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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 21, 1917. ' 8 Must Have Been Anxious to Get to Front; Joined 2 Services AMUSEMENTS RS. VERNON CASTLE IN "PATRIA" TODAY j TWO SORTS OF WOMEN AND A MAN IN A DRAMA OF POWER AND PURPOSE j 5, 10 15c Going Some! .A About thirty pairs of llanan Oxfords in patent leather and tan leathers, odd lots and sizes, that are worth $9 a pair, now $5 a pair If your size is here, a big bargain awaits you. All the thin clothes and furnishings you'll need for summer comfort are here. JolmWJStoie V ' ' iR '-T A - Ml - ? - i .04 V' v S r 1V'' ''I That there is such a thinj? as be ing over-patriotic, and too willing to serve the country is shown by the experience of Arroi Odessal Godwin, of r'ensacola, who enlisted in the Na tional Guard, and then in the navy. The situation would probably have been much more serious had it not been for the fact that he has not taken the oath of enlistment in the navy, for it is stated that if this were done, he would have enlisted whne serving in another branch, 3 therefore fraudently, and would have also been guilty of desertion Information received at the navy recruiting station here indicates that he had not been sworn into the navy, having arrived at Montgomery Tues day. While no official announcement has been made, it is probable that he will be turned over to officers of the local militia company. To avoid any further cases of this kind, it is announced that the specific question is asked on the application j blanks if the applicant is serving in ! any other branch of the service. If ! he is, hfe is disqualified. In this case, it is stated that God win took the examination at the navy station here, and was found to be six pounds underweight- His application was filed, however, and he joined the militia, in Captain Phillips company- j Later announcement was made by the ! navy that he would be accepted, and : he was notified, and without more ! ceremony, was enlisted, and sent into training at Montgomery. Ballard s .yoei LlSK Flour is the most economical food, according to GOVERNMENT TESTS Gives mote nourishment than eggs, milk or beef. Phone your grocer to send a trial bag today. WILFRED LUCAS AND LILLIAN GISH IN TRIANGLE PLAY, TRIUMPHANT." 'SOULS THE STORY OF A YOUNG "LIBER TINE" REGENERATED BY A MIN ISTER'S DAUGHTER, SHOWI NG AT THE ISIS TODAY. Kitty Gordon in "Forget Me Not " The moment that the Marquis de Mohrivart saw Stefanie. he became enamored of her groat beauty. The fact that she was almost engaged to a fisherman of her native village made no difference to the marquis. He wanted her for his own. so ne proposed marriage to her and lured her onward with promises of wealth and social position- Despite the fact that she was partly in love with the fisherman. Stefanie accepted and so they were married. That was the start of a strange career, filled to overflowing with incident and excite ment. It marked the start of Ste fanie's rise in the world and it mark ed the start of her dowrfall, for the brother of the fisherman, who killed JUDGEMENT Bf CIRCUIT COURT Aw P nes. lents orch Shades himself when Stefanie was married, i vowed that he would be revenged on ! her even though it took him a life time to do so. Stefanie and her husband opened t fashionable gambling house in Taris. There Stefanie with her beauty en snared men's hearts and there men plunged recklessly on her gambling tables and lost- When Stefanie's little son began to grow up into boy hood, she sent him to England to be , eeiucaiea and mere, in time, xne young man fell in love with a beau tiful society girl and was married to her. Vengeance then came seeking Ste fanie but she escaped the assassin of the dagger, though her husband met his death thereby. Stefanie's son died and she went to live with the family into which he had married- But she was extremely unwelcome and the family finally got rid of her in a startling and surpris ing manner- See Kitty Gordon in "Forret-?.Ie-Not" ..t the Isis theatre tomorrow, and learn how her de parture was secured. Judgments were rendered in the circuit court yesterday morning in the following cases: Republic Rubber Company vs. Mrs. B. S. Jacoby, $2,028- Alma E. Fisher, as guardian of R. E. and E. E. Fisher, vs. L. M. Davis, 5913.16 for the plaintiff. Birmingham Fertilizer Co. vs. Wil helmina Robinson, as administratrix of the estate of Wm. Robinson, $494.28 for plaintiff. Court then adjourned until ten o'clock this morning when the case of The Lewis Bear Co. Wholesale Distributers. " Both Old and New Clothes hold their shape when sent regularly to us for CLEANING and PRESSING Our Steam Presser does the work. mpire Laundry "Where Linen Lasts" You had best have them made now place your or der today. What is the use in putting it oft? If you have the least idea what you will want an awning or tent, place your order now and t;et the benefit of the entire season comforts. Our awnings are made in such a manner that they are an added attraction to your home. Great Picture for the Kiddies. George Beban, the TaUas-Fara-mount star who will be seen at the Isis on Saturday in "A Roadside Im presario," and Bruno, the bear that is appearing with him in this produc tion, are no longer on speaking terms- In fact, they have been no ticed to pass eac-h other by with a mere scorniiu glance. The reason I for this is that Bruno plavfully re moved a portion of Mr. Beban's ear during the rehearsal of a scene. Mr- ! Beban and the bear were cettine real ! J confidential when Bruno spied a comb ! oi honey on a neighboring shelf and rudely pushed Mr. Beban out of his.' way with a not very gentle paw. i the West Florida Naval Stores Com pany vs. the A. E- Turner Company, for $3,000 will be heard. Watson and Pasco represent the plaintiff, while R. Pope Reese represents the defendant. FREE OF CHARGE. Why suffer with indigestion, dys pepsia, torpid liver, constipation, bout stomach, ccming-up-of-food-a f t e r eating, etc., w'.en you can get a sam ple of Green's August Flower free at Balkcom Drug Co. This medicine has remarkable curative properties, and has demonstrated its efficiency by fifty years of success. Headaches are often caused by a disordered stomach. August Flower is put up in 25 arid 75 cent bottleg. For tale by all dealers in civilized countries. Adv. WILFRED LUCAS IS THE MAN WHO MAKES A FIGHT SINS OF HIS PAST. AGAINST THE J HER .J5 THE CI it. -,1 LILLIAN GISH THE ALL. FORGIVING CHILD. WIFE. WHO SAVER NIGHTAND FR0M THE SCARLET SHADOW OF IN Souls Triumphant" THE STORY OF A YOUNG LIBERTINE WHO MEETS A GIRL OF INNOCENT CHARM AND Sr,M,NES TD FREE HIMSELF FROM THE BONDS OF DISSIPATION SO THAT HE MAY BE WORTHY OF HER. kJRIANOf W Vaudeville Kennedy and Brown Soclty and Novelty Dancers In Complete Change of Act. Also Today Keystone Ccrredy inas. Murray and Louise Fazenda In "HER FAME AND SHAME" wl f1 wri L F V TOMORROW: KITTY GORDON In 'FORGET-ME-NOT Also Ben Wilson and Sterni Chase. SATURDAY: GEORGE BEBAN and His Trained Bear In The Roadside Im. pressarlo RS. VERNON CASTLE IN "PATRIA- A. H. Mcleod & Co. Ph e 117. L 1"JL 20 S. FALAF0X ST. -BETTER CWTHEl" T. E. Williams & Co. FURNITURE 90 E. Wright. Pho:;c 1995 ROLLS "VzC per Dozen, a;; Good as can be made. BENNETT'S 42d WEST BELMONT STREET Don't Miss the Missing Link SCHEDULE: Leave Mulat 6, 9 and 12 a. m. and 3 p. m. and 6 p. m. Leave other side 6:C5, 9:35, 12:35 a. m., 3:35 and 6:35 p. m. S. OTIS. Phone 465 Buick Valve-in-Head Pensacola Buick and Motor Cars Supply Company i s!Hr sse FURNITURE AT FACTORY COST! O. M. Pryor Furniture Co. STOPPED HIS BACKACHE. George Lawrence, railroad fireman, Kittrell, Miss-, writes: "I used three one-dollar bottles of Foley Kidney Tills when I was so sick I rould har.i ly stay on my engine. J.Iy back ached all the time; my kidneys acted slu rish; dull headache; felt sleepy all the time; nervous; had to rise six to eight times each niKht. Foley Kid ney Tills cured me." They strengthen of the blood the uric acid and other the kidneys so they can filter out poisons that cause rheumatic pams. backache, stiff joints and sore mus cles. Adv. THOS.BRITSOHGETS HIS SPPiMNT Thomas F. Britson, who was nomi nated at the late primary for the position of custodian of lost timber and lumber for the port of Pensacola, and whose appointment had been de layed for some unexplained reason, yesterday received a letter from Tal lahassee, enclosing: his appointment, and the usual blank bond, upon the approval of which the custodian's commission will be duly issued and forwarded- Dancing in tne uuit d reeze New Dancing Pavilion at TOWN POINT Across the Bay, Opposite Pensacola, on the Beach. DANCING FREE! Opens to the Public Friday, the 22nd. Thirty cents, including all, for round trip. Launches run every hour. RESTAURANT AT CITY PRICES. Notice Be sure you take Hyer Launch, Com pany's boats or any other boat that sells tickets to pavilion, as only those selling pavilion tickets will be permitted to land. Everybody welcome! O i T A THE RAILROAD RAIDERS TODAY 5c, 10c Douglas Fairbanks THAT'S ALL t t ( Return Booking 4 .-!'-. ' V-" Manhattan Madness" Bluebird Tomorrow: Dorothy Phillips LON CHANEY and WILLIAM STOWELL In "The Flashlight" A Screen Version of Albert M. Treynore's Fiction From All Story Magazine. Also "Held by the Enemy" Victor Comedy. " " ' "PEAHL OF THE ARMY" ' " "jj " '"'""1 i 1 1 ' 1 1 m 1 1 u mmtrmt i War n Give to the Red Cross The American Red Cross Must Raise in Pensacola at once Strains, Sprains, Stiff Joints You can almost feel Sloan's Lini ment penetrate the sore spots, riv inflammation from that wrenched knee or ankle, and soothe your braised aching muscles. Sloan's Lini ment is more quickly effective, clean er and easier to apply than plasters or ointments. It neither clops the pores nor stains the skin, and need3 j no rubbmcr. Get a bottle now lor aches of rheumatism, neuralgia, lum- j bago as well as all external pains- At vour druggist, 25c, ;0c and $1.00. Adv. $2 0,000 So, TODAY, June 21st, we will give Five Per Cent of the gross receipts on all cash sales and collections to this noble organization. Ihei.&O . Clothing Store 321-323 South Palafox. WAIT! If you are thinking of leaving the city before July the 4th, don't do it put it off. The Carnival Association is arranging for the biggest time you have eTer had and they are expecting you to be there. They'll Tell You More About It Later t v avilion OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TOMORROW, FRIDAY, JUNE 22, 1917. Where the Roaring Surf Meets the Peaceful Waters of the Bay. Boats Leaving Every Hour from the Hyer Launch Company's Landing on South Palafox Street. GOOD MUSIC ELEGANT HOME LUNCHES TO ORDER and THE INDIVIDUAL DRINK SERVED Want to Sell Something? Try a Journal Want Ad. TONIGHT Beach TONIGHT AT rk Tom W 1HI!lFQr CU I UHTTT MltEli uvUmuL V 9 S lUlII. ANDERSON DOUGLASS ORCHESTRA GENTLEMEN 25 CENTS LADIES FREE