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16 THE PENSACOL. fOURNAL, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 10, 1917. Thse. art ail Tiht COX WILL MAKE 1 FIGHT TO HOLD OFFICE DIB. OF 0. Liberal cut, attractive pat terns, durable and cool fab rics; madras, soisette and other materials, $1 to $5. cruciTifiMM ppr 1 JUldimUliKL. UfitJL Oil TRIAL F00 PAST 2 DAYS AT BOM' In socks just the footing to fit your fancy, 25c to 75c a pair. Belts, 25c to $1 that'll give j Hose Supporters in every good, reliable make that you'll .find will give satisfac tion, 25c and 50c a pair. Everything else that men and boys wear. Our Faultless Dry Cleaning Removes Every Spot You can depend on our expert services when ever there is need for painstaking care and .the highest skill in dry cleaning". Th( mpire Laundi iaunary Phone 322 Attention W. 0. W. Joint memorial services will be held at 3 p. m., on Sunday, June 10, at W. O. ,V. hall, corner of Baylen and Romana streets, by Live Oak Camp, No. 1, Hickory Camp, No. 21, and Oak Grove,' No. 4, Woodmen Circle. Members of neighboring camps, visiting sovereigns, and the public g-enerally are cordially invited to attend. Dr. J. E. Taylor, of Live Oak. state health officer since Dr. Joseph Y. Forter resigned to go into the federal service, ha3 turned over the office to the state health board's newly elected officer, Dr- W. H. Cox, and there will be no court proceedings, as was ru mored for several days prior to the The newly created state board of health met at the laboratory ii Jack sonville, Thursday, says the Metrop olis, and went over the reports of the operations of the state board for the last twelve months. Material changes are scheduled to be made in the personnel of the phy sicians of the state board of health, and professional nurses that have been in the service of the stab? board for some months, will be discontinued for the present. Bulletins of the state board of health and the regular press service will be continued until further notice and it is the idea of the new board to eliminate entirely and political prefer ment in the appointment of the doc tors who are to co-operate vith the board in carrying out the provisions of the law regulating the work of the board. According to the members of the newly elected board, they feel they are the servants of the people and will endeavor to secure the co-operation of all the people of the state in extend ing the scope of the health board. There was approximately $25,000 on hand for the new board to take up the work of the health department when the new members tooV charge this week, with about $15,000 to be j paid for the expenses of the month of May to be deducted. It is the idea of the new board to keep within the in come of the department and not have j any bills over that would require dis-1 counting before the revenue of the next month was available. j Honda now has laboratories at Fensacola, Key West, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Tampa and Miami, and these will be maintained under the new board. No radical changes will be made 'in the clerical departments of different laboratories at present. C l. trecker, of lampa, chairman; Ed. II. Ernest, of Falatka, and J. E. Graves, of Hosford, the members of the new board, have entered "nto the work in an enthusiastic manner and appear to be perfectly familiar with the work of the state health depart ment, and with the selection of Dr. V. II. Cox as state health officer, seem to have perfected an organiza tion that will develop into one of the best state departments under the new administration. Dr- Hiram Bird, former member of the state board of health, has been selected as scientific secretary, which in reality is assistant state health of ficer, and Roy Campbell, of Tampa, has been selected as chief clerk for the board. Mr. Campbell was at the laboratories in Jacksonville today, go ing over the records of the office and getting familiar with the detail of the business of the board. The state board of health will be in session all day, going over the va rious details of the work that they have undertaken. Bonifay, June 9. The celebrated case of Clyde Wade and his mother, Minnie Wade, on the charge of mur dering Charley Wade, the father of Clyde Wade, and the husband of Minnie Wade, began Wednesday morning, June 6. The state was represented by J. H. Buttram, Ira A. Hutchinson, state attorney, and Judge Kirke Monros, of Fensacola; the defense by Mathis and Weeks and II. S- Laird, of Pensacola. Nearly all the day Wednesday was consumed in getting a jury, when 60 special veniremen were summoned to gether with regular panel of 18 men, making a total of 78, and which was practically exhausted before a jury was completed. Thursday night the evidence was all in, the defense put ting up no evidence, claisring' the state had not made out its case. Today has been consumed ia argu ments of the attorneys, which was good on both sides. The killing took place in Westville on March 13th, last. Mr. Wade was a merchant of West ville, and also owned a mill at the river, and was a man of considerable wealth, but it is reported that he and his wife, at a great many times dur ing their married life, were not pleas ant. Young Wade's defense is that he killed his father to prevent him from killing his mother and himself, which is admitted by both state and defense that he was whipping her at the time or just prior to the homicide. The state contends that there was a con spiracy on the part of the mother and son to rmirder Mr. Wade. The families and relatives of each side are prominent and a large crowd has been present since the trial be gan. It is not thought a verdict will be reached before tomorrow. SINN FEINERS SEND PRISONER TO PARLIAMENT It ?ih ' -si - - w ,Y- f-w Py?tl& f:i g 4. f - rsst- V -ti 4, VCu ;- w r if.'- r JJ: OMACHAilmcnb The Nation's Curse First picture to reach this country showing Sinn Feiners in a demon stration over election of a member, McGuinness, to parliament. McGuin ness is in prison for taking part in the Irish revolt. During the demon stration Count Flunkett, only Sinn Feiner now in the lower house, was carried on the shoulders of the young Irish radicals, as shown here- mom FREE OF CHARGE. Any adult suffering from cough, cold or bronchitis, is invited to call at the drug store of Balkcom Drug Co., and get absolutely free, a sanjple bottle of Boschee's German syrup, a soothing and healing remedy for all lung troubles, which has a successful record of fifty years. Gives the pa tient a good night's rest free from coughing, with free expectoration in the morning. Regular sizes, 25 and 75 certs For sale by all dealers in civilized coun tries. Adv. m - Wonderf ul Rem ickly Restores There is no ailment causing more woes and misery than Stomach Trou ble. Often Gall Stones, Cancer and Ulcers of the Stomach and Intestines, Constipation, Acute Indigestion, Auto-Intoxication, Yellow Jaundice, Appendicitis and other serious and fatal ailments result from it. Thou sands of Stomach Sufferers owe their complete recovery to Mayr's Wonder ful Remedy. It is unlike any other remedy. It sweeps the poisonous bile and catarrhal secretions from the system. Soothes and allays Chronic Inflammation. Many declare it has feaved their lives, and prevented serious surgical operations- Try one dose today. Watch its marvelous re sults. Contains no alcohol no habit forming drugs. Book on Stomach Ailments FREE. Address Geo. H. Mayr, Mfg. Chemist, Chicago. Better yet obtain a bottle of Mayr's Won derful Remedy from the Crystal Fharmacy, or .any reliable druggist, who will refuna vour money if it fails. Adv. SANITARY REFRIGERATORS Pensacola Crockery Co. 21-23 East Garden Street BALKCOIl DRUO CO. "The Prescription Store." Phone 19 or 123. Sample Shoe Store 23 South Palafox. HIGH-GRADE SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN, 40 PER CENT LESS THAN YOU WOULD PAY ELSEWHERE. Notics to Ice Consumers! Our wapons are equtrrJ with scale and consumers will plaase exact cor rect weight and report any discourtesy of drivers to office chones 69 or lit. Pensacola Ice Company e Cool, Be Comfortable, Be Economical You can do all three at this man's shop. As items '0f of esPeca interest to men .fr who are oppressed by the neat ana mgn prices, we suggest one of these pop lin or pique suits of plain white, SAN CARLOS HOTEL Geo. H. Hervey, Managing Director Pensacola's Pride For Boys and Girls Classes in drawing, painting and manual arts. Tuesdays and Fridays, 9:00 a. m. and 11:00 a. m. MISS KM MA CHANDLER Telephone, 1510 lit West Chase Subscribe for the Journal. mw ml 1 m h if : 'VI t A f. ml Models in plain and pinch back. They launder beautifully and hold their shape. A Straw Hat for $2 Your new Straw Hat is here if voull only look, and you can fight the heat and high prices in this line, too. Sennets, Milans. Split Straws, Eangkoks, Leghorns and PalTamas, $3.00 to $10,051 ffflliie fettle "BETTER CLOTHES" 20 South Palafox UNDECIDED AS 10 DATE FOR SPECIAL TERM II OKALOOSA Judge A. G. Campbell, of the cir cuit court, will be here Monday, it was announced yesterday, for the pur pose of presiding at the regular term of the circuit court, which corvene3 on that date- The session is expected to last not more than two weeks, and in case the term does not go over that period, or if it lasts not that length of time- Judge Campbell is expected to announce the date for special session of the court in Oko loosa county, when the case of the Elackwells will be heard. This is the case wherem two broth ers are under indictment, charging them with the killing of the aged Davis couple, at their home fin the Narrows, in the southern part of Oko loosa county, some months ago- The case was started some weeks ago, and suddenly terminated when one of the accused was reported to have made his escape. When this happened, the court was adjourned until tho capture of the other party on the indictment, and lately he was captured- Now that he is in the county jail at Walton, it only remains for the court to be re convened and the trial continued. Thi3 will be done at a special term, it Is announced, and that is expected to be ordered very shortly by Judge Camp bell. Quite a sensation comes out of De Funiak, printed in The lleraTd, of that city, arriving here yesterday. The editor, Larkin Cleveland, was the interviewer of Blackwell, and the statement, as printed in The Herald, is as follows: $ P-lackwell's Statement. To the Teople of Okaloosa County and West Florida: "Not having had an opportunity to see and confer with my many friends since 1 was arrested and ac cused of the murder of M- M. Davis and his wife, I take this method of explaining my position. "I am innocent of the offense charged. I have1 been made a victim of one of the most cold-blooded po litical frame-ups that was ever er petrated in Florida. It is an ancient saying that if you give your enemy enough rope he will hang himself. This is borne out in my case. My political enemies framed up, conspir ed and plotted against me without a just or lawful cause. They opened their mouths wide against me when I was behind the bars and couldn't help or speak for myself. Rut now the wind has shifted, they have hang ed themselves with their own rope They are caught in the snare they set for me and when I nra through with them I will be a free man and they will be in prison, clothed with shame and disgrace, or they may do as old Judas did when he betrayed our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ steal away and hang themselves- "When I am placed on trial I want evei-v man, woman and child in West j Florida to hear my story a? it will j be told on the witness stand. I will no doubt explain to you and tell you who it was that stole the taxbooks i from the courthouse at Milligan, and for what purpose they were stolen I will very likely explain to you and tell you who it was that undertook to burn the courthouse at Milligan, and for what purpose it was sought to be burned. I will also explain and tell ycu why it was that the state attorney did not thoroughly investi trate this case before the grand jury My so-called escape from the sheriff will also be aired and shown up in its true light. 'rThis statement is issued just as a tip. Watch them shiver and grit their teeth and their, faces blush and turn red when the real truth is toTer. "Come and hear my story as it will be told from the witness stand. It will be as interesting as a circus- I expect to turn on the lieht and show up the many dark spots that have overhung Okaloosa county ever srnca MRS. VERNON CASTLE IN "PAT id! "FUTURE? BAH ! YOU'LL SPEND YOUR FUTURh IN A SPANGLED DRESS AND COME BACK TO THE FARO TABLE THAT'S WHAT YOU'LL DO The Foregoing It Powerful Scene in R. A. Walsh's Powerful Drama, "The Silent Lie" PRODUCED BY WM FOX. ATU3INf, Ralph Lewis, Miriam Cooper, Chas. Clary ALSO TODAY: "THE ROMAN COWBOY" TOM MIX in TODAY- -A DANDY FOX COMEDY IN TWO ACTS- -5c-15o TRIANGLE TOMORROW BESSIE BARRISCALE lln The Snarl Immense ! Compelling ALSO TRIANGLE COMEDY "His Criminal Career" Dramatic ! Colorful L.KO COMEDY "UP THE FLU E-' i- ; TUESDAY, GRAND DOUBLE BILL 1 ALICE JOYCE arjd HARRY MOREY In 'THE COURAGE OF SILENCE" A Brilliant Society Drama. Mrs. Vernon Castle in "PATRIA" THE LAST OF THE FIGHTlNO CHANNING5. EXTRA WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY SPECIAL HERBERT BRENON PRESENTS FOR SET2NICK, INC THE WORLD'S GREATEST TRAGEDIENNE RlTftlE. ALL A NAZI IW OVA it has been a county. Come and watch me apply the brand of shame, ! disgrace and dishonor to those who ; seek my ruin a brand that will mean their political death; a brand of disgrace and dishonor that will fol low them to their graves. Come and watch me catch them that seek my ruin in the net they have stretched for me. Watch them hang them selves with their own rope. They realize they are caught. They realize their political days are numbered. Listen for them to open their mouths and rail against me. "Judge not, that ye be not judged " Watch the outcome- Remember me in your prayers. Mav God bless vou all "WM. C- BLACKWELL." Safety First with Cough and Cold. "Oh, just a cough" today may be come grippe or pneumonia tomorrow. Thousands die from neglected colds. Take Dr. King's New Discovery before your cough becomes chronic. A few doses check the cold by killing the germs. The healing balsams soothe the throat, loosen the phlegm and clear the air passages of secretions which provoke coughing. Contains mildly laxative ingredients wrhich re move the waste that aggravates the cold. At your druggist, 50c. $1.00. Adv. we HAVE WITH U.. TfOAY- IextraH 66 music I 99 EIGHT ACTS MARION CRAIG WENTWORTH'S TREMENDOUS PLAY. FRIDAY WORLD ROBT. WARWICK with JUNE ELVIDGE In "The Family Honor" and BEN WILSON In "HIGH FINANCE" SATURDAY PARAMOUNT Sessue Hayakawa In "The Jaguar's Claws" ALSO THE GAY DECEIVER" Christie Comedy. MRS. VERNON CASTLE IN "PATRIA I HELEN HOLMES R. R. RAIDERS Helen Holmes A Woman's Wit' "The Railroad Raiders" BONITA TODAY 5 cents 13 cents Fatty Arbuckle i The Butcher fJ AND MUTT AND JEFF in "THE HOCK SHOP" VAUDEVILLE ATTRACTION THIS WEEK! CARUSO THE SECOND "FRASCINI" ITALIAN ROBUSTO TENOR MONDAY SPECIAL TOM TERRIS In the Big Patriotic Special 'MY COUNTRY FIRST' WEDNESDAY METRO FRANCIS NELSON In 'THE POWER OF DECISION'1 FRIDAY BLUEBIRD ALLAN HOLUBAR In "TREASON' TUESDAY PARAMOUNT VIVIAN MARTIN In "Giving Becky a Chance' THURSDAY SPECIAL Jack Devereaux and Twlnnle Allen In "THE MAN WHO MADE GOOD" SATURDAY DIVERSIFIED Pearl White In 'Pearl of the Army' PHIL DUNHAM In "BEACH NUTS" 'MAN'S LAW" Pathe Drama 'PEARL OF THE ARMY" T JUtoimt Building, fen&icel 27a. Want to Sell Something? Try a Journal Want Ad. s CONCERT TOUR5 AEflGER Amusement Company's Sic 35 -THIRTY FIVE ARTI5T5-35 DON PHILIPPIC! CONDUCTOR MttE SUZANNA LEHMAN .t ' CALIFORNIA PRIMA DONNA SOPRANO SOLOIST AH IMPOSING GRAND SYMPHONY ORGANIZATION OF REAL ARTISTS THE MUSICAL TREAT OF THE SEASON AT jf" THE O hemacle Cor. Spring and Gregory Streets. MATINEE ........ ... . . 3 p. m. NIGHT ... .... 8:30 BEGINNING TODAY, AT 3:30 P. M., FOR TWO DAYS. Auspices Madonna Court, No. 78, Daughters of Isabella. MATINEES: FIRST TEN ROWS 50 centa BA'ANCE 25 centa RESERVATION FOR COLORED PEOPLE. ENTRANCE SPRING STREET NIGHTS: FIRST TEN ROWS $1.00 BALANCE 50 cent 'IS331