the local health au thorities or to the State Board Health. A careful examination and diagnosis are made and the nature of the disease is at once determined and the interests of the community pro tected. No time is lost. the danger of error is minimised and relief is brought In the shortest possible period. If you can't boost, don't knock, Florida has the reputation among the states that it has safeguarded its health and sanitary conditions to the highest degree. Its climate and other conditions have been charged with, be ing unheaHthful, and jt Is only with, recent years that the real truth is findings circulation and credence throughout the country and the world. Every good Floridian is, or should be, so loyal that he will not slander or retard the progress of his homo state. hair treatment, is mixed in' a few mo menus, and cannot ba surnaased. TTse liberally. Any drug store can Supply you with the beta-quinol. MISS G- M. B. -Use th following A.d see how Quickly and hautl Pro,ufiff" - A1 ff,eokls' rnuddiness wd ,vr. .t"i" " vj o.. mo uu$ store one ounce of 2inton and mix with one tab lespoonful of glycerine in a Pint ?J watefc. This makes many times J.UCIJWULUU nav..t - j --;"s .ul:alfls wmcn aro in results. 0rtT,. - ouimu r oust can very orten A vlnnvl Mlnn4nn 2 tn Dest tninsr known for this. ni it is safe, though of course no one can wer be sure of success in this regard. Mix two ounces of ruetone, obtainable at any drug store, wih half a cup of sugar and dissolve In a pint of cold water. Take two teaspoonfuls after meals and at bedtime- . EVA G. R. You have probably never heard of the remarkable properties of eggol as. a head-rwash and dandruff re mover. This dissolves away all fatty accumulations and dandruff, which noth ing else, not even soap and hard scrub-! uiis tan uo. -tx loaoyooniui 01 egsoi lu half a cup ofhot water makes the most exquisite shampoo you can ever get. It cleans out all the pores wonderfully, and lets . the hair "breathe" thus assisting Avery materially in making the hair healthy and vigorous. X would never use soap on hair. Eggol,- besides, leaves the hal to fin nr. It Is verv mnnml. 'i'al, as for a moderate price you can ob- iain enough eggol for over a dozen of these extraordinary head-washes, iMRS. T. L. M. Simple sulfo solution Is the only thing- that will remove supsr- fiuous hair successfully. This is because it is the only thing which dissolves the hair instead of burning it off, as other depilatories do. As a result, it never lea.vQs a mark or red spot, or Injures th skin, but leaves it clear, soft and smooth. Use it on any part of the body, no matter how delicate the skin. It never fails and works in a few moments. The simple sulfa solution can be secured at any dru? store. anss x Q n ia remarkable but tru on hot in a few tp4nutei they wiU be all gone. This holds true for even the tiniest black, heads which It 1? Jmoossible to plach out, Never pinch out blackbeadf. JfJtS. T. TO" r tk. timi4s . now. 3ers sold for excessive perspiration are usually but momentary in effect. Ap- WIT1C0H ADHITBF 01 REE ENGLAND HAS HERETOFORE CONSIDERED IT. AS A BEVER AGE INSTEAD OF A. CHEMICAL, ALTHOUGH DENATURED ALCO HOL? IS FREE. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. London, Qct. 31.TO the English practice of "considering alcohol as a beverage instead of a chemical, which is also true of the Tjnited States, is attributed Germany's almost exclusive trade in fine chemicals or use in medicine and the arts. English chem ical manufacturers are - therefore try ing to induce the government to take off the tax on alcohol which now amounts to $5 or more the gallon ac cording to strength. Although a protective nation, it is pointed, out that Germany has had at its command an unlimited supply or duty and tax free alcohol. Its legisla tors, realized the importance of alco hol to the trade in commercial chem icals, and have not believed that cheap alcohol has any thing to do with the temperance question. Denatured alcohol, which is made undrinkable through the mixture of poisons at the expense of 16 cents, the gallon, is relieved of tax in Great Britain- But impure alcohdl cannot be used in the making of fine chemi cals. Alcohol plays an important part in the making of almost every chemical, directly or indirectly. It is most use ful as a solvent for extracting active principles from plants and in, purify ing, them,, but from the commercial point of view it is quite as important In. working up waste materials into ;3y-products, on which successful manufacturing largely depends these days. Owing to the excessive tax on pure alcohol, England ceased to manufac ture cocaine, which owing to the war, has advanced from four shillings an ounce. . A?eto-salicyli4 acid and sali cylate of soda have increased proper tibnately.' Thymol is but on of the ar ticles which have Jumped from 7 Shillings to 45 the pound, or there abouts. The. government has endeavored to save these important druvs for Brit ish use ' by prohibiting their expert. But the supply Is limited. ' British manufacturers will not undertake, their production because they see their bus iness gone when the war. ends. They say that if they are to 'equip special plant? they must be able to meet German competition in the future, and. they cannot. do this unless the. tax Is taken off of pure alcohol for com mercial u,se, ... - , ..- EXCURSION SUNDAY Steamer Baldwin leaves City 2:30; leaves island. 4 :30 p. rn. qqok:: Cook, Oct 31. Mr, J, I..8rpwn, one, of Qook's versatile boosters, visite$ Panama City the first of the week ox busiaess. - Messrs. TV. T. Oliver and W. H, King were business visitors to Jda.-, jette Ust Thursday. Mrs Tobe, Cox, one of the most lov- able matrons of Cook returned Satm da yfrom an extended visit with rela tives and friends in Ttforth Bay Mr. Cox is once more happy, and smiling. Mr. Jack Hall and family of Ma Jette, visited Cook Saturday and Sun, day, the guests of Mr A. Cbason. Mrs, Hall's parents. Mr. JUchard Jtawles. a prqwlnent planter of Wewahitohlra, is visitor in pur midst and talks very strongly of moving to East Bay. Quite a number ofprosperou clti'. xens of Red Level, the Steele bridge section, have been at coOk te past week or ten days, buying flsb. and oysters, "hen those people want something palatable they know wher to come. Mr. Emil T. Schmidt. th ploneeif farmer of this section, Is busy these days preparing for the gatheringr in of thTs Immense Japanese corn crop He has a large acreage and it wtjj require a considerable force about two months to harvest and make into syrup the large crop. Had the eeaaon been more favorable the yield, would have been something wonderful but owing to the long; drought he wllj barely get a half crop. It will however reach somewhere between three; and four thousand gallon. No,t. bad crop, eh? Mr. A- Remmell and aged father of Minnesota, who have been ip, this sec tion since last March, departed for their old home last week to be fetone two or three months. While here they purchased 180 acres of land from M. J. J. Brown anS will return prepared to. improve it in the most style. They will bring portable saw njill with them and as the timber is cut preparatory- to clearing' and cul tivating they will be sawed into lum ber for bu.Udlng tesidencea; barns, out Kiiiiflini various kinds and fencing. ron't make your stay bo long gentl"" men, we need you. As many of our farmer aa oould meet at the home of Mr. Geo. B Bra on last Monday afternoon.- t two o'clock; where they were given aaori no eranms and other citrufl fruit cultivation, the preparation and proper cultivaUoa of 4Krrt. 6Tfe? sucn as Alfalfa, Rhodes Grass, Etc, by Mr, r., v, nro- .mmhr f.rm demonstrator for Bay county., . Those who attended were highly entertained and gained much valuable information, The next meeting will be held at caiiaway wi Saturday and all are earnestly re quested to attend. . i CHILD GETS SICK SH IF CONSTIPATED m im bp , . "CALIFORNIA 8YRUP- OF FIGS" CAN'T HARM " TENDER STOM ACH OR BOWELS, y'. A ; laxative today saves a sick child tomorrow. Children .simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, which become clogged up with waste, liver gets sluggish; stomach sour. Look at the tongue. Mother! If coated, or your chid is listless, ctosa feverish, breath .bad, restless, doesn't eat heartily, full of cold or has sore throat or any other children's ailment, give a. teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," then -don't worry, be cause it is perfectly harmless, and in a few hours all this constipation pois on, " sour bile and fermenting waste will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a well, playful child again. A thorough "inside cleansing" Is oftimes all that is necessary. It should, be the first treatment given in any sickness. Beware of -counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bottle of "California Syrup of Figs", which has full directions for babies, child ren of all ages and for grown-ups plainly printed on the bottle.' Look carefully and see that It is made y the "California Fig Syrup Company." (Adv.) The Parlor Market "Home of All That's Pure" Fresh Western Meats, POULTRY, ESGS ANQ GREEN GROCERIES. , PHONES 173-174. 8e Ua For Business Opportunities 9ffi Ai3 tha Line ef Deep Water Townstte Co. 711 Blount Bulttftns, - : 9t9ttm lOSt Pcnsacola Crockery Co., 107 South Pslafox Street. Wheleseale Dealers In CROCKERY, TINWARE, ENAMEL WARE AND NOTIONS. . Agents fer McQray Refrlflrtors, Subscribe for The Journal. CROSS, FEVEBI P 6n sis HERE IS A MACHINE Each Machine in Federal Factory Turns Out SO Tires Per Day i r-,iTf " 'v . -rX ; II r $-Z -J i I ' - -f 4 . ? ?' - I I-- One cf the interesting dzhta !n the bis plants where automobile tires are manufactured ia the tire building ma chine. The above view taken in the big Milwaukee factory of the Federal Rubber Mamifacturing Company give a clear idea of the manufacture of a tire easing on one of these machines. Two expert tire builders can work at each machine their output being twenty-five tires apieof In the ten-hour working day. Patterns confoxirdng to the shape aad sue of ths tire ace mounted eta MUtAT. MulaL Oct. 31.- The Fensacola Yacht club, cruised to this port t last Sunday, had an - elaborate dinner under the pecan trees; cracked nuts, spun yarns and enjoyed themselves to the limit. This is fine weather for fishing and oystering, the fish are biting welL par ticularly red fish" and trouL On "Wednesday morning Robert Rob ertson, our nominee for assessor, died at bis residence near this place. Al though he had been sick for some weeks, his death came suddenly. He was buried ln the MUton cemetery on Watch Your Step What do those three words mean? They warn you to be careful in boarding a car, that your foot is set firmly on the step, to prevent your slipping. They warn you to be careful in leaving a car, that the ground where you alight is solid and firm. They warn you that in boarding or leaving a car you might step on a ladys dress, causing her to fall. .They warn you not to leave a car backward. They warn you after leaving a car not to go behind it across another track without looking for an ap- proachin g car. cola Electric Company THA T BUILDS TIRES .' 1- revolving wheel and the tire man buHda up a tread from this foundation. Big spools of prepared fabric, cut to tha required width, unwind lengths of the material over the wheel, the tire being built up In successive layers. Th e num ber of fabric strips Is measured by the width of the tire. A four-inch tire takes five strips, a four-and-one-h all inch tire 6 strips, and the big five-inch tire for heavy motor cars has 7 stripe in alL The largest pneumatic tres built at the factory are S x inches iasUe Thursday, the whole neighborhood and a large number Of relatives and frieVa from Pensacola attended the funeraL Bagdad Lodge of Odd Fellows and Mil ton Lodge of Knights of Pythias con ducted the funeral. He leaver a wife and Ave children to mourn hie loss. Dr. and Mrs. Sharltt, and Mrs. Har vell of Milton, visited Mrs. Glendye on Friday. CARD OF THANKS. I take this means of expressing xas thanks to the many friends who so willingly assisted in helping to save my household effect during the fir which dlstroyed my home Friday, morning. MISS LOUISB IDA BRXJNET. BE PRETTY! Til GRAY HAIR OAR V w Look young! Nobody can tell if you use Grandmother's simple recipe of Saga Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Sage Tea and Sulphur, properly com pounded, brings back the natural col or and lustre to the hair when faded, streaked or gray; also ends dan druff, itching scalp and stops falling hair. Yeare ago th only way to get this mixture was to make it at home, which is musty and troublesome. Nowadays, by asking at any drug store for "Wyeth't Sage and Sulphur Compound," yoa will get a large aottle of this famous old recipe for about 50 cents. Dont stay gray! Try It! No one can possibly leli tliat you darkened your hair, as it does it so naturally and evenly. You dampen a. sponge or soft brush with it and draw thia through your hair, taking one email strand at a time; by mcrnlng the gray hair disappears, and after an other application or two, your hair -coms beautifully dark, thick and glossy. (Adv.) KIDNAPPED CHILD'IS LOCATED. St. Louis, Oct. Jlj-Vlrgioia Le Ger hard, the four-year-old child who was taken from her homa. here last Mon day by Aer nurse, Julia KrusuEky, is held with the nurae. by the police at Muskooree. Okla. THE USE OF CHRISTMAS CARDS Never in the history of the develop ment of social customs have Christ mas Cards been, so much used as they are today. The custom Is almost universal and is extending each year; a fax:t that is natural, when it is remembe-ed tha. thia is the leatt expensive and most delicate raeaca of. conveying our share in-the sum total of Christmas happi ness. While ready made cards for this occasion are offered for sale at many places; these are not so much in demand now as those which are spec ially engraved. Cards for "Christmas Greeting" should express ones indi vidual taste in as great a degree a a cordial personal greeting, and this can only be aocomplished through tho medium of a card engraved in ac cordance . with you wu taste in ar rangement and artitV- effect. The-most satisfactory results can bo obtained by consulting the J, p. Stevens: Engraving Co., 47 Whitehall St-, Atlanta, who will send samples of the very latest style send today so that the work, can be. made up for you in ample time, (Adv.) 1L