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THE PENSACQLA JOURNAL. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 22, 1917. People m Evert By GEL1A MYROVER ROBINSON Phone 38 ( 1 la' I P- m-) 5 p. m. to 9 p. TO THEE AMERICA, MY BOY. (Atlanta Constitution) I. My boy born in the pride of love's sweet thoughts; My boy bred in the love of purest hearts. Long have most glorious hopes been mine, But now,. America, he is all thine! My Heart is trembling lest thou f should take him now! i I bore him and I kissed his infant brow And nourished him to give him strength to walk; And taupht his baby lips to lisp and talk; Canst thou not wait? he seems as such a child How can he fight his manners are so mild? I trained his hands to do no one an ill Thinkst thou that he can ever learn to kill? II. My boy he seems as but a tender youth America, I taught him God and .Truth; If thou must have, I give him all to theel He's brave I'm brave, and yet O woe is me That something in my breast still holds him fast; Ti3 Mother love a tie that's made to last! Tho thou wouldst take him far across the sea Thou canst not take this mother love from me; Thou has his manhood in its perfect flower My Boy your Man, will serve thee in this hour. Thou canst not know the anguish in my heart Though brave I am, I fear the hour to part. III. America, I give him up to thee! Flesh of my flesh heart of my heart is he. And he shall leave mine arms to be a Man To fight for thee and do the best he can. Deep in his eyes there is incipient fire, And in his heart ennobling thoughts inspire; And I, hi3 mother, understand them all IIe hears he heeds, and answers to thy call! So short a while upon my breast he lay; I rocked and crooned and sang the day away, But now he hears the luring of thy voice, And I, his mother, have no other choice Than give him up to thee with all my heart God grant that he may do a noble I surrender him, America, to thee My babe my boy thy Soldier Man to be! AGNES NEVILLE-DAVIS. Atlanta, Ga., June 5, 1917 (Draft day) The above poem was read by the author at the regular meeting of the memorial association. On motion of Mrs. E. L. Connolly, she was made the poet-laureate of the organization. Mrs. T. T. Stevens, president of the Atlanta chapter, U- D. C, has sent the original manuscript framed to President Wilson, from the chapter of which Mrs. Neville-Davis is a member, MEETING GET-TOGETHER SOCIAL. A meeting of the Get-Together So cial of the First Presbyterian church will be held on Friday afternoon from 4:no to 6:30 o'clock in the ladies' par lors. All the ladies and the young ladies of the conprep-ation arc cor dially invited to come and bring pa- motic or other lancy work. WILL MAKE HOME IN PENSACOLA- Mr. and Mrs. L. Walberg ad daughter arrived in Pensacola fln Wednesday night from Chicago to make their future home- Mr- Waf berg spent the month of March here and will be engaged in the fertilizing business. BOYS ARE nOSTS AT DELIGHTFUL PARTY. About two dozen jolly boys and girls of the younger set spent several hours in Chicoway Inn on Wednes day night enjoying dancing, refresh ments and bathing at a delightful party, where all the boys were hosts.. PYTHIAN SISTERS GIVE BENEFIT FOR REJ) CROSS. The Pythian Sisters will stive a "picture show benefit" at the Fastime theater on Monday night, the entire proceeds to be give"n to the Red Cross war fund. The Tythian Sisters will have charge of the theater on Mondav night. ARRIVES FROM MONTGOMERY. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lichten have as their guest the sister of Mr. Lich- ten, mrs. Jaeoo Long, of Montgom ery, Ala., having arrived on Tuesday' for a visit of several weeks. j MEETING WELFARE I CLUB. I A very pleasant time was spent bv the members of the Welfare Club at a social meeting of Wednesday eve ning at the home of Miss Evanette Robinson, when about fifteen girls ere present, dames were played&and towards the close of the evenir." light refreshments were served. The next meeting to be held will be a business meeting which will take Elace in two weeks. J TUESDAY BRIDGE CLUB ENTERTAINMENT. A card party was given at the Country Club on Thursday afternoon by the Older Tuesday Bridge Club, with four tables, all enjoying the afternoon very much Ice tea, sandwiches and were served to the members and guests and prizes of white silk hose for the winner at each table were given. Following are the members who were present at the entertainment: Mrs. W. K. ITyer, Mrs. W. J. Forbes, Mrs. V. B. Wright, Mrs. Kale Good loe, Mrs. J- C Avery, Mr?. Henry Bellinger, Miss Bessie Kelly, Miss Sallie Wrijrht and the guests were as follows: Mrs. II- L. Civinrtm, Mrs. A. C. Blount, Mrs. R. M. Carv, Mrs. J. F- Taylor. Mrs. I. H- Aik-m, Mrs R. A. Hyer, Mrs. Jl H., Mrs. Farle 'Hiornton and Mrs. Mallory Kenr.eay. MISS MAURA RETURNS HOME. Miss Vol ma Maura returned home yesterday afternoon after an absence cf about a month, having attended the Confederate reunion as mair.-of-honor for the veterans at Washing ton, D. C.. and en route home stopping in Atlanta, wherv she was the guest of Miss Janet llairis ind Mrs. Wil liam Lyce't, and :-l.-o vijitinjr in I.a Grangf, and last in M-ntfromery, for one day, where r.ho w:,s the guest of Miss Rosalie Armist'id Hierins. The following is from the Mont gomery Advertise'-: An interesting visitor to Montgom ery Tuesday was Mis-, Velma Maura, of Pensarola wh was the r"ue.t cf Miss Rosalie Armistoad HiggLi. Miss Maura is a young woman of unusual personal charm and of brilliant intel lect. She wa for scvro! so ciety editor of the TY'vaen'a Nnv, and her bright wo--- r.ttn f v! much j favorable common'.. S'-.c ha-; done I some feature work f-cn tinv to time j for the News and for nmg.vine publi-1 cations. M'ss Mnnra was en r jt 1 to i her home in P'-nrrxch from Was'-vmr-j ton, D. C.. wW de wa.; i.i.nd-cf- honor for the veterans of tho -t-:te of j Florida at the reunion- WW in x': j national capital sh" was sho -n many i delightful courtesies. I ENTE.RT A I N M rNT FOR CJR f.F.S j OF FIRST METHODIST (TIFRCH. The North IF11 Circle ent'Ttained j all the circles of the First Methodist j church yesterday aftrrneon .vi'h a i shower at the home of Mr:? D- P. i Slaughter; about forty gur-sis having 1 enjoyed the afternoon. ! Each member brought wit an article of fancy w-n-k r. : were served very daintily hostesses, heinc: the ladies h 'them i - ! th y , .iy the . of the i ladies of the North Fill Credo. The ladies wore entertaine 1 bv a very pretty program being as fol lows: - Vocal Solo by Miss Dimplo McMillan-Piano Solo by Mrs. Minnie "hither ford. Recital bv Mi-s Flovn Cox. Vocal Solo bv Mrs. Mitchell Tor art. DR. PAUL ILL AT HOSPITAL. Friends of Dr. L. IT. Paul, o' Cary ville, wil' be sorry t. lv?.tr th.'-t lie i. ill at the rensacola hosnital. Y. W. C. A- NOTES- Pleasant Afternoon. I Mr. Edward Inman, Miss Aivta! Johnson, Mr- L. J. McGanc-y and Miss i Kate Skinner spent- a verv pleasant ! afternoon at Chirowav Inn. After' kodaking for some time they enjoyed a delightful supper- Afternoon at Front. I Miss Margaret Ray and litfe Miss j Marion Murphy snmt yestordiy aft- i ernoon hl ksv v uia, iuiss Kay s home at Brent Dnjov Motor Trin. Mr. Stephen M. Neil, Miss Pearl Givens. Mr- R- L. Wilkerson ard Mrs. Emma Ninvs. after spending yester day afternoon at Bayview, motored out into the country. Returns Home. Miss Maggie Hudson has returned to her home in Century. Shr spent a week in th? city durng which time she took the teacher's examination. Week-End Guests. Mrs. Alice Creiirhton - spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. M- Merritt at Olivo- Enfcrtflins Cousin. Miss Carrie Hudson entertained her cousin, M'ss Mageie Hudson, one evening at Bavview. Visit at Roberts. Mrs. Laura Murphy and daughter, Marion, spent Sunday with Mrs- Mur phy's parents. Mr. and Mrs- A. J. Mackev at Roberts. Beautiful Rocker. The Y. W. C- A- acknowledges the receipt of a beautiful rocker, which was sent in yesterday by Mrs. Gunter Elmore. Mrs. Elmore also contributed some screening, which will be used in screening the build ing. Sleeping Porch. A delightful sleeping porch Is be ing nrrantred on the second floor. Basket of Cucumbers- The basket of cucumbers presented by Mrs. Bickerstaff was greatly en joyed. Located at Y- W. C. A. Miss Dora Williams from Gordon, Ala-, is now pleasantly located at the Y- W. C. A. SOCIETY GIRLS' SUMMER FROCKS -X-wc 4 Left to right: M Js Grraldino Adce, New York, June 21. The well dressed girl was n?vev more simnlv gowned than in this first year of American mobilization for the treat war. A bevy of debutantes snapped re cently at an informal social gothering I FORGOT, When I awoke one mornine; lie sun shone bright ar,f clear, Am auties or' t hi Filled the world with an. I cr And Nature's choir. ! Were sincin-r, what er so:: :r is. They called me to t'.v; I 'thought I did no w oni!an':; wroTr. For I forgot the littie things, The thines that rerlly count, That in the end befoj"! the vest Will the whole amount. Forgot the Ktt'e : That I might, he! That I could liayo with, T.eft her to (! ) a: I f.pviit a happy, c O: ivothev' 1 tlv, p V, it:l iiel ned It :. . mothri no. , caie-'re? :i i.. .bought r.ot. night she (.uestior,' .'vn; when r,ie. iat I .'crec! i ! onrot. And Ol And :o it wid be all s-r.all things v. c v. b.en t'.:e accoi thro'v'ii think .ntinc ti come. Will answer, "T Vi Montffomc ::;rt. v A- WILL GIVE DANCE AT ARMORY HAI L. A il'-.nce will b" j;ivon on Saturday rbykt at the Armoiy hail by a lv boys cf the younger set and a good time is anticipated by all. WILL ARRIVF. FROM WASHINGTON. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lamar and daughter. Anna, will arrive home from Washington, D. C, on Sunday, having lert Pensacola about a month am), to attend, the U. C. V- conven tion. M FETING LADIES" CON FEDERATE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION. A meetinc of the Ladies' Confed erate Memorial Association will be held this afternoon at 4:-'?0 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. H. L. Simpson, st 20 West Belmont street. Articles for the Red Cross will be worked on and it is hoped that every member of the association will make a special effort to attend the meeting to help in the work and do their share in presenting the Red Cross with as lib eral donation as possible. NAVY LEAGUE. MEETING- The Navy League will hold a meet ing on Tuesday morning at 11 o'clock at the San Carlos hotel in the audi torium. Every member is urbed ti attend and bring at least one new member if they can not bxdng more. All women who are interested are invited to attend. The Pensacola unit of the Navy League consist of about fifty members and it is hoped that tnis amount mu ue ltasa uouuu-u. them to their new home. The wool for the knitting of the j . articles for the soilors arrived yes-1 JOTOR TO terday morning, and will be taken to; jicTGOMERY the meeting on Tuesday morning so, S.' Marcus and her daighter, that it can be distributed amon those ; Miss Dora Marcus, and Messrs. Har wishing it. Miss Evelyn Maxwell, and Arthur Marcus, left on Wed who is chairman ox the working com- nesday r.:orn:ng in their motor car for mittee, has been appointed to take their home in Montgomery after a care of tnis. very pleasant visit of a few days with Those members who have not as Mrs- D. s. Marcus at her home on vet paid oues are asked to bring, v.nii Paianv trpt- tnem to tne meeting wnere tney may be taken care of at once. Persons wishing any information in any of the work mav secure the same bv attending this meeting of the league and may also secure it from any of tne officers, who are as fol lows: Mrs. J. S. McGauhey, chairman: Mrs. Frank D. Tracy, vice chairman;) guest of friends and will attend the Mrs. O. J. Semmes, treasurer; Miss Uvedding of Miss Martha Guthrie, Kate Smith, secretary; Mrs. I. H. j -which will take place on Saturday. Aiken, chairman ways and means , Jack Merritt will leave on Wednesday committee, and Miss Evelyn Maxwell, for Culver to be gone about two chairman working committee- j months. : .v. ': ... svx w , : ? Trances Fiold, lis Virjir.-ia included Miss Geraldino A dec. Mis.-?! rrar.ces field. Miss , irv.nia Lowney, and Miss Eleen S. d.irwirlu These (la-j-r.-rs ot we: I known t amnios nv-i ar.d deep hems and tucks and a con aled each other in the pla.r.nes and ; s.pic-.K'i:. lack of jewelry, daintino. of their .summer divsso-. j Tho society girl is ' seldom seen rath' r thim in costliness of material , ron-adays without her knitting bag- MISS RINGIIAM KNTERTAINS WITH CARD PARTY. Miss Dorothy Rvmrham rrt-riained some n-r 1 rienos a t :riven at her hnmc yv an! Say ::.:) n Will pa :d't ty r- Oi' 1 p.oon fro.r. 4:0 to aboi 4: of in h'Vjor li s l" Sci.r.a. Ala. Th-'e v : b?in a beau.ti' for t!ie ;-uo:t by Miss Mary t; j . box of r pi i wl'ii P.eo'iiui'!. rf A 1 aba iii a tin - ba ler bv r.l an a ham IV. 1 . T rer the prize. ':i -.-as cut 1 U'eneva!-, lii;s ' vnr eon li.-s Ueth l.'ron.-on. of M- !i'u. e lccoratior.. were cut fbwers pkvnts which were verv orettily ami distrilmt.'d about the rooms and daintv rerresh:r.-Dris wvro enjoyed, pur-ch lK-ing perved during the game and iie cream and cake served after the 'T:C;:. uosts present were Mis . Miss Eliy.e.berh I'.r.-nsi : Tvj : I M;:iy 1 saseo IW'htnd, and Mi;-s A deb' a ib of Par Point, and th niiae r;.rf ied a ris were ...isses A!alail.' j 'bristine. Sheppard. Fanni'! i'hc-l Paderic, irr.t. K nd ?Treo '1, I.eonn s ateiro, r.leanor .Ut .1-1 ear. Si!"ia Kahn, Myrtle; Rico, .Judith Maxwell, Km Turner! Men itt, K!ia!-'th Moreno. 'ei-a I Rreen, Ro!bio Hyer, Mrs. Henr j Ye-v: Payss ycr.e and Mv. a Yon ARRIVE FROM MOBILE- Mosses. O. L. and C. I . McVov hav leturncd from Mobile after being j called, there" because of the death of J Mrs. J. M. McVoy. the body to be j brought to Pensacola Saturday forj burial, and the funeral services to be! conducted on Sunday morning at St. Michael's Church. MR. AND MRS. SPRULL LEAVE FOR HOME. After very pleasant vifit with friends in Pensacola, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Sprull left yesterday on the noon train for th;ir home in Mont gomery. MR. AND MRS. IIERVEY LEAVE 10 K PHILADELPHIA. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Hervey will leave today for Philadelphia, where they will remain a short while before Mr. Hervey enters hi new field in the shipbuilding business at Cornwall. Mrs. Hervey expects to stav in Philadelphia until August, , when she will go to Allentown, which ' -.ill be their future home. They will later be joined by Mr. Hervey's i mother. Mr- Hervey has been prominently identified with the social and busi ; ncss life in Tensacola since the op?n ing of the San Carlos hotel, which has been undr his management rp to the present time. Both Mr. and Mvs. Hervey enjoy a w ide popularity in the city and thei departure will be a source of sincere regret to a host of friencis whose good wishes accompany THE MISSES MERRITT TO RETURN HOME. Miss Doris Merritt will amve on Sunday from New York, having at tended school there, and Miss Kitten Merritt will arrive on Tuesday from Pittsburg, where she has been the Lowncvt liss Hilron RcdM"Ic! or elaborateness of design. Stvle j points which seemed to win their uni-! j ted approval ore shoulder wide collars j MEETING FI Y!2 HUNDRED CLUB. A biisincss meeting of the Five-! i Hundre.l Club was held yesterday j at' ernoon at 4 o'clock at the home i of Mrs. Frank Marston, on North! Twelfth nvc-nue. Two new names fot ! members'.iip were, accented, beine- Mrs. ' ! Cleve Heste-- .ml Mrs. E. M. Lusk. Mrs. Ma'von announced that dur- inir the pas; year -the club had taken' in one hundred and thirty-seven ool-j iars and fifteen cents for the benefit of tli Woman's Home. I The guests which were present be-! si-i.-s the recular members, were. Miss1 Kik'.abcth Ammerman and her moth-j or. Mrs- Ammertnan, .Mr.;. K. I. Fissel. i Mrs. Ernest Lusk. Mrs. Alma Fisher,! Vr-. Elbert Clubbs and Mrs. Murphy; McM-dlan, of Ikiy Minette. Aft' - playing sevei-al gaivs with four tables, the ladies wer2 served v. ith a dainty salad course. Mrs. Marston. as president of the. Five Hundred Club, has served thej club very faithfully, having been I president for three successive years,' and never having missed a meeting J in that time. i The ladies gave Mrs. Marston a! r''ng vote of thur.ks and apprecia- j tion for her faithful service to the ; Five Hundred Clui) for the Woman's Heme. ARRIVES TO ATTEND FUNERAL. Mrs. Ida Easters and daughter, of P.lanton, Ga., arrived Wednesday aft ernoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Rasters' mother, Mrs. Fannie Lowell. WILL LE A V E(HlTO LA N D, MAINE. Miss Leona Bojr will leave on 'Mon day niuht to join the Tripp Lake Camp, conducted by Miss Bettk-heim. at Poland, Maine- Miss Boar will not return home before Chr'stnias, as she will join the ju'viors at col lege in Virginia. Before leaving for school in tho fall, she will stop a few weeks in New Y'ork. ENTERTAINS FOR THE MISSES CROWSON. Msis Nelda Taylor entertained about thirty-five boys and girls at her home on Tuesday evening in hon or the Misses Grayce and Ethel Crow son, of Birmingham, Ala., who are spending a few weeks in the city. During the evening ice cold punch was served and the house was pret tily decorated with garden flowers. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Rowena Marsh h?s arrived home from Jacksonville, where rhe has been the guest of friends. Mr. John W. Cawthon, of Basrdad. Fla., visited in Pensacola on Thurs day, to attend to some business. Mary Emma Creary, daughter of Mrs. Laura W- Creary, is visitinst in DeFuniak at the home of Mrs. Bur rows Cawthon and other f.iends. Mr. Marx Brickman, of Montgom ery, Ala., is the guest of Mr. C- J. Heinberg at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Heinberg, at 19 West Cervantes street. Lieut, and Mrs. Goodhue. Lieut, and Mrs. Morse, Lieut, and Mrs. Irvin, Dr. and Mrs. Kress and Lieut, and Mrs. Styles, all from the Huntington, are stopping at the Old Mill Inn. Mrs. E. C- Strickland and her daughter, Glenna, who have been vis iting in New Orleans for about ten days will return home on Monday. Miss Adelia Rosasco, of Bay Point, arrived in Pensacola yesterday to be the guest of friends and will leave for her home today. ' ANNOUNCES N i 3 N ON la A SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 8:30 A. M. 40c 5-Pound Bags (None Sold to Children) Connecting with our great Enamel Ware Sale, this comes at an opportune time for the housewife, in that it enables her to purchase sugar at a great saving and many items in Enamel Ware at one-thir d the actual cost prices of today. And, too, with the near approach of the canning and preserving season, anakes it all the more important. io ra m HI . toe hmt b ii New Dancing Pavilion at TOWN POINT, Across the Bay, Opposite Pensacola, on the Beach. DANCING FREE! Opens to the Public Friday, the 22nd. Thirty cents, including all, for round trip. Launches run every hour. RESTAURANT Notice Be sure you take Hyer Launch Com pany's boats or any other boat that sells tickets to pavilion, as only those selling pavilion tickets will be permitted to land. Everybody welcome! iLB-J'. L r Spend Your Vacation Where It's Cool WAYNESVILLE, NORTH CAR03JNA Three Thousand Feet Altitude Highest Town East of the Rockies Tn the heart of the Blue Ridge. Recognized: The Switzer land of America; "The Land of the Sky." STOP AT Hotel izordon Best Table in the Mountains. A Hostess that will make you feel at Home. Entertainment and Social Life Special Features. Xnne are Stran-ers. C JXTIXUAL AMUSEMENT Eirst Class Orchestra. Dancing, Eishinp;, Bathing, Horseback Riding. Beautiful Drives, Tennis, Auto mobiiing. Social Life in the Town Centers at the GORDON. Write at once for Reservations: F. O. DUNHAM, Proprietor, Waynesville, N. C. PALMER COLLEGE AND ACADEMY A Junior College for Young Men and Wcinen, and a Fully Accredited Secondary School. Palmer otters through Sophomore year in the usual Academic subjects; in Music, vocal and piano forte; in Expression and Public Speaking; in Physi cal Culture; in Business. Students live under Christian home influences. Every influence aims at character building. Write for illustrated catalogue. Session begins September 19th, 3917. DeFuniak Springs, Ela. W. H. KEMPER, Dean. Celestri oweep STARTS THIS MORNING QUALITY SHOP 78 E. WRIGHT STREET A SALE OF H X U y u B A reeze AT CITY PRICES. a 1 w B 11 ir M M