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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1917. PAIRS SHARP AHD STABBING 1 Gf'r Woman Thought She Would Die. Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Ogdensburc-. Wis. "I suffered from female troubles which caused piercing pains like a kmte through my back; and side. I finally lost all my strength so I had to go to bed. The doctor advised an oper- ation but I would not ligten to it. I thought of what I h ad re ad about Lydia E. Fmkham 8 Veee- I table Compound and tried it. The first bottle brought great ; relief and six bottles have entirely i cured me. All women who have femaia i trouble of any kind should try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrs. Etta Dokion, Ogdensburg, Wf. Physicians undoubtedly did their best, battled with this case steadily and could do no more, but of ten the most scientific treatment is surpassed by the medicinal j properties of the good old fashioned . roots and herbs contained in Lydia E. i Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. J If any complication exists it pays to ! write tne Lyaia t,. rinitnam meaicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for special free advice. SAN CARLOS HOTEL Geo. H. Hervey, Managing Director Pensacola's Pride Hot Weather Necessities My showing of Ice Tea Glasses, Water Sets, Ice Cream Dishes, Fruit Dishes, etc.. la most complete. Will C. Diffenderfer. JEWELER BUY Gonzalez Corn Meal AT YOUR GROCERS. A die table meal ground In Pensacola of the. choicest milling corn M. F. Gonzalez & Co., Pensacola, Fla. n WATCH WINDOWS POSS' New Dry Goods Store 81 South Paafox Street. MEYER SHOE CO. PALAFOX AND ROMANA .- STREETS 'Right On the Corner" Pensacola Buggy Works Repair . Parts Accessories and Supplies. Phone 806. -105 N, Palafox St. White Mountain Ice Cream Freezer; Give You the Prlvlle-)- of Good Old Home-Made Ice Cream Just When You Want. Pensacola Crockery Co. Phone 633 A. H. McLEOD & CO. Awnings, Riggers, Sail Makers. Phone 1176 j ABBOTT AUTO REPAIR CO. Palafox and Gregory Street! Phone 415 E. I. FISSEL Manufacturer of PORK PRODUCTS Frh and Smoked Sausage, Bologna Vienna WH?ESALE RETAIL 306 East Wright Street PHONE 651. D'Alemberte's Peroxide Cream BEST FOR CHAPS AND SUNBURN PHONE 109 "A GOOD DRUG STORE" The Personal fci Writing Machine Corona Reynalds Music House IIIIIIPHflllllll ' 1; m u ' 1 IITTOHHEYS SEEK JO SERVE WITH iDVOCATE GENERAL The folio-wing is quoted from the official bulletin: The war department issues the fol lowing: The judge advocate general's office has received a great number of appli cations from attorneys seeking the commission of major on the staff of the advocate general in the field. The men who have sought appoint ment have been so highly qualified and many of them have been so dis tinguished in the law that it hai been hard at times to sllect a few from so much good materia!. It would be well to disabuse tha public mind of any superstition to the effect that the applicant' under the legal branch of the army are looking for a "snap" or for a "silk stocking" position far in the rear of the actual fighting. Will Be in Fighting Force. The officers acting on the staff of the judge advocate general will be members of the actual fighting force and, in the pursuit of duty, will be brought into the danger zone just as often as other specialized commis sioned men, medical officers, for in stance. A great many distinguished law yers and leral professors, men of na tional standing, applied to the judtre advocate's department early after the declaration of war and even before the president's final word was read They were eager to act as soldier. lawyer, or to accept any po. t where i there was a chance to offer them selves to their country. Some of Men Chosen. After a painstaking weeding out.' several majors were created, among them Henry L. Stimson, former secre tary of war, who was assigned to' duty at the war college. Other well- i known men who have made similar! offers and received similar appoint-! ments are Prof. Eugene WambangliJ and Prof. Felix Frankfurter, both of the law faculty of Harvard; Dr. Jas. Brown Scott, one of the country's leading authorities on international law; Prof. John H. Wigmore, dean of Northwestern University; and Gaspar G. Bacon, son of Robert Bacon, for mer ambassador to France. n r r j r r enn ncn UflllUL I Ull IILU CROSS 01 TUESDAY Announcement is made by the Warrincton branch of the Ro 1 Cross 1 that a dance will bfc given at Pal j metto Beach on Tuesday night for 1 the benefit of the organization. The slight admission charge will be given io ine assotianon 10 neip wiin us war relief work. THE LADY JANE WAS FAIR "The Lady Jane was tall and slim, the Lady Jane was fair." N'o lady j can be fair and beautiful with a sal i low complexion, pimples on the faee. and skin eruptions which are caused by impure blood. Number 40 For The Blood, by its wonderful altera tive properties, changes certain mor bid conditions of the system from a diseased to a healthy state, thereby reducing flesh when in excess. 40 is employed in diseases of the clandu lar system, in blood poison, rheuma tism, catarrh, constipation, malaria, liver, stomach and kidney troubles. Under its use nodes, tumors, sores, ulcers, mucous patches and copper, colored spots disappear as if bv macric. Made by J. C. MendenhaU. 40 years a druggist, Evansville, Ind. Sold bv Crystal Pharmacy. Adv. EVERLASTING Fabrics Company 1 Vut Palafva. Doings of the j i BE VERS 6 LAD i$ij MISS OLIVIA 7 War or Revolt in Spain? Answer Censored 1 " "'-'sg t If JSjf- It S, U Is i firs" vr C -; . y c ' t .MLifr-A'r''-''"-'C-JM" 1 UNDER NEW PREMIER ANOTHER KING MAY LOSE HIS CROWN UNLESS NATION'S COURSE IS SPEEDILY SET ARIGHT. Washineton. D. C. .Tune 21. ,"VO- lution or the big war? Censorship has clo:.o 1 the gats again?t new? of perhaps the mo;-t im portant move since the United States joined the strucrcle against Germany. Is Spain in typ throes of another internal revolution or has she decided ! . j... ..... lie. -T-V'ii'-.r so been dethroned or is he nlrpi!v takincr part in the ;:r again.-t kaiserism ? Washington officials and authori ties on international a'Tar.s hv' cannot agreo on an explanation tor; rumors from London, surest bv; j something important has Iven hap pening, Spain hs bc-n a country of revo lutions and serious rikr---. one rT"'! ot men here expi-nnr. in sp t of the democratic Hens of Kr. A'nhon- so, they ;;ay, revolv.t'on.s continue. Late- siriKcs nav" oeen cropmng up m Madrid and other larere citie? of Spain- At r-ome places it has bcn pen even .trman agrnrs were no nT inir won; townra I' inr-sn- sions witmn tne .-:-ncf-om , inc a movement for al'i m-; central powers. Alphonso the son of a princess and closed v relate' ' with the Ausrian to the :ier I'ito. mini. 4 r v. house of Hapsbure 1 rer anish new head of the Three gifts were prsrntrd to W. T. j Lunnmsriam, retirinrr secretary o the Y- M. C. A and of the Kotar Club, yesterday, by as ni3nv delega tions, one from the Rotary Club, an other from the Y. M C. A. as an as sociation, while the third attested the esteem in which he was held bv the members of the latter organization. On behalf of the Rotary Club. j President Merritt. and Messrs. Sher- ! rill. Brown. Hendricks, and Carrol ' presented to Mr Cunningham a beau- : tiful silver salad bowl. i Speaking for the members of the Y. M. C. A Judtre M. G. Hoffman, j and W C. Diffenderfer. and Julian Olsen. presented a handsome gold J watch, while a fob to match was the i cift of the delegation representing j the association, headed by President j W. B Ferris, and Messrs. Allison an! ! Sherrill. For each of the gifts, and for the sentiment which prompted them. Mr Cunningham thanked the delegations and those for whom they spoke. Duffs j PRESUME TO VJrtO IS THAT FELLER THAT LEARN CORRecTLN 1 VJILU HAVB To IS SPLASHmG START AT THE VJ1TKV Bottom lib i oi itii y ELL REMEMBERED LOWELL Sumo. 4 v -s 4 -1 mi a ' -c'v' ' ElDU-A-iZDO Km; Aiphon:v XI If Vicfvr a of Sp-iin, ana'-nicr ho has just s" I'tis Pii'-'o. (i'f.'os-) the -P .-,! M--ir- ; 1 ' ' " however, and practically the 'inj'U'it ot fie p-opie n-ive oeon snov sym- j pathy with th Fronch and Italians, i not only because of their contact gco- 1 apoira.iv. out D"cau?o oi ineir uai- in r lar ons. Ouer a Vict u ia Eugenie of Spain, i"- F.neli.h ;-nd pcrhap- her relatioas with the EnL'lish royal family may be l-ad'n:r Spain to alliance with the entente. Th;s is the explanation ,f or Oi :t Tnational ex- 1 ri mi. W Funeral s-crviccs ever the remains f Mrs- I an I owell will he hld ... i t.ns morning at nine ocIo'-k from the n'me "i nt-r si.-i"r. iasse; i 1 in r 1 1 i r n f i nr Lowell. (00 East Belmont street. In-1 certainlv ought to be good for any tcrment will b? in St. Michael's fme- j body else and I hope my statement tery. i v-j cause others to take Tanlac and P.V'h. :T' r, will be Albert Smith, ; rPt relief as I did." Luther Lo.voll. and Casque Lowell, all nephew? of the deceased, and E. F. Rice, Charles Wilson and Cecil Wilson. If you have a vacant room advertiser' it through the columns of The Journal the sure wav to rent it. SANITARY REFRIGERATORS Pensacola Crockery Co. 21-23 East Garden Street Just Wait Untill VoUWG OLIVIA - ' i w I r I AlOJO CLP PCS To BETHe 50K OF A MILLIONAIRE wests mrs.meddershas n 15 POUNDS 'I FEEL BETTER THAN I HAVE IN 20 YEARS," SHE SAYS HAS REARED 19 CHILDREN. "I have gained fifteen pounds and feel stronger and better than I have felt in twenty years," was 3 the re markable statement made" by Mrs. M. I. Mcdders. who lives at 541 Blythe avenue, Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. Medders, who is now seventv wc years of age, reared nineteen chil dren, eight of her own and eleven or phans, and her whole life has been one of great sacrifice and usefulness. At the beeinninc of the Civil War she volunteered as a nurse and manv old fcoiujers no are living loaay win re member the kind-services rendered by her during those four years of struggle. She married soon after the war and made her home in Senatobiar Miss , where she lived for fifty years until the death of her husband, when she came to Memphis. Mrs. Medders' hus band was in the drug and jewelry business in Senatobia for " a great many years and she is well known in three counties around Senatobia, as well as in Memphis, for her work of charity and motherly kindness. "For twenty years," continued Mrs. Medders, "I suffered with a swimming in my head and often had spells some thing like vertigo. Two years ago I beean suffering with pleurisy in both sides, and was down in bed from May of last year until February- of this! even ride on a street car for at least eighteen months until Tanlac relieved me of that weak and dizzy fee'ing. "I had no appetite at all and lived mostly on buttermilk for months and I months. I couldn't get any sound sleep i and yould hist doze and wake up ofton ! during the niirht, and, of course, I pot j very weak. For six months my sides j were a solid blister whnre I iised lini- j ments and plasters trying to get ic iief from the awful pains caused by ; the pleurisy. My case was a very stub- j lorn oneand seemed to yield very lit tie to the treatment I was using. I "I think it was in February that' Tanlac berran to be advertised in the ; papers, rnd althoueh I had about eiv- : 1 and would just dozp and wake up nftn to where I was able to do anythinc. I be can tr try it. I was wnnn ' to trv : anything to cet a little rlif and V ' able, to sit up. if nothing more. Bu' T; toil you. I v as both surprised an 1 ; triad after usir Tanlac a few dv? . to find it v-ms helping me. Aftr I ,vo; : through v. ith tny fiis tt 1 - 1 o ' ! :-ee,i anprtd- and wn.- raf.; v. ju-' auvth'nc 1 wantec and let--; of -. i :-,.-! I v a: much stren '-,. Win T "ri sh"d nv third bottle I was .dlc ti h,v V )n fhp k'tch-n and do i-o-t J of ttin r0i.jn:T an,i rol(1 do noarl-c n of ,.nv )Vm7s-vo"V too Vv head , frf -, bfttr of t' :t s'' "i-nvMH': an' clear -r than it has in twenty ynavs. For '-ears I muM nj. rai? p'v ha 1 and lolc up to turn off. th? er, tri'' : lights, por could I climb up the stairs, ; but I can now. While I realize a wo-i man seventy-two years old can't be ; made irto a girl agin. Tanlac has; cer'amlv made a great rhnnre in me, j and I never expected to frfd as well any more as I do now. My weicht r.sed to Ve one hundred and twenty seven rounds, but I got down to a hundred and twelve and I'm sure I've gained all ba"k'I had lost and maybe more I don't' have the pleurisy and ! lumbaeo any more either and feel i that I'm entirely free of it. My nerves have gotten quiet and 1 slep all msrht long nearly every nicht with out waking up at all. Tanlac is the j best medicine I have ever taken in all my life and I have taken lots of i them. Medicine that will do as much , rnr o H foik-s as an ae has tor me Genuine Tanlac is sold only and ex clusively in Pensacola by the Crystal Pharmacy. Adv. , L. E. NOBLES & CO., Actnu Hart Schaffner & Marx, and Kirschbaum Suits. "Vour Money' Worth or Your Money cfc" r) South Pnfffriv Stre. Phene 790 MAYES PRINTING CO. PRINTERS FOR PARTICULAR PEOPLE 17.1IWet Government St. Prin ir. Danny Grows Up r s- suspicious i - -y IP IvaS 3h 0 A Corset for Tall and large or slender, short or medium, we have for you the season's newest models in ' (Mm, 3 o ibJ You will be delighted with their splendid, comfortable fit, and each week's wear .will emphasize the superi ority of .American Lady Corset quality. Let our experienced corsetiefe show you the American Lady Corset designed es pecially for your figure.- $1.00 to S3.50 Watson,Parker & Reese Co. "Pensacola's Greatest Store." ediesday IS THE Palmetto Beach IS THE B Cfi C f ti ARMY vs. NAVY MANY OTHER WATCH FOR DAILY It has been well sn'.d: "Kterna! v'srilanee Is the price of liberty." hut w',:en it is a T-ifstlon of freedom from the urnoyaiic" of Ir.peet ppsts, it take. more than "Eternal Vigilance" to cope with the situa tion; it takpa seme watchfulness hacker by an insect destroyer, to brln? re, suits. When Ants, Flea's, Flies. Moths,' Roaches. Mosquitoes. Etc., invad your hon'.e. dont delay get a can of Fenole and a sprayea from your deaier and hit these pests risht where they live , Fenole Is sold In your townby: Retail dealers. & Bear VVTiolesale Distributors Gallons, $2.00; 1-2 gallons, $1.25; quarts, $0.75. Sprayers, (common) 50 cent3. o Sprayers, (automatic) J1.00. We manufacture: Sweeping Compound, Liqul'T Soap, Oil Polifh. F. C. Ko Flea Router (powder). Fenole Stork and Poultry Spmy, Krco'.is Dtslnfertant Powder. Acents for Toilet Paper,, Paer Towel.'i, Prlnkinj? oCwrs. Ktc. Write for prices on these goo-Zs. FENOLE CHEMICAL m fey M k i mm H ana s 2Lw3L3fc Si 3 Your Figure ! DAY! PLACE! Q ATTRACTIONS! ANNOUNCEMENTS! Floor Oil. Cedar COMPANY Tampa, Fla. j0B top Relayers my Specialty U Mnf By Allman